View Full Version : Phineas and Ferb Thread

2011-10-31, 09:43 AM
I hope I'm not alone out here. I thought this show needed a thread.

So, to get the ball rolling, anyone else not sure whether to be impressed or confused about the ending to The Curse of Candace?

2011-10-31, 11:20 AM
I hope I'm not alone out here. I thought this show needed a thread.

So, to get the ball rolling, anyone else not sure whether to be impressed or confused about the ending to The Curse of Candace?

It was just a throwaway joke really.

But anyway HORAY for this thread!

H Birchgrove
2011-10-31, 12:21 PM
I prefer the Timothy Björklund (no relation, I think) shows and The Replacements, but Phineas and Ferb can be fun to watch at times. Too repetitive for me taste though.

And some "fanart" at deviantART has made me stop finding the cuteness in Ferb's unrequited love for Vanessa Doofenshmirtz. :smallyuk:

Lord Seth
2011-10-31, 12:25 PM
I prefer the (finished) Timothy Björklund (no relation, I think) shows and The Replacements, but Phineas and Ferb can be fun to watch at times. Too repetitive for me taste though.You think Phineas and Ferb is too repetitive but The Replacements isn't?

H Birchgrove
2011-10-31, 12:36 PM
You think Phineas and Ferb is too repetitive but The Replacements isn't?

We only got one or two seasons of it here, so you may be onto something...

Edit: I may just like the characters in The Replacements more, though.

Thane of Fife
2011-10-31, 05:55 PM
I do enjoy me some Phineas and Ferb. In fact, I kind of like the repetitiveness of it - to me, that is part of its charm. Although I am also exceedingly fond of the Fireside Girls.

Has anybody seen the 2nd Dimension movie thing? Is it any good?

Hey, where's Perry?

2011-10-31, 05:59 PM
And some fanart at deviantART has made me stop finding the cuteness in Ferb's unrequited love for Vanessa Doofenshmirtz. :smallyuk:

Lets end it at that before everything pure in the world is tarnished.

Mutant Sheep
2011-10-31, 06:34 PM
Has anybody seen the 2nd Dimension movie thing? Is it any good?

As is my unfortunate custom, I can never catch the beginnings of movies I want to watch. Aside from the first 20 or so minutes I can never catch in the beginning, its really awesome. Alternate universe jokes could have been more diverse though.:smallbiggrin:

2011-10-31, 06:37 PM
There's a Phineas and Ferb thread in the Playground? And there's also a new Phineas and Ferb Halloween Special?

Hey Playground, I know what I'm going to do today!


:smallconfused: Wait, didn't Dave the Barbarian already do the werecow angle? Well, either way, when Disney gets a show that makes fun of Twilight, that really says something.

As far as the twist ending to the Curse of Candice, though... I think that was creative foreshadowing/Brick Joking caused by Phineas' closing line on the episode beforehand, how usually there's a point at the end where someone really transforms into a ghost. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it. :smalltongue:

Has anybody seen the 2nd Dimension movie thing? Is it any good?
I liked it. I mean, I liked the first half more than the last half, but like everything else in P&F, it's there for the continuity nods and self-referential situations, it's got that. I think I liked the Wizard of Oz and Around the World things better, though.

2011-10-31, 07:38 PM
Meh, I feel that Phineas and Ferb reached it's peak in Summer Belongs to You. If it had ended there, I would have been satisfied. My problem with it is that it's glued too tightly to the formula (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StrictlyFormula). The show has been using the same jokes from episode one. And don't get me wrong, the fact that continued to find it funny for almost two whole seasons proves without a doubt that they were good jokes. But now, I feel no reason to watch it any more. I already know what's going to happen every episode. Idea, Mission, Build, Trap, Bust, Foil, Reset, Candace looks stupid. Insert Jeremy occasionally. Insert pointless song always.
No permanent character development, No changes to the status quo, nothing.
The sole exception to this rule seems to be Veronica and Heinz's relationship. But I don't feel it's worth sitting through loads of episodes to find the one part of the show I still enjoy.

Also, Don't get me started on the plot-holes the Movie creates.

2011-10-31, 08:48 PM
A thread about a children's cartoon show?

It won't catch on. :smalltongue:

Lord Seth
2011-11-01, 12:34 AM
Also, Don't get me started on the plot-holes the Movie creates.Hrm, like what?

I do wish they'd deviate from the standard formula though. I think the best episodes of the show were the ones that did deviate from it. I also wish they'd ditch the "two cartoons per episode" almost entirely and have half-hour episodes be the standard rather than the exception...honestly, most of the quarter-hour episodes did feel like they could've been a full half hour if they had just expanded on things a bit.

Still, it's nice to see a legitimately popular cartoon series that isn't Spongebob Squarepants.

2011-11-01, 02:31 AM
I agree that its sort of becoming the next Songbob.

Very poular the first two seasons due to creative ideas and lots of work.

But as the Channel spend less effort on the show it decends into mediocrity.


Because god dam are thier sitcoms awfull.

Sunken Valley
2011-11-01, 04:30 AM
The Irony with the title? Phineas and Ferb are the worst part of the show. Stay for the ensemble Dark horses.

2011-11-01, 04:57 AM
So, I found out one of my lady friends is a fan of this show after an exchange involving her wearing a certain t-shirt and suggesting that she take off that duckface, since we weren't in a facebook photo.

I figured I should investigate, and so upon seeing this thread I thought I'd ask you lot where I should start with the show or if it's one such that any of them will do.

So, where to begin, GITP?

2011-11-01, 07:45 AM
While most of the episodes do follow the same pattern, there are an array of running gags, brick jokes, and continuity references you can miss out on if you start in the middle. While each episode is pretty good in its own right, the more you see beforehand, the more you catch on to.

Thane of Fife
2011-11-01, 07:50 AM
Ideally, I'd say start at the beginning (I think the roller-coaster episode is the first one), but it doesn't really matter. You can pick it up from anywhere, but the later episodes often reference the earlier ones (not in any plot-critical way, or anything, just for fun).

Like many cartoons, though, the early episodes are good, they get better, and (in my opinion) the recent ones aren't quite as good (they're still worth watching, though). This may be because they're running out of ideas that both fit the formula and still remain distinct.

On the discussion front, what do you think would happen if Mom ever did find out about P+F's activities? Would they be busted, as Candace seems to think, or would she accept it, like, uh, everyone else in their family?

2011-11-01, 08:19 AM
On the discussion front, what do you think would happen if Mom ever did find out about P+F's activities? Would they be busted, as Candace seems to think, or would she accept it, like, uh, everyone else in their family?

She's been considerably freaked out by it every time she's gotten close (Phineas and Ferb get Busted, What Do It Do?, Real Boy, etc.)

2011-11-01, 09:54 AM
Ideally, I'd say start at the beginning (I think the roller-coaster episode is the first one), but it doesn't really matter. You can pick it up from anywhere, but the later episodes often reference the earlier ones (not in any plot-critical way, or anything, just for fun).
Well, um, as an example of this, you probably want to watch the non-musical rollercoaster episode (Just called "Rollercoaster") before you watch the episode where they build that roller coaster again but in a musical (Rollercoaster: The Musical). :smallbiggrin:

That is the first episode, though, you're right there.