View Full Version : Crafting question

2011-10-31, 11:26 AM
Hey guys, I have a few questions to ask of the community!

I'm currently running a level 8 toon, just took leadership and am about to aquire a cohort.

My cohort is going to be a low level cleric, and I just wanna start off by making sure I'm not misunderstanding something. I had planned on making him a crafter, have him pick up Craft Wonderous Items (CWI) and blow all of HIS xp to help out the party. You know, win win for everyone involved. We're playing a messed up game of half 3.5 / half PF so there are a few things that can kind of go either way if one of the systems works better than the other for what we're needing. In the DMG it talks about the DC for crafting items, and how if you don't meet a prereq then you up the DC by 5. Then there is a note saying that the only prereq you cant avoid is whatever craft feat is the base prereq.

My understanding of that is that as a level 6 cleric with CWI, I can make an item that I don't meet the prereqs for by upping the DC. Im away from books right now, so I'll use an example that I found here online. But if I had Craft Magical Arms and Armor and wanted to add Flaming (prereqs below) onto my tanks +1 sword I could do it as a level 6 cleric even though I cant cast any of the prereq spells by upping the final DC by 5. Am I reading this right? Or is it basically saying that it upps the DC by 5 if I have someone who -is- able to cast the prereq spells help me craft it?


Aura Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor and flame blade, flame strike, or fireball; Price +1 bonus.

My next question is for the cost of items. I've been doing a bit of reading online on how to mitigate some of the cost. One of the things is to add restrictions on the item, examples in the DMG are items that require a skill to activate getting a 10% deduction, or class/alignment restrictions netting a 30% deduction. My question for this one is can you get a 30% deduction for requiring LG and another 30% for requiring that they be a Paladin? for a total of 60% off? Or my current char is a Marshal/Dragon Shaman/ Paladin, could I require all three of those classes for 90% off? Also, for the XP cost, I've read that you can have people step in and help you meet requirments for things youre crafting, but I'd like someone smarter than myself to verify weather or not you can have whoever youre crafting the item for pay the xp cost to craft it. I mean, if I'm making the tank a new sword why cant the tank pay the XP? Or can he?

lastly, does anyone know if there is a crafters handbook or something? Or does anyone know of any crafting feats from splat books or something? I've not had much luck finding anything other than the generic "Craft X" feats that would help make my lower level cohort keep up crafting wise?

Any help is -greatly- appreciated

