View Full Version : Changeling Rogue misprint/errata?

2011-10-31, 06:48 PM
On p123 of Races of eberron, the ever-popular changeling rogue substitution levels are explained, but I have a question:

for the 3rd substitution level, the BA is +3, and the saves are +1,+4,+1. for a normal rogue, BA is +2 and the saves are +1,+3,+1

is this a misprint or error in RoE, or is it just another bonus of being a changeling rogue?

none of the other racial substitution levels change their saves or BA, so it makes me suspect a misprint, but I've been unable to find an errata relating to it.

which is it?

2011-10-31, 10:19 PM
Seems like just another bonus to me. After all, each of those levels gets 10 skillpoints too.

They give up trapfinding, which can be a big deal if your DM uses them a lot.

2011-10-31, 10:37 PM
The Rogue 6 sub level gets the same BAB and base saves as a standard Rogue 6, so if the Rogue 3 sub level were intended to give additional bonuses then the Rogue 6 bonuses would likewise be higher. It's clearly a typo.

It looks to me like they were going to put that substitution level at Rogue 4, and were probably going to replace Uncanny Dodge with something really cool. Knowing WotC and melee-nice-things though, they probably switched it at the last minute and didn't bother updating the table.

2011-10-31, 10:55 PM
It may be a typo, but it's not like it's breaking anything. Treat it as a brief perk, then return to the Rogue progression as normal.

Also, I think the other sub level is at rogue 8, not rogue 6.

2011-10-31, 11:02 PM
If it showed lower than the standard bonuses, nobody would accept that it could have been intended. Since it could possibly give a character something extra, your desire to have a greater bonus is the only reason why it may not be a typo. It is clearly a typo.

2011-11-01, 08:55 AM
If it showed lower than the standard bonuses, nobody would accept that it could have been intended. Since it could possibly give a character something extra, your desire to have a greater bonus is the only reason why it may not be a typo. It is clearly a typo.

So was the lack of unarmed strike proficiency for monks. Silly RAW is still RAW. *shrug*