View Full Version : The Tarrasque Slayer

2011-10-31, 07:00 PM

2011-10-31, 07:10 PM
Celerity+time stop+walls of force. Then, we drown it :smallbiggrin:

Build starts with wizard. Because why wouldn't it? after that... IotSV? Whatever. Human Wiz20 would suffice.

2011-10-31, 07:19 PM
My wizard yawns (free action), hands his raven familiar the blank spellbook he filled with 200 castings of Maximized Explosive Runes (move action), and readies his standard action while his raven flies over the tarrasque's head and drops the book (full round action), then casts a minimal-CL Dispel Magic from the wand he had on his belt. It fails to dispel the CL 20 runes, which makes all of them go off for 7200 damage.

He then hires someone with big muscles to use a scythe to CdG each round while he Fabricates some restraints, then starts selling tarrasque parts.

Seriously, the tarrasque is EASY to take out. I could knock it out at level 5, since Maximize Spell is rather overkill.

Deth Muncher
2011-10-31, 07:20 PM
Celerity+time stop+walls of force. Then, we drown it :smallbiggrin:

Build starts with wizard. Because why wouldn't it? after that... IotSV? Whatever. Human Wiz20 would suffice.

Hell, if we go with Wizard (because, I mean, why wouldn't you) we could assume (against the spirit of this exercise as it is) you would have already known the Tarrasque was coming because you would have found it out with some kind of augury or another - so you would have prepared every spell you need. You could do any number of things: Wall of Force + Drowning, Disintigrate the ground under it + summon lava into the pit (regardless of any resistances, if it opens its mouth its GOING to get lava in its insides and be unhappy, or at the very least become stuck in the lava and be imprisoned), or a simple Gate to make it someone else's problem.

2011-10-31, 07:29 PM
Heck, a wizard could just summon a swarm of allips, then have them all sick the beastie. It's touch AC is ridiculously low, and it has an average wisdom; it would be permanently catatonic in one round, two tops.

2011-10-31, 07:31 PM
Glaivelock handles this trivially. Walk Unseen + Fell Flight + HFW/Binder/.Legacy Champion for damage output. One-rounds the beastie, then goes back to have a drink.

No gear necessary, no 'I need a dozen buffs', he can bring up the only two he really needs trivially.

Let's talk damage output now.

We're looking at a Vitriolic Blast + Eldritch Glaive. Base damage for EB is 9d6, +6d6 from HFW, then another 16d6 from Legacy Champion. So, that would be around 30d6. Per swing. That ignores SR. And Big T doesn't have Acid Resistance/immunity. He gets three attacks, base. Four, if he uses a Wand of Divine Power. Then he gets to Quicken it. He will, on average, deal enough damage to kill off Big T in one round. He may also employ Maximize SLA, if he feels he needs it.

So he one-round KO's the Tarrasque, and goes back in to finish his drink.

If necessary, he may use the time the Tarrasque needs to regenerate back to the point where he is once again functional to go to his residence, dig through his old gear, find that scroll of Wish he was keeping around for old time's sake, and use it to banish the threat for good.

2011-10-31, 07:31 PM
Commoner 20. Buys a ring of three wishes. Wish "I wish the Tarrasque was dead." Wish "I wish the Tarrasque was really dead." Wish "I wish the Tarrasque would stay dead."

2011-10-31, 07:33 PM
Very similar to the Celerity+time stop+walls of force build but...

Lolth-Touched Psionic Ulitharid 20//StP Erudite 15/Arch Psion 5

2011-10-31, 07:33 PM
It sounds like this character wants to use some discretion to keep his/her celebrity low. Gate with seems like a solid go to then. Heck, a character looking for the small town life and caring about the people in it would probably have Gate on Contingency for such an occasion. If it doesn't work for some reason (DM intervention, solar, titan, or the like blowing it, calling on a friendly outsider to no avail, etc.) then you duck into the nearest phone booth to Shapechange!

2011-10-31, 07:34 PM
Attack of Oportunity, eat the familiar
On another round? The monster can them kill more people, destruct more stuff, finish eating your familiar, etc.That's why it flies ABOVE the tarrasque's head. Duh. Dropping is a free action, and it makes its first round of falling.

And there is also spell resistance. It's only SR 32. I beat it on a roll of a 12 or better, for each rune individually. An average of 4320 damage still gets through. If the book is in the monster's space, then it's close enough to read the runes, and it gets no saving throw at all.

Your explosive runes could harm other people, or structures too.The area for the ERs is quite small. The tarrasque itself is larger.

Alternately, Dominate it. It has a sucky Will save. And Quickened Assay Spell Resistance FTW.

2011-10-31, 07:35 PM
Gate->someone else's problem is definitely the comedy option. Elemental plane of water or the positive energy plane are good choices.

Actually, my primary thought with the walls of force was protecting the commoners. Thus why I didn't go with blizzard or what have you, first. Plenty of ways to drown it, including (again) gate to the plane of water. Allips are the most fun execution method for tarrasques, but if I'm a retired adventurer that cares about keeping commoners alive? Some actions are going to be restricted.

The Boz
2011-10-31, 07:36 PM
Human Wizard 20. Hell, he can even dip three levels into Monk, or something equally useless, and it would still work. Taking down a Tarrasque isn't that challenging once you're an optimized full caster.

Zeta Kai
2011-10-31, 07:37 PM
Celerity+time stop+walls of force. Then, we drown it :smallbiggrin:

Build starts with wizard. Because why wouldn't it? after that... IotSV? Whatever. Human Wiz20 would suffice.

Candle of Invocation + Wish Chaining Efreet + However many wishes are needed to launch the Big T into the Sun.

Wizard Truenamer 6 could do it by RAW.

2011-10-31, 07:38 PM
Commoner 20. Buys a ring of three wishes. Wish "I wish the Tarrasque was dead." Wish "I wish the Tarrasque was really dead." Wish "I wish the Tarrasque would stay dead."

Problem with this:

Spell Resistance: Yes

spell resistance 32

Making that combo work isn't so easy... since it's going to bounce more than half the time.

2011-10-31, 07:38 PM
Question: Doesn't Intelligence drain neutralize it?

2011-10-31, 07:39 PM
Telekinetic Sphere? Widened Forcecage? Gate in a fiendish hecatoncheires then leave without trying to control it?

Or you could use this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=11801.msg417846#msg417846) to one shot it using any single attack from your three full attacks (two powers Linked to Psionic Lion's Charge + Psionic Lion's Charge on your second round).

Dust of sneezing & choking, then hurl whatever effect at it you like?

2011-10-31, 07:43 PM
I suppose Pun-Pun or his/her familiar could handle it pretty expediently... I think there are many ways to do it in 1 round, the challenge may be the lowest level with no further destruction

2011-10-31, 07:49 PM
monstrous Monk. Preferably thrikeen or something with multiple arms.
Levels in that lifedrinker PrC. (BoED) Every hit now deals level damage/drain/i forget, and heals me. Flurry.

My current favorite.
Ranger:FE Magic beasts (Big T is magical beast right?). Feats: Nemesis (BoED) and favored power attack (CW and drag mag). ACFs: Strong arm weapon style (free power attack and others from Drag mag), and other ACFs that won't matter for this (solitary hunter, noncasting, etc)

After that, go for basic charger. Power attack, leap attack, imp. bullrush, shocktrooper, (if room, imp. sunder and combat brute for momentum swing). And charge him using my Smoking valorous 2 handed weapon (or 1 hander held in 2 hands)
Favored power attack boosts my return ratio for power attack when hitting a favored enemy.
Nemesis lets me sense his approach before he surfaces.

Then, if I don't feel like getting close, I can pull out Hanks Energy bow (splitting of speed), and a half dozen or so Raptor arrows. And laugh as I remember his DR is so high even the bane effect of my Raptor arrows won't have an effect. Even if I hit him 15 times in a round. (5 attacks from speed. Raptor arrows makes that 10. Splitting makes it 15 or 20, depending on DM's use of D&D math.) Dang restrictions.

Barbarian ~7. Frenzied Berserker 10. Rune scarred berserker ~3.
Spirit lion totem barbarian for pounce. I assume C.Champ is on the table still?
Leap attack, improved bullrush, shocktrooper, power attack, cleave steadfast endurance (con to will feat).

race: Bariaur (MotP/BoED/whatever version)
Fighter. Level = 20-ECL. You need those extra feats. But I think it can be done by ECL 18.
Leap attack, improved bullrush, shocktrooper, power attack, cleave. Sunder, combat brute (momentum swing). + Mounted combat feat tree.
Now you can use mounted combat AND leap attack, because you ARE your mount. (Inevitable and other taurics get mounted combat due to body shape. MM and other sources. Fortunately, only material/feats/items are banned from Faerun, not general rules)

2011-10-31, 07:51 PM
The 1 round/level duration of the wall will not suffice for him to drown.

It is if you use stupid metamagic tricks to Persist the wall.

People have mostly pointed out spellcasting solutions, but a solid charger build could likewise one-shot him.

As people have said, Big T is actually pretty unimpressive and is horrifically underspecced for a CR 20 monster.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-31, 07:53 PM
You are not invisible, see RESTRICTIONS

...First round, turn invisible.

2011-10-31, 07:59 PM
Whoops, sorry, missed some of the restrictions in the second build...

The roleplaying posts, are much like we're describing now. But with dice rolls.
attack with a +10? 1d20+10
Miss chances? 1d100

Just copy/paste what's in the post (ignore the tags for bolding). Change for different number/types of dice as appropriate.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-31, 07:59 PM
Good points, but takes time to your familiar get in position, and for him to use the wand from a belt(is that even possible?!?!?), so more people killed.


2011-10-31, 08:00 PM
Warrior 20 draws a weapon, one-round charges it into negatives and gets Wish by virtue of being Warrior 20 one-shotting Tarrasque. I guess we can give him one round of Barbarian for Pounce to make this easier and safer (rolling Nat 1s occasionally happens). So Barbarian 1/Warrior 19. Obviously he has already Raged so he won't use that but that's hardly necessary.

2011-10-31, 08:00 PM
You are not invisible, see RESTRICTIONS /faceplant

Did you not bother to read the post?

Round 1: Walk Unseen, Quicken Fell Flight, move into position
Round 2: proceed to beatdown.
Round 3: land, dismiss both effects, return to drinking.

Round 1 is done mostly out of spinal-reflext and habit, more than any worry about anything. It's mostly irrelevant, since Big T will be dead long before he gets in a counter-shot.

Let's talk damage output now.

without Maximize, the damage is not enough. and Using the glaive is a full round action, you can't quicken it, and to use eldricht glaive you must already be by his side, this means you must move there and hope he does not walk away, using the wand is another standard action. Aww, we're sorry, but you are incorrect.

Quicken Spell-Like Ability may not be used on any SLA with a time of GREATER THAN one round. Since one round is not greater than one round... you are wrong.

So your trick, if that can be done, would take several rounds of innocent people dying. And you still have to hope that de does not simply walk away from you.

My friend, allow me to explain something to you...

These kind of threads? Show up about once a week or so. What you think is clever? Isn't.

The veterans on the forums here have literally spent years perfecting their arts. You aren't going to catch us 'out'. In fact, there was a quote floating around... something like taking a quote about physicists and re-flavoring it for the even older CharOp boards back in the day...

Your 'challenge' is not. It's old hat. In fact, there was a much more interesting challenge posted a while back. One-rounding the Tarrasque was only a single step. It also required that you handle other, widely diverse, threats. It at least required a Tier 2 class to complete. This? Can be done by anyone. It's not particularly special.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-31, 08:02 PM
See RESTRICTIONS on first post

You spotted that correctly. Now stop nitpicking and pay attention to the fast-paced posting.

2011-10-31, 08:03 PM
Good points, but takes time to your familiar get in position, and for him to use the wand from a belt(is that even possible?!?!?), so more people killed.

And I think there are better, faster, cheaper, and exciting ways to do it.It costs one charge from a wand, a blank spellbook (crafted for 5 gp) and a few spell slots on off-days (for the past year).


And nobody said I had to be Good.

2011-10-31, 08:04 PM
Problem with this:

Making that combo work isn't so easy... since it's going to bounce more than half the time.
Would this work:
First wish: I wish that the next spell I cast bypasses Big T's SR (and doesn't reflect back.)
Second wish: Whatever takes down Big T.
Third Wish: Whatever I want.

One more round for the beast to kill your neighbours who like to play with you

C'mon man. You hit a level 20 person with a CR 20 monster (equal CR my but. But we'll let that go)without any prep time. But quibble that it takes a plan more than a round to kill it.
Big T doesn't have a great initiative, so the people that beat his init should be running away. The people that don't beat his init but he doesn't attack, should also be running away. Killing this thing with only a dozen commoners getting crushed shouldn't be too bad.
Especially when wish 3 can be: Bring back everyone that monster killed today.

Deth Muncher
2011-10-31, 08:05 PM
I am not sure but I think he can handle lava pretty fine without worries, and no augury or divination would tell your character anything in this specific case, assume that the Tarrasque's appearence is about crazy gods doing crazy stuff.

And you are making a pit of lava in the middle of your beloved town.

To be fair, if you're a 20th level wizard, you can repair any damage you/Big T do to the town.

But regardless, back to other ideas. You could Assay Spell Resistance to drop it down so you've got better chances of winning, then Maximized Shivering Touch to make it immobile, then CDG it as much as you want, followed by Wish.

Other ideas: Bag of Holding + Portable Hole, Sphere of Annihilation (or the spell that emulates it).

The Boz
2011-10-31, 08:05 PM
Since you're going to nitpick, you never mentioned anything about number of civilians killed per round, or mentioned maximizing number of survivors.

2011-10-31, 08:06 PM
Question: Doesn't Intelligence drain neutralize it?

Yes, and that is the principle behind the allip swarm I mentioned; they deal wisdom drain on a touch attack, and wisdom hitting zero makes you catatonic just like intelligence.

2011-10-31, 08:06 PM
Would this work:
First wish: I wish that the next spell I cast bypasses Big T's SR (and doesn't reflect back.)
Second wish: Whatever takes down Big T.
Third Wish: Whatever I want.

First wish isn't within the bounds of what Wish normally does, so it risks Monkey's Paw.

Second wish will need to be able to guarantee that it drops Big T below 0, because the third will need to be wish it permanently dead. That's risky...

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-31, 08:09 PM
Cast Maze until you succeed on that 40%+ chance to overcome SR. Now you have ten minutes to stack layers of Prismatic Walls, Walls of Iron, and Walls of Stone.

2011-10-31, 08:09 PM
First wish isn't within the bounds of what Wish normally does, so it risks Monkey's Paw.

Second wish will need to be able to guarantee that it drops Big T below 0, because the third will need to be wish it permanently dead. That's risky...

Ehh, it was worth a shot.
I tend to avoid wish spells personally. The whole thing about getting screwed by the DM? I try to avoid it.

2011-10-31, 08:15 PM
Wizard 20:

Celerity before the Tarrasque gets to munch something else.

Reverse Gravity. No SR No Save* Just Suck and Stay Immobilized in Mid-Air.

(*I doubt there's anything around for the Tarrasque to hold unto)

Wait 1 round since you're dazed.

Now you have 19 rounds to do whatever you want.

1) Prismatic Wall
2) Fly -> Prismatic Sphere -> Move Out
3) Wall Spells + Drowning
4) Gate
5) Dominate Monster. Repeated if necessary.
6) Reached Plane Shift, repeated if necessary.
7) Multiple damage spells.

Time Stop is optional.

2011-10-31, 08:16 PM
Sorcerer 20. Feats: Spell Penetration, Versatile Spellcaster.

Move action: Retrieve scroll of Wish from Handy Haversack.
Swift action: Cast Assay Spell Resistance (Spell penetration checks are now = 20 level + 10 Assay Spell Resistance + 2 Spell Penetration + 1d20 = at least 33, for 100% chance of penetrating the Terrasque's spell resistance).
Standard action: Cast Greater Arcane Fusion (assume all spellcasting done defensively to avoid AOO).

For 7th level GAF spell: Cast Arcane Fusion.
Inside Arcane Fusion: For 4th level spell, cast Orb of Acid. For 1st level spell, cast lesser Orb of Acid.
For 4th level GAF spell: Cast Celerity.
For Celerity: Cast Greater Arcane Fusion.
Repeat casting Greater Arcane Fusion, nesting Arcane Fusion (Orb of Acid + Lesser Orb of Acid) and Celerity to repeat the process. Once the Terrasque falls, instead of casting Greater Arcane Fusion, use Celerity's standard action to read your scroll of Wish to keep Terrasque dead. All the Celerity castings now end, however since they were all cast in the same turn, you're only dazed for one round.

Each casting of Orb of Acid deals 15d6 = 52 damage on average (no save), and each Lesser Orb of Acid deals 5d8 = 22 damage on average (no save), for 74 damage per casting of Greater Arcane Fusion. That takes 12 castings on average to reduce the Terrasque to negatives. A Sorcerer 20 with 34 Charisma (18 base + 5 leveling + 5 tome + 6 cloak) has eight 8th level slots and seven 9th level slots, which when combined with eight 7th level slots (convertable to four 8th level spells with Versatile Spellcaster) allows 19 castings total, much more than the 12 needed, and enough to count for a bunch of 1's on ranged touch attack rolls (Terrasque's touch AC is 5, which you're guaranteed to hit on everything but a 1). The Terrasque has been easily taken out in a one turn nova. :smallsmile:

Chained Birds
2011-10-31, 08:21 PM
I hear the PF version is a true challenge even if using 3.P items and classes.

I bring it up as the conversation seems to be of not how to kill a 3.5 T but on how fast their build can do it.

2011-10-31, 08:23 PM
See RESTRICTIONS on first post

Is campaign specific something like the Red Wizard of Thay? Because that's in some non Faerun books ya know. And then there's the Suel Arcanamach, only appears in Dragon Mag (maybe) and C.Arcane. But it's another campaign specific PrC.
So, material in a campaign book, or material specific to a campaign. Or both?

Also, smoking gives a chance of surviving AOOs. Valorous is extra assurance of killing it. Neither is needed.

2011-10-31, 08:25 PM

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-31, 08:32 PM
Reposting in case this got missed in the rush.

Cast Maze until you succeed on that 40%+ chance to overcome SR. Now you have ten minutes to stack layers of Prismatic Walls, Walls of Iron, and Walls of Stone.

2011-10-31, 08:33 PM
Yes, I know it is absurd, but all this optimizing characters are all absurd too, and they can pull it off, the stop time+wall of force+persist is one way to do it, but I still think there are other ways to stop the monster to killing more people.

If they are to close and run away they die from an AOO, and simple commoners can alternatively just cower in their houses and wait for the monster to go away.
Big T has a 16 dex. That's 4 AOOs. People are going to run. Because that's what normal people do when something like this charges them. I don't care if his frightful presence says shaken not panicked, they're going to run.
They're not going to think "I shouldn't run because he's going to AOO me." They're going to think, "I have to run or I'm going to die."

And yes, if he gets an AOO on a commoner, he'll hit, kill, and start cleaving. Unless he fumbles each initial AOO. It's what happens when you go against something like Big T. We armchair generals describe that as 'unfortunate but unavoidable civilian casualties.'

So you dislike overpowered optimization builds right? But now you're punishing someone whose build is not sufficiently optimized to allow a 1 round kill?

2011-10-31, 08:33 PM
My 'build' wasn't even optimized. It used two very cheap and easily obtained items, and one spell (two if you count one of the items, and three with Assay Spell Resistance).

Also, a level 1 commoner with a pet bird can take it out for a bit with the dust of sneezing and choking (or if he wants to risk throwing it).

2011-10-31, 08:38 PM
Race: Spellscale (Races of the Dragon)

Class: Sorcerer 20

Abilities: (Elite Array)

Str 8
Dex 13
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 15 + 5 (levelups) = 20

Spells used:

9th: Time Stop, Wish
8th: Greater Arcane Fusion (Complete Mage), Invisible Greater Arcane Fusion
7th: Empowered Maximized Orb of Force (Spell Compendium), Arcane Spellsurge (Dragon Magic)
6th: None used
5th: Overland Flight, Wall of Force, Invisible Wall of Force
4th: Orb of Force, Assay Spell Resistance (Spell Compendium)

Feats required:

Empower Spell
Maximize Spell
Invisible Spell (Cityscape)
Practical Metamagic (Empower) (Races of the Dragon)
Practical Metamagic (Maximize) (Races of the Dragon)
Quick Recovery (Lords of Madness)

Useful Items:

Material Component Pouch (if you are not a spellscale who performs a meditation to Astilabor, see RoDragon pg. 25)
Orange Ioun Stone (DMG) (for getting that chance to fail at overcoming SR to 5% instead of 10%)

Time Stop + Overland Flight to get into position, using Arcane Spellsurge and Invisible spell to surround it with Walls of Force on as many sides as possible - with the aforementioned Spellsurge and Invisible Spell feat, you can get 2 walls off per round, though half your walls will be invisible :smalltongue:. Use an extra Time Stop if necessary (since you have 6 9th level spell slots).

Spellsurge and each wall should last 20 rounds, each.

Then Greater Arcane Fusion Assay Spell Resistance (4th level) and Maximized Empowered Orb of Force (7th level spell), Celerity to cast an Invisible Spell Greater Arcane Fusion to cast a normal Orb of Force and an Empowered Maximized Orb of Force. Quick Recovery feat allows you a chance to break out of the Celerity daze. A few more rounds of GAF (MM'd Orb of Force+Orb of Force) and MM'd Orb of Force and it should be dead, before your Assay Spell Resistance/Arcane Spellsurge wears off. Then, use Wish to keep it dead.

Each GAF used to damage the tarrasque does 90 + 10d6, so about 120 damage. Add in the MM'd orb of force for another 90, so 210 per round. With Assay SR up, you only fail to overcome SR on a 2, assuming you don't boost your CL any other way (ioun stone can do this, and you'd only fail on a 1).

Also, it will probably take some time to actually kill it, but the walls of force should keep it from doing any more damage to the town and its inhabitants, hopefully saving them.

Because you're a sorcerer, you don't need to prep Metamagic spells ahead of time - you can apply them on the run, but it turns them into Full Round spells (Arcane Spellsurge quickens this to 1 standard action).

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-31, 08:42 PM
Reposting for a second time.

Cast Maze until you succeed on that 40%+ chance to overcome SR. Now you have ten minutes to stack layers of Prismatic Walls, Walls of Iron, and Walls of Stone.

2011-10-31, 08:42 PM
And the big reason I chose Ulitharid is because why kill it when I can make it my Thrall?

Hiro Protagonest
2011-10-31, 08:51 PM
But if the initial maze happens to fail then the monster will continue his onslaught, it is not too realible, if you use one of that swift pierce SR tricks you can easily trap him on a maze, but I think he can break those walls of iron when he returns. Anyway, you can just do the wall of force trick.

NOTHING will bring him down in one round with 100% success. Except maybe putting ranks in tumble to get in close without AoOs (cast Quickened Haste/Expeditious Retreat to get your movement speed up) and using a Maximized Shivering Touch on him. He still has to be withing 30 feet.

The Boz
2011-10-31, 08:54 PM

2011-10-31, 09:05 PM
By the time I'm a level 20 retired adventurer, there are no people left for the Terrasque to kill, so I don't exactly understand how little T there is killing anyone. :smallcool:

2011-10-31, 09:13 PM
210 damage per round, the beats regenerates 40, so 160 per round, you have to drop his HP to -868 before using wish,

you will have to keep that damage going for about 11 rounds and use wish before he regenerates.

What would be the height of a level 20 Wall of force, it must be vertical? can the monster jump over or burrow under it?

You only need to raise its nonlethal damage to 868 before making the Wish to keep it dead, not -868 hp. 170 damage per round (210-40=170) for 6 rounds will bring it above 868, or 170 damage per round for 5 rounds, plus some Empowered Orbs or Maximized Orbs to finish the job if you run out of 8th/7th slots. The height of a level 20 wall of force is however high you make it with the 20 10-foot squares you're given to make a wall out of; the Tarrasque doesn't have Jump as a skill so it's a modified strength check of +11, +17 from Str and -6 from being 10 feet slower than 30 feet; it also doesn't have a burrow speed, so it can't burrow under it. I'm thinking you only need to make the wall 60 feet tall to keep it from jumping out.

2011-10-31, 09:16 PM
You only need to raise its nonlethal damage to 868 before making the Wish to keep it dead, not -868 hp. 170 damage per round (210-40=170) for 6 rounds will bring it above 868, or 170 damage per round for 5 rounds, plus some Empowered Orbs or Maximized Orbs to finish the job if you run out of 8th/7th slots. The height of a level 20 wall of force is however high you make it with the 20 10-foot squares you're given to make a wall out of; the Tarrasque doesn't have Jump as a skill so it's a modified strength check of +11, +17 from Str and -6 from being 10 feet slower than 30 feet; it also doesn't have a burrow speed, so it can't burrow under it. I'm thinking you only need to make the wall 30 feet tall to keep it from jumping out.

Hmmm... What would happen if it was teleported into the vacuum of space?!

The Boz
2011-10-31, 09:20 PM

2011-10-31, 09:34 PM
{Scrub the post, scrub the quote}

His reach is 20 ft.

Based on what comes that affirmative?

Where? I did not see anything about it, can you present the text where that is specified? And how the hell wil he know the difference between a PC and a NPC?

1)Dude, they're not flaming you. Flaming is when they start with personal insults. Generally with lots of swearing thrown in too. Generally, the mods go and edit the flame posts.
I advise you to chill out. Continue like this, and everyone's just going to ignore you in the future, or mock you just enough to avoid getting a warning. Also, the thread will get locked. Ones that grow this fast tend to catch a mod's notice. Once it's locked, your thought experiment is over.

2)He'll attack the PC as soon as it comes into range. Why? It's the only creature closing with him. It's the only one that doesn't seem scared (decent wisdom= Finish off the threat/challenger). Also there's the fact that one of the Schrodinger PCs will suddenly be Colossal size. Advancing/retreating, THAT is the threat. Ignoring the PC in that case, is like ignoring a dire wolf to go stomp so chihuahua puppies.

2011-10-31, 09:36 PM
Quicken Assay Spell Resistance. Hold Monster. Your Wizard 10/Red Wizard PRC 10 and you've optimized your saving throw DC's.

From there, for Jolly's, Program Amnesia. Enjoy you new pet. =)

The Boz
2011-10-31, 09:41 PM
{Scrub the post, scrub the quote}

Ok, you don't like the thread, just go away.

Thank you for making my point for me.

2011-10-31, 09:54 PM

PaO self into something that I don't care what it is but has STR and DEX of: HA HA WUT NAO B****!

Punch the tarrasque for 1d3+HA HA WUT NAO B**** nonlethal damage. It will never get back up. Hire a cleric to use miracle to keep it dead in your free time or cast flesh to stone on it at some point when you can get past it's SR.


2 1 hour Marionette to human
Marionette to Human
Objects have no HD
Humans have at least 1 HD

The assumed form can’t have more Hit Dice than your caster level (or the subject’s HD, whichever is lower), to a maximum of 15 HD at 15th level.

HD Limit does not exist.
Pick something (yourself, a solar, a golem...) and say it has aforementioned ability scores. Transform yourself into that.

2011-10-31, 10:15 PM
Wilder 20.

Charisma is:
18 +3 (age) +6 (item) +5(tome) +5 (levels) = 37.

+5 tome
+6 charisma item
third eye penetrate
psionatrix telepathy
torc of power preservation

relevant feats:
greater power penetration
greater psionic endowment
psicrystal containment

Manifest a psionic dominate vs. tarrasque and wild surge while expending foci to use feats.
ML for power penetration= 20 (level) + 8 (feat) + 2 (item) + 6 (wild surge) = +36. Automatically overcome spell resistance.

Effective augmentation of psionic dominate:
20 pp (level) + 1(torc of power preservation) + 6 (wildsurge) for 27 pp. That is 20 over cap, for +10 to DC.

DC of dominate
10 + 4 (level of power) + 10 (augmentation) + 13 (charisma) + 2 (feat) + 1(item) for a DC 40 will save. Tarrasque only succeeds on a natural 20.

95% of the time, in the first round of combat, I have a pet tarrasque for the next 26 days.

2011-10-31, 10:30 PM
Let's do this with no magic at all!
Winged dragonborn water orc

Barbarian1/fighter4/warblade1/bloodstorm blade4/frenzied berserker10

Let's calculate strength real quick. 18+4 racial, +4 rage, +10 frenzy+6enhancement, +5 from level bumps, +5 inherent bonus

That's 52, or a strength bonus of 21.


1: Toughness!
2 (fighter): power attack
3 (fighter): dungeoncrasher
3: power lunge
5 (fighter): point blank shot (required for bloodstorm blade)
6: imp. bull rush
9 (BSB): shock trooper
9: leap attack
12: headlong rush
15: martial stance: leaping dragon
18: improved toughness! rawr!
Extra feats don't matter

Let's use a spear, and assume it's a bog standard +1 spear, and 1d8+1 averages out to 5. Let's add in things one at a time


Power attack and shock trooper:

Power lunge:

Leap attack:

Supreme power attack (frenzied berserker):

Headlong rush:

Piercing weapon on dive (dragonborn):

Bloodstorm blade+pounce allows you to hurl your weapon for a full attack on a charge, so the tarrasque has no chance of getting an AoO on you because you'll be too far away. You get 5 attacks at that only miss on a natural 1 (21 str+20 bab > tarrasque's AC). How some of those feats interact are iffy, so your DM may rule differently on an exact damage figure, but it's not going to matter, it will still come out to be more than enough as long as you can hit with 3 attacks.

2011-10-31, 10:50 PM
Let's do this with no magic at all!
Winged dragonborn water orc

Barbarian1/fighter4/warblade1/bloodstorm blade4/frenzied berserker10

Let's calculate strength real quick. 18+4 racial, +4 rage, +10 frenzy+6enhancement, +5 from level bumps, +5 inherent bonus

That's 52, or a strength bonus of 21.


1: Toughness!
2 (fighter): power attack
3 (fighter): dungeoncrasher
3: power lunge
5 (fighter): point blank shot (required for bloodstorm blade)
6: imp. bull rush
9 (BSB): shock trooper
9: leap attack
12: headlong rush
15: martial stance: leaping dragon
18: improved toughness! rawr!
Extra feats don't matter

Let's use a spear, and assume it's a bog standard +1 spear, and 1d8+1 averages out to 5. Let's add in things one at a time


Power attack and shock trooper:

Power lunge:

Leap attack:

Supreme power attack (frenzied berserker):

Headlong rush:

Piercing weapon on dive (dragonborn):

Bloodstorm blade+pounce allows you to hurl your weapon for a full attack on a charge, so the tarrasque has no chance of getting an AoO on you because you'll be too far away. You get 5 attacks at that only miss on a natural 1 (21 str+20 bab > tarrasque's AC). How some of those feats interact are iffy, so your DM may rule differently on an exact damage figure, but it's not going to matter, it will still come out to be more than enough as long as you can hit with 3 attacks.
Suggest rearranging Toughness and Power Attack. Now toughness can be improved toughness. :D
Also, how about a level of ranger? Take FE: whatever T is, and the feat favored power attack. Extra multiplier goodness.

2011-10-31, 10:52 PM
Suggest rearranging Toughness and Power Attack. Now toughness can be improved toughness. :D
Also, how about a level of ranger? Take FE: whatever T is, and the feat favored power attack. Extra multiplier goodness.

Good call. I'm not even factoring dungeon crasher, I could totally spare a couple fighter levels favored PA.

2011-10-31, 11:26 PM
Well if his barbarian wasn't totally broke (no cash I mean), he'd possibly have a set of anklets/boots that allow a dimdoor. X distance above T.

Were you really just looking for info on a charging Frenzied Berserker? Or maybe it was the bloodstorm blade?

2011-10-31, 11:42 PM
Elan (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicRaces.htm#elans)
Mind Over Body Feat (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#mindOverBody) (need 13 con (14 for our purposes))
Brutal Throw Feat (need a flaw)
Festering Anger Disease
A Rock
A Scythe
9001 years

9001 years=3285365 days=+6570730 strength=+3285365 damage to melee and ranged thrown attacks (and ranged thrown attack rolls with brutal throw).

The rock will hit 95% of the time. If not, throw another rock.

A coup de grace auto hits and crits. 13,141,460 damage. Regen 40 per turn.
328,536 rounds (roughly). Each CDG puts the tarrasque out of it for 22 days. Do this for Maybe 20 rounds to keep the tarrasque out of it for over 1 year. Find a cleric to cast miracle to keep it dead.

No magic involved and a 1st level character can do this.

2011-10-31, 11:56 PM
Yes! It was for something like that I was waiting for, thank you Hirax!

But I Have some questions:

On the charge action description we have:

"...Here’s what it means to have a clear path. First, you must move to
the closest space from which you can attack the opponent. (If this
space is occupied or otherwise blocked, you can’t charge.)..."

Your initial distance is already the closest space for you to attack, considering that, you can still charge?

And bloodstorm blade allow you to treat you ranged attacks as melee just for effects of power attack, weapon focus and that other stuff that is stated on thunderous throw's entry.


I was thinking on having a simmilar build and getting instantaneous rage, so I could charge using tumble, without provoking AoO, then rage, then attack, but the Instantaneous rage feat states that you can do it only in response to another's action.

A simple ring of freedom of movement would prevent you from getting improved grabbed from AoO, and so you could charge straight on, but droping the foe without magical aid is so cool...

You start at ground level, so you most likely won't dive on him.

And the fact that you are an dragon/orc drinking on the tavern and living among humans hurts, even an orc community is not fit for you...

(but yes, you can assume that all this happens in a more "open minded" city.)

If you want to take CustServ seriously, then it's as simple as dropping bloodstorm blade and using a method of your choice to get more than 30' reach. A lance, the inhuman reach feat from Lords of Madness, and expansion are a simple fix. But it uses magic =(

Orc ceases to become meaningful once you're a dragonborn, few people would recognize your previous race. You never mentioned it being a dominantly human community anyway.

Boots of speed from the DMG give you plenty of movement for your dive. You can move 60' in a round, and you can get 30' in the air with a jump check, allowing you to go down 10' for a dive. You only need 1 round to do enough damage.

2011-10-31, 11:59 PM
And the fact that you are an dragon/orc drinking on the tavern and living among humans hurts, even an orc community is not fit for you...

(but yes, you can assume that all this happens in a more "open minded" city.)

You're a 20th level flying barbarian that can kill a tarrasque in one round. The city doesn't have a goddamn choice about being open minded.

2011-10-31, 11:59 PM
I read the text from eldritch glaive again, and no, even if you quicken it, it is still required another full round action to attack with it.

This is, in fact, not true. The text of the rules state that as a full round action, you can make a single touch attack (plus iteratives, as part of the same action). Quicken works on anything with a casting time of 1 full round or lower, and lets it be cast as a free action instead of its normal casting time (only allowing two spells/slas cast during a single round, according to the SRD. this apparently was never updated to a swift action). There is no conflict. I can see where you'd see this (it specifies that the extra attacks are "a part of the full round action", in reference to the casting time changed in the invocation's text, but that's a bit of reminder text, and even if it wasn't, that would mean it was defining the casting time of the invocation, which is then getting overwritten by quicken. The other alternative is that the invocation makes the glaive, and then requires a full round action to make the attacks, which is simultaneously a large stretch, not at all true, and makes the invocation functionally not work.

Speaking of warlocks, though, I'm a fan of doing things the strange way. I shall deem this specific entry "Sarge". The only rough part is zhentarim fighter not -technically- working due to being setting specific, but quite frankly, I don't care. If you don't like that, it still works, though, it just needs a means of doing damage as a swift action. Non-SRD make it slightly easier to do, as well. And wonderfully, no chance of failure!

If you haven't guessed, it's time to make the tarrasque cry like a baby.

desert half-orc Zhentarim fighter 9/rogue 10/warlock

required items: tome of cha +4, cloak of cha +6, luckstone, wand of towering oak CL 5 x2(just in case, why not), scary mask (masterwork tool of intimidate). 4x potions of heroism, because why not be excessive Total remaining gp: 13500. I'm too lazy to do the math, but that leaves plenty of cash to afford hiring a wizard to permanency an enlarge person onto you. Wand of orb of acid, lesser bought in bulk with however much other cash you want.

required feats: persuasive, shape soulmeld (fearsome mask), bonus essentia, imperious command, menacing demeanor, craven.

You open up using a swift action to activate towering oak from your wand. 14 ranks UMD + a massive cha = no fail chance. swift action as per rules compendium. Then start intimidating. You cannot fail to intimidate the tarrasque. he is now cowering (unable to take actions, no dex to AC, -2 to ac). end turn. Next turn, swift action intimidate, standard action orb of acid lesser wand. 1d8 acid damage + 5d6 sneak + 20 (craven), on average 42 damage, no SR. only miss on a 1. Repeat until done. If you want to speed it up, take leadership and have a cohort, increase the CL on the acid orb, point blank shot, weapon focus/spec for touch spells, etc.). You have 500 rounds to do this all in, more if you spend more on more towering oak wands. It won't take you that long to kill it on average, and you can afford enough wands to take it down eventually.

breakdown of intimidate bonuses.

take 10 (rogue special ability)
12 from charisma(Base 18 charisma, +4 from levelup bonuses, +4 tome, +6 cloak, +2 from age, total charisma 34)
23 (skill ranks)
3* (skill focus, from zhentarim fighter)
2* (persuasive)
2* (synergy with bluff ranks)
4* (menacing demeanor)
6* (beguiling influence, 24 hr duration. it'll be on all the time.)
2 (luckstone, luck bonus)
2 (masterwork tool, circumstance bonus)
10 (towering oak, competence bonus, swift action to cast, 1r/lvl duration)
6 (fearsome mask soulmeld with 2 invested essentia. Insight)
2 (heroism. Morale)
-12 (size penalty from the tarrasque being 3 sizes bigger than you)

Anything with a * next to it is an untyped bonus.

this gives us an intimidate of 72. This is opposed by 1d20+HD+wis mod. assuming it rolls a 20, it will have a 70. The only problem ends up being the short re-buff period for towering oak, because of that whole stupid "can't use a move or standard action to take a swift action" thing. So technically you're gonna need an additional source of damage somewhere. But hey, leadership. or just burn more cash on a better no-save-no-SR attack spell. Or get yourself massive melee damage somehow and just beat through its DR and regen. That's unimportant, though. Hell, if you wanted to, you could lock it down and then have the entire population of the town push it into the lake and drown it or something. You've got all kinds of time, I'm sure you can figure something out.

edit: correction. method of doing damage on your own is currently somewhat risky due to carapace's reflection. on the other hand, a few wands of acid arrow may do the trick instead. too lazy to try and figure out the math on it, but it should still work.

2011-11-01, 12:12 AM
None of the above, my first try was throwing nonmagical daggers on him, but I got just half the way there, then I tryed charging, but I always had to depend on some magic(like boots of speed, tomes and belt). But I still have another Idea, I will se if it works later.

I really wanted it without any magical/psi aid, but I could not manage... yet!

If you were stuck and needed help, just ask.
Much easier ways to get help than going through all this crap.

2011-11-01, 12:32 AM
It seems you've done it in a roundabout way, though. You didn't mention in the first post that you didn't want to use magic. A magic user was my first instinct for this too, but since I was so late to the game, I only posted what I did to be different.

Little Brother
2011-11-01, 12:34 AM
StP Disciplined(Magic) Erudite 20(Or the Cerebremancer trick for more other abilities, like Ur-Priest or some initiator). Feats: None needed, though Supernatural Transformation is nice.Temporal Acceleration->Time stop, Assay SR, buff to taste, Solid Fog, Maw of Chaos. Then shred it.

Or, Assay SR(Unneeded if you have SU transformation), Microcosm, it's gone.

Or just SoD it on its will save, it's only got a +20, and if you don't have a DC well above that at level 20, you're doing it wrong.

2011-11-01, 12:34 AM
Hmmm, well most characters after 3 years of off time in a peaceful village in the middle of a drink would probably not be equipped with the perfect spell combination or proper gear to take out a tarrasque in one round.

But some would be prepared no matter where you put them.

A dread witch is very likely to have some high level fear spells prepped everyday. She will most likely turn the tarasques frightful prescence back on itself and then cast 1 fear spell and cause it to run away crying in fear. Based on typical lvl 20 saves versus the +20 will of the tarasque you are looking at a 70% chance of success per fear spell cast.

A beguiler can ignore the SR and dominate monster or true dominate the tarasque then keep it for a pet. Based on typical lvl 20 saves versus the +20 will of the big T you are looking at a 60% chance of success per dominate cast. Once you get the big T locked under your influence you can just refresh the dominate every 19 days or so.

2011-11-01, 01:08 AM
edit: stupid back button.

2011-11-01, 01:23 AM
Asking for help was the very first thing I did on my first post!

No, you challenged us to beat a tarrasque with a seemingly random list of restrictions.
That's different from saying "I need help to beat a tarrasque because my DM says it can't be done. Here's my restrictions. Someone please help."

2011-11-01, 02:16 AM
Yes! It was for something like that I was waiting for, thank you Hirax!

Are you sure that's what you were looking for? Because that build is a Frenzied Berserker with an abysmal Will save, which means that after killing the Tarrasque he moves on to the commoners that you're so concerned about. Just saying.:smalltongue:

(Obviously you don't need Frenzied Berserker, but once you put it there I'm free to point out the side-effects of doing so.)

2011-11-01, 06:36 AM
Hmmm, well most characters after 3 years of off time in a peaceful village in the middle of a drink would probably not be equipped with the perfect spell combination or proper gear to take out a tarrasque in one round. You totally see my point here, it's not about using a specific character or a very specific list of spells, but using the resources you normally would have to save the city as fast as you can. (and the cheaper, the better)

A dread witch is very likely to have some high level fear spells prepped everyday. She will most likely turn the tarasques frightful prescence back on itself and then cast 1 fear spell and cause it to run away crying in fear. Based on typical lvl 20 saves versus the +20 will of the tarasque you are looking at a 70% chance of success per fear spell cast.

A beguiler can ignore the SR and dominate monster or true dominate the tarasque then keep it for a pet. Based on typical lvl 20 saves versus the +20 will of the big T you are looking at a 60% chance of success per dominate cast. Once you get the big T locked under your influence you can just refresh the dominate every 19 days or so.It seems dominate is a way of doing it, some people pointed that out, and if you prestige into something like fatespinner and have a swift limited wish, you can almost guarantee success on first try (at a cost of 300 XP).

Are you sure that's what you were looking for? Because that build is a Frenzied Berserker with an abysmal Will save, which means that after killing the Tarrasque he moves on to the commoners that you're so concerned about. Just saying. True. There is the problem with charging and throwing stuff too, I don't think it is possible.

It seems you've done it in a roundabout way, though. You didn't mention in the first post that you didn't want to use magic. A magic user was my first instinct for this too, but since I was so late to the game, I only posted what I did to be different. Yes, I prefer nonmagical solution, but I wanted to see magic solutions too, and simple magical items (so the restriction on DMG), and since any spell is available, I was expecting some obscure absurdely powerfull spells that I did not know about too. Like a Maximized, empowered "Languor", followed by other strength debuff(I don't know if a ray of enfeeblement would stack).

Boots of speed from the DMG give you plenty of movement for your dive. You can move 60' in a round, and you can get 30' in the air with a jump check, allowing you to go down 10' for a dive. You only need 1 round to do enough damage.Jumping 30' has a really high DC, but with his high strength, 23 skill ranks in jump and improved speed by the boots, I think he can do it. Giving that he is "Leap Attacking", your point on being airbone makes sense.

The Boz
2011-11-01, 06:38 AM
Is it just me, or did the goalpost move again?

Tonal Architect
2011-11-01, 07:02 AM

Class is irrelevant, as long as the adventurer has enough skill to operate a Ballista and use a scroll of Wish. Let's assume Expert 20.

Adventurer uses teleport without error item to teleport home. Once home, he retrieves a scroll of wish, a ballista, and his custom persisted shrink item lead projectile. The projectile will have permanency cast upon them by the adventurer himself, using a scroll. It has a size of 25 cubic centimeters and weighs 11,25 kilograms. Unshrunk, its dimension and size are, respectively, 4 cubic meters and 45360kg, approximately 50 tons.

Considering unshrunk size, 45360 equals 97797,059 lbs. Using the rules for improvised weapons present in the Complete Warrior, for every 200 pounds of weight in excess of 400 pounds (which already deal 5d6), you get an extra d6 of damage, so, our projectile will cause 493d6 of damage, which double in case the object is sharp, so let's assume we it is, for 987d6 of damage.

Teleport without error to a place near the tarrasque. Fire ballista. As a free action, command the first projectile to expand midflight. Assuming you rolled 987 1s in during dice rolling, the resulting damage is still big enough to bypass his regeneration and kill the tarrasque immediatly.

Retrieve scroll of Wish. Wish for the Tarrasque to remain dead.

Go finish you drink.

2011-11-01, 08:12 AM
From this post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9742205&postcount=2), although the original Blister Oil Bomb idea belongs to Dark_Juggernaut (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=168100).


Lasso, 1 GP
Potion of true strike, 50 GP
78 vials of Blister Oil, 1170 GP
Sovereign Glue, 2400 GP
Glove of Storing, 10000 GP
Dust of Disappearance, 3500 GP
Scroll of lesser planar ally, 1200 GP
Potions of invisibility (x4), 1200 GP
Payment for Tarrasque disposal, 400 GP

Total: 19921 GP

Put on some gloves, then spread the Blister Oil on the lasso. Blister Oil is an alchemical substance from Races of Stone that does 1d4 untyped damage per application when it touches bare skin, Fort save DC 15 to avoid. There is no maximum or cap on the number of applications, and each vial (15 GP) contains 1d8 applications. 78 x 4.5 = 351 applications, 351d4 = 877.5 damage on average.

Apply the Sovereign Glue. This will set in 1 round, so put it in the Glove of Storing so it's held in stasis.

Facing the Tarrasque:

Round 1: Retrieve Dust of Disappearance (move action), throw dust on yourself (standard action). While the Tarrasque can still locate you via his scent ability, I'm presuming there are non-invisible targets close by, and he'll be too busy with those to worry about possible invisible opponents.

Round 2: Retrieve potion of true strike (move action), drink potion (standard action). Actually, you can skip this step if you can reliably hit the Tarrasque's touch AC of 5 with a lasso.

Round 3: Retrieve lasso (free action), move to short range with lasso (move action), throw lasso (standard action). Attacking with a lasso is similar to a net, so this is a ranged touch attack, but unlike the net the lasso has no size restriction. Tarrasque's touch AC is 5, so assuming you never bothered to pick up Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Lasso, you'll need to roll a 9 to hit. True strike takes care of that, although if you roll a 1... leave the immediate area in great haste, since your glue hardens after 1 round. (The luck feat Better Lucky Than Good from Complete Scoundrel can guarantee success here, if need be.) Otherwise, once the lasso hits, let go of it and let the glue set for 1 round. With an impressive +38 Fort save, the Tarrasque is unlikely to succumb to the Blister Oil immediately, but if you wait around long enough, he will eventually roll a 1.

Round 4+: Sip your potions of invisibility and remain at a safe distance where the Tarrasque is unlikely to use scent to find you. If there is nothing appetizing between you and the Tarrasque, consider a Bag of Tricks, wand of silent image (of something tasty, such as cute fuzzy bunny rabbits), or wand of summon monster I to keep it occupied (summoning creatures/illusions does not break invisibility). Sometime within the next 20 rounds or so, the Tarrasque should fail it's Fort save vs. Blister Oil and take 877.5 damage. I'm too lazy to go into the math, but I figure 40 rounds of invisibility should be sufficient.

Disposing of the Tarrasque

Pull out your scroll of lesser planar ally. If you need potions of owl's wisdom or guidance of the avatar (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a) to make the UMD check (300 GP each), then bottoms up. Ask your deity to send you a Mirror Mephit (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits p. 209) or something else that can permanently get rid of a Tarrasque. When the Mirror Mephit shows up, ask him to create a simulacrum of an Efreet. As an SLA, there is no XP, no material cost, and the casting time is one standard action. Since this takes less than a minute, the cost should be 100 GP per HD, 4 HD = 400 GP. You could attempt to argue that you're not asking the Mirror Mephit to fight anything, so it should only cost 200 GP, but there are very few entities in the multiverse that would ever consider "getting rid of a Tarrasque" as a "nonhazardous task". However, conducting the negotiation right next to a Tarrasque while it's regenerating could have a significant effect on your bargaining position.

The simulacrum Efreet has only half his normal HD, but his SLAs/wishes aren't dependent on HD. Assuming you were able to instruct the Mirror Mephit to tell the Efreet to follow your instructions as if you were its creator, you can use your first wish to kill the Tarrasque permanently, and you have two wishes leftover to do with whatever you like.

If lesser planar ally or the Mirror Mephit isn't cutting it, skip directly to the Efreet with a scroll of planar ally (2400 GP) or Candle of Invocation (8400 GP).

2011-11-01, 08:21 AM
Think I remember reading somewhere about a wizard who flies above a tarrasque, casts PAO to get a uranium beachball or something, then drops it to the big T to deal over a million damage.

Ring a bell for anyone? :smalltongue:

2011-11-01, 08:35 AM
Warblade2/crusader1/DN1/Ur Priest2/RKV9/MoN4/EternalBlade1

Idiot Crusader. 9th level cleric spells (miracle prepared). I never feel fatigue, or exhaustion. I have an endless amount of health, and I might even let it swallow me every once in a while so I can stick a Strike of Righteous Vitality in it, and to recover Time Stands Still as a Warblade Mave (Eternal Training).

I have a hard imagining a Tarrasque winning a fight. Seems barely a worthy challenge for a level 20 character.

2011-11-01, 08:46 AM
You totally see my point here, it's not about using a specific character or a very specific list of spells, but using the resources you normally would have to save the city as fast as you can. (and the cheaper, the better)

It seems dominate is a way of doing it, some people pointed that out, and if you prestige into something like fatespinner and have a swift limited wish, you can almost guarantee success on first try (at a cost of 300 XP).

True. There is the problem with charging and throwing stuff too, I don't think it is possible.

Yes, I prefer nonmagical solution, but I wanted to see magic solutions too, and simple magical items (so the restriction on DMG), and since any spell is available, I was expecting some obscure absurdely powerfull spells that I did not know about too. Like a Maximized, empowered "Languor", followed by other strength debuff(I don't know if a ray of enfeeblement would stack).

Jumping 30' has a really high DC, but with his high strength, 23 skill ranks in jump and improved speed by the boots, I think he can do it. Giving that he is "Leap Attacking", your point on being airbone makes sense.

I don't agree at all that mages wouldn't be prepared, I even think that's a stupid statement. Why would they stop preparing spells for the day, and why would they prepare different ones? A being with an int of over 20 doesn't strike me as the sort to fumble around like that. Further, what about spontaneous casters? Anyway, as pointed out, dominate, or anything that requires a will save, is a simple solution. Sudden quicken on bestow curse and a couple levels of archmage for arcane reach are going to knock 4 off of the tarrasque's already weak will save, making it that much easier. Though the tarrasque has a chance of succeeding on their first roll with a nat 20, alter fortune forces the tarrasque to reroll their save as an immediate action, and master specialist's capstone causes them to reroll if they were successful next round, so a master enchanter would have bit T grazing peacefully with his cattle in no time.

Jumping 30' into the air is trivial for a level 20 character. Leaping dragon gives you +10' automatically, which means you need to hit a DC of 80 for the last 20.' 24 ranks, ability mod of 21 while frenzied and raging, +24 from your move speed with boots of speed (leaping dragon treats you as always running for jumps), and a ring of jumping for +10. +79 total, success on a 1. And I only used a +10 competence bonus.

2011-11-01, 08:46 AM
Why kill the tarrasque, when you can have him as a mount?

Psion (Telepath) 20, take Expanded Knowledge twice and use Psychic Reformation to get the powers : Fate of One and Time Regression in addition to your Telepath list.

Cast Psionic Dominate, augment up to 19 power points, so that you have +6 to the DC, and it affects magical creatures. You may have to select Commoners as additional targets. But they'll get over it.

Assuming 18 int, a +2 int race, +5 book, +6 item, and points from each level put into Intelligence. You have an int of 36. So that's a +13 to the DC.

Total DC is: 10+4+6+13 = 33. So the tarrasque will pass it on a roll of 7.

Use the Twin Power Metafeat.

Tarrasque has to pass it twice, probability of 0.4225.
If you fail, use Fate of One. Therefore Tarrasque has to pass it three times. Probability of 0.274625.

If this fails, next round you cast Dominate again. Probability of 0.17850625 that the tarrasque won't be dominated by this point.

If this still fails, you cast Quickened Time Regression. You have your psionic focus back, and you cast another twinned Dominate with a Fate of One if it fails.
Tarrasque has to pass it another three times.
Probability of 0.049022279.

If this fails - Which is a 1 in 20.39 chance, you can simply manifest time regression again.

Assuming that the game isn't using Psionic-Magic transparency, and therefore the Tarrasque's spell resistance does not apply. If it does apply, then you'll probably need more time regressions.

The Boz
2011-11-01, 09:08 AM
I think you're miscalculating your probabilities there. If the Big T has to pass twice with a probability of 35% per attempt, the probability is 0.1225.
For three mandatory successes, the probability is 0.042875.
Or am I missing something?

2011-11-01, 09:15 AM
Why kill the Tarrasque when you can be the tarrasque?

True Mind Switch.

2011-11-01, 09:32 AM
This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131236) Fighter 20 killed the Tarrasque if you are interested in such a thing.

2011-11-01, 10:25 AM
the problem with posing a theoretical problem like this is that people can just go look that the stats, figure out what'll work, and pretend the appropriate spells/items have been prepared. sure, if it has stats it can be killed, but that's why you don't show players the MM while you're at the table, and why you roleplay a lack of knowledge if your fighter has never seen an illithid.

On topic, my solution would be a persistent image of something really tasty that keeps running from him. wait till he's tired, then get all five of the nearest towns to come coup de grace him at once with scythes(not in a place i can check, but he has no DR, right?). wish for true death via however you want to get a wish, done.

Also, a question for you guys wanting to transport him to the positive energy plane via gate, I don't think big T can fit. he's either gargantuan or colossal, and that portal only goes to 20 feet. so...can that even work? maybe dominate, have him squeeze himself through?

2011-11-01, 11:52 AM
the problem with posing a theoretical problem like this is that people can just go look that the stats, figure out what'll work, and pretend the appropriate spells/items have been prepared.
To quoted:

I don't like this attitude because it conveys an idea that a 20th level "X" isn't preparing things that will deal with 20th level threats which is stupid, or at least willfully ignorant in someway. 20th level casters if given the resources (books available) will invariably have any and/or all of the following: Celerity(the chain), Time stop, contingency + an arbitrary kill condition (lots of time designed for maximum EVLULZ) which includes assay resistance if that kill condition requires it. In fact most of them, will have used divination (because everyone knows Thursday=Scry day) to the tune of "Whens the next time I'll have to cast an offensive spell?"; "against what... A WHAT? OMFGWTHBBQ! *sigh*" one a week or so. Also.. items generally you roll about with your magical swag, no one is going anywhere without that belt of magnificence or literally whatver when they go out on the town. Thats just daily attire when you're a super hero. Still all that being said...
I'd use some variant of the king of smack: complete with synchronicty and linked power use to get the buffs up in time to save the folks.
I might forgo Improved Rabid Strike to add in that level of warshaper or maybe add some martial study in there for Thicket, or maybe standstill but ultimately...
It'd be a an awesome and viscious looking beat down. . .

2011-11-01, 11:52 AM
On topic, my solution would be a persistent image of something really tasty that keeps running from him. wait till he's tired, then get all five of the nearest towns to come coup de grace him at once with scythes(not in a place i can check, but he has no DR, right?). wish for true death via however you want to get a wish, done.

He's got DR, a lot of it.
Even a CDG I think just takes him to -10 HP, at which point you gotta wish him dead.

2011-11-01, 11:53 AM
My suggestion: the adventurer takes his time, prepares all his options, and finishes his drink while he lets the Tarrasque rampage and slaughter the villagers.

Then he kills the tarrasque by whatever means and wishes it to death.

Then he uses his ludicrous WBL to buy castings of Raise Dead on everyone who got killed.

2011-11-01, 11:55 AM
So no love for taking control of it's mind permanently and tricking him out as your Super sized pet minion?

2011-11-01, 12:18 PM
So no love for taking control of it's mind permanently and tricking him out as your Super sized pet minion?

Making it your pet (doable by a properly optimized commoner!) is much less fun than becoming the Tarrasque. Actually I've long thought that would be a fun encounter for an epic group - "you see what appears to be, given your epic knowledge checks, the tarrasque." "aww... it's so cute! do we have to kill the poor little guy?" only... surprise! it's a wizard who decided "tarrasque" was a much better physical form than "human," swapped minds with it, and uses PaO when he needs to go to town. Big T+Wizardly defenses and preparation+Wizardly offenses=Mwahahahaha. Also one hell of a surprising first round.

2011-11-01, 12:22 PM
You could make yourself one hell of a bestiary on your genesis plane for that purpose, actually. Just dominate your victims and imprison them there, and use their bodies at your leisure.

2011-11-01, 12:31 PM
Technically speaking should a 20th level wizard be able to just cast a spell and turn INTO a Big-T with out first needing to Subdue or Find a normal Big-T?

Hiro Protagonest
2011-11-01, 12:33 PM
Technically speaking should a 20th level wizard be able to just cast a spell and turn INTO a Big-T with out first needing to Subdue or Find a normal Big-T?

No. Invisible

2011-11-01, 12:35 PM
Technically speaking should a 20th level wizard be able to just cast a spell and turn INTO a Big-T with out first needing to Subdue or Find a normal Big-T?

Shapechange limits you to creatures of 25 HD. PAO shenanigans could theoretically get you there, but, well, shenanigans.

2011-11-01, 12:40 PM
En, ok. I keep being told that Wizards can do pretty much anything, but I guess something had to be outside of there reach at some point.

Personally, I like the idea of taking over Big-T's body or making it your pet, but that's just me.

Plus my IRL Dm's never seem to have thought of something like that, so It always makes for an amusing session when you throw that little curve ball at them if for no other reason then the immediate reaction of "Your wizard did What, again? Are you serious? How does that even work?!" =

Mind you I often ask if this is gonna be a major derail and then if I'm told yes I will take a different course of action. I'm not really a jerk after all, I just like the look I get from time to time.

2011-11-01, 01:08 PM
En, ok. I keep being told that Wizards can do pretty much anything, but I guess something had to be outside of there reach at some point.

It's not impossible, it's just inefficient. There are better Shapechange forms and ones that don't take as much effort to reach. Reserves of Strength would breach the HD limit, for instance. Then it's just a matter of stacking caster level boosts. And as stated, Polymorph Any Object.

2011-11-01, 01:12 PM
it's a wizard who decided "tarrasque" was a much better physical form than "human," swapped minds with it, and uses PaO when he needs to go to town. Big T+Wizardly defenses and preparation+Wizardly offenses=Mwahahahaha. Also one hell of a surprising first round.

Emphasis mine. As far as I know, that's a psionic-only trick.

Of course, StP erudite is actually just another just another word for "wizard w/more versatility."

2011-11-01, 01:21 PM
En, ok. I keep being told that Wizards can do pretty much anything, but I guess something had to be outside of there reach at some point.

Personally, I like the idea of taking over Big-T's body or making it your pet, but that's just me.

Plus my IRL Dm's never seem to have thought of something like that, so It always makes for an amusing session when you throw that little curve ball at them if for no other reason then the immediate reaction of "Your wizard did What, again? Are you serious? How does that even work?!" =

Mind you I often ask if this is gonna be a major derail and then if I'm told yes I will take a different course of action. I'm not really a jerk after all, I just like the look I get from time to time.

Wizards can do anything(within limits) until level 21, at which point it becomes simply anything because of epic spell abuse. this is really funny in some ways because it costs 351,000 gp, 14,000 XP, and 8 days to develop...lightning bolt.

2011-11-01, 01:58 PM
I don't agree at all that mages wouldn't be prepared, I even think that's a stupid statement. Why would they stop preparing spells for the day, and why would they prepare different ones?
The wizard would have his normal spells, I never said he wouldn't, he just did not knew what was comming before preparing anything.

The best solution until now seems to be the time stop, walls of force, dominate.

Any wizard could do it, those are pretty comon spells, for a wizard having 4 walls of force prepared at any given time is completely acceptable, it has no cost in xp or gold, and the chance of success is almost 100%.

2011-11-01, 02:15 PM
Well, I still favor dominate as the best solution
Enchanter3/master specialist10/fatspinner5/archmage2
Arcane reach twice for 60' touch spells, sudden quickened bestow curse to put tarrasque's will save at 16, meaning you need to get to DC 36 to make 19 and under fail. A level 20 wizard is going to have 34 int minimally (18+5 inherent+5 stat bumps,+6 enhancement), which puts the DC of level 9 spells at 26. Spell focus and greater spell focus from master specialist put it at 28, fatespinner puts it at 33, veil of allure from MIC puts it at 35, and fey power gets you to 36. So the tarrasque has a 1/20 chance of success its first roll, and as an immediate action fatespinner allows you to force the tarrasque to reroll its save. And master specialist10 forces the tarrasque to make the roll yet again on its next turn if it somehow made both of those, and you can cast alter fortune if it still somehow has rolled triple 20s. Fey power is the only stinky part of that build, but if we wanted to go dumpster diving there are probably better options out there for a human. Though any race with +2 int (gray elves, tieflings, tinker gnomes, genasi, probably a couple I'm forgetting) could simply drop fey power altogether; their int would be 36. If you were forced to roll stats and didn't get an 18 you could always just settle for slightly reduced odds, I suppose.

2011-11-01, 03:40 PM
Why kill the tarrasque, when you can have him as a mount?

Psion (Telepath) 20, take Expanded Knowledge twice and use Psychic Reformation to get the powers : Fate of One and Time Regression in addition to your Telepath list.

Cast Psionic Dominate, augment up to 19 power points, so that you have +6 to the DC, and it affects magical creatures. You may have to select Commoners as additional targets. But they'll get over it.

Assuming 18 int, a +2 int race, +5 book, +6 item, and points from each level put into Intelligence. You have an int of 36. So that's a +13 to the DC.

Total DC is: 10+4+6+13 = 33. So the tarrasque will pass it on a roll of 7.

Use the Twin Power Metafeat.

Tarrasque has to pass it twice, probability of 0.4225.
If you fail, use Fate of One. Therefore Tarrasque has to pass it three times. Probability of 0.274625.

If this fails, next round you cast Dominate again. Probability of 0.17850625 that the tarrasque won't be dominated by this point.

If this still fails, you cast Quickened Time Regression. You have your psionic focus back, and you cast another twinned Dominate with a Fate of One if it fails.
Tarrasque has to pass it another three times.
Probability of 0.049022279.

If this fails - Which is a 1 in 20.39 chance, you can simply manifest time regression again.

Assuming that the game isn't using Psionic-Magic transparency, and therefore the Tarrasque's spell resistance does not apply. If it does apply, then you'll probably need more time regressions.

See my post on the previous page- I get a DC of 40 on psionic dominate and break SR on a roll of one.

2011-11-01, 08:47 PM
The rest of the thread is just pandering newbie stuff, which rehashes the same seven arguments back and forth. Therefore, I will ignore it.

I hear the PF version is a true challenge even if using 3.P items and classes.

I bring it up as the conversation seems to be of not how to kill a 3.5 T but on how fast their build can do it.

This shows that the PF tarrasque can be downed by a level 20 3.P Fighter. REPEATEDLY. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130082)

Here's the Tarrasque player/GM's concession. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7969480&postcount=182)

The single victory that the tarrasque had involved a critical fumble on the part of the fighter.

The Pathfinder Tarrasque is a joke and should be treated as such.

This homebrew fix of the 'rasque is much better. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=218055)

This has been a PSA by NineThePuma, signing off from here in Outland.

2011-11-01, 09:28 PM
This shows that the PF tarrasque can be downed by a level 20 3.P Fighter. REPEATEDLY. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=130082)
Waaaait a second here...

That whole test is factually incorrect! The Donut Plains are a part of Dinosaur Land, which isn't a part of the Mushroom Kingdom! I demand a do-over with accurate backgrounding! :smalltongue:

2011-11-01, 09:45 PM
Waaaait a second here...

That whole test is factually incorrect! The Donut Plains are a part of Dinosaur Land, which isn't a part of the Mushroom Kingdom! I demand a do-over with accurate backgrounding! :smalltongue:

If you're willing to play Tarry, I'm willing to watch in amusement.

2011-11-04, 12:07 PM
totemist 19/ beast heart adept 1

Class synergy: Totemist revere magical beasts, drawing upon their soul energy to emulate the glorious strength of these magnificent creatures. Beastheart adepts befriend and exist among magical beasts, seeing them as just as innocent and wonderful as natural beasts.

important magic items:

Belt of battle
cloak of charisma +6

important feats:

animal affinity (prerequ)
double chakra (totem chakra)
expanded soulmeld capacity x2 (linked to beast tamer's circlet and unicorns horn)
Magical beast trainer (arms and equipment guide)- allows you to train magical beasts with handle animal as long as they have 4 int or less.

Important soulmelds
Beast tamer's circlet- bound to totem chakra and expanded soul meld capacity
Unicorns horn- bound to totem chakra and expanded soul meld capacity

Monster empathy lets you use wild empathy versus magical beasts regardless of their intelligence. If you already have wild empathy it stacks with monster empathy and also gives a +2 synergy bonus if you have 5 or more ranks in handle animal.

beastheart adept + totemist = +20 empathy
+2 synergy
+16 competence for 7 invested essentia in unicorns horn
+16 insight for 7 invested essentia in beast tamer circlet.
+5 or higher from 20 or higher charisma (need at least +5 but higher is easily possible)

final empathy check = +59 (or more if higher charisma)

Rushed empathy penalty -10

Hostile to helpful DC = 50

minimum character empathy roll = 50

auto succeed :smallsmile:

Step 1:Round 1: belt of battle as swift for extra move action or 2. Get within 30 feet.
Full round action rush empathy check, automatically change the big T into a helpful friend.

Step 2: Out of combat: Ride the big T to an undisclosed location and begin using Magical beast trainer and your outrageously high handle animal to train him.

Step 3: Either use the big T to fight evil or sell to the highest bidder, depending on character alignment and motivation.

Character fluff and reasoning:

Jambo the Beast is a beast trainer of renown. He has settled in the town of Genericsville for the past 3 years, making his living training guard creatures and strange mounts for royalty, nations, armies, and the privileged far and wide.

One unassuming day ,after knocking back a pint of the local swill trying to stave off the nagging pain of a gray render scratch he had received a few days earlier, a horrible crashing sound resounded in his ears. It sounded like half the town had just been smashed into oblivion. With a flash he jumped up and scurried outside to an already forming crowd to see what the sound was.
When his eyes adjusted to the light he was mortified. Indeed, half the town had been smashed into oblivion. But when his eyes floated up to the cause of the destruction, a smile crept across his face, and he muttered a prayer of thanks to Malar, god of beasts. Today he would test his skills against the lord of all magical beasts. On this day, the Tarasque would know the power of his will or he would be dead for trying, but their would be no compromise.

P.S. If your GM would homebrew a feat like thuergic bond, that let you stack together your totemist lvls with your beastheart adept lvls for purposes of your monster companion, then this build could actually be a lot of fun to play.
Especially since it barely takes up any character wealth and resources to pull off. Meaning you could totally branch out and be adaptable.

2011-11-04, 05:04 PM
oops forgot no magic items outside of DMg and no 3.0 material allowed in this challenge.

So take off belt of battle and replace with travel devotion feat using domain equivalency to revere the concept of celerity instead of travel. (So as to avoid roleplay inconsistencies with staying in one town for 3 years.)

And remove magical beast trainer feat.

Only difference now is, no training the big T afterward ; ;

2011-11-04, 06:26 PM
Convincing him to go away (without dominating his mind) sounds pretty cool, I never had any interest in this incarnum stuff, now I want to research it.

Its definitely worth a read. It takes some time to get used to the system. But it can do a lot. Especially, for builds based on skill checks.

For instance, the proper mix of totemist+ imperious command+ sneak attack boosting items+ sneak attack stance from ToB+ pathfinder feat that let's you coup de grace cowering creatures+ armor enhancement that lets you intimdate as a move action+ ways to get extra move actions+ high crit dmg modifier weapon+ feat that lets you coup de grace as a standard+ ways to get extra standards= massive intimidate for auto cowering and then coup de grace.

example factotum 8 / totemist 12

1 inspiration point for 1d6 sneak
2d6 sneak from 2 feats to get stance
2d6 sneak from 2 sneak boosting items.
prerequ for coup de grace cowering

improved essentia capacity + double chakra to put 7 essentia into both
krenshar mask and the scary neck slot soulmeld
+32 intimidate
Feat that lets you wear magic item in a bound chakra slot.
+10 intimidate mask
Max ranks
+5 at least
Int to intimidate using the str instead of charisma variant of intimidate
+5 at least
1 inspiration point to add int to intimidate
+5 at least
skill focus
skill monkey feat
85 intimidate as a move action= auto cower for pretty much everything.

For instance, the big T would get an opposed roll of +50 and your check would take a -16 to your check . That is +69 for you and +50 for him. If he rolls a 20 and you roll a 1 then you both get 70 and in D&D ties go to the highest modifier which is your +69. Auto win.

Soul bound 3 head chimera+ belt of battle+ factotum extra standard= 2 moves 3 standards and 0 actions on the following round.

Move1 move up to Tarasque
move2 auto cower tarasque.
standard 1 coup de grace it
standard 2 coup de grace it
standard 3 coup de grace it.

2011-11-04, 06:35 PM
You know, come to think, an apostle of peace would have an even easier time shutting a tarrasque down. All you'd need to do is obtain any sort of mount (3 levels of prestige paladin or something) and get the feat ride-by attack, then you can hit it with pacifying touch without provoking an AoO. All you need to do is hit its touch AC of 5, and it's pacified, no save, no SR.

Ride-by attack is perhaps another way of 1 shotting it with pure damage in a single round non-magically.

2011-11-04, 06:50 PM
You know, come to think, an apostle of peace would have an even easier time shutting a tarrasque down. All you'd need to do is obtain any sort of mount (3 levels of prestige paladin or something) and get the feat ride-by attack, then you can hit it with pacifying touch without provoking an AoO. All you need to do is hit its touch AC of 5, and it's pacified, no save, no SR.

unfortunately vow of poverty would restrict your mount selection and also 3 years walking out of a bar is limiting for a mount as well.

But the pacifying touch is a brilliant find for the problem.

But it shouldn't be a problem.

#1 VoP gives you freedom of movement. so no improved grab of the AoE.

#2 Big T needs a will save to attack you courtesy of VoN

#3 Vow of Peace, nonviolence, and poverty characters can have a decent AC if built right. especially if you throw in sainthood.

#4 If you get hit on an AoE moving up... so what. It isn't going to kill you b4 you can touch him.

Just waltz right up to him an touch his toe with pacifying touch.

Nice catch on that ability.

2011-11-04, 06:54 PM
Eh, I don't think a paladin mount would count against vop restrictions. Not that it matters, I just thought it'd be way cooler to go charging with just your index finger held out. :smallbiggrin:

edit: specifically because I don't believe a holy mount qualifies as a "material possession."

2011-11-04, 07:05 PM
Eh, I don't think a paladin mount would count against vop restrictions. Not that it matters, I just thought it'd be way cooler to go charging with just your index finger held out. :smallbiggrin:

edit: specifically because I don't believe a holy mount qualifies as a "material possession."

I figured you wouldn't want to waste any time summoning a mount so i didn't consider paladin mount, but i guess that would work.

Technically, it doesn't work because the OP said no 3.0 and BoED is 3.0

I'm sure there is probly some swift action paladin mount summon ability somewhere out there.

I was just saying that you didn't need to worry about it.

But yeh ride by touch attacks are definitely style points.

2011-11-04, 08:07 PM
I figured you wouldn't want to waste any time summoning a mount so i didn't consider paladin mount, but i guess that would work.

Technically, it doesn't work because the OP said no 3.0 and BoED is 3.0

BoED is 3.5 - BoVD is 3.0.

2011-11-04, 08:17 PM
I figured you wouldn't want to waste any time summoning a mount so i didn't consider paladin mount, but i guess that would work.

Does summoning work in time stop? It'd probably be more effective to get that on the apostle's spell list if that's the case. Everyone that can prepare time stop does.

2011-11-04, 09:05 PM
Does summoning work in time stop? It'd probably be more effective to get that on the apostle's spell list if that's the case. Everyone that can prepare time stop does.

You can summon in a Time Stop. Whether that means your summonses can act then is another thing altogether.

"Most spellcasters use the additional time to improve their defenses, summon allies, or flee from combat."

2011-11-05, 06:18 PM
unfortunately vow of poverty would restrict your mount selection and also 3 years walking out of a bar is limiting for a mount as well.

Somehow I doubt you spent 3 years in the bottom of a bottle at the one bar, without ever leaving...
But love the pacifying touch idea too.

2011-11-05, 08:58 PM
Psychic Warrior Claw chain, sizechanging and, Karmic Strike/Robilars gamibt.

Actually, lets just say "Robilars Gambit" pluss appopriated defenses, like self healing, and maybe standstill... You could wear him down.
Crusaders etc. . it becomes a damage issue, and a "I don't get swallowed hole thing" but yeah the ubiquitous freedom ring is for that. So there's 2, stab a tarrasque to death methods.

2011-11-05, 09:51 PM
Also, a Factotum/Warblade spamming Boomerang Daze w/ Sapphire Nightmare Blade and Iaijutsu Focus could do it (use an aptitude quickrazor). Win initiative (it's only +7) and if it rolls a nat 20 on the save then grab another action. It isn't immune to dazing.

2011-11-06, 12:09 AM
Can you initiate maneuvers while raging? I remember some discussions about the legality of that. (not going back through the thread to find the original version of this build).

Make your weapon a 'martial' (I think that's the name) weapon. Instead of a +5 sword. Make it a +3 diamond mind devoted spirit sword. Now you get a bonus to attack/damage anytime you use either of those disciplines, and they stack if you're in one stance and using an attack from the other discipline. Total cost? +5. Total effect? A bit higher.

Your character has no armor. I don't care if it's only a +1 padded suit. Armor also carries defensive enchantments besides AC boosters.
That you don't have those, limits you.

Why is it a merit that you "completed the task with no cost whatsoever"? That you didn't use up some consumable items like potions/scrolls? Generally adventurers want some of those on hand, just in case.

Why all the dex boosters? Only your AC, tumble checks, and Reflex saves rely on dex.
-One of those you're dropping to 0 anyway.
-One can be done with just skill points, since it's a flat DC to go through someones reach without an AOO.
-The last, well this is a build to kill a monster without a breath weapon.

If you want a +6 to AC (5 tome and 6 gloves), try getting bracers of armor +6. A lot cheaper than a +5 tome.

Get a ring of skill boosters. Tumble+Jump+whatever you think is needful. Don't worry about stacking costs too much. If the DM allows whirling frenzy+leap attack+shocktrooper+spirit lion barb, then he can deal with some item stacking.

BoED, retribution amulet. That and the +6 bracers will still be less than the tome. Another AC boost, and an extra feature. Since your dm doesn't allow MiC, you get to use the more broken version, rather than the nerfed one in MiC.

If you're going to go for weapon focus/spec, get Slashing Fury from PHB 2. 7 attacks a round, why not?

2011-11-06, 12:29 AM
Ditch Exotic Weapon Proficiency for Improved Weapon Familiarity. That should open up a few more weapons and give you the same effect, largely.

2011-11-06, 12:42 AM
You depend on the boots of speed (and other items);

Could fairly easily get rid of this. Getting a Valorous weapon, for instance, would allow you to deal twice the listed damage. Also, there are useless feats like EWP for unknown reasons. Melee Weapon Mastery probably isn't pulling its weight either.

You can fight like that only 3 times/day;

I'm sure we can get rid of this.

Character lacks any versatility;

How do you manage to not have any versatility on a ToB chassis? You have half a dozen maneuvers readied at all times and proficiencies in all martial weapons.

Initiative is higher than the monster's, but not a lot.

Optimally you'd probably want to be able to one-shot it with immediate action and wield a Cunning Legacy Weapon that allows you to act as flat-footed; would remove the need for Initiative.

Oookay, so let's get a +1 Valorous Diamond Mind White Raven weapon. And a Cunning Legacy Weapon (rest of the abilities don't matter; this is a gauntlet or something). We normally sit in Leading the Charge stance; +18 to our damage.

Then we use Island in Time and initiate Bounding Assault which gives us free movement, all the charge multipliers and company. Each attack will hit for (2d4+16 Str+1 Weapon+18 Leading the Charge+80 Leap Attack Shock Trooper)*2 or (with average damage roll) 240 damage. DR 15/Epic means it's only 225 damage but that's still enough to drop it into negatives for long enough for us to get a turn and keep it there.

Our To Hit is:
20 BAB + 11 Str + 1 Weapon + 6 Weapon Abilities + 2 Charge + 1 Weapon Focus = +41. Gives us +41/+36/+31/+26. I suppose MWM would put us at +43/+38/+33/+28 which means 3 attacks hit on anything but natural 1 and last one has a 30% chance of missing (rolling 7 = hit). Gives us about 60% chance of success (.95*.95*.95*.7 = 0.6001625 or very close to 60%) without consumables or winning Initiative and in any terrain (Bounding Assault = double move so can go around obstacles, move through difficult terrain, etc.) before we account for crit chance (numbers are for Falchion so we're talking 15-30% crit chance per attack here).

Winning Initiative would bring it in the neighborhood of 9X% (just Bounding Assault into Island in Time for Quicksilver Motion + Warmaster's Charge) as would using consumables such as Luckblade (reroll), Rage, Eternal Training or company. We could also withstand its attack if we, instead of MWM, picked Dodge > Mobility > Elusive Target and bought a Starmantle Cloak, Ring of Freedom of Movement and perhaps some source of DR which would likewise practically guarantee victory.

Without Valorous? Just get Starmantle Cloak + Elusive Target + e.g. Demonskin Shirt (perhaps Greater Fortifications, Iono). Same setup. Use Bounding Assault > Warmaster's Charge for plenty of extra. Can take a few turn's worth of damage; makes little difference. Basically, he'll deal avg. 35 + 13.5 + 13.5 + 14.5 + 14.5 + 21.5 damage without reductions to PA/Crit immune target. Then you cut all that in half for 18 + 7 + 7 + 8 + 8 + 11. Then you cut 5 out of each of those for 13 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 6. Total damage inflicted? 29 from Tarrasque's full attack (spend one feat on Planar Touchstone: Catalogues of Enlightenment (Pride) to avoid the possibility of rolling nat 1s). We can take ~10 of those. So losing initiative is hardly a problem. Can still fit Shock Trooper & Leap Attack for sufficient damage to 2-3 shot it. Also have decent stand-up damage.

2011-11-06, 01:26 AM
Without a Cunning Legacy Weapon, I guess the easiest way to do this is to win Initiative. Have an Eager Warning Gauntlet then for +7. Or Armor Spikes *shrug*

Either way, after winning Initiative it's a simple matter of Leading the Charge into Warmaster's Charge + Bounding Assault for a total of:

2d4+16 Str+1 Weapon+18 Leading the Charge+80 Leap Attack Shock Trooper+50 Warmaster's Charge = 155 on each hit from it, and 105 on each hit from Bounding Assault.

155 + 155 + 155 + 155 + 105 + 105 + 105 + 105

If we want more security, add Martial Study: Raging Mongoose at level 18. This gives us Raging Mongoose Warmaster's Charge for +43/+43/+43/+38/+33/+28 each for 155 (can be up to 930 alone if all hit), followed by Island in Time Bounding Assault for either 4 or 6 more (largely academic at that point, if even one hits it should be enough and more than one are like to hit). Even without Leading the Charge we'd be looking at 137 on Warmaster's Charge and 87 on Bounding Assault; still more than plenty with up to 822 first turn and 348 on Island in Time. Would require an unlikely number of misses for this not to be sufficient to drop it into negatives.

Fighter 2/Barbarian 2/Warblade 6/Eternal Blade 10 is the build. Could also fit other stuff in here if desired.

2011-11-06, 02:24 AM
I don't think this grants any bonuses to yourself, just your allies.

By RAW, you count as your own ally unless stated otherwise. From PHB Glossary:
"ally: A creature friendly to you. In most cases, references to “allies” include yourself."

Though I think Raging Mongoose does more damage so if we aren't maintaining a stance all day (we most certainly can do that though), it's probably prudent to just go with that.

By RAW, it is not explicit that all attacks on a charge will have +50 damage.

*shrug* Charge attack gets +50 damage. Since you have multiple charge attacks, I'd assume they all get +50. Ultimately though, if we stack few more static bonuses (for example, you could painlessly add Knowledge Devotion since we have free feats thanks to ridding ourselves of EWM, and Eternal Knowledge guarantees at least +2/+2 against anything on minimum roll with +3 being likely and +4-+5 possible, and we can invest in one Knowledge-skill to get reliable +5s out of it) it shouldn't make much of a difference.

2011-11-06, 03:30 AM
EWP is for exotic weapon master, dealing 2x strength to damage

Power lunge (Sword and Fist) does this.

2011-11-06, 04:34 AM
Even without battle jump and headlong charge, it's possible to grab 2x damage on charging.
Wizard's "Rules of the Game", a compendium of useful tidbits, states that any flying creature can grab x2 damage so long as he charges 30' and descends 10. Start buffing that jump check get wings and we can start with a jump, proceed to a glide, and end in falling charging death.

2011-11-06, 04:37 AM
I had a post with calculations and suchlike but the forum backup ate it, so here's the gist:

Half-Ogre/Giant (Large template) Dragonborn Water Orc
LA1/Dungeoncrasher Fighter6/PsyWar1/Pounce(sorry, Barbarian)1/Frenzied Berserker10/Warblade1

Round 1: Expansion, activate Leaping Dragon, start Frenzy.
Round 2: Leap into the air, hit him 5 times (slamming him into the ground and knocking him down) for ~483+3x(weapon damage) each. If that doesn't kill him, double jump (Sudden Leap) and do it again.
Round 3: Will save (boosted w/ CON by SD) to end Frenzy, Iron Heart Focus to be sure. Strike a badass pose.

No magic items required. You can make do with an improvised Longspear or other 2H Reach weapon (just yank a building support out with your 39 Strength).

Also, if you're not particularly concerned about the chance of failing to end Frenzy and murdering your way through a bunch of civilians, you can get WRT to compress that into basically 1 turn.

2011-11-06, 05:31 AM
Diplomancy / Wild Empathy Method

Totemist 19/Beast Heart Adept 1

Handle Animal 5 Ranks (+2 to Wild Empathy)

Animal Affinity

Circlet of Persuasion - +3 to charisma based checks
Wings of Flying cloak
Heward's Handy Haversack
Potion of Displacement

Unicorn Horn - Competence bonus to Wild Empathy and Move Silently checks
Beast Tamer Circlet - Insight bonus to Wild Empathy and Handle Animal

Round 1
Free Action, gasp in awe
Free Action activate Wings of Flying
Move Action, take out potion of displacement
standard action, drink potion of displacement

Round 2
Full Round Action, Rebind totem soulmeld (other totem space) to Beast Tamer Circlet
Swift Action, Invest 6 essentia into Beast Tamer Circlet

Round 3
Full-Round Action, Rebind totem soulmeld to Unicorn Horn
Swift Action, Invest 6 essentia into Unicorn Horn

Round 4
Fly up to the Tarrasque and calm it down

Wild Empathy check is now 1d20 + 20 + (2 + 12) + (2 + 12) + 2 + 3. That's a 1d20 + 53 diplomacy check to turn it to Helpful.

I'm sure this method could be added to in order to stop the Tarrasque from being able to hit the totemist while he's empathizing with it.

Wings of Peace
2011-11-06, 06:35 AM
What's all this talk I've been hearing about about Wizards? My Spell-to-Power Erudite hears mention of them from time to time when he cavorts with the townsfolk.

2011-11-06, 08:09 AM
The says no 3.0 to 3.5 conversions, not no 3.0 at all, you might change that if it's the case. Power lunge, for instance, requires no conversion.

edit: damn, that reminds me! Bestow curse, per the BoVD, can cause natural 20s to be treated as natural 1s, but is 3.0. So that would have been awesome for any of the dominate builds that have been posted in this thread.

2011-11-06, 12:01 PM
Diplomancy / Wild Empathy Method

Totemist 19/Beast Heart Adept 1

I'm sure this method could be added to in order to stop the Tarrasque from being able to hit the totemist while he's empathizing with it.

Check page 5. like 26 posts above your post.