View Full Version : Feather Fall IC - Stop the Fall

2011-10-31, 10:22 PM
Hi all. This will be the Feather Fall In-Character thread for party 1. Feel free to roll for checks here.

The OOC thread is located at: www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12137018

After this initial post, all post are expected to be in character.


2011-11-01, 10:08 PM
Marshal could sense the uneasiness from most people as he traveled between the two countries through their own political turmoil. After days of roaming, with no other direction than to spread the word and peace of Heironeous, he's finally entered the city gates of Slyfer. He arrives penniless after just recently giving his gold pieces to a large group of beggars.

2011-11-02, 09:35 AM
Lev watched curiously as the paladin strolled into town. Those beggars'll just spend it on mead. What a fool, he thought to himself. But a paladin might be a good friend to have, if only to keep the town marshal off his case for the valuables that kept going missing. I didn't have a thing to do with it. I was at Angus's working on my armor. Lev glanced down at his new chain shirt and smiled. It fit well: just right. But the paladin was still moving: better keep an eye on him. Trying to blend in with the crowds or sink into the shadows as appropriate, Lev follows the paladin.


2011-11-03, 09:12 PM
As you enter the town of Slypher, its rapid but reckless development in the times of peace are easily noted. The entrance of the town of bustling with small merchant stands and taverns, but the town center is still filled with farms. Ramshackle roadways made of flattened earth end abruptly and the towns gate lays nearly in ruin from a previous goblin raid. It is obvious that the town no longer possesses the wealth to properly repair its defenses, or protect itself.
The people are not skittish at your approach, but they mark you with interest. You can see the hope in there eyes that you may stay to do some good, or buy wears fro the stores.
When you come near the center of town, the farmers have much of their crops on the roadside for sale. It is apparent that they feel money will be easier to hide from thieves than vegetables, and their prices are low.
Most wear rags or work clothes, though the odd merchant wears a finer make of clothing, openly displaying that they are simply passing through and are not natives of Slypher.
In the distance you can see the peek of the mountain city Dante, capital of Metis. In the right light, its shadow cascades over the small town, for it is so close. It is obvious, however, that Slypher receives little aid or protection from the neighboring capital.

2011-11-04, 09:39 AM
Noting the attention the paladin is garnering, Lev changes his mind. Monetka? Follow him and see what he does. the glossy raven might be more easily able to follow than he, since she can soar above the streets without attracting attention. Using their mental link, Lev will keep tabs on the paladin, out of sight but in easy distance if an opportunity presents itself.

2011-11-04, 09:28 PM
Marshal casually browses through the goods the many different farmers have for sale, giving compliments where compliments are due. Through the worrying of many mouths, he had heard of the state of disarray in this particular towns defenses.

He had come with the idea to upgrade their fences to a more war appropriate optimization and spread the word of Heironeous through whatever means.

He stopped at a random merchant post and browses the tired looking farmers wares. He had seen better.

Bless Heironeous, kind sir. I am Marshal White, a simple soldier of goodness and honesty. I have come to build stronger fences and stronger communities with the blessings of Heironeous. Where will I find the gentleman in charge with this town?

2011-11-06, 02:23 PM
Laucien strides into town, wearied from the long hours of walking. He sees the construction going on and immediately sets about removing his armour and placing that and his weapons off to the side.

"What can I do to assist?"

2011-11-06, 11:47 PM
Marshal casually browses through the goods the many different farmers have for sale, giving compliments where compliments are due. Through the worrying of many mouths, he had heard of the state of disarray in this particular towns defenses.

He had come with the idea to upgrade their fences to a more war appropriate optimization and spread the word of Heironeous through whatever means.

He stopped at a random merchant post and browses the tired looking farmers wares. He had seen better.

Bless Heironeous, kind sir. I am Marshal White, a simple soldier of goodness and honesty. I have come to build stronger fences and stronger communities with the blessings of Heironeous. Where will I find the gentleman in charge with this town?

The merchant you stop at looks up to you from under his wide-brimmed straw hat. He wipes some sleep from his eyes, then rubs them again in disbelief.

"Well, welcome, Mr. Knight, to Slypher. We don't see many soldiers around here, much less any planing to stick around for a while. If you're interested in helping with construction or defense, we could use it. The mayor is over by the white house, yonder by the hill and tall birch tree."

He smiles a little then peaks at his stand and back to you. With a hit of a plea in his words he says:

"Any chance I could interest you in some fruit or vegetables? We get hit hard by raiders some times, but we still have the best produce East of the Green Willow Woods."

Laucien strides into town, wearied from the long hours of walking. He sees the construction going on and immediately sets about removing his armour and placing that and his weapons off to the side.

"What can I do to assist?"

The workers hammering posts into the ground look over to you with a little surprise. Sweaty and worn, their tattered cloths show the desperation of their work and they seem pleased but awe-struck at new found aid.

The man closest to you wipes the sweat from under his headband and smiles as he approaches you.

"We'd appreciate the help, sir, but are you sure you're not lost? The barracks post for Southgate is still a little further away. If you're looking for Dante, I don't see how you could miss it; it's right over their, not even a days ride, maybe two days walk."

He looks over you again before he continues.

"If you just need a place to rest for the night, you'd probably do better in the wilds than here, no offense. It's not that we don't want you around, but this isn't the safest place during the day much less near dusk."

A smile crosses his face and he bows his head a little, eyes closed and arms outstretched in an exasperated pose.

"If you really want to give us a hand, we won't turn you away. This is the fourth time we've rebuild the fence around town in the last fortnight and we're all pretty much spent. Don't say I didn't warn you, though."

2011-11-07, 12:42 AM
The workers hammering posts into the ground look over to you with a little surprise. Sweaty and worn, their tattered cloths show the desperation of their work and they seem pleased but awe-struck at new found aid.

The man closest to you wipes the sweat from under his headband and smiles as he approaches you.

"We'd appreciate the help, sir, but are you sure you're not lost? The barracks post for Southgate is still a little further away. If you're looking for Dante, I don't see how you could miss it; it's right over their, not even a days ride, maybe two days walk."

He looks over you again before he continues.

"If you just need a place to rest for the night, you'd probably do better in the wilds than here, no offense. It's not that we don't want you around, but this isn't the safest place during the day much less near dusk."

A smile crosses his face and he bows his head a little, eyes closed and arms outstretched in an exasperated pose.

"If you really want to give us a hand, we won't turn you away. This is the fourth time we've rebuild the fence around town in the last fortnight and we're all pretty much spent. Don't say I didn't warn you, though."

Laucien smiles warmly (he hopes) and proceeds to pick up lumber to move it where it is needed. Once such preparations are ready, he takes over for as many men as need a break (as he is very strong). He takes his time and follows instructions, keeping an eye on his belongings.

2011-11-07, 03:54 PM
Ash strolls through the bedraggled town, looking over the farmers and workers with a casual indifference. His last contract over, he was looking for work but still had enough gold in his pack to be picky. His interest is piqued by the sight of what appears to be a powerful warrior stripping off his armour and setting to helping the locals.

Hmmm, don't see that everyday he thought to himself. I wonder what his angle is? he wondered, as he slowly made his way in that direction, careful to neither stare nor head directly for the stranger.

2011-11-09, 07:40 PM
Lev ambled around town in wide circles. Spying a large hound sprawled out in the shade, he stooped over to give him a scratch behind the ears. You lazy devil! Haven't done a lick of work all day. Come'on. The dog reluctantly stood, lolled his tongue in a yawn, and trotted after his master.

2011-11-09, 11:38 PM
As the workers toil and labor the Sun begins to sink into the horizon. The red glow makes the land appear as if ablaze. With the spire-like city of Dante in the distance perpendicular to the horizon, the late-day Sun begins to take on a menacing tone, with Dante and the vast reaches of land seeming akin to cross-hairs before angry red eyes of a malevolent God.

As the workers begins to put down their tools and the farmers begin to pack up their wares, and uneasy tone fills the town. Those who have already returned home can be seen sitting by their stoop, farm implements in hand as improvised weapons, readied against an oncoming incursion. Though tired after a long days work, the men stand firm but bleary-eyed.

You can see many of the women and children being huddled together in the mayor's white house, which seems to double as a refuge for the weary and church of Heronious for the pious. Outside of white stone house stand two men who appear to be from the town militia. Both sport ill-fitting armor and a sword.

An old woman stands by the front door of her home with a shovel in one hand. Her face is worn with old scars, but she smiles grimly to you as you pass and stomps her sandaled feet to show that she is ready for anything, as a few locks of grey hair fall into her face. On either side of her are sweet smelling flowers, in a variety of colours, and each potted plant has a name written on the pot, while each leaf also appears to have other names written on them.

As the wind begins to pick up, you think you can hear from noise off in the distance. It could be the barking of wolves or the howling of a raiding party, but you cannot be sure. The eery echoes carried on the breeze unsettle the townsfolk and some begin to brace themselves, as if expecting to be suddenly bull-rushed. With the Sun dipping even lower into the horizon you can see vaguely humanoid silhouettes in the distance, but their race is not discernible in the glaring light of the setting Sun. Among them you can see what appears to be a child on his fathers shoulders, but something about them seems peculiar and odd.

As the darkness begins to grow and the glare from the Sun disappears, you can catch what appears to be a greenish tinge to their flesh. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you can tell they are goblins, with a hulking troll among them. The goblin on his shoulders giggles to himself and screeches with a sickening glee and the troll roars and the goblins charge forward into the town.

2011-11-10, 12:26 AM
As the workers toil and labor the Sun begins to sink into the horizon. The red glow makes the land appear as if ablaze. With the spire-like city of Dante in the distance perpendicular to the horizon, the late-day Sun begins to take on a menacing tone, with Dante and the vast reaches of land seeming akin to cross-hairs before angry red eyes of a malevolent God.

As the workers begins to put down their tools and the farmers begin to pack up their wares, and uneasy tone fills the town. Those who have already returned home can be seen sitting by their stoop, farm implements in hand as improvised weapons, readied against an oncoming incursion. Though tired after a long days work, the men stand firm but bleary-eyed.

You can see many of the women and children being huddled together in the mayor's white house, which seems to double as a refuge for the weary and church of Heronious for the pious. Outside of white stone house stand two men who appear to be from the town militia. Both sport ill-fitting armor and a sword.

An old woman stands by the front door of her home with a shovel in one hand. Her face is worn with old scars, but she smiles grimly to you as you pass and stomps her sandaled feet to show that she is ready for anything, as a few locks of grey hair fall into her face. On either side of her are sweet smelling flowers, in a variety of colours, and each potted plant has a name written on the pot, while each leaf also appears to have other names written on them.

As the wind begins to pick up, you think you can hear from noise off in the distance. It could be the barking of wolves or the howling of a raiding party, but you cannot be sure. The eery echoes carried on the breeze unsettle the townsfolk and some begin to brace themselves, as if expecting to be suddenly bull-rushed. With the Sun dipping even lower into the horizon you can see vaguely humanoid silhouettes in the distance, but their race is not discernible in the glaring light of the setting Sun. Among them you can see what appears to be a child on his fathers shoulders, but something about them seems peculiar and odd.

As the darkness begins to grow and the glare from the Sun disappears, you can catch what appears to be a greenish tinge to their flesh. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you can tell they are goblins, with a hulking troll among them. The goblin on his shoulders giggles to himself and screeches with a sickening glee and the troll roars and the goblins charge forward into the town.

Laucien, no time to grab his armour, runs to grab his lucerne hammer.

2011-11-10, 04:49 PM
With his short stroll to the Mayors house waylaid by the oncoming force of a pack of Goblins, Marshal jogs towards the pack until he is within yelling distance.

With the will of Heironeous himself, you are to leave this area and never to return!

He wields his longsword and points it in the air.

You will not be triumphant beasts, I will slay you for the good of this town.

Expecting them not to listen, Marshal sprints back with the other of the towns militia forces.

Dawn your bows gentlemen! This is a fight we will win, for Heironeous wills it.

Marshal keeps his sword in his hands as he instructs to town militia to equip their bows.

2011-11-10, 08:13 PM
Accustomed to the nightly attacks, Lev followed the villager's lead as twilight approached. C'mon boy. Let's get suited up. Lev, with his dog Gort in tow, strode to Angus's smithy to retrieve and don his armor. With Monetka on his shoulder, Gort at his side, greatsword slung across his back, and composite bow strung and ready, Lev took up a position in the shadows behind the main line of defense.

Spells prepared:
Dancing Lights
Color Spray
Color Spray
Shocking Grasp

2011-11-13, 11:53 PM
With his short stroll to the Mayors house waylaid by the oncoming force of a pack of Goblins, Marshal jogs towards the pack until he is within yelling distance.

With the will of Heironeous himself, you are to leave this area and never to return!

He wields his longsword and points it in the air.

You will not be triumphant beasts, I will slay you for the good of this town.

Expecting them not to listen, Marshal sprints back with the other of the towns militia forces.

Dawn your bows gentlemen! This is a fight we will win, for Heironeous wills it.

Marshal keeps his sword in his hands as he instructs to town militia to equip their bows.

The guardsmen by the Church look at Marshal with faces firm.

"Sorry, sir, we cannot. None of us is an expert shot and we won't risk hitting one of our own. We aren't soldiers, we're farmers, but we're strong. We'll keep the brunt of them off this building as long as we can.

He militiaman talking looks to his compatriot on the other side of the door and grins darkly.

"Neither of us will loose another child, and no goblin's getting his filthy green hands on my wife."

As the goblins charge forward, the front line of defenses already begins to sway. Though the farmers hold strong in most places, the line is broken by a goblin riding a troll.

The troll charges forward and swats several men aside as the goblin on his shoulders cackles lewdly and sends a ball of magical energy firing forward. As the sphere hits a man just leaving his house, he is lung backwards, and you can feel the chilling cold air from the spell as the man his frozen in place, devoid of both warmth and life.

The goblin mage's cackling quiets for a moment as he regards the two knights in the town and then screams at his troll mount, bonking him on the head and pointing hastily at the armed men. The troll lumbers forward, the ground rumbling this every approaching footstep:

Roll initiatives:
Wacker (troll): [roll0]
Cackler (goblin): [roll1]

2011-11-14, 12:05 AM
The guardsmen by the Church look at Marshal with faces firm.

"Sorry, sir, we cannot. None of us is an expert shot and we won't risk hitting one of our own. We aren't soldiers, we're farmers, but we're strong. We'll keep the brunt of them off this building as long as we can.

He militiaman talking looks to his compatriot on the other side of the door and grins darkly.

"Neither of us will loose another child, and no goblin's getting his filthy green hands on my wife."

As the goblins charge forward, the front line of defenses already begins to sway. Though the farmers hold strong in most places, the line is broken by a goblin riding a troll.

The troll charges forward and swats several men aside as the goblin on his shoulders cackles lewdly and sends a ball of magical energy firing forward. As the sphere hits a man just leaving his house, he is lung backwards, and you can feel the chilling cold air from the spell as the man his frozen in place, devoid of both warmth and life.

The goblin mage's cackling quiets for a moment as he regards the two knights in the town and then screams at his troll mount, bonking him on the head and pointing hastily at the armed men. The troll lumbers forward, the ground rumbling this every approaching footstep:

Roll initiatives:
Wacker (troll): [roll0]
Cackler (goblin): [roll1]

Initiative: [roll0]

OOC: On his turn.


Laucien charges at the troll, swinging the lucerne hammer at its gut.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-11-14, 10:03 AM
Lev considers the situation calmly.

Moving carefully [roll0], he attempts to approach the rampaging troll, and shoot the goblin mounted atop it.

2011-11-17, 09:13 AM
Your arrows goes whizzing by Cackler's head. Suddenly worried, he begins to peer about the lines of defenders.

Spot:[roll0]= 15

As he spots the gleam of your bow you see his brow furl in anger. You see him begin to cast a spell as the electric-like energy crackles between his fingers.

Initiative: [roll0]

OOC: On his turn.


Laucien charges at the troll, swinging the lucerne hammer at its gut.

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
NOTE: See the above post for real roll results; these somehow got mucked up in the repost

As Laucien's blow glances off the trolls rubbery hide, Wacker strikes out fiercely at Laucien, letting out a wail of fury:

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation: [roll1]

Rolls do not match database: Wacker started out with a crit, but I didn't roll crit confirmation, so I did another post for crit confirmation, but the quoted roll re-rolled [as did Laucien's and Cackler's Spot, which was originally 15 and a d20] and he no longer had a crit, so I removed the "[Quote]". The rolls are legitimate; be happy you didn't suffer from a crit in the first round of combat...I was so happy too.

2011-11-17, 10:27 AM
Seeing he is discovered, Lev attempts to regain the advantage of surprise. cast color spray at the troll and goblin, avoiding friendly combatants if possible. [roll0] 1-20 fails

2011-11-17, 10:03 PM
Laucien locks eyes with the troll after he takes the hit.

He spits blood at the troll's feet and summons up what few words of giantspeak the knights taught him.

"Ghurh yech buerich*"

With that insult spoken he brings his hammer high and swings down at the beast again.

Entering the Iron Guard's Glare stance. Any enemy not attacking me takes a -4 penalty on attacks.

Activating Knight's Challenge (+1 to Will, hit and damage against our troll friend).

Five points of damage delayed by steely resolve, thus having furious counterstrike provide me with +1 to hit and damage this round.

Taking -2 penalty on hit for Stone Power to gain six temp hp, five of which at the end of my turn will pay off the steely resolve.

Taking a -3 penalty to hit for Power Attack to gain a +6 to damage

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Dang it!

*Your mom was a lover of rust monsters.

2011-11-17, 10:14 PM
As he spots the gleam of your bow you see his brow furl in anger. You see him begin to cast a spell as the electric-like energy crackles between his fingers.

Quickly spotting the goblin, Laucien reverses his swing and brings the hammer around at the little pug's head.

This would an AoO, so before all my calculations are applied, when he started casting.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-22, 12:19 AM
Seeing he is discovered, Lev attempts to regain the advantage of surprise. cast color spray at the troll and goblin, avoiding friendly combatants if possible. [roll0] 1-20 fails

The magical energy you had be molding to form your spell goes array. As the prismatic colour begin to dance before you you feel overwhelmed by the flow of power. You attempt to compensate with arcane gestures but your arms, restricted by your gauntlets, cannot move according to your will and a dazzling display of arcane energy showers forth showering all combatants in harmless but colourful shinning lights that flicker forth feebly then fade away.

Quickly spotting the goblin, Laucien reverses his swing and brings the hammer around at the little pug's head.

This would an AoO, so before all my calculations are applied, when he started casting.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Cackler, dazed by temporarily by the display of showering light and focused on the arcane caster in the militia's ranks, does not notice your strike until if impacts hard against his left leg. A deep crack can be felt through your weapon as the impact of your hammer shatters Cackler's ankle.

He looks irritatedly upon you but shifts his gaze back upon the militia and begins to direct his troll underling forward towards them, seeking to be a herald of havoc.

Laucien locks eyes with the troll after he takes the hit.

He spits blood at the troll's feet and summons up what few words of giantspeak the knights taught him.

"Ghurh yech buerich*"

With that insult spoken he brings his hammer high and swings down at the beast again.

Entering the Iron Guard's Glare stance. Any enemy not attacking me takes a -4 penalty on attacks.

Activating Knight's Challenge (+1 to Will, hit and damage against our troll friend).

Five points of damage delayed by steely resolve, thus having furious counterstrike provide me with +1 to hit and damage this round.

Taking -2 penalty on hit for Stone Power to gain six temp hp, five of which at the end of my turn will pay off the steely resolve.

Taking a -3 penalty to hit for Power Attack to gain a +6 to damage

Attack roll: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Dang it!

*Your mom was a lover of rust monsters.

Your attacks takes great might and your display of valour makes you feel temporarily renewed. The zeal of your attack, however, limits your focus and your strike bounced off of the trolls rubbery hide with a slick and sickening plopping sound.
Your words do not go unheard and the troll reels back to strike you down. The goblin on is shoulders however reins him in and re-directs his anger towards the rogue-ish mage hiding within the small group of militia men defending Slypher. As the Troll stumbles past you, he levels one of his claws at the group beyond and strikes hard at Lev, with an enraged moan:

He moved through your square, you get an AoO against Wacker, but not Cackler
Wacker's Attack[roll0] (takes into account the -4 from your stance)
Wacker's Damage [roll1]

2011-11-22, 12:37 AM
The magical energy you had be molding to form your spell goes array. As the prismatic colour begin to dance before you you feel overwhelmed by the flow of power. You attempt to compensate with arcane gestures but your arms, restricted by your gauntlets, cannot move according to your will and a dazzling display of arcane energy showers forth showering all combatants in harmless but colourful shinning lights that flicker forth feebly then fade away.

Cackler, dazed by temporarily by the display of showering light and focused on the arcane caster in the militia's ranks, does not notice your strike until if impacts hard against his left leg. A deep crack can be felt through your weapon as the impact of your hammer shatters Cackler's ankle.

He looks irritatedly upon you but shifts his gaze back upon the militia and begins to direct his troll underling forward towards them, seeking to be a herald of havoc.

Your attacks takes great might and your display of valour makes you feel temporarily renewed. The zeal of your attack, however, limits your focus and your strike bounced off of the trolls rubbery hide with a slick and sickening plopping sound.
Your words do not go unheard and the troll reels back to strike you down. The goblin on is shoulders however reins him in and re-directs his anger towards the rogue-ish mage hiding within the small group of militia men defending Slypher. As the Troll stumbles past you, he levels one of his claws at the group beyond and strikes hard at Lev, with an enraged moan:

He moved through your square, you get an AoO against Wacker, but not Cackler
Wacker's Attack[roll0] (takes into account the -4 from your stance)
Wacker's Damage [roll1]

As Wacker lumbers past, Laucien extends his hammer and plants the broad side across his chest, tryng to stop him.

"Uh uhn. Not so fast my little green friend. Not done with you."

Using Stand Still
Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If the attack hits, it does no damage, however Wacker needs to make a Reflex save (DC 10+potential dmg) or he can't move. Which would mean I'd take the attack most likely. And it would get a +4 to hit me, or more accurately, it would cancel out the -4, because I am me, and not one of my allies.

2011-11-22, 05:56 AM
As Wacker lumbers past, Laucien extends his hammer and plants the broad side across his chest, tryng to stop him.

"Uh uhn. Not so fast my little green friend. Not done with you."

Using Stand Still
Attack: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If the attack hits, it does no damage, however Wacker needs to make a Reflex save (DC 10+potential dmg) or he can't move. Which would mean I'd take the attack most likely. And it would get a +4 to hit me, or more accurately, it would cancel out the -4, because I am me, and not one of my allies.

Wacker Reflex: [roll0] vs. 29

As you strike out at Wacker, the impact sends a shock-wave through the air around you and you feel your opponent freeze in place. There is a grinding sensation, like that of rusting gears, and Wacker's movements slow until he is nearly motionless.
Temporarily dazed from the ferocity of your attack, he looks down upon you with a mix of confusion and rage. He lashes out at you with one of his claws:

Using the same attack and damage rolls as before..

Cackler screams at you after Wackers attack:

"You pesky little vermin! Stay out of the way!"

He shouts with sadistic glee as energy begins to flickers between his fingers again, mumbling arcane incantations in the Goblin tongue.

2011-11-22, 10:41 AM
Wacker Reflex: [roll0] vs. 29

As you strike out at Wacker, the impact sends a shock-wave through the air around you and you feel your opponent freeze in place. There is a grinding sensation, like that of rusting gears, and Wacker's movements slow until he is nearly motionless.
Temporarily dazed from the ferocity of your attack, he looks down upon you with a mix of confusion and rage. He lashes out at you with one of his claws:

Using the same attack and damage rolls as before..

Cackler screams at you after Wackers attack:

"You pesky little vermin! Stay out of the way!"

He shouts with sadistic glee as energy begins to flickers between his fingers again, mumbling arcane incantations in the Goblin tongue.

Well, it wouldn't be a round until I got ALL my AoO (Combat Reflexes says additional so I have three in total)

"Heh, as if. Don't you know who I am?"

Laucien swings the hammer in a tight circle, and then across, to crack the goblin as hard as he can.

Still the same penalties.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

OOC: I think it's my turn at this moment, or Lev's. Either way, the little monsters have had their fun.

After the swing, Laucien reverses it again, drawing on his faith and hope to carry him through this.

"My name is Laucien Nailo, Knight of the second grove. But you can just call me Sir!"

My Knight's Challenge still holds. I'll take a -3 for Stone Power, and a -2 from Power Attack, giving me an extra hit point after all this is done. Using Crusader's Strike, which if it hits gives me 1d6+1 hp healed.

Attack: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

2011-11-22, 11:07 AM
Seeing the stalwart knight standing up to the enormous troll, Lev tries once more to evoke some arcane power to good use.

Cast color spray at cackler and whacker, [roll0] 1-20 misses

2011-11-22, 11:50 PM
Well, it wouldn't be a round until I got ALL my AoO (Combat Reflexes says additional so I have three in total)

"Heh, as if. Don't you know who I am?"

Laucien swings the hammer in a tight circle, and then across, to crack the goblin as hard as he can.

Still the same penalties.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

OOC: I think it's my turn at this moment, or Lev's. Either way, the little monsters have had their fun.

After the swing, Laucien reverses it again, drawing on his faith and hope to carry him through this.

"My name is Laucien Nailo, Knight of the second grove. But you can just call me Sir!"

My Knight's Challenge still holds. I'll take a -3 for Stone Power, and a -2 from Power Attack, giving me an extra hit point after all this is done. Using Crusader's Strike, which if it hits gives me 1d6+1 hp healed.

Attack: [roll2]

Damage: [roll3]

Your attacks fail to make contact with Wacker. As your hammer swings high in an arch towards Cackler, the deftly slides over onto Wacker's far shoulder evading your reach. You hear a sour groan from emit from Wackers throat and he brings his claws crashing to the ground at your feet:

Wacker Attack: [roll0]
Wacker Damage: [roll1]

Though you see the terrible troll claws careening towards you, you fail to evade it. You can feel the driving force of Wackers claw pushing you down and the searing agony of the flesh being rended from your shoulder. Though the wound stops bleeding quickly, the pain is palpable and your hammer feels heavy in your hands.

Seeing the stalwart knight standing up to the enormous troll, Lev tries once more to evoke some arcane power to good use.

Cast color spray at cackler and whacker, [roll0] 1-20 misses

As the innate magic of your birth springs forth from your being, a rainbow spectrum of brilliant colours bursts forth from your hands and burn the eyes of your opponents.

Wacker Will [roll2] vs DC 15
Cackler Will [roll3] vs DC 15

Though Wacker seems to shake away the bewildering influence of your spell, Cackler is distraught. You see, when he opens his eyes, that his pupils and irises have been replaced or covered by a blind sheet of magical energy, display every colour and obscuring his vision.
Though he claws at his eyes, he seems dazed, confused and unable to interact with reality. At one point, he ceases his scratching and begins to sob atop the head of his troll steed.

2011-11-23, 12:22 AM
Laucien continues to roll with the punches, his firm stance enabling him to mitigate the wounds he suffers. He looks back at the townsfolk and the mage.

"Anytime anyone wants to - urg - help -"

Laucien swings the pick of the hammer diagonally across the troll, his faith surging within him.

"- now would be an opportune time! Anything that hurts this thing."

And we have Crusader's Strike, Douse the Flames and Charging Minotaur as maneuvers.

Full steely resolve again, so a +1 to attack and damage.

Last round of Knight's Challenge. +1 to attack and damage.

-3 from Stone Power, 6 six hp, five going to Steely Resolve.

No penalty from Power Attack for now, let's stop tempting fate.

Using Crusader's Strike to heal [roll0] hp (forgot my IL is boosted by none ToB classes)

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-11-23, 01:20 PM
Seizing the opportunity, Lev again attempts to bring down the mage with sharp, pointy death.


2011-11-25, 11:19 PM
Laucien continues to roll with the punches, his firm stance enabling him to mitigate the wounds he suffers. He looks back at the townsfolk and the mage.

"Anytime anyone wants to - urg - help -"

Laucien swings the pick of the hammer diagonally across the troll, his faith surging within him.

"- now would be an opportune time! Anything that hurts this thing."

And we have Crusader's Strike, Douse the Flames and Charging Minotaur as maneuvers.

Full steely resolve again, so a +1 to attack and damage.

Last round of Knight's Challenge. +1 to attack and damage.

-3 from Stone Power, 6 six hp, five going to Steely Resolve.

No penalty from Power Attack for now, let's stop tempting fate.

Using Crusader's Strike to heal [roll0] hp (forgot my IL is boosted by none ToB classes)

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

As your hammer connects with the troll's kneee, you hear a resounding crack. The shatter snap from the troll's bones is echoed swiftly by a howl of agony form the creature. As he wails in pain, Wacker lashes out at you:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Seizing the opportunity, Lev again attempts to bring down the mage with sharp, pointy death.


You forgot your +1 bonus to attack from...something. Hey a 14 hits! Hurrah!

While Wacker is preoccupied by the vigilant and valourus knight, Cackler lurches on his shoulder. Eyes still gleaming with bedazzling multi-spectrumed arcane energy, he does not even notice you arrow until it embeds itself in his shoulder. Cackler screeches more in fear of an unseen foe than in pain, but the damage is done. Blood begins to drip upon the troll shoulder where he rests and his posture slumps slightly as his breathing becomes shallow and weak.

2011-11-26, 12:11 AM
Laucien, pressing the advantage, digs his heels in to the ground, and spits back at the troll.

"Hsh jeran orik*"

He then swings hard up at the jaw of the massive giantkin.

Issue my second Knight's Challenge

-3 to Stone Power

Using Mountain Hammer

Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2]

*Little dung eater

"Anytime now people! Someone, grab my shield, get something to hurt this thing, I will protect you."

2011-11-26, 12:22 PM
Attempting to accustom the goblin to his new role as a pin cushion, Lev fires again.


Seeing the troll isn't totally invincible, Lev whistles for Gort to join the fray, giving the knight a flanker.