View Full Version : 3.5 D&D Pokemon Game

2011-11-01, 08:58 PM
First of all, if this is being posted in the wrong forum let me know. This is the first time I've ventured off of the homebrew forum. Anyway, now to business...

I want to create a campaign for my players that takes them from levels 1 to 20 and is loosely based off of the storyline of Pokemon Red and Blue. The catch is there won't be any Pokemon.

"But how?" you ask. "Pokemon without Pokemon? Impossible!"

The thing is, I want to throw in enough references that I can sport my knowing grin while withholding just enough information to keep the players in the dark (unless they are particularly perceptive players). So while the players will adventure in what is based off of Kanto, there won't be any adorable creatures to catch and train. Instead there will be monsters, bandits, assassins, ninjas, and all kinds of nasties.

Now obviously Pokemon is too high-tech to fit into D&D's generic time frame, but I have a solution to that as well. Now many of you may be aware of this theory (http://jiggmin.com/threads/58477-Pokemon-Conspiracy-Theories?p=1352133&viewfull=1#post1352133). Basically the lack of adult males (excluding older teens and senior citizens) is due to a war that basically wiped out an entire generation of people and destroyed any semblance of government order. The only reason that people aren't fighting is because they're tired of the war's violence.

Now my idea is to take the plot from Red and Blue and translate it into a postwar steampunk setting where each town is ruled by a warlord or baron (Gym Leader). As appropriate, each of these warlords is based off of a certain theme. The war destroyed most technology and caused banks of smog cover the landscape, confusing and slowly killing the people that attempt the flee the land.

And typing that paragraph just made me realize how similar this is starting to sound to Eberron and Ravenloft...

Anyway, the plans for the Gym Leaders (Warlords) and Elite Four (Echelon) are as follows:

Brock: Goliath (Warblade 1/Barbarian 1)
Misty: Wu Jen
Lt. Surge: Duskblade/Ranger
Erika: Druid
Sabrina: Psion
Koga: Swordsage/Ninja
Blaine: Favored Soul focused on fire damage
Giovanni: Blackguard/Something (Crusader most likely) with a Tarrasque in place of his Nidoking

Lorelei: Unknown
Bruno: Warblade, Swordsage (Unarmed Variant), or Crusader
Agatha: Dread Necromancer (Possibly a Necropolitan)
Lance: Crusader with a Gold Dragon Mount

Garrett: Based on the party

"Mewtwo": Custom Aberration (Wilder or Psion)

After they defeat the Elite Four the party will get a chance to defeat Mewtwo, which will be a very powerful psionic aberration of some sort. I'm going to post plot points on the next post. Also, it's important to note that ElbionTosscoble is helping me with this campaign, so he can answer any questions.

2011-11-01, 09:19 PM
Background: Bacainn is a land ravaged by war. It was once a united kingdom ruled by the Echelon, but when a rebel faction (the Silver Rebellion) attempted to overthrow the Echelon a massive conflict (known as the Last War) erupted. Several lords of Bacainn’s various cities joined the Silver Rebellion while others supported the Echelon. The ensuing war lasted for four years before Siegfried, the leader of the Silver Rebellion, managed to defeat Drake, the original leader of the Echelon.

However, when Siegfried and his allies finally won their thrones they found that they lacked the power to keep Bacainn united. The Last War lasted for two more years before the lords of Bacainn finally grew weary of combat and signed an uneasy peace treaty. Shattered remains of the pre-war life can be found all over Bacainn: destroyed factories, rusted and disabled combat golems, thick banks of poisonous mists that prevent people from escaping Bacainn, and the complete lack of able-bodied men between the ages of 20 and 40.

Now, three years after the Last War ended, Bacainn’s fragile peace is beginning to break. Several of the current lords of Bacainn, now calling themselves the Warlords are planning attacks on one another in order to increase their personal power. Lord Robur, the leader of Alabastia, a small seaside town in the southwest region of Bacainn, and a member of the Echelon Loyalists during the Last War, wants to ensure that his town will be safe. Only a handful of Alabastia’s citizens are fighting-fit: his grandson’s band of mercenary heroes and their rivals, a band of adventurers who have called Alabastia their home.

Story: After hearing rumors that Vertania’s leader has left to wage battle with another city, Lord Robur summons Garrett, his grandson, and Garrett’s mercenary company as well as the PCs. With Vertania’s warlord gone, Alabastia might be able to attack the city, thus ensuring its own safety and survival. Before any plans can be made, Robur wants the two groups to scout the city and gauge its defenses.

Outside of the Lord’s manse, Garrett challenge the PCs to a duel to see which group is stronger. Once the duel is resolved, both parties can go on their merry ways, with the winner getting a head start.

Upon reaching Vertania, the party finds out that while the warlord has left, the majority of his forces are still garrisoning the city. With their mission accomplished, Robur tells them about the Gold Rebellion, the spiritual successor of the Echelon Loyalists that started the war. A high ranking of the Gold Rebellion lives in Marmoria, the city built along the slope of the mountain of the same name. Unfortunately Shudo, the warlord of Marmoria, is searching for the Gold Rebel in hopes of turning him in to the Echelon in order to gain their favor.

The PCs travel through Vertania and make it to the edge of Vertania Forest, a supposedly haunted forest where a coven of druids and a cult of necromancers are fighting for control of the forest. The PCs can choose to help one side or the other, fight them both, or try to avoid the conflict.

Once they get out of Vertania Forest, the PCs will arrive in Marmoria, the City on the Mountain. After asking around, someone will point them in the direction of the Gold Rebel. However, the same person (an undercover Organization agent) will then inform Shudo. Before the party can find the Rebel, town guards will find and escort them to Shudo’s cavern stronghold.

Inside the cavern, Shudo, a goliath warblade, will greet the PCs before ordering his guards to kill them. Shudo will watch, but once he realizes that the PCs are overpowering his guards he’ll retreat deeper into the cavern. The PCs can follow, fighting mephits and elementals on their way to Shudo’s lair. When they finally encounter Shudo he’ll fight them, but if they look like they’re going to win, he’ll yield and offer them his maul as a sign of his fealty.

After either killing or accepting Shudo’s yield, the PCs can finally meet up with the Gold Rebel. The Rebel, a younger human by the name of Wes, will inform the PCs that a new rebel force, the Gold Rebellion, is fighting to overthrow the Echelon and reinstate the old members and restore peace to Bacainn. Wes tells them to find Leo, another prominent member of the Gold Rebellion, in Azuria.

Unfortunately they’ll have to travel through Marmoria Mountain to get to Azuria. Inside the mountain the PCs will encounter the Organization for the first time. The Organization, a shady guild that operates behind the scenes, is searching Marmoria Mountain in hopes of finding some old war machines that survived the Last War. The PCs will have to fight their way through the Organization, eventually coming across Billy and Kidd, two top agents. If it seems like Billy and Kidd are about to lose, their companion, an awakened dog rogue, will show up and bail them out of the fight via distractions.

Once out of Marmoria Mountain, the PCs will be in Azuria. If they ask around for Leo, the PCs will learn that Ondine the Sea Witch captured him and is holding him hostage in her fortress by the cape to the north of the city. Ondine and her sauhagin minions will fight the PCs nearly to the death (Ondine will yield if she’s about to die).

When Leo is rescued he’ll tell them the next big threat to Bacainn: Warlord Matis, the hobgoblin of Port Galsaek. Matis is launching an armada to sack Isla Canela, a volcanic island where artificers developed super weapons during the Last War. Stopping him is of utmost importance, lest he find powerful weapons and begins destroying cities. While the road south is blocked by the forces of Azafrán (which is being run by the Organization), Leo knows an underground passage that will get the PCs just outside of the city.

In Port Galsaek, the PCs discover that almost every person is working to help send off the armada. If the PCs somehow manage to sneak on board Matis’s flagship they’ll be able to fight him and prevent the armada from launching (Matis won’t surrender). If they can’t figure out how to get to Matis within three days he’ll launch the armada, forcing the PCs to either wait for his arrival or continue on their journey.

Either way, they’ll have to report to Leo, who will inform them that the gnomes of Lawandia are under attack from the forces of Azafrán. He’ll lead them to a mountain pass that will take them to Lawandia. Once they arrive in the gnomish town, the PCs will have to fight through Azafrán’s forces (which are being supplemented by Organization agents). Lawandia’s mayor asks the PCs to go to Azulona where the Organization has taken several gnomes hostage.

Unfortunately the PCs learn that the road to Azulona has been barricaded by Azafrán’s armies and the only way to get through is to use the abandoned sewer systems. Far below the city the PCs will have to fight their way past all sorts of monsters (oozes, troglodytes, and the like). Once they get to the other side of the sewers the journey to Azulona should be safe enough.

The city of Azulona is one of the oldest cities in Bacainn. Much of the city retains its original technology, but ever since the current warlord took over she’s been slowly absorbing the city back into the surrounding forest, concerning many of the citizens who, understandably, like having their city remain a true city. Their concern is so great that they’ve been supporting the Organization’s attempts to off the warlord. In fact, a few Organization Agents can be found walking freely through the town.

After either asking around or simply following the Agents, the PCs learn that the Organization’s city headquarters is at the gambling hall/drug den. They can attempt to enter it, but the bouncer will stop them unless they have I.D.s. Try as they might, the bouncer won’t let them in, and if they attack him the city guard will show up and arrest them.

A more diplomatic solution would be to go the city’s inn and pub or to simply ask around Azulona as to where they can get their hands on some I.D.s (or make fakes). Eventually an old woman will tell them to see Eugene, a man that lives in the slums of the town.
Eugene is suspicious of the PCs, as he has absolutely no idea who they are. However, he’s very greedy and will help them out in exchange for a good amount of gold. Making fake I.D.s will take him the better part of a day, so they should stop by again tomorrow. Once outside, the PCs will find themselves face to face with several Organization Agents who happened to “overhear” that people were looking for I.D.s to get into their den.

Things look grim for the PCs, who are outnumbered at least 2:1, but suddenly Garrett and his friends arrive, evening the fight quite a bit. Once the Agents are defeated, Garrett will talk about how he doesn’t care for the Organization or how they use fear tactics to cow the masses. His next plan is to wipe out the Organization’s presence in Azulona, but he doesn’t know where they’re based. If a PC divulges this information, Garrett will suggest that one of the groups disguise themselves as Agents and sneak into the den. As he is fair and honorable in his own way, Garrett will allow the PCs the honor of infiltrating the base while his party secures the perimeters and make sure that Agents don’t escape.

I might have to fix up the order of events. Can't remember off the top of my head whether the Game Corner comes before or after Lavender Tower. I'm thinking it's after.

More to come later, I want to take a break for a little while.

Alabastia (Pallet Town)- Humans, Halflings
Vertania (Viridian City)- Elves, Humans, Dwarves
Marmoria (Pewter City)- Dwarves, Goliaths
Azuria (Cerulean City)- Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes
Port Galsaek (Vermilion City)- Humans, Hobgoblins, Elves, Halflings
Lawandia (Lavender Town)- Humans, Gnomes
Azulona City (Celadon City)- Humans, Elves, Halflings
Azafrán (Saffron City)- Humans, Elves, Halflings, Gnomes, Hobgoblins, Kalashtar
Parmanie City (Fuchsia City)- Drow, Humans
Isla Canela (Cinnabar Island)- Kobolds
Meseta (Indigo Plateau)

2011-11-01, 09:27 PM
Yay! Im helping! :)

We are looking for feedback and appreciate any ideas. One of the key things for us is to make it possible for the players to guess it is following pokemon, but not giving it away. For example, before the players fight "Brock" they will be fighting an Earth Elemental that is roughly snake shaped. It seems obvious but when it isnt explaned as a pokemon reference only the most extreme pokemon geeks will get it.

As far as awnsering questions, Ill do my best. I do know most of the information. But this is Tempestmans idea, so he may know more than I do.

2011-11-01, 09:55 PM
Holy crap this is the most awesome idea ever. No lie. :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-01, 10:06 PM
Try your best to limit swift travel options, mainly teleport, but also things like Pane Shift or travel on the Plane of Shadow. A big thing in Pokemon games is limiting where you can go through judicious use of HM obstacles and NPC's requesting MacGuffins or not moving for some non-sensical reason not related to the thing that makes them move.

If you have a Wizard, make a point that they can't find a Scroll of Teleport to scribe it into their books. Sorcerer, I'm not sure how to regulate that.

As for plot, make sure there is a cave in or avalanche or something similar that blocks "Mt. Moon" as a possible route back. Make sure that "Oak" has a bit of tech that survived the war, mainly a form of cell phone. It doesn't have to be exactly a cell phone nor function always, just when you need it for him to contact the party and ask them to do whatever. Since the party and "Oak" are the only ones with one (as far as they now) it can't be broken. Make sure "Oak" wants the party to catalouge creatures they fight. But don't give them a gizmo that survived the war otherwise it be too obvious. If the party ask, making him get made and tell them to use paper. The highest-Int character can record info on enemies after battles and can use them as a log and a circumstance bonus to Knowledge checks for later fights. Such as they automatically know what they observed last time (assuming they recorded it) and gives a bonus to learn more (don't just hand out info).

I'll think of more but thats what I got now.

2011-11-01, 10:20 PM
While I agree that having the players have to actually catch and train different monsters might change the game too much, I think it'd be really cool to refluff some monsters as Pokemon. Shouldn't be too tough to do, and it'd really add the experience, imho. Hell, you even already have random encounter tables (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mt_Moon#1F) ready to go. That links to your random encounter table for Mt. Moon, where you'll run into Zubats (bat swarms (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/bat/bat-swarm) with an attack that can cause confusion for 1 round), Geodudes (small earth elementals (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/elemental/elemental-earth/small-earth-elemental)), and less commonly Paras (perhaps a Small-sized Ankheg (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/ankheg) with a sleep attack instead of an acid spit?) and extremely rarely, a Clefairy (perhaps a squat, fat Pixie (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/pixie)?). Those links are all to pathfinder, but you get my point. You can still populate the world with "Pokemon" that they can figure out without having to go into catching and training. I now if I was playing, I'd think that was fun. Just my $.02

2011-11-01, 10:32 PM
Easist way to stop teleporting etc. is to say no. It dosne't exist in this game, because it would break the world. You tell the players it dosen't work. It may upset them but it works.

2011-11-01, 10:37 PM
Holy crap this is the most awesome idea ever. No lie. :smallbiggrin:

Thanks for the encouragement!

While I agree that having the players have to actually catch and train different monsters might change the game too much, I think it'd be really cool to refluff some monsters as Pokemon. Shouldn't be too tough to do, and it'd really add the experience, imho. Hell, you even already have random encounter tables (http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mt_Moon#1F) ready to go. That links to your random encounter table for Mt. Moon, where you'll run into Zubats (bat swarms (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/bat/bat-swarm) with an attack that can cause confusion for 1 round), Geodudes (small earth elementals (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/elemental/elemental-earth/small-earth-elemental)), and less commonly Paras (perhaps a Small-sized Ankheg (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/magical-beasts/ankheg) with a sleep attack instead of an acid spit?) and extremely rarely, a Clefairy (perhaps a squat, fat Pixie (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/fey/pixie)?). Those links are all to pathfinder, but you get my point. You can still populate the world with "Pokemon" that they can figure out without having to go into catching and training. I now if I was playing, I'd think that was fun. Just my $.02

We'll definitely have some Pokemon inspired monsters like Dire Rat (Rattata), Tarrasque (Nidoking), Bat Swarm (Zubat), Nightmare (Rapidash), Hell Hound (Growlithe), etc. Different trainer types will be represented by different hostile NPCs.

Tenno Seremel
2011-11-02, 02:30 AM
Make sure "Oak" wants the party to catalouge creatures they fight.

This needs to be rea-a-aly obscure worded otherwise it might tingle spider senses very fast. Mine just did.

2011-11-02, 02:35 AM
Make sure that "Oak" has a bit of tech that survived the war, mainly a form of cell phone. It doesn't have to be exactly a cell phone nor function always, just when you need it for him to contact the party and ask them to do whatever. Since the party and "Oak" are the only ones with one (as far as they now) it can't be broken.

Sending Stones, Magic Item Compendium page 184. Cheap, too (1400gp)

2011-11-02, 07:57 AM
This needs to be rea-a-aly obscure worded otherwise it might tingle spider senses very fast. Mine just did.

Since they're primarily working as scouts, I think we'll have "Oak" just ask to record what monsters and opposing forces are in the nearby area. For safety of course!

Elbion has completed making "Brock" and will hopefully post it soon. Right now all of the Gym Leaders are going to make use of caster classes or martial adept classes.

EDIT: Updated the first two posts. And anyone that wants to help with the project can either post on this thread or PM either myself or Elbion.

2011-11-02, 08:58 AM
Sending Stones, Magic Item Compendium page 184. Cheap, too (1400gp)

Perfect. Thanks!

2011-11-02, 09:00 AM
This needs to be rea-a-aly obscure worded otherwise it might tingle spider senses very fast. Mine just did.

Ha, or Tempestman and I could do what we normally do when people start catching on. Somthing along the lines of "Shup up. You can tell me what you think later, but for now. Shut up"

2011-11-02, 09:35 AM
This is the best idea ever. Are you going to have a Phoenix, a Cryo-Phoenix, and a Thunder Roc flying around? Pathfinder has the most terrifying bulbasaur (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/qlippoth/qlippoth-cythnigot) you could ever want.

When they visit the mayor...is he going to give them their choice of a wyrmling, a dinosaur, or an advanced turtle?

2011-11-02, 09:35 AM
Thought occured, why not keep the naming patterns that were orginally used. For example, Oak should be named after a tree but use a very obscure one or in a different language. Like the Japenese word for the cherry tree. Same with cities which are all colors. Again don't just name them odd colors, which are still identifiable, but colors in different languages. Portugese, Russian, Greek, and Japanese could give you plenty of fatansy-names which are secretly following a pattern.

When reaching Cerulean City, make sure Robur contacts them and askes them to find Bill, who I personally think should be named John. Both Robur and John are scientests trying to re-invent technology after the war but are seperated. The party can help reestablish contact and have another friendly character to fall on.

Of course Misty should be the end of the obligatory underwater/sewer dungeon. She and her minions should use geurilla tatics to catch the party off gaurd out of their element, never staying around for more than a 2 or 3 rounds. Shaughin I believe would be good for aquaticness. Or possibly Lizardfolk as well. Maybe Naga's but I think they are too powerful at where the party should be.

Thats another thing, how are you going to have them progess in levels? 2 levels per badge so by the time they get to the Indigo Plateau they'll be 17 or 18 and hit 20 when they reach it? Or for a slower, less high powered game, 1 level per gym and some of the Organization events should be worth a level, like when they go into the casino or into the Slyph Co. building.

Be careful with the Birds being dieties. Those become red flags faster than asking to catalogue creatures they fight. Especially when the make the following connections:
All are bird
Have some kind of element associated with them or special domain
thos correspond with the legendary birds from pokemon RBY and GSC

2011-11-02, 01:52 PM
Thought occured, why not keep the naming patterns that were orginally used. For example, Oak should be named after a tree but use a very obscure one or in a different language. Like the Japenese word for the cherry tree. Same with cities which are all colors. Again don't just name them odd colors, which are still identifiable, but colors in different languages. Portugese, Russian, Greek, and Japanese could give you plenty of fatansy-names which are secretly following a pattern.

When reaching Cerulean City, make sure Robur contacts them and askes them to find Bill, who I personally think should be named John. Both Robur and John are scientests trying to re-invent technology after the war but are seperated. The party can help reestablish contact and have another friendly character to fall on.

Of course Misty should be the end of the obligatory underwater/sewer dungeon. She and her minions should use geurilla tatics to catch the party off gaurd out of their element, never staying around for more than a 2 or 3 rounds. Shaughin I believe would be good for aquaticness. Or possibly Lizardfolk as well. Maybe Naga's but I think they are too powerful at where the party should be.

Thats another thing, how are you going to have them progess in levels? 2 levels per badge so by the time they get to the Indigo Plateau they'll be 17 or 18 and hit 20 when they reach it? Or for a slower, less high powered game, 1 level per gym and some of the Organization events should be worth a level, like when they go into the casino or into the Slyph Co. building.

Be careful with the Birds being dieties. Those become red flags faster than asking to catalogue creatures they fight. Especially when the make the following connections:
All are bird
Have some kind of element associated with them or special domain
thos correspond with the legendary birds from pokemon RBY and GSC

Robur is the second half of the Latin name for Oak Tree. The town names are being worked on, but I'm not sure what language I want to use. The working name for Kanto right now is Bacainn (Irish for Barrier, Kanto meaning "East of the Barrier" in Japanese), so I'll probably use Irish names for the Human towns, Welsh for the Elvish towns, Norse for the Dwarf towns, and other languages for the remaining towns.

Right now I'm concerned with making a new Kanto map.

2011-11-02, 01:58 PM
Robur is the second half of the Latin name for Oak Tree. The town names are being worked on, but I'm not sure what language I want to use. The working name for Kanto right now is Bacainn (Irish for Barrier, Kanto meaning "East of the Barrier" in Japanese), so I'll probably use Irish names for the Human towns, Welsh for the Elvish towns, Norse for the Dwarf towns, and other languages for the remaining towns.

Right now I'm concerned with making a new Kanto map.

OO! Thats much better than what I was suggesting. Continue with that. What about my other questions.

2011-11-02, 02:22 PM
Right now I'm concerned with making a new Kanto map.

Rotate it 90 degrees.

If you don't like that, rotate it 90 degrees again.

If you don't like that, rotate it 90 degrees again?

I feel like if the map is done in a very different style it won't be too noticeable. Make sure the roads aren't as straight as they are in the Pokemon games.

2011-11-02, 03:25 PM
Of course Misty should be the end of the obligatory underwater/sewer dungeon. She and her minions should use geurilla tatics to catch the party off gaurd out of their element, never staying around for more than a 2 or 3 rounds. Shaughin I believe would be good for aquaticness. Or possibly Lizardfolk as well. Maybe Naga's but I think they are too powerful at where the party should be.

Thats another thing, how are you going to have them progess in levels? 2 levels per badge so by the time they get to the Indigo Plateau they'll be 17 or 18 and hit 20 when they reach it? Or for a slower, less high powered game, 1 level per gym and some of the Organization events should be worth a level, like when they go into the casino or into the Slyph Co. building.

Be careful with the Birds being dieties. Those become red flags faster than asking to catalogue creatures they fight. Especially when the make the following connections:
All are bird
Have some kind of element associated with them or special domain
thos correspond with the legendary birds from pokemon RBY and GSC

The original idea was 2 levels per "gym". The gym is going to be more of a fortress. Remember each "leader" is more like a warlord now and they will be attacking his headquarters. And the orginazation events were supposed to be a big deal. Especially Billy and Kid (Jesse and James). We are also putting in the rival. But now it will be 4-6 of them (same # as party). The idea is everytime it is a non-lethal duel to see who is the better party now.

Misty Misty Misty. The sahaugin idea is a good one and Im probably gonna use that.

Birds as dieties makes sense. But you make a good point it may get pointed out realitivly quickly. But do you have an alternate? Because otherwise it might become as simple as changing them from birds to other things.

Just to clarifiy, Tempestman is focusing more on the plot, map, basic npcs etc. Where I am primarily working on bosses, thier lairs, and thier minons. So while we can both awnser your question, you may want to ask a specific one of us.

2011-11-02, 03:41 PM
The original idea was 2 levels per "gym". The gym is going to be more of a fortress. Remember each "leader" is more like a warlord now and they will be attacking his headquarters. And the orginazation events were supposed to be a big deal. Especially Billy and Kid (Jesse and James). We are also putting in the rival. But now it will be 4-6 of them (same # as party). The idea is everytime it is a non-lethal duel to see who is the better party now.

Misty Misty Misty. The sahaugin idea is a good one and Im probably gonna use that.

Birds as dieties makes sense. But you make a good point it may get pointed out realitivly quickly. But do you have an alternate? Because otherwise it might become as simple as changing them from birds to other things.

Just to clarifiy, Tempestman is focusing more on the plot, map, basic npcs etc. Where I am primarily working on bosses, thier lairs, and thier minons. So while we can both awnser your question, you may want to ask a specific one of us.

An easy way to avoid red flagging the birds is to not describe their physical appearence. Being birds is the main connector to Pokemon, everything else is just extra evidence. Without actually being birds, they are less likely to figure it out but its not impossible. Possibly let them meet avatars of them, which are actually birds, later in the campaign if they hadn't figured it out yet. If the players ask for a description of the gods, make the actual dieties be non-birds, though still closely related to the concept. Then their avatars/representatives/etc. on the Material Plane are the respective birds.

Misty's fort should definatly be in the middle of the lake/river that runs by Cerulean City. Bonus points if you can make it submerge and surface as needed. Capitalize on the ability to breathe and act underwater normally. Twisting passages, partially above water partially below. Wide open corridors with random deep zones (-20 to spot above the knee-high water) that lead to various other rooms. Great for guerilla attacks. To the PCs, it will look like a large open corridor partially filled with water. Until one of them falls into one and the shaughin start ambushing them. Bonus if the water level is controlled by some sort of switch that the party can use if they find it.

EDIT: Make at least one underwater passage that ends in a dead end with a Dispel Magic trap to dispel magically ways of water breathing. Make them think twice before randomly diving into deep pools.

2011-11-02, 03:41 PM
For deities I might switch it to the Legendary Beasts, or possibly the three Regii from Ruby and Sapphire. They have to be a Pokemon reference obviously, but not too obvious.

And for the Organization, I'm feeling a Mafia-Style group that wears Plague Doctor style get up. Obviously we're going for a darker feel with in many parts of the campaign.

Then there's the issue of technology. Before the war the tech-level was typical steampunk/magitech, but the battles waged across the land destroyed most industry, especially once the Abhorrent One (Mewtwo) was completed and unleashed upon the world. The mansion (Asylum) was completely destroyed, and that was the pinnacle of technology. The halflings on Cinnabar Island are barely used to their freedom from the Organization.

Sorry if I rambled a little. Ideas just started to hit me.


2011-11-02, 03:45 PM
@MesiDoomstalker: If you want to help out with dungeon design please join us. I'm a poor dungeon designer (not bashing Elbion, but I don't know his skill level for that, I just know he's a min-maxing fiend). We both have some ideas, but the more the merrier.

2011-11-02, 03:49 PM
@MesiDoomstalker: If you want to help out with dungeon design please join us. I'm a poor dungeon designer (not bashing Elbion, but I don't know his skill level for that, I just know he's a min-maxing fiend). We both have some ideas, but the more the merrier.

I'd love to help you guys. Is this a play-by-post or IRL game?

2011-11-02, 04:10 PM
I'd love to help you guys. Is this a play-by-post or IRL game?

IRL, but we do have a few things up on myth-weavers.

And min-max fiend? I can if I need to to survive a stupid hard campagin or if im told to min-max the bosses...

Misty is great and all. But we havent even started Brocks fortress yet. Or his minions.

2011-11-02, 04:19 PM
IRL, but we do have a few things up on myth-weavers.

And min-max fiend? I can if I need to to survive a stupid hard campagin or if im told to min-max the bosses...

Misty is great and all. But we havent even started Brocks fortress yet. Or his minions.

hmmm.....Brock...I have class soon but once thats done I'll post some ideas.

2011-11-02, 04:29 PM
The only problem I see with this is starting at level 1 on a quest where being randomly attacked in the wilderness is both thematically appropriate and likely.

As a friend of mine likes to say, "At level 1, a greatsword is a save or die. Make an AC save or die."

Starting at level 3 wouldn't hurt. Have the first gym leander be level 4-5, and up the gym leader level by 2 each time, with the Elite 4 being level 20/21.

2011-11-02, 04:32 PM
For Meowth, I assume you're thinking either Tibbit or Awakened Cat?
Oh god, how I would love to play in this campaign.

Permission to steal this idea for my next campaign, please!

For Brock.. Rock Hurler? That'd be fun.

2011-11-02, 05:03 PM
For Meowth, I assume you're thinking either Tibbit or Awakened Cat?
Oh god, how I would love to play in this campaign.

Permission to steal this idea for my next campaign, please!

For Brock.. Rock Hurler? That'd be fun.

Brock is done. He has been made, what hasent been done is his fortress or his minions.

And permission to steal the idea? Umm, thats why were posting it up here... Go for it!

And awakend cat rogue

2011-11-02, 05:05 PM
The only problem I see with this is starting at level 1 on a quest where being randomly attacked in the wilderness is both thematically appropriate and likely.

As a friend of mine likes to say, "At level 1, a greatsword is a save or die. Make an AC save or die."

Starting at level 3 wouldn't hurt. Have the first gym leander be level 4-5, and up the gym leader level by 2 each time, with the Elite 4 being level 20/21.

Well in each town there will be a free healer (nurse) so the party will always enter the combat zones full. And what lvl 1 enemy gets a greatsword? Lvl 1 baddies get spears and 8 str.

Tenno Seremel
2011-11-02, 05:16 PM
You can try to use dragons as god birds, I think. Assuming you can find/create one of appropriate level and power.

2011-11-02, 05:24 PM
You can try to use dragons as god birds, I think. Assuming you can find/create one of appropriate level and power.

Hmm, that might just work.

2011-11-02, 05:26 PM
This idea sounds awesome!

I have a suggestion of as another small pokemon reference, every player gets Wild Cohort as a bonus feat, and say they only get the flaming lizard, the electric rat, the beast with a bulb on it's back and a water tortoise.

2011-11-02, 05:58 PM
This idea sounds awesome!

I have a suggestion of as another small pokemon reference, every player gets Wild Cohort as a bonus feat, and say they only get the flaming lizard, the electric rat, the beast with a bulb on it's back and a water tortoise.


The cohort is a good idea, but wayyyyyyyy to obvoius. Everyone would get it. The idea is to leave hints but make it difficult to guess.

2011-11-02, 06:10 PM
You could make a wizard that travels the world, determined to learn every spell that exists (who naturally wants to be a magic master :smallwink:)

2011-11-02, 06:23 PM
First of all, if this is being posted in the wrong forum let me know. This is the first time I've ventured off of the homebrew forum. Anyway, now to business...

I want to create a campaign for my players that takes them from levels 1 to 20 and is loosely based off of the storyline of Pokemon Red and Blue. The catch is there won't be any Pokemon.

"But how?" you ask. "Pokemon without Pokemon? Impossible!"

The thing is, I want to throw in enough references that I can sport my knowing grin while withholding just enough information to keep the players in the dark (unless they are particularly perceptive players). So while the players will adventure in what is based off of Kanto, there won't be any adorable creatures to catch and train. Instead there will be monsters, bandits, assassins, ninjas, and all kinds of nasties.

Now obviously Pokemon is too high-tech to fit into D&D's generic time frame, but I have a solution to that as well. Now many of you may be aware of this theory (http://jiggmin.com/threads/58477-Pokemon-Conspiracy-Theories?p=1352133&viewfull=1#post1352133). Basically the lack of adult males (excluding older teens and senior citizens) is due to a war that basically wiped out an entire generation of people and destroyed any semblance of government order. The only reason that people aren't fighting is because they're tired of the war's violence.

Now my idea is to take the plot from Red and Blue and translate it into a postwar steampunk setting where each town is ruled by a warlord or baron (Gym Leader). As appropriate, each of these warlords is based off of a certain theme. The war destroyed most technology and caused banks of smog cover the landscape, confusing and slowly killing the people that attempt the flee the land.

And typing that paragraph just made me realize how similar this is starting to sound to Eberron and Ravenloft...

Anyway, the plans for the Gym Leaders (Warlords) and Elite Four (Echelon) are as follows:

Brock: Goliath (Warblade 1/Barbarian 1)
Misty: Wu Jen
Lt. Surge: Duskblade/Ranger
Erika: Druid
Sabrina: Psion
Koga: Swordsage/Ninja
Blaine: Favored Soul focused on fire damage
Giovanni: Blackguard/Something (Crusader most likely) with a Tarrasque in place of his Nidoking

Lorelei: Unknown
Bruno: Warblade, Swordsage (Unarmed Variant), or Crusader
Agatha: Dread Necromancer (Possibly a Necropolitan)
Lance: Crusader with a Gold Dragon Mount

Garrett: Based on the party

"Mewtwo": Custom Aberration (Wilder or Psion)

After they defeat the Elite Four the party will get a chance to defeat Mewtwo, which will be a very powerful psionic aberration of some sort. I'm going to post plot points on the next post. Also, it's important to note that ElbionTosscoble is helping me with this campaign, so he can answer any questions.

*Looks at the above*

Curses! Why'd you have to invent something this great when the English language doesn't have the words to describe how awesome this is?

2011-11-02, 06:55 PM
I second the idea of using dragons as the Legendary birds. They're already even color-coded within the game for your convenience!

Articuno: White
Zapdos: Blue or maybe yellow if you want the color more than the element.
Moltres: Red
Lugia: Silver
Ho-oh: Gold

And I think making an advanced, custom Cerebrilith would be a nifty way to make Mewtwo that wouldn't tip off the players.

2011-11-02, 09:38 PM
Ok back from class a few ideas for Brock's fortress. Obviously it should be hewn from pure stone. It could be a regular old fort but have no visible entry points (except above the walls, but thats beyond the capabilities of the party at this point). The only entry points is a series of caves that run all through out the town. They have secret access to all buildings and no one knows it, or maybe a few people do but don't want to cause trouble. The party will have to brave the depths to reach Brock. The tunnels should be long and twisting, not heading directly towards the fort. The closer the tunnels get, the larger they become but the more branches and the more confusing maze of tunnels. At the entrances the tunnels should only be tall and wide enough for a single dwarf to walk through comfortably. That way the party has to walk single file.

As for enemies, at this level your more or less regulated to Small and Medium Earth Elementals and Goliaths and Dwarves with class levels. The Medium Earth Elementals are a bit strong so they should be used as Elite Mooks and along with Brock in the final confrontation. Utilize the narrow tunnels and the Earth Glide ability of the Small Elementals to box in the party and attack from all sides. They have rather high AC for 2-3 level PCs but will die in a hit or two. Gauge how many the party can handle without having to retreat. Occasionally run into gaurd dwarf or goliath when the tunnels get larger. A few pit fall traps or other rock themed traps.

The final battle should take place in the courtyard or the main entrance hall. I was thinking something like the final arena be surrounded by stone pillars. If the PCs try to get creative and try to knock the pillars out, have Small Earth Elementals come out and try to fix it by incorporating their body into the pillar. Brock should be accompanied by 2 maybe 3 Medium Earth Elementals and as many Small Elementals as you'd think would be approriate for minions. Or Goliath/Dwarves if you prefer they fight more intelligent, Humanoid enemies.

2011-11-02, 10:27 PM
*Looks at the above*

Curses! Why'd you have to invent something this great when the English language doesn't have the words to describe how awesome this is?

Yeah, Tempestman is pretty much a nerd

2011-11-02, 10:32 PM
Ok back from class a few ideas for Brock's fortress. Obviously it should be hewn from pure stone. It could be a regular old fort but have no visible entry points (except above the walls, but thats beyond the capabilities of the party at this point). The only entry points is a series of caves that run all through out the town. They have secret access to all buildings and no one knows it, or maybe a few people do but don't want to cause trouble. The party will have to brave the depths to reach Brock. The tunnels should be long and twisting, not heading directly towards the fort. The closer the tunnels get, the larger they become but the more branches and the more confusing maze of tunnels. At the entrances the tunnels should only be tall and wide enough for a single dwarf to walk through comfortably. That way the party has to walk single file.

This was more or less what I was thinking. Ill have something up on mythweavers soon.

As for enemies, at this level your more or less regulated to Small and Medium Earth Elementals and Goliaths and Dwarves with class levels. The Medium Earth Elementals are a bit strong so they should be used as Elite Mooks and along with Brock in the final confrontation. Utilize the narrow tunnels and the Earth Glide ability of the Small Elementals to box in the party and attack from all sides. They have rather high AC for 2-3 level PCs but will die in a hit or two. Gauge how many the party can handle without having to retreat. Occasionally run into gaurd dwarf or goliath when the tunnels get larger. A few pit fall traps or other rock themed traps.

Again mostly what I was thinking. But the ellys surrounding may be a bit advanced for lvl 3.

The final battle should take place in the courtyard or the main entrance hall. I was thinking something like the final arena be surrounded by stone pillars. If the PCs try to get creative and try to knock the pillars out, have Small Earth Elementals come out and try to fix it by incorporating their body into the pillar. Brock should be accompanied by 2 maybe 3 Medium Earth Elementals and as many Small Elementals as you'd think would be approriate for minions. Or Goliath/Dwarves if you prefer they fight more intelligent, Humanoid enemies.

Umm... Brock isnt gonna have minons in his room. You gotta understand, hes using a large maul with 20 str (unraged, 24 raged). Base dmg is 1d12+8 (+11 raged)

His initiative is +7 so he has a very solid chance of going first.

He starts off by raging (8 rounds) and using Minator Charge. From ToB so he bull rushes with extra dmg. Then proceeds to Steel Wind and hit 2 people. Then he uses Mighty Throw and picks up a caster and throws them 10 ft. Then he just flays out and starts kicking ass.

Hps? 32 raged.

His flaw is that fact that his ac is 10. Raged 8.

Brock DOESNT NEED HELP! This guy could kill your average lvl 6 fighter in a heart beat.

What we need is a clever way to HELP the PC's. Not hinder them.

2011-11-02, 10:34 PM
I second the idea of using dragons as the Legendary birds. They're already even color-coded within the game for your convenience!

Articuno: White
Zapdos: Blue or maybe yellow if you want the color more than the element.
Moltres: Red
Lugia: Silver
Ho-oh: Gold

And I think making an advanced, custom Cerebrilith would be a nifty way to make Mewtwo that wouldn't tip off the players.

Yeah, we are also considering using the legendary beasts. The dogs from the next world (Jhonto? I need to brush up on my pokemon)

Tenno Seremel
2011-11-02, 10:40 PM
I need to brush up on my pokemon

Might be relevant: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Region. Well, Bulbapedia in general.

2011-11-02, 10:40 PM
Umm... Brock isnt gonna have minons in his room. You gotta understand, hes using a large maul with 20 str (unraged, 24 raged). Base dmg is 1d12+8 (+11 raged)

His initiative is +7 so he has a very solid chance of going first.

He starts off by raging (8 rounds) and using Minator Charge. From ToB so he bull rushes with extra dmg. Then proceeds to Steel Wind and hit 2 people. Then he just flays out and starts kicking ass.

Hps? 32 raged.

His flaw is that fact that his ac is 10. Raged 8.

What we need is a clever way to HELP the PC's. Not hinder them.

This info would of been useful for my suggestions. I had no idea besides "Goliath Warblade/Barbarian" I assumed 1 level of each, maybe an extra one of Warblade. Assuming 3rd level for the fight, you have a decent shot of one-shotting Low-Con d8, moderat con d6, and d4 classes. So thats fine. If you need suggestions to help the party, lowering his optimization would do the trick. But baring that, include some kind of enviromental hazard the PC's can take advantage of agianst a Raging Goliath. Like pillars they can make him attack with Readied Move actions. Or having a pit fall trap left open they could goad him into. Or have him easily distracted by taunting from the meat shield.

2011-11-02, 10:43 PM
This info would of been useful for my suggestions. I had no idea besides "Goliath Warblade/Barbarian" I assumed 1 level of each, maybe an extra one of Warblade. Assuming 3rd level for the fight, you have a decent shot of one-shotting Low-Con d8, moderat con d6, and d4 classes. So thats fine. If you need suggestions to help the party, lowering his optimization would do the trick. But baring that, include some kind of enviromental hazard the PC's can take advantage of agianst a Raging Goliath. Like pillars they can make him attack with Readied Move actions. Or having a pit fall trap left open they could goad him into. Or have him easily distracted by taunting from the meat shield.

The idea is that he is only looking to fight the strongest. So basically we send him after the "tank"ish person in the party.

2011-11-02, 10:44 PM
Might be relevant: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Region. Well, Bulbapedia in general.

Ahh this is perfect! Thanks!

2011-11-02, 10:53 PM
Yeah, we are also considering using the legendary beasts. The dogs from the next world (Jhonto? I need to brush up on my pokemon)

Do you mean using the other legendary beasts as gods or random encounters?

For Reference, they're names are Raikou (lightning), Entei (fire), & Suicune (water).

2011-11-02, 10:59 PM
Do you mean using the other legendary beasts as gods or random encounters?

For Reference, they're names are Raikou (lightning), Entei (fire), & Suicune (water).

Gods, as random boss encounters we've got the Organization (Team Rocket) and Gary's replacment (whos name is eluding me at this moment).

Also I think Elbion (My charecter) and Priam (Tempestman's charecter) may be making an entrance somewhere. Like to replace Zapados when he comes down at the, the, the uhh... Something Tower? I really need to refresh my Pokemon.

2011-11-02, 11:04 PM
If you need suggestions to help the party, lowering his optimization would do the trick.

Bah. I was told to min-max all the gym leaders. So I did.

2011-11-02, 11:07 PM
Bah. I was told to min-max all the gym leaders. So I did.

And thats fine. But you were expecting answers when I wasn't given sufficient info to work on. Telling us his build earlier would of provoked more and better responses.

2011-11-02, 11:25 PM
You could make a wizard that travels the world, determined to learn every spell that exists (who naturally wants to be a magic master :smallwink:)

Ha! I think Red was going to make an apperance somewhere. But you gotta ask Tempestman about the plot details.

2011-11-02, 11:30 PM
Random name input:

Kalduryi, a White Dragon to replace Articuno (Kaldur is, according to Google Translate, Icelandic for Cool. Yi is Mandarin Chinese for 1)
Zweleiftur, a Bronze Dragon to replace Zapdos (Leiftur is (again, via Google Translate), Icelandic for Flash, and Zwei is German for 2)
Pyrkagiasan, a Red Dragon to replace Moltres (Pyrkagias is the phonetic translation of Fire in Greek according to Google Translate, and San is Mandarin for 3)

The colors are close. The elements are Ice, Lightning, and Fire. Unless your players speak German or Icelandic, I find it difficult to believe they will guess the references.

2011-11-02, 11:37 PM
Random name input:

Kalduryi, a White Dragon to replace Articuno (Kaldur is, according to Google Translate, Icelandic for Cool. Yi is Mandarin Chinese for 1)
Zweleiftur, a Bronze Dragon to replace Zapdos (Leiftur is (again, via Google Translate), Icelandic for Flash, and Zwei is German for 2)
Pyrkagiasan, a Red Dragon to replace Moltres (Pyrkagias is the phonetic translation of Fire in Greek according to Google Translate, and San is Mandarin for 3)

The colors are close. The elements are Ice, Lightning, and Fire. Unless your players speak German or Icelandic, I find it difficult to believe they will guess the references.

Nice! This looks great!

2011-11-02, 11:46 PM
Potential Plot Point (Shamelessly stolen from the Nuzlocke comic): The three legendary birds (refluffed/statted as dragons), are keystones, being used to maintain a binding on Mewtwo(refluffed/statted to whatever epic creature is desired. Whatever it is it should clearly be the strongest thing in this world). As the PCs defeat the Warlords/Gym Leaders, who were keeping the Legendary Birds in check, these birds begin attacking randomly, leading the PCs to slay the dragons/birds as is expected of heroes.

Once the third is destroyed, Mewtwo's prison is weakened and he begins reaching out, manipulating events, killing people, destroying things, and nobody can quite figure out the cause for these events. As the prison weakens he grows stronger, the events happen more frequently, climaxing with him breaking out completely around the time that the party takes down the Elite Four/Champion.

2011-11-02, 11:54 PM
Lorelei could just be a cloistered cleric with the snowsight/obscuring snow trick who uses Ice Axe and Cone of Cold... and a Remorhaz companion.

2011-11-02, 11:56 PM
Lorelei could just be a cloistered cleric with the snowsight/obscuring snow trick who uses Ice Axe and Cone of Cold... and a Remorhaz companion.

IIRC, she was a very bookish type. So this makes perfect sense!

2011-11-03, 12:11 AM
Updated the plot line post. I'm just beginning to realize how much dialogue I'll have to write up. Of course I can just play from the game and use that haha.

2011-11-03, 12:19 AM
I might have to fix up the order of events. Can't remember off the top of my head whether the Game Corner comes before or after Lavender Tower. I'm thinking it's after.

Game Corner isn't until Celadon which should be the next stop after Lavender Town, IIRC. Another "secret tunnel" lets you skip Saffron City.

2011-11-03, 05:16 AM
You could have the legendary dogs be linnorms; they are basically wingless, primordial dragons. The only stats I know of online are for Pathfinder, but a conversion shouldn't be too much trouble. I'll post them when I can find them.

2011-11-03, 07:59 AM
Game Corner isn't until Celadon which should be the next stop after Lavender Town, IIRC. Another "secret tunnel" lets you skip Saffron City.

I think you're right, but something tells me the Game Corner itself is before the Pokemon Tower for some reason. I'll have to read the old plot on Bulbapedia.

EDIT: I remember now, the Tower is haunted so you have to beat the Game Corner and then the Silph Co. in order to get the scope that lets you see ghosts!

2011-11-03, 08:17 AM
I think you're right, but something tells me the Game Corner itself is before the Pokemon Tower for some reason. I'll have to read the old plot on Bulbapedia.

EDIT: I remember now, the Tower is haunted so you have to beat the Game Corner and then the Silph Co. in order to get the scope that lets you see ghosts!

Oh right, this is the point of the game that gets annoying having to run around and figure what the fudge your supposed to be doing.

2011-11-03, 08:19 AM
Umm... Brock isnt gonna have minons in his room. You gotta understand, hes using a large maul with 20 str (unraged, 24 raged). Base dmg is 1d12+8 (+11 raged)

His initiative is +7 so he has a very solid chance of going first.

He starts off by raging (8 rounds) and using Minator Charge. From ToB so he bull rushes with extra dmg. Then proceeds to Steel Wind and hit 2 people. Then he uses Mighty Throw and picks up a caster and throws them 10 ft. Then he just flays out and starts kicking ass.

Hps? 32 raged.

His flaw is that fact that his ac is 10. Raged 8.

Brock DOESNT NEED HELP! This guy could kill your average lvl 6 fighter in a heart beat.

What we need is a clever way to HELP the PC's. Not hinder them.

Let the players find a "Hidden Machine" with a large 5 painted on it that causes a really bright flash. This flash can light up caverns but also stuns "Brock" for 2 rounds.

2 rounds uninterrupted wailing on Brock should make the fight pretty even.

2011-11-03, 08:49 AM
Let the players find a "Hidden Machine" with a large 5 painted on it that causes a really bright flash. This flash can light up caverns but also stuns "Brock" for 2 rounds.

2 rounds uninterrupted wailing on Brock should make the fight pretty even.

Maybe not something so obvious, but definetly a good idea.

2011-11-03, 11:05 AM
Perhaps make it something like a magic mechanical lamp? Say a command word, it glows like a daylight spell. Say another word, and it flashes extremely brightly. Everyone within radius X who has their eyes open must make a DC (whatever) reflex save or be blinded for Y rounds. Don't give Brock the Blind-Fight feat, and you should be good to go. 50% miss chance is not something to sneeze at.

2011-11-03, 11:11 AM
I think you're right, but something tells me the Game Corner itself is before the Pokemon Tower for some reason. I'll have to read the old plot on Bulbapedia.

EDIT: I remember now, the Tower is haunted so you have to beat the Game Corner and then the Silph Co. in order to get the scope that lets you see ghosts!

Well, you get to Lavender Town before Celadon, obviously. However, you can't finish Pokemon Tower until you've got the Sylph Scope so you can identify Marowak's ghost. I forget if the Sylph Scope was in the Rocket Hideout or at Sylph Co. in Saffron.

2011-11-03, 12:09 PM
I think this is a great idea, but I can think of a few problems. First, how are you going to make sure the party goes to the cities in the order you want? "Impassable mountains" won't always deter a player. Also, if they are just gathering information, why do they kill the warlords of each city? And if there is a roaming group of warriors killing the leaders (or two groups), won't the other leaders send a lot of people to stop them? And who controls the city when the players defeat the leader?
So it needs a little work, but I love the idea, and look forward to using it next time I DM.

2011-11-03, 12:40 PM
I think this is a great idea, but I can think of a few problems. First, how are you going to make sure the party goes to the cities in the order you want? "Impassable mountains" won't always deter a player. Also, if they are just gathering information, why do they kill the warlords of each city? And if there is a roaming group of warriors killing the leaders (or two groups), won't the other leaders send a lot of people to stop them? And who controls the city when the players defeat the leader?
So it needs a little work, but I love the idea, and look forward to using it next time I DM.

Check the updated storyline on the first page. Hopefully that will answer some of the questions for you.

2011-11-04, 12:41 AM
Perhaps make it something like a magic mechanical lamp? Say a command word, it glows like a daylight spell. Say another word, and it flashes extremely brightly. Everyone within radius X who has their eyes open must make a DC (whatever) reflex save or be blinded for Y rounds. Don't give Brock the Blind-Fight feat, and you should be good to go. 50% miss chance is not something to sneeze at.

I was actually thinking something a bit simpler. Page 129 of the Players Handbook. (Gasp! #1???) Thunderstones. Im a HUGGGEEEE fan of thunderstones, sunrods, smokesticks, etc. Have the players contact give them a bag and tell them to use the contents on Brock. And give Brock some sort of vulnerability to sonic type attacks. Instead of defean make it a 1d3 round stun.

2011-11-04, 12:42 AM
I think this is a great idea, but I can think of a few problems. First, how are you going to make sure the party goes to the cities in the order you want? "Impassable mountains" won't always deter a player. Also, if they are just gathering information, why do they kill the warlords of each city? And if there is a roaming group of warriors killing the leaders (or two groups), won't the other leaders send a lot of people to stop them? And who controls the city when the players defeat the leader?
So it needs a little work, but I love the idea, and look forward to using it next time I DM.

And actually they dont have to kill the leaders. One of Tempestmans ideas is for the leaders to surrender when they hit 10% health and the players can accept the surrender and then the leaders swear alliegence to the players and surrender thier weapon to them.

And have the players be good, or at least neutral with a good tendency.

2011-11-04, 12:45 AM
Note: Brock's lair is nearing completion and is designed for 4-6 competent lvl 3 charecters. It assumes some form of trap disabler is in the party and that the party has a source of heals. Which with the free medic's in the towns, they will. (And we are planning on scattering potions around)

Will be posting updates on gyms as I move along. Will be available on mythweavers for review, but not editing. Editing is for me and Tempestman. :p

2011-11-04, 02:18 AM
This is incredibly awesome, in a way that looks nerdy from the outside.

At roughly which point do you expect the players to clue in? Because from then, you could stand to be more blatant. As in, druids-with-supernatural-animal-companions blatant. Maybe convert the Summoner PF class (on the srd) to 3.5, too. But only after they are all convinced that it's all one big Pokemon reference.

As a note on the path going from Pewter City, you have to include a bandit who attacks with the war cry "I like shorts. They're fun and easy to wear!"

2011-11-04, 07:22 AM
As a note on the path going from Pewter City, you have to include a bandit who attacks with the war cry "I like shorts. They're fun and easy to wear!"

I can only imagine...

As you make your way to the entrance to Marmoria Mountain you hear some bandits bickering.

"Why are you wearing those? It's entirely too cold!"

"I like shorts! They're fun and easy to wear!"

2011-11-04, 08:07 AM
Brock is a Warblade/Barbarian Goliath?

...Even Raging, against a moderately optimized party, he's got a 60% chance of falling to a single "Sleep" spell, and being summarily coup-de-gras'd.

2011-11-04, 10:57 AM
Brock is a Warblade/Barbarian Goliath?

...Even Raging, against a moderately optimized party, he's got a 60% chance of falling to a single "Sleep" spell, and being summarily coup-de-gras'd.

It's a 3rd level party, anything except Clerics have more than a 50% chance of falling to a Sleep spell. Don't forget its a full-round casting, so Brock can interrupt the casting and have a decent chance of dropping the caster in the same action.

2011-11-04, 01:19 PM
Brock is a Warblade/Barbarian Goliath?

...Even Raging, against a moderately optimized party, he's got a 60% chance of falling to a single "Sleep" spell, and being summarily coup-de-gras'd.

Also bear in mind that we haven't done all of his equipment yet and every boss needs a weakness. Perhaps sleep is "super effective" against Brock.

2011-11-04, 01:26 PM
Also bear in mind that we haven't done all of his equipment yet and every boss needs a weakness. Perhaps sleep is "super effective" against Brock.

But you have to admit this would be a very boring boss encounter: One spell, followed by a CDG. Perhaps lower his optimization level slightly so his charge isn't quite so devastating, but up his level some, so he has stronger defenses? Also with a weaker charge you can throw in a couple of minions with him.

After all, a Goliath I believe is only CR1, add on 2 class levels, that's still CR3. That's fine for a normal fight, but for a boss encounter that's supposed to be difficult for a party of 3 you can afford to go a bit above that. An extra level, plus say 2 CR 1 (or 4 CR 1/2) minions would make the encounter up to a solid CR 5, and would be a fair bit more interesting.

2011-11-04, 07:49 PM
I think you guys are misunderstaning. He will one shot any level 3 charecter on a crit. Anything with moderate to low con on d6-4 could be one shotted non crit. And honestly? Im not too worried if hes easy to kill with a sleep spell. First off hes got his 10 ft reach, and combat reflexes. So hes got a good shot at disrupting the spell. Plus, this is a level 3 fight. Its not supposed to stress the players to much. If I was trying to stress the players I would send minoins and up his level etc. But this fight is LEVEL 3! If its a quick fight, so be it. But by no means does this mean that at later levels the bosses will have such open weaknesses.

Note: If I were to up his will save, and up his AC. He would quite literally be unstoppable by your average group of lvl 3's.

2011-11-04, 07:50 PM
This is incredibly awesome, in a way that looks nerdy from the outside.

At roughly which point do you expect the players to clue in? Because from then, you could stand to be more blatant. As in, druids-with-supernatural-animal-companions blatant. Maybe convert the Summoner PF class (on the srd) to 3.5, too. But only after they are all convinced that it's all one big Pokemon reference.

As a note on the path going from Pewter City, you have to include a bandit who attacks with the war cry "I like shorts. They're fun and easy to wear!"

In my mind, the idea is really never. The idea is to explain it AFTER the campagin ends.

2011-11-04, 09:44 PM
Potential Plot Point (Shamelessly stolen from the Nuzlocke comic): The three legendary birds (refluffed/statted as dragons), are keystones, being used to maintain a binding on Mewtwo(refluffed/statted to whatever epic creature is desired. Whatever it is it should clearly be the strongest thing in this world). As the PCs defeat the Warlords/Gym Leaders, who were keeping the Legendary Birds in check, these birds begin attacking randomly, leading the PCs to slay the dragons/birds as is expected of heroes.

Once the third is destroyed, Mewtwo's prison is weakened and he begins reaching out, manipulating events, killing people, destroying things, and nobody can quite figure out the cause for these events. As the prison weakens he grows stronger, the events happen more frequently, climaxing with him breaking out completely around the time that the party takes down the Elite Four/Champion.

Are we basing this off video games, anime or manga? VG and we DO need the Elite Four, anime and we might not need them, and manga actually requires them to be a whole other evil team! The Elite Four pretty much replaced Team Rocket in Yellow's part of the manga.

Yeah, we are also considering using the legendary beasts. The dogs from the next world (Jhonto? I need to brush up on my pokemon)

Johto. And would homebrewed elemental pseudodragons work for Entei Raikou and Suicune?

2011-11-04, 09:45 PM
Are we basing this off video games, anime or manga? VG and we DO need the Elite Four, anime and we might not need them, and manga actually requires them to be a whole other evil team! The Elite Four pretty much replaced Team Rocket in Yellow's part of the manga.

I was assuming video game.

2011-11-05, 01:00 AM
Video game.

2011-11-05, 07:12 AM
I was assuming that. And although we ARE basing it off the video games, I still have a really good anime reference you can make. Remember how Sabrina shrank them and put them in a doll house? Halfway through that dungeon/gym have them fight her, but she Energy Pushes them into a pit starting part 2

2011-11-05, 08:51 AM
Ok im know im a lil behind posting now.

1. Epic idea
2. I know you want to stay true to the game by catching monsters, but that might get a little two complicated. Maybe try having characters represent an elemental type.
3. I didnt feel like reading all the posts so if these were already covered im sorry.
4. If this ever gets going as a post by post game Id love to be in it

Thats my 4 cents

Rising Phoenix
2011-11-05, 09:43 AM
Great idea!

For traversing water bodies, the PCs should be able to book passage on dragon turtle (Lapras) caravans...

2011-11-05, 12:11 PM
Ok im know im a lil behind posting now.

1. Epic idea
2. I know you want to stay true to the game by catching monsters, but that might get a little two complicated. Maybe try having characters represent an elemental type.
3. I didnt feel like reading all the posts so if these were already covered im sorry.
4. If this ever gets going as a post by post game Id love to be in it

Thats my 4 cents

They don't want to emulate capturing creatures. That is way too complicated, hardly DnD and a humoungous tip off. They are emulating the plot of the games.

2011-11-05, 12:58 PM
Great idea!

For traversing water bodies, the PCs should be able to book passage on dragon turtle (Lapras) caravans...

Maybe, but again. Might do something less obvious. Perhaps a more obscure water pokemon.

2011-11-05, 12:59 PM
Ok im know im a lil behind posting now.

1. Epic idea
2. I know you want to stay true to the game by catching monsters, but that might get a little two complicated. Maybe try having characters represent an elemental type.
3. I didnt feel like reading all the posts so if these were already covered im sorry.
4. If this ever gets going as a post by post game Id love to be in it

Thats my 4 cents

Thank you! And most of that stuff has been covered :). I think I may turn this into a play by post eventually. When its done of course.

2011-11-05, 01:23 PM
Maybe, but again. Might do something less obvious. Perhaps a more obscure water pokemon.

Perhaps large sea serpents, dominated into transport? I doubt people associate surfing with Gyarados quite as much as they do with lapras.

2011-11-05, 02:41 PM
Giant Monstrous Goldfish?


2011-11-05, 09:45 PM
What do you mean Seaking? MAGIKARP!!!!!

2011-11-05, 11:42 PM
Just wanted to stop by and toss out the idea that if you're worried about your gods being strong enough, the Paragon template covers all sins.

2011-11-06, 09:07 PM
I was assuming that. And although we ARE basing it off the video games, I still have a really good anime reference you can make. Remember how Sabrina shrank them and put them in a doll house? Halfway through that dungeon/gym have them fight her, but she Energy Pushes them into a pit starting part 2

I really like this idea!

EDIT: What I think we might do instead is have Sabrina live in a large mansion and actually have the PCs get invited to a "party" hosted by her for removing the Organization's influence from the city (since in the games you have to clear Silph Co. before being able to battle Sabrina). She and all of her guests will cordially greet them before Sabrina reveals her plot to shrink them down and use them as entertainment for the other guests.

Her motives? These guys have been usurping warlords left and right and she doesn't want to be the next one to die.

Of course once the party defeats the monster living in the "mansion," they'll be returned to normal size and will be able to fight Sabrina (although she may very well surrender right away depending on how strong the monster is and how quickly they killed it).

2011-11-09, 03:26 PM
Is there anyone that would be willing to do dungeon and/or map design for this project? We'll need grids for the dungeons and areas where important battles take place.

A world map will also need to be made (I'll probably end up making a rough draft of one later), and we'll need maps of each individual town.

Any artwork made just for fun (perhaps illustrations of the warlords, Echelon members, and generic Organization Agents) would also be appreciated. Basing it off of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four is obviously what we want, but it needs to be disguised so that players aren't tipped off too early if they are shown the pictures.

Also, I'm planning on not actually having any deities in Bacainn. If the players want to be clerics they'll just be the philosophical-style cleric.

As far as rivals go I'm deciding on using each of the rivals from the different games (I've only played up to HeartGold/SoulSilver, so I don't know anything about the BW rivals).

Garrett (Gary)- Warblade/Bard specializing in supportive tactics such as White Raven maneuvers and dragonfire inspiration to boost his party's damage output.
(Silver)- Rogue
(Wally)- Wilder (based off of having a psychic Pokemon as his primary Pokemon in the games)
(Cheren)- I've decided on Archivist since Bulbapedia says he's something of a "know it all," and Dark Knowledge still lets him have that "dark" theme.
(Bianca)- Again, I know nothing about her personality, so it's up in the air right now. Looking like she'll probably be a support-type character.

2011-11-09, 07:42 PM
Dont do Brock... As im almost done but took a 2 day break to speed read all 700 pages of the new Eragon Book Inheritance. So yeah...

2011-11-09, 07:46 PM
Oops. When I said gods, I meant legendary birds. Slapping Paragon onto various advanced elemental phoenixes should be good. AFB, but think that should be mid-20 CR?

2011-11-09, 10:04 PM
Dont do Brock... As im almost done but took a 2 day break to speed read all 700 pages of the new Eragon Book Inheritance. So yeah...

Thats out!?!?!? Must....resist....urge....to spend....money....on book....that I don't have....money for...:smallsigh: My will is weak.

Slightly back on topic: I wish I could help artistically but I'm horrible at it.

2011-11-10, 08:58 AM
Thats out!?!?!? Must....resist....urge....to spend....money....on book....that I don't have....money for...:smallsigh: My will is weak.

Slightly back on topic: I wish I could help artistically but I'm horrible at it.

Even squiggles on a grid will work for now, so long as we have a basic idea that we can improve upon visually later.

2011-11-10, 09:49 AM
Even squiggles on a grid will work for now, so long as we have a basic idea that we can improve upon visually later.

We also have this issue of conversing over an Internet forum and I hav no drain programs nor any way to scan hand drawings. Plus I've dmed for like 5 sessions and we quit before I got to design the first dungeon so I'm no good at dungeon design. Mowing me I'll make it ridicolously long or trivially short. But I'll see what I can do.

On rivals, make minor alterations to there names. They are all fairly unique a a big tip off.

Gary=Garret is good. I don't think Bardblade would be good. He was a royal jerk until Ash goes to Sinnoh. Even in the games he was snobbish. A supportative character wouldn't be his style. Plain Warblade could work.
Silver=Sheen. Like silver sheen.
Wally=Willard. Or any odd w name.
Cheren= gender swap and call him Cher. I'm totally serious on this one b
Bianca= Babs. Also she's a steroetypical blonde. Ditzy kinda slow on the pick up and relatively incompetent. But shes very peppy and a bit hyper I'd think Bard would be good for her.

2011-11-14, 11:19 PM
Cheren= gender swap and call him Cher. I'm totally serious on this one

That sounds... like oddly good of an idea! And Cher already exists via Rule 63 (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleSixtyThree). She also has a Gendered Outfit (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenderedOutfit).

Also, where did we leave off with the legendary birds? I think we got distracted by Inheritance

2011-11-15, 09:03 AM
That sounds... like oddly good of an idea! And Cher already exists via Rule 63 (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleSixtyThree). She also has a Gendered Outfit (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenderedOutfit).

Also, where did we leave off with the legendary birds? I think we got distracted by Inheritance

If it isn't Inheritance that's distracting our staff, it's Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Anyway, I'm actually in favor of making all clerics the philosophical clerics and cutting out gods altogether. Maybe some cults will worship the firebird or thunderbird, but they aren't sanctioned religions.

That or we'll just use the Light from Deities and Demigods.

2011-11-15, 05:48 PM
Pssh. Skyrim. Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be awesome!