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2011-11-02, 12:19 AM
"Funeral services are the worst," Sten leans over and whispers in Sasha's ear, "Wouldn't you say?"

The student leans back on the bench, and casts a few glances around the cavernous chamber. "I mean normally, when we come to the Hall of Ceremony, it is for fun things, right? Holidays, special announcements, dancing with the band." He runs a hand through his hair and sighs.

"Sasha, do not look now, but when you do, behind us and to the left you will see a man in an army uniform. He is our contact. After the ceremony, I will introduce you."

When Sasha glances over her shoulder, she does indeed see Yuri sitting stolidly in a bench practically by himself. In a room such as the Hall of Ceremony, even the relatively large group of mourners could not even fill half.

The hall was massive. Sixty feet wide and at least twice that long, it was indeed used for all sorts of public gatherings. With the benches set out as they were, the hall could fit several hundred citizens in relative comfort. The walls were plain, painted a deep brown which gave the room a sense of calm regardless of the occasion.

The gathering today was not quite so great, and was far more somber than most. About three score had communed in the Mykolaiv Hall of Ceremony to commemorate the passing of their common friend, Artur Nievchenkov.

At the head of the hall, on a raised platform so as to see over all of the seated citizens, stood the mayor of the town. A balding man in his mid-sixties, Kiev Mostovoi stood about five foot ten, with a slight paunch and a squint despite his glasses.

Kiev removes his glasses, which he wipes on the hem of his dark ceremonial robe before replacing them on his nose. He peers through his glasses at the page on the podium before him, clears his throat, and begins.

"I thank you all for coming. I am sure that your presence would have pleased our dear Artur to no end. He was a dear friend of mine, reliable and true in everything he did. He raised a good, strong family, and has left us all with pleasant memories, I am sure."

He turns to the front row of benches, where Artur's wife and daughters are seated. Extending an arm towards the widow, he says, "If I could as the family to come stand before me, here."

He gestures to the floor just in front of his podium, and the three women rise and move to face the congregation.

Clearing his throat once again, Kiev addresses the audience. "It is now customary for all in attendance to offer their condolences to the family. After that, there will be a short period during which to share memories and stories of Artur, and finally the widow will present a speech."

He takes a moment, and gazes out across the hall. "Artur may not be here with us in body, but in spirit he gives us all strength."

He gestures the Salute of The State, and the crowd follows suit. He steps back from the podium, and the crowd stands and forms a line along the center of the room. As the line moves forward, those at the front say a few words to the widow and her daughters, and then move to the side to begin quiet conversations of their own.

Sasha and Sten are towards the front of the line, and are quickly approaching Artur's family. Dimitri and Niko are a few meters back, and Yuri is almost at the end.

2011-11-02, 07:29 AM
Never was good at this condolences thing, even as a child I was uncomfortable with peoples' grief. This is only for a short time, then business, Yuri thought as he slowly shuffled forward. He kept his eyes on the crowd and by instinct he used Detect Psionics.

2011-11-02, 08:10 AM
Years of training and discipline allowed him to fight off the wariness as he waited in the line. Yawning while paying your respects isn't exactly proper. Unfortunately his work gave him more practice giving condolences to grieving family than anyone would want. Walk up, a few somber words a handshakes and a head nods and it would be all over.

2011-11-02, 09:05 AM

In an ill-fitting home spun black suit a large uncomfortable looking man stands line looking solemn. Towering over the majority of the mourners Dimitri scratches his thick beard and thinks to himself, 'It has been a long time since I have come back to this town. I look foward to leaving.'

2011-11-02, 09:59 AM
Keeping as quiet as possible, Sasha continued along the procession line as she studied the family, trying to keep in line with Sten. All the while, her mind was racing as she thought to herself, What if the family notices something about me? I don't know this Artur; isn't this whole thing disrespectful, anyway? Why meet at a funeral? Who was this Artur Nievchenkov? And that Yuri... he's military. Our contact is military-personnel?

2011-11-02, 11:26 PM
After a few minutes, the line in front of Sten and Sasha clears, and they are standing face to face with what remained of the Nievchenkov family.

The widow, Klara, cries quietly, occasionally dabbing her eyes with a handkerchief. She is a small woman, barely more than five feet, but with a strong and determined look about her. Inga, the older daughter, stands with her arm comfortingly around her mother's shoulder. She is taller than her mother, and much thinner, with dark brown hair that falls around her face, keeping her eyes in shadow. She looks with a harsh, almost distrustful expression at each person who comes before her.

The younger daughter, Eva, holds her mother's hand, but seems to be entirely absent. Her brown eyes stare intensely into the distance, and she appears not to notice the people filing past her family.

Inga's gaze settles on Sasha, and she looks about to say something, when Sten steps forward.

"Klara. Thanks you for the invitation. Artur was a good friend to the school, and his contribution to the campus garden is greatly appreciated."

Klara appears about to respond, but Inga, staring at Sasha, snaps, "Who is she?"

Sten pauses for a moment, then says, "She is from the campus newspaper, she wanted to do a story, on a local hero!" He turns to Sasha, flashing an apologetic expression. "That's right, Sasha?"

2011-11-03, 01:47 AM
"Yes," Sasha stammered. "I am very sorry for your loss. Your father was a great man, very dedicated, and I know that his death will be felt by many of the students at the university, many of whom are from Mykolaiv. I am sure that they would want to remain informed of Artur's passing and know that the professors also send their condolences." She tried keeping her expression as somber as possible, trying to remain as stoic as possible.

2011-11-04, 04:44 AM
Inga stares at Sasha a moment longer, her eyes narrowing slightly for an instant. She seems to accept this explanation, and turns back to Sten.

Klara then speaks. "Thank you for coming. Artur thought much of the school, and delighted in helping any way he could. I hope you have benefited from his efforts." She nods to Sten, waits for him to return a slight bow, and then turns to the next person in line.

As he pulls Sasha to the side, Sten whispers, "I am very sorry about that. I had hoped we could get by them somewhat easily. Inga never was the most welcoming girl, and the rumors surrounding Artur's death have probably made her even more cautious."

He stands straight for a moment and glances over to the line. "It may be a while before our contact is through the line, but once he is you will have several minutes to speak to him. I wish it could be more. He can teach you much."

2011-11-04, 09:33 AM
Sasha took a long exhale and put her hands in her pockets, making sure her camera and notepad were still there, a force of habit, but she wondered whether this meeting would have to be off-the-record.
"It's not a problem. I've been in more awkward situations. But, why exactly are we meeting here for that?"
She watched Yuri carefully from the sidelines, studying him.

2011-11-05, 02:43 AM
Sten sighs. "I wish it were easier to meet with him. The problem is, even though he is no longer in active service, The Party still keeps watch of him. For him to suddenly start meeting with students he doesn't know may not seem overly suspicious, but would at least draw some attention."

He gestures to the procession still making it's way past the Nievchenkovs. "At a ceremony like this, we can speak to him without fear of surveillance."

He appears about to say more, but is interrupted by a commotion at the front of the room. Eva suddenly begins to sob, and Inga steps protectively in front of her mother and sister, staring down the center of the room towards the double doors of the entrance. From beyond the doors can be heard tires squealing on the pavement, followed by the opening and closing of doors. Heavy footsteps approach the door.

2011-11-08, 05:28 PM
Sasha listens closely.

2011-11-09, 08:10 AM
Yuri turns, expecting military presence to ruin the event.

2011-11-10, 04:53 AM
The other guests in the hall appear to be rather alarmed, and some begin to back away from the door and move behind benches. One older man scrambles out of the way just in time for the door to be thrown open, and several men march in.

Four of them, arranged in a square around the fifth, are dressed in black jumpsuits with thick brown vests and red patches on their shoulders. Within the patches can be seen the letters "M" & "P". Sturdy metal batons hang at their hips, and brown leather pistol holsters adorn their opposite thigh.

They stop moving about twenty feet inside of the door, and the center man strolls out from the group. He is much smaller than the other, rather imposing men, and does not wear their uniform. He instead is wearing a dark blue three-piece suit with a red tie. He is a younger man, perhaps as young as his late twenties. His black hair is neatly combed, and he has a well-trimmed beard with thin sideburns framing his face. He doesn't appear to be armed, but he does have a small device in his right hand that he spins in his fingers from time to time.

He takes a few steps down the aisle. The hall has now gone completely quiet, except for the sobbing of Eva. The Mayor steps forward, about to say something, but a look from the new arrival seems to make him think better.

The man casts his eyes around at the gathered mourners. "My apologies for the interrupting of your... ceremony." He speaks quietly, but his smooth voice echoes in the ear of all in attendance. "It is regrettable, but my duties with The Party which have brought me here are quite pressing."

He tosses the device in his hand into the air, and snatches it back with ease.
"Now, you could make my job much easier, yes very simple. I would like for the Nievchenkov family to please be coming with me."

At his words, the frontmost two uniformed men began moving towards the front of the room. Funeral guests scramble to get out of the way as Eva's crying gets even louder.

2011-11-10, 08:28 AM
"They are mourning, show some respect. What reason do you have to take a broken woman and her children at a time like this," Yuri says as he stands staunchly in the aisle.

2011-11-10, 12:17 PM
Sasha tries to meet the man's gaze and scowls, her hands still in her pockets. She keeps both eyes on the Party's soldiers and speaks up, her voice and heart trembling as she stands.
"What could these people have possibly done to you? Why can't you leave them alone?"

2011-11-10, 12:57 PM
Niko had been near the front of the line when the intruders had barged in, so he was already interposed between the Nievchenkov's and The Party goons when they began to advance. Others had already begun to speak up, and appeared ready to resist. All Niko wanted to do was go to sleep, but his father owed the departed a debt, and Niko wouldn't dishonor him by ignoring the families' need to avoid trouble.

They were apparently outnumbered, and outgunned. He stood his ground, a half step back the only indication he was ready to act. He hoped by not speaking out he would be overlooked and would be at an advantage, or at least be able to close the distance before those pistols came into play, if (and very likely when) things got physical.

2011-11-10, 01:55 PM

Near the back of the room Dimitri quitely unbottons his suit jacket, taking it off he places it on his seat. He removes the ancient tie, he rolls up his sleeves. He steps behind the soldiers, crossing his arms.

Blocking the light pouring in from the door, his shadow drapes across the soldiers giving the impression that he is bear stuffed into a man suit.

2011-11-11, 06:55 PM
The man shakes his head, sighing. He stops spinning the device, and pockets it.

"As I have been saying, The Party has need of this family. They have important information that could keep our great State safe from those who would cause it trouble." He levels his gaze at Inga, whose shoulders have begun to shudder with rage. "The sooner that they choose to be coming with me, the more citizens of the state they can protect."

As the shadow of Dimitri falls upon him, the man turns. "I do hope you are not planning on making the trouble. A strong citizen such as you would be a great loss to our workforce."

His eyes bore into Dimitri's, and his mouth forms a tight line.

Further up the aisle, the soldiers have reached Niko, and they push him to the side roughly. There is great strength behind their hands. When they speak, their voices are deep and harsh, and they speak with almost robotic precision. "We are on official business, citizen. Please do not be a complication." They continue past him towards the family.

The other two soldiers remain at either shoulder of the man in the blue suit.

Upon seeing how the guards treat the guests at her father's funeral, Inga steps forward and shouts at the intruders. "I do not know who you are, nor do I care what information you want. You have disrupted the funeral of my father, a great man who did nothing to deserve such disrespect. In school we were taught of a state who cared for us and respected our traditions. Based on this and your actions, I believe you are an impostor! We refuse to accept your authority." She stares dead at the nearest soldier, and her hands ball into fists.

2011-11-14, 01:02 PM
A glance over as Dimitri makes himself known, a look of recognition crosses Niko's face the odds slanting back towards even as there was at least one other person who could handle themselves involved now. As the first pair of soldiers reach him he stands his ground, but doesn't resist as he's moved out of the way, if they were going to be stupid enough to turn their back to him, so much the better. Inga's words rang true. He'd dealt with plenty of government officials, and none would have acted in this way and the man in charge had done nothing to prove his identity. He continued his roll is snake in the weeds waiting for someone to act so he could strike.

2011-11-15, 08:20 AM
Yuri will place his hand inside his jacket and sent a Missive to the suited man.

"You do not want to do this."

2011-11-17, 08:08 PM
The man's heavy eyebrows furrow as he hears what the girl is yelling. As soon as the word 'impostor' leaves her lips, he steps forward and points at her.

"Insolent girl! Think carefully about what you now will do! The State has need of you and your family. If you choose to disobey, we will be taking you by force!"

He points to one of the soldiers near to her, and is about to issue an order, when his face twitches, and he turns his glare to Yuri. His eyes widen in shock.

"A telepath? You dare turn on your own government?!" He points to two of the soldiers, and then to Yuri. "Kill him! Then grab the girl!"

His soldiers move to comply, two releasing the catches on their pistols and the other two unclasping their batons.

The aisle is 60 ft long, with the man at one end and the family at the other. Dimitri is 15 ft behind the man. the two soldiers with pistols are 10 ft in front of the man, Yuri is 15 ft beyond them, one of the baton soldiers is 15 ft beyond him, with Niko adjacent. The last soldier is 10 ft away from the family. Sten and Sasha are 30 ft off to the man's left, roughly level with Niko. The mayor is with the family, and funeral guests are scattered amongst the benches.

2011-11-17, 11:48 PM
(ooc: this should occur after Nixed's post)

Sasha will pull her camera from one pocket and snap a shot of the soldiers with guns drawn on Yuri.
"Smile for the camera! Is this really how the Party acts at a public event?"

2011-11-18, 06:48 PM
The soldiers reaching for their pistols are the more dangerous of the group, but he has an angle on the man next to him. The leader giving the order to kill removes any doubt about the situation from Niko's mind and he springs to action throwing a big overhand right at the soldier's temple.

Unarmed attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

crit: [roll2]
dmg: [roll3]

2011-11-19, 05:19 AM
The soldier reacts quickly to Niko winding up for the punch, and manages to partially deflect it. The thick padding of his uniform absorbs most of the blow's force.

2011-11-21, 02:07 PM
now with actual turn order and added actions!

As she draws a small, handheld camera from her coat pocket, Sasha takes a quick aim and snaps a shot of the soldiers and their leader.
"Smile for the camera! Is this really how the Party acts at a public event? I thought our Party's policies were to support the people of the State!"

Diplomancy roll on Agent Smith (fingers crossed): [roll0]

2011-11-22, 08:10 AM
This is if Yuri is still standing by his initiative.

Yuri pulls a pistol from his jacket and fires at one of the approaching soldiers before trying to move to put the seats between him and the assailants.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Crit Conf: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

2011-11-23, 02:05 AM
Sten hurls himself to the ground behind the benches, trying to pull Sasha with him. "Are you crazy? Don't provoke him!"

One of the soldiers with pistols steps to the side of the aisle to target Dimitri, and fires a shot from his revolver. The hasty shot flies wide, and Dimitri is unharmed.

The second soldier drops to a crouch, squaring Yuri in his sights before letting loose a blast. His shot also flies harmlessly high.

The soldier Niko punched swivels to face him, bringing his baton to bear. He jabs the sturdy weapon at Niko's gut, but the skilled fighter is able to deflect the attack.

The last soldier marches towards Inga, his baton tight in his fist. He grabs her arm, his baton raised to discourage any resistance. Eva sees this and screams, causing the soldier to freeze for a moment. Inga shoves him away, snarls, and swings at his head. Her hand is enshrouded with a red glow, and leaves a smoldering mark across the soldier's head and chest. He staggers back, clawing at the smoke issuing from his body. Inga stares at her hand for a moment before turning back to her mother and sister and pulling them up.

The civilians run for the exits, covering their heads and screaming.

2011-11-29, 11:53 AM
Sasha, following Sten's lead, crouches behind one of the benches. Keeping an eye on the fighting going on nearby, she makes a careful study of the way the soldiers are moving as she reaches into her pocket, hiding her camera.

Rolling for Exploit Weakness on the nearest Soldier. [roll0]

2011-12-02, 05:55 PM
The Man slips his hand into his coat, retrieving a large pistol. He then dives to the side, taking cover between the last two rows of benches.

2011-12-03, 12:39 PM
Slipping aside the baton attack he moves to the side in an attempt to both stop the soldiers advance on the others and provide himself some measure of cover from the gunfire. As he does he uses the momentum of his movement to throw another punch.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-12-06, 12:36 AM
Sasha ducks, taking cover behind one of the pews alongside Sten.
"Is there any way out?"

the rest of sasha's turn is full defense.
do I need a spot check? ignore if unneeded. [roll0]