View Full Version : The Courts of Chaos

2011-11-02, 09:31 AM
The capital of Cestus was waiting with bated breathe the coming morning. This would be the day the Blades came back from Cymbria! The various shop keepers and peasants were all up earlier than usual to line the streets. Talk was spreading like wildfire about the achievements that were accomplished during the campaign. Rumors were spreading, The Spy had tricked the enemy king into giving him his own robes, the only Roseguard Blade member had convinced the enemy general to do one of his stirring speeches in his small clothes, just by using her charm and wit. The Dog Lord and Dark Oracle so unnerved the enemies that the denizens of the enemy court would not look them in the eye the entire time they was at court. The Knights of the Blades proved so adept that the enemy calvary surrendered as soon as they appeared. The Magi was so well versed in the arcane that the other mages around him dropped their craft and became farmers. The Gunslinger so impressed the old Hymbrian archers that they all gave up the bow and pestered him constantly to teach them his ways. The rumors piled up and drove the city to a fever pitch.

Finally dawn arrived. Somehow, the capital had been decorated with the king and queens' colors without anyone noticing. It was clear that the King had spared no expense in welcoming home his Blades. As the sun at last cleared the horizon a single horseman was spied by the watch tower approaching the city. The dust of an army was rising over the horizon. The horseman was a messenger from the Blades, stating they would be there within the hour, and would alert everyone in the city with a sign. The sign was not told to the messenger, but he was informed that everyone would know it when they saw it. The populace waited with great impatience. At last, the army arrived. The sign was a large dragon flying over the city, its scales changing color every minute. As it circled the city one last time, it flew to the center, and then exploded into millions of tiny faeries, all the colors of the rainbow.

As this happened, the main gates opened to allow the vitorius army in. They made their way down the main thoroughfare, waving to their fans and riding straight backed atop their various steeds. The crowds screamed for them, flowers were thrown, and many a fight started as people argued who the most powerful was. As the triumphant heroes reached the palace, the King and Queen were waiting on the balcony overlooking the Great Square, they stopped their movement. Waiting for a moment to ensure most people could hear, the King then started his speach.

"While we have all heard stories of the conquests and glory that the Blades and the rest of the army have earned over the campaign, I don't think we all want to stand in the hot sun on this joyful day. I say, we all start this feast in a grand manner! Let no work except that which is related to the festivities be done this day! Let those who must work, alternate with others to ensure everyone has partaken of the bountiful table we have set! And now, without further ado, Let's Eat!" With this, to much applause and merry making, the King and Queen retreated to the palace.

The triumphant heroes enter the palace, sans mounts, and went to their various rooms to get ready for the feast.

And so it begins! Alright the first scene has started, so let the sandbox start :smallbiggrin: I will be making a post later about the feast itself

2011-11-02, 10:14 AM
Lethos stretches, his arms draped over the staff resting across his shoulders. The young man has carefully groomed and dressed, ready to enjoy the celebration. "A fine celebration for our victory, eh father? Good to see we are appreciated."

A raven appears from nowhere, alighting on his shoulder, then angling its head. "You just want the young ladies to be appreciative. They won't be once they see you dance!"

"No one wants to take social advice from a psychopomp, so you be quiet." "Last time you where better at stepping on their toes than sweeping them off their feet!" "Not true, I did fine."

The older man sits down, running fingers through his gray hair, carefully folding the wings on his back out of the way. "Enough you two. Piper just likes egging you on, on you like getting egged on. Always one for a good bicker. Piper, you stay out of sight. No dipping into the punch either. No one likes a tipsy, invisible clerk of the dead. Lethos, you'll be fine. They probably won't ask you for a toast after last time, so just mind your manners and don't stare."

Latros eyes go distant, recalling the most recent in the long serious of battles that composes his life. Was it worth it? How long will I keep fighting? What would Alice say today? Fighting wars, hunting traitors, trying not to kill my thrice-cursed son-in-law whenever I think of him. Bah, best dress for the feast, necessity of the office. Rather sleep, never enough on campaign. Then read...my long neglected library. Soon, soon Lethos can take over all this and I can retire, retire before I follow all my friends, my wife. He stands, choosing to wear his armor and cloak, showing the people his true roll and office instead of regal finery. He takes his staff in hand. "When did they expect us again?"

"Enjoy yourself, father. It's a feast, everyone will be there to celebrate. Its not everyday the Blades get honored like this." The young man smiles, trying to bring him back from his brooding.

2011-11-02, 02:59 PM
Exhausted, Caladrel flops down onto a bed, spread eagle. " Well, we did it Belkas, we came through the bloody war alive, and even got some nice rewards for being such good little boys"
"You? Good? Don't make me laugh. And the only reason you made it through those battles was because of me and your wolf."
"Not true you sycophantic wizard, I did my fair share of the fighting, and I saved your life as many times as you saved mine."
With this, both the elves looked at each other and burst out laughing, as if the argument was an inside joke. With a grimace, Caladrel turned to his wardrobe."I probably should get my best clothes on. You have it easy, that robe of yours works as battle gear, formal wear, and traveling clothes. I've lost count of the number of outfits I require. I wish Kriserris were here, she would tell me exactly what to wear to look good." sighing, Caladrel pulls out an eye hurtingly red outfit " I suppose since she isn't here to tell me what to wear to look good, I'll just have to settle for annoying everyone with my fashion sense."

2011-11-02, 07:46 PM
Variten enters the room, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. He sets about stripping himself of the myriad of pouches, belts and other instruments he carries, laying them in an orderly pile on the nearby desk. He then pulls Ebonshot off his back, beginning the daily chore of cleaning and polishing her.

Tay'Na begins removing her crimson plate, piling it up in the corner of the room.
"No words of wisdom or smarmy quips today, Var?"

"You know I care little for these lords prancing about, gloating of their victories paid for by the blood of commoners. A job is a job as long as we get paid, but I wish to not stay longer at this feast than I need to."

"Must you always be so serious? We did a job, and a damn good one at that. Enjoy it, at least for the while."
Finishing with her armor, she flops on to her bed, closing her eyes and relaxing.

"I'll enjoy it when we return to Blackpowder, taking on contracts that don't enslave us to a kingdom."
He sighed, running a hand over Ebonshot, satisfied with his work. In truth, he was not displeased with how everything had turned out. A keep, funds, and a good staff was well enough pay to be hired out as a mercenary for such a man as the Barbarian King. But something about being indebted to such a man set him on edge.

"Oh, and I suppose selling ourselves to Darron, or Kearle, or gods, even Hafting is to be preferred. Sometimes you are such a hypocrite, Var." She rose from her bed, dressing herself in plain black garb, save for a breastplate that bore a crimson phoenix on it. "Come, get ready. The feast will be soon."

With a sigh, Variten rises too, donning black leather garb and a gray cloak, the crimson phoenix splashed across it. He pondered for a moment about bringing Ebonshot, for he was never far from her. With a shake of his head, he strode out the room with Tay'Na in tow.

2011-11-02, 09:07 PM
"That went quite well wouldn't you say?" Constance said to her protector once they made it to her quarters. With her long dagger at her side, and her black mithral breastplate protecting her, she seems rather formidable. Her mithral headband and azure cloak do not detract from that impression.

"It did, though to be completely honest M'lady..." The paladin begins before being cut off. He wears adamantine full plate matching that of his charge, with matching cloak as well.

"You know I prefer that you only do that in public, if at all. We are friends, are we not?"

"It's a habit, I'll do better." The paladin smiles back. "As I was saying, I wish that would have been a little more combat. The one time I thought battle was imminent you, talked them down."

"In time I'm afraid, Cestus and Cymbria will not stay peaceful for long. But that is a thought for another night." Constance begins removing her armor and soon jumps in the hot bath her attendants have ready.

As her armor comes off the paladin turns his back to her and as his cheeks and ears turn red. Gah, why does she do that...

"What will you be wearing to the feast? Shouldn't you get ready?"

Balinor takes a wet cloth and wipes the sweat from his face. "Ready. You don't expect me to be your protector without my armor do you?"

She gets out of the bath and an attendant holds up two dresses. "Let's go with... hmm... the blue one with the gold trim." She gets dressed and after a few moments continues continues. "Alright now let's go ahead and make our grand entrance."

Before she goes she hides the magical aura of her dagger (which is tucked in her dress) seem non-magical.

Stealth Check for hiding her dagger. [roll0]

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-02, 11:29 PM
Alex strides into his room, proud and regal before collapsing onto the bed. His companion Mograine walks in behind him bow in hand while both still wear their chain shirt armor and their own personal emblems.

Alex calls out to Mograine from his bed, Well this bed is certainty refreshing. It is much nicer than anything we got to use out in the field.

Mograine responds while getting on a stool to look at the mirror not meant for his height, Yes but, my lord we should probably prepare for the upcoming feast. While the crowds outside may have loved to see you brandishing your scythe I doubt the nobles would find such behavior tasteful.

Alex sighs before getting out of the lavish bed, Of course Mograine you are right. The march in did a number on my fur, if I want to be accepted without any discrimination I must not lend credence to the rumor that I am just a wild beast. Of course that does remind me, I seem to have won our little wager in the field, that means I get first helpings of any of the meats..

Mograine laughs to himself, Of course, of course! But regardless your should get ready.

Alex grins and strides over to Mograine, Heh, fair enough.

After the pair had cleaned themselves up they exited the room and headed towards the main hall.

I will be traveling to another country for the next 9 days so my internet connection might be spotty. I will still try to post as often as possible.

2011-11-03, 09:24 AM
Strapping his sword back on his belt, Caladrel walks out the door towards the main hall. Noticing the St Bernard anumus, he falls in step with him. "Think they'll have anything good to eat at this feast, or just food for snobby noble?"

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-03, 06:11 PM
Alex greets the elf and responds, I hope so. Its a feast! If we have another meal where the decoration of the food is more important than the taste I am not sure what I am going to do.

2011-11-04, 12:10 AM
Having arrived with quite a commotion, Oracle is relieved to put his gear down and stretches.

Well well well. That was quite the reception, wasn't it. This city seems to have held up well since we left it last. He comments to his two companions.
Daedor nods. Indeed. They seem quite stirred up. Still, we had best be on our guards. In the middle of a feast is the perfect time to catch an opponent unawares, and we have more than our share of opponents, I fear.

Oracle nods tiredly. Always on watch. It is the price one must pay, I suppose.
Perhaps we had best prepare for dinner. Ryenor, will you join us at dinner?

He looks inquisitively towards his other companion.
note: Daedor is my cohort, sorry he didnt have a name or color yet:smalleek:

2011-11-04, 08:58 AM
Caladrel laughs, "I might just show them exactly how I subdued Hymbria., nodding to his sword. Caladrel goes silent for a moment before asking, "Forgive me if I'm being rude by asking this, but are you color blind? I know that druids in a canine form are, and I've often wondered if thats the case for canine anumus' also."

2011-11-04, 09:08 AM
Latro and Lethos join the others in the hall, a spring in the younger man's step in stark contrast to the reluctant steps of his father. A near-imperceptible rustle of feathers accompanies and invisible landing, Piper enjoying the shape of a raven even though he remains unseen. Lethos bows theatrically while Latro only nods. "So it is time for the feast. Shall we go? I hope this one will remain uninterpreted."

"Oh, assassins always liven up a party. The last ones didn't even survive past the appetizers."

2011-11-04, 11:37 AM
As Constance and Balinor make their way to the banquet they run into their friends Latros and Lethos.

"Latros, so good to see you my friend... and you as well Lethos. I didn't get to see you much while traveling... how was your trip..."

2011-11-04, 11:45 AM
Lethos bows and attempts to kiss Constance's hand. "My lady"

Latro smiles softly while rolling his eyes. "Good to see you as well. The trip was delightfully uneventful. I hope to spend some time at home after all this, ensure matters are all in order after my absence. You should visit soon. You know how good our resident bard is."

2011-11-04, 12:10 PM
Constance smiles at the kiss on the hand from Lethos before answering Latros.

"Of course, I'd love to visit. I recall his rendition of the Bear and the Maiden to be exceptional. Of course, as much as I enjoy Cestus, Tyris is my home and I can not wait to return."

Balinor bows to Latros and Lethos in turn. "Mi'Lords"

2011-11-04, 12:38 PM
Latro chuckles, "Yes, truly his greatest work." Both men nod to Balinor. "Hello to you as well. I trust you haven't been stirring up trouble for the young lady here?" Latro smiles, knowing the paladin better than that.

Lethos chuckles as well. "So m'lady, will you be joining the festivities, or talking dry politics with the old men?"

2011-11-04, 01:57 PM
"No Mi'Lord, Lady Palance can do that well enough on her own." The paladin chuckles as he goes along with Latros' joke.

Constance playfully slaps Balinor on the shoulder, "Trouble indeed."

Looking back to Lethos, "I'll have to spend some time appeasing old men, speaking of the politics and weather, but I assure I'll make time to enjoy the festivities. Look for us, your father is not one of the old men and with enjoy the festivities with us as well. Am I right?" she asks of Latro. Constance knows that Latro has been devastated since Alice's passing and hopes to keep his spirits up as much as possible.

2011-11-04, 02:21 PM
Latro's smile becomes distant and somewhat sad. His eyes go off for a moment, then he returns to normal. "No, I think I will just enjoy all the young people celebrating. Someone has to play the dignified statesman. Besides, it wouldn't be fair the the young men if I swept up all the girls. Could cause a riot."

Lethos laughs, then turns to lead the procession to the banquet hall, twirling his staff around one hand as he walks. A small, disembodied chuckle floats from his shoulder. Latro politely offers Constance his arm as they follow.

2011-11-04, 02:38 PM
Constance accepts and walks into the banquet at the arm of Latro.

2011-11-04, 03:51 PM
Variten and Tay'Na meet up with the group as they head towards the feast.

"Pleasure to see you all giddy and prepared."

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-04, 07:38 PM
Alex laughs heartily at the question Caladrel poses Yes, yes I am. I find it not to troublesome though. My heightened sense of smell is often more useful than determining my environment than seeing if a person has brown or black hair.

2011-11-04, 09:11 PM
As the group forms Constance smiles at Variten's comment, "Giddy? That's only because of the hot bath. That is always what I miss most when we are on the road."

2011-11-04, 09:31 PM
"Interesting. So what did you accomplish on this thrice cursed venture to secure more land for our king? Are you a magi, an archer, perhaps a knight of some sort?"

2011-11-05, 01:10 AM
Ryenos enters the room, relieved to get a brief respite from all the commotion. "That was quite an exuberant crowd." Turning to Oracle, "Well, shall we?" Putting on a charming countenance appropriate for the occasion, Ryenos follows Oracle to go converse with the other blades.
Sorry guys, I haven't been as responsive as I would liked as classes have kept me really busy lately. Promise I will get on top of it tonight!

2011-11-05, 01:19 AM
Oracle and Ryenos, followed by the faithful Daedor, now dressed for the occasion in robes and a cloak over parade armor (respectively for Oracle and Daedor), begin making their way to the banquet, passing Alex, Mograine and Caladar.

Oracle pauses to talk:
Hail, lords and friends. Truly, it is quite the occasion, is it not? It seems the King, long may he live, has pulled out all the stops. The rooms are quite comfortable, praise Abadar. A pity we must attend the feast, and cannot rest first.

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-05, 01:19 AM
Well, I am personally quite skilled with a scythe that I left back in my room and am fairly adept at dealing with cold related magic. Another, talent I posses is in necromancy and the animation of undead. Yes, yes, I know its not the most fondly looked upon schools of magic but I can assure you that it has very useful societal benefits. Up in my mountain stronghold of Erebus undead are very fundamental in building infrastructure. My companion over here Mograine is a very skilled archer himself.

The small uldra suddenly disappears in shadows and then reappears right in front of Alex and speaks up, I have told you many times sir I would prefer to be called an EBON marksman. He turns to face Caladrel, I am an archer as my lord has stated but I happen to have a good understanding of magic and can use it to augment my craft quite well.

When the oracle comes up to great them Alex responds, Caladrel and I were just talking about the feast. I personally will wait till we see what kind of food we receive to see if he pulled out all the stops. I am more hungry than I am tried though the trip in was not all that strenuous for me as I rode much of the way. He turns to face and smiles at Caladrel , Another of the societal benefits I mentioned

2011-11-05, 07:45 AM
"Ah, I am little more than a pretty face with a pretty smile, as my friend Latro can attest. Ser Balinor Dade here is the head of my Home Guard, and my most loyal of advisors." Constance replies not letting on about her true abilities.

Honey Tongue: Roll bluff twice and take highest roll.
Bluff: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1] (Natural 20.)

2011-11-05, 10:44 AM
Latro and Lethos greet the others politely. Latro replies to Oracle, "Rest would be wlcome, but the people need their celebrations."

"And we can rest when we are dead, tonight is a celebration! The whole realm is here to honor us, enjoy it!"

Latro sighs. "The exuberance of youth, how refreshing...no, wait...annoying, that's the word." Lethos smiles and continues on.

2011-11-05, 03:00 PM
Whoops, i meant i stopped to chat with alex and caladar. Oh well , this works too :smallbiggrin:

Also, Im assuming that I know she is a fellow blade of some sort as she came in in the giant procession meant for us at the beginning :smalltongue:
Nonetheless, I dont think i can beat a 55, so if you want me to assume otherwise, I wouldn't mind :smalltongue:

Oracle smiles and bows to the beautiful woman before him. Surely, being of the Roseguard, you must be powerful as well as modest. Still, well met Sir Balinor. May I introduce Lord Ryenos and Master Daedor, my friends in arms and companions. Perhaps you may enjoy matching skills later with Daedor, if you so wish.
Turning to Latro and Lethos, Oracle inclines his head respectfully, and remarks "Indeed, death leads to rest, but the path is long, and sometimes one must stop to rest partway to gain the force required to push on all the faster.

2011-11-05, 05:28 PM
Caladrel laughs, "A fighting necromancer, interesting. And I can see how the undead would be useful in construction, no need to pay them. But are they as adept at building as a living humanoid would be? Belkas, necromancy isn't a barred skill for you is it?
Belkas turned to glare at Caladrel, and says "Yes it is, thank the gods. And even if it wasn't I wouldn't have desecrated some poor blokes corpse just so you don't have to pay for construction costs."
Sighing, Caladrel says " Just as well I suppose. Doing that would have probably gotten me kicked out of the Order of the shield anyway. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go use my elven charms on that attractive lady over there, and then use my elven wits to get the first slice of meat from the plate. I suspect we will meet again though."

2011-11-07, 08:55 PM
Constance smiles at Latro. "The rumor-mill will be hard at work, what with me on the arm of the most dashing man here." Constance says trying to elicit a chuckle from the older gentleman.

2011-11-07, 09:04 PM
Latro smiles again. "You must watch your tongue young lady. We can't upset the rich and eligible men of the court." He grows (slighty) more serious. "Shouldn't you be marrying soon anyhow? What happened to that suitor, the one with a limp?"

2011-11-07, 10:39 PM
"You mean Lord Harding? More like Lord Hardly!" Constance elbows Latro playfully. "Besides keep threatening to marry me off and it'll be you I marry." Constance realizes what she said and hopes it doesn't hurt Latro, remembering the loss his wife again.

"I'll marry when the time comes and it will benefit Tryis exceptionally well or when I am in love."

2011-11-08, 12:59 PM
Coming down the hall, the group notices a menacing crowd moving the opposite direction. There are 4 black armor clad men, with one person of indeterminate gender in the middle of the group. This person is wearing a completely black robe with the hood pulled over their face, obviously made of very fine material, with a black leather belt and a dagger attached to it. On the figure's back is a maroon cape with a strange symbol on it. roll a Knowledge(History) check As they walk by, you all fall silent, and the color seems to drain out of the area. Once they pass, the world seems to return to normal and you all breathe out one collective breathe.

As you all recover from this very unexpected experience, you recognize the Head Maid coming down the hall, her perfectly laundered uniform having nothing out of place. She comes to a stop in front of you and says Oh good, my lords and lady are all in one place. I have a messaeg from the king to all of you that is of the utmost importance. He has asked your group, and any currently absent members of the Blades, to meet him after you have had your fill of the feast. You are to meet him in his library, where he will discuss important matters with you when you arrive. That is all the information I have. Please enjoy the feast. Completely her purpose, the Head Maid gracefully turns and returns the way she came.

2011-11-08, 01:22 PM
Latro: know history [roll0]

Lethos: know history [roll1]

Latro listens to the maid, though he is mentally pondering the man who just passed by. "Hmm...urgent matters already. Well, that will give some of us an excuse to leave the party before dawn."

Lethos looks more annoyed. "I hope its not pirates again. You remember how long it took to dry my spellbook last time." He spares a glance for the passing group.

will post more after receiving knowledge check results

2011-11-08, 01:57 PM
Lethos stops short, biting of a coming jest. The Shadows of Morthem? That...can't be good.

He quickly leans in an whispers what he knows to his father. Latro holds up a hand to halt the procession. "That man bore the mark of a group of assassins. I am going to question them. Any who wish to come with we are welcome." He points to the procession, then begins following them, walking quickly to catch up.

When he nears them, he call out. "Hold, in the name of the king, by the authority of the blades. State your name and business." Latro stays at his side, staff ready in one hand.

Latro - readied action to summon [roll0] dire tigers to surround cut them off if they don't stop.

Dire TigerDire Tiger ( Celestial AugmentSummoning ) CR 9
XP 6400
N Large animal
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; low-light vision, scent; Perception +12
DEFENSEAC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+2 Dex, +6 natural, -1 size)
hp 133 (14d8+70)
Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +5;
DR 10/evil; Resist acid 15, cold 15, electricity 15; SR 14;
OFFENSESpeed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +20 (2d4+10 plus grab), bite +20 (2d6+10/19-20 plus grab)
Space 10 ft.Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks pounce, rake (2 claws +18, 2d4+8); Smite Evil 1/day (swift action, +Cha bonus to attack, +HD bonus to damage; persists until target dead or creature rests).
STATISTICSStr 31, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10;
Base Atk +10; CMB 21; CMD 33
Feats Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Run, Skill Focus (Perception), Skill Focus (Stealth), Weapon Focus (bite, claw)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +12, Stealth +8 (+14 in tall grass), Swim +15; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth (+8 in tall grass)

Lethos will ready an action to cast black tentacles, centered on the group.

2011-11-08, 02:27 PM
Constance tries to remember what she knows of the symbol when Latro calls out.

Balinor quickly puts himself between Constance and danger.

Knowledge: History [roll0]

2011-11-08, 03:35 PM
Knowledge: History [roll0]

Variten lowers his voice to a whisper. "Tay'Na, quick. Fetch me Ebonshot and your own blade. Be quick about it."

Tay'na makes a brisk speed towards their room, as Variten joins with Latro.

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-08, 10:51 PM
Alex mutters to himself, Everyones a critic... still Caladra lets table this discussion till after the feast. Can't let a foolish argument interfere with this festive celebration.

Alex catches his breath after the group walks by. And after listening to the maid exclaim her message he whispers to Mograine, Grab Tsukuyomi and your bow, this hopefully won't be trouble but just to make sure.

Mograine nods before disappearing in a puff of shadows, Of course. I shall return shortly

My bad for lack of updates, didn't have internet access for a bit.

2011-11-08, 10:57 PM
Under his breath, Caladrel whispers to Belkas, "I'm going to go provide the old man with back up, tell the king I had to go perform some elf ritual before dinner, that usually works. And if I die, shoot my sister and tell Kriserris I love her. In that order."
Belkas nods in agreement, and the elves split off in their chosen directions.

2011-11-09, 01:57 AM
Oracle's eyes widen, then narrow when he hears the word "assasins", and he moves in to stand close enough to intervene (around 35 feet from the assasins). He prepares himself to intervene if things get out of hand, on either side. Daedor moves in front of Oracle in a defensive position.

Daedor readies an action to pull out his whip
Oracle readies an action to summon a chain of perdition and have it entangle the first person to provoke a fight (common sense; If the assassin's pick a fight, theyre targetted, if Lethos gets violent without cause, he's targeted. If both begin fighting simulataneously....well....target one of the assasins, cause theres more of them:smallbiggrin:)
Knowledge History Check
Knowledge of the Ages History Check
Edit:....incredible rolls there....
Oracle passes anything he knows on to Daedor using Drow Sign Language

2011-11-16, 10:34 AM
[roll0] Knowledge(Language) to see if I can recognize what sign language Oracle is using
Caladrel taps Latro on the shoulder and whispers to him, "If they really are a group of assassins, is it really a good idea to challenge them while they are in full armor, and we aren't? Just a bit of elven wisdom there."

2011-11-16, 01:33 PM
The Assasin's group pauses as they are hailed and the individual in the middle makes a small gesture. His escort flows around him to spread accross the hall and ensure no one can get past. This completed, you all see the Assassin continue on his way for a few more feet before fading from view, an event accompanied by the draining of all color in the surrounding area, much liek you experience when they passed in the first place.

The Assassin gone, the guards turn to each other and grasp each other's forearms, and start to chant softly. As they are chanting, a small miasma starts to coil around them and then they are gone.

2011-11-16, 02:05 PM
(Does Latro have time to summon the tigers before they go? Or Lethos's black tentacles? They had readied actions.)

2011-11-16, 02:36 PM
@Stack:not so much, this is one of those cinematic thingies. :smalltongue:

2011-11-16, 03:27 PM
Latro scowls as they fade from view. "We must see to the kings safety immediately. This is a foul portent."

(If Latro knows that he is able to teleport to the location he believes the king would be...)

"Lethos, take my hand. You too, Constance. Balinor and one more as well. The rest, get to the king as quickly as possible." Lethos quickly nods and grasps one hand, sensing his father's intent.

cast Teleport (standard action) assuming the location is very familiar
[roll0] Ed-That roll should get us were we need to go regardless of familiarity. He has certainly viewed anywhere we need to go at least once.

He can bring four others along (CL 12/3 = 4). I will fight the cutscene!:smallbiggrin:

2011-11-16, 05:59 PM
"Oh for ****'s sake. You had to make this difficult, didn't you?" Variten says with a sigh. He then shouts down the corridor to Tay'Na as she runs for the room "Bring my gun to the feast, and hurry it up!" He then lays a hand on Latro, ready to be teleported.

2011-11-16, 07:29 PM
Constance and Balinor, being familiar with Latro each grab on to him. This is not their first rodeo, and both are thankful for his expertise.

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-16, 08:47 PM
Alex sighs The rest of us will attend the feast, I am afraid I will not be much help without my weapon. Shall we tell the king what happened to you if you don't teleport to him?

2011-11-16, 10:48 PM
"Aye, try to find him. See if you can secure the queen as well. We cannot be certain of their target." With a nod, they fade from the hallway.

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-16, 11:29 PM
Alex looks around for Mograine, not seeing him he walks at a fast pace to the feast. Come we should hurry, lets not run though. We might cause panic among the servants if they see the Lords running around franticly.

Taking double move actions till we reach the feast. I will also assume Mograine can catch up before they reach the feast.

2011-11-16, 11:47 PM
Blast. The queen is probably at the feast with the King. They will need all the assistance we can lend them. Oracle snarls. He follows Alex, a few feet behind, mentally bracing himself for an assult by the assasins. He slows as they approach the spot where the assissins vanished and holding back Alex for a second, he casts a spell that reveals the presence of magic Detect magic Careful, the assasins might have set up some sort of barrier If nothing is revealed, he continues his quick pace down the corridor, praying silently to Abadar that the assassins have fled. Daedor follows at Oracle's heels, looking around alertly.
OOC: How far are we from the feast? If we are a round or two away, then Oracle will keep walking so as to not frighten any dignitaries that might be attending, but if its (after several days of walking:smalltongue:) still far away, he might run. If he sees any servants, he demands to know where the king and queen are at this moment (e.g., if one of the two might be in their quarters.)If they say yes, Oracle goes to their quarters (possibly at a run, depending on how far they are)

2011-11-18, 09:52 AM
Why does that sign language look familiar? No matter, it can wait, for now.
Caladrel sighs and starts walking towards the feast, trailing behind the Oracle.

2011-11-18, 10:48 AM
For those attempting to teleport:
As you focus on the arcane energies that would allow you to move from place to place instantly, a huge puff of colored smoke appears in front of your eyes. With a heap of confetti, a loud voice says SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE BUT THE FEAST OF HEROES IS OFF LIMITS TO TELEPORTATION MAGIC! PLEASE SEE YOUR MAGE ATTENDANT FOR DETAILS!

A nearby servant, upon witnessing this spectacle, gives a great start and heads towards the group. Excuse me, but if you are needing directions I can lead you to the feast. It is only a few intersections from here. With a patient pause, for the group to give their assent, the servant starts off following a complicated series of turns in the maze like hallways until finally reaching the main feasting hall.

Upon a dais is the King and Queen, who are both smiling and laughing with great joy at the conversation and celebration that is being had in the hall. Servants in the liveries of multiple houses are serving everywhere they can be of service, and food and drink are flowing in an almost unstoppable river. There are a great number of tables set up, soem for sitting, others as a buffet style food table, and yet others for drinks. There is much standing room and various nobles of all houses are in attendance. The more important dignitaries are near the royal dais, and seem a little inebriated. The Houses have representatives of all races and so there does not seem to be much racial tension in the room.

Ah the heroes of the hour! Exlaims the King, Everyone give a great cheer for the returning Blades of Cestus! Many huzzahs! and cheers are heard throughout the hall.

2011-11-18, 02:53 PM
"Right then." Caladrel clears his throat and jumps up on the dais, and yells "Ladys, gentlemen, and assorted nobles, thank you for this wonderful reception! My only regret right now is not getting drunk beforehand to justify my actions, I am far too sober to be doing this kind of thing! That being said, long live the king, long live the queen, and for the love of god, someone fetch me some food and ale, getting through that crowd looks more challenging than the last battle I fought!"

2011-11-18, 08:07 PM
Oracle looks somewhat confused. After having seen the assassins, he wonders why everyone does not look as tense as he feels. He looks at Daedor, raising an eyebrow, and Daedor responds in kind. Making a quick decision, Oracle looks around for a relatively sober-looking high functionary (such as a minister or general) and together the two make their way through the crowd towards him(her). As they reach the functionary (assuming there is one), Daedor gives a short bow and Oracle nods his head (as befits his rank), and strikes up a casual conversation. He attempts to casually steer the conversation so as to find out more about the Shadows of Morthem and any link they might have with the throne (with the king).
Link being good or bad, like sworn fealty or a special hatred

2011-11-18, 11:11 PM
Latro makes his way to the king, gliding through the crowd with the minimum necessary formalities. Lethos splits off and assumes a position not far from the king with a good view of the room, though he is less able to adopt a calm and confident stance, his white knuckles betraying his tension.

"My king, there has been a matter of some alarm." He quickly relates what he and the others saw."

2011-11-19, 01:56 AM
"My good King, it is as Lord Latro says, Assassins are in the castle. Might I suggest the lot of us retire to a... safer position to discuss this?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

Silva Stormrage
2011-11-19, 04:02 PM
Alex spots Mograine coming back with the weaponry and motions him to them. They both follow the servant until they reach the feast. He then tries to calmly speak to the king, "Yes, the assassins did not seem amiable in the least. As they walked the very color drained from the rest of the room. For assassins they seemed to enjoy showing how dangerous they were.


Man a 5 and a 4 for diplomacy... I am sure glad we have such high bonuses right :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-19, 09:37 PM
Turning to the king, Caladrel adds "If I were you, my liege, I would keep at least one spellcaster you trust beside you at all times, in case you have need of a hasty exit, along with your normal guard as well. Or at least have a scroll of dimension door, and have guards assigned at the point you will be escaping to. At least until this threat is neutralized, if it is even a threat at all, my liege."

2011-11-20, 06:30 PM
Variten moves to a less-crowded corner of the room, away from the King and the rest of the group, surveying the crowd and looking for any peculiarities or assassins as he waits for Tay'Na the bring back his gun.

Perception: [roll0]