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2011-11-02, 03:40 PM
Ritual of Martial Transference
Prerequisites: Martial Lore 4, Scribe Martial Script
Benefit:You gain access to rituals based on your ranks in Martial Lore.

Transfer (Martial Lore 4 ranks): You can courier a transfer of XP from one or more creatures (maximum five) into an agreed upon martial item you are constructing. Any creatures participating in this ritual control how much XP to transfer. You cannot courier a transfer of more XP than is needed to construct the agreed upon martial item. All the requirements for transferring XP, compensating for XP, and sharing XP costs apply to participating in this ritual.

If allowable changes are made that require more XP, you or the participating creatures must provide that XP as needed. If allowable changes are made that require less XP, the difference is returned to you or the participating creatures in proportionate amounts (as per their original contributions). If you start making a martial item that is not allowed by even one of the creatures participating in this ritual, all the transferred XP is returned to those creatures. If you spend at least one day making the agreed upon martial item, the XP is consumed regardless of whether the magic item is completed or not. If you start working on a new martial item after spending at least one day making the agreed upon martial item, the XP is consumed and lost.

Any creatures participating in this ritual must be present while the martial item is being created (one day per 1,000 gp in the item's base price, 8 hours per day; minimum 1 day). If any creatures participating in this ritual are not present, then no progress can be made toward the martial item that day. If any creature leaves before 8 hours per day has elapsed, no portion of that day counts toward the construction time.

Coalesce (Martial Lore 8 ranks): You can rely on any creature participating in this ritual who transferred at least 50% of the XP cost to provide prerequisite maneuvers for the agreed upon martial item.

Note: If you are commissioning the creation of a martial item from an NPC with this feat (for which you are providing spells), a discount of 5gp for every 1xp you donated is granted.

Qualifications for Transferring XP

The first rule of transferring XP to create a martial item is that the creature must be willing to participate in the exchange. Any attempt at coercion, through magical or mundane means, to transfer XP will automatically fail. The XP cost for creating a martial item can only be freely transferred in complete awareness of the consequences, which also necessitates a minimum Intelligence of 3.
The creature may not transfer an amount of XP that would result in their losing a level.
The creature must be able to use the resulting item; if it is a Warheart item, then the creature must be proficient in the weapon, armor, or shield's use.

List of Martial Items to Date
-Martial Scripts
-Warheart Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5580531)- Legendary Battlesmith also gives you 1500 additional Craft Points.
-Martial Automaton (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10460)

Change to Magic Item Crafting rules
Any feat that has the ability to craft Magic Items as a prerequisite now may be qualified for by being able to craft Martial Items.

In addition, any feat that changes cost, crafting time, or experience cost when crafting Magical Items now applies to any Martial Items you may craft; you may only apply those feats if you used the ability to craft Martial Items as a prerequisite.
This is basically a conversion of the Ritual Transference feat so that it can be used by Martial crafters (I'm planning to make one soon, so screw me.)

Also, you can now use Blood Artisan, and the [insert synonym for awesome] Craftsman line while crafting Warheart Items.

Does anyone have anything they would like to add to a poor Blade Scholar wanting to make the ultimate weapon, fit to be a gift to a god?

2011-11-02, 06:01 PM
It seems a touch complicated, as if you're expecting players to try to abuse it and constructing an ironclad legal document to prevent that.

I mean, the gist of it is "people can get together and split the xp cost of crafting", right? Doesn't seem like you need to say more than that.

2011-11-02, 08:31 PM
It seems a touch complicated, as if you're expecting players to try to abuse it and constructing an ironclad legal document to prevent that.

I mean, the gist of it is "people can get together and split the xp cost of crafting", right? Doesn't seem like you need to say more than that.

It's word for word from Ritual Transference (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060526a), except changed where Martial Lore and such requires. So that's more WotC paranoia than anything else.

Also, as always when I look at Warheart Items, I'm annoyed that you can't magic 'em, so I typically ignore that part so a prospective Dwarven Crusader/Battlesmith or whatever can make something nice for themselves, since enhancement bonuses are the purview of GMW and MV, anyways, though I suppose if you imbue a high level maneuver, it can save you some trouble. The limitation against special abilities can be annoying, however.

As for an 'ultimate weapon,' that depends entirely on your definition there of and what god you're gifting it to. Basically, I need more details on what you're looking for, as there are many paths to Awesome TownTM, though they vary depending on what you're building off of.

2011-11-02, 09:00 PM
Yes, Ritual Transference is a little complicated for its intended purpose...

And as for the lack of enhancements, I was planning on using the improved Masterworking system from the Black Company d20 supplement created by Green Ronin.

Also, I was intending to use the awesomeness that is Antinium (the metal someone recently posted that is essentially Otataral fromt he Malazan Book of the Fallen).

I like my magic-ignoring weapons, thank you very much.

And also taking Item Familiar, which bypasses the prohibition on enhancing the weapon magically.

All in all, I'm intending to make a frickin' sweet weapon, probably by mixing all of the above with one of The Demented One's Exalted-inspired metals (I especially like the idea of using Starmetal or Moonsilver, if I can get my DM to waive the Caste requirements on those metals... Maxed damage/Shapeshifting weapons are schmexy, I tell you. Heck, if I can get it passed, I want to be an honorary member of one of the Castes...)

Ritual of Martial Transference is intended so that I can, you know, keep some experience to myself while crafting for the party.

2011-11-02, 09:14 PM
Yes, Ritual Transference is a little complicated for its intended purpose...

And as for the lack of enhancements, I was planning on using the improved Masterworking system from the Black Company d20 supplement created by Green Ronin.

Also, I was intending to use the awesomeness that is Antinium (the metal someone recently posted that is essentially Otataral fromt he Malazan Book of the Fallen).

I like my magic-ignoring weapons, thank you very much.

And also taking Item Familiar, which bypasses the prohibition on enhancing the weapon magically.

All in all, I'm intending to make a frickin' sweet weapon, probably by mixing all of the above with one of The Demented One's Exalted-inspired metals (I especially like the idea of using Starmetal or Moonsilver, if I can get my DM to waive the Caste requirements on those metals... Maxed damage/Shapeshifting weapons are schmexy, I tell you. Heck, if I can get it passed, I want to be an honorary member of one of the Castes...)

Ritual of Martial Transference is intended so that I can, you know, keep some experience to myself while crafting for the party.

Not familiar with the Green Ronin improved masterworking system but if its anything like Avatar d20's, it should work fine. Not sure how you're going to mix Antinium and an Exalted metal in the same weapon but I'm sure you'll figure it out, one way or another.

2011-11-02, 09:15 PM
Antinium, that lovely material, has rules for alloying it with other metals.

2011-11-03, 03:41 PM
If the White Raven Crowns, and Devoted Spirit Amulets and etc aren't martial items, they SHOULD BE.

You left in the words "magic item" in at least one place you shouldn't.

2011-11-03, 07:38 PM
You know, they should be; I will fix that.

And, would anyone want to help me to stat out Rune Circles that grant stances? I just thought of that, and it seems REALLY cool in my mind...

2011-11-03, 07:59 PM
You know, they should be; I will fix that.

And, would anyone want to help me to stat out Rune Circles that grant stances? I just thought of that, and it seems REALLY cool in my mind...

I've always thought Rune Circles were cool but underused, though I'm not sure where stances would come into it. Y'mean you could use the stance while in the Circle?

2011-11-03, 08:11 PM
Precisely; the idea I had was that they set up conditions in the circle in just the right way that, if you "attune" through an hour of drilling, you may enter into a particular stance as long as you are in the circle.

Great for defending your dojo!

It's either that or drugs+acupuncture.

2011-11-03, 08:19 PM
Darn, double post.

2011-11-04, 10:35 AM
Darn, double post.

You can just delete it, y'know, via the edit menu. :smallwink: