View Full Version : Mythbusters: Blood and Bathe

2011-11-02, 03:49 PM
The Guild

It's seems it is time again. There are bills to pay, boredom to make dissapear, new challenges to go for or maybe it's time to flee from the city (again)?
Either way, you have come to the right place, the place everyone is allowed to come, to apply, to hang out, have fun and discover.

In the left corner is where everything happens, the request/myths board. Last one didn't go that well... Pixies with fairydust again... More minor illusions...
In the center is (of course) the bar. Beautiful Karen is always watching over the guild. Beautiful, but unnapproachable. Not because she doesn't want to date, no, far from that. Unnaproachable because he grandfather watches over her. Yes, the wizard who stopped a volcano from erupting, that one. Ohh well...

Going up the staircase is the VIP lounge, with the most serious requests. Why did the unicorns dissappear? Where did our neighbouring country go? That type of quests is what you'll find there.

For now, though, you'll be attracted to the questboards on the left, those that don't take a year.

2011-11-02, 04:18 PM
Caldric and his friends wander over to the board, looking around at the other denizens of the guild. He idly strokes Dingus's strong furry back while he peruses the posted notices, looking for something interesting.

"Wark! Polly want a cracker!" shouts Zeb from his shoulder.

Caldric looks at Zeb with an unamused expression. "If you want to be a parrot," he says, "I'm going to paint you orange."

Zeb immediately flies up to the rafters, muttering epithets.

2011-11-02, 04:48 PM
Brooding in the corner, Gilyryth has been entertaining himself for the past half hour with small feats of prestidigitation while enjoying a glass of wine.

Upon hearing Caldric's chastisement of the raven, he shifts slightly and says, "Charming idea." With a point of his finger and a sly grin, he adds a tinge of orange to the bird's feathers.

2011-11-02, 08:09 PM
"Anything interesting posted today?" Dante says, approaching the crowd around the noticeboard. Peering over the halfling's head, he read from the list of notices.

2011-11-03, 02:49 PM
"Not that I know of," pipes Gilyryth, "but we are overdue for some announcements. If there aren't any posted soon, I might have to resort to an impromptu performace to stave off boredom."

As he says this, Gilyryth takes out some notes and picks up his mandola, tuning it.

"Oh, Caldric, would you like your dog to match your bird? I would hate for them to clash!"

2011-11-03, 03:13 PM
"Oh well," Dante says, leaving the halfling to look over the sheet. He walked up to the bar, leaning against it and looking Karen in the eyes. "Any Wizard's Mind Bomb on the shelf today, or are we still stuck with the usual?"

2011-11-03, 03:17 PM
Karen, who was talking to some other guy, doesn't hear you, and leaves. A very large woman takes her place.
On the board are only two jobs left, and two people standing in front of it.

2011-11-03, 03:20 PM
The two jobs:

Our town is approaching the 72nd day of the Extrins, the holy moon day. Prophecies say there will be creatures raiding us, those days. Weirdly enough, we have been seeing creatures arise already. Help us, please!

Reward: 8000 silver pieces

One by one our trees dissappear. Tribe also vanishing, cannot leave lands. Ground no fertile, no food. What does this? Help#

Reward: Useful things and money

2011-11-03, 03:54 PM
"Well, is anyone interested in taking one of these quests? The 'Torleantur' quest seems intriguing, if a little vague. Hey Caldric, you are one of those nature types, shall we look into why all those trees are disappearing?"

As he says this, he gathers his notes and puts them into his satchel, slings his instrument around his back, and quickly finishes the rest of his wine.

2011-11-03, 04:56 PM
Dante hears Gilyryth's words just before attempting to get the new barista's attention. Deciding that the concept of disappearing trees sounds much more exciting than chatting up a barista, he turns back to the group at large.

"Any disappearing fish can be traced back to a net. My father always taught me that. Let's go find that net. I'm in." With that, Dante adjusted his backpack upon his shoulders and walked over to Gilyryth's table.

2011-11-03, 06:19 PM
Caldric looks askance at the two notices, while Dingus (hearing the inflection in Gilyryth's voice) hides behind the notice board.

"Well," Caldric says slowly, thinking things through, "I think that both of these people need help, and we should be the ones to give it. My personal inclination, of course, would be to help with the trees... but if people are being attacked by monsters RIGHT NOW, isn't that the more immediate threat?"

He looks worried. Zeb flies down from the rafters and pecks at the notices, muttering something about eyeballs and lunch.

2011-11-03, 06:40 PM
OOC: Where's your fourth player? Any way to contact him?

2011-11-03, 07:26 PM
OOC: Where's your fourth player? Any way to contact him?

OOC: I sent him a PM because I noticed that he had posted in some other forums today. I politely asked if he was still playing. Hope that's ok.

2011-11-03, 08:52 PM
Grondor will clunk up to see the board. "Torleantur looks right up my alley. If anyone else sees fit to go, we can figure this one together."

2011-11-03, 09:00 PM
Caldric looks somewhat unconvinced. "Alright," he hazards, "let's go help the trees. But we should resolve that quickly and help these others as well, if we can."

He pulls the Torleantur notice down from the wall. Dingus moves forward, and Caldric climbs up onto his back. Zeb gives Gilyryth a dirty look and flies over to the door.

2011-11-03, 09:26 PM
"It seems that we now have a troupe of players and a engagement!" chimes Gilyryth. "Perhaps this won't be too dreadful. I imagine those villagers can handle the monsters in any case; you know prophecies, always exaggerated."

Gilyryth gathers his belongings and heads to his cart.

He is visibly racking his brain to remember as much about Torleantur as possible.

OOC: Should I roll a bardic knowledge check or will you do that?
If I am suppose to, here is the roll:[roll0]
Modifier: 3 (Bard level) + 3 (INT Modifier) + 2 (Synergy from KnowHistory) + 2 (Bardic Sage class bonus)

2011-11-04, 11:06 PM
"How shall we proceed? I suppose that I can accommodate people in my cart, if need be. We should probably head out ASAP." Gilyryth says.

After teaming his mules and stowing away the supplies in his cart, Gilyryth sits under a nearby tree and strums his mandola.

2011-11-05, 02:25 AM
It seems you're all ready to take off. Except for Dante, who is still searching for his lost shoe. Torleantur is found to the west, about a week's travel in the middle of the desert. Odd, because that would explain it not having any plants and all.

Dante... Start posting, please?

Gilyryth however remembers several stories of an ancient clan of humans living there. A clan whose magical powers not only exceeded that of normal humans, but sometimes even the dragons themselves. For this reason, almost nobody wanted to cross their paths. He also remembers having seen a map once before, on which in the desert one big oasis was found: Torleantur.

2011-11-05, 09:42 AM
...Lost Shoe? I thought I was good to go.

"Your cart sounds fine. Let's get going. Torleantur it is!"

2011-11-05, 12:27 PM
...Lost Shoe? I thought I was good to go.

"Your cart sounds fine. Let's get going. Torleantur it is!"

I post once everyone has posted, so I really was waiting for you :smalltongue:
Or after two days

2011-11-05, 12:33 PM
As Gilyryth relays this information to the party, Caldric frowns. "An oasis that is losing its trees? I don't like the sound of that at all. I may have to meditate on this, perhaps to prepare some spells more suited to the landscape."

He rubs Dingus between the ears, and adds as an afterthought, "I hope there's enough to eat there. We're going to have to work through second and third breakfast, probably."

First, sorry for all the alliteration. Second, are Sandstorm druid spells available? If so, then while we're traveling he'll probably swap out some of his prepared stuff.

2011-11-05, 12:48 PM
First, sorry for all the alliteration. Second, are Sandstorm druid spells available? If so, then while we're traveling he'll probably swap out some of his prepared stuff.

I'd have to say no on that. Surviving is the challenge here, so no spells out of core that benefit you with it.

2011-11-05, 01:22 PM
"Perhaps we should discuss our plan of action," suggests Gilyryth. "I certainly do not wish to be at the whimsy of the desert or its denizens without suitable supplies and sundries. Perhaps a few scrolls of endure elements..."

Gilyryth quickly scrutinizes his travelling companions,"...and some new clothing."

2011-11-05, 01:49 PM
Caldric squints up at the sun, imagining it swollen with brutish heat. He doesn't like the idea.

"I can prepare some Endure Elements, if necessary. But I shouldn't focus entirely on that, or I won't be as effective for other things. Scrolls are an excellent idea, if someone has the funds for them."

2011-11-05, 03:13 PM
Gilyryth muses, "I have enough to buy a few for myself. Every entity for itself, as I always say. Not sure what the tank will require...maybe some oil to prevent the gears from clogging up with sand?

Snickering at his fantastic joke, Gilyryth motions to Caldric to hop into the wagon. He gazes over at Dante, who appears to be tightening the straps on his footwear. Deciding that he has a few moments, he decides to recount in epic verse a tale of the horrors of the desert to anyone who might listen.


"Through the sands of the desert dry,
our weary heroes did explore.
Though the gobsmacked masses asked them 'why',
they felt an urge too strong to ignore.

The heat and sun did beat them down
and the wind did scour and roar.
The heroes who had sought renown
were seen again nevermore."

2011-11-05, 05:14 PM
Caldric looks at Gilyryth doubtfully. "Hmm... I think I'll have to disagree about that one. What good is it if you survive the heat but the rest of us melt? You'd be all alone, and then who'd cook dinner?"

2011-11-05, 05:34 PM
"Ah, you misunderstand. I was suggesting that others purchase scrolls as well, especially since a wand of endure elements seems too extravagant a purchase, at least not one that is fully charged. Though I suppose I would be willing to volunteer some of my personal scrolls and potions, as well as my mundane equipment, for use by the group as needed, and further make a small contribution of coin toward expenses to be incurred now or during our adventure,' says Gilyryth. "Of course, this would be in expectation that others would make such a contribution as well."

With that, he begins to review his inventory.

2011-11-06, 12:41 PM
"I'll throw in some gold as well. A boat's only as strong as its weakest board. My father always taught me that." Dante said, rooting for his backpack to find his pouch of gold.

2011-11-07, 08:06 AM
"Ha, nearly forgot to laugh at that joke. No, I don't think oil would be needed. However I may get a cloak for the travel," Grondor groans out as he follows the others out the door. His adamantine skin glistening in the light of the sun.

2011-11-07, 08:44 AM
You decide to leave the guild, either to go shopping or to leave immediatly. It's 10 o'clock in the morning, and the shops are just starting. Luckily you know where the magic shop is, and after waiting for an hour the shop opens. it's 11 AM.

"Welcome young lads. From the guild I see? Going on an adventure? What can I offer you? An amulet of feather falling maybe, a scroll of teleportation? Sending perhaps? you name it, we have it.
Maybe the +12 Flaming Sword of Ice Smiting?"

2011-11-07, 08:46 AM
Caldric's eyes widen in excitement at mention of the Flaming Sword, but then he remembers his druid vows and reins himself in.

"Have you any scrolls of Endure Elements, my good man?"

2011-11-07, 12:43 PM
"Or perhaps a heavily discounted or partially charged wand of endure elements? Perhaps we could buy it at cost, or receive an extension of credit on a fully charged wand or large number of scrolls? You would have our gratitude and I would sing your praises throughout the lands..."

Diplomacy check[roll0]

As he speaks, he tries to enlist the help of his travelling companions in his bargaining.

2011-11-07, 01:12 PM
"What is the cost on a wand of, what, endure elements," Grondor asks as he touches a display case, leaning on it slightly to make the wood groan under his weight.

Intimidate: [roll0]

2011-11-07, 01:49 PM
The shopkeeper didn't know what to do. Here was one man, being kind to him, offering to spread the word around of his store, granting more customers, and the other, making the wood creak, as if saying: You better give us that magic...

He decided to just go show them his merchandise:
Scrolls of endure elements? Yes, very well. I've got 46 in store, as well as 12 wands with each 25 charges of Endure Elements. The scrolls are 25 silver each, and the wands are 150 silver each. What do you want?

unless gilyruth really wants to spread his name around, he'll have to make a bluff check

2011-11-07, 02:22 PM
"I can spare one-hundred and twenty gold toward one of those wands," Grondor says as he knows he made the merchant a little shaky.

(Negotiating, Dallas Corbin taught me everything I know.)

2011-11-07, 02:37 PM
I will happily spread his name around through song. Though it might not be favorable, so a Bluff check is likely in order.

Bluff [roll0]

Gilyryth attempts to distract the shopkeeper as he hears Grondor offer far more than the shopkeepers stated price.

Bluff to secretly tell Grondor that silence would be prudent - [roll1]

"150 silver for the wands? We will gladly take 2, which comes to 30 gold pieces."

2011-11-07, 03:07 PM
Caldric is amused by the antics of his friends. Seeing Zeb sneak behind the counter to try and take a wand, Caldric hurriedly adds, "I'll take one as well. And... how much are you charging for a scroll of Plant Growth?"

2011-11-07, 04:33 PM
Two wands should work well for us. You get them here, and I'll grab whatever we need later. Dante says to Gilyryth, listening to him negotiate with the shopkeeper.

2011-11-07, 04:47 PM
That would be 225 silver for the plant overgrowth scroll. Two wands would make 30gp indeed, and do you still want to take the scroll of overgrowth?
The shopkeeper says, inclining himself to take the wands out of a drawer. He is about to put them on the counter, when he notices there is an animal, behind it.
Hello there, fella! what are you searching for? he says to Zeb.
He then turns back at you

Don't know if I told this group already, but in this world:

2011-11-07, 05:14 PM
Don't know if I told this group already, but in this world:

No, that was not explained. So the cost would be 300 gp in terms of my character sheet but 30 gp 'in game'?

"Ah, kind sir, I must conference with my associates."

Gilyryth conveys that he does not have enough gold in his own purse for this purchase. If we could all contribute a quarter of the cost, that would be desirable.

2011-11-07, 05:37 PM
"Ah, kind sir, I must conference with my associates."

Gilyryth conveys that he does not have enough gold in his own purse for this purchase. If we could all contribute a quarter of the cost, that would be desirable.

exactly, I seem to have told the other group already, sorry, I thought I had told you too.

2011-11-07, 05:54 PM
Dante hands over 75 gold to Gilyryth. "This should cover my part."

2011-11-08, 08:06 AM
"Here," Grondor pulls the metal pieces from his back pack and sets them on the display case.

OOC: So, all money is silver pieces?

2011-11-08, 09:40 AM
"Here," Grondor pulls the metal pieces from his back pack and sets them on the display case.

OOC: So, all money is silver pieces?

All gold is, yes

2011-11-08, 04:14 PM
Zeb looks at the shopkeep and says calmly, "I'm hungry. Do you have any pickled eyeballs?"

Caldric scolds him and shoos him away from the merchandise. Then he hurriedly whispers to the rest of the group, "I think if we're working on trees, I should get the scroll. I haven't quite figured out how to cast that spell on my own, yet..." He looks slightly disgruntled for a moment. "Anyway, I can contribute 300 toward a wand and the scroll."

2011-11-08, 05:31 PM
"Two wands of endure elements and a scroll of plant growth it is then. This should cover it."

Gilyryth gathers the 525 in coin and places it on the display case.

2011-11-08, 05:46 PM
Write it off your char-sheets!

The shopkeeper takes the money, bites on it and decides to take it, putting it in a case. He then hands over two wands and a scroll. Come by again! He says as you leave the shop. You're standing outside. Where to now?

2011-11-08, 06:25 PM
Exiting the shop with his companions, Gilyryth takes one of the wands and places it in his satchel. He gives the other wand and the scroll to Caldric.

"We should probably each have one, in case the other becomes indisposed. I can probably manage to activate mine should it be necessary. Are these the only supplies that we need before we embark on our journey? If so, then I suggest we start immediately; a week's journey is tiresome enough without travelling into a desert."

Gilyryth checks the mules' harnesses and lifts himself into the driver's seat of his wagon.

"If the desert is rocky enough to support carriage travel, we could probably make it all the way by means of the wagon. Otherwise, I will need to stable the mules and store my cart before we enter the desert."

2011-11-09, 03:25 PM
"Wagon travel would be ideal, if the desert can support it. " Dante said, watching as his companions divided the new items.

2011-11-09, 03:29 PM
"I guess I will be walking either way," Grondor says as he looks at the wooden conveyance and then back at himself.

2011-11-09, 04:01 PM
OOC: Would my wagon be able to carry all of us, including Grondor, even though he is just under 500 lbs? If so, can we still make decent time? We are just over the load for my mules to make normal time...I would be willing to spend the 8 gp for a 3rd if the wagon itself will sustain his weight.

"Not if we want to make good time. Let's review our load and examine the cart before we make that deciscion, unless you want to walk."

2011-11-09, 04:04 PM
Caldric pats Dingus on his shaggy flank. "Dingus can carry me, not that I'm much of a burden."

2011-11-09, 04:09 PM
OOC: Cart max 200lbs, carriage 600lbs. Also, how fast is a mule?

2011-11-09, 04:41 PM
OOC: Cart max 200lbs, carriage 600lbs. Also, how fast is a mule?

It is a wagon, not a cart. A single mule can travel 16 miles a day up with up to a 690 lb load (carrying). The stats on pulling a wagon are unclear, plus I have 2 mules. There is some material in the 3.0 Arms and Equipment guide that say a wagon can hold 2 tons of cargo and that the full weight is the total weight of the wagon and its load/passengers divided by four, then divide that among the number of draft animals pulling it. However, that is a 3.0 rule and I don't like to dictate such things, so I thought I would ask.

2011-11-09, 04:50 PM
A creature with 30 move goes 24 miles a day when traveling, and I am a machine, would be boring, but would move faster than the mule.

2011-11-09, 05:20 PM
Even though these things have to be asked in the OOC (yeah, it is fun, trust me) here's the answer:
You can go with mules and a wagon. It'll take you 5 days

2011-11-09, 10:17 PM
"Well, looks like we are ready to go. Dante, you may sit in the wagon, unless you prefer to walk as well."

Gilyryth clicks the mules into motion and sets on his way.

2011-11-10, 08:09 AM
"When I tire I will rest but until then I will make sure that we are ready for any problems that arise," Grondor says as he strolls beside the wagon, his adamantine plating shining in the sun.

2011-11-10, 05:43 PM
"Thank you for the ride" Dante said, taking a seat upon the cart.

2011-11-11, 03:03 PM
Gilyryth asks, "Does anyone have any ideas about what would cause trees to disappear in the desert? Other than, you know, the lack of water and the scorching sun?"

As the wagon bounces along the road, Gilyryth looks around at the terrain and discusses what lies between here and their destination, planning for any unexpected encounters.

"Has anyone travelled along this path? It's not territory I have explored."

2011-11-13, 10:30 AM
For the first day everything seems to be going nice and easy. You stopped halfway through to eat something and let the mules rest. At night, everyone had shifts and the soft ground of the plains were comfortably enough to have a good rest on, and with the sun rising again you continue.

At some point, the road suddenly stops, but it doesn't seem too much of a drag to continue on the way you are walking, it's just plains anyway. When the sun is at his highest though, you encounter a forest. The carriage won't be able to pass, the mules might though. What do you do?

List the spells you prepared for the day

2011-11-13, 10:48 AM
Wizard: Prestidigitation x3 (0th), Mage Armor (1st), Benign Transposition (1st)
Druid: Detect Magic x2 (0th), Guidance x2 (0th), Produce Flame (1st), Entangle (1st), Magic Stone (1st), Omen of Peril (1st)

Zeb flaps into the trees and starts rooting for grubs.

Caldric isn't bothered by the forest, and remains mounted on Dingus, but he then looks at the cart with concern. "What shall we do with that? It won't fit through those trees... I wish I'd studied my master's spellbook more thoroughly! I might have been able to shrink it."

2011-11-13, 01:45 PM
"Well, assuming there is no easy route around, we can likely split my belongings between the two mules on pack saddles. We are likely to need some of these supplies anyway and there is only about 130 lbs worth for each of the mules. We can probably find a place to hide the wagon for a few days. Had I realized there was not a direct road, I would have stored the wagon at the guildhouse."

With this, Gilyryth begrudgingly hops off the wagon and begins to unharness the mules. He removes the pack saddles from the wagon and begins to prepare them for use.

"Caldric, might you be able to find an area just inside the woods where we can take and cover the cart? Does anyone know much about this forest?"

Bardic knowledge check about forest: [roll0]

2011-11-15, 08:12 AM
"Not familiar with the forest, but I knew it was a good idea to walk," Grondor says as he looks for a gap in the trees the wagon can fit through.

Spot: [roll0]

2011-11-16, 07:15 PM
"I've never been here either." Dante says, examining the forest as well.

[roll0] Search +6
[roll1] Spot +3

2011-11-16, 11:06 PM
As Gilyryth finishes trasnferring his supplies from the wagon to the mules, he decides to look for a place for the wagon as well.

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]

"I seem to recall something about this forest but it is on the tip of my tongue..." he states.

2011-11-18, 03:25 AM
You seem to find a bush nearby and some fungus that could help hiding the wagon. It will take approximately one hour to do, and night is already approaching.

Gilyryth seems to recall this forest has been haunted for quite some time. Ghosts and the sorts, although most people say it's a fairy tale. But then again, all stories contain a bit of truth.

Somewhere far away you hear a roar. Pretty big, pretty menacing.

DC 20 (trained) Knowledge Geography to know the distance (DC 23 untrained)

DC 20 (trained) Knowledge Nature to determine what beast made that noise (DC 23 untrained)

2011-11-18, 07:03 AM
Knowledge:Nature [roll0]

2011-11-18, 09:42 AM
Knowledge: Nature [roll0]
Knowledge: Geography [roll1]

2011-11-18, 11:32 PM
Knowledge Geography:[roll0]
Knowledge Nature:[roll1]

2011-11-21, 02:02 AM
Knowledge: Nature [roll0]
Knowledge: Geography [roll1]

2011-11-21, 04:46 AM
The ones of you that got the Geography check: It's between 5 and 10 miles away from you.
The ones that got the KS Nature check: It's larger than medium, but smaller than gargantuan.

What will you do?

2011-11-22, 08:14 AM
"Well, I think it is time we just abandon the wagon here as it appears it will not pass and there is nowhere to really stow it. Let us continue on our path or camp here, I am all for advancing just to throw in my lot," Grondor groans as he looks in the direction of the animal sound.

2011-11-26, 07:50 PM
The animal sound seems to be approaching, as you hear another growl, this time a bigger one. You also see birds flying away.

2011-11-30, 08:57 AM
"It appears that there will be no rest presently, best hide yourself up a tree if you cannot take an opponent on face to face," Grondor says as he looks in the direction of the creature.