View Full Version : Druid sneaky dude help (3.5)

2011-11-02, 07:16 PM
So, I have not played druid much. Im looking to be a nuetral evil orcish druid, who can help fill the role of a sneak. Not really a rogue, but a scout and maybe skillmonkey if it comes up.

Right now im interested in the shapeshift variant. Our group isnt optimized at all, so Im not worried about losing power.

I am eighth level, and I figured straight druid would work. Though if someone knows a PRC that fits?

And any helpful spells to jack up my hide/move silently/other appropriate skillmonkey skills?

Oh, also, Im evil because I hold nature above all else, but to a fault. To the point I break bones for misspeaking about our mother earth. But thats fluff, and can change if a PRC needs it.

Any help to be had, good sir playground?

2011-11-02, 07:23 PM
If you don't mind delaying your spellcasting a little, Rogue1/Druid5/Daggerspell Shaper2 means you get the basic rogue skills, and you can enchant 2 daggers... and have the enchantments carry over to your natural attacks when wildshaped. If you want to focus on melee, that could be worth losing two spellcasting levels.

skycycle blues
2011-11-02, 07:35 PM
You can also do the same thing with Scout, but if you do, I suggest talking to your DM so that it advances Skirmish instead of Sneak Attack, which should be a standard feature of the class, since you can enter it with Skirmish, but isn't.

It requires you to be non-evil, so you could instead play LN, as like a fascist of Nature. Anyone that disrespects nature is your enemy, but you wouldn't have to go so far as to beat up non threatening people for disrespecting trees.

There are also Half Orc Druid substitution levels in, I think, Races of Destiny, which, IIRC, make your animal companion and any animals you summon stronger.

2011-11-02, 07:48 PM
Whisper Gnome from Races of Stone gets +4 Hide and Move Silently, with another +4 Hide for small size, with a 30 ft. base land speed.

You'll probably want to stay single-classed Druid, even with the Shapeshift variant. You can easily keep max ranks in Hide, Move Silently, Listen, and Spot, but you'll also want Concentration and probably Survival and Kn: Nature, so maybe get a decent Int score.

Take Hidden Talent (XPH) for the Chameleon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/chameleon.htm) power, and get a Dorje (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/dorjes.htm) of Chameleon which works like a wand. That's 15 gp per charge, for a 10 minute duration of +10 Hide. You should also get a Wand of Camouflage and use that to get another +10 Hide for a 10 minute duration, which will also run you 15 gp per charge. So, you've got 50 uses of +20 Hide which lasts 10 minutes at a time.

I'd suggest a Circlet of Rapid Casting (MIC), at least two Lesser Metamagic Rods of Extend, the Dorje of Chameleon, and the Wand of Camouflage. Spells you cast on yourself don't go away when you use Shapeshift, though spells that grant an Enhancement bonus to Strength won't stack with Shapeshift's bonus. Cast Barkskin on yourself, Rapid Cast an Extended Produce Flame, then go into Ferocious Slayer form. You'll deliver fire damage on every attack as per holding the charge on a touch spell, and Barkskin stacks with the natural armor bonus from Shapeshifting. If there's a Wizard or Sorcerer in the party get him to cast (Extended) (Greater) Mage Armor on you every day, even let him borrow one of your Lesser Rods of Extend to use a charge to cast that on you. Use a Lesser Rod of Extend to cast Longstrider on yourself every day, along with Snowsight and Obscuring Snow if you want books thrown at you; if you do that, get enough 1st level Pearls of Power to put Snowsight on the rest of the party as well.

2011-11-02, 09:04 PM
A dip into Ninja nets you some sneaky skills and Wis synergy.
I don't recall the rules on the shapeshift druid specifically, but I imagine you get Ninja's unarmored AC boost while shapeshifted.