View Full Version : PTTA: Saffron City

2011-11-03, 08:54 PM
None of us liked Sabrina. But none of us realized how she held this city together. We didn’t miss her until she was dead.

2014 A.D. Saffron City
Six months. It’s only been six months since Sabrina died and this city plunged into madness. As soon as she was down, the power struggle began. The Fighters Guild grabbed for power quickly, attempting to eliminate the remains of the Marsh Gym. Our streets turned into a war zone overnight. They’re still fighting. Whenever one seems to gain the upper hand he steps in. The Wildcard. Nobody knows his name. All people know is he dresses as an old school court jester. Nobody knows what he wants or what his angle is. It seems all he wants is perpetual chaos. Between him and the rogue Psychics or other powerhouses, this city isn’t safe for anybody. Worst part is, we’re in quarantine. The Indigo League isn’t letting anyone in or out until this all blows over.

As night falls over the city the sounds of conflicts can already be heard.

The Players
Of the seven Pokemon Centers originally in Saffron, this is the last one free from influence. The Psychics and the Dojo have both taken two and the Wildcard has taken or destroyed all of the others. The mayor has offered this one his protection and several guards stand watch outside, armed with basic weapons although one does have a rifle. The building is filled to capacity with stretchers and impromptu beds as the nurses try to treat everyone. Large Pokemon take up large amounts of space. There has to be at least three thousand people crammed in here with maybe half that many Pokemon. Every single floor is packed with some patients being treated in hallways. You all have gathered here for your various reasons and sit in the lobby, one of the few places in the center not being used for treatment. The mood is grim and the lights flicker occasionally. The power has been like that ever since the Wildcard appeared, there’s rumors that he has somehow taken control of the power sent to Saffron.

Think a modern day hospital, not game Pokemon Center

Giovanni was very vague in his email, but you are supposed to be here for a meet with a contact. He is running a little late, he was supposed to be here nearly half an hour ago but with the state this city is in that isn’t that big of a surprise. Your tank is hidden safely outside under a piece of rubble that conveniently made an impromptu lean to. Fortunately nobody would dare to touch it since is has Silph Co. sprayed on it, a company that still demands a large deal of respect in this city, even among the criminals.

You started your vigilante fighting early tonight and, unfortunately, one of the criminals was better with a knife than you anticipated. You are waiting here until a station opens up for you to get some stitches. Although Wilfred, the humble butler of the Silph House, has the skills to patch you up he strongly disproves of your nighttime ventures.

The egg you recently acquired seems to not be looking that good. The shell is getting soft and it shakes occasionally. The egg has also been turning it a deeper shade of yellow. You have brought it to the Pokemon Center to see if this is normal or if you should be concerned.

You have come to the hospital to comfort the injured Pokemon. So far* you are halfway through the ground floor. The current patient is a Raichu with its trainer close at its side, his much larger hand holding the Raichu’s much smaller one. The thing looks like its been shot, the bullet seems to have gone straight through his shoulder leaving a nasty hole.

You came to just get your Pokemon patched up. They are all better now, they weren’t hurt too terribly. Seeing that its dark and knowing how bad the streets get at night you have decided to wait it out until morning in here.
Need a background

You don’t know why you’re here. You don’t know who you are. It would be a good idea to try to remember who you are and what you’ve done.
Need a backstory and name

2011-11-03, 09:12 PM
Tears fought to break free from Ross's eyes as he walked through the hospital. Seeing so many pokemon injured in needless fights broke his heart and filled him with both sorrow and rage. As he saw various pokemon injured from being caught in the crossfire of a human's war he felt a form of heart cross through him. Human's didn't deserve to own pokemon.

As he walked through the ground floor comforting the pokemon he could a thought began to fill his mind. These humans needed to pay. These humans who fought needlessly injured pokemon and stood by while some were killed. He was about to start a scene when suddenly he saw a Raichu. Sure, it wasn't the first Raichu he'd seen and the injury wasn't the first bullet wound he'd seen. But the trainer was right beside the pokemon holding its hand as one would hold a friend or family member's hand.

Ross's hatred started to fade as he moved closer. He turned to his brother Lazareth the Lucario and without saying a word asked him the question he wanted to know merely through their unbreakable bond. Does this Raichu care about his trainer? Is this trainer a friend or a master? How does he view that pokemon? Read his mind for me my brother while I sense the mind of the Raichu. He requested.

Then he closed his eyes and tried to see what he could pick up emotionally from the injured Raichu.

Roll: [roll0] Loyalty Sense: On a result of 10 or higher, you will know if the Pokemon's Loyalty is 4. On a result of 20 or higher, you know the exact value of the Pokemon's Loyalty.

2011-11-03, 09:48 PM
As soon as you touch the Raichu’s mind you can sense its love for the trainer. It is almost like it is something tangible, as if it is an object. From Lazareth you are able to tell, not from words but more from a mix of emotions, that the trainer is good and treats his Pokemon well. It seems that he noticed you and stands up. He attempts to wipe the blood off his hand but ends up not doing much since his shirt is drenched. You can see a deep slash that cut through his shirt. His eyes are very red as if he had been crying and the man appears to be in his mid twenties.
”Do you want something?” he asks in an irritated tone as he looks you in the eye.

2011-11-03, 09:57 PM
Ross tries to put the words together to talk to the trainer. He was better at communicating with pokemon then people. "Who did this to your brother?" He asked pointing at the Raichu. Is that the right word? Brother? He thought to himself. The two seemed close and both loved each other. He was close and loved his brother Lazareth. So brother must be the right word.

2011-11-03, 10:14 PM
”Huh Brother. I like that. Most trainers would just say Pokemon….” The trainer takes a short pause here. ”Some goons in masks jumped us in an alley. One pulled a knife on me, but Riot here shocked him into the ground. Bastard managed to get a lucky shot at me on his way down though…” he says as he gestures at the long cut on his shirt. ”The goons ran after that, but when one reached the end of the alley he turned around and shot at me. Probably would have hit too if it wasn’t for Riot.” he says, looking at the Raichu affectionately. ”The bullet go him strait in the shoulder, a clean in and out. I rushed him here as fast as I could. The nurses got him in fast. They say he should be fine, but I can’t leave his side until I know he is better.” the trainer says as he sits back down at the Raichu’s side.

2011-11-03, 10:31 PM
The egg you recently acquired seems to not be looking that good. The shell is getting soft and it shakes occasionally. The egg has also been turning it a deeper shade of yellow. You have brought it to the Pokemon Center to see if this is normal or if you should be concerned.

Mr. DuMont cradled the sickly-looking egg in his thick arms as he huddled against the wall of the crowded ground-floor lobby. He had no doubt that it would hatch given enough time, but its disgusting shade and the general stench of death and decay smothering Saffron City was enough to make him worry about its well-being.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised," Dudley mulled as he checked the egg's temperature with the back of his hand. "This city has gone to hell since Sabrina and Giovanni left. All this gutter trash roaming the streets, leaving the wounded, the beaten, and the damned to rot as they behold the carnage...."

The haunting memory of the Raichu, its owner, and their fresh wounds made the old businessman vomit a little inside his mouth. Swallowing the bile and what little dignity there was left in Saffron City, he closed his eyes and began to whisper a prayer under his breath as he waited for a medic to treat the yellowed egg.

2011-11-03, 10:58 PM
Eventually a nurse comes over to see what your problem is. As you explain, she seems to only look more and more tired. The deep bags under her eyes suggest she hasn’t slept for days. “There are two likely possibilities. One is that the egg is dying. If this is the case, I’m sorry but we can’t do anything. If the egg is not dying, then it is likely that it is nearing the end of it’s gestation period and is about to hatch. Some species eggs become soft like this, although the first option is far more likely. Only a handful of species do the second. I’m sorry I don’t have better news.” she says as she walks off to treat another one of the seemingly endless patients.

2011-11-03, 11:00 PM
Keeping pressure on his cut, Roger sits, waiting for a medic to call him over for his stiches.

Cursing to himself, he winces as he applies a bit too much pressure.

2011-11-03, 11:39 PM
"Brother must care lots about you." Ross said with a nod, "Brother very brave to take a bullet. I find people who did this. Do you know who they are? I make them pay!" Ross said with an angry glare. "People hurt pokemon bad people!"

2011-11-04, 08:15 AM
Eventually a nurse comes over to see what your problem is. As you explain, she seems to only look more and more tired. The deep bags under her eyes suggest she hasn’t slept for days. “There are two likely possibilities. One is that the egg is dying. If this is the case, I’m sorry but we can’t do anything. If the egg is not dying, then it is likely that it is nearing the end of it’s gestation period and is about to hatch. Some species eggs become soft like this, although the first option is far more likely. Only a handful of species do the second. I’m sorry I don’t have better news.” she says as she walks off to treat another one of the seemingly endless patients.

"Thank you, ma'am," he replied as a weak smile crossed his face. Even though the nurse only confirmed what the possibilities were and not what the outcome would be, Mr. DuMont knew that despair plagued most, if not everyone in the hospital.

"It may be false hope," he admitted to himself, "but a bit of any variety of hope goes a long way."

2011-11-04, 02:08 PM
As you all wait in your respective part of the hospital, a single gun shot echoes outside. The shot echoes for a moment before another, likely from the hospital is returned. Following that a few bright flashes come from the window, likely Pokemon being released. Then the sounds of combat begin. Roars from huge Pokemon echoe along with the sounds of metal hitting metal. Another gunshot rings out and an agonized yell follows. The Pokemon in the hospital are panicing and many trainers seem unnerved.
"What the hell..." the trainer with the Raichu says. "I'll be right back Riot, I promise. It sounds like they need help out there." the trainer says as he walks towards the door, a Pokeball in hand.

2011-11-04, 02:37 PM
As you all wait in your respective part of the hospital, a single gun shot echoes outside. The shot echoes for a moment before another, likely from the hospital is returned. Following that a few bright flashes come from the window, likely Pokemon being released. Then the sounds of combat begin. Roars from huge Pokemon echoe along with the sounds of metal hitting metal. Another gunshot rings out and an agonized yell follows. The Pokemon in the hospital are panicing and many trainers seem unnerved.
"What the hell..." the trainer with the Raichu says. "I'll be right back Riot, I promise. It sounds like they need help out there." the trainer says as he walks towards the door, a Pokeball in hand.

Dudley sighed as the skirmishes resumed their routine schedule. He closed his eyes and muttered yet another prayer as he used his sword cane to hoist him and the unhatched pokemon off of the floor.

"It'll be alright," he comforted his pokemon safe inside their pokeballs as he shuffled towards the main entrance. As the old man neared the entrance, he looked down and shook his head. "Sounds like hell out there," he said as he followed slowly. "Might as well help everyone in the building."

2011-11-04, 03:12 PM
As you all wait in your respective part of the hospital, a single gun shot echoes outside. The shot echoes for a moment before another, likely from the hospital is returned. Following that a few bright flashes come from the window, likely Pokemon being released. Then the sounds of combat begin. Roars from huge Pokemon echoe along with the sounds of metal hitting metal. Another gunshot rings out and an agonized yell follows. The Pokemon in the hospital are panicing and many trainers seem unnerved.
"What the hell..." the trainer with the Raichu says. "I'll be right back Riot, I promise. It sounds like they need help out there." the trainer says as he walks towards the door, a Pokeball in hand.

Ross shakes his head and grabs the guys arm. "No, no. Stay with brother you should. Hurt you are and brother stick together." Ross says. "I go for you." He says with a nod tapping the sword on his belt. "My brother and sister and I go." He said pointing at Lucario and Mienfoo. "We fight bad men and help good pokemon." He said nodding.

Looking at the old man with the cane and the egg Ross looked him up and down. The man used pokeballs which automatically made him dislike the guy. However with no pokemon released he couldn't see how they felt about him yet. In the end he didn't say anything to the man and just focused on the guy with the Raichu.

2011-11-04, 04:15 PM
Ross shakes his head and grabs the guys arm. "No, no. Stay with brother you should. Hurt you are and brother stick together." Ross says. "I go for you." He says with a nod tapping the sword on his belt. "My brother and sister and I go." He said pointing at Lucario and Mienfoo. "We fight bad men and help good pokemon." He said nodding.

Looking at the old man with the cane and the egg Ross looked him up and down. The man used pokeballs which automatically made him dislike the guy. However with no pokemon released he couldn't see how they felt about him yet. In the end he didn't say anything to the man and just focused on the guy with the Raichu.

"Listen to this young gentleman here," he addressed the man as he fumbled with his cane and fished for one of his pokeballs. "The best thing you could do for that Raichu is to not needlessly put yourself in harm's way. Your friend and I will help the guards handle this matter, and if worse turns to worst, then the rest of the injured will have someone still alive to protect them."

After finally finding Arminius Sage's ball, Dudley summoned the Mightyena.

"Ready, son?"

2011-11-04, 04:18 PM
Ross eyed the man and then his Mightyena. The man had called his pokemon son? Was he a good trainer or was it just a pet name? He didn't say a word but simply looked at the Mightyena.

Loyalty Check: [roll0] DC 10 to know if 4. DC 20 to know exact number.

2011-11-04, 04:23 PM
You learn Loyalty 3.

2011-11-04, 04:26 PM
"Your Son seems like you so I like you too." Ross says with nod. "You must treat Son well." He said. "Son help fight evil men. Son good person." He said. "I help you. I help beat up bad people." He said heading towards door. He points at the Lucario following him around, "This brother Lazareth." He points at a Mienfoo also with the Lucario, "This sister Tailia. I Ross." He said ending by pointing at himself.

2011-11-04, 04:50 PM
"Your Son seems like you so I like you too." Ross says with nod. "You must treat Son well." He said. "Son help fight evil men. Son good person." He said. "I help you. I help beat up bad people." He said heading towards door. He points at the Lucario following him around, "This brother Lazareth." He points at a Mienfoo also with the Lucario, "This sister Tailia. I Ross." He said ending by pointing at himself.

"Pleasure to meet you and your family, Ross," Dudley confessed with a smirk and slight bow. "This is my foster son, Arminius, and my other children, Hannibal and Astarte, are getting some well-deserved rest at the moment." He glanced at the egg secure in the crook of his arm, his expression turning somber. "And this little one . . . we found it abandoned in alley, sticking out of the top of a dumpster."

2011-11-04, 04:54 PM
"Only bad people abandon babies. Good person save abandoned babies. You are a good person." Ross said with a nod. "I see why Son likes you."

2011-11-05, 01:39 PM
Letting out a wince, Roger stands, turning towards the exit.

"I guess I need to help out as well." He says, walking away from his place in line.

"Maybe I'll be able to negotiate with them this time..."

Fingering the lone pokeball on his belt, he shifts his grip to the crystal kept next to it as he walks towards the exit.

2011-11-05, 04:12 PM
“Ya, OK, I’ll stay,” the trainer says, somewhat relieved, as he walks back to the downed Raichu.
Pokedex auto-adds to seen, but if you want to get info you’ll need to use that trainer action.

As you exit the building through the glass sliding doors in the front, you can tell this is no raid by regular criminals. Guards and goons are in pitched battle all around as well as Pokemon fighting. The goons all wear masks and appear to be gaining the upper hand. A Nidoran and Wartortle lie on the ground near the hospital while one of the guards frantically tries to give them emergency first aid. Another guard is frantically trying to fight off a man with long, shoulder length hair. The guard’s sword and the mans long steel rod cackling in electricity. Eventually the guards guard slips, and the rod gets through, slamming him in the chest. The guard drops like a stone, electricity crackling all over his body. The man looks up, and as you see his face, you recognize him. he criminal mastermind of this city. The Wildcard.

“Well, looks like we have some new playmates! Do you want to play?” he asks, casually twirling the electric baton as he drops a Pokeball behind him. A Magmortar appears at his side, ready for battle. Across the field you can see constant battles between Pokemon taking place as even the trainers go toe to toe with each other.

“Thank Arceus! We have help!” the guard captain yells. “Durants! Take out the goons!” he yells and six Durants start crawling towards the enemy, their metallic limbs creaking. “We don’t know why he’s here or what the hell he wants, but he means business. We have to keep him from the hospital at all costs, last week he blew one up in the southern part of town. We have a guard pinned down to the east. This fight is getting ugly, and we’ll need some help.”

“Why hello there!” the Wildcard yells, looking up at one of the windows of the hospital. “Don’t you know it’s dangerous to play with guns? You could put an eye out!” he yells. As you look up you can see yet another guard looking down the scope of a rifle at the Wildcard. “You should point that at yourself!” the Wildcard says, the words echoing hypnotically. Slowly, ever so slowly, with a terrified expression on his face, the guard turns the gun and puts the barrel under his own chin. “Good, good,” the Wildcard then waves his hand. A gunshot echoes and a burst of blood appears above the mans head. The guard slumps to the ground, obviously dead. “See? Guns are dangerous!” the Wildcard shouts, cackling manically.

“Sh*t.” the captain mutters under his breath. “We need to take him out. Damn Psychic…”

{table]|A|B|C|D|E|F|G6|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X| Y|Z
h= Hospital
d= Doors to hospital
r= Rubble (blocking terrain)
You guys
A= Abby
At= Abby’s tank
R= Roger
D= Dudley
Ar= Arminius
Ro= Ross
La= Lazareth
Ta= Tailia
GC= Guard Captain
G1-7= Guards
Gr1-3= Growlithe
Du1-6= Durant
Ma= Machoke
Ke= Kecleon
Wa= Wartortle
Ni= Nidorino
Bad Guys
C1-9= Criminals
Ma= Magmortar
Ur= Ursaring
Ar= Arbok
Za= Zangoose
Ho= Houndour
Gi= Gigalith
Initiative (say actions in any order, this is how it will happen):
Guard Captain
(others are in own fights, you act before them all)

2011-11-05, 05:49 PM
Dudley's jaw dropped and body trembled as Wildcard himself paid the hospital a personal visit. In the several months he had been within the quarantined city, he had seen the criminal mastermind once--and that was one too many times. His sudden appearance had evoked those horrible memories yet a second time, forcing the old man to hastily cross his heart and utter another prayer.

"Will do, sir," Mr. Dumont replied as he scanned the immediate area before turning towards Arminius. "Son, you see that thug harassing those guards?" he asked, pointing at one of the goons. "Could you please go over there and howl for your dad?"

*Command Arminius to shift from K3 to J7
*Command Arminius to use Howl

Howl - Normal
At-Will - None
No Damage - Self
Effect: No Target
Raise the user’s Attack 1 Combat stage.

2011-11-05, 07:48 PM
Where is trainer shift?

Rage started to fill Ross as he saw the man that was the cause of all the suffering. He started to tremble with anger as he drew his sword.

Calm yourself, don't be reckless. Lucario said in his mind.

"But...that's...him..." Ross said between clenched teeth. "I'll destroy him!" And he tried to rush forward, but Lucario stepped in his way. "

Let's defeat the enemies in our way, then take deal with him. Lucario said.

Ross growled but nodded, "Fine...I can't order both of you at once. But you guys know what to do." Ross said with a nod to Lazareth and Talia.

"GIGALITH!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he saw the large pokemon. "Please! Resist these bad men! Bad men want to make you hurt and be hurt! They don't care! Mean they are! Use your new freedom! Strike back at them and help! Lots of innocent and hurt pokemon are here! Don't let them hurt more friends and brothers. Please help! Please attack the mean men!"

Provocation on the Gigalith: [roll0] (Target: 15)
On a total of 15 or higher, the Pokemon leaves the Trainer's control and begins attacking them as though they were a Wild Pokemon. The trainer may attempt to recall the Pokemon, but must succeed on a simulated capture check at double the normal success rate. This feature fails instantly on Pokemon with a loyalty of 2 or greater.

I also have Free Yourself!
When a Pokemon is successfully affected by the use of Provocation, their trainer's success rate to force the Pokemon to return is no longer doubled.

So...it's basically a wild if it succeeds.

Also, my pokemon are wild pokemon who listen to me. Meaning they can fight as the DM believes allied wild pokemon would fight if I don't give orders :P

2011-11-05, 09:50 PM
"Showtime!" Roger shouts, spinning the crystal off of his belt and into a clutch before his chest, before a burst of light emanates from it.

When the light clears, Roger is cloaked in purple armor, a wing-like cape over his back, and claws over his hands. A cowl-like mask covers the top half of his face, and his eyes glow with a yellow light.

And there's a rather large tail, not unlike that of a Gliscor, trailing behind him.

"Union complete." He says, as a claw retracts to reveal his hand, now with a glow of the same color as the armor covering it, the crystal embeded in the back.

And then he moves.

Leaping into the air, he glides past the battle, towards the apparent mastermind.



Activate Burst Fusion Feature. Then move to I12, since I now have fly 10.

Also, activate Voltorb Flip, if the psychic trys to read my mind: [roll0]

2011-11-05, 11:58 PM
Seeing his brother's goals and intentions through their bond, Lazareth quickly moves through the battlefield. He darts around the Durants and moves side by side with one. Yes there was a criminal next to him, but hopefully the guards would keep them busy. In the meantime he was going to do as his brother wished.

Once he was beside one he focused and drew the power of aura into his palm before slamming the ground hard.

Move to J8. Earthquake, 5-meter burst centered on J 13. It should hit:
-Criminal 9
-Magmorter (super effective)
Roll to hit: AC 2
Damage: [roll1] (super effective on magmorter)

2011-11-06, 01:39 PM
The atmosphere was atrocious. The complex scent of blood, rotten wounds, and sterile surroundings stung her senses. "Of all the places he could have chosen for us to meet, he had to choose a hospital! Such a wretched place..." With a hint of frustration, Abby heaved a sigh. Her fingers followed the lead of a gold chain into her inner coat and drew out her vintage pocket watch. She checked the time. "He's late." She grumbled and, by delicately turning silver stem, she wound the gears and tighten the springs. The sound always calmed her, though she could never reason a suitable "why" or "how". It was a nervous tic.

A sudden disruption caught her attention. Intermittent gunfire pierced the air with their cacophony. A tired expression wearied her face. She cared very little about the travesty that has befallen the city. This quarantine fiasco had caused Silph's stock values to drop. Abby was forced to sell more than half of her investment in the company, and safeguard her wealth. Taking out everything would cripple Silph, and she didn't care to lose a valuable ally in this world. It's only a contingency in case the situation worsens. Abby fears it will.

The rattle of a vicious fusillade drew nearer. This decided it. Abby was going to leave things to chance and wait any longer. She headed out of the hospital, intent on leaving in the safety of her heavily armored vehicle. If she did meet confrontation, hopefully the Silph Co. employee card clipped to her lanyard would ward off any hooligan with a half a brain; she preferred not to carelessly use her psychic abilities. Luckily, her company still had a reputation that demanded respect. This city was no exception.

She was too late in leaving however. The fight was nearly at the hospital's doorstep. Once Abby stepped onto the broken sidewalk, the cause of the commotion revealed its insidious self: Wildcard.

City Guards and some brave, yet stupid, trainers were already contending against the criminal mastermind and his subordinates.

It wasn't until after witnessing the brutal murder of two City Guards that Abby started to fear for her own safety. Her status might not save her from this situation. Regardless of who she sided with, she would be burning a few bridges. It was time to decide. Would she support the stout spirits of the City Guard or put tentative trust in this unpredictable Wildcard?

Abby isn't a person to let chance influence her reasoning. She always operated within her means and never gambled if she doubt her probability of success. In this case, the outcome is uncertain. Too many variables obscured the conclusion. She hastily decided to create a diversion, one that would hopefully allow her to escape the grasp of this dangerous predicament.

She darted behind some nearby rubble for cover and began sharpening her focus. She gestured her hands as if to lift a cumbersome object.

Abby moves to J2 to M3 and uses her Psychokinesis to lift pieces of rubble at D6, E7, and P10. (I'm going to assume each are about 20 lbs...)

Rubble1 at D6 is moved to a point 30m above Criminal#3 at C6. (30.12m from point to point)
Rubble2 at E7 is move to a point 30m above Criminal#5 at F7. (30.12m from point to point)
Rubble3 at P10 is moved to a point 30m above Magmortar at T11. (30.41m from point to point)
*Note: Pythagorean theorem was used to determine the movement at an incline.
[90.65m of movement total]
[30m = 98.43ft]

Each will deal 2d10+9 points of Rock-Type Damage.

With a quick jittery motion three hefty pieces of idly sitting rubble flew into the air, high above the heads of three of the criminals.

"It's an unfortunate business. Damned unfortunate." She muttered quietly. With that, the chunks of concrete began to fall.

Rolling for AC
AC: [roll0] [1]
Edit; Used Probability Control. AC is 19 and Damage is 27.
AC: [roll1] [2]
AC: [roll2] [5]

Abby HP: 175/180

2011-11-06, 04:19 PM
The battle continues to rage on. In a flash Tailia manage to take down a criminal with seemingly no effort. The man falls, bleeding heavily from his head. One guard falls under a hail of a Zangoose’s claws and the knives of the criminals. The Arbok manages to get its body coiled around the body of one of the Growlithe and quickly squeezes the life from it. The Machoke and Urasaring are engaged in a grapple with neither able to gain a clear advantage. The one guard’s Kecleon seemingly disappears. Another one of the goons sends out a Charmeleon as he trades blows with a guard.
Arminius agiley races across the battle field and lets out a howl. The Wildcard’s grunts look unnerved and one swings his knife at Arminius, but there is no power behind it and it barely breaks Arminius’s skin, not even drawing blood.
“Oh, what fun! Little trainers coming to fight!” the Wildcard yells. He then utters a single word in that strange hypnotic voice-“Sleep….” Roger can feel the press of the mental suggestion. Unfortunately, he is unable to resist the mental assault and slumps to the ground, unconscious. “Sleep Pokeman! Haha Pokeman! Get it! Poke-Man!” the Wildcard cackles on, but when he sees you not laughing he grows serious. “Fine, you want to play that way? Cig, Fire Blast!” he shouts. The Magmortar raises its cannon like arm in obedience. A swirl of flames appears in it before exploding with a sound like a gunshot. All of the charging Durants are consumed in the blast as well as one of the guards. When the swirl of flames clears all that is left is a few puddles of molten metal and a small pile of ashes where the guard stood.
“Damn, I’m out of Pokemon! You’ll pay for that you bastard!” the captain yells as he pulls a club from his belt and begins to rush at Wildcard as well.
The Wildcard simply laughs and begins to sign a nursery rhyme. “Ashes, ashes, they all fall down!” He shouts the last word with authority and at the end of the alley a pair of headlights turns on and an engine starts with a roar.
As Lazareth lets loose the Earthquake, it hits more targets than expected. Besides staggering The Wildcard, Cig, and the grunt, it also tears into the Gigalith. The monster yells in rage as its crystalline body fractures and summons a wave of mud that slams into Lazareth. The wave passes through the guard captain, dropping him to the ground. With a curse The Wildcard gets back up and recalls the Magmortar, replacing it with a Gengar. The criminal who had just been in possession of the Gigalith starts to search through his pack, but for what you can’t tell.
Abby’s rocks fall hard, but the criminals are quick. Two somehow manage to avoid all of the falling rocks. The one who had just released the Charmeleon manages to dodge most, but one catches him on the shoulder, causing him to lose his rhythm in the fight. The guard eagerly presses forward, trying to push his opening.

{table=head] |A|B|C|D|E|F|G6|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X| Y|Z
16|||||||||||||t|t|||||||||||| [/table]

h= Hospital
d= Doors to hospital
r= Rubble (blocking terrain)
You guys
A= Abby
At= Abby’s tank
R= Roger
D= Dudley
Ar= Arminius
Ro= Ross
La= Lazareth
Ta= Tailia
GC= Guard Captain
G1-7= Guards
Gr1-3= Growlithe
Ma= Machoke
Ke= Kecleon
Wa= Wartortle
Ni= Nidorino
Bad Guys
C1-9= Criminals
Ge= Gengar
Ur= Ursaring
Arb= Arbok
Za= Zangoose
Ch= Charmeleon
Ho= Houndour
Gi= Gigalith (hostile to Lazareth currently)
Initiative (say actions in any order, this is how it will happen):
Guard Captain
(others are in own fights, you act before them all)

Note: Defenses already added in.
Roger is now asleep.
Arminius takes 1 damage.
Lazareth takes 77 damage. (ouch)

2011-11-06, 04:36 PM
"LAZARETH!" Ross yells seeing his brother get nailed. "Retreat! Get out of there!" He says as he rushes towards his brother. Quickly he dives and slides towards the thrown pokeball from Wildcard.

I'll be interrupting that toss thank you. Using interception thief. Daily power, roll 1d20+dex, on a 15 or higher I intercept the pokeball and he doesn't get it. Doubt I'll catch it, but it is worth a shot.


As he charges the pokeball however, Ross trips and falls flat on his face causing him to not be able to get to the pokeball in time.

Lazareth nods. He hadn't expected to get hit so hard and realized his brother was hit hard. However he wasn't going to just leave his friend and brother behind. He'd deal with the weaker opponents for now.

Lazareth to H4, Psychic on Criminal C3.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
The target is Pushed 5-meters in any direction. Psychic lowers the target’s Special Defense 1 Combat Stage on 17-20 during Accuracy Check.

Throw him off the map :P Straight to the left.

2011-11-06, 05:20 PM
"You sick bastard!" Dudley shouts at the top of his lungs, his voice strained with age and fury before his lungs give in and he starts hacking into his trembling fist. "Arminius," he choked, "maul that hooligan!"

Bite - Dark (STAB +1 P.ATK) @ C4
[roll0] - At-Will - [roll1] ?> 2
Attack - Melee
Effect: 1 Target
Bite Flinches the target on 15-20 during Accuracy Check.

2011-11-07, 01:57 PM
"Damn." The situation was worsening and the outcome of this scuffle didn't seem to be in her favor. Abby knew her options were dwindling, so she reluctantly acted on a spontaneous idea. "If Voltaire wires into the turret on the AGCILS, maybe these imbeciles would get wise and scatter." It was a hopeful thought.

She produced a dark silver pokeball from her jacket and released the Rotom inside with a single button press.
Voltaire materialized behind her as she returned the ball to her pocket.

With a quick glance she sends her Rotom a mental missive (telepathy). "I have a special job for you. When you get the chance, break for the Excel and wire into the turret interface. If anyone other than me approaches the truck, shoot them."

Abby then partitioned her mind to autonomously pursue two different objectives. Firstly, she projected a physical presence into the Excel and triggered its ignition switch. Simultaneously, a piles of debris were repositioned to give her more cover.

"They are the reason I've had to work so hard to maintain stock values. I'll have them pay me in blood for that!"

(1) Release "Voltaire" (Rotom) at M2 as a shift action.

(2) Use Psychokinesis as standard action. Targets:

- Rubble at Q3 is moved to L4
- Trigger ignition switch in AGCILS

2011-11-07, 08:31 PM
You continue to slumber. You find yourself in a strange dream involving lots of gumballs and dancing Geodudes.
This is not a nightmare…. yet.

The rocks float across the field, landing right in front of you. Voltaire gives a quick jolt, signifying he acknowledges your command.
The Wildcard laughs as you fall in the attempt to stop his Pokeball. “Foolish, very foolish.” he says. Conjuring purple flames in his hand he lifts them to his mouth and blows them towards you, much like a child would blow a bubble. The flames float eerily towards you and, try as you might, you can’t avoid them. They pass straight through your armor and enter your chest. Your insides feel as if they are on fire, and the Wildcard only laughs as you wince.
But the battle doesn’t stop for minor conflicts. All around the fight continues to rage. A pair of criminals and the Zangoose split off and start to head towards the main fight. Far to your left one of the criminals climbs over the rubble and starts fighting the only guard left over there. The same guards Kecleon appears behind the Houndour and starts to tear into it with its small claws. The Machoke starts winning the grapple and takes the Urasring, lifts it high over it’s head, and slams it to the ground. The beast does not get back up. The Machoke looks around for a new target and moves to intercept the goons moving towards the fight. On the other side the two remaining Growlithe begin to gain an advantage on the Arbok and start to take it apart. The last guard on that side is taken out by a burst of flames from the Charmeleon. The last few criminals on that side as well as the Charmeleon converge on Tailia and start to surround her. One goes for a quick kill with his piece of metal pipe, but it barely hits and glances off Tailia’s hide. She retaliates with a swipe from her long extendable claws leaving two deep scratches on the man’s face.
Closer to you the battle rages on. Lazareth manages to blast one of the criminals with a blast of energy that launches him backwards. The man slides a few feet after he hits the ground and does not get back up. The criminal closest to Arminius gets a lucky shot in and catches the guard in the throat, dropping him, before Arminius tackles him to the ground. In a* matter of seconds the mans windpipe is liberated from his throat. With a roar the Gigalith slams its foot on the ground and five stones float around it. The first three slam into Lazareth, but the last two go wide, slamming through windows in the hospital. The screams of the injured can be heard from inside.
“Joker, hit that hippie with a shadow ball!” the Wildcard yells. The Gengar seems to pull the shadows from around it into an orb, then launches it at Ross. The orb goes far wide though and dissipates against the rubble. “Well that’s a shame, guess I’ll just have to step in then!” the Wildcard yells as he sticks out his hand. A blast of pure Psychic energy blasts from it, launching Ross backwards into the air. “Hehehe, no more Mr. Nice Guy!” The Wildcard draws a Pokeball from his belt and drops it behind him, releasing a Driftblim.
At the end of the alley the headlights are moving closer.

{table=head] |A|B|C|D|E|F|G6|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X| Y|Z
16|||||||||Dr||||t|t|||||||||||| [/table]

h= Hospital
d= Doors to hospital
r= Rubble (blocking terrain)
You guys
A= Abby
At= Abby’s tank
R= Roger
D= Dudley
Ar= Arminius
Ro= Ross
La= Lazareth
Ta= Tailia
Vo= Voltaire
GC= Guard Captain (unconscious)
G1-7= Guards
Gr1-3= Growlithe
Ma= Machoke
Ke= Kecleon
Wa= Wartortle
Ni= Nidorino
Bad Guys
C1-9= Criminals
Ge= Gengar
Arb= Arbok
Za= Zangoose
Ch= Charmeleon
Ho= Houndour
Gi= Gigalith (hostile to Lazareth currently)
Initiative (say actions in any order, this is how it will happen):
(others are in own fights, you act before them all)

You may want to know why the Wildcard gets multiple actions; Multitasking.
Note: Defenses and armor already added in.
Roger is still asleep.
Lazareth takes 8 damage.
Ross is Burned and takes 63 damage from Psychic.
Tailia takes 3 damage.

2011-11-07, 10:00 PM
Ross gasp in pain as he feels the burns hit him. However, he didn't let the pain distract him. Quickly he dove the side and barely dodged the Gengar. He got up with a smirk that quickly left his face as he was blasted with the psychic attack and sent flying.

Will make new post. My mistake.
Trainer attack: [roll0]
Short Sword damage: [roll1]

The weakened Lazareth frowned as he saw them ganging up on Tailia. He quickly moved to attack, but was interrupted by the attack from Gigalith. Why was it attacking him. Drawing on the power of aura he spoke to the Gigalith's mind. I am the Lucario, myself and the Mienfoo wish to help you. It was our friend and trainer who saved you. Don't attack us, turn on the masked men and the clown. They wish to enslave and abuse you.

As he spoke he quickly moved towards Tailia while throwing multiple blast of energy towards the criminal as he moved closer.

Lazareth to E4, Bone Rush (Accuracy +4) (attack till miss, I'll roll all 5 only count up until I miss.)

[roll3] x2
[roll4] x2
[roll5] x2
[roll6] x2
[roll7] x2

2011-11-07, 10:37 PM
As he got up from the hard hit with psychic he quickly tried to focus and figure out where he was. Realizing how close to battle he was glad that Tailia was keeping most the people busy. Seeing his chance to attack the distracted trainers he quickly pointed his blade at the back of the criminal in front of him and slashed while moving diagonally in order to make a cut that would slash up and past the man.

Shift to D8, Trainer attack on Criminal 9.
Accuracy [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-11-08, 05:01 AM
Dudley nodded as Arminius swiftly downed one of the several thugs. His mangled body wasn't a pleasant sight to see, but a necessary goal the trainers had to work towards. After crossing his heart and uttering a short prayer for the misguided man, he resumed his business.

"Hmm ... " he pondered as he surveyed the impromptu battlefield. "It would seem as if my more amicable associates have been hit pretty hard. Not as hard as the guards it--not at all--but they'll be down without my help."

"Ross!" Mr. DuMont called out as he reached into his bag, pulling out a Full Heal. "Would you mind coming over here so that I may take care of those burns?" Then he turned to his foster son, who was now a good distance away from him. "Son, I know it isn't right to kill. But we have no other choice. Don't let them overwhelm that Machoke."

Command Arminius to shift overland to P9 (8/9)

Command Arminius to use Bite on C2
Bite - Dark (STAB +1 P.ATK)
[roll0] - At-Will - [roll1] ?> 2
Attack - Melee
Effect: 1 Target @ C2
Bite Flinches the target on 15-20 during Accuracy Check.

2011-11-11, 09:37 AM
A surge of thoughts occupied Abby's mind as she cursorily eyed her surroundings. What was the best way to deal with this situation? Perhaps she would take advantage of her most valuable asset: the AGCILS.
With a mental celerity worthy of her genius, Abby trifled through a series of calculations, determining appropriate variables, approximating outcomes through the use of various formulas, et cetera.

She determined a single head-on collision, while generating and applying the correct vectors to the target, she could theoretically kill Wildcard. The only independent variable she could not accurately account for is whether or not the other combatants could keep his attention and keep him in place long enough for her to effect such a plan.

She pressed her thoughts into the mind of one of the fighters (Dudley). "There's no time to explain why, but I need you keep that crazy psychic where he is. Don't let him move eastward and we might have a chance at beating him."

Abby darted for the Excel and jumped into the driver's seat, from there she used her psychokinesis once again to move two piles of rubble, hindering the any wretch's path to the Excel.

Move from M3 to R3
Rubble1 at R4 is move to T4.
Rubble2 at S4 is moved to U3.

2011-11-11, 02:02 PM
As less and less combatants remain standing, the battle starts to become quieter, but no less vicious. Far on the right the guard manages to valiantly hold off two criminals as his Kecleon starts to take down the Houndour. “I could you some help over here!” he shouts, desperately swinging his sword back and forth. One of the criminals sticks a spear into the Machoke, leaving it deep in the poor Pokemon’s shoulder. The Growlithe both have their fangs latched tightly to the Arbok, it seems like they will win. The Gigalith rushes Lazareth and slams its crystalline head into Lazareth with a ton of force.
“He, he, he” the Wildcard cackles as he sticks his hands out towards Roger, his fingers glowing with dark energy. One hand hits you and you are launched into a terrible dream. The dancing Geodudes slowly grow legs and get taller until they are possibly the most terrifying thing on Earth: clowns. They’re everywhere. They’re dancing, making faces, and just generally being creepy. Then the other hand hits you. It’s as if a piece of your dream simply vanished into thin air. You feel the pain of it even in your dream.
The criminals around Ross and Tailia seem to be unable to fight worth anything. Both miss their blows; if it wasn’t for the Charmeleon blasting Tailia with flames nobody would have been hurt.
As Arminius bites the mans arm the Machoke hits the other hard in the chest, dropping both men. The Zangoose darts over and slashes Arminius with his long, sharp claws, drawing blood.
The EXCEL is ready to drive.
At the end of the alley the truck grows nearer. It will likely collide with the group in the about 7 seconds.

h= Hospital
d= Doors to hospital
r= Rubble (blocking terrain)
You guys
A= Abby
At= Abby’s tank
R= Roger
D= Dudley
Ar= Arminius
Ro= Ross
La= Lazareth
Ta= Tailia
Vo= Voltaire
GC= Guard Captain (unconscious)
G1-7= Guards
Gr1-3= Growlithe
Ma= Machoke
Ke= Kecleon
Wa= Wartortle
Ni= Nidorino
Bad Guys
C1-9= Criminals
Ge= Gengar
Arb= Arbok
Za= Zangoose
Ch= Charmeleon
Ho= Houndour
Gi= Gigalith (hostile to Lazareth currently)
Initiative (say actions in any order, this is how it will happen):
(others are in own fights, you act before them all)

{table=head]|A|B|C|D|E|F|G6|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X| Y|Z
Roger takes 62 damage and is suffering from Bad Dreams.
Tailia takes 28 damage.
Arminius takes 49 damage.
Lazareth takes 12 damage.
Ross takes Burn damage (1/16 max HP)

2011-11-11, 03:29 PM
Ross heard the man and nodded, "Give me a minute!" He yelled as he quickly ran towards his brother Lazareth. He could feel his brother barely able to stand. As he pushed past rubble and avoided criminals he quickly drew a super potion from his bag and used it on his brother. He was suffering from the burn, but he could last longer than his brother could.

As he ran he yelled out to the Gigalith, "Please! Stop! He is my brother! I'm the one who freed you stop hurting him!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.

Shift to I3, super potion on Lucario.
Super Potion: [roll0]

Lazareth in the meantime realized he was in bad shape. As soon as the super potion hit him he stepped back crossed his arms and drew energy into them. He hadn't wanted to hurt the pokemon who for some reason was still attacking him, but he was getting left with no choice. "Forgive me..." He said softly as he stepped forward, brought his arms cross shape and slammed hard into the pokemon.

Shift to H3, then back to H4, attack, shift to K2

Cross Chop
Accuracy: [roll1] AC +4, Critical on 16-20, Push 1 meter, if critical push 5 meters (either way AWAY from Lucario). If critical into Criminal 8 and Criminal 9 (avoid Tailia).
Damage: [roll2] x2

So close...
Extra damage if critical: [roll3]
Impact from hitting criminals if critical: [roll4] (criminals and gigalith take it)

2011-11-11, 11:51 PM
Dudley's eyes opened wide as he heard a familiar voice inside his head. "Is that you, Ms. Vivaldi?" he thought as he looked around for the telepath. But as he was searching for his superior, the fresh gash in Arminius's side made him quiver. "Damn! My boy can't keep this up."

"Arminius, return!" he commanded, holding his son's pokeball out for his retreat. After the Mightyena was safe inside his portable dimension, Mr. DuMont's hand glossed over Astarte's and Hannibal's own domains.

"Astarte would have the best chance against Wildcard, especially since he's a Psychic, but that Gengar and that Drifblim would eat her up. Hannibal could shrug off a few light hits, but one good Psychic attack and he'll be as good as dead." Dudley mulled the possibilities in his head for a few seconds before summoning Hannibal Sage a several meters in front of him.

"Son, I know what I'm telling you might sound crazy, but I need you to attack Wildcard head on," he informed the Hariyama. "Now, punch that son of a bitch in his face!"

Return Arminius Sage and Send Hannibal Sage to J13 (10/10)
Command Hannibal Sage to shift to H13 (4/7)
Command Hannibal Sage to use Arm Thrust @ Wildcard

Arm Thrust - Fighting
1d10 - EOT - 4
Attack - Melee
Effect: 1 Target, Scatter
Arm Thrust can hit up to 5 times. Once the user misses, they cannot attempt to make another Arm Thrust attack on that turn. When adding stats only add ½ Attack.

1: [roll0] [roll1]
2: [roll2] [roll3]
3: [roll4] [roll5]
4: [roll6] [roll7]
5: [roll8] [roll9]

2011-11-12, 05:40 PM
"Now's my chance!" With steadfast determination and the flame of vengeance in her eyes, her body radiated a faint red glow as she gripped the steering wheel with both hands. Her calm and cool were in jeopardy of losing to rampant emotion, and she made no attempt to repress it. Why should she? This is just a therapeutic exercise in which she will attempt to severely injure, maim, or kill any creature unfortunate enough to incur her wrath. "I'll destroy their lives so they can't interfere with my business ever again! Their corpses will be stuffed with an empty wallet!" What was this feeling? Familiar, but distant--rage, pure rage.
"Voltaire! Get ready! I'll run that crazy fool over. When we've stopped tear into him with a few rounds. I'll smear his face on the pavement!"
She snapped her seat belt into place, shifted into gear, and slammed down the gas pedal. The engine's turbine's, normally a quiet humming whir, roared into action as the Excel jerked forward. It gained speed as it aimed to run down the Zangoose in its path. After pushing through the pokemon's position, the Excel took a sharp turn and headed for Wildcard, but just as Abby came near, she tapped the breaks and held the steering wheel in place after make a slight adjustment.
The cry of tires grinding into the asphalt which permeated the air was accompanied by plumes of heavy white smoke.
This was her plan. Swing the rear end of the vehicle around and slip into a controlled power slide that would slam into Wildcard and change his career from criminal mastermind to blood smear. Him and his little Gengar too!


Drive through Q9, threatening a hit against Zangoose.
Turn and drive toward Wildcard, then powerslide to hit him and his two pokemon, ending movement so I occupy spaces F14-F16 and G14-G16. However, the vehicle will only partially pass through Wildcard's and drifblim's positions, so... like... 50/50 chance it misses for both?
Gengar and Zangoose are the only ones directly in the way.

Voltaire will aim all three shot for Wildcard with the gun turret

2011-11-14, 08:42 PM
Almost everyone except the Wildcard and yourselves are down now. The criminals manage to take down the guard on the left. The Kecleon looks to the trainer and is taken to the ground to the ground by the Houndour. It seems to be down, but not dead yet. The criminals converge on Talia and between the criminals and the Charmeleon she starts to bleed profusely. The Growlithe manage to take down the Arbok at last in a stunning show of teamwork as one distracts it while the other bites it just under the skull.
As Lazarus connects with his attack, the Gigalith literally falls apart in pieces to the ground with one last roar. Abby’s tank tears through the battlefield like a cannon. It plows over the Zangoose leaving only a bloody smear on the ground. As the power slide begins, the Gengar phases straight through the tank. The Wildcard sees it coming at the last second and barely manages to dive under it, although one of his legs gets ran over in the process. As the turret opens fire only the first shot manages to catch him, but it knocks him to the ground. He gets up cackling only to get laid out by Hannibal. Slowly he gets back up and spits out a bloody glob of spit. “Well, then,” he hisses. “Looks like you beat me this time. You may have beat me, but I still won!” he shouts as he returns his Gengar and dashes to his Driftblim, grabbing one of it’s long tails as the blimp-like Pokemon floated away. “Goodbye! Enjoy the fireworks!” he shouts.
Then the truck finally hits the battle field. It drives straight through, towards the hospital. Fortunately a pile of rubble steals the majority of its momentum and makes it roll. Unfortunately, it rolls right over the guard treating the Wartortle and Nidornino. It still slamming into the hospital with enough force to crack the wall and shatter a few windows. It seems like whatever it was supposed to be was a failure. It didn’t even get a solid hit on the hospital. As you look on in bewilderment the Wildcard simply laughs, looking at the truck. When he sees some of his goons still standing there he just laughs louder. “BOOM!” he shouts. A humming can be heard from inside of the truck and a red glow can be seen from the doors.

{table=head]|A|B|C|D|E|F|G6|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X| Y|Z
13||r||||||Ha| |||||||||||||||||

h= Hospital
d= Doors to hospital
r= Rubble (blocking terrain)
You guys
A= Abby
At= Abby’s tank
R= Roger
D= Dudley
Ha= Hannibal
Ro= Ross
La= Lazareth
Ta= Tailia
Vo= Voltaire
GC= Guard Captain (unconscious)
G1-7= Guards
Gr1-3= Growlithe
Ma= Machoke
Ke= Kecleon
Wa= Wartortle
Ni= Nidorino
Bad Guys
C1-9= Criminals
Ge= Gengar
Ch= Charmeleon
Ho= Houndour
Gi= Gigalith (hostile to Lazareth currently)
Initiative (say actions in any order, this is how it will happen):
(others are in own fights, you act before them all)

[spoiler]Talia takes 36 damage.

2011-11-14, 11:53 PM
As he awakens, Roger takes in the changes in battlefield from when he was asleep.

Seeing the tank near him, he leaps up to the cannon and knocks on the hatch.

"Hey! Get your Rotom over to that truck! It should be able to fuse with whatever is causing the flashing light!" He yells, ignoring any errant shocks from standing on the Rotom possessed cannon.

Move to G14

HP: 115/202

2011-11-15, 01:36 PM
"No . . ." Dudley languished as he fell to his knees. There was no doubt in his mind that he had little hope of either escaping or surviving the imminent explosion. Sighing, he turned towards Hannibal. "Good job, son," he complimented him, returning him to pokeball before staring at the humming time bomb, then at the egg he was cradling in his arms.

"Well, I may be old, but I'm certainly not ready to die!" he rediscovered his resolve as he summoned his foster daughter in front of the cargo doors to the truck. "Astarte! I need you try something crazy . . . "

Return Hannibal Sage
Send out Astarte Sage near back of truck
Plan to Command Astarte Sage to use Telekinesis capability (level 20); specifically by creating an area of near-zero pressure within the truck by moving the air molecules out of it, then preventing any air molecules from reentering the truck until the glowing stops.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_triangle - Reference for what I'm trying to do

2011-11-15, 03:36 PM
Ross despite the pain of his burn quickly saw the building and saw the threat. He wasn't sure what the beeping was but everybody was panicking including the old guy next to him.

"Brother! Shape ground! Put dome thing around truck! Make thick! Trap truck!" He requested of his brother. Seeing the bad shape Tailia was in he quickly yelled out "Regenerator!"

He looked at the old man who seemed to have a hard time moving. "Need help? I strong. I fast."

Am I able to pick up the old man and carry him? I got pretty damn high strength and shift.

Lucario uses groundshaper to try and create a dome to trap the explosion in.
Tailia is ordered (using trainer action) to use regenerator.

2011-11-22, 04:33 PM
As he awakens, Roger takes in the changes in battlefield from when he was asleep.

Seeing the tank near him, he leaps up to the cannon and knocks on the hatch.

"Hey! Get your Rotom over to that truck! It should be able to fuse with whatever is causing the flashing light!" He yells, ignoring any errant shocks from standing on the Rotom possessed cannon.

Noblesse Oblige.

Privilege entails to responsibility, and such privileged individuals are not to simply spend their time in idle pursuits. Such a traditional view! Does it truly apply to the triumphant and powerful creatures of humanity that belittle the world with their stature?
No. One is obligated only to oneself and the fulfillment of one's own desires is tantamount to life's very meaning. If it would be suitable to do so, take responsibility, otherwise one is responsible only for oneself.

How does one determine the best way to pursue their goals, fulfill their desires? That is the looming question.
What course of action is most beneficial to survival?

Such is the delineation and rationalization which moves Tabitha to a conclusion.

Abby completey disregarded the pleas of the fool who clinged to the top of her Excel. "I've had enough of this! They can clean up this mess by themselves." She grumbled.

The disgrunted woman slammed the gas pedal to the floor. The sound and fury of the Excel's engine roared as she sped away from the scene.

- Move off given map and head towards Silph Co. Main Office Buildling.

I'm guessing TMK needs to make a strength check if he intends to stay on top of the Excel. Abby is high-tailing it the f*** outta there, so... better hold on tight or let go.

2011-11-22, 06:51 PM
Saffron City
As the tank speeds off, Roger is launched off the top and bounces off the ground, hard.
Time seems to slow down as you all look in horror at the truck. As the Lucario and Kadabra both try their respective methods of stopping it, it seems for a second it may work. Then the truck explodes sky high, through the earthen barrier, and launches you all backwards. You are all launched into the air and land far back. If it wasn’t for Ross, Dudley would have been caught in the blast. Through all your barely conscious eyes you watch the hospital collapse to the ground, the cries of the agonized humans and Pokemon echoing through it. As it finally crashes to the ground, a chuck of the building falls towards Talia. Unable to dodge it, it falls on her, knocking her to the ground. The agonized yells of the Pokemon would lean towards it being alive, but who knows.

The explosion launches you a good couple feet in the air. You hit the ground hard, but fortunately for the old man, you absorb most of the hit. You can only watch in horror as the rock falls on Talia. Could she be alive? It was a big rock. And Lazareth! The explosion had launched him nearly thirty feet back, and he wasn’t moving either. What was this? Why had the man blew up the hospital? It was helping people! And the man with the Raichu! He must be dead, he was on the bottom floor when the hospital blew up. The whole hospital must have fell on him. Maybe if you hadn’t made him stay, he would be alive. As you stagger to your feet, out of the corner of your eye you can see a car drive by and pick up the other man who was fighting with you. But that’s not important right now. Your friends are hurt! And it’s all his fault, the laughing man. His manical laughs continue to echo in your head.

As you roll off the tank, you barely have time to see the explosion before you black out.
You awake later to multiple tubes in your arm, in a bed, your bed, and a feeling of intense pain throughout your body. You panickedly check your belt for the crystal and your Pokeball. Good, there both there. How did you get here? Then it comes back to you. The hospital, the Wildcard, and finally, the explosion.
“Ah, Master Silph, you’re finally awake! How are you feeling? Like sh*t I am assuming?” your loyal butler, Wilfred, asks, shuffling into the room with a pot of tea.

The boy who had grabbed you likely saved your life. He even took the brunt of the landing after the explosion launched the two of you. You can only watch in horror as the truck explodes and the hospital collapses to the ground. You can see Astarte running, only to get launched in the shockwave as well. All those people, dead. The agonized screams of the people only last for a second before they are silenced forever. You can see the boy struggle to his feet, the two Pokemon he had apparently badly hurt from the looks of them.

As you speed away, you can see a massive explosion in your rearview mirrors. That bastard blew up the hospital… Oh well. Maybe he got Roger in the blast. Would make taking control of Silph Co. so much easier. As you speed through the streets, everyone jumps out of your way. They learned long ago you don’t stop for anything. In only a couple minutes you are at the entrance to Silph Co. They hurriedly open the gate for you, as your tank is easily recognizable. You screech to a halt in front of the door, and a man walks out flanked by two guards. These are real guards that wouldn’t get beat by some nutjob with some explosives, you can help but think to yourself. “Ah, Ms. Tabitha, how are you feeling?” the man asks, looking at you with a look of disdain. You can recognize him as Jordan, the man who seized control of the Silph building since Giovanni left. “I hope everything went well. Did you find the contact?” he inquires.

Damage and stuff:
After armor:
Roger: 34
Ross: 49+ Burn
Dudley: 7
Talia: 61(wow, got lucky on that roll)
Lazareth: 23
Astarte: 53

2011-11-22, 07:22 PM
Psh, none of my pokemon are even fainted. Whatchu talkin bout not moving :P

Ross pushes himself to his feet weakly and poked the old man. "Man ok?" He asked weakly before looking back at the hospital. His burn was bad, but at the moment he was more worried about his pokemon. As he felt himself weakening he quickly rushed towards the hospital. He let out a sigh of relief upon seeing his brother Lazareth get up. Quickly the two of them started digging to free Tailia.

After a few minutes they found her and while she was barely standing, she was still conscious and alive.

Rage filled the young child as he thought of the laughing man. Laughing man was going to die for this. So many lives lost needlessly and pointlessly. Some were good people, some were bad people, but all were people. He was going to find that man and kill him.

As he thought about this he nearly stumbled to his knees and was only caught by his brother holding him up. The burn was getting worse and with the hospital gone they were going to be in trouble.

Ross knew if he could just get his pokemon somewhere to rest all of them could use his healing techniques he had learned to recover. Quickly he glances around for a safe place to hide and recover so that they'd be ready to kill the laughing man.