View Full Version : Imput on character concept and build.

Crovax of Rath
2011-11-04, 08:39 AM
So I've been working on a character that has been on my mind for some time. Please keep in mind that I intent to play this character, and I am not looking to specifically "optimize", but rather, be effective while staying within the concept. The current build goes to level 13. I plan on dipping a few levels of Archmage after, but haven't planned them out yet. I have played this character once, and found it both effective and enjoyable, and am looking to refine it for later use.

The object of the character is to be able to lock down caster's in combat, and secondary as a blaster. Some of my choices so far may be personal play style or me knowing my group. I plan to heavily use Scribe Scroll, especially to craft scrolls of Scorching Ray with alternate energy types (via Elven Spell Lore). A Ring of Spell Battle goes without saying.

Although the character's backstory involves a lot of one-on-one dueling, in actual game terms he needs at least one party member working with him to be effective. That being said, dispelling everything the DM's Wizard does while the Barbarian wails on him is pretty effective :smallamused:

I am aware that having both Illusion and Enchantment as prohibited schools is a big optimization no-no, however, I feel as though it fits better with the character's personality. I understand that by focusing so hard I will severely limit my versatility... that's kind of the point. As far as the Evocation spell selection, I'm very open to imput. I've simply chosen some staple spells and one or two personal favorites.

I would like to find a reasonable substitute for a Familiar.

Biographical Info:
Aeraes os Tandraer (Human Abjurer)

Height: 6’0”
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Skin: Purple
Age: 28

Aeraes appeared in Silvery Moon as a child. He was found wandering in a state of shock, covered in blood, and delirious from dehydration and malnourishment. After priests administered curative magic, and a hearty meal, he told his saviors of the slaughter of his family by Red Wizards. He could not remember where he was from, or how he got to Silvery Moon.
As he got older, Aeraes was found to be highly intelligent, although somewhat temperamental. He began practicing arcane arts as a teenager at a Wizard’s College. He excelled in every aspect of study and was praised by his teachers. During a practice duel in his second year, he killed another student. He was reprimanded, and given another chance to continue his studies. After three more students were found dead in his third year, he was expelled.
Aeraes earned a reputation in Silvery Moon throughout his late teens, challenging any mage he could find to duels. In almost every case, he killed anyone foolish enough to accept the challenge. Soon the elves gave him the name Aeraes os Tandraer (Eater of Mages). During one duel, he was affected by a Rod of Wonder and his skin turned a deep purple. This made him easy to identify. He doesn’t like to discuss his skin color, and will become angry, even violent, when anyone brings it up.
Aeraes was eventually exiled from Silvery Moon, and now roams Faerun with a maniacal urge to slay anyone who uses magic. His mind has been fractured by the memories of his family being murdered, and the hate he feels for anyone who uses the arcane. He has convinced himself that he is truly worthy to wield arcane magic, and anyone who cannot survive a duel with him does not deserve to have the same power.
Aeraes may be crazy, but he is not stupid. If he finds mages useful, he allows them to live until they are no longer needed. He does not murder, rather, challenges mages to duel with him, confident that he will emerge from any contest as the victor. But he has never allowed an opponent to admit defeat, nor does he have the intent to show mercy or compassion. Any duel with Aeraes os Tandraer is a fight to the death.

Level Progression:
Level BAB Fort Ref Will
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Scribe Scroll, Focused Specialist, Spell Focus (Abjuration), Collegiate Wizard (CAr 181)
2 +1 +0 +0 +3
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Arcane Mastery (CAr 73)
4 +1 +1 +1 +5 Master Specialist Prestige (CMg 70), Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
5 +2 +1 +1 +6 Expanded Spellbook
6 +2 +2 +2 +6 Greater Spell Focus (Abjuration), Magic Disruption (CMg 44)
7 +3 +2 +2 +7 Minor School Esoterica
8 +3 +2 +2 +7 Expanded Spellbook
9 +4 +3 +3 +8 Elven Spell Lore (PHBII 78)(Scorching Ray), Caster Level Increase +1
10 +4 +3 +3 +8 Moderate School Esoterica
11 +5 +3 +3 +9 Expanded Spellbook
12 +5 +4 +4 +9 Spell Focus (Evocation), Caster Level Increase +2
13 +6 +4 +4 +10 Major School Esoterica

Spell Selection: (current prohibited schools: Necromancy, Illusion, Enchantment)
Level 0:

Level 1:

Magic Missile
Mage Armor

Level 2:

Arcane Turmoil (CMg)
Scorching Ray
Seeking Ray (PHB2)

Level 3:

Battlemagic Perception (HoB)(the "bread and butter" spell)
Spellcaster’s Bane (CMg)
Dispel Magic
Chain Missile (SC)
Explosive Runes

Level 4:

Ray of Deanimation (SC)
Slashing Dispel (PHB2)
Otiluke’s Supressing Field (CMg)
Stifle Spell (PHB2)

Level 5:

Mana Sink (RR2 126)(DM has approved this spell)
Refusal (SC)
Prismatic Ray (SC)
Field of Resistance (PHB2)
Sonic Rumble (SC)

Level 6:

Greater Dispel Magic
Ruby Ray of Reversal (SC)
Taldock’s Spell Inhibitor (RR 118)(But not this one, yet)
Superior Resistance (SC)

Level 7:

Antimagic Ray (SC)
Spell Turning
Prismatic Spray

Level 8:

Chain Dispel (PHB2)
Dreaded Form of the Eye Tyrant (CMg)

Level 9:

Absorption (SC)
Magic Miasma (SC)

(RR = Relics and Rituals)
(SC = Spell Compendium)
(CMg = Complete Mage)
(PHB2 = Player's Handbook II)
(HoB = Heroes of Battle)

By the way, I got the character's Elven name from here: http://www.coveworld.net/eberron/aerenal_translator.html
I've found this to be a useful and flavorful tool for my group.

2011-11-04, 08:57 AM
You have an awful lot of non abjuration spells known for a Focused Specialist. Remember, that at least 3 spells per day at each level are going to have to be from Abjuration.

Fireball and Explosive Runes are level 3 spells.

I wouldn't use scrolls for blasting -- at least with scorching ray -- it is inefficient to say the least. Even a wand would be better, but honestly, there are blasty spells that rely less on CL.

Edit: Also most of your abjurations seem to be various dispels. You really don't need 15 different versions of dispel magic prepared over 6 levels.

2011-11-04, 08:58 AM
So, counterspell/dispel first and blaster second? For the counterspell side, you're missing Divine Defiance from FC2 which lets you counterspell as an immediate action, which is a huge boon compared to the usual 'ready an action' thing. Unfortunately it pretty much requires a level in Cleric as it uses Turn Undead attempts (though that lets you grab the Inquisition domain, for another +4 to dispel checks).

2011-11-04, 09:00 AM
There is also the free counterspell thing from affiliation with church of magic. I think it is CChamp.

Crovax of Rath
2011-11-04, 11:46 AM
I would like to avoid dipping into Cleric if at all possible. I understand that's the way to go for counterspelling, but it doesn't fit the character to suddenly find religion, lol. This fella is a killer, and frankly, a bit crazy. I'd like to stick to Arcane classes. Great idea, though, gives me something else to build around.

In response to the idea that I have too many dispel effects: My group tends to run very grind-y encounters. Using a dozen or more prepared dispels in a day will not be uncommon. Thanks for catching the spells on the wrong level, much appreciated.

2011-11-04, 11:50 AM
Don't touch archmage. Yeah it's a nice class, but master abjurer was MADE for Iot7V.

Abjurer 3 / Master specialist 10 / Initiate of the sevenfold veil 7

2011-11-04, 11:54 AM
You don't have to be a cleric to get the free counterspell -- you just need an affiliation score of 30 or higher with a church that has the magic domain.

Crovax of Rath
2011-11-04, 12:02 PM
I'm not sure how I overlooked Iot7V, thanks for the suggestion, it's perfect. The church affiliation is awesome, too. Anything else regarding any aspect of the character would be great!

Specifically, I still need an idea for a familiar (as I am not very familiar with them, no pun intended) or an alternate class feature to replace it.

I'd also be interested to get some feedback on the overall flavor of the character and his backstory. I want him to be the boogeyman Elven Wizards tell stories about to their pupils to make them study harder.

2011-11-04, 12:06 PM
In response to the idea that I have too many dispel effects: My group tends to run very grind-y encounters. Using a dozen or more prepared dispels in a day will not be uncommon. Thanks for catching the spells on the wrong level, much appreciated.
Try to get a Runestaff of Abjuration, or similar item (perhaps some kind of runestaff-lite, with only dispel magic?). Lets you prepare other spells but you can use slots to cast a dispel magic if you need it.

2011-11-04, 01:16 PM
Spell Mastery and Uncanny Foresight (EoE) will let you sacrifice spells to cast your mastered spells as a standard action.

Go Focused Evoker and master a bunch of dispels. Then you can prepare Evocative favorites, but convert them (Int mod times per day) to the dispel you need in a clutch situation.

Edit: Daze is hard for casters to be immune to, so try Frost Breath from SpC.