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View Full Version : It's that time again: Character Generation on a friday night!

2011-11-04, 06:16 PM
I've got nothing to do, and a character to possibly make (or two) for thanksgiving break. I will either be playing in a campaign as a new character, they only have 2 players but they are gestalt, I'm thinking a warshaper of some kind with variant abilities to make it flavorful (Read: Cool). There is a kenku caster of some sort, and an Orc Frenzied Beserker/Barbarian/War Hulk. Stats are Huge by default, I won't get into the generation but I can easily get at least 3 stats to 20 without even maxing much. The catch is I don't currently know the level of the game, so I'd really just prefer Build Ideas so I know what levels to get when.

I'm thinking Druid to qualify for the Warshaper, but I was thinking about being combat oriented too. I'm on the border between a Sublime Character, or Monk with that druid/monk prestige possibly thrown in? Or the Enlightened fist? Not really getting to much into generation at this point, just brainstorming for know so if you have any cool Druid Warshaper Ideas throw them at me. Elf or Dwarf would be preferred races.

Alternate character idea to suggest if you like it more: Dwarf Wujen focusing on Earth spells; and possibly Shugenja/Druid/Monk

2011-11-04, 06:22 PM
Warshaper is generally considered a step down for Druid, since it doesn't progress casting. Try Wildshape Ranger instead. Some unarmed stuff would be fun, but if you don't need the feats Unarmed Swordsage is probably a better pick than Monk. One thing to consider is the Landforged Walker prestige class from Secrets of Xendrik, which lets a warforged turn into plant creatures.

2011-11-04, 06:29 PM
If you're going to do Wildshaping Ranger and Warshaper, Master of Many Forms (Complete Adventurer)'s 7th level ability is great, if you want to go that route.

Doc Roc
2011-11-04, 06:31 PM
What Ur-Priest fails to mention is that Landforged has some of the funniest fluff in the game, and is generally just made of lulz as far as I am concerned.

2011-11-04, 06:39 PM
Wild Shape Ranger (eventually War-shaper), and what for side 2? I'm not sure if I even want the monk/unarmed side... Honestly I might just grab Superior unarmed fighting. Notable requirements for finished character is it to be able to deal with a massive orc in a frenzy post battle though.

Can a bard reliably end a frenzy? Ranger spell-casting is decent, but maybe add cleric of a nature god onto the other side? Variant out the ranger spell-casting? If I go land-walker path go plant domain... and maybe earth? As a ranger wild-shape War Shaper I would say that Elf (of a wild/feral variety) would be my favorite pick. Swordsage, Ninja, and Monk give me my Wis bonus to AC, but I don't care to much. It would be nice though. Unarmed Swordsage could work, does Swordsage get hurt by level dips, I might look at some sublime PrCs too. Unarmed Swordsage makes me like Dwarf some again for the Race. Swordsage gives Dem Skillpoints, but I don't know if I really need them.

[edit] Shifter for Race is also on the table.

2011-11-04, 06:47 PM
If you're going Swordsage, it's for the maneuvers and stances. That's, as my friend would it, "the cat's pajama's."

If you want to reliably stop a frenzied berserker post combat, a Wildshaping Ranger/War Shaper wild shaped into a good grappling form can most likely do that. Just grapple him and hold him in place until he calms down/wears out. Improved Grapple might be a good investment (but grappling is really strong for wild shapers, so you're not losing anything there really).

2011-11-04, 06:54 PM
I should mention this orc has some crazy strength even before rage/frenzy. We're talking in the high 30's. War-Hulk and custom generation rules with full orc stats FTW. :smallcool:

Improved Natural Attack, Rabid Strike, Precise Strike, Multi Attack, and rending Claws are the feats I see that look fun for right now. Any posts I make after this one will look horrible because they are coming from a phone; school library closing.

2011-11-04, 07:50 PM
What Ur-Priest fails to mention is that Landforged has some of the funniest fluff in the game, and is generally just made of lulz as far as I am concerned.

Landforged Walker? What's funny about them? They seem your bog-standard "Druids that protect X tract of land" to me.

2011-11-04, 07:59 PM
Landforged Walker? What's funny about them? They seem your bog-standard "Druids that protect X tract of land" to me.

They are robots that grow edible herbs on themselves. What's not to like?

2011-11-04, 08:11 PM
They are robots that grow edible herbs on themselves. What's not to like?

Thing is, Warforged are/were always part-plant. LWs just focus on that last bit more than the others do.

I guess I just find other combinations, like Elf Barbarians or Illumian Ninjas, more incongruous.

Doc Roc
2011-11-04, 08:16 PM
Thing is, Warforged are/were always part-plant. LWs just focus on that last bit more than the others do.

I guess I just find other combinations, like Elf Barbarians or Illumian Ninjas, more incongruous.

It's the Garden-Droid spiel that is funny to me.
"I shall summon these hurricane winds, whip forth the powers of the faetouched earth, and make you a fine bed of organic greens."

2011-11-04, 08:25 PM
Thing is, Warforged are/were always part-plant. LWs just focus on that last bit more than the others do.

I guess I just find other combinations, like Elf Barbarians or Illumian Ninjas, more incongruous.

Illumian Ninjas are basically Sidereals. As for Elf Barbarians, so many settings have them it's not all that funny any more. (Still awesome though.)

2011-11-04, 08:35 PM
Illumian Ninjas are basically Sidereals.

Basically what now?
They're ninjas with neon signs on their heads is what I was getting at.

As for Elf Barbarians, so many settings have them it's not all that funny any more. (Still awesome though.)

After they smash the bar up in a rage, do they calmly order a new round of wine coolers?

2011-11-04, 08:41 PM
Basically what now?
They're ninjas with neon signs on their heads is what I was getting at.

After they smash the bar up in a rage, do they calmly order a new round of wine coolers?

Sidereals are things in Exalted. Martial Arts are broken in Exalted, and one of the few that works involves having a neon sign on your head, so it fits.

As for your comment about elf barbarians,

2011-11-04, 09:20 PM
wild and wood elves are pretty barbaric, i view barbarians as just being a class from the wilds like ranger and druid. And valenar as ur priest said are amazing, two bladed scimitars for the win. Now on to my update, my classes look like i'm grabbing wild shape ranger, swordsage, warshaper(CW), shadow sun ninja, bloodclaw shifter(both ToB), and master of many forms(CA). Has anyone tried the ranger variant that drops casting, i just don't need much casting but ranger has a nice set of spells... But so few spells per day, i'd rather just get some nice Spell-Like per day abilities. Granted i only get to level 5 in ranger so no big deal. Trying to finish the level 20 version here in a bit.

2011-11-07, 09:21 PM
alright, i finished the class outline through 20. Ended up with full BaB and 20th level caster as a druid. First side is druid at levels 1-11, 13, and, 15-20; it also gets my first two levels of master of many forms at levels 12 and 14. Side 2 is ranger 1-5, warshaper 6-10, natures warrior 11-15, and master of many forms 16-20. Only feats i'm locked into is alertness and natural spell; with knowledge (nature), survival, and a small dip into knowledge (the planes) for all my prereqs. I'm leaning towards some wild feats: the cheatah one for 50ft movement and *10 charge for 1 hr, the lion one for free pounce at the cost of one wild shape use, and maybe the bear claw one so i can warshape them up a damage category in my normal form (unlikely but nice idea). Also multiattack, and a feat that gives like a 2d6 bonus to damage on a charge look pretty good. Questions, comments, concerns? I'm likely to varient out ranger casting, and ranger animal companion replacement is possible. I'd say i would grab ranger wildshape and add aspect of nature onto that, but at only 5 levels it's hardly worth convinving the dm to allow it (which isn't even an issue i expect, but just don't need it. Sorry for the giant wall of text posting from the phone so i can't space out my paragraphs). [Edit]: also i'm at level 9 right now, wild shap animal suggestions are welcomed. Animal companion suggestions are ok too, but i'm already looking at dire eagle (-3) and dire tiger (-6) for choices. Also, armor proficiency to have them wear chain shirt style barding; is it worth it?

2011-11-07, 10:09 PM
It's the Garden-Droid spiel that is funny to me.
"I shall summon these hurricane winds, whip forth the powers of the faetouched earth, and make you a fine bed of organic greens."
Salad Bar Monk
Warforged Monk 2/ Druid 3/ Landforged Walker 5/ Sacred Fist 10
If you go wtih text trumps table on the Sacred Fist casting progression this gives you 9th level druid spells, 16 BAB, and the ability to Wildshape into a Plant creature of your HD.