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2011-11-04, 07:33 PM
The six of you ride at a trot on a seldom-travelled road in a remote section of Gavony. You all recognize each other as cathars, but none of you have yet spoken. Partly because of the morning chill that still hasn’t left, partly because of the question that hangs over everyone’s head. “Why are they sending a cathar like myself along with five others to this remote town? What could possibly be happening to justify such a response?” Each of you has been told your companions have similar renown to yourself, and whatever evil requires six elite cathars is one to be feared indeed.

You are heading towards the town of Marshbarrow, however you were all asked to meet at the village of Nordmuth, a day’s ride away from the town. The only response given when questioned was “These are dangerous times.” The six of you have been riding for around five minutes now, and nobody has yet spoken. However, somebody has to make the first move. After all, the six of you have the same goal, and if this measure of response is truly necessary, you shall have to rely on each other if you wish to finish this mission alive.

What do you do?

2011-11-04, 07:49 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut is confortable mounted. Even having spent many years living under the careful supervision of the Church, his father never would have allowed his education on the ways of the Gentry to be lessened. So it is that Hartmut is enjoying the ride, and he looks comfortable in his high quality riding clothes. Hanging from his back are his sword and shield, the last showing the characteristic emblem of the Leobwin family crest, and both looking a little out of place compared to the rest of his clothes. Were it not for them, and the silver wrist-guards marking him as a werehunter, you would say he is nothing more than a nobleman out for a morning stroll.

"Dreadful weather we are having, aren't we?" he asks, as icebreaker for conversation, "I have to say, I am rather surprised at our Holy Mother's decision. One would expect to be informed in advance of... unusual circumstances."

He speaks the formal language of a person used to the niceties of court life, and nothing like the usual hard-bitten werewolf hunter, who tends to spend months at a time in the forests looking for his prey.


Irish Musician
2011-11-04, 07:53 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Riding behind everyone so he has a better view of them, Damien looks at these newly appointed allies. He studies them, watches their movements, and takes his time looking from one to the other. The fancy looking one speaks first, Damien can't help but wonder.......

"Indeed. Anyone else feel a little less than good about all of this? I don't know about all of you, but I haven't felt Her as much as I used to. That coupled with this mission we have all been sent on seems a little odd to me," Damien says looking around at everyone. "I am Damien Faithburned, Invoker of her ladyship."

2011-11-04, 08:00 PM
"Indeed. Anyone else feel a little less than good about all of this? I don't know about all of you, but I haven't felt Her as much as I used to. That coupled with this mission we have all been sent on seems a little odd to me," Damien says looking around at everyone. "I am Damien Faithburned, Invoker of her ladyship."

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut's face becomes stony in a flash, and his voice takes on a hot, steely tone. "I am sure I don't know what you speak of. Avacyn would not leave us in a time of need. If anything, we are the ones leaving her, through increased impurity and faithlessness."

Then, he seems to catch himself, and with a slight shudder, he forces a smile. It eventually reaches his eyes, "Do please excuse me. It is an unpleasant subject you bring up. I am Hartmut, Count of Leobwin, and I meant no offence. As fellow Cathars, you may call me Hartmut."

Irish Musician
2011-11-04, 08:14 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut's face becomes stony in a flash, and his voice takes on a hot, steely tone. "I am sure I don't know what you speak of. Avacyn would not leave us in a time of need. If anything, we are the ones leaving her, through increased impurity and faithlessness."

Then, he seems to catch himself, and with a slight shudder, he forces a smile. It eventually reaches his eyes, "Do please excuse me. It is an unpleasant subject you bring up. I am Hartmut, Count of Leobwin, and I meant no offence. As fellow Cathars, you may call me Hartmut."

Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien smiles to himself. "What makes you think that I meant She LEFT us. There are not many as close to Her as Cathar Invokers, and Her warmth on my soul has not been as hot as of late. It disturbes me." Damien looks down and has a very worried and troubled look on his face. In a flash it is gone, "Forgive me. I tend to jump to the worst conclusion first, it is a fault of mine. Well met Hartmut, though I wish no ill will on anyone, I do hope that we will get a chance to slay together. There are more layers to you than meets the eye." Damien gives Hartmut a small smile, then it disappears as soon as it appears.

2011-11-04, 08:46 PM
"Indeed. Anyone else feel a little less than good about all of this? I don't know about all of you, but I haven't felt Her as much as I used to. That coupled with this mission we have all been sent on seems a little odd to me," Damien says looking around at everyone. "I am Damien Faithburned, Invoker of her ladyship."

The Cleric, riding atop a black mare, simply stares at the road as she listens to her companions. Gwen was never one for banter but her training as a priestess had taught her that such idle chatter could calm the nerves of even the most frightened mouse.

"Praise be to Avacyn for she shall protect us from darkest shadows and the creatures that cloak themselves in such darkness."

2011-11-04, 08:51 PM
"On a more important note..." says the third man, pulling up from the rear, "We still don't know why we are being called. I suppose it doesn't matter in the long run, as we still need to fight anything that threatens our citizens. But it would still have been nice if they had told us what to prepare for. The only thing I figure would require six cathars with over a day's delay is some kind of infestation. Theres a good chance that this Marshbarrow place has already been taken by the unhallowed. I just hope we can ensure the Blessed Sleep for those poor people.

"My name's James, by the way. I'm looking forward to working together with all of you."

2011-11-04, 09:29 PM
Another man, wrapped in a rough jerkin of simple leather, speaks up.
Six cathars being sent to a remote town. Take a guess at what we're up against. It's something they don't expect anything less to deal with. He cups his hands and breathes heavily into them.
I'm Dafel, by the way. Dafel Footgard, 6th Regiment Gavony Parish-Blades.

2011-11-05, 12:11 AM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

The last man to speak up is a tiefling swathed in chain armor. His body language until now has suggested a reserved and sullen personality, but when he speaks his voice booms with confidence and charisma. "Let's not dwell on the what ifs. Worry will only lead to fear, and I don't believe any of you to be cowards." Riding along side each cathar one by one, he sizes each person up with a steely gaze, giving each an affirmative nod before moving onto the next. "I am known as Commander Rust, though I wouldn't presume to command this group. Such a fine collection of soldiers must have grand designs placed upon it. I look forward to our endeavors together."

Irish Musician
2011-11-05, 08:42 AM
The last man to speak up is a tiefling swathed in chain armor. His body language until now has suggested a reserved and sullen personality, but when he speaks his voice booms with confidence and charisma. "Let's not dwell on the what ifs. Worry will only lead to fear, and I don't believe any of you to be cowards." Riding along side each cathar one by one, he sizes each person up with a steely gaze, giving each an affirmative nod before moving onto the next. "I am known as Commander Rust, though I wouldn't presume to command this group. Such a fine collection of soldiers must have grand designs placed upon it. I look forward to our endeavors together."

Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien stares at the Tiefling. He is glad to see one in this party of cathars. Most of the villages and towns he goes to, tieflings arelooked down upon. As thought they are some ancient abomination between humans and daemons. Though he knows better. Damien knows first hand that Avacyn doesn't discriminate and that even the most feared creatures, himself included, can find redemption with Her, if they will only give Her a chance to help them. And for that, he respects tieflings. "Glad you are with us Rust, I always feel better with a tiefling cathar by my side in battle,"said with no smile, just a matter-of-fact-ness from Damien.

2011-11-05, 06:13 PM
The morning passes into afternoon. The road gets steadily worse as you continue, but while your horses may not look it, they are strong and experienced, and are able to handle it without much difficulty, despite your weapons and armor. You have to slow to a walk to get past some spots, and are forced to get off and walk a couple of times to climb up hills.

The afternoon sun is only a couple of hours from setting, and you are beginning to wonder if this town really is one day's ride away. Then you see something on the road. As you get closer, you see that there are five men on the road before you. All are armored. Four carry spears, and one carries a large sword. They are several hundred feet away.

What do you do?

2011-11-05, 06:23 PM
Dafel shifts uncomfortably.
Was anyone given any sort of idea of what this place, Marshbarrow, is or what's wrong with it?

2011-11-05, 06:28 PM
(Sorry for the double post, I think I was postin at the same time as the DM.:smalleek:)

When Dafel sees the men, he takes his hands away from his swords.

2011-11-05, 06:33 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

"No. But perhaps these men might know something."

Rust bites his heels into his mount and trots up to them. "Hail! Good evening, sirs."

2011-11-05, 06:34 PM
Dafel sighs and rides up with the Commander, remaining silent.

2011-11-05, 06:47 PM
James Walker, Parish-Blade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342103)

Holding his holy symbol of the Church high, James moves to address the men.

"Well met, we are cathars sent to aid the town of Marshbarrow. If you are friendly to our cause, have you any information regarding how close we are?"

EDIT: Forgot Insight check
EDIT2: See OOC thread

Irish Musician
2011-11-05, 06:48 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien shakes his head and takes his staff off of his back and follows the other two towards the two men. He stays a little farther back and tries to see if there are any markings on them, or if they are even living.

Irish Musician
2011-11-05, 06:52 PM
Sorry for the x2 post, screwed up my perception roll code the first time and needed a fresh post, cuz I couldn't edit it is and get a roll.

Perception roll [roll0]

2011-11-05, 07:30 PM
Gwen shakes her head, Do these so called Cathars not recognize brigands when they see them?

Gwen urges her black mare forward and stairs into the eyes of the tallest, meanest looking brigand, "Praise be to Avacyn. We are mere travelers. Let us pass."

2011-11-05, 08:08 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Still fuming about the Invoker's arrogant comment about him being closer to Avacyn than the rest of them, Hartmut pull back on the reins and waits for the others to initiate contact with the men. Hartmut is not sure he can control his temper just now, so instead he takes the time to pull the shield off his back and strap it to his arm, and loosen the sword in his scabbard.

2011-11-05, 08:20 PM
The man with the sword smiles at James's comment, and then raises an eyebrow at Gwen's. He speaks in a manner that indicates he knows who you are.

"Well miss, next time you wish to pass your group off as travellers, it may not be a good idea to do so after someone else has declared your party cathars and presented proof."

He grins, and continues.

"After all, what could we really be? You can tell we aren't undead, and this is hardly a good road for robbing people: You're probably the first group to travel this way in weeks. And you're armed to the teeth, so if we were brigands, we'd probably let you by anyway."

He frowns before continuing.

"Admittedly, I can hardly blame you for being suspicious. These are unsafe times. That's why I brought four other men with me. Lone travellers, even warriors, are at great risk on these roads, but groups are generally left unmolested. Now, I have no wish to be caught outside in the dark, so shall we get moving to Marshbarrow? We'll follow the road for a while, but we'll have to leave the road in about an hour. That's where I come in."

2011-11-05, 08:26 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut kicks his horse forward, and says in a polite tone, "A moment, sir, if thou please. We have yet to hear who you might be. I have long hunted those that hide their natures, and thus thou might find me steeped in caution, but these are indeed dangerous times, and we would be remiss in our duties where we not to enquire about our guides. Thus, it is my duty to ask: who are you, and how can we verify thine identity?"

2011-11-05, 08:27 PM
Is there no road that leads to Marshbarrow? Dafel asks quietly, almost to himself, his suspicions of what their task is growing. Could the road be occupied by some foul beast?

Irish Musician
2011-11-05, 08:31 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut kicks his horse forward, and says in a polite tone, "A moment, sir, if thou please. We have yet to hear who you might be. I have long hunted those that hide their natures, and thus thou might find me steeped in caution, but these are indeed dangerous times, and we would be remiss in our duties where we not to enquire about our guides. Thus, it is my duty to ask: who are you, and how can we verify thine identity?"

Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"Indeed, how do we know you aren't just incredibly dumb brigands?" Damien says from behind the front few cathars.

2011-11-05, 08:36 PM
"Indeed, how do we know you aren't just incredibly dumb brigands?" Damien says from behind the front few cathars.

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut throws a cautionary look over his shoulder at the Invoker. "Guard your tongue, Cathar. We do well to be cautious, but there is a line between caution and rudeness. These men are entitled to presumption of innocence, and should not be insulted needlessly."

2011-11-05, 08:37 PM
Gwen was unaccustomed to dealing with laymen, they're world was very different than the hallowed halls of the monasteries and churches where Gwen was raised.

"We may be Cathars but we are also simple travelers. We should leave for Marshbarrow immediately, lest we travel after sunset. If you know a shorter route through the surrounding wilderness, then I shall defer the duties of navigation to you."

Irish Musician
2011-11-05, 08:51 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"No offense intended. For if they are, in fact, dumb brigands then it is time to unleash the power of my mistress upon them. If not, then the polite thing for them to do is name who they are, sine they are the ones in the middle of the road," Damien smirks at the fancy Cathar. These rich ones are too high strung for me, he thinks to himself before gesturing that Hartmut should continue the gathering of information from these men.

Insight check on this man and his story so far [roll0]

2011-11-05, 09:01 PM
James Walker, Parish-Blade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342103)

"Calm down everyone." James says as he attempts to defuse rising tempers.

Lowering his advice in the interest of politeness, not hiding his speech but making it clear that he is addressing his fellows They're not undead, they're not vampires, the only thing they could possibly be are werewolves, and I'm inclined to think they are naught but friendly faces. And you've heard the old adage "If there's anything a werewolf hates, it's a collar—especially Avacyn's Collar, the symbol of her church." thats why I presented my symbol. Now lets stop bickering and make our way to Marshbarrow, there's good to be done.

2011-11-05, 09:03 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Rust gives a befuddled look to Damien, then he looks to Hartmut and shakes his head, sharing in his disappointment of their colleague's words.

"Everyone, settle! We have our orders, and they don't include meeting anyone on the road." Addressing the five men as a whole he says, "Unless you can provide some convincing credentials, we won't be going anywhere with you. Now, can you share any news from Marshburrow, or not?"

Irish Musician
2011-11-05, 09:09 PM
"Calm down everyone." James says as he attempts to defuse rising tempers.

Lowering his advice in the interest of politeness, not hiding his speech but making it clear that he is addressing his fellows They're not undead, they're not vampires, the only thing they could possibly be are werewolves, and I'm inclined to think they are naught but friendly faces. And you've heard the old adage "If there's anything a werewolf hates, it's a collar—especially Avacyn's Collar, the symbol of her church." thats why I presented my symbol. Now lets stop bickering and make our way to Marshbarrow, there's good to be done.

Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"That is fine. We can be on our way, though I still don't know who these men are, good though they may be."

2011-11-05, 09:13 PM
They're not undead, they're not vampires, the only thing they could possibly be are werewolves, and I'm inclined to think they are naught but friendly faces. And you've heard the old adage "If there's anything a werewolf hates, it's a collar—especially Avacyn's Collar, the symbol of her church." thats why I presented my symbol. Now lets stop bickering and make our way to Marshbarrow, there's good to be done.

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut looks like he is about to say something back, but then he just shakes his head, shares a long look with Rust, expressing wordlessly his disbelief at the lack of caution in a Parish Blade, and then just turns on the men before them, waiting for an answer to his enquiry.

2011-11-05, 09:25 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen looks around, some companions are readying for an attack, others seem willing to trust these men. The Cleric sighs, and thinks to herself, Why must this tedious conversation take so long? Either way they lead us to the town and we rest in safety or they lead us to a trap, in which case we kill them and make our way to the town and rest in safety. Either way, we go to sleep in a BED! Make a decision and let us be on our way!

2011-11-05, 10:07 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Slayer

Dafel seems to be completely uninterested in the conversation. Soon the sun will go down and the cathar's blades would do the talking.

2011-11-05, 11:02 PM
While this conversation has gone on, the man is simply thinking. Eventually, he comes to a conclusion.

"I would never offer this to anyone else, but since you are all powerful cathars, you can protect us if necessary. First, I show you this, though of course, this can be faked."

He pulls out a silver symbol from underneath his shirt: what appears to be, from a cursory examination, a holy symbol of Avacyn.

"Unfortunately, I don't have Avacyn's powers. If I did, a simple demonstration would show you my nature. Thus, secondly, and the real assurance, if I have your word you will protect us if need be, we will surrender our weapons to you until we reach Marshbarrow."

Several of his men appear to be looking at the leader in shock. He ignores them.

"My name is Luke Matthews. I'm the resident cathar of Marshbarrow. I'm honestly surprised at this paranoia, but then, I've never faced the kind of evil you must have. I could also simply give you directions to Marshbarrow if need be, but as it requires going through the marsh, you might get lost. Additionally, I could still be leading you into a trap, just letting you get there on your own. Now, does this convince you?"

2011-11-05, 11:42 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen looks at the man, Your act of contrition is noted. Avacyn's grace upon you child. You may lead us to Marshbarrow... That is," Gwen pauses for a moment before continuing, "If my companions consent."

Irish Musician
2011-11-06, 12:40 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"Sounds fine to me, keep your weapons and lead away Luke,"says Damien laying his staff across his lap and waiting for the others to agree.

2011-11-06, 03:48 AM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

"What are your men afraid of? What's in this area that which they wouldn't dare face unarmed?" Rust surveys the sky, looking to see if the moon has risen yet. He unwraps his spear and holds it at the ready. "You're free to lead on, Luke. I'm sure we can keep up." he says, patting his horse on the neck.

2011-11-06, 06:06 AM
Luke Matthews, Cathar of Marshbarrow

Luke looks at Gwen, not quite angrily, but at the very least annoyed. He nods in the direction of Damien and Rust. He looks at Rust as he speaks.

"We can discuss the Marshbarrow situation as we walk. But to answer your first question, sir, undead roam this area. Undead far stronger than I have ever seen before. I've only ever seen them at night, but with the amount of men they've killed, I don't want to take any chances."

Given that half the party have allowed him to keep his weapon, he makes no move to relinquish his sword, and he begins to walk away.

To keep the action going, it is assumed that you are going to follow him unless you say otherwise in your post. This saves six "I follow the guy" posts from being necessary. So if you don't want to follow him, say so explicitly.

2011-11-06, 08:11 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"It is my pleasure to make thine acquaintance, Master Matthews," says Hartmut, "And thou would be surprised at how often such a simple measure proves invaluable. It is not, as thou named it, paranoia, but necessary precaution, and one hopes we did not give cause for offence."

As Matthew starts to guide them, Hartmut dismounts. With half the group on foot, there is little advantage to remain mounted. As his feet touch the ground, his riding clothes change, the stiff bow-legged leather giving way to a more comfortable satin weave, a ruffled shirt and walking shoes. Pulling the horse by his reins, he moves forward to walk by Luke. "We have little information on the going-ons. Do tell, if thy please, what is so dangerous about these undead - one is guessing the walking dead, rather than vampires - that requires the presence of such a large group of Cathars to be deployed here."

Irish Musician
2011-11-06, 12:30 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien just follows Luke and the rest of the cathars, all the while keeping a sharp eye on his surroundings, looking for these stronger zombies he has told them about. He does not say much, just sits back and listens to the questions and explanations, preparing himself for what needs to be done and praying to Her that they all make it our alive.

2011-11-06, 06:02 PM
Luke Matthews, Cathar of Marshbarrow

Luke addresses Hartmut.

"No offense sir, merely surprise. I apologise as well. As for the undead, they are more powerful than any I have ever faced. Even a novice cathar can take on a few zombies or skeletons as I'm sure you know, but these creatures are much faster, stronger and more durable than the usual ones that we face. I fear that I and Carla, my fellow cathar, are not up to the task of defending Marshbarrow from such foul creatures. Unfortunately, I have no idea what caused the undead to suddenly become much stronger. What do you think, sirs and madam?"

He addresses the group with this last statement.

2011-11-06, 06:11 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"It is my sincere belief not to rush to hasty conclusions," Hartmut states, ponderously. "We will of course investigate this new threat as is our called Duty. That said, while one understands the difficult position a fellow Cathar can be found thyself involved in the growing darkness and, while I mean no disrespect towards thy village, one cannot help but wonder why our Holy Mother diverted so many resources to this endeavour. Nevertheless, here we are, and we will do our best to help."

Irish Musician
2011-11-06, 06:11 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"Who knows what horrors this world has decided to send our way. Rest assured, these new abominations will be dealt with as soon as we reach your town, and we will try to restore it as best we can good Luke" Damien promises. He looks at his other Cathars to see that they are in agreement as well."Now let us move with haste so that these things may feel the love of our Avacyn, and burn in it."

2011-11-06, 06:29 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen quietly listens to the others speak. She grimaces as Luke mentions new undead, that are both stronger and faster than their normal kin. The idea of undead growing even stronger is frightening - civilization is already frighteningly close to the precipice of doom... "What ever happens," thinks Gwen, "We must fight these abominations and discover any weaknesses they possess."

2011-11-06, 07:22 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel dismounts and draws one of his scimitars, leading his horse with his other hand.
Did you encounter any of these creatures on your way to meet us, Matthews? the swordsman asks quietly.

2011-11-06, 10:06 PM
Luke Matthews, Cathar of Marshbarrow

Luke addresses Dafel.

"No sir, we did not. So far, the undead have only appeared at night. However, I felt it was best not to take chances."

He then addresses Hartmut.

"As for your question sir, far be it from me to presume the will of Avacyn and her Lunarchs, but if I were to guess, I would suggest that if Marshbarrow were to fall, that would not be the end of the threat. If one town can be taken by these new undead, so can more. The entire area could be at risk if that were to happen. Additionally, I specifically made a request for skilled cathars sir, as I don't believe any lesser warriors could stand toe to toe with these creatures. Whenever Marshbarrow has faced them, they have been heavily outnumbered, and still caused carnage among our ranks."

2011-11-06, 10:13 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen looks over at Luke with a warm, caring smile, "Worry not child, we shall not rest until these abominations of creation are cast back from whence they came."

2011-11-06, 10:15 PM
Luke Matthews, Cathar of Marshbarrow
"No sir, we did not. So far, the undead have only appeared at night. However, I felt it was best not to take chances."

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"I thank thee for thy answers, Cathar Matthews," answers Hartmut, retaining his polite, if formal, tone. "Please, do tell, you mentioned a swamp between us and the village. Are perchance these creatures coming from the swamp? And how big is Marshbarrow? I must admit I posses little knowledge of your fair lands, my ancestral lands being found in Kessig soil. Does thou command a militia?"

2011-11-07, 03:22 AM
Luke Matthews, Cathar of Marshbarrow

Luke still looks annoyed at Gwen, but doesn't say anything. He instead addresses Hartmut:

"I'm not sure where they are coming from, sir. The swamp would be an excellent place to hide something, however. It's very hard to track anything through there, and it's pretty big. Marshbarrow itself has a little over a thousand people, but that includes a couple of hundred who live in relative isolation and rarely come into town. I'd say the area that is practical to defend holds between eight hundred and nine hundred. I do command a militia of around twenty men. A month ago I had thirty. Without them, we wouldn't have stood a chance."

At this point, with Luke leading the way, you turn off the road, which is more a trail than anything else by this point, and head into the swamp. Not much of a swamp yet, but your boots squelch as you walk, and you can see ahead that you'll soon be in the swamp proper.

"Not far to go, sirs and madam: About thirty minutes and we'll be in Marshbarrow."

2011-11-07, 07:26 AM
Luke Matthews, Cathar of Marshbarrow
At this point, with Luke leading the way, you turn off the road, which is more a trail than anything else by this point, and head into the swamp. Not much of a swamp yet, but your boots squelch as you walk, and you can see ahead that you'll soon be in the swamp proper.

"Not far to go, sirs and madam: About thirty minutes and we'll be in Marshbarrow."

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"If one may ask, how is it the road doesn't take us to the town? Wouldn't that make communications and trade complicated?"

As they start to reach the swampy ground, the soft walking shoes seamlessly change into a pair of long swamp boots. With the sun well past midday, Hartmut starts to look around for danger, but his expression remains one of mild interest, rather than concern.

Irish Musician
2011-11-07, 12:18 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien, when they reach the edge of the swamp, hops off his horse so that she doesn't have as hard a time trekking through the swamp. He grabs her reins and follows everyone else into the swamp. Damien still keeps a sharp eye out for any movement around them and any sounds of the abominations he has been told about, or any others. He also listens to Luke's explanation of the situation.

Perception check for looking around [roll0]

2011-11-07, 05:51 PM
Luke Matthews, Cathar of Marshbarrow

Luke addresses Hartmut.

"Yes, it does make things difficult from time to time, sir. As for why there is no road in the first place, it's because we do not have the resources to build one through the swamp. A better question might be why people chose to settle here in the first place, but I can't answer that one, sir."

He then notices Damien dismounting.

"Good idea sir. The rest of you may wish to follow suit. Your horses would have to move at a walk through this swamp in any case."

2011-11-07, 08:10 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

"Good farming? Good hunting? For living so isolated, what do folks do out here for livelihood? Rust dismounts his horse and follows into the swamp. He keeps an eye on the reactions of Luke's men, not out of mistrust, but because he believes, correctly or not, that they are easier to read.

Is History applicable for knowing more about the town? Why and when it was settled? [roll0]

2011-11-07, 08:21 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

As Gwen dismounts, she thinks it would have been better to stay on the road - at least then their boots would have remained clean.

2011-11-07, 08:33 PM
Luke addresses Rust.

"Well sir, it's a mixture of both. We're a reasonably sized town, so we have the usual gamut of occupations that supports, and we also have hunting and farming for food. It's surprisingly good farmland, but only a handful of suitable plants thrive in this environment, so we hunt to eke out supplies. Many of our more secluded inhabitants are hunters by trade. Alligators mostly, their pelts fetch solid prices in other parts of Gavony. They have a bunch of uses, but all I know is, they make great boots."

Now that the point has been brought up, you can see that Luke's boots are actually made of what looks a lot like alligator hide.

"One thing that worries me is how unsafe it's going to be to hunt in the marshes now. At least we can still farm, since our farmland isn't in the marsh proper and it's close to the town."


You are unable to remember anything about Marshbarrow that you haven't already been told. Isolated town, surrounded by marshland, in a remote part of Gavony.

2011-11-07, 08:39 PM
Gwen ponders the area for a bit.

Gwen would like to make a Nature check to see what she recalls about the area and what kind of creatures dwell within the marshlands. She would also like to make a History check to see what she remembers about the marshes' undoubtedly interesting history.

Nature: [roll0]
History: [roll1]

2011-11-07, 11:16 PM

You are unable to recall anything of import about the history of the marshlands except for one factoid: Marshes that have been settled in the past tend to have areas of relatively dry ground to build upon. Odds are, Marshbarrow is built on one of those. Unfortunately, not a useful fact, as in a few minutes you'll find out for yourself.

As for the nature of the marshlands, you remember a list of flora and fauna the marshes have. Most are unimportant ((You can ask questions via PM. I don't have a definitive list, and if I did, probably wouldn't be worth mentioning anyhow)) but you remember a few potentially dangerous creatures: Certain spiders, snakes, and alligators. You remember there are two species of alligator: One grows to around 3-4 feet long, the other grows to over twice that long. The people of Marshbarrow probably hunt the smaller variety.

Lastly, you recall that almost no vampire will ever venture into the marshlands. They cannot bear living in such a dank place: they are decadent creatures for the most part, and enjoy the trappings of civilisation too much.

2011-11-08, 12:20 PM
Luke addresses Rust.

"One thing that worries me is how unsafe it's going to be to hunt in the marshes now. At least we can still farm, since our farmland isn't in the marsh proper and it's close to the town."

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Still pondering the situation, Hartmut catches Luke's eye while keeping abreast of him at the front of the group. "Cathar Matthews, thou mentioned the creatures attacking the town - has this happened with regularity, or merely infrequently? Should we expect an attack tonight? What defences thus thy town boast of? We will, of course, join in the defence if required."

As the air becomes increasingly foul with the putrid smell of the swamp, a hood and mask grows out of Hartmut's shirt neck, covering his long hair and mouth, until only his eyes are visible amongst the cloth. His clothes similarly change, adapting to the growing humidity, and remaining as comfortable as one could hope for in the circumstances. Only his cape and, of course, his bracers, remain unchanged.

2011-11-08, 05:34 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel stays silent through the interrogation of Matthews, prefering to glance casually into the swamp to make sure nothing is following them.

Perception roll to see if there is anything following them of setting up an ambush, or anything undesirable of that sort:

2011-11-08, 08:17 PM
Luke Matthews, Cathar of Marshbarrow

Luke addresses Hartmut.

"It happens infrequently sir. If they had attacked us every night, I doubt there'd be a Marshbarrow left by now. It hasn't happened in a few days, so they may attack tonight. As for defences, we mostly rely on the terrain to deter large forces, and force of arms to deter small ones. Unfortunately, a small elite force is precisely the worst kind of foe for us to face. It's hard to build walls in this terrain, though we do have walls protecting the inner area of the town, where the ground is firmest."

At this point, you see a few lights in the distance.

"Ah, this must be Marshbarrow. We're almost there!"

2011-11-08, 08:31 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

With the mask covering his face, it is impossible to tell Hartmut's expression, but his voice does sound a tiny bit relieved at the sighting of the village. "Ah, good news indeed. One was anticipating a rather uncomfortable night had we been forced to camp in the swamp. One last question, then, Cathar Matthews - and one must say, thou have been as patient as Avacyn herself - when the attacks come, are they purposeless, as if the creatures had merely come by the village randomly in their wanderings, or do they seem directed, as if the village had been targeted by an organised enemy?"

Hartmut turns around to survey their path. Even his untrained eyes can see that all their squelching in the mud has left a clear trail, although he is also happy to notice that the soft ground is quick to recover. Within a few hours, most obvious traces of their passing will be gone. Of course, it also meant they would have a hard time leaving the village by following the same path back to the road.

2011-11-08, 08:45 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen listens carefully to Luke, as well as peering off into the distance, ever vigilant for deception.

Perception to make sure the lights are really a town (and not a bandit encampment): [roll0]

Insight (to make sure Luke is telling the truth): [roll1]

2011-11-08, 09:32 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Noticing the lights, Rust pauses a moment but quickly regains his composure. Pulling his horse through the swamp, he continues up to the village.

2011-11-08, 09:36 PM

From what you can tell, Luke is telling the truth, or at least what he believes to be the truth.

Luke looks at Hartmut before speaking.

"Thank you very much sir. As for your last question, I can't say absolutely for sure. The undead come in packs, containing more than one type of foe. This is absolutely the hallmark of an organised foe, however who knows what natural habits these new undead might have? However, I'd say there's a very small chance these undead are not controlled by an outside source."

At this point, you enter Marshbarrow itself.

2011-11-08, 09:54 PM
The eleven of you step up onto solid ground. Not as solid as the roads or the plains, but solid enough to stand on. About 200 metres (670 feet) ahead of you, you see the lights of Marshbarrow. There seems to be a greenish tinge to everything, and the lights are not strong enough to dispel the gloom of the marsh. The sun has almost set, and almost no natural light still enters the marsh. As you walk onwards, the ground becomes more and more solid, until buildings can be constructed on it.

As you get closer, heads pop out of windows to observe you. They seem relieved to see who you are, or at least, who Luke and the others are. When you are nearly inside the village, a woman steps out from a side-street. She smiles when she sees you. She wears chainmail, and carries a small mace holstered to her belt. Luke steps forward to meet her. They kiss briefly, and then Luke turns back to you.

"Cathars, this is Carla, my wife and fellow cathar of Marshbarrow. Carla, meet the cathars. These are the ones who have responded to our plea for help."

Carla replies:

"It's very nice to meet all of you. Hopefully Luke has already informed you of our plight. We have a few huts set aside for your use while you are in Marshbarrow: We don't get visitors often enough to have a dedicated inn. Would you like to see them now, or is there something else you'd like to do?"

2011-11-08, 10:04 PM
Carla replies:

"It's very nice to meet all of you. Hopefully Luke has already informed you of our plight. We have a few huts set aside for your use while you are in Marshbarrow: We don't get visitors often enough to have a dedicated inn. Would you like to see them now, or is there something else you'd like to do?"

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"Thou art most courteous, my lady Cathar," says Hartmut in his most pleasant tones, as his clothes become, once again, the expensive ruffled weaves of the noble class. "But one fears one must delay his visit to thine accomodations 'till one has ascertained the lay of the land. One is sure that some of my companions will be happy to accompany thee, but one cannot lay his head to rest without a full appraisal of his surroundings."

Hartmut is happy to let the group separate, for those less tactically minded that would rather unpack at this time while he - and he hopes, Rust - make a perimeter of the village.

"Cathar Matthews, If you would be so kind as to accompany us, and guide us to the frequent avenues of attack and the site of the last invasion?"

2011-11-08, 10:09 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel glances around the town, but doesn't reply to Carla. He figures one of the others, probably the nobleman or the Commander, will speak up to what the cathars need to do next. He sheathes his scimitar.

2011-11-08, 11:45 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Entering the village, Rust feels the weight of the villagers eyes upon him. He averts his gaze downwards and hunches his shoulders, his body language telegraphing the idea not to approach him. Carla and Luke's reaction pushes him further and Rust turns his back to them.

Hearing an excuse to escape, Rust eagerly chimes in, "Right behind you Hartmut, checking the surroundings is an excellent idea."

Handing his horse's reins to James he adds, "Please ensure our mounts are cared for."

2011-11-09, 01:12 AM
GWen says nothing, holds her head high and walks with grace as they are lead into town.

Irish Musician
2011-11-09, 09:23 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Following everyone into town, he greets his new charge's wife with a half smile and a friendly nod, "Pleasure to meet you Carla, and thank you for the use of one of your rooms. I am going to follow our two strategic minds as get a layout of the land as well, then I will take my things to my room. Though we won't likely be resting for the night, it is nice to have a bed anyway." He then finds a place to ties his horse off, shoulders his pack, and follows his strategic Cathars around the camp.

2011-11-09, 04:05 PM
James Walker, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342103)Parish-Blade

James walks about, glancing at the various dwellings. Hmm. We're going to get the lay of the land, which we need, what else? Why would such powerful unhallowed be here? A powerful ghoulcaller is the most likely reason for such abominations, but I can't rule out anything. I still haven't heard a solid enough reason for why a town would be built in the middle of a marsh without a road. Perhaps something about the swamp lends itself to such dark arts?

Acceping the reins from Rust, goes to shelter the horses and ensure they are fed and watered. After everything is in order, he will then catch up with the others in scouting.

History: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]

2011-11-09, 08:45 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

As Rust and him set out together, Hartmut lets Luke get ahead of them, and then talks quietly to Rust, making sure they are not overheard, not even by Luke, even going so far as to hide his mouth behind his large shield.

"Commander Rust, I could not help but notice your distress when we entered the village," he whispers. His tone and affectations remain clearly upper-class, but much of the formality that was so prevalent when talking to Luke is now gone, substituted for a more practical and businesslike cadence. "I imagine that your kind is not usually welcomed by mine, but I thought you'd be protected by Avacyn's mark, and you being a Cathar. Is this liable to become an issue? Should I make clear and plain that you are to be respected as a Cathar?"

Hartmut's tone is understanding. He clearly does not share the general feeling of unease about tieflings, and is merely offering help, but willing to follow Rust's lead in this, as befits the situation. Then he adds a little louder, in case Luke has noticed something amiss, back in his formal tone, "As one was saying, what is thy take on the tactical situation, Commander?"

As they walk, Hartmut looks around, taking in the feeling of the village, expecting fear mingled with curiosity and, maybe, hope, but wanting to know how much of each. With the setting sun, the temperature begins to drop, and as it does, Hartmut's clothes become thicker and warmer, and start sprouting fur along the rims and edges, until he looks like he is wearing a full sable coat, reaching all the way down to his feet.

As far as I know, there isn't a skill for tactics, so instead:
[roll0] - Tactical situation
[roll1] - Mood of the village

2011-11-09, 09:00 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel sighs as his tactically minded comrades rush off to secure the battlements. Then he turns to Carla.
I hate to ask, but do you own a shovel?

2011-11-09, 10:49 PM

You are unable to determine any useful information in regards to history. Religion-wise, you know that a powerful ghoulcaller or necromancer would be a very possible explanation why a breed of elite undead appear to have risen. Necromancers do have the ability to improve their creations, and this would be a far better case than the undead evolving naturally. The swamp itself does not lend itself towards necromancy any more than any other terrain, but it is a good place to hide one's activities due to the natural features of it.


Tactically, you are unable to ascertain anything about the situation, but new information can change that. As for the mood, the mood of the village seems tense and on edge, but that's only expected considering the brutal attacks the village has faced recently.

Damien, Gwen, Hartmut, Rust:

You begin to walk around the perimeter of the village with Luke. Luke shows you the places the undead have attacked. They have attacked twice in the north at the same spot, twice in the west at different spots, and once from the east in total. It's not much information, unfortunately. You can't be sure if there's a pattern to it or not.


You go to shelter the horses, but noticing you, a man wearing chainmail and wielding a spear comes up to you.

"Sir?" he asks. "If you are one of the warriors who have come to assist our village, it would be my honor to look after your horses for you."


Carla looks at you, puzzled. "Yes, we could certainly find a shovel for you, sir. If I may, why do you ask?"

2011-11-09, 10:55 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Do you mind if I borrow it? If the undead do attack tonight, then we will need graves to bury the bodies of the slain, no matter what side they are on. Avacyn demands rest for all.

2011-11-09, 11:10 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Looking Hartmut in the eye, Rust flatly states, "Sir, I am aware of my appearance, and how other react to it. I have a lifetime of experience in handling this and it won't become an issue." He then sighs and rubs he back of his neck as he continues, less formally, "I apologize for my demeanor, the situation has reminded me of some...unrelated, though unsettling, memories. They shan't hinder our duty. Now please, lets continue the survey; I'll follow your lead."

Cooperating with Hartmut, 10+ adds +2 to his results
[roll0] tactical situation
[roll1] Village mood

2011-11-09, 11:19 PM

Sorry, Hartmut's already made his roll. I can treat your rolls as individual ones, however. You now know what Hartmut knows, you may look at the second spoiler of that post with the five spoilers. You also recognise hope in some of the villagers. You don't know why, but it's probably your group's arrival.


"Certainly, sir." Carla says. "You may take it if you wish, but we already have men assigned to that duty. I doubt they will refuse aid, but we have the task in hand. It won't be necessary for you to help, though I thank you greatly for the offer."

2011-11-09, 11:21 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen tries to recall how other undead attacked villages of this size and see if she can find any correlation to help the town better defend itself in the future.

History check: [roll0]

2011-11-09, 11:32 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Looking Hartmut in the eye, Rust flatly states, "Sir, I am aware of my appearance, and how other react to it. I have a lifetime of experience in handling this and it won't become an issue."

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"Oh, I am sure you know full-well how they will react to you, I was merely noting my own ignorance in the subject," Hartmut points out. "I'm afraid I have never had the chance to work with tieflings before, your people being rare in Kessig. But neither will I allow people who should be thanking Avacyn for our presence to belittle or inconvenience one of her True Knights."

Then, a little louder, Hartmut proceeds to exchange notes with the others. "Attacks from east, west and north - and few enough on each direction that south cannot be disregarded. The population seems tense, on edge, but not yet to the breaking point. The situation, as one sees it, is dangerous but not yet desperate."

2011-11-09, 11:36 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Unlike my comrades, I'm more comfortable digging holes then making tactical decisions.
Dafel takes the shovel and goes to help the men on grave-digging duty, quietly and with determination.

2011-11-10, 03:32 AM

You recall nine seperate events of villages around this size being attacked by undead before. Unfortunately, they aren't applicable to this scenario. Generally, villages were destroyed when they had inadequate support, which is certainly not the case here, or by an overwhelming horde. Mostly, tactics for fighting undead are determined by numbers. But if these undead are as strong as claimed, those tactics don't count for much here.

Wherever you are in the village, you suddenly notice armed men running in the same direction. All of you jump to the same conclusion: You're under attack! You follow the running militia, and they appear to be heading towards the north.

The group unites again shortly before reaching the place the militia are running, and then you hear a militiaman shout. "Commander! Attack on the west side!"

Luke stops and shouts back. "WEST side!? They're attacking in two places at once!" He seems panicked for a second, and then sees you. "Praise Avacyn you came today! Cathars! We need you to hold off the enemies to the west, while Carla, me, and the militia hold off the northern foes!"

Sorry for the railroading at this point, but I think I can assume all of you are going to help the town not be destroyed, and as pointed out in the OOC thread, splitting the group is not a good idea. (And you guys do know this, being experienced cathars and all) If you'd rather I not railroad you in situations like this in the future, tell me and I won't. I just figure this'll speed stuff up and it's pretty obvious what everyone is going to do anyway.

You run for the west. On your way, you arrange yourself into a rough tactical formation: Heavily armored people at the front, less armored ones at the back. You run out of the village's outer buildings. You see undead.

Interspersed among the front ranks are skeletons wielding longswords and zombies wielding only their fists. But at the back, you see something quite unusual: Skeletons whose hands appear to be on fire! Lastly, you see a geist at the back. This is unusual: geists rarely accompany other undead. But no time for speculation: Combat has begun!


Gwen = Gwen Lovangel
Hart = Hartmut, Count of Leobwin
Rust = Commander Rust
Dafel = Dafel Footgard
James = James Walker
Burn = Damien Faithburned
Zx = Zombies
Sx = Skeletons
Fx = Flaming Skeletons
Gx = Geist

Light green squares = Grass
Dark green squares = Marsh
Dark brown squares = Huts

Terrain Notes
The huts are impassable terrain. The marsh is difficult terrain. It costs 2 squares to move across one marsh square.


Z1: Unmarked
Z2: Unmarked
Z3: Unmarked
S1: Unmarked
S2: Unmarked
S3: Unmarked
F1: Unmarked
F2: Unmarked
G1: Unmarked



James, Rust, Dafel, Hartmut: 25, 24, 18, 18.
Monsters: 15.
Damien, Lovangel: 9, 7.

Other Notes
It's past sunset and near the end of the day, so be willing to use Action Points and dailies. Also, you guys aren't necessarily arranged in the optimal position, but I put heavy armour to the front, light armor to the back, regardless of actual AC. I figured that's what your characters would have done, given about three seconds notice.

2011-11-10, 08:22 AM
James Walker, (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342103)Parish-Blade

"To arms my brothers! Follow me!"

Seeing the approaching unhallowed, James passes his hand over the clasp of his cloak to activate the enchantments within it, this along with a short prayer to Avacyn for the destruction of all that is unholy prepares him for combat. Then he charges at the center skeleton, easily navigating the marsh soil and holding his falchion high, which bursts into flame as he runs.

I use my minor action to activate my Cloak of Resistance for Resist 5 everything until start of next turn
I substitute my move action for another minor to use Oath of Emnity against S2
I charge S2
Attack Rolls: [roll1] Edit, both should be one higher
Damage Roll if hit: [roll2] Edit, this should be one lower
Damage Roll if crit: [roll]2d4+1d6+16
Until end of next turn, Invigorating Pursuit gives me +2 AC and +2 damage

2011-11-10, 09:36 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

As Hartmut reaches the battlefield, his eyes scan the opposition, drawing on all his knowledge of the undead to examine the varieties before him. Some he has not seen before, but nevertheless he has studied the theory of their working, and hopes he can fathom an informed guess on their likely abilities and characteristics. Even as he examines the creatures, his sable coat tightens towards his body, and becomes metallic as his armour, finally, makes its appearance shown. As the massive weight falls on his shoulders, Hartmut's feet actually sink into the soft ground a couple of inches. He draws his sword, and sets himself for battle, praying under his breath.

Pre-Battle ActionsHartmut would've changed the armour when running towards the North, but this is more impressive. Same with drawing his sword, I suppose.

Knowledge of undead (all non actions):

Reference: PHB 180:
Name, type, and keywords DC15
Powers DC20
Resistances and vulnerabilities DC25

I'll take actions once I have some idea of what we are facing.

Irish Musician
2011-11-10, 10:09 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Before he is able to act, Damien looks around at the foul abominations before him so that he may assertain the best wat to go about killing them for his Lady.

It is not my turn, but like we said in the OOC it is a non action to do this since it is in my head and might as well just get it over with so Saliv only has to post once.
Knowledge of Undead:
Flaming Skeletons:[roll2]

This is not my turn, but me being able to see them, like GW said, I can make this check in my head without it being my turn.

2011-11-10, 01:29 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

"To arms my brothers! Follow me!"
Rust does just that, staying close to his allies.

Seemingly too far away, he strikes out at a skeleton across the marsh. He thrust his spear at the air and a blazing white tear rips across the remaining distance.

Not that it matters for this combat, at all, but all allies within 10 feet of Rust get +2 initiative (if it wasn't already factored in).

Move to H7
Use spear's at-will to extend range to 3, melee basic attack on S1
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1] lightning damage

If a miss, spend an action point to try again
Attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3] lightning damage

If a hit, then, activate spear's daily and push S1 to space D9 and deal 1d8 lightning damage to it and all adjacent.
S1 - [roll4]
H1 - [roll5]
Z2 - [roll6]
S3 - [roll7]
F2 - [roll8]

2011-11-10, 01:36 PM
(Damn, critical on my first attack.)

The bolt strikes the skeleton squarely in the chest bone. The impact point is left charred as energy courses across it's entire form.

(Full damage for crit is [roll0])

2011-11-10, 03:51 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel draws his blades and, his allies in front of the enemy, starts to move around their right side while fire dances up one of his blades and lightning flashes up the other. He sets his sights on the nearest zombie.

Move to I5
Activate the Free, At-Will powers of his swords.
Activate Hunter's Quarry on Z1

2011-11-10, 10:39 PM
With the exception of the geist, all these enemies are too strong to be their normal forms. Thus, a Knowledge check would reveal little of use, as you haven't heard of these strengthened undead before. You do know that regular skeletons and zombies are both vulnerable to radiant damage, however.


You know the following information about the ghost.

Mad Wraith: Medium shadow humanoid (undead)

Powers: Touch of Madness, At-Will, deals psychic damage and reduces defenses. Melee.

Touch of Chaos, At-Will, deals psychic damage, slides enemy, forces them to attack an ally. Melee.

Immune to disease and poison, resist 10 necrotic.

Choose your words carefully: You can't say more than a sentence or two as a free action.

2011-11-10, 10:57 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut watches as the other Cathars advance into the marshy land before he completes his prayer. While he is initially worried about the reckless charge of James, the prompt advance of Rust, and the wing support of Dafel means that the North flank looks fairly solid, and that their long range support is unlikely to be engaged anytime soon.

The inevitable conclusion, though, is that the South flank remains completely open to their enemies. Not for long, he tells himself, as he squares his shoulders under the bluish-white platings of his armours. His voice completes his prayer to Avacyn, and he sets off, angling towards the south side of the battlefield. As he advances, he raises his sword to the heavens, and asks for Avacyn's boon. "Mistress of Mercy, give strength to my arm to defend this town," he calls out in ringing tones. Then, more out of tradition than anything else, he clanks his bracers together, activating their external enchantment and watching them cover his sword in silver.

By now his purposeful walking has taken Hartmut to the edge of a fetid pool. He looks over to the enemies, sets his shield before him, and charges into battle.


HP 51/51 Bloodied 25 Healing Surge 12 (0 used /11)
AC 25 Fort 18 Reflex 18 Will 17

Move: to I10
Minor: Bless Weapon (+1 attack rolls, +1d6 radiant damage, critical range of 18-20 versus creatures vulnerable to radiant)
Standard: charge @G10, MBA vs. Z3
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] (silver) + [roll2]

2011-11-11, 06:54 PM
Moving towards it, James locks his eyes menacingly on the frontmost skeleton. He charges at it, and, isolated from it's companions, it stands no chance at avoiding the blow from the veteran Avenger. His falchion smashes into the skeleton, but it doesn't appear to be very hurt, even though you can tell it was a strong blow.

Rust moves to stand beside James, and with his deadly spear, SLAMS it directly into a skeleton's chest. The skeleton's ribcage caves in as it collapses. Well, that's what would happen if these were normal undead. Instead, you hear a loud cracking sound as one of it's ribs breaks, but it stands firm. Continuing the attack, Rust knocks the creature back, where it unleashes the pent-up lightning within it on all who surround it. Several creatures are hit, and a zombie decays into dust.

Dafel activates his swords, flickering with the power of fire and lightning. He gets into position, prepared for a deadly attack next turn.

Hartmut moves to guard the remaining flank and charges at one of the zombies! Striking it with his silver weapon, he neatly severs the zombie in half, and both halves fall to the ground.

The undead react. The flaming skeletons act first, firing in unison. One hits James and one hits Rust, and both have their hair and clothes smouldering as they burn! Rust barely seems to notice the fire, however. Then two skeletons move forward. They flank James and attack with their swords. Attempting to carry out this move, both James and Hartmut react, striking out at the creature as it passes, hitting it, causing it some grievous damage!. Flanked and burning, James is unable to hold off the brutal attack, but fortunately his cloak turns the worst of the wounds aside.

The final skeleton moves towards Hartmut and attacks, but Hartmut, trained in the art of defense, easily deflects the blow harmlessly towards his armor where it skates off. The geist, keeping up a constant, eerie moan that gets on everybody's nerves, moves towards James and attacks, but James dodges the touch. Finally, the remaining zombie attacks Dafel, but Dafel barely even has to move to block it.

James moves to H8, uses Oath of Enmity on S2 and deals 15 damage to S2.
Rust moves to H7, deals 16 damage to S1,and pushes it to D9. Uses spear's daily, kills Z2, deals 3 damage to S1 and S3, 4 damage to H1, and 8 damage to F2.
Hartmut moves to I10, blesses his weapon, charges G10, and kills Z3.

F1 and F2 attack. 8 (1) fire damage + ongoing 5 (0) fire to Rust, 10 (5) + ongoing 5 fire to James.
S2 moves to G8, S3 to H9. S3 takes two attacks of opportunity, taking 11 damage from Rust and 25 damage from Hartmut! Both attack James. Both hit. 15 (10) + 15 (10) damage, for a total of 30. (20)
S1 moves to F10, H1 moves to G9. S1 attacks Hartmut and misses. H1 attacks James and misses.
Z1 moves to H5, attacks Dafel and misses.

The bracketed numbers are the actual damage after calculating resistance.


Gwen = Gwen Lovangel
Hart = Hartmut, Count of Leobwin
Rust = Commander Rust
Dafel = Dafel Footgard
James = James Walker
Burn = Damien Faithburned
Zx = Zombies
Sx = Skeletons
Fx = Flaming Skeletons
Gx = Geist

Light green squares = Grass
Dark green squares = Marsh
Dark brown squares = Huts

Terrain Notes
The huts are impassable terrain. The marsh is difficult terrain. It costs 2 squares to move across one marsh square.


Z1: Unmarked
Z2: Dead
Z3: Dead
S1: Scratched
S2: Unmarked
S3: Bloodied
F1: Unmarked
F2: Unmarked
G1: Unmarked

James: Ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
Rust: Ongoing 5 (0) fire damage (save ends)


James, Rust, Dafel, Hartmut: 25, 24, 18, 18.
Monsters: 15.
Damien, Lovangel: 9, 7.

Other Notes
I tried to make my monsters use some tactics, but not too intelligent tactics. This should help give you a clue as to the nature of the creatures as well. I'm not going all out with tactics, but at the same time, I'm just not mindlessly bludgeoning them at the closest enemy. (Also, your cloak helped you big time this round James. Wise purchase.)

Irish Musician
2011-11-11, 07:15 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Calling upon the powers given to him by his goddess, Damien says a few short prayers and looks in the direction of his allies. He ascertains the situation very quickly and then turns his rage upon the enemies that he sees, and can reach. First he closes his eyes and takes a deep breathe, and enters into a state of powerful radiant energy. When he opens his eyes back up he points his staff toward his enemies and unleashes a powerful and awful force upon them, burning their undead flesh with Holy Radiance. Then yells to him comrades, "Don't let the Wraith touch you, it will suck out your life force out of you, leave you weakened, and make you turn on and attack each other!!!!"

Minor Action: Altar of Confinement Stance
Standard Action: Blades of Astral Fire centered on H1 ( I assume is the geist, even though on the legend is Gx) and it will attack S1,2,&3 as well as H1, all vs. Ref.. Also, Each ally in the burst gains a +2 power bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
H1: [roll0] Damge if hit: [roll1]
S1: [roll2] Damge if hit: [roll3]
S2: [roll4] Damge if hit: [roll5]
S3: [roll6] Damge if hit: [roll7]

Action Point: Brilliant Becon: Again centered around H1, also will create a zone, in which Enemies in the zone take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, defenses, and saving throws, all attacks Vs. Will. And I can move the zone with a move action and sustain it in the future with a minor.
H1: [roll8] Damge if hit: 10 on going radiant damage (save ends)
S1: [roll9] Damge if hit: 10 on going radiant damage (save ends)
S2: [roll10] Damge if hit: 10 on going radiant damage (save ends)
S3: [roll11] Damge if hit: 10 on going radiant damage (save ends)
Miss on any of them: 5 ongoing damage instead (save ends)

And since I used a daily and an encounter power F1 and F2 will each get 3 damage, as per my stance.

As a free action, I yell out to them.

2011-11-12, 11:00 AM
Gwen Lovangel

Standing where she is, Gwen Lovangel recites a simple prayer as she grasps her Holy Symbol. As it glows with divine energy, she yells, "LANCE OF FAITH!" A luminous bolt of radiant energy bursts from her Holy Symbol and strikes the skeleton nearest her.

Lance of Faith against S2
Attack: [roll0] vs S2's Reflex
Damage: [roll1] Radiant Damage

2011-11-12, 11:45 AM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

Surrounded by foul creatures, James decides to take his leave as he can easily navigate the swamp while others cannot. Ducking under a spear of light sent by the cleric, he slips out of the enemies clutches and brings his sword down on the skeleton, empowering it with all his faith. A nova of light erupts from the skeleton and flames rush up and begin to consume it. James looks back towards Dafel and Rust, ""Help me finish this one off, so I can go and face their sorcerers!"

Shift to G7
Temple of Light on S2
(5 Wis, 2 level, 3 Proficiency, 1 enhancment, 2 Lance of Faith)
If neither attack exceeds 17, I will use my racial to reroll both attacks

(5 Wis, 1 enhancment, 2 Invigorating Pursuit, 1 Weapon Focus)
I will use my sword's daily on hit to apply [roll5] extra fire damage to attack and ongoing 5 Fire (Save Ends)
Burst 2 zone centered on S2, if S2 moves the zone will follow him. When I hit a creature in the zone I deal an extra 1d6 Radiant

2011-11-12, 12:35 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

With a grunt of determination, Rust's armor begins to glow and causes James to regain some of his vigor. "You're doing great, stay with me now! Strike again on my mark!"

Move Action: Shift to I8
Minor Action: Armor of Sacrifice daily to spend a healing surge to have James regain HP as if he had spent a surge.
Standard Action: Hammer and Anvil against S2
Attack - [roll0] +1 if target is bloodied vs Reflex
Damage - [roll1]

If a miss, spend an action point to try again
Attack - [roll2] +1 if target is bloodied vs Reflex
Damage - [roll3]

If a hit, then, James makes a melee basic attack against S2 dealing an additional 3 damage.
Attack - [roll4] +2 if Gwen's Lance of Faith hit prior
Damage - [roll5] + [roll6] radiant damage from temple of light

2011-11-12, 12:49 PM
Saving throw: [roll0]

2011-11-12, 10:46 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Aiming to slay the foul creature before him so that he can deal with more dangerous foes, Dafel slashes away at the zombified being with both his blades.


Flaming Scimitar (Main hand):
To-Hit: [roll0]
Damage (if hit): [roll1]

Lightning Scimitar (Off hand)
To-Hit: [roll2]
Damag (if hit): [roll3]

The first attack that lands (preference to the flaming scimitar, if both hit) will deal an additional 1d8 Hunter's Quarry:

2011-11-12, 11:06 PM
After stabbing the zombie, the ranger steps towards the main combat, then abruptly changes his direction towards the swamp, leaping angrily towards the flaming skeleton on the other side.

Move to I6
Long Jump from I6 towards E6, then use the rest of my movement to close the remaining distance.

Athletics roll for Long Jump (divide by ten for squares moved):

This is assuming that jumping negates the terrain disadvantage of the swamp, which makes sense to me, and the Athletics PH entry suggests that you can jump pits, so why not swamps?:smalltongue:

2011-11-12, 11:18 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut surveys the battle calmly, even as he blocks a couple of strikes from the surrounding skeletons. "Good job, everyone!" he shouts, "Keep calm, and do not let them break our lines."

He then goes back to concentrating on the matter at hand. Focusing, he calls forth the mark of Avacyn, shackling the gheist to him. But before he can attack her, the skeleton next to him turns to meet Rust's advance, opening himself to Hartmut's retaliation. With the skeleton already heavily damaged, the opportunity is too good to pass. Hartmut raises his sword, and delivers a brutal series of blows with all the strength his body can give him - indeed, more so, leaving him panting as if he had run a mile in his armour.


HP 51/51 Bloodied 25 Healing Surge 12 (1 used /11)
AC 27 Fort 18 Reflex 18 Will 17

Minor: Divine Challenge on the Gheist (marks her, and if she attacks without including me in the attack, she suffers 9 radiant damage)

Standard: Martyr's Retribution @ S3
[roll0] vs. AC (includes CA, and S3 has -2 to all defences)
[roll1] + [roll2]
(I spend a healing surge to fuel the attack)
Miss: half damage

If S3 dies: Move: shift to F9

2011-11-13, 06:49 AM
Damien bursts into action, channeling the deadly power of Avacyn to alter the battlefield. Blades burst from his staff, hurtling towards his enemies and impaling two of them! The geist is surprisingly unharmed, but turns more solid at the hit, while the skeleton hit doesn't react at all, but it is injured. They then turn into shields, protecting James and Hartmut.

Faster than the eye can comprehend, he begins a new spell. A blinding light causes you all to turn aside your eyes, but it's a thousand times worse for the undead inside the zone. All but one of the enemies in the area are covered in radiant light which begins to burn away at them, and even the one who avoided that is hit! Dazzled, they are also less able to defend themselves as the light still shines beneath them.

Gwen shouts the name of her spell as a lance of energy leaves her holy symbol and strikes a skeleton in the head. It staggers back a step, burnt by Avacyn's power. Then James moves, striking an enemy. Light bursts from that enemy, rendering it and all around it more susceptible to James attacks. The blow itself is no slouch, smashing several bones and rendering the skeleton badly injured.

Rust strikes twice in quick succession at a skeleton, but matching his speed, the skeleton dodges both blows. Dafel strikes at the remaining zombie, missing with the flaming attack, but chopping a zombie's head off with the lightning attack. He then moves away. He leaps across part of the swamp, and slogs his way across the rest to confront a flaming skeleton.

Finally, Hartmut attacks. With a mighty blow that expends his own resources to deal more damage, he absolutely SMASHES a skeleton, breaking it's skull into a dozen fragments and it falls lifeless. He takes advantage of this to move into a more advantageous position.

The monsters react. Suddenly, the headless zombie stands back up again! As this happens, the moans of the wraith reach a fever pitch, and invisible hooks dig into the flesh of anyone close: James, Hartmut, and Rust! All are hurt and slid to exactly where the wraith wants them!

The wraith attacks Hartmut before, but Hartmut is ready, leaping back from the dread touch. The wraith takes advantage of this distance and moves to flank Rust. The skeleton who also flanks Rust attacks, but Rust fends off the attack, all the while keeping an eye on both foes with consumate skill.

The zombie who stood back up again moves to flank James and attacks. James blocks it, but realises too late the zombie never meant to hit him, but rather was setting him up for an opening. He dodges just in time, turning a very serious wound into a minor one as the skeleton nicks him. Just when he thinks his troubles are over, a ghost appears from nowhere and touches him on the back of the neck. James screams as a torrent of necrotic energy rushes into his body, and falls down unconscious!

Finally, the flaming skeletons attack Dafel, with fire and claw. Dafel is hit twice, but neither of the attacks are more than bothersome, though they do set him on fire.

Damien uses Blades of Astral Fire, dealing 16 (8) radiant damage to G1 and 15 to S3. James and Hartmut gain +2 AC til end of Damien’s next turn. G1 loses Insubstantial, taking full damage until the end of it's next turn.
Action Point!Damien uses Brilliant Beacon. Ongoing 10 radiant damage (15) is applied to G1, S1 and S3. Ongoing 5 radiant damage (10) is applied to S2. 3 damage each is dealt to F1 and F2.
Gwen uses Lance of Faith, dealing 20 damage to S2 and giving James a bonus to his next attack.
James shifts to G7, using Temple of Light which deals 27 damage to S2 and creating a zone. (Zones are now detailed in the modified area "Conditions and Zones")
Rust misses twice. Rust saves against the ongoing fire damage.
Dafel hits Z1, killing it.
Hartmut deals 31 damage to S3 with Martyr's Retribution, killing it, then shifts to F9.

Z1 revives back to life!
Aura of Whispers deals 5 psychic damage to Rust, James, Hartmut and slides them up to 2 squares each.
G1 takes 15 radiant damage, attacks Hartmut, misses, and shifts to H10. Save successful vs. ongoing radiant damage.
S1 takes 15 radiant damage, attacks Rust and misses. Z1 moves to G6, uses aid another to give S2 a +2 bonus to his attack.
S2 takes 10 radiant damage, 5 fire damage and hits James for 10 damage.
I1 becomes visible, hits James for 32 necrotic damage! James is unconscious!
F1 and F2 attack Dafel for 14 fire damage. He gets ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends).

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsteV6nnoCf_dDk3WlV5eUNwYVJEOHhLS0xhMWFBZ kE#gid=0

Gwen = Gwen Lovangel
Hart = Hartmut, Count of Leobwin
Rust = Commander Rust
Dafel = Dafel Footgard
James = James Walker
Burn = Damien Faithburned
Zx = Zombies
Sx = Skeletons
Fx = Flaming Skeletons
Gx = Geist
Ix = Invisible Geist

Light green squares = Grass
Dark green squares = Marsh
Dark brown squares = Huts

Terrain Notes
The huts are impassable terrain. The marsh is difficult terrain. It costs 2 squares to move across one marsh square.


Z1: Unmarked
Z2: Dead
Z3: Dead
S1: Scratched
S2: Maimed
S3: Dead
F1: Unmarked
F2: Unmarked
G1: Scratched
I1: Unmarked

Conditions and Zones
James: Ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
S1: Ongoing 10 radiant damage (save ends)
S2: Ongoing 5 radiant damage (save ends) and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
G1: Marked (Hartmut)
James: Unconscious.
Dafel: Ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)

Zones: Burst 1 centered on G9. Enemies within this zone have -2 to attacks, defenses, and saving throws.
Burst 2 centered on S2. Enemies within this zone take 1d6 radiant damage whenever James hits them with one of his powers.


James, Rust, Dafel, Hartmut: 25, 24, 18, 18.
Monsters: 15.
Damien, Lovangel: 9, 7.

Other Notes
I've changed the map to a Google spreadsheet, thanks to Luck's intervention saving me from an hour of work every day to make a Paint battlemap. I love you man. After making your move, adjust the position of your player and his health if needed. That's all you have to do. It's very easy: Just cut and paste your player. Spoiler any conditions, damage to the monster, or zones: I will be keeping track of those personally.

So this is an interesting combat round! Minions returning to life, invisible monsters! It's madness. MADNESS! Welcome to my campaigns, brave cathars! Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all, after all, is it not?

A slight change I have made. Aura of Whispers is supposed to affect anyone who ends their turn within the aura. For PbP, I have changed it to work as an effect that affects everybody in the aura at the start of the Wraith's turn. The reasoning of this should be obvious.

Knowledge checks vs. Invisible Wraith

Rather than having to wait for me, here's the information. Be honest and only click on it if you match the result.
DC 15: Wraith, medium shadow humanoid (undead)

DC 20: Shadow Touch: Low necrotic damage, high necrotic damage if invisible when attacking.

Shadow Glide: Becomes invisible each turn if it was attacked at any point after the end of it's last turn. May teleport up to 6 squares when it does. Remains invisible until it attacks again.

DC 25: Immune to disease and poison, Resist 10 necrotic.

2011-11-13, 07:21 AM
(So, I guess a Religion Check? Since it's an undead, I think)

Religion Check to Identify Wraith


Dungeoneering Check to make sure it isn't an Abberant


2011-11-13, 10:10 AM
Yes, Religion checks are the applicable ones here.

Irish Musician
2011-11-13, 01:06 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Seeing an ally fall, another monster appearing, and a fallen monster return to life, Damien rushes closer to get control of these awful beings before they overwhelm them completely. Saying his prayer as he is moving, Damien stops diagonally from them to get the best view of them all, then lets out a might cry, "For you my Avacyn!!!!!", and releases an even brighter blast of radiance, made exactly for ridding the area of undead.

This attack is going to have the possibility to hit everything, and push them 5 squares, if I want. So here goes nothing!!
Standard Attack: Rebuke Undead - Vs. Will- On hit I push the undead up to 5 squares and they are dazed until the end of my next turn. All radiant Damage.
Z1:[roll0] on hit Damage: [roll1], dazed, push to E8
I1: [roll2] on hit Damage: [roll3], dazed, push to F10
S1:[roll4] on hit Damage: [roll5], dazed, push to E10
S2:[roll6] on hit Damage: [roll7], dazed, push to E9
G1:[roll8] on hit Damage: [roll9], dazed, push to F11
F1:[roll10] on hit Damage: [roll11], dazed
F2:[roll12] on hit Damage: [roll13], dazed, push to C10
Miss any of them: Half Damage.

And Since I used an encounter power, F2 gets 6 rad damage.

If I hit any of them that are 3 squares away or more, I get +2 to Ac till the start of my next turn.

Religion Check on the new geist: [roll14]

2011-11-13, 02:27 PM
Gwen holds her holy symbol and recites a prayer,

"We come now with love,
holy priest of Avacyn:
heal this faithful man."

As she completes the prayer, a beam of light radiates forth from Gwen's holy symbol, strikes James and heals his wounds.

Gwen then turns her attention to the Zombie that was just reanimated. She holds her Holy Symbol out and yells the command "FIRE!" As she does the Zombie bursts into radiant flames.

Move Action: Move to J-8

Minor Action: Healing Word on James. He gains a Healing Surge + [roll0] +4 Hit Points.

Standard Action: Sacred Flame on Z1

Attack: [roll1] vs. Z1's Reflex
Damage: [roll2] Radiant Damage.

If I hit James can either make a saving throw or gain 4 Temporary Hit Points.

2011-11-13, 07:59 PM
The radiance of Avacyn's power slams into the undead, a blast of energy the fundamental opposite of what undead are created out of. It slams into them with devastating force! Both skeletons, geists, and the zombie are hit, one skeleton and a zombie dying from the blast. The flaming skeletons are at the edge of the blast and less harmed, but still take damage.

Gwen: Your target died. You may redo your move.


Z1: Dead
Z2: Dead
Z3: Dead
S1: Bloodied
S2: Dead
G1: Bloodied
I1: Scratched
F1: Scratched
F2: Bloodied

2011-11-13, 08:30 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Thank you Salivanth! :)

After healing poor James, Gwen turns her ire towards the horde of undead corralled into a group by Damien. She runs behind Rust and proclaims, "THY ENEMY OF LIGHT, FEEL MINE ANGEL'S GLOW!" Gwen's Holy Symbol errupts with light, burning the undead and inspiring her allies.

She then whispers,

"Most glorious Princess of the Divine Armies,
Saint Avacyn the Archangel,
defend us in our battle against abominations to your light,
against evil vampires and vile werewolves,
against the baneful spirits that dwell in dark places"

A blue and yellow angelic spirit appears on the battlefield, emblazoned on its chest, in fiery red, is the holy symbol of Avacyn.

Minor Action: Healing Word on James. NOTE: Already taken care of.

Move Action: Move to H-10

Standard Action: Divine Glow vs. S1, I1 & G1 (Sadly I cannot reach F2, from where I began my turn).

Attack: [roll0] vs. S1
Attack: [roll1] vs. I1
Attack: [roll2] vs. G1

Damage: [roll3] Radiant Damage

NOTE: Hart and Rust gain a +2 Bonus to Attack Rolls until the end of my next turn.

Action Point:

Gwen uses the Guardian of Faith Power. This power summons forth a Guardian who harms Gwen's enemies. Gwen shall summon the Guardian in space D-11.

Full Effect: You conjure a guardian in an unoccupied square within range. The guardian occupies its square, although creatures can move through it. The guardian lasts until the end of the encounter. Any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to the guardian is subject to a Wisdom vs. Fortitude attack. On a hit, the attack deals 1d8 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.

2011-11-13, 08:44 PM
The dark energy surges through James, his eyes begin to widen with shock but his consciousness abandons him before he can even do that. He falls to the ground, failing his charge, when he is bathed in light that mends his wounds. He catches himself and looks up to see the battle which had taken such a sharp turn for the worse turn once again to the side of the Cathars due to the holy magics of the casters and the grace of Avacyn.

It is time for him to rejoin the battle. His eyes fall on the geist and wraith, both equally foul creatures. He grips his holy symbol, intent on vengeance, but pauses. He will have vengeance on the wraith in due time and by the hands of his comrades, but he has seen what the geist can do. Holding his symbol high he calls on the power to smite the foul shadow and allow him to face it in battle once and for all.

Move action to stand up
Oath of Consuming Light on geist
[roll0] vs Reflex
If less than 16 reroll using racial [roll1]
[roll2] Radiant

If it, when I hit with Divine power I deal extra 1d6 radiant (save ends)
on save, when I hit with Divine Power I deal extra 1d4 Radiant (Save ends)
Action Point! Abjure Undead
[roll3] vs Will
if less than 16 and racial is unused I will use it [roll4]
[roll5] + [roll6] if Oath hit and pull to G8

Oath of Emnity on geist

2011-11-13, 08:48 PM
Forgot Temple of Light, both attacks were in zone [roll0][roll1]

..if the geist died I want to Oath of Emnity the one who deathpoked me....

2011-11-13, 10:06 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Shouting to, the now revived, James, Rust exclaims, "Ha! You're covered in muck. That's what you get for trying to rest before this is over. Lets finish this so we can all get to a proper bed."

Engaging with the enemy, Rust leaves himself open to attack, daring the undead to make a move against him.

Minor Action: Inspiring Word on James, he can spend a healing surge and regain an additional [roll0]
Move Action: Shift from G10 to F11
Standard Action: Brash Assault on S1 if S1 is still alive, otherwise targeting I1.
Attack - [roll1] +1 if target is bloodied vs AC
Damage - [roll2]

If S1 is hit and chooses to retaliate, then, Hartmut may make an attack against it. If Rust is hit, use Infernal Wrath to deal [roll3] fire damage and push it to E9 before Hartmut's free attack on it.

If I1 is hit and chooses to retaliate, then, Rust will attack again. If Rust is hit, use Infernal Wrath for damage rolled above, but the target will not be pushed.
Attack - [roll4] +1 if target is bloodied vs AC
Damage - [roll5]

2011-11-13, 11:20 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel roars at the creature in front of him, the fire around his flaming sword dissapearing, and then stepping casually to the side, slipping both his blades in a sharp arc towards the skeleton. He then slips even further away, towards the other flaming skeleton, whom he slices away at with his off-hand blade. Then, a peal of thunder echoes through the air, smashing into all enemies near it as well.
Return to the shadows from whence you came, foul spawn! the ranger shouts in rage.

Save to end fire damage ( )

Douse Flaming Blade

Two-Wolf Pounce
Shift to E7
Attack F1
Main: [roll1] Damage: [roll]2(1d8+2)+4
Off-Hand: Damage: [roll3]
Shift to E9
Attack F2
Off-Hand: [roll]2(1d8+1)
Deal 1d6 Lightning damage to F2, S1, I1
S1: [roll4]
F2: [roll5]
I1: [roll6]

Let's see how that goes to see if I action point.

2011-11-13, 11:24 PM
(Rerolls for Main hand first attack damage and off hand second attack, both since I forgot to hit. Didn't know if that roll code would work...)

Damage for main hand first:

To hit off hand attack 2:

2011-11-14, 08:03 PM
Brief update for Grey Wolf:

Z1: Dead
Z2: Dead
Z3: Dead
S1: Maimed
S2: Dead
S3: Dead
F1: Maimed
F1: Bloodied
I1: Bloodied
G1: Dead

2011-11-14, 08:23 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Bathed in the clear light of Avacyn, Hartmut fearlessly moves into the thick of the melee, callously ignoring the danger posed by the flanking enemies as he strikes with his sword at the ghost. His swordsmanship stupendous, even when encumbered by the armour, his zeal propelling his arm as he attacks the dangerous spirit, and keeping all the others in check as he moves about.

"We must dispell the spirit while we can see it, or it might vanish and attack our rearguard again!" he shouts as he delivers blow after blow.

HP 51/51 Bloodied 25 Healing Surge 12 (1 used /11)
AC 25 Fort 18 Reflex 18 Will 17

Free: Vengeful Weapon @I1 (+2 to hit, +1d10 damage until the end of my next turn against her)
Move: Shift to E10
Standard: Blazing Brand @I1
(The +1 from blessed weapon and the 2 +2 don't stack)
[roll1] + [roll2]
If hit, I1 takes ongoing 5 fire damage and grants combat advantage to any ally adjacent to it (save ends both).

Action Point! (+5HP from Rust)
If I missed the previous attack, repeat it (it's reliable).
Otherwise, Piercing Smite @I1 vs Reflex
[To Hit I1]1d20+13 +2 CA if I hit the first attack
See OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12219099&postcount=228) for a really horrible roll
[roll3] (fire if I missed first attack) + [roll4]
If miss first attack: see above for effects
If hit both: mark I1, F2 & S1 UEONT

Minor: Divine Challenge the first one not dead: I1, S1, F2

2011-11-15, 05:58 AM
After your brutal barrage of attacks, only two weakened skeletons remain alive. You quickly dispatch them, ending the battle. The only sounds left are the panting of tired or injured cathars. Slowly, the marsh sounds begin to return. You wait a minute just to be sure, but the zombie does not rise again.

What do you do?

2011-11-15, 06:16 AM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen bows her head and begins to recite a prayer common to those trained at her Chapel,

Dear Angel, give me courage,
for perhaps I lack it more than anything else.

I need courage to fight against undead,
against terrors and troubles, lycanthropes,
vampires, darkness and false lights,
against tears, depression, and above all fear.

I need Your help, dear Angel.

Strengthen me with Your love,
grant me the courage to persevere
until I am with you forever in heaven.

Gwen then nods to each of her her companions in turn, and says, "We must make haste to ensure no other abominations penetrated the walls, and we must ensure that any of those harmed by the foul, loathsome creatures is cared for."

Gwen then immediately looks around the village, making sure none of the townsfolk were injured by the undead. At the same time, she'll be constantly vigilant for any lingering undead wandering within the town.

If any were in need of aid, Gwen will make a heal check to help them.

Heal: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1]

2011-11-15, 07:30 AM
Brushing dirt off himself, James stretches, still recovering from the wraith's treacherous sneak attack. "The battle to the north. How does it fare? I propose we move to assist, if they are also victorious I propose we sleep."

The flames disperse from his falchion and he stows it away, then he turns around and peers off to the north.

2011-11-15, 07:52 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut's armour disappears as quickly as it appeared, replaced with a flexible leather overalls and knee-high boots. He seems perfectly relaxed and, as far as you can tell, not even his hair is mussed.

"The defence of the town must come first, but these bodies will need to be examined," he says, sententiously. "We must not forget our mission - we are to root out this evil, and we will need to know where it makes its lair."

Hartmut [roll0] for signs of battle from the North. "I believe their battle is over. Cathar Lovangel, Commander Rust, see if you can provide assistance. If the wounded are many, I can provide assistance too, but I must stay here until we complete the examination of the bodies, and they are disposed of."

General (take 10 for 20) search of all bodies for any salvageable loot and, more importantly, any indication of where they came from more specific than "the swamp".

Also, I'll bury them when I'm done.

I assume the other fight is also over - if it is not, and Hartmut still can hear the battle noise, I'll change my last paragraph to "run like hell towards it"

Oh, it goes without saying, but I'm not actually giving you guys orders. Feel free to disagree or ignore me. Please don't be offended if Hartmut talks like that.

2011-11-15, 09:39 AM
Gwen moves to go to the village to look around for undead, but before she leaves earshot, hears Hartmut's command. She can choose which course of action she follows. From the north, you hear nothing. No battle cries, but nothing else either.

Hartmut searches the bodies, finding nothing. As you turn away, something catches your eye. You see that one of the skeletons had an amulet around it's neck, which has fallen mostly into the muck.

2011-11-15, 09:47 AM
Gwen moves to go to the village to look around for undead, but before she leaves earshot, hears Hartmut's command. She can choose which course of action she follows. From the north, you hear nothing. No battle cries, but nothing else either.

Hartmut searches the bodies, finding nothing. As you turn away, something catches your eye. You see that one of the skeletons had an amulet around it's neck, which has fallen mostly into the muck.

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Slightly worried about the silence coming from the North, Hartmut absentmindedly picks up the amulet, and moves in the direction of the battle, retracing the steps he took to get here from there. The eerie silence worries him enough that, once in the solid ground of the village, his armour comes back, and he falls unconsciously into the battle stance he had abandoned just minutes earlier.

Irish Musician
2011-11-15, 11:34 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien also walk towards where the sounds of battle were coming from to see if they are no more. After not heaing anything of consequence, he looks for a shovel, and if he is able to locate one, takes off his armor and shirt so that he may dig graves for the bodies everywhere so that they may rest. Setting his things to the side he starts to dig somewhere away from the main road, and if anyone looks at him, they notice scars over most of his body. But the most obvious one, is the big scar on his chest of Avacyn's symbol that seemed to have been burned onto his chest.

2011-11-15, 01:41 PM
Gwen hesitates for a moment and decides its best to stay with the group, rather than run off recklessly.

2011-11-15, 01:54 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Rust nods, acknowledging Hartmut's command. He breaks off into a full run towards the north of town.

2011-11-15, 04:15 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

As Damien starts to dig graves, the ranger speaks up.
While you all examined our tactical situation, I took it upon my self to dig graves for the coming battle. Come, help me carry them.
The dark haired man wipes his blades on one of the zombies, then picks it up and hauls it off towards the pre-dug graves.

Irish Musician
2011-11-15, 04:56 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

As Damien starts to dig graves, the ranger speaks up.
While you all examined our tactical situation, I took it upon my self to dig graves for the coming battle. Come, help me carry them.
The dark haired man wipes his blades on one of the zombies, then picks it up and hauls it off towards the pre-dug graves.

Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Nodding to Dafel, Damien help him move all the bodies he can to the graves. After that task his done, he then helps Dafel cover the bodies with dirt, saying a prayer in a weird tongue that Dafel doesn't recognize, each time he covers a body.

2011-11-15, 05:49 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

As the invoker chants, the ranger gathers assorted twigs and swamp plants into roughly oval-shaped rings, which he lays reverently on each of the graves.

2011-11-15, 09:05 PM
James walks up besides Hartmut, trying to get a look at what he had found "Was that necklace on one of their skeletal sorcerers?"

Straining his neck, still sore, he takes a closer look at the jewelry in Hartmut's hands. "Mind if I take a shot at identifying it?"

[roll0] Religion

2011-11-15, 09:08 PM
James walks up besides Hartmut, trying to get a look at what he had found "Was that necklace on one of their skeletal sorcerers?"

Straining his neck, still sore, he takes a closer look at the jewelry in Hartmut's hands. "Mind if I take a shot at identifying it?"

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"The bauble can wait until we discover what has befallen to the town defenders" says Hartmut, not bothering to slow down and making James run to keep up with him.

2011-11-15, 11:38 PM
Gwen, Hartmut, James, Rust:

As you reach the north part of town, you see the battlefield. Several people lie dead, though it isn't the massacre you feared. The people remaining alive are quiet, which is why you didn't hear them earlier. Luke walks over to you. He appears scratched, but not too badly injured. As he sees you, his eyes widen.

"Dear Avacyn, please tell me this isn't all that's left of you!"

2011-11-16, 03:43 AM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Gwen, Hartmut, James, Rust:
Rust huffs at the question and walks past to tend to the survivors, leaving the others to answer to Luke.

He remains laconic when dealing with the survivors, perhaps out of respect, or perhaps because he wants to remain distant from the situation.
If necessary, Heal - [roll0]

2011-11-16, 06:29 AM
Gwen, Hartmut, James, Rust:

Rust huffs as he walks past. Luke spins around, a feral look on his face, hands balled into fists. He is trembling with anger, as if he's physically restraining himself from hitting Rust. He spins back around, facing the other three. He speaks in a tone equally shocked and angry.

"What the f**k HAPPENED back there!?"

2011-11-16, 07:53 AM
Gwen, Hartmut, James, Rust:

Rust huffs as he walks past. Luke spins around, a feral look on his face, hands balled into fists. He is trembling with anger, as if he's physically restraining himself from hitting Rust. He spins back around, facing the other three. He speaks in a tone equally shocked and angry.

"What the f**k HAPPENED back there!?"

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"The fight fared well," Hartmut says, in his formal tone as he checks if there is anywhere where he can help. "One of our number was momentarily detained by a surprise attack, but he will be making a full recovery. Commander Rust is somewhat distraught, please do not take offence. The enemies where destroyed and should not rise again, but in our haste one was not able to recover evidence of their point of origin. Come morning, one will need what information you have on this issue. But first, the needs of the wounded must be attended to."

Irish Musician
2011-11-16, 09:29 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Having finished buried the dead things and praying over them, Damien gathers his things and makes his way over to where the others went and sees if there are any other graves he needs to dig over there. When he gets over to his companions, he asks,"Any other bodies need to be put into the ground over here as well?", and sets his things down, out of the mud, and sets the shovel in the ground next to him. As he is standing there, everyone notices that his Avacyn-symbol shaped scar is glowing, ever so slightly.

2011-11-16, 02:25 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen allows Hartmut to finish speaking before walking over to the wounded and applying first aid.

Heal Check: [roll0]

2011-11-16, 03:53 PM
Dafel stands, overlooking the battlefield for a moment, glancing into the swamp, to make sure that this wasn't that no other creature looms out of the swamp. If none do, then he strides off towards the North to join the effort there, his blades belted to his hips.

2011-11-16, 04:01 PM
Team North

"Our colleages are currently safely giving them a proper burial. Im not formally trained in first aid, although I do know how to tend to the wounded. I should probably assist. I also have healing potions on hand in the event of an emergency.

He moves over to assist his comrades. "Does anyone need immediate attention?"
[roll0] if the others making heal checks do not need help. Otherwise I will Aid Another.

2011-11-16, 06:32 PM
Damien and Dafel continue to dig graves, helping some of the militia who have organised a work detail. In total, four militia and the same number of undead have perished in the northern battle.

James, Gwen, and Rust heal the wounded, while Hartmut assists.

Both these processes take time, and at the end of them, it is well past sunset. Unless somebody wishes to do something quickly, such as ask someone some questions, the day is over.

2011-11-16, 07:04 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

As Hartmut starts moving amongst the wounded, helping where he can, his clothes change to robes of Avacyn, shinning white and embroidered in blue, with a deep cowl that hides most of his face. Eventually, he removes his shield and places it on his back as he deals with such things as broken bones and wrenched muscles that require both strength and ability.

Finally, they are done. With the light fading, he speaks to the others, "We should join the town's watch. I will be happy to stand guard two hours after midnight."

Later, in their hut, as his robes change into silk pajamas, he remembers the necklace he recovered from the battlefield. Placing it on a table, he examines it closely and then prays for divine guidance, as he was taught back in Thraben.

[roll0], and I'll also take 10 for 21.

In case we don't RP any of the watch turns, Hartmut will use his two hours to patrol the outskirt of the town, getting to know it. He has low-light vision. And he'll borrow a horn, just in case.

2011-11-16, 07:25 PM
(For use when my watch turn comes up, if nothing else happens before then)

James begins his watch by checking the outskirts, a final piece of his days rations in his hand, saved for his turn on the watch. He is as alert as ever, his keen eyes capable of seeing with only the smallest amount of fuel consumed by his lantern.
After checking the perimeter he looks for the highest point nearby and deftly moves up it looking in all directions before climbing down to resume his patrol.
Take 10 on the patrolling for 24 perception. He has low-light vision.
About halfway through my shift I will climb a tree [roll0] and take 20 on a perception check to obtain as much knowledge as possible. (Nature check as well for additional info [roll1]
Then climb down and resume patrolling for 24 perception

Irish Musician
2011-11-16, 09:09 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien looks at his comrades, and as they have all decided to take a watch, none are left or him. He then goes to the hut to assigned to him for rest, and sets his things next to his bed.

If nothing goes crazy that night, then the following happens.

He has a restless sleep, as per usual, and wakes up earlier than when he was supposed to. Sighing and looking at the outside, he dons his armor, picks up his staff, and waits till the others rise with him, keeping a watchful eye on the town.

2011-11-16, 10:16 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Rust keeps a wide perimeter as he patrols. Mucking about in the marsh just outside of the village looking for not just intruders, but clues that could reveal more about today's, and past, attacks. The majority of his vigilance is focused on the north end of the village, though there's plenty of time in his patrol to still make several full passes around the village.

I guess perception would be the appropriate roll, if a roll is needed [roll0]

Edit: Apparently it's just too dark and he isn't paying much attention anyhow.

2011-11-16, 10:26 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

Hartmut rises promptly with the first rays of sun coming in through the window in his hut. Following the routine the priests imposed, he takes care of the morning ablutions, and can be found a few minutes later outside shaving with a finely honed knife.

"Good day," he says to any of his companions that join him, relaxed and unconcerned as the day before. "I examined the amulet last night. It is the means by which the necromancer directed the attack. I should be able to recognise his evil magic from now on, and I was thinking we could try using it to attempt to trace back the mental communication back to its origin."

2011-11-16, 10:38 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

While on the last watch, Gwen made it a point to chat with some of the guards, ensuring they knew Avacyn loved each of them and that their faith and their courage ensured the town's victory. She also said a few prayers as she passed by the graves of the recently deceased.

As the sun crested the horizon, she joined others in morning prayer,

The night has passed, and the day lies open before us;
let us pray with one heart and mind.

As we rejoice in the gift of this new day,
so may the light of your presence, Angel,
set our hearts on fire with love for you;
now and for ever.

Gwen then joins her fellow Cathars for breakfast as Hartmut explains his findings concerning the amulet.

Irish Musician
2011-11-17, 12:00 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Meeting up with his comrades for a second, "Thank you Harmut for looking into that matter, and I am glad we can now better identify the fallen individual who has created these monsters, hopefully find him or her, then show him the light. I am going to find out who is in charge here in this village and see if they can tell me if there have been any major changes as of late to their normal goings on in the village. You know, other than these super undead, that is."

2011-11-17, 06:34 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel stands off to one side while his companions eat. He watches them all, the nobleman, the fair lady, the invoker, the commander, and the blademaster, get their food. Then he takes his pack off, reaches in, and pulls out a chunk of bread from it. He silently watches as they look over the amulet.

2011-11-17, 08:56 PM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

James finishes his morning rations quickly, then sits back, paying full attention to any further news regarding their mission.

"Go on, I'm listening. What do we do first?"

2011-11-17, 09:07 PM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

James finishes his morning rations quickly, then sits back, paying full attention to any further news regarding their mission

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"Parish-Blade Walker, I was hoping you would accompany me for a sortie into the swamp," says Hartmut, once he is sure he won't interrupt the man's breakfast, "not going too far in, not without the rest of the team, but to check out the terrain and make sure we are prepared for what we may find when we perform the real expedition. It will also provide me with a chance to test out if I can back-track the necklace's signal."

2011-11-18, 07:27 AM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"Parish-Blade Walker, I was hoping you would accompany me for a sortie into the swamp," says Hartmut, once he is sure he won't interrupt the man's breakfast, "not going too far in, not without the rest of the team, but to check out the terrain and make sure we are prepared for what we may find when we perform the real expedition. It will also provide me with a chance to test out if I can back-track the necklace's signal."

"If you're certain, though I would wait until we can all attend. Remember what happened last night? If the attack had come only slightly later we would have been scattered across the area."

"I think we should ask Luke if he has any last information, then move out together."

2011-11-18, 07:56 AM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

"If you're certain, though I would wait until we can all attend. Remember what happened last night? If the attack had come only slightly later we would have been scattered across the area."

"I think we should ask Luke if he has any last information, then move out together."

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"I don't want to go far, just far enough to test my hypothesis. If we cannot track the necklace, we will require a different approach. However, Cathar Faithburned is going to be busy for a few hours, and I am not one to sit unoccupied. I will be going out regardless of your answer, but some form of advance scouting of the terrain will do us well when we move out in force."

"As to being attacked, if we are attacked out there, we will need to retreat. If the village is attacked, though, having four Cathars will be better than having none, even if that will not remain true for long."

Irish Musician
2011-11-18, 10:37 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien goes to find Luke. After locating the man he asks him, "Who exactly is in charge here? I would love to speak to them, extend out gratitude, and ask of them some things."

2011-11-18, 04:13 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

The ranger stands.
While you look into the surrounding terrain, I'm going to go ask the townsfolk if there's any ruins from other towns where the necromancer could be lairing nearby. I can't imagine that whoever controls these things would be too far away if they're attacking this town.
He turns and leaves, shouldering his pack, to ask around about possible old settlements, cave complexes, abandoned churches, anything like that.

Streetwise check:
Probably won't get me much, but it's something to do. Maybe I'll get a natural 20.

2011-11-18, 04:27 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Paladin of Avacyn

"I don't want to go far, just far enough to test my hypothesis. If we cannot track the necklace, we will require a different approach. However, Cathar Faithburned is going to be busy for a few hours, and I am not one to sit unoccupied. I will be going out regardless of your answer, but some form of advance scouting of the terrain will do us well when we move out in force."

"As to being attacked, if we are attacked out there, we will need to retreat. If the village is attacked, though, having four Cathars will be better than having none, even if that will not remain true for long."

"In that case, I will accompany you, when do we leave?"

EDIT: OOPS this was supposed to be on Reficule >.<

2011-11-18, 04:36 PM
"In that case, I will accompany you, when do we leave?"

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

"If you have finished breaking your fast, I was hoping to leave right away." Then, to the others still at the table, he adds, "We should not be long. If the midday comes are we are not back, assume something has gone wrong and act in accordance to your conscience, with Avacyn's guidance."

Hartmur then gets up, his clothes rippling and turning into the close-fitting leather outfit and boots he previously wore when mucking about in the swamp. Collecting his weapon, shield and backpack, he places the first at his hip and the other two on his back, and then signals to James he is ready, letting him guide.

2011-11-18, 07:33 PM

Be sure to spoiler your replies.

Hartmut, James:

The two of you head into the swamp. When you're a few hundred feet into the swamp, (marsh? You don't really know anymore. What's the difference anyway?) Hartmut attempts to backtrace the necklace's signal. It takes him quite some time, and it's very faint, and only general. You can track someone with this, but if it doesn't get stronger as you close in on them, it could take days.


Luke speaks. "Technically, that's me, sir. In a small town like this, cathars are the administrative leaders as well as spiritual and martial ones. Well, look who I'm talking to, I'm sure you already know that, sir. However, while I technically hold the position, Carla is much better suited to the role than myself, and it should probably be her that you ask. Would you like me to take you to her?"


You don't find anything out, but that doesn't mean the information isn't there. Most of the people you ask simply have no idea. Few of them care: they haven't made the connection that the undead could be coming from that place. After an hour, you're forced to call it quits.

2011-11-18, 07:46 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen silently eats her breakfast before chiming in, "I will aid any who need my help."

2011-11-18, 07:46 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut grows a little short tempered as his attempt to follow the aura of the pendant proves to be difficult, even when not surrounded by a thousand other auras as it was in the village. A couple of times, he shakes the pendant, and seems close to throwing it against a tree in frustration, but manages to control himself. After a couple of hours of little progress, he massages his temples, and puts the necklace away.

"What do you think, James, about our chances to track anything in this quagmire?" he asks, still somewhat agitated, but clearly keeping it in check and attempting to not sound waspish at a fellow Cathar. "With the signal so weak, we may have to rely on other clues to find the necromancer. Also, what is your professional opinion on this swamp? How dangerous is it going to travel in force through it?"

Salivanth: a marsh has no trees. A swamp will classically have floating vegetation, and even large trees such as mangroves. The difference is, obviously, small.

Irish Musician
2011-11-19, 09:25 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"That would be lovely Luke. As you explain it, you are more geared to being in charge of the defenses and soldiers, while Carla is more of the diplomatic liaison. I am happy we can be there to help in any way we can. Thank you good sir." When Luke is ready, Damien will follow him to see Carla and talk to her.

2011-11-19, 12:09 PM
"What do you think, James, about our chances to track anything in this quagmire?" he asks, still somewhat agitated, but clearly keeping it in check and attempting to not sound waspish at a fellow Cathar. "With the signal so weak, we may have to rely on other clues to find the necromancer. Also, what is your professional opinion on this swamp? How dangerous is it going to travel in force through it?"

James raises an eyebrow at his comrade's rising frustration, surprised considering his focus and calm earlier. "I have some skills in tracking, only a bit more than what I've seen of you. I think we've had the expedition you wanted, and it's time for us to retrieve the others. As for the dangers, any real threats we find will most probably also be connected to said necromancer, giving us further information."

James pauses for a moment, a hint of realization crossing his face as he considers the situation.
"...Hey, since we are discussing potential dangers, is it possible we are also being tracked by the necklaces signal? Once we get our hands on a mundane trail we might want to abandon it. What do you think?

2011-11-19, 01:02 PM
"...Hey, since we are discussing potential dangers, is it possible we are also being tracked by the necklaces signal? Once we get our hands on a mundane trail we might want to abandon it. What do you think?

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

"I know not enough of dark magic to know if this amulet makes its position known to its master. I would imagine not. However, if the despicable creature wants to send his undead at us, every one we destroy is one less that will target the village," says Hartmut, still with anger in his voice, if only a flicker now.

Taking a deep breath - something unpleasant, in their current circumstances - he adds, suddenly sounding academical "As to disposing of this object, our Holy Mother has laid down strict rules on the matter. According to Ex Libris Obscura, magical objects of Dark Nature should be subjected to the Cleansing Ritual. When lacking the means, the Church consigns us to isolate the Rot from the Faithful." Then, sounding less like he is reciting from memory, he adds, "As a parish blade, I am sure you were spared of the need to memorise all rules and regulations, and believe me you can count yourself lucky, but in this case, Our Holy Mother has the right of it. We cannot just leave an object such as this where some peasant might pick it up, and through it be corrupted. Hopefully Cathar Carla Matthews has some means of safe storage. Otherwise, we will just have to carry it until it can be safely deposited in the hands of the Lunar-smiths."

Finally, with a last look around them into the murky depths of the swamp, and a last shake of the amulet, as if hoping this time the signal would be clear, Hartmut puts it away and says, "In any case, I agree, I think I have achieved as much as it is possible on our own. Let us return to Marshbarrow, and pray that Avacyn has given the other more success in their endeavors than She has granted us."

Hartmut follows James once again as they make their way out of the swamp, and back towards the village.

2011-11-19, 04:40 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Commander Rust listens intently to the morning conversations, but does not contribute. Once finished with his meal he readies himself for travel once again, pending the return of James and Hartmut.

2011-11-19, 05:58 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Upon seeing her companion, Commander Rust, ready his bags and equipment, Gwen decides it is best if she does the same. The journey will be long, best to prepare thoroughly in advance rather than rush at the last minute.

2011-11-19, 06:33 PM

Could you make sure to spoiler your posts when separated from the majority of the party? Thanks.

Luke leads you through the village to a home mostly like any other in the village. You notice however that it's on their main road, if you can call it that, close to the centre of town. He opens the door and calls out.

"Carla? It's me, and I've brought one of the cathars!"

You walk into the house. The house seems fairly spartan, but clean and comfortable. Before you can see much more, Carla walks out of one of the other rooms and addresses you.

"Ah, hello. I'm afraid I don't know your name. Come, sit. May I offer you something to drink? We only have water I'm afraid."


Damien's thing is still going, but in 24 hours or so, I'll move that to PM's so we can continue the story if we haven't concluded this vignette, and nobody else wants to do anything before they set out.

2011-11-20, 07:20 PM
The six of you meet up once James and Hartmut are out of the swamp. You are packed, and ready to go. If anyone has anything more they need to do in town, they should do so now.

What do you do?

Irish Musician
2011-11-20, 07:32 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Sorry for not posting. Been a crazy weekend. My post won't take long, I promise.

"My name is Damien ma'am. I just came to get your take on this whole situation. No water is needed for me, but thanks to you. If I can only get you opinion on the events going on, I will dismiss myself and join my other cathars to stop this evil. Damien sits and listens to her, and when she is done he thanks her for her hospitality and takes his leave to join his friends.

Saliv, if you just want to message me what she says that's fine since I took too long. Sorry, had a crazy busy weekend.

2011-11-21, 10:35 AM
I was hoping for one more reaction post from Reficule, but...

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut and James make their way back to the village and to the rest of the group, trailing mud and worse, having been trodding through swamp water sometimes reaching to their thighs. With disgusted look at his boots, Hartmut concentrates briefly, pushing off the muck and then transforming the clothes back to his white and blue priest outfit, now sparkly clean.

"Unfortunately," he announces to the others, "tracking the signal of the amulet may take quite some time. It is very weak - the amulet what of course not designed for this. It could take us days to follow it. Have you managed to unearth any other clues on the likely location of the Necromancer's lair?" he asks to the segment of the team that stayed behind, hoping their endeavors fared better.

2011-11-21, 09:56 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

The dark-haired ranger sighs and shakes his head.
Nay, liege. The townsfolk I questioned appeared not to know of any ruins or caves nearby where the necromancer could be lairing. They may simply not be aware of it's existance, though.

2011-11-21, 10:32 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

The dark-haired ranger sighs and shakes his head.
Nay, liege. The townsfolk I questioned appeared not to know of any ruins or caves nearby where the necromancer could be lairing. They may simply not be aware of it's existance, though.

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut's face shows his disappointment, but his voice nothing but complimentary, "Thank you, Hunter Footgard, for your efforts. Even negative results can, at the very least, reduce possibilities. The lair must therefore be somewhere at least some some distance away, or the villagers would know of its presence."

Hartmut then goes silent, as if struck by a sudden thought. "Or, worse, the enemy is within..." he mutters, plunging his hand into his tabbard and withdrawing the amulet. Hiding his actions from anyone that might be watching, Hartmut checks the amulet's aura, trying to determine if the signal is any stronger here in the village.

Take 10 Religion for 21. Team: a little help (2 succesful help others, to be precise) so we can put my check at 25 would be appreciated here. If this doesn't work, then we can keep combining efforts as we leave the village, later

2011-11-21, 11:46 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

Gwen ponders Hartmut's grim thought.

Aid Another: [roll0]

2011-11-22, 01:24 AM

The signal is about the same here as it was out in the swamp. It seems like it might be a tiny bit stronger, but you might just be imagining things.

2011-11-22, 02:27 AM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

After several minutes of looking over Harmut's shoulder, Gwen asks "May I examine the amulet for myself? We come from very different backgrounds and perhaps my dedication to the more esoteric ways of of our religion may aid me in ways your background as a faithful warrior of Avacyn cannot."

Religion Check on the Amulet: [roll0]

Apparently, my background did not lend any new insights... :smallfrown:

2011-11-22, 09:11 AM
Gwen Lovangel, Cleric

After several minutes of looking over Harmut's shoulder, Gwen asks "May I examine the amulet for myself? We come from very different backgrounds and perhaps my dedication to the more esoteric ways of of our religion may aid me in ways your background as a faithful warrior of Avacyn cannot."

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

With a heartfelt guffaw, Hartmut says, "I spent 12 years under the tuition of the clerics in Thraben. It was either studying religion or natural history, and at least religion had stories of fighting evil peppered through it. There is only so many hours of learning leaf shapes I could take. So I suspect our education wasn't that different."

Then, becoming serious again, he adds, "It could be just me, but the signal feels slightly stronger here. Not so much I think we shouldn't explore the swamp, but we cannot discard the idea that the necromancer is hidden in the town, and calling the undead to him."

Irish Musician
2011-11-22, 09:17 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

After several moments of the others looking at the amulet, Damien steps over to Harmut,"May I look at the amulet as well? I have yet to examine it for myself."Damien then says a little prayer, not in a language known by anyone else, and ponders over the amulet.

Religion check for the amulet [roll0]

"If there is something else to this Amulet, Avacyn isn't showing it to me the easy way," Damien hands back the amulet to Hartmut and ponders more about their predicament.

2011-11-22, 01:57 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

"It may be that he is calling them to himself. But, these undead are still, likely, coming from a single location since there have been no attacks from the south. If he were here, how would necklaces get onto skeletons from the north, possibly days away?"

Do I see any other villagers wearing jewelry, particularly necklaces, of a similar style to our necklace?
Perception: [roll0]

2011-11-22, 02:05 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

"It may be that he is calling them to himself. But, these undead are still, likely, coming from a single location since there have been no attacks from the south. If he were here, how would necklaces get onto skeletons from the north, possibly days away?"

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

"An excellent point, Commander, and an avenue of investigation I had not considered. Suspecting inside danger is, unfortunately, a occupational hazard of the Werewolf Hunter," says Hartmut, lightly touching his silver bracers, "although one can forgive a man for being in denial about his infection, while a necromancer is fully aware of his evil acts."

"In any case, we are strangers here still. I suggest we follow Commander Rust's insight, and try to locate the origin of the undead before we attempt to prosecute anyone in the town. Further clues may be found there regarding the necromancer's identity."

Irish Musician
2011-11-22, 03:33 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"Well,"Damien pipes in, "Why don't we ask Avacyn where the necromancer is? Seems to be the easiest course of action I can think of at the moment. We may ask of her 3 questions and no more each time I perform this ritual to her. It won't take me long to prepare it, so think of your questions while I get things ready." Damien then starts to get things ready for the ritual.

Everyone has 10 minutes, game time obviously, to figure out what questions they want Damien to ask.

Ok so this is the Hand of Fate Ritual, I get it free once per day as a class feature. The description is here:
When you perform the ritual, ask up to three questions about possible courses of action. A translucent blue hand appears and indicates with a gesture what the most rewarding course of action is.
If you describe courses of action that refer to directions or specific objects, then the hand points toward the choice that bears the greatest reward. If you ask the hand, “Should we head down the stairs or through the doors?” then the hand responds by pointing either to the stairs or the doors. If you ask the hand, “Which of these three levers should we pull first?” then the hand responds by pointing to a lever.
If you describe only a single course of action, the ritual assumes that inaction is your other option. The hand either beckons you (to indicate that you should proceed) or gestures for you to halt. For example, the question “Should we explore the ruins of Solitronia?” results in the hand either beckoning you or gesturing for you to halt.
The hand can’t assess events in the far future; its judgment extends only to likely events in the next hour. If the hand can’t indicate a preference, the ritual has no effect and expends no components.
There are two drawbacks to using the ritual to aid your decisions. First, fate values rewards over risk, and this ritual provides guidance accordingly. It points you toward a high risk, high reward option before pointing you toward a low risk, low reward alternative. For example, if one tunnel leads to a dragon and great wealth and the other tunnel leads back to town, then the hand points toward the dragon. However, a high risk, low reward alternative is considered less rewarding than a low risk, low reward option.
Second, the hand can choose only the most rewarding course of action relative to the alternatives provided. That doesn’t mean that the indicated choice is necessarily a good idea, only that it’s a better idea than the other options you’ve indicated. In the example above, if all three levers activate traps, then the hand points toward the lever that triggers a trap less lethal than the others.

Basically, I can answer it Yes or no question, Direction questions, Which one do I choose questions, and in my home game we did numerical answers as well. Like, 'How far away, in yard, from me is the necromancer?', and if it was 200 yards away, the DM would say, 'The hand draws a 200 in the air', or 'counts out 5 with its hand 40 times' or whatever. But it is up to you how you want to handle those types of questions. If you have any questions about the ritual, Saliv, please don't hesitate to ask in the OCC forum.

2011-11-22, 04:36 PM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

Grinning from ear to ear, James gives thanks in advance to Avacyn for having been in the same force as the Invoker. He then calms himself and gets to the task of thinking of what information is needed most.

"Alright, we are obviously going to ask as to the whereabouts of our necromancer. As for the other two questions, I think asking about traitors in the villiage would be best for our second one. I'm at a loss to the third."

2011-11-24, 08:16 PM
As nobody can think of anything, the ritual preparation goes in silence. Damien mutters prayers to Avacyn, and every few seconds, raises his hand and a glowing substance comes out. It looks misty, but glows in a way that makes it difficult to tell if it's made of glowing mist or shimmering light. Slowly, a hand begins to take shape. After ten minutes, the hand is fully complete, made up of the mist-light substance. You gather around the hand. The hand then crooks it's finger at Damien in a beckoning gesture. This probably means "Go ahead."

I didn't even look up this ritual, the fluff is all me. So don't complain if it's inaccurate, it's my world, dammit! :P

Irish Musician
2011-11-24, 08:45 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien Nods to the Hand in response. He then readies himself and thinks hard about the questions he is about to ask. "Great messenger of Avacyn, I emplore you to help me and give you thanks for the help you can give us. We are in need of your, and Her, guidance. Which direction should we search for the necromancer, north, south, east, or west?" Damien looks at the hand for his answer, and thinks about his next question.

2011-11-25, 12:51 AM
Nothing happens for a few seconds. Then, as you start to wonder if something's gone wrong with the ritual, the hand extends it's index finger and points north. It holds that for several seconds, then returns to it's original position and beckons again. The hand is no longer glowing as brightly and you can now look directly at it without problems. You can see it is in fact made of a misty substance, not pure light.

2011-11-25, 01:31 AM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

Gwen looks cheerful, "We have a direction now."

2011-11-25, 02:08 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

"One that confirms our previous assumptions, too," agrees Hartmut, in a quiet, reverent voice, not wanting to disturb Damien from the ritual.

Irish Musician
2011-11-25, 05:35 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien nods to the hands and silently thanks it. He then ponders for a few seconds and poses his second question, "Messenger of Avacyn, my second question is, Are there any traitors within the village causing these attacks?" He then bows his head once and waits for an answer from the hand.

2011-11-29, 06:58 AM
The hand remains still, as you wait. It remains still for longer than when you asked the first question. Ten...twelve...fifteen seconds. After about twenty seconds, the hand fades again. The hand now appears ghostly, and you can see through it slightly. It looks on the verge of fading away. It beckons you once again.

Sorry mate, the hand is unable to answer that question. I'm assuming that you asked that question because your regular DM would usually answer them, but as I said in the OOC thread, that's not how I'm doing things.

2011-11-29, 09:00 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut releases the breath he had been holding, hoping against hope that the question would be answered. "Avacyn's hand can only guide us to a path; it cannot answer questions of intent in the hearts of men," he states sententiously.

Yeah, I was worried about that. Celtic, remember it can only choose amongst courses of actions. The question was about what people in the vilalge are doing, nothing to do with us or the actions we could take. You can try rephrasing ("Should we investigate the villagers, or search the swamp to the North, Northeast, Northwest for necromancer allies") or we can ask about the origin of the undead, giving five almost-north directions just to hone things a bit more (just in case he is not straight north)

Irish Musician
2011-11-29, 11:20 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien bows to the hand, thanking it. He curses himself for not thinking his question through and not looking at how he worded it. He will have to be more careful this time if he expects an answer from Her. Thinking throughly this time, he looks and the hand and proposes his question. "Thank you for all of your guidence thus far. I have but one more question for you, if you will hear me out. You told us we should go north to look for the necromancer, my question is; Which of these northern directions I draw would we find the necromancer: north, north-northeast, northeast, north-northwest, or northwest?" As he asks the question, Damien draws out the directions on the ground in the form of arrows, so the hand is able to better answer their question.

2011-11-29, 05:43 PM
The hand is still for several seconds, then points north-north-west. It then fades into nothingness. The ritual is over.

What do you do?

2011-11-29, 07:19 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut looks in the direction pointed out by the hand, noting precisely where they stand and exactly what houses could be included in the direction specified by the hand. Then, he rubs away the lines on the ground. "We have Avacyn's guidance," he says to the others, "but it is for our Wisdom to interpret her Sign. I remain unconvinced that our quarry is not hidden amongst the Innocent, but Commander Rust rightly said that regardless of his resting place, his work must perforce be outside the village. For now, I suggest we search the swamp for further clues of the undead's creation point. What say you?"

@Salivanth: Is any major building in that direction? City Hall, church, anything made out of stone that might have a cellar?

2011-11-29, 09:39 PM

As you think about what buildings may lie in that direction, you realise you haven't seen a single building made from stone in the whole town. Probably due to the ground. It seems firm enough here, but who knows what shape it's in a few feet down? A cellar is probably impossible in this ground, but you could ask around anyway.

Irish Musician
2011-11-30, 12:48 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien nods at Hartmut's words. "Avacyn's messenger will give us the answers to our questions that we seek, and will speak the truth. However it is up to us to figure out what truth the messenger meant by his answers. Avacyn doesn't want to give us the answers we seek directly. She would rather us figure them out on our own,"finishes and looks at Hartmut, "I agree with your suggestion of looking in the swamp. There may still be some evil in the town, for I am not ready to abandon that idea, but I believe we should search the swamp as well. We may be have better luck finding our necromancer out there. North-Northwest it is." Damien begins to pick up all his ritual supplies and loading them into his pack while the others put in their opinions as well.

2011-11-30, 01:34 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

Gwen nods in agreement, "Evil has the potential to dwell everywhere, including in the hearts of men... However, I feel Avacyn is pointing us to a greater evil, out in the wilds surrounding this town. We should find and destroy that evil, then perhaps, Avacyn willing, the evil that lies around us here in Marshbarrow shall reveal its true nature..."

2011-11-30, 05:08 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Nodding in agreement, Rust tightens the straps on his pack.

2011-11-30, 06:19 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter Dafel nods and loosens his blades. Yes.

2011-11-30, 11:43 PM
The six of you suit up and leave the town to attempt to find the necromancer, whom you believe is hiding somewhere in the marsh. You travel for an hour or two, but then it gets to the point where just "north-north-west" is not going to be enough to find this necromancer. You'll have to track him down. It would be very easy to find him with repeated uses of the Hand of Fate ritual, but even in the best of times, camping out alone at night in Innistrad is dangerous, let alone with the necromancer around. It would be best if you were able to find this necromancer before nightfall.

It's time for a skill challenge! No, don't groan, I'm using a system that apparently fixes much of the problems with the 4e challenges: Stalker0's Obsidian Skill Challenge system. It's fairly simple to learn, especially for players. Here it is:

There will be three rounds, similar to combat. Everyone takes a turn. There's no initiative, so turns are taken in whatever order you post.

You choose and describe an action your character is taking, and put in the appropriate skill. If I don't feel your skill is appropriate, I may change it. You may roll the die before describing your action, so you can describe it more accurately.

If you beat the DC, you get a success. There are no failures. You don't lose by getting bad rolls, you lose by not making good ones. So even if your roll is 1d20 - 12, you should still roll.

A 20 is an automatic success, and you get a bonus success, for two successes total. Feel free to describe this one well!

Bold Recovery: After making a roll, you may spend an Action Point. If you do, reroll it. You must take the result of the re-roll.

Finding the Necromancer

The base DC for rolls in this challenge is 20.

Primary Skill: Perception. You get a +2 on your skill check if you choose to use this skill. This is used for finding clues as to where the necromancer's forces moved in the past (Such as last night's attack), and what direction they came from.

Other skills: Nature (Find clues or disturbances in the marsh), History (Remember places the necromancer could be holed up), Endurance (Fight fatigue and keep you and the party alert).

Special skill: Religion. You can use this skill to track the necklace's magical aura. The DC for this starts at 28, and reduces by 1 for every success accumulated. You don't accumulate successes until the end of the round, so posting first and using this skill is perfectly fine. The DC is very difficult, but succeeded on this check gives you a bonus success. So a success gives 2 successes, and a critical success on Religion gives a whopping 3 successes! High risk, high reward. It's not easy to track the necklace's signal, but if you can do so, it's far more efficient than looking for vague tracks: The necklace leads right to the source.

You may use a non-standard skill ONCE per challenge. This is any skill you can make fit, but make sure you're creative with it. It has to be believable.

Challenge Status:

Round: 1 of 3
Successes: 0
Religion DC: 28

Irish Musician
2011-12-01, 09:45 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Not being the advanced tracker, Damien starts to look for signs of the necromancer anyway as they are walking. He wasn't trained in this skill as a Cathar, but he is usually good about keeping his eye on his surroundings, though somtimes it concentrates too much on the details and forgets to look elseware. Giving it his all, for he knows they must stop these raids, Damien does his best to track this evil that has made its lair in this land.

Perception Check: [roll0], see what happens!!

Even though he wasn't trained this way, somehow Damien stumbles upon a trail that he knows within his heart to be the correct one. He gets a warmth within his chest, and his scar glows ever-so-slightly red, and he starts stalking through the swamp at a quickened pace. He motions to his other Cathars to follow him quickly for he might loose the trail, but he does not think so. Avacyn has smiled upon them twice this day, and he will praise her greatly after they deal with this necromancer.

2011-12-01, 09:52 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut hoists his bags unto his back, changing his clothes back into his swamp-preferred attire, and puts away his shield. He'd risk a lower defence in exchange for moving freely through the swamp.

With the signal too weak to be of much use, he concentrates on just trudging through the marsh, keeping the group together and clearing the path when necessary. However, the swamp proves quite intractable and, even as he cuts a path through the hanging vines and wades through deep muck, dispatching the occasional pest, he can tell that his efforts are not quite good enough. The group has to take frequent stops to rest or to wait while Hartmut fights to remove obstacles from their path, and precious time is lost.

Fluff coming as soon as I see the roll

2011-12-01, 03:13 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

The marshland is thick and wet, her big boots slosh threw the mud. Realizing the mud could serve as a natural record of the Necromancer and his forces' movements, Gwen keeps a constant vigil, darting her eyes back and forth, looking for any clues to help find the enemies of Avacyn.

Perception: [roll0] (Note this includes the extra +2 granted by the challenge).

2011-12-01, 04:53 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Commander Rust already had a look around last evening, and found no traces. If anyone would be following tracks, it wouldn't be him.

Going off his assumption of a northerly base of operations, he thinks back to his academy studies. "Is there some landmark that could suit the needs of a necromancer nearby? Hmmm." he ponders to himself.

History: [roll0]

2011-12-01, 08:41 PM
James, glad at the success of Damien, continues helping with the mundane tracking, figuring that Hartmut or Gwen will attempt to use the necklace again when the party approaches. His keen eyes scan the area, picking out subtle details "Excellent, we must be approaching. I can see where the trail leads."

2011-12-01, 11:38 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter
The quiet ranger follows his companions, having nothing to add to the conversation, and keeps his mouth shut.

2011-12-02, 09:58 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel looks around nervously, scanning the area for tracks of the undead or the necromancer himself.


2011-12-03, 02:20 AM
Together, you scan the swamp for clues. Several of you are able to discern trails, which you follow for as long as you can before they disappear back into the marsh. You make good progress as you venture through the swamp.

Time passes. Eventually, the swamp begins to thicken, and the trails grow steadily more obscure. More and more, you are forced to rely not on tracks, but on clues from the disturbed plantlife: Branches broken, vines moved, and reeds trodden underfoot.

The primary skill has been changed from Perception to Nature. Perception is changed to a standard skill, so it may still be used.

Round: 2 of 3
Successes: 4
Religion DC: 24

2011-12-03, 08:42 AM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel kneels and examines the tracks in the muck, his eyes following them through the trodden plant life.

Nature Check:

2011-12-03, 11:39 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Sweating in the sweltering humidity, and besieged by large clouds of mosquitoes, Hartmut does not welcome the increased vegetation. Given his lack of success earlier, he is happy with someone else taking point, and thus give his sword arm some rest. Falling back into the middle of the group, Hartmut pulls out the amulet. "Now that we are quite some ways away from the village, and with Avacyn's guidance advancing in the correct direction, we may be able to further divine the origin of the necromancer's orders," he says, falling into a trance to try and follow the fleeting signal.

However, either they are still too far, or Hartmut cannot properly concentrate because of the moving and sweating and insects buzzing. Growing angry at his failures, he almost throws the amulet to the ground, barely controlling his increasing rage.

2011-12-03, 12:15 PM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

"Don't rely so much on that dark artifact, the trail is still here. Look"" The increased vegetation had not had nearly as much effect on James, though it was horrible on him personally, his eyes had never left the telltale marks showing where to go.

That must be at least the fifth time he's tried to use it since we found it. I don't trust it, after all I doubt it was made to show cathars right to his lair and I still don't know what it's really for.

[roll0] Still perception

Irish Musician
2011-12-03, 12:21 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien noticed Hartmut having trouble with the amulet and walks over to him, "Might I try that out?" Damien looks over the amulet and says a prayer in an unknown language to Hartmut and asks Avacyn for guidance.

Religion Check - [roll0], and depending on how it goes, I will add some more fluff.

Damien senses that the answers of this Locket are so close to him, they are just outside the reach of his powers and memory and can't quite seem to bring forth the meaning of this amulet. "I'm sorry, I cannot access the amulet yet. I can feel that I am close to understanding, but it is just out of my reach,"and hands Hartmut back the amulet.

2011-12-03, 12:29 PM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

"Don't rely so much on that dark artifact, the trail is still here. Look""

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

For a mere second, a low growl escapes Hartmut's throat, his anger still visible. Then, pain shoots through his face, and a wispy smoke rises from the rims of his bracers. Hartmut closes his eyes, breathes deeply, and with an effort of will calms down. "I can see that the vegetation was disturbed, but many hundreds of people live in these whereabouts. We do not know we are following the correct trail, although I agree it is looking promising. This amulet sent orders from the necromancer to his undead puppets, and the connection is still there. If we manage to lock into it, it will be an inerrant guide to its master."

2011-12-03, 01:40 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Sensing that fatigue is getting to to group, Commander Rust attempts to defuse the situation with a glorious and rousing tale of Avacyn's defeat over Griselbrand. It perks a few ears, but ultimately it's not enough to make the party forget it's trudging through a swamp.

Endurance: [roll0]

2011-12-03, 06:16 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

Bolstered by her success with finding tracks, Gwen turns to her knowledge of nature, how plants are rustled, the movements of animals, the way moss grows on the half dead trees, etc. to help her continue tracking the enemies of Avacyn.

Nature Check: [roll0], Note this includes the +2 bonus for being the Favored Skill of the Round.

2011-12-03, 07:31 PM
Fatigue is beginning to get to the party, but nevertheless, largely due to a lucky discovery by Dafel, you continue to make good pace. Fatigue increases as you march, and over time, so slowly you barely even notice it, the marsh thickens yet again. The trail becomes easier to follow, and you're almost certain it's the necromancer's minions: No other human would be stupid enough to live out here.

You trudge on, cutting and hacking through the wilderness. You've got to be getting close, surely? Fatigue and vegetation are your greatest enemies now.

The primary skill has changed from Nature to Endurance. Nature is still a standard skill and can be used.

Round: 3 of 3
Successes: 8
Religion DC: 20

2011-12-03, 07:51 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

As the hours pass, Hartmut becomes more and more quiet. At some point, when the air had been most putrid, he had caused a mask to cover mouth and nose, and a cowl to cover his long curls. With miles of swampland left behind, the physical toll starts to show - rather than furiously cut at the vegetation, he instead pushes his way through by letting his weight do most of the work, while using his word more as a cane, prodding the ground before him. Heavy breathing comes form the cowl, and he trips far more often, his tall boots no longer stepping as high out of the soft ground.

With the evidence of undead all around them, Hartmut decides to give the amulet one last try. The necromancer must be commanding a number of undead all around, he reasons, and if so the amulet will be easier to read when they are so close. Praying to Avacyn for both patience and the needed skill, Hartmut concentrates once more.


2011-12-03, 07:59 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel's straight black hair is filled with all manner of debris now. Twigs, mud, leaves, and he's sweating profusely as he walks with the group through the swamp. The ranger seems to not mind the harsh conditions, but surely he'd rather be somewhere else.

Endurance Check:
Yes! A check I'm trained in! However I did crit that last one... Fingers crossed!:smallsmile:

2011-12-03, 08:19 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

After a day's trek through the marshland, combing its dark, dank depths for footprints, broken tree limbs and the movements of the many swamp animals, Gwen is rightly tired. Her mind and body are weary from a long day's work but her spirit is undaunted. She knows the villagers need her help and she cannot allow fatigue to wear her down... Yet each step further along her path feels as if a twenty pound lead weight has been chained to her leg.

Suddenly, she realizes that perhaps the amulet should be reexamined. Maybe, just maybe Avacyn willing, the Archeangel will lead Gwen and her companion's to their their enemies. With this in mind, she rushes over to Hartmut and asks to see the amulet once more. Overwhelmed by faith, Gwen looks deeply at the amulet and recites a prayer she learned as a child:

Mother in Heaven,
You made me Your child
and called me to walk in your loving grace
Free me from darkness
and keep me in the Light of Your Truth.
The Light of Angels has scattered
the darkness of hatred and sin.
Called to that Light,
I ask for Your guidance.
Form my life in Your Truth,
my heart in Your Love.
With your divine aid,
give me the power of Your Grace
that I may walk in the Light of Angels
and serve her faithfully.

Religion Check: [roll0]

2011-12-04, 12:22 AM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

Being nice and uplifting wasn't cutting it. Their feet were dragging and their spirits were low. But then, high spirits never got anyone out of a quagmire.

"Get those knees high and those butts moving, ladies! If you want to wallow in this filth like swine, then I'll treat you like swine." Commander Rust sparks up his spear and prods it at the most sluggish looking of the bunch. "Hyaaa! Move it! Move it! 1, 2, 1, 2..."

The scowls he gets in return however, tell him this is not a good idea either. Rust cuts the drilling and continues the march in silence.

Intimidate: [roll0]

Irish Musician
2011-12-04, 06:48 PM
Damien looks at everyone and how miserable they are and knows me must do something for everyone. He walks over to Hartmut, put his hand on his shoulder and takes the amulet from his grasp. He then moves to a hole in the ceiling of the trees and looks up at the sky, and holds the amulet up. Then he speaks......something in a booming voice to the heavens. "Matris carissimae Lucis. Tu semper et adiuvare et in me protege me gratum semper. Uritur, ut nihil in hoc mundo valde luminosum, sive ut tu, et omnes scient magnitudinis tuae. Amabo, sanctissimi Avacyn respice servum tuum nunc et in hora auxilio opus est." He then lowers his hands with the amulet and closes his eyes for a second, and waits.

Hopefully this religion check won't suck and ruin this nice epic fluff moment. [roll0]. Also, that was Supernal I was speaking, just for OOC sake and to answer OOC questions.

Not wanting to breath, Damien opens his eyes to see a glowing coming from the amulet, and senses a pull coming from the amulet in a certain direction. "Avacyn has blessed us, follow me."

2011-12-04, 08:30 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

For the first time since the others have known him, Dafel grins wryly.
Once again you prove your worth to Avacyn, Lord Faithburned. You truely set an example for us all.

2011-12-04, 10:24 PM
James moves to Hartmuts side, grin on his face and opens his mouth.
" "
At Hartmut's look, the grin lessens slightly.
"..never mind. Hey, look at that! I think I see it in the distance! Excellent tracking everybody, good thing we finally got some use out of that necklace."
Glad of the distraction to divert the party's attention from what would have been a rather stupid move, he and the party continue the advance, sure of the path.

[roll0] Perception EDIT: Forgot my bonus, I realized that when I noticed it was impossible to roll a 9 with a +14 bonus

2011-12-05, 06:21 AM
The marsh quickly begins to fade in thickness as you spot a large, ruinous structure in the distance through the trees. You walk for another few minutes. You're tired, but it's far easier going as the ground swiftly solidifies beneath your feet as the marsh ends. As you get closer, you see that it is in fact an old, decaying castle, or keep as it were, being only one building as far as you can tell.

Why this castle is in such a remote area you don't know, but why it's in this exact location is obvious: On two sides are the marsh you just trudged through. Getting an army through it would be difficult: To have them ready to fight afterwards, near impossible.

Thanks to your skillful navigation of the marsh, you emerge with close to an hour until sunset, allowing you plenty of time to decide on your method of attack. The castle is beginning to ruin, but the wall you can see, while broken in places, is still quite solid for at least ten paces in height, rendering it impossible to step or jump over, and a climb would lead to a nasty fall without equipment.

There is a guard tower at each of the two corners you can see. Presumably, this pattern continues across the rest of the keep. The guard towers are unmanned. The necklace's signal is unmistakable now: It is definitely leading you towards the keep.

What do you do?

2011-12-05, 09:34 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut looks at the ruin before them around the last few trees that shield them from direct view of the castle. Almost unconsciously, his clothes change from the almost-waterproof leathers to a dark brown flexible weave, his face still covered. "The walls are not too tall - if we can get a rope to the top, climbing up will be easy," he says to the others, "It is worrisome, though, the lack of patrolling. It is unexpected. It could be an indication of lack of strategic thinking of our quarry, but someone that places his lair in a castle must want it defended. And we know some of its creatures are invisible until they strike."

OOC: Walls are 5 squares high (10 paces = 25 feet), which is a full turn of climbing. With a rope, Hartmut can do it without a roll (DC 10, modifier +10), but getting the rope up there might be tricky, and I'm not sure how the rest of the team is with climbing.

Logic dictates we'd probably want to climb where the wall and tower meet, for the ability to brace ourselves between them (+5), and Hartmut doe carry a climber's kit so we do have the little nails to provide footing (+2). But it is still a DC of 20, which is rather risky.

2011-12-05, 11:39 AM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

"Just because we found one opening..." gesturing to the unguarded walls and tower, "...doesn't mean mean we should stop looking for others. Remember, climbing up means we might have to climb down too, and we put ourselves in a vulnerable position when we're hanging by a rope. And, it is quite possible that the guards are indeed up there, we just can't see them. I'd like someone to scout the main entrance(s), we need to know all of our options."

2011-12-05, 12:06 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

"I heartily agree some reconnoitering would not go amiss, but we have but a mere hour to dusk. Moon is waxing gibbous tonight, so we shall have some light to show our path, but it will also strengthen our enemies. Be overly cautious, and our advantage will vanish before us," Hartmut points out in a rushed whisper. "We are also sorely lacking in scout talent. Our chances of remaining undetected are low if we proceed to circle the castle looking for other entrances, and consider: how likely are other entrances liable to exist clearly? This is no palace with a dozen ways in. It is a fortification, and any secondary entrances will be well hidden, and likely as well defended as the main gates. I am the first to council caution, but this situation, if over-thought, may turn to a disadvantage. Rushing the wall while we have daylight on our side will increase our chances of breaching the walls, and once that is done, we can defend the place until we are all up. As to getting down, while the castle does look diminished, either there is an easy way down, or we are in luck, since then we will hold the high point with enemies incapable of reaching us - either case can be advantageous to us."

2011-12-05, 01:11 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

"We should see if there is a basement or dungeon, sneaking in from the bottom is far safer than exposing our selves to archers as we slowly climb the walls."

Irish Musician
2011-12-05, 02:35 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"I am no climber, nor am I a strategist. I will go with whatever course you all deem fit. Avacyn merely uses me to burn Her glory into those that need it. So I will go with what both of you commanders think is best." With that Damien gives both of them a bow and steps to the side so they may discuss the best course of action.

2011-12-05, 04:14 PM
"We face the lair of a ghoulcaller, a dark sorcerer. His power will only increase when the sun sets. We must enter the castle NOW while there is still time. We have climbing kits, the most athletic of us can go first and set up the rope and pitons. We have an hour until sunset and the scaling of the walls should take very little of that time"

"Do any of us have any way to detect invisible wraiths? The walls are certainly not undefended, and is either patrolled by wraiths or some other ritual to warn of intruders"

[roll0] Religion(Knowledge of invisible undead and rituals that serve as a warning system)

2011-12-05, 06:39 PM
Gwen frowns as she thinks, "Eeek, we never learned Climbing at the monastery... I hope I don't embarrass myself in front of the other Cathars... They rely on me as the pillar of Avacyn's teachings after-all...!"

Gwen allows the trepidation to wash away as she says, "Climbing it is then. I shall go up in the second wave... That way we can be assured that a ranged combatant stays on the ground to fend off any wild beasts or undead that may assault us as we climb."

Gwen smiles coyly as she thinks to herself, "Ha, that sounded good! At least now I can watch the others climb and see how its done..."

2011-12-05, 08:33 PM

You recall that there is in fact a ritual that can be cast by ghoulcallers to detect intruders: however, it has a small duration of an hour. It would be much more likely that, if you were to be detected, it would be by wraiths. Wraiths could certainly be in those seemingly unmanned towers, but you didn't need Avacyn's teachings to figure that one out.

I don't know the rules too well, so I'm making this up. My defense is that ghoulcaller magic is just different if I'm proven to be incorrect, such as an easy, 24-hour duration ritual.

Note that the enemy you face may not be a ghoulcaller, but I'm not going to give him access to a sentry ritual ghoulcallers don't have: That's just dickish, considering the circumstances.

2011-12-05, 09:12 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

The quiet ranger speaks up.
I can scale the wall, I am sure of it. I will go with the first wave to set up pitons if that is indeed the route we take.
If worst comes to worst, we could simply use rope to pull up those who are unable to make the climb.

2011-12-05, 09:29 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

The quiet ranger speaks up.
I can scale the wall, I am sure of it. I will go with the first wave to set up pitons if that is indeed the route we take.
If worst comes to worst, we could simply use rope to pull up those who are unable to make the climb.

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

"Good. I shall climb at the same time as you. I suggest that tower," he says, pointing at the west one, that seems easier to climb since it is well illuminated by the setting sun. "I can take the south side, you take the opposite side, and thus double the speed with which the others claim the battlements after us. Be prepared, though, for heavy resistance. Everyone else, stay close, and be ready to provide us with assistance if needed."

After a few last words from the others, Hartmut pulls out his own climbing equipment and hemp rope, bends double and moves quickly, although without rushing, to the foot of the tower. Taking his time to do the work properly he examines the best places to place pitons, and starts to slowly make his way up, unthreading the rope as he climbs, and making sure he places pitons on both the main wall and the tower wall, easing the climb for the others.

Now that he is out of direct sight, Hartmut notices that his palms are getting sweaty - not so much the climb, easy enough so far, as for the danger of being spotted in such vulnerable position. He readies his mind to restore his armor to its real form the moment he suspects he has been detected, but for the time being leaves it transformed as its weight would hinder him overmuch.

As discussed in OOC, take 10 for the climb, total of 25 (including pitons +2 and two walls for +5). IIRC, taking 10 takes 3 times as long, so that will be 3 rounds of full move action to get to the top. "Ready" a minor action to transform the armor into, well, armor, if he is seen, attacked or otherwise detected. At that point, he'd get his full defence score back (currently it is a pitiful 12), in exchange for -2 to climb.

If I do make it to the top, before going over he will deploy the armor.

2011-12-05, 09:40 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

Dafel nods and follows Harmut to the tower, placing pitons but lacking a rope to weave out after him. He goes as quietly as he can, however, taking time to make sure each piton is quietly and firmly placed before moving on to the next.

Yeah, I too will take the ten, climbing the wall and such, following Grey Wolf's lead. I am going to ready, however, drawing my lightning scimitar as I climb over the top in 3 rounds.

2011-12-05, 10:39 PM
James Walker, Parish-Blade

Once Hartmut begins moving over the edge, James grabs the rope and sets his foot against the piton, beginning his climb.

He scales quickly and somewhat recklessly. After all, what is are the tools for?

After pulling himself over the top, he passes a rope to Dafel. "Toss it down the other side, would you? Not all of us are so athletic. Watch my back Hartmut, I don't want to get hit by a wraith again."
DC 3 Athletics. I don't know the penalty for accelerated climbing, will edit it in after I find out. [roll0] EDIT: There is apparently no such thing in 4e, and it takes me a full round to scale the wall.
Passive Perception looking out for sentries and any signs of invisible enemies

Irish Musician
2011-12-05, 10:41 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

"I will wait here on the ground while you all climb up, just in case anything comes at us from the marsh, or the other side of the castle." Damien then readies himself, staff in hand, a few feet from in front of the rope ready for any evil that may deter their mission.

2011-12-06, 06:22 AM
You climb the wall, one by one, ever alert, nerves quivering. However, nothing attacks you. You make it to the top of the wall successfully, still not seeing another living (or unliving) thing. It is strangely quiet.

What do you do?

2011-12-06, 08:54 AM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut's spirit lifts as he stops expecting an attack, and figures that rushing the wall wasn't a huge mistake - for all his bold words, he had not been as sure as he had pretended. With everyone on the wall, he takes a minute to strap on his massive shield to his now armoured body, and looks around for a way down from the wall. "Good work, everyone," he tells the others, "lets move, make the best of the remaining sun."

Perception 15 for ways into the keep itself. I'm guessing the front door of the keep is closed and looking decent (i.e. not half-rotten)? Also, the tower, does it lead down? You mentioned something about 3 entrances to it...

Irish Musician
2011-12-06, 11:22 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Once up the wall, Damien pulls out his staff and once again borrows the amulet to see if it is pulling him in a certain direction in the keep.

[roll0] Religion check for this amulet to see if it keeps pulling us towards its master.

2011-12-06, 11:25 AM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Once up the wall, Damien pulls out his staff and once again borrows the amulet to see if it is pulling him in a certain direction in the keep.

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut frowns at that. "I had forgotten that we were still carrying the forsaken object," he says. "I now fear we could give away our position by carrying with us. Once you are done with it, we may want to leave it behind, or even throw it back outside, so as to not be tracked ourselves."

Damn, I knew I was forgetting something important. I meant to bury it under a tree before we attempted the walls. Oh, well, what's done is done

2011-12-06, 01:53 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

Gwen thinks to herself, "Ok so its all upper-body... Good thing I sat in a chair reading books my whole life..."

Gwen whispers up to Harmut, "Evil beings often use magical objects as keys, are we sure we want to simply throw the amulet away?"

Gwen will then take the next available rope and attempt to climb up. She tries to emulate Harmut and James as best she can as she thinks, "Slow and steady wins the race. Be like the turtle, for the hare will always loose..."

Athletics: [roll0]
In case I fail: Athletics: [roll1]
In case I fail Again: Athletics: [roll2]
In case the dice roller really hates me: Athletics: [roll3]

2011-12-06, 02:05 PM
Gwen whispers up to Harmut, "Evil beings often use magical objects as keys, are we sure we want to simply throw the amulet away?"

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut gives this consideration for a minute, then responds kindly, "We found this amulet hanging around the neck of an undead puppet, and I have discerned its purpose was to command it and its companions while the necromancer sat here in safety. Someone that fears putting himself at risk would not send its minions to die while carrying the key to its front door, Priestess."

2011-12-06, 02:24 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

Hartmut gives this consideration for a minute, then responds kindly, "We found this amulet hanging around the neck of an undead puppet, and I have discerned its purpose was to command it and its companions while the necromancer sat here in safety. Someone that fears putting himself at risk would not send its minions to die while carrying the key to its front door, Priestess."

Gwen pauses for a moment and furrows her brow as she thinks, "His logic is sound... Why didn't I think of that...?"

She then looks to Harmut and replies, "I concur... But evil is not always as logical as we followers of Avacyn. They are also overconfident, perhaps he did not expect to die?"

Gwen then smiles inwardly as she thinks, "Good recovery!"

2011-12-06, 02:35 PM
Gwen [...] looks to Harmut and replies, "I concur... But evil is not always as logical as we followers of Avacyn. They are also overconfident, perhaps he did not expect to die?"

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut is momentarily distracted, having thought he spied a movement on the opposite battlement, so his tone is a little vague as he answers, "I am afraid you misunderstand my meaning, Cathar Lovangel. I was merely remarking how unlikely it is for anyone to send out keys to a building he is already sitting on the inside of. Had the creatures returned victorious to him, he'd need only open the door from the inside."

Convinced that what he saw was merely a shadow growing in the setting sun, he turns to Gwen, now giving her his full attention, "In any case, my study of the object did not reveal any form of enchantment that could serve to unlock or identify its user, only a form of telepathic control. However, should you recommend it, we can indeed carry it on with us - I am forever in the service of the Sisters of Avacyn, of course. Indeed, if we are being tracked, the mere fact we brought it up here has likely given us away."

As usual, his voice reveals nothing but full self-confidence, as if he harbors no doubts about his words. Years of court appearances, usually as part of his father's appeals for help to reconquer their lands, have instilled some deep-seated mannerisms that Hartmut is no longer even aware of.

2011-12-06, 05:39 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

The quiet, slim man standing off to the side speaks up.
Or maybe it's a trap,
Dafel steps forward,
No offense to you, sire, or you, lady, but it is quite probable that an imformant among the villagers informed the necromancer that we were coming, so he send a key to enter the place so he could trap us. Or, the necklace could carry a horrible curse. That might explain why our attempts to contact Avacyn have been hindered.

2011-12-06, 05:52 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

The quiet, slim man standing off to the side speaks up.
Or maybe it's a trap,
Dafel steps forward,
No offense to you, sire, or you, lady, but it is quite probable that an imformant among the villagers informed the necromancer that we were coming, so he send a key to enter the place so he could trap us. Or, the necklace could carry a horrible curse. That might explain why our attempts to contact Avacyn have been hindered.

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut raises a cynical eyebrow behind his face-concealing helmet. His voice carries none of his doubts on the argument, though. "Quite probable? Do you have evidence that proves such? If so, the time to give evidence of such connection was best given afore we left. Otherwise, what you speak of is suspicion, and a grave accusation to people under Avacyn's protection." Like in the previous occasion of innocents being summarily accused of crimes, Hartmut's voice hardens and becomes sharp.

Then, starting to become worried they are loosing sun, standing around - even though it has been but a minute since the last of them reached the battlements - Hartmut waves a hand, as if to dismiss the issue. He speaks again to return to the main point. "In any case, if it is meant to lure us to a trap, it was a poor bait - it has barely lead us here, while it was extremely powerful in the only actual, provable use of guiding undead, who we know have been well-coordinated in their attacks on the village. Nevertheless, what is your suggestion regarding keeping it or discarding it, Cathar Footgard?"

Irish Musician
2011-12-06, 06:38 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut raises a cynical eyebrow behind his face-concealing helmet. His voice carries none of his doubts on the argument, though. "Quite probable? Do you have evidence that proves such? If so, the time to give evidence of such connection was best given afore we left. Otherwise, what you speak of is suspicion, and a grave accusation to people under Avacyn's protection." Like in the previous occasion of innocents being summarily accused of crimes, Hartmut's voice hardens and becomes sharp.

"If they are helping the necromancer, then they are no longer under the protection of Avacyn Hartmut and therefore need to be punished accordingly. I have learned that when it comes to evil, I give no one the benefit of doubt. Suspicion is prudent sometimes. We know nothing about those townspeople individually, so therefore we cannot say whether or not they are, indeed, evil or not. So let us not stand here arguing about it," Damien says a little perturbed. "If you would like, I can hold the amulet, I do not mind taking on this task."

2011-12-06, 07:28 PM
"If they are helping the necromancer, then they are no longer under the protection of Avacyn Hartmut and therefore need to be punished accordingly. I have learned that when it comes to evil, I give no one the benefit of doubt. Suspicion is prudent sometimes. We know nothing about those townspeople individually, so therefore we cannot say whether or not they are, indeed, evil or not. So let us not stand here arguing about it," Damien says a little perturbed. "If you would like, I can hold the amulet, I do not mind taking on this task."

Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

"You would not give them the benefit of the doubt?" Hartmut's fury suddenly explodes out of his helmet. He advances on the other man, dwarfing him besides his armored bulk. "Oh, I know your type, that will hang ten men if it means killing the one truly evil, 'just in case evil spread' and 'because they might be tainted.' Well, I thank Avacyn that she knows mercy where you don't, you self-righteous Cathar" he spits out the title, as if he cannot imagine him worthy of it.

"I have seen too many wrongly accused and too many wrongly punished. Three times I was told by my superiors to hang men because they could not be afforded the benefit of the doubt and then turned out to be innocent. Three times innocent men died because of people so convinced of their own holiness they could not conceive being wrong. Three times, but no more. As long as I am here, no man will be accused of any crime without strong evidence. We know there is a necromancer involved, but we do not know there are any accomplices and until we do, I will hear no more of such garbage. Now lets move on. The whole point of risking the walls was to gain time, not to waste it." Hartmut turns away from Damien, and starts down the nearest stairs towards the courtyard, his shield placed before him, his sword in his hand and his body tensed in determination.

2011-12-06, 07:37 PM
Commander Rust (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342375), Tiefling Warlord

With a grunt, Rust reaches the top of the wall. Taking a moment to catch his breath he surveys the keep below.

They've been up here arguing the whole time?

He looks a little annoyed that a quarrel is happening at a time and place like this. "Shhhh. There's an easy way to figure this out." Rust extends his hand, requesting the amulet be placed in his palm.

Once he has it he dangles it before his face, examining it in more detail. Then, he balls it up and tosses over the wall and into the swap.

"Now shut up and get inside."

2011-12-06, 08:29 PM
"Finally, thank Avacyn." James mutters under his breath as Rust appears to intervene. "We need to move. Now."

Seeing as the others want to stand about and bicker, James addresses Rust. "Think there's an entrance in the tower? We haven't been attacked yet so the ghoulcaller must be more foolhardy than we thought."
"I'm going now, the rest of you follow if you have any interest in getting some fighting done before sunset."

2011-12-06, 09:00 PM
Dafel Footgard, Undead Hunter

The ranger watches Harmut stomp off and then turns to Damien.
I agree, he says shortly, starting to follow Harmut quietly.
Then, suddenly, he looks over his shoulder.
With you I mean. Lord Harmut seems... less as composed as he would have us think. he mutters this last part darkly, then turns back to Damien.
What I'm saying is, don't feel bad. We're all chosen as Cathar's for a reason, and though some may be more worthy than others, we all serve our purpose to Avacyn's plan. She brought us all together for a purpose, and I intend to find out why.
Dafel goes silent and follows Harmut, albeit more quietly then the knight.

2011-12-06, 09:52 PM
Gwen Lovangel, Priestess

Upon her surmounting the terribly tall wall, Gwen smiles to her companions, "If only they knew how hard that truly was." Gwen then recites a quick prayer before following her companions as they explore the castle.

"Mighty Angel, whose hands hold all matters of life,
give me grace of success in the work that I do.
Help me to give it the careful thought
and the strict attention that will lead to success.
Watch over me and govern my actions,
that I may not mar its perfection.
Show me how to give my best,
and let me not despise the toil that is necessary to complete it.
Make my life a successful one,
in that every duty you give to me,
I do it well.
Give me the blessing of your help and guidance,
and suffer me not to fail.
In Avacyn's name.


Irish Musician
2011-12-06, 10:15 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien stares at the back of Hartmut's head as he walks away, and just before he gets out of reach, Hartmut feels his helmut get hit and hears a ringing in his ears as Damien's staff hits his head. "Don't you DARE presume to think I would ever hurt innocents, I have seen more wretched things done to innocents than you can dream of Cathar. I have seen a daemon tear the flesh from my still screaming mother and bite off the limbs of my 3 year old sister!!!! I have seen evil you can only dream about, so don't you dare to think that I am not worthy of my title. I did not grow up in a nice cushy house with money, servants or even PARENTS. I will judge who Avacyn shows me to judge, and only punish those deserving of it. So don't you ever disrespect me this way again, you arrogant, spoiled, BRAT!! Damien stares at Hartmut and stands his ground, and if he is frightened he doesn't show it at all. You see a glowing from under his mail.

2011-12-06, 10:31 PM
James Walker, Avenger

His jaw drops in disbelief at the sight of a cathar raising arms against his fellow. His hands quickly grasp his blade.
"Cathar Faithburned. You will lower your weapon. Then you will apologize. If Sir Leobwin chooses to accept, this matter will finish and you will hold your tongue forevermore. If he chooses not to accept I will remove your head. Striking a fellow cathar is an act of betrayal and there is no tolerance for any who would dare turn his hand against one who fought beside them.

Ready an Oath of Emnity should things get ugly. I would like to note that my weapon is NOT yet drawn.

2011-12-06, 10:33 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Hartmut's tone is icy as he turns on Damien one more. "First, Invoker, attack me again and I will kill you. This is not a threat, but a warning. Be well sure I will report your shameful attack to our superiors. Second, you are a despicable being unworthy of Avacyn. You claim to have these horrible experiences, and yet in the next breath accuse an entire population of connivance with the dark forces. You are either a supreme hypocrite, holding yourself innocent while you presume everyone else to be guilty until proven otherwise, or a supreme idiot, who cannot realise what his words of "when it comes to evil, you give no one the benefit of doubt" mean. Third, the only disrespect here is yours towards Avecyn's laws and mercy. By denying everyone else the presumption of innocence you are stepping well beyond justice into vendetta. This is my last warning, Invoker: we are here to perform our duty, and thus I will allow your puffed up self-righteousness only because to do otherwise would endanger the mission. But you would do well to reflect on what your "philosophy" actually entails when you deny the benefit of the doubt. Why, had someone following your belief been there when you were attacked by that demon, well, we wouldn't be here talking to you, would we?"

Hartmut's tone shows ferrous control, only betrayed by a slight quivering of his shield arm, and occasionally a voice that seems to come from clenched teeth. For all the deep philosophical content, he sounds like a man to whom those are more than mere concepts. He actually seems to grow a few inches as he speaks, and his tone deepens as he talks. He finally seems to register James words, and he pulls back, letting him deal with the situation as a third party.

Irish Musician
2011-12-06, 10:56 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien keeps his eyes on Hartmut. "I will not apologize to him, for I attacked no one. I disciplined him as I would a child, for he is acting like one. Kill me if you will Paladin, but my blood will be on your hands, as well as yours James. If you were to listen to me and think, instead of making assumptions, you would know I talked about ONE informant in the populace of the village, not the entire village itself. You obviously did not understand me and therefore are not understanding my meaning and what I was trying to say. And yes, I may be stupid, uneducated, from the streets where when you presume someone is innocent or trust them, you die or get mugged. The only one I need to justify myself to is Avacyn. Don't presume to speak for Her Hartmut. And don't you dare talk lightly of my village being slaughtered and devoured. But I will not threaten you or make like I want to kill you, for I truly don't. In fact if you would like to strike me I will not even defend myself. So go ahead, strike me if you wish as one would an enemy. With that Damien opens his arms wide, not taunting, but showing Hartmut that if he truly wishes, he could stab him through the heart. The fire has gone from his eyes and the glow has gone away from his armor.

2011-12-06, 11:03 PM
Damien Faithburned ( http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=342020), Invoker of Avacyn

Damien keeps his eyes on Hartmut. "I will not apologize to him, for I attacked no one. I disciplined him as I would a child, for he is acting like one. Kill me if you will Paladin, but my blood will be on your hands, as well as yours James. If you were to listen to me and think, instead of making assumptions, you would know I talked about ONE informant in the populace of the village, not the entire village itself. You obviously did not understand me and therefore are not understanding my meaning and what I was trying to say. And yes, I may be stupid, uneducated, from the streets where when you presume someone is innocent or trust them, you die or get mugged. The only one I need to justify myself to is Avacyn. Don't presume to speak for Her Hartmut. And don't you dare talk lightly of my village being slaughtered and devoured. But I will not threaten you or make like I want to kill you, for I truly don't. In fact if you would like to strike me I will not even defend myself. So go ahead, strike me if you wish as one would an enemy. With that Damien opens his arms wide, not taunting, but showing Hartmut that if he truly wishes, he could stab him through the heart. The fire has gone from his eyes and the glow has gone away from his armor.

James quickly turns back to Hartmut and holds out his arm in the gesture to stop. Sir, by your leave I will do the deed myself, but I ask you to consider first. His crime was against you, it is your right to choose forgiveness or retribution. But if you choose to release him, this matter will be over. What say you?"

He turns back to the Invoker. "Faithburned, If you have grievance with him you can challenge him to an honor duel when the mission is complete."

2011-12-06, 11:07 PM
Hartmut, Count of Leobwin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341886), Inquisitor of Avacyn

Still keeping himself immobile by sheer effort of will, Hartmut growls, "Educate me? You are not my teacher or my superior, but be sure I will speak to both of them when reporting your behaviour. And it is you who don't listen to your own words. You claimed that you give no one, " Hartmut stresses the word and continues, "the benefit of the doubt. That means, you unlettered one, that everyone is suspect in your eyes, everyone is guilty until proven innocent and if you are so uneducated that you don't understand this, then you have no business giving anyone lessons"

Then he turns to James, breathing deeply and slowly, his voice going back to normal. "It is not my place to do either. I do not presume to be able to judge my equals. Should we survive this mission, I will follow proper procedure and denounce his acts before the Hierarchy. Now come, we have lost too much time and made too much noise as it is."