View Full Version : [Mekton Zeta] The Problem-Solvers IC

2011-11-04, 08:45 PM
The Problem-Solvers
Chapter One
Arrival (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibZJ0Yqh2Ng)

*Hsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss* *Ker-thunk!*

It wasn't a long flight from your last duty station, but the finality made each moment seem to stretch out. Your country, your home, and your comrades-in-arms; all were being left behind for this new assignment. This one is different, though. Rather than shifting bases or fronts during a time of war, you and your mecha were now being moved to a base hosting the Special Forces of the Voraus Council. This was the chance of a lifetime - the VCF were the best of the best from across all of NeoEarth, gathered together into one elite unit designed with the sole purpose of preventing another conflict like the Water Wars from ever occuring. The Council of Voraus, the new diplomatic body in which all of the MegaStates were able to come together on a common ground to discuss their issues, needed to develop a peace-keeping branch to settle disputes between the MegaStates; this 3rd-party intervention was created to prevent armed conflicts from escalating between the MegaStates. Whenever a situation arose that pitted one nation against another, the VCF would move in to end hostilities and maintain the status quo. You had been hand-selected to be a representative of your nation to the VCF. And your flight had just landed.

You unbuckle yourself from the restraining harness in the cargo bay of the small Wassail-class DropShips that the VCF sent to pick you and your warmachine up. The flight was uneventful and it was clear that the loadmasters and flight crew sent by the VCF were more than proficient in uploading and preparing your mecha for transport. As the rear ramp lowers and the crew begins to offload your mecha, you exit the craft to find yourself in a large open-air LZ (landing zone) that is bustling with activity. The air is filled with the noise of chattering and moving parts. You see several other Wassail DropShips have just landed as well, and each seems to be offloading another large mecha-shaped payload (covered in camo netting to prevent easy identification). The ground crews seem to be directed by a massive bald man with prominent orange mustache, who seems to be directing the men and women under his command his large, sweeping hand-motions from his thick arms. A few individuals in flight jumpsuits seem to gather in a relatively unoccupied corner near some large metal cargo CONNEXs. From each of the nearby Wassails, another soldier steps down from the loading ramp. It's not readily clear who you are supposed to be reporting to yet, but one thing is for certain: Day 1 of your "new job" has certainly just begun.

OOC: Each of you mechajocks are now disembarking from your individual Wassail DropShips. I'd like you now to take this opportunity to make a generic post describing your personal appearance and disembarkation from the DropShip. After each of you has posted once, we can begin.