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2011-11-04, 08:48 PM
The Problem-Solvers
Chapter One
Arrival (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibZJ0Yqh2Ng)

*Hsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss* *Ker-thunk!*

It wasn't a long flight from your last duty station, but the finality made each moment seem to stretch out. Your country, your home, and your comrades-in-arms; all were being left behind for this new assignment. This one is different, though. Rather than shifting bases or fronts during a time of war, you and your mecha were now being moved to a base hosting the Special Forces of the Voraus Council. This was the chance of a lifetime - the VCF were the best of the best from across all of NeoEarth, gathered together into one elite unit designed with the sole purpose of preventing another conflict like the Water Wars from ever occuring. The Council of Voraus, the new diplomatic body in which all of the MegaStates were able to come together on a common ground to discuss their issues, needed to develop a peace-keeping branch to settle disputes between the MegaStates; this 3rd-party intervention was created to prevent armed conflicts from escalating between the MegaStates. Whenever a situation arose that pitted one nation against another, the VCF would move in to end hostilities and maintain the status quo. You had been hand-selected to be a representative of your nation to the VCF. And your flight had just landed.

You unbuckle yourself from the restraining harness in the cargo bay of the small Wassail-class DropShips that the VCF sent to pick you and your warmachine up. The flight was uneventful and it was clear that the loadmasters and flight crew sent by the VCF were more than proficient in uploading and preparing your mecha for transport. As the rear ramp lowers and the crew begins to offload your mecha, you exit the craft to find yourself in a large open-air LZ (landing zone) that is bustling with activity. The air is filled with the noise of chattering and moving parts. You see several other Wassail DropShips have just landed as well, and each seems to be offloading another large mecha-shaped payload (covered in camo netting to prevent easy identification). The ground crews seem to be directed by a massive bald man with prominent orange mustache, who seems to be directing the men and women under his command his large, sweeping hand-motions from his thick arms. A few individuals in flight jumpsuits seem to gather in a relatively unoccupied corner near some large metal cargo CONNEXs. From each of the nearby Wassails, another soldier steps down from the loading ramp. It's not readily clear who you are supposed to be reporting to yet, but one thing is for certain: Day 1 of your "new job" has certainly just begun.

OOC: Each of you mechajocks are now disembarking from your individual Wassail DropShips. I'd like you now to take this opportunity to make a generic post describing your personal appearance and disembarkation from the DropShip. After each of you has posted once, we can begin.

2011-11-05, 12:09 PM
((OOC: If the following post contains any consistency, or just flat out rambling, it may be due to poisoning symptoms caused by overdosage of meatloaf.))

His white overcoat was visible before the light of the sun revealed his face. A pale, fragile-looking youth stepped forth, his immaculate white coat moving in the slight breeze. A matching white pair of pants and shirt covered most of his body, only broken up by the contrasting black of his hair and shoes. And his eyes, almost as if glowing like a dying out furnace, stared out with a grim expression.

The handle of his noble Katana was visible over his right shoulder, the scabbard being strapped to his back. Tatsuo Murakumo was the name of the youth.

His gaze turend from the buzzling crowd, to the massive machine they were unloading. The mechatank, christend with the name "Izanagi", over thrity tons of solid metal and murder forged in the image of this massive metal behemoth. White plats of amor more than a foot thick was spread over the night black frame, with only the slightest of silver trim along the bottom rim of the tank, and a matt golden-yellow around the wide barrel of the Main gun. Even with the camo net on, those who had once seen Izanagi, could not mistake the monstorous machine as anything else.

A smile crept across Tatsuo's face as he saw them also unload boxes of ammo the size of an average mans torso, and the twenty pound shells each containing enough hazardous materials to kill a small village. He had been looking forward to this.

2011-11-05, 12:41 PM
There is less commotion at the LZ a few feet away. Another young man steps out of the drop ship, oddly enough he carries nothing but himself.

He is tall and ruddy, his brief military hair cut ruffling slightly in the drop ship's exhaust. He adjusts his flight jacket which curiously has a E.U.D.O. PFC's crest above the normal designation of the E.U.D.O. mechajock's insignia. His chocolate brown eyes glitter dangerously as one of the freight handlers jostle's an ammo rack.

He regards the passing camo rack with an interested eye. Inquisitor, a name to bring light to the darkness, hope to fallen, justice to the oppressed. This will be interesting. Holton Smith thinks.

He casts his eyes over the field. He watches the men carefully trying to see who they are deferring to, who commands the most respect.

Storm Bringer
2011-11-05, 05:40 PM
Off another dropship, another pilot stepped out, He looked to be in his mid twenties, and, by the looks of him, carried a lot of chinese blood in his veins, with a skin tone to match. He wore an olive drab pilot suit, with a union jack on one shoulder, over the crossed swords surrounded by a ring of stars, the flag of the European Union Defense Organisation, EUDO. On his other shoudler was a smallish rectangular patch, brown with a yellow stripe with a black "3" on top, his unit's patch, with a VCF badge newly sewn on underneath. his hiar was a nondiscript shade of brown, and cut in classic army short back and sides. on his right chest was a name, Clyne 310, and in the center was a rank slide bearing the two pips of a full Liutenant. he had a shoulder holster on, but it was empty.

behind him, under tarpalin drapes, came the lastest mech the EU had designed, so new they had not yet finished arguing over the name. odds were it was going to be the Hermes, but the commitee had not yet finished debating the PR and "spin" of the name. For now, it was called by the BAE in house name, Object 211.

1st Lt Andrew Clyne, formerly of the 3rd regt, Kings Royal Hussars, and now of the VCF, looked around at his new squadmates. he saw a 7 foot tall african giant, and a 5 foot dwarf form india. He saw a japense officer with his katana slung over his shoulder. he saw a russian techie taking a swig of vodka form a hip flask, then pouring some on the tools he ws using to clean them,

he saw a crew chief with a flaming orange beard, who looked like he has half a clue what was happening. shoudlering his kit bag, Andy walked over to him.

"Excuse me, soldier" he began, his voice betraying his upbringing in the northwest of england "I've just been posted in, and no one seems to know where i;m supposed to go. any idea what they want the new pilots to do?".

2011-11-06, 11:18 AM

The massive soldier seemed to have been caught up in his work directing the tech crews and didn't notice your approach until you spoke to him. The sleeves on his jumpsuit are rolled up, revealing bulky knotted muscles. Although the VCF has its own uniforms and insignia, they are fairly similar to those used by the SSP, UA, and EU: you are able to recognize that this man is a Warrant Officer. He seems to recognize your rank as well, and renders a quick salute. His English is good, but his deep booming voice speaks with a clear accent; either Eastern European or Russian - it's hard for you to tell. "Goot mornink, sir! You are neyw mecka pilot, yes? I am Chief Arkady Mirkutzk. I am een charge uf main-ten-ance and soupply platoon." He offers a big smile and a meaty hand to be shaken.

"I bu-lief Captain Javiera ees en-route to meet neyw pilots. Vhere are you from, sir?"


A few of the ground crews struggle to carry Izanagi's ammo boxes to a hovercart. A few individuals in shuttle crew uniforms walk past, some still wearing their helmets. One of them stops and removes his helmet, revealing a pleasant-looking man with tan skin and purple hair swept down over his eyes. He starts addressing the struggling ground crew members. His voice carries a faint accent of someone whose native language was likely Arabic. "My friends; you are working harder, not smarter. These ammo boxes were pallatized before the loading - all you are needing is a forklift or hover-cart to move them all."

Near the center of the landing zone, you see that a soldier wearing an EU uniform has approached the towering ground crew chief.


At the moment, each individual team is conducting its own standard operations. Most of the workers are clearly experienced and need little instruction or management. However, another pilot in an EU uniform seems to have stepped forward to speak with the large bald man near the center of the landing zone.

Storm Bringer
2011-11-06, 03:58 PM
"I grew up in Preston, in the north-west of England, but i have family in hong kong. I shall keep an eye out for Captain Javiera, thank you."

he turned round, looking for anyone with a captains slide on their chest or shoulders.

2011-11-07, 02:20 PM

It was time to at least try and see what was going on. The other EU pilot had the vague air of someone who knew what was going on. Or at least how to find someone who did.

He approched the two men and stood at parade rest. "Hey, PFC Holton Smith, E.U.D.O. mechajock. So who's in charge?"

Storm Bringer
2011-11-07, 03:09 PM

It was time to at least try and see what was going on. The other EU pilot had the vague air of someone who knew what was going on. Or at least how to find someone who did.

He approched the two men and stood at parade rest. "Hey, PFC Holton Smith, E.U.D.O. mechajock. So who's in charge?"

"not me, private, but if your new, then stick with me" his tone was level and normal, but he emphasised the rank slightly, just to remind the private that he was speaking to two senior ranks.

[COLOR="Green"]"since when have we been handing mechas to privates, anyway?"[\COLOR]

2011-11-07, 05:13 PM
Tatsuo gave the struggling crew members and the purple-haired man a brief glance, before sweeping his gaze across the area, Silently hoping the crew had just been a little lacking in equipment, better that then being surrounded by incompetent fools.

Taking a moment to measure up the situation, he decided it would be best to approach the large bald man, seeing it as the best option to getting away from this outdoor landing zone. Clothes as white as his didn't stay white for long in places like this.

Tatsuo then began approaching the large man, trying not to get in the way of the ground crew. "Excuse me." He spoke, hoping to catch the big mans attention. I'm one of the new pilots, are you the guy in charge?

2011-11-07, 06:13 PM

The towering Warrant Officer seems to take a quick mental inventory of the three of you. "Ah, you three are neyw F.I.E.R. team! Pleas-zure to meet you! I am Chief Arkady Mirkutzk, but call me 'Ark'. Nyet, I am only een charge uf main-ten-ance and soupply. You vill be vantink to meet Captain Javiera. She ees neyw F.I.E.R. team leader. She ees from United Americas. Very bossy lady, but quite goot at her job." Suddenly, over all of the ambient sounds of noise from the landing zone the distinct clicking sound can be heard. The clicking grows gradually closer, and Ark looks over beyond the three of you in the direction of the sound. You turn and see a cute young woman with a single long blue ponytail and round-framed glasses walking swiftly your direction. The sound you heard was the sound of her high heel shoes rapping against the tarmac, as she appears to be dressed more like a businesswoman than a soldier. She carries an enormous stack of papers and folders in her arms, but seems to be managing the load just fine. Ark grins and speaks aloud, clearly addressing the woman. "Vell, vell, vell! Speakink uf vomen who are goot at their jobs! Goot mornink, Ms. Verner! How many dock-uments can I sign for you today?"

The woman replies a kind but harried voice. "Good morning, Chief Mirkutzk! I'm actually here to pick up the new recruits for their in-processing paperwork, but while I'm here I need you to get started on this 4114 form for their mecha, a 3922 for the fuel allotments they'll need, a 7800 for expendable items, and a 2599 inspection form, verifying that the craft are free of dirt, debris, trash and/or human waste." As she names off the forms, she is miraculously able to produce them from random locations inside her stack of paperwork, and Ark seems to shrink a little with each one he is handed. "Oh and by the way, I need copies of these, in triplicate, for each of the new mecha by lunch today. We'll be over at HQ getting signed-in until then! Byeee!"

Ark waves weakly as the woman leads the three of you away. "Dasvidaniya..."

As you fall into step with the woman, she begins her introductions. "By the way, gentlemen, my name is Ms. Idelle Werner - I'm the VCF administrative staff officer for this base. If you ever have any problems, you can get your commanding officer to write a memorandum to clear you to request the form you'll need to fill out to turn in to me so I can take care of it! Any questions?" You're not convinced that she stopped to breath a single time between anything she just said - it went by too quickly.

2011-11-08, 02:51 PM

Holton's eyebrows try and bury themselves into his forehead as he tries to decipher the woman's odd speech patterns. Though part of his mind was still rankled by the lousy Brit's suggestion that a enlisted man couldn't pilot a mech. He had worked hard to get here.

"The Chief mentioned a Captain Javiera? If you could take us to, or direct us to her office and then we can get started on your paperwork and meet her at the same time. Though do you know if we are going to be required to do a fresh physical for the intake?"

There was something he wasn't looking forward to again. Let's see Brit boy handle a full intake physical.

2011-11-08, 04:28 PM
Tatsuo listened and kept an eye on the other new recruits, the large man with the accent seemed nice enough, even if it took Tatsuo a moment to understand what Ark had just said.

When the female, introducing herself as Idelle Werner, arrived,Tatsuo was initially planning on introducing himself. But her torrent of speech pretty much forced Tatsuo to listen and he tried to keep up the impression that he understood, so in the end he just decided to keep my mouth shut.

2011-11-10, 07:47 PM

Without breaking her hasty stride, Idelle sighes with frustration as she responds to Holton's question. "Hmph! Captain Javiera-Urvano has been informed of your scheduled arrival time no less than twice a day for the past five days. Naturally, she had something 'come up' at the last minute to call her away. Knowing her, she'll doubtless have some late grand entrance planned to try to make herself look impressive. I swear, some people don't know the value of modesty!"

After a few moments of incoherently grumbling to herself, she seems to recompose her professional demeanor and smiles politely at you all, blue eyes shining. "Her loss, I say! I'll gladly get you all started on your in-processing. Dr. Lenka is far more reliable and punctual than the captain, and I'm sure she'd be more than happy to start your medical examinations as soon as we've got all of your paperwork squared away. Let's see...it's not quite 10am now, so you gentlemen will probably be about through with your forms by 18:00 tonight. I'll go ahead and schedule your physical appointments with the good Doctor around 18:30, and when you're done with her I can get you to come back to begin working on your LES forms, Form 2062s, your SGLIs, and..."

The prospect of 8 hours of paperwork weighed so heavily on your minds that you hardly didn't notice the roar of approaching engines until they were practically upon you. You look up to see a bright green mecha (http://a.imagehost.org/0433/Pxh-4l_phoenix_hawk.jpg) with yellow tiger stripes ascending immediately before you path. The three of you manage to brace yourselves against the surge of air and sound as the machine touches down barely 50m in front of you, but Idelle is caught completely unawares and is blown over backwards, papers flying everywhere. "Aaaaiiiiiiiiiie!!"

Storm Bringer
2011-11-12, 03:40 PM
Andy held up one hand to shield his eyes, while another fumbled for the pair of balistic glasses tucked into his pilot suit. with some dexterity, he flipped them open and put them on with the one hand.

"Capt. Javiera, I presume?" he said in his best H M Stanley voice. as the wind form the mechas jets (thermal expansion jets, by the look) died down enough to allow speech.

2011-11-12, 04:41 PM
Tatsuo continued to listen, giving an occasional nod. He tried to mentally keep track of ALL these forms that needed filling out, a difficult task to say the least, and while much of his perceptive capabilities were pre-occupied with this woman constantly talking, he was able to hear the roar of engines in time.

His left hand shielded his face, while his right whipped over his shoulder, almost as if a reflex, grasping the handle of his katana. "What the hell?" He shouted by himself, followed by a short string of muttered curses. Was the pilot of the mech blind, or did whoever was piloting it lack the common decency to NOT land in front of someone elses face? Tatsuo didn't know that answers, and truth be told, he really didn't care, but whoever was inside that piece of junk was gonna be getting a drycleaning bill, most likely stapled to their face.

2011-11-16, 10:17 AM

As the green mech descends in a windstorm, Holton struggles against his infantry training and wins the fight to run for cover. He glares up at the cockpit and waits for the pilot to reveal themself.