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2011-11-05, 08:46 AM
This is a two-parter:

1. Where can I find a complete list of all poisons available in 3.5 with their prices? (I found some in Complete Scoundrel, but I'm hoping to find a compiled list for easy reference.)

2. If I wanted to make my own poisons, how would I go about doing that (besides the obvious Craft check; do I need to have a feat or anything)?

Thanks in advance!

2011-11-05, 08:51 AM
If you can get access to BG or the google archive or wayback machine or what have you, there is a Poison Handbook known as Arsenic and Old Lace. It's got a fairly complete list.

As for making poisons, you just need points in the craft skill. And the crafting rules are altered for poisons, so you make GP progress on them instead of SP or CP.

I believe the only feat involved in poison production is one that covers milking vermin of their poison in order to create usable doses of it.

Though for things like venomous snakes, you can probably just point to the way we milk vipers of their venom IRL as a methodology to deal with it in a mundane way for less exotic poison-bearing creature types.

Wild cohort or obtain familiar can be used to acquire poison-bearing creatures that are 100% amenable to the PC.

2011-11-05, 09:00 AM
When I Google Arsenic & Old Lace, I keep coming up with a movie.

2011-11-05, 09:03 AM
When I Google Arsenic & Old Lace, I keep coming up with a movie.

Because it's named after the play and movie.

So you'd instead google something like, I dunno, poison handbook, arsenic and old lace. (https://www.google.com/search?q=poison+handbook%2C+arsenic+and+old+lace&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)

You'd end up with a link here (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=4854.20;wap2), because something's up with BG. Thus you need some way to access how it was when it was accessible.

Or find some place it was cross-posted to.

The Random NPC
2011-11-05, 09:04 AM
If I remember correctly, there is a poison maker feat somewhere. But it wouldn't be too broken to alllow new poisons based on knowledge checks, subject to DM aproval, of course.

2011-11-05, 09:12 AM
I looked up D&D Poison Handbook and came up with:

I think they're homebrews, but they seem legit enough, and the rules make sense. I'll run them by my DM and see what happens. It doesn't look like I need a feat, but I run the risk of poisoning myself while extracting/crafting it if I'm not a Druid, Alchemist, or Assassin. I'm none of the above, so maybe I should stick to buying poisons. I still run a risk if I apply it to my arrows, but at least I won't die trying to craft it.

2011-11-05, 09:15 AM
If I remember correctly, there is a poison maker feat somewhere. But it wouldn't be too broken to alllow new poisons based on knowledge checks, subject to DM aproval, of course.

Oh, ok. I'm not trying to make new poisons; I was just wondering if I could craft my own without a feat. But if I need a feat, then I can't do it for a few more levels anyway, so I'll see if I can pick some up at the shops. I've got a lot of extra PP lying around, and would like to add a bit more "umph" to my arrows.

2011-11-05, 09:22 AM
I looked up D&D Poison Handbook and came up with:

I think they're homebrews, but they seem legit enough, and the rules make sense. I'll run them by my DM and see what happens. It doesn't look like I need a feat, but I run the risk of poisoning myself while extracting/crafting it if I'm not a Druid, Alchemist, or Assassin. I'm none of the above, so maybe I should stick to buying poisons. I still run a risk if I apply it to my arrows, but at least I won't die trying to craft it.

Poison Master feat in Drow of the Underdark allows you to apply poison to a weapon as a swift action(no AoO) at no risk to yourself

EDIT: Also some nice poisons in there

2011-11-05, 09:43 AM
Oh, ok. I'm not trying to make new poisons; I was just wondering if I could craft my own without a feat. But if I need a feat, then I can't do it for a few more levels anyway, so I'll see if I can pick some up at the shops. I've got a lot of extra PP lying around, and would like to add a bit more "umph" to my arrows.

You don't need a feat to craft poisons.

It's based on the craft skill. The skill is detailed in Complete Adventurer. If you lack access, there's probably some homebrew fixes of the parts of the system that sometimes rub people the wrong way (specifically, the crafting DCs (http://www.dndarchive.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=view&catid=11&id=1765&Itemid=50)) you can look into.

2011-11-05, 09:44 AM
Poison Master feat in Drow of the Underdark

Sifts through the PDFs. I have that book! :D And just "Underdark" as well! It looks like they both have a decent poison list. Hmm...

2011-11-05, 09:52 AM
The rules for creating poison with Craft (Poisonmaking) are in Complete Adventurer. It does not require a feat. (Ninja'd)

I don't know of a list outside of the above mentioned Arsenic & Old Lace: The Poison Handbook on the (temporarily?) dead BrilliantGameologists boards.

The most prolific texts on Poisons are the DMG, Book of Vile Darkness (3.0) and Arms & Equipment guide (3.0). Other texts include Complete Scoundrel, Drow of the Underdark (both mentioned above), Stormwrack, Underdark, Frostburn, Waterdeep: City of Splendors (only one, but it's a useful inhaled poison), Dungeonscape and Lords of Darkness (3.0). There are almost undoubtedly other sources, this is just what I got out of a thread I posted in yesterday.

Has anyone actually found a direct link to an archive of BrilliantGameologist's boards? It's much more handy than having just a list of sources.

2011-11-05, 09:53 AM
OMG! Check this out!

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhuEevwVCCGJdHgwa0RlZWFjVEItR2lrTURzT1pHM mc&hl=en_US#gid=0

I just found a complete list of all 3.5 poisons, I think! It's good enough for me, anyway.

And thanks, Coidzor. :) I have Complete Adventurer as well. I just didn't know to look there. That's good to know, in case I run out of poison in my travels. I'm never far from a town so resupplying is easy, but I have practically no carrying capacity so I can't just stock up on whatever. Even a bag of holding puts me in Medium encumbrance, and I'm all DEX, so I really can't let anything slow me down.

2011-11-05, 10:04 AM
Argh damn, it doesn't have them all. At least you're happy.

I require nothing less than perfection. PERFECTION:furious:!!!

2011-11-05, 10:48 AM
Custom Poison Creation (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=158131)


2011-11-05, 11:56 AM
The rules for creating poison with Craft ...on the (temporarily?) dead BrilliantGameologists boards.

Their main site (not their boards) say they're working to resolve the issue. It apparently suffered from a Denial of Service Attack. Hopefully they'll get it back soon. I referenced their resources quite often.

2011-11-05, 01:27 PM
Argh damn, it doesn't have them all. At least you're happy.

I require nothing less than perfection. PERFECTION:furious:!!!

What else is missing?

2011-11-05, 10:20 PM
Nothing from the sources I listed above: Arms & Equipment guide (3.0), Stormwrack, Underdark, Frostburn, Waterdeep: City of Splendors (only one, but it's a useful inhaled poison), Dungeonscape and Lords of Darkness (3.0). It did have Serpent Kingdoms though, which I didn't realise had any. A little obvious, in hindsight...

I compiled a list of poisons for a niche use (non-lethal, limited WBL and useful in straight up combat) in another thread. I'll post them up here for you. It isn't all of them, by any means, but hopefully you'll find it helpful. Darrin added to the list a little later on and made some other useful points, so I've quoted his post below as well. Unfortunately, neither Darrin nor I included craft DC's in our posts.

Revised in-combat non-lethal-but-scary poison list, now with 3.0 sources and capped at 1500gp:

Stun Gas (Underdark) DC 12 40gp 1rnd stun/1d4 rnd stun
Brain Dust (A&E guide [3.0]) DC 12 1300gp Confusion(unspecified duration [my guess is 2d6 minutes like standard paralysis])/1d4 Wis


Dragon Bile DC 26 1500gp 3d6 STR dmage
Snow Spider Blood (Frostburn) DC 13 750gp Paralysis 1 min/none
Sassone Leaf Residue DC 16 300gp 2d12HP/1d6 CON
Carrion Crawler Brain Juice (DMG) DC 13 300gp Paralysis/none
Sleeping Weed (A&EG [3.0]) DC 13 500gp Slowed (unspecified duration)/1d4 Dex


Drow Poison DC 13 75gp 1min unconscious/1d3 hours unconscious
Darklight Brew (DotU) DC 26 1500gp 2d6 CON+1d6 STR/Blindness
Roach paste (DotU) DC 12 50gp Nausea (1 rnd)/Inflict Filth Fever
Eyeblast (BoVD [3.0]) DC 22 500gp Blindness/Blindness
Banelar Essence (A&EG [3.0]) DC 11 300gp 2d4 CON/Unconsciousness
Choldrith Toxin (A&EG [3.0]) DC 15 1200gp Paralysis/2d4 CON
Vapid Leaf Extract (A&EG [3.0]) DC 16 250gp Dazed (Euphoric???) (Unspecified Duration but SRD says 'a dazed condition typically lasts one round')/2d6INT
Redek Vine Extract (A&EG [3.0]) DC 17 1500gp 2d6 DEX/none
Blasphemix (Complete Scoundrel) DC 22 750gp Must pass CL check to cast Divine spells/-1 CL for Divine spells
Goodbye Kiss (can also be ingested) (CS) DC 15 350gp Exhaustion/Exhaustion or Unconsciousness

I'm pretty sure these books + Complete Adventurer & Stormwrack are the only ones that have poisons in them (short of positoxins in LM and ravages in BoED) so I retract my offer of listing other poison methods:smalltongue: You can probably just browse the books if you want to soften them up a bit beforehand.

EDIT: Just read Tucker's Kobolds *cackles insanely*

Greensickness (MM3/Dungeonscape): DC 33, 2d6 Str + 1d4 Con/2d6 Str + 1d4 Con, 4000 GP. Vegetable matter, too.

Sleep-Smoke (Waterdeep p. 152): DC 15, unconscious 1 min/unconscious 1d3 minutes, 25 GP.

Oruighen (Lords of Darkness p. 184): DC 14, blindness for 2d4 min/--, 20 GP.

Also, there are some drugs that can be used like poisons, and some of them have side effects or overdose effects that trigger without any saves. For example:

Mushroom Powder (BoVD p. 43). Inhaled DC 15, 100 GP. Primary effect is +2 alchemical bonus to Int and Cha, Secondary is 1 point Str damage, but if someone is exposed four times within a 24-hour period, overdose effect is 4d6 damage and paralysis for 2d4 hours (no save!). Vegetable matter.

Kammarth (Lords of Darkness p. 183). Contact DC 10 or Ingested DC 13, 80 GP. Primary is expeditious retreat effect, Secondary is +2 alchemical bonus to Dex. If exposed to two doses within 8 hours, Overdose is 4d4 damage and paralysis for 2d4 hours (no save!). It's magical, however, so no Chaos Flask shenanigans. Cheaper than a Chaos Flask, though.

If using the Sprayer from A&EG seems a bit too unfair, check out the Mister in Drow of the Underdark (150 GP). You can use it to deliver poisons/drugs as a ranged touch attack to an adjacent square. Contact and inhaled poisons automatically take effect, while ingested poisons allow a Ref save DC 15 to avoid. Injury poisons take effect if the target has already been wounded and hasn't received a Heal check. EDIT: The reason the 'vegetable matter' thing is important is because if you get Psionic Minor Creation somehow then you can just create the plant material for the poison and use Craft on it, all without paying for the components. Ways include: Psion (Shaper) 1, Expanded Knowledge feat after getting 2nd level powers from another class (Psionic Assassin etc.) or just the Hidden Talent (Psionic Minor Creation) feat if allowed. The usual Minor Creation works too, but it's harder to get - I inferred from your character description that you weren't a caster? 1
Their main site (not their boards) say they're working to resolve the issue. It apparently suffered from a Denial of Service Attack. Hopefully they'll get it back soon. I referenced their resources quite often. People have been kind of been half acting like it's going to involve data loss and half acting like it's going to be up as normal. I'm not sure what exactly 'spam attacks' can do, no one really answered when I posted the question on the 'BG is dead' thread. But yeah, hopefully it'll be up soon.