View Full Version : Operation Angel

2011-11-05, 03:21 PM
For Flux
The octopus drilled his magical tentacles into Kita's corporeal body. After excruciating minutes of pain, Kita felt the pain begin to drift away, as if it was the end of a bad dream. Only, instead of waking up like most dreams, Kita saw his body drifting away as his soul began to drift towards the heavens. As a bright white light started shining down on him, Kita unconsciously stated willing himself towards the light.
As he neared the light however, Kita's soul seemed to hit a wall. Try as he might, he could not penetrate the force.
After a few futile minutes of trying to pierce the wall, Kita felt a strong force pulling on him. He seemed to fall faster and faster away from the light. After what seemed like an eternity of falling, Kita felt himself crash into the ground.
For Tim
The familiar smell of gunpowder and smoke fills your nose shortly before you feel your soul being forcibly (and painfully) expelled from your body. As you start drifting away, you see the souls of the rest of the town start drifting up towards a bright light. However, you feel a force pulling you down, away from the bright light. Krugg roars at you with fury.
"I promise I shall find you in Hell dwarf, and when I do I shall make my revenge,"
Krugg and his orc pals are whisked away from, you feel your soul falling towards what appears to be a flat, desolate plain. As you smash into the ground, you black out.
For "?"
A strange feeling crept across Aquel. A feeling she had not experience in the last 3 years. Her mind was not blurred by the effects of strong liquor. No longer were her memories covered by its dark shroud. Aquel started to feel her soul drifting away her body. Apparently the disjunction between her soul and her body has ended alcohols effect on her.
Aquel felt a bright, warm light covering her body. Looking up, she saw a bright shining light drawing her towards it. However, as she neared the light, she was stopped by a invisible force. Try as she might, she could not break through.
Soon, a strong force started pulling her away from the warmth of the light. With the apparent sensation of freefall, Aquel felt her body rush faster and faster away. After what feels like a millennia of falling, Aquel feels her body smash against something hard before blacking out.

2011-11-05, 03:28 PM
here goes:
If I can use con rage for this, just add 2