View Full Version : Dexter: Now with KILLER spoilers

2011-11-05, 07:30 PM
Anybody else been watching the latest season of Dexter?

I'm enjoying it alright, I like Mos Def's Brother Sam and hope he sticks around for the rest of the season. The doomsday killer story line really need to get moving along though, it's wearing on me.

Also what's everyone's take on the fan theory that Edward James Olmos' character is actually
Entirely imaginary, like Harry to Dexter?

2011-11-05, 07:39 PM

He must have existed at some point. There's photos of him. That said, he could be dead and imagined now.

2011-11-05, 07:56 PM

He must have existed at some point. There's photos of him. That said, he could be dead and imagined now.

Not to mention the whole sleeping with his TA thing. And stealing the sword.

2011-11-05, 08:38 PM
5th season was just terrible in every imaginable way, I’m glad the writers are doing a timeskip so we can put Lumen far behind us. I’m also glad they broke up LaGuerta and Angel.

The series was becoming too much of “typical drama” focusing so much on the romantic relationships of the cast, instead of dealing with alien morality and perspective of a serial killer.

2011-11-05, 08:43 PM
5th season was just terrible in every imaginable way, I’m glad the writers are doing a timeskip so we can put Lumen far behind us. I’m also glad they broke up LaGuerta and Angel.

The series was becoming too much of “typical drama” focusing so much on the romantic relationships of the cast, instead of dealing with alien morality and perspective of a serial killer.

I feel like it's still leaning too far towards drama. I mean Dex hasn't killed anyone in like, 4 episodes! I'm OK with the Deb's new job side plot but most of the other storylines could get the axe and I wouldn't miss them.

2011-11-05, 08:58 PM
I feel like it's still leaning too far towards drama. I mean Dex hasn't killed anyone in like, 4 episodes! I'm OK with the Deb's new job side plot but most of the other storylines could get the axe and I wouldn't miss them.

Masuka’s should have been done by now. But I actually gained some respect for him after firing that attractive intern for stealing, so it wasn’t totally pointless for me.

Angel’s midlife crisis is more just eluded to and in the background, so I don’t find it intrusive.

LaGuerta is returning to being a cutthroat manipulative overly ambitious witch. There was a time where it seemed like they were trying to turn her into a boring always sticks up for her team good boss, instead of the far more interesting political animal she is.

Quinn is still just a jerk and always will be.

2011-11-05, 11:21 PM
5th season was just terrible in every imaginable way, I’m glad the writers are doing a timeskip so we can put Lumen far behind us. I’m also glad they broke up LaGuerta and Angel.

I still liked Lumen better than Season 2's Lila. I thought Lumen had a decent story arc, a believable reason for joining Dexter's murderous crusade, and most importantly was a way to channel Dexter after the death of his wife. Alright, her reason for leaving her fiance "just because" was stupid, but ehh, I wasn't expecting much there. It wasn't as good as Season 4 admittedly, but I enjoyed it. As to LaGuerta and Angel, just pair them up with someone, I don't care who they're screwing so it might as well be each other.

To this season, I'm enjoying it so far. The religious angle is done alright, and the murderers are fairly interesting and I'm hoping that Olmos has some elaborate plan instead of just looking about in confusion when the appointed date passes.

2011-11-06, 04:22 PM
Also what's everyone's take on the fan theory that Edward James Olmos' character is actually
Entirely imaginary, like Harry to Dexter?

I totally agree

2011-11-07, 08:11 AM
Holy crap. Just saw the latest episode, specifically the ending. I did not see that coming.

2011-11-07, 10:38 AM
Holy crap! I thought I was the only one who was thinking that Olmos' character was imaginary! Bless the internet.

Not a big fan of the religious stuff this season. Seems kind of forced. I really like Brother Sam though.

2011-11-07, 10:57 AM
Sometimes when I see Professor James Gellar (Edward James Olmos's character), I hear a small voice in my head saying, "why is Adama playing a bad guy?" Am I the only one who does that? :smalltongue:

In all seriousness, he plays a magnificent villain. I like the fan theory that he might be imaginary, but Dexter postulated that there were two killers based on forensic evidence. Does this mean that Travis Marshall has a split personality disorder?

2011-11-07, 11:10 AM
In all seriousness, he plays a magnificent villain. I like the fan theory that he might be imaginary, but Dexter postulated that there were two killers based on forensic evidence. Does this mean that Travis Marshall has a split personality disorder?

Kinda. The way I looked at it was, at times the killing was guided by Adama and at other times it wasnt. Hence you get to different 'styles'

2011-11-07, 11:17 AM
5th season was just terrible in every imaginable way, I’m glad the writers are doing a timeskip so we can put Lumen far behind us. I’m also glad they broke up LaGuerta and Angel.

How so? I don't understand the hate for Lumen (that said I don't understand why people hated season three that much but meh)
One thing is Lumen had a... different motive to her actions than Decter but which one is better or worse... meh.

Masuka’s should have been done by now. But I actually gained some respect for him after firing that attractive intern for stealing, so it wasn’t totally pointless for me.

Angel’s midlife crisis is more just eluded to and in the background, so I don’t find it intrusive.
I'm not sure whether Masuka's arc is done... I can totally see the sexy returning for one reason or another.

And Angel... it's fine except the scene with him and Quinn smoking the joint. That annoyed me to no end and not because I've got a problem with drugs in general (which I don't)

Hu, I didn't know that theory was this popular but I don't have close contact to other Dexter fans... I'm not entirely sure but yeah, I think there were enough things pointing towards him not being alive anymore...
Of course that means Travis has a split personality, though. That's quite evident, if the theory is true.

2011-11-07, 12:09 PM
So what are people's opinions on the appearance of imaginary Brian Mosa? I like the idea if Brian and Harry fighting for Dexter's psyche and Dexter possibly reverting back to a darker incarnation.

2011-11-07, 07:16 PM
Is Bwiny imaginary?

I'm not sure, to be honest. The blonde lab assistant was specifically interested in him. I barely remember any details on season 1... how definite was his death?

2011-11-07, 07:46 PM
Is Bwiny imaginary?

I'm not sure, to be honest. The blonde lab assistant was specifically interested in him. I barely remember any details on season 1... how definite was his death?

Dexter cut his throat from ear to ear and drained every last drop of blood from his body before slicing said body into many pieces and dumping it into the ocean. I'm fairly certain he's actually dead, which would make his recent appearance probably imaginary in a similar vein to Harry.

2011-11-07, 11:02 PM
Sometimes when I see Professor James Gellar (Edward James Olmos's character), I hear a small voice in my head saying, "why is Adama playing a bad guy?" Am I the only one who does that? :smalltongue:

In all seriousness, he plays a magnificent villain. I like the fan theory that he might be imaginary, but Dexter postulated that there were two killers based on forensic evidence. Does this mean that Travis Marshall has a split personality disorder?

You definitely are not the only person who can't NOT see Adama.

In all seriousness he better be imaginary at this point, cause otherwise he's just really really ineffectual. I don't get so much a sense of menace from him as I get the feeling that Travis is just a complete wimp.

I also didn't hate Lumen, for the record.

Smoking the joint was incredibly stupid, don't they have random drug testing on Miami Metro? That stuff is detectable for weeks.

I want to see imaginary ITK and imaginary Sam as good angel-bad angel, while imaginary Harry and imaginary Adama duke it out in the background.

Deb continues to prove how versatile the F bomb can be. I think she used it four times with four different meanings in a single sentence.

Does Quinn have ANY redeeming features left at this point? Why is he still on the force at all? Fire or transfer him, at this point I'm leaning towards fire.

That was one very VERY satisfying murder. But does Dexter even bother to dispose of the bodies any more or did he realize he's the only effective police officer in Miami anyway and stop bothering?

I'm still not sure why he didn't just put the department on Travis' trail after the angel girl, he'd just have to say "hey, this guy gave me a weird vibe at the crime scene, lets check him out" and the season would already be over (which is, of course, the real reason he couldn't)

2011-11-08, 07:33 AM
Deb continues to prove how versatile the F bomb can be. I think she used it four times with four different meanings in a single sentence.

"I couldn't give a f*** who you f*** but don't f*** with my investigation you f***."

:smallbiggrin: Great line, the spirit of Doakes lives on.

2011-11-08, 11:56 PM
I'm still not sure why he didn't just put the department on Travis' trail after the angel girl, he'd just have to say "hey, this guy gave me a weird vibe at the crime scene, lets check him out" and the season would already be over (which is, of course, the real reason he couldn't)

I think it's because he wants to catch the Professor himself. He has definitely moved away from getting criminals arrested, just look at how disappointed he was that the gang member (forget his name already) was gunned down by cops.

2011-11-09, 12:25 AM
Dexter cut his throat from ear to ear and drained every last drop of blood from his body before slicing said body into many pieces and dumping it into the ocean. I'm fairly certain he's actually dead, which would make his recent appearance probably imaginary in a similar vein to Harry.

Correction, Brian had his throat slit and blood drained, but he never sliced up his body and dumped him into the ocean. He left him strung up for the police to find, who ruled it as a suicide to prevent ever being captured. Still definitively dead, albeit not in the usual way.

That said, I think the best seasons (besides season 2, which was still great) have always been the ones where Dexter was going up against another serial killer who knew about him in return. Season one and Season four, in particular, stand out as the best Dexter seasons for that very reason. It's not a quick kill or a couple episode hunt, it's a game of cat and mouse that explores Dexter's personality far better then Dexter trying to form a human attachment (in my opinion).

Season 2 is the exception cause it was full of win (minus crazy-arse Lilah) cause of Lundy pursuing Dexter and the moments of Doakes with Dexter.

2011-11-09, 08:47 AM
I thought Season 5 was pretty spectacular actually. It was my favorite since season 2. Season 3 was pretty bad every time Miguel was on scene, and for Season 4...well...I remembered watching John Lithgow on 3rd Rock from the Sun. I just couldn't get the image of this nutty alien-in-a-humans-body out of my head, so I couldn't really buy into the Trinity character.

Objectively speaking, Season 4 was pretty great, and the ending was a real swift kick in the stomach, but Season 5 was just better to me. Lumen was a believable human connection for Dexter. I liked it.

2011-11-09, 10:18 AM
Season 2 is easily my least favorite season. Believe it or not, I never cared if Dexter was banging Rita or Lila, except for the fact that Lila was one of the most annoying characters I have ever seen. I groaned whenever she opened her mouth. The only reason I kept watching after that season was because the last conversations between Dexter and DOAKES was some of the best writing I had heard in awhile.

Best seasons were 1 and 4, Ice Truck and Trinity were interesting targets for Dexter and I enjoyed the cat and mouse aspects. Like when Trinity finds out who Dexter was, that was a great scene and Lithgow acted the psychotic and friendly murderer perfectly. Season 3 and 5 were average, with 5 beating 3. Miguel never seemed like much of a challenge, and the pacing of the season was off with Miguel only becoming a villain 3/4 of the way through the season. 5 on the other hand served it's narrative purpose of working through the trauma at the end of 4, while the Lumen character was done decently. She was not as interesting as any of the other seasonal main characters, but she was well written and well acted enough, and while the villains were again out of their league against Dexter the main one at least seemed smarter than Miguel with better build up. The last episode did suffer from some pacing issues though.

2011-11-09, 11:59 AM
I'm really conflicted about season 2. On the one hand, a loved the main plot of Dexter being hunted by his co-workers. On the other hand, I hated the whole addiction/Lila subplot. Personally, I think the writers jumped the gun with season 2. The main plot would have worked better in a later season when the show's dynamic and the characters had become a bit more established.

2011-11-15, 04:31 PM
Dunno... I can't really complain about any previous season... I guess 3 was kind of a let down with a pretty weak antagonist but that's not really what matters to me. I started watching some stuff from season one and I miss Doakes, though...

minor spoilers from sunday:
That said: Wow, the latest episode blew my mind. Not really because anything 'special' happened but it really felt like everything worked so well together on a whole. Bribri was great as the whisper of evil, killer roadtrip, nice ending to the whole story and... well, for me it really worked great together.
Two minor complaints, though: The pick up was hilarious but over the top. And where did that pitchfork come from? (as in, how was he so quick with it?)

2011-11-15, 04:42 PM
No idea on the Pitchfork.
However, I can't stop thinking that this will come back to bite Dexter.

He left a witness alive. Someone who knows his identity, his fake identity, and that he killed and knew Trinity. If the police ever get a hold of him...

2011-11-18, 08:03 AM
I loved seeing...

Harry the hitchhiker. Kind of interesting for his "Dark Passenger" to take the form of a literal hitchhiking passenger. The irony was not lost on me :smalltongue:

I saw it coming, but I thought it was well executed nonetheless.

2011-11-18, 03:36 PM
I loved seeing...

Harry the hitchhiker. Kind of interesting for his "Dark Passenger" to take the form of a literal hitchhiking passenger. The irony was not lost on me :smalltongue:

I saw it coming, but I thought it was well executed nonetheless.


How is Harry the Dark Passenger? Wouldn't that more likely be Brian? I mean, yeah, he is his... imaginary friend but he rarely tries to make him do evil stuff... also, I think the Dark passenger theme was dropped a while ago (or I keep missing it being mentioned again) But I still liked the scene, on that we can agree.

2011-11-28, 07:29 AM
To all those who predicted that Geller was just Travis' hallucination, congratulations. Have a cookie baked from an internet.

2011-11-28, 05:46 PM
You know, I've been wondering this since I started watching the show, but:
How can Dexter just wander off from work at all hours of the day?

Because if that's okay, I want his job.

2011-11-28, 09:45 PM
You know, I've been wondering this since I started watching the show, but:
How can Dexter just wander off from work at all hours of the day?

Because if that's okay, I want his job.

Presumably he can always claim to be "out in the field" collecting evidence and the like. He also may just have really irregular hours, basically he's just "on call" until a crime scene shows up. His lab time just gets sort of filled in around the edges of his other responsibilities.

Or maybe being a serial killer just gives you awesome time-management abilities. There HAVE been times where he's overwhelmed by work/relationship/murdering duties, which usually leads to his making major screw ups.

Deb really should figure out by now that he's up to something. Now that she's signing his paychecks the "I was working overtime" excuse for his disappearances isn't going to fly

2011-11-29, 06:10 AM
I'll go with super time management skills.

He's doing all his murdering and illegal investigations during his allowed 15 minutes of coffee break.

2011-11-29, 12:09 PM

How is Harry the Dark Passenger? Wouldn't that more likely be Brian? I mean, yeah, he is his... imaginary friend but he rarely tries to make him do evil stuff... also, I think the Dark passenger theme was dropped a while ago (or I keep missing it being mentioned again) But I still liked the scene, on that we can agree.

IMO, Harry is a manifestation of Dexter's imagination that allows him to rationalize his murders. That makes Harry (or rather, Dexter's mental perception of him) the "Dark Passenger" since all murder is still evil/dark. Brian encourages Dexter to kill for any reason at all, which you would be accurate to argue makes him Dexter's "Darker Passenger". For me, Brian represents a slip in Dexter's internal safeguards, that had he allowed to continue unchecked, would've resulted in him going full-on serial killer. YMMV, just my interpretation.

It could be that you just aren't as connected with the Dark Passenger theme as I am. I ended up re-watching Dexter from Season 1 right up to Season 6 over the course of a few weeks, so the Dark Passenger metaphor is still pretty fresh in my mind, and it was an easy association to make.

But yeah, great scene.

2011-11-29, 12:19 PM
IMO, Harry is a manifestation of Dexter's imagination that allows him to rationalize his murders. That makes Harry (or rather, Dexter's mental perception of him) the "Dark Passenger" since all murder is still evil/dark. Brian encourages Dexter to kill for any reason at all, which you would be accurate to argue makes him Dexter's "Darker Passenger". For me, Brian represents a slip in Dexter's internal safeguards, that had he allowed to continue unchecked, would've resulted in him going full-on serial killer. YMMV, just my interpretation.

It could be that you just aren't as connected with the Dark Passenger theme as I am. I ended up re-watching Dexter from Season 1 right up to Season 6 over the course of a few weeks, so the Dark Passenger metaphor is still pretty fresh in my mind, and it was an easy association to make.

But yeah, great scene.

Well in the books the series was based on, the Dark Passenger turned out to be an actual supernatural demon. Probably for the best that they didn't go in that direction for the show.

I liked seeing Harry back at the end of that episode to. This season's been pretty thorough about all the juxatapositions between light and darkness.

2011-11-29, 12:44 PM
Well in the books the series was based on, the Dark Passenger turned out to be an actual supernatural demon. Probably for the best that they didn't go in that direction for the show.

Yeah, an actual demon would wreak havoc on my willing suspension of disbelief. :smalleek:

Glad they didn't go that route.

2011-11-29, 12:56 PM
Yay, cookie! *eat*

But I was more convinced earlier in the season than now... but whatever.

Yeah, I heard that about the books. I read the third and it was good enough but the whole demon thing... I like the series as it is.

2011-11-29, 01:05 PM
Well in the books the series was based on, the Dark Passenger turned out to be an actual supernatural demon. Probably for the best that they didn't go in that direction for the show.

I liked seeing Harry back at the end of that episode to. This season's been pretty thorough about all the juxatapositions between light and darkness.

That's...highly debatable actually. I don't even think Lindsay intended for people to take the Dark Passenger as another entity, that's merely how Dexter thought of it while he was investigating a series of cult murders, since he was already thinking about cult stuff. Like how he is now thinking about the Dark Passenger(s) in a religious light since coming into contact with Brother Sam.

Also, I don't think Harry is the Dark Passenger at all. All too often 'Harry' encourages Dexter to be normal (albeit warns him about the consequences of trying, should he fail) and does his best to keep Dexter in-line/rationale/careful/etc.

Harry is Dexter's anthropomorphic personification of Harry's Code, while Brian is/was the Dark Passenger, which only slipped out like that to influence Dexter more...directly because Dexter abandoned the Code.

2011-11-29, 02:06 PM
Full disclosure: I haven't actually read the books. The "Dark passenger = Demon" thing is coming to you second hand from a friend of mine who read them several years ago.

And I agree that Harry != The Dark Passenger. I'm not sure the code keeps Dexter in check so much as channels him in a direction that real life Harry found acceptable (until he actually saw the full consequences of his handiwork, at least).

2011-12-19, 09:03 AM

What a tasty ending to the season... *cough*

Okay, yeah, there were things about the season I didn't like but this ending... Oh no... how will I last through the next months?!

2011-12-19, 09:24 AM

What a tasty ending to the season... *cough*

Okay, yeah, there were things about the season I didn't like but this ending... Oh no... how will I last through the next months?!

Full agreement here. This season has been - let's be diplomatic and say variable in quality - but they finally decided to give things a bit of a shakeup. Very interested to see what season 7 has in store.

2011-12-19, 12:41 PM

What a tasty ending to the season... *cough*

Okay, yeah, there were things about the season I didn't like but this ending... Oh no... how will I last through the next months?!


I was hoping that they would write out Quinn this season, but guess we'll have to see him next season. It was fun to have him as comic relief, but his womanizing playboy antics are getting old. Also, I have a feeling that the next season may be the last.

H. Zee
2011-12-19, 01:26 PM

I was hoping that they would write out Quinn this season, but guess we'll have to see him next season. It was fun to have him as comic relief, but his womanizing playboy antics are getting old. Also, I have a feeling that the next season may be the last.

Nope; the show's been renewed for Seasons 7 and 8.

Also, ugh. The whole Debra-being-in-love-with-Dexter thing is so totally ridiculous that it kills the entire season for me. Even the final twist can't redeem that.

2011-12-19, 02:27 PM
Nope; the show's been renewed for Seasons 7 and 8.

Also, ugh. The whole Debra-being-in-love-with-Dexter thing is so totally ridiculous that it kills the entire season for me. Even the final twist can't redeem that.

Agreed, other aspects of this season have been sloppy but tolerable. But deb/dexter is just really more than I can stomach. I hope it's quickly resolved and dropped next season.

2011-12-19, 02:56 PM
To be honest, I didn't like Quinn's derail... but mostly because he dragged Angel down with him. Heck, I can already see both of them in some crappy buddy cop comedy...

Deb/Dex... it was... really, really weird, and I have NO idea what purpose it will serve... It's just terribly off and I hope they will forget about that.

One of the things that really bugged me this season was Travis sudden changed after the Reveal... from scared 'I wanna be normal' guy to 'manipulative mastermind'. That was... off, too.

And I'm still curious about nerd boy, of course.

2011-12-19, 03:56 PM
Also, ugh. The whole Debra-being-in-love-with-Dexter thing is so totally ridiculous that it kills the entire season for me. Even the final twist can't redeem that.

Aye. First time it was mentioned, I laughed and was all "Hell no, that's ridiculous. Any minute, she'll tell that to the psychiatrist". Then came the dream and I was all "Huh. No, that's just wrong."
And how this episode?

2011-12-19, 06:39 PM
The very first episode of Dexter, when he said if he could have feelings for anyone it would be for Deb I called out right there, that down the line they'd make a crappy romance subplot between the two of them.

6 seasons down, and finally my pessimistic sense of annoying romances has come through completely. I'd feel happy if I wasn't so disappointed.

Overall, decent season. I think I would have preferred if they had kept the Jekyll and Hyde route to the end instead of Travis suddenly becoming a heartless criminal genius. But that might have come out cartoony if done wrong so I don't hold that too harshly against the writers.

I've never liked Quinn, so watching him become a chew-toy makes me chuckle.

I'm actually rather pleased with how religion is played, too often on that sticky subject the authorship is horrendously one-sided, but I thought Brother Sam and Travis gave a decent picture.

In the last episode the very ending was great, but all told I felt it was a bit weaker than most other season finales. But that might just be my utter annoyance at the Deb and Dexter's relationship. I don't think it was necessary, or really added anything except making Deb appear a weaker character (Hiding in your brothers room? Who does that?). Also, I'm also annoyed that Quinn's story arc effectively went nowhere. He should have been forced to leave, or something. As is, he was a bitter, drunk, pathetic excuse for a cop episode 3, and he still is one at the season finale. The entire climax of that arc is handled in a minute dialogue with Batista that he's staying.

2011-12-22, 01:22 AM
Well in the books the series was based on, the Dark Passenger turned out to be an actual supernatural demon. Probably for the best that they didn't go in that direction for the show.I haven't read the books either, but from what I understand the "identity" of the Dark Passenger changes from book to book to match each one's theme.

Well, I just saw the last episode.

Holy Mary mother of Christ God in Heaven yes. So much yes. Holy crap. Cannot wait for next season.

Also I thought the unreliable narrator thing was very clever.