View Full Version : Goblin Strategy Game (IC)

Grim ranger
2011-11-06, 09:20 AM
(Recruitment thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=221089)
OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12170085#post12170085)
The Rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=7669507&postcount=1))

Round 1 begins!

Snowember the 1st, Ash Plain battlefield

The exodus begins. Upon the destruction of their old master in the hands of human army, a whole tribe of goblins (or what remains of it) has quit the field of battle, deciding to take their opportunity and leave when it is still possible. The battle has mostly died down, the humans seeming content to set up a camp and stay there apart from occassional hunting parties leaving out to take care of any survivors. They can still see their campfires in the distance, and see occassional trail of torches as one of the hunting parties chases the remnants of some less fourtunate goblin tribe than their own.

Despite it's name, the Ash Plain is not barren wasteland: rather, it is quite normal plain, with clusters of trees here and there. The name of the place comes from the ash that the nearby volcano often covers the area with. Thankfully, the volcano has been silent as of late, though eruption is propably just a matter of time.

The loss of their old master has offered the goblins an opportunity to seek out and reclaim their ancient homeland. The trip to Gobberheim will not be easy, and Pyrhekk has warned the shamans of the tribe of the fact. Still, the deity has also given the goblins hope: a bright star stands out in the night sky, showing the tribe a way towards their lost land. Now they must brace themselves and begin the perilous journey, although there are still humans to consider in their immediate vicinity...


No game: The clashing of armies has scared most animals out of the plain, and as a result finding food is somewhat more difficult than normally. The results of all Hunting rolls are halved, rounding up.


Run and Hide: The battle might be over, but the goblins are still hunted by the human hunting parties across the Ash Plain, and your families are still at risk. At the end of the turn, there is 1 in 6 chance that human hunting party notices them and will try to engage. This can be avoided by keeping the fire small, but this trick will only work on small fires. Large fires cannot be kept small enough to prevent them from being detected.

If the goblins draw attention of a hunting party, the families staying by the detected fire will have to fight against them. Fighting stats:

Human hunting party: 1d6+3

Other families may assist the families who are drawn into combat as normal, but if they do there is no retreat: it will be death or glory!...or what passes for glory for a gobbo anyhow.


Loot: The battle between the armies of humans and your old master has left scores of corpses laying around, at times entire camps having been butchered as the battle had raged back and forth. Any goblin family can attempt to find loot by rolling 2d6 and consulting the table below to see what they find. Goblin family can only attempt to find loot one time: they are in a rush, after all!

2: nothing
3: 1 wood
4-5: 1 food
6: 1 crafting reserve unit
7-8: 2 wood
9: 2 food
10: 2 crafting reserve units
11: axe, bow or spear (pick one)
12: a mysterious book (if one family finds this, it cannot be found by others. After first roll of 12, the 12th slot changes to 2 wood + 1 food)

2011-11-06, 10:36 AM
Bloody Hands

The Bloody hands scour the battlefield, collecting a few odds and ends useful for making trinkets before proceeding to forage for the food that the tribe would need to begin their journey.

Shick the Fat lets it be known that he will trade enough food to survive the week in exchange for a spot at someone's fire. He also announces to the world that he is not afraid of these puny human looters.

Hunting roll: [roll0]/2 =3
Resources: 3 food, 2 crafts

Kuma Da|Hearthdogs|Hunter|0|0|0|nil|?
canjowolf|Bloody Hands|Hunter|0|0|0|nil|?
Mr. Anon Omys|RicketyDeathTrappers|Crafter|0|0|0|nil|?
Erik Vale|Painted Sneaks|Hunter|0|0|0|nil|?
SheepInDisguise|The Goblins in the Forest|Woodcutter|0|0|0|nil|?

Out of date. Someone else has taken over table management

2011-11-06, 10:47 AM

The Gibbertongues, their heads covered in sacks so da 'Umans canna see 'r 'ear us scamper too and fro, picking up anything they happen to trip over on their way to safety.

"Shhhh! "Itch loudly berates any of his family who make a noise, "Dey 'ear yous talk!"

Scavenging [roll0]

2011-11-06, 11:16 AM

Shrig looks out over the battlefeild and surrveys his losses. A large portion of his family is dead or mortaly wounded. 10 left. "10 LEFT! I'll kill tose icky humans. I'll killem good!

His shaman Amake trys to calm him down. "Focus! We need to keep the survivors alive. Lead them off this killing ground and find them a new home.

Shrig calms down slightly"Quickly. lets harvest some wood and start a fire.

Woodcuting: [roll0]

2011-11-06, 11:19 AM


"good idea"

loot roll - [roll0]

crafting roll - [roll1]+1

Firewroght runs to the others, looking up to all of them and squeaks, "Will this be of use to anyone?"

Firewroghts are offering to build and lend an awesome axe to another group for this turn, and help defend them against any humans who come, in exchange for two units of any type.

2011-11-06, 11:25 AM
While the rest of his family starts a small bonfire Krath goes over to the Bloody Hands and asks if they would like a place at the fire. We have a small fire that is rather concelled. We will give you a place there in exchange for a weeks worth of fud. He leaves it at that and walks back to the camp.

Shrig says to Krath when he gets back. While the rest of us warm up, go out ad find something useful

Scavengeing [roll0]

2011-11-06, 12:01 PM
A ferocious shout of the Harefoot battle cry rises up, multiple "Run away!"s echoing across the land as the Harefoots latest hunting expedition returned, their prey, a large cat, lagging behind them, out of breath and bleeding from an arrow in the gut.

Hunting: [roll0]
+1 Bow +1 Hunters
Divided by 2.
4 Food.

The Harefoots will pool their food with the clan in exchange for a place at a campfire. Proper little communists, we are.oh hey look capitalism ftw

2011-11-06, 01:31 PM
Running scared was something the Slimewipers were used to doing, but it was mostly from fellow goblins, not humans.

Voldrug gathered up a dozen-plus of his outcasts and set them to their specialty: grabbing whatever was left over from the best. A sneaky trio set off to scavenge, while the others pretended to work hard chopping trees.

Voldrug overheard the offer from the Firewroghts. "You got yourself deal, man. We make fire with wood, use your axe."

[roll1] +1 perk, +2 axe = 7 wood

Scavenge 1 food, gather 7 wood.

Give 2 wood to Firewroghts, make large bonfire with 4 wood.

Kuma Da
2011-11-06, 04:56 PM

Hunting: ([roll0]+1)/2 (3)

Looting: [roll1] (nothing)

2011-11-06, 06:26 PM
Shick the fat scratches his large belly before waddling over to the Hardrider's fire, ordering his young hunters to turn over a portion of food to the fighter clan while he cozies up next to the fire saying "OK. Food for fire. That's a good trade".

2011-11-06, 07:18 PM
Itch, seeing order forming out of the chaos of the retreat as the goblin tribe attempts to reform itself as families scramble for food and protection, orders his family to bring down any animal they can find for barter.

Hunting [roll0] /2 = 2 Food

Even with their heads covered in thick burlap, the Gibbertongues expertly flush out a fair amount of small game, which they return with to the inviting fire of the Slimewipers.

Itch immediately orders sentries posted.

Mr. Anon Omys
2011-11-06, 09:19 PM
Craft roll: [roll0]

As the RicketyDeathTrappers flee and hide from the humans, they take what they can of their schoolhouse, mostly a few old pikes and a chalkboard. Headmaster Gmfrlsdrtnd the Unpronouncable, leaving his students to hide and take inventory of their supplies, sets out to make alliances with the other families.

"In exchange for a spot by your fire, I and my students would be glad to share in the knowing of our engineering expertness. Or, failing that, we could at least engineer a better fire device. Maybe a flamethrower, or fire proof suit. I will have to think more about this..."

2011-11-07, 07:51 AM


After having scurried all over the battlefield looking for scraps, the Wolfkillers march toward the Slimewipers' fire. The Wolfkillers' ugly and brutish leader, Xaros, steps forward in a very uncharacteristic silent matter. "You's there. You have a good fire, we got big muscles. We trade good fire for good security? We will also hunt, and maybe find food to trade."

2011-11-07, 08:03 AM
Looting and resource rolls:
Loot:[roll0] = 1 food
Hunting: [roll1] / 2 = 3 food

The Bushwranglers come hooting and hollaring out of a treeline, tearing up the brush in their way and getting more twigs and leaves in their hair and clothes than they already have. They seem to be carrying a great deal of food with them, including some squirrels and birds and a honey badger, as well as a large sack they stole from a larder before the overlord fell. These rabble rousers quieted down a bit as they approached the Slimewipers' fire.

Stout Roast steps forward, undoubtedly the squatest Bushwrangler with the most burns and branches. "We Bushwranglas offas some food to sit by yu's fun fire. We help yu's fight da hummies and will get more wood in future if yu's needin it."

2011-11-07, 08:19 AM
Voldrug is continually surprised by the niceness displayed by other goblins when the going gets tough. Perhaps this journey will not be so difficult after all.

When the Wolfkillers and RDT approach, he looks around his fire, seeing only one available spot. The former offering essentially the same as the Gibbertongues--maybe a bit of food as a sweetening. The latter--hard to say. Maybe something to be had.

Cautiously, Voldrug opens up to the RicketyDeathTrappers first. "Firewroghts offer big axe on loan, help make big fire. You make big axe next night for us keep, you can stay too." His tone makes it clear he's expecting an outright no, or at least a stern counteroffer.

To the Wolfkillers he points out Itch's sentries and Angawai's hunters. "Gibbertongue muscles already here. No want offend them. Hearthdogs offer food for now." He pauses and gestures to the crazy crafters. "If they no deal, you can sit at fire for one food today, one food tomorrow."

Kuma Da
2011-11-07, 09:45 AM

Angawai walks like a stalking cat, all sinew and pride. His clan is gathered in a mottled ring around him, the firelight dappling their bodies with strange, shifting patterns. "We are the running warriors. The barking dogs. We are the voices of spirits long-silenced, and we walk with the footsteps of our ancestors." His voice is mesmeric, catching for a moment on unexpected syllables, and his eyes are as wide as wells, drinking in the glow of the campfire.

"Tonight is not the death of our old life. It is Hin'twi crawling from the knot in the log. It is the birth of possibility." There is no sound from the assembled goblins. They just sway silently in the flickering dark.

If this makes the other families at the Slimewipers' fire uncomfortable, the Hearthdogs don't seem to notice.

2011-11-07, 05:43 PM
Falon Draketooth gathered the last of his family to him. He sighed. So many lost. The battle had been hard and long. But his family survived. Enough to start again. That was something to thank the Scaled Ancestors for. "Brothers, sisters. This battle has drained us considerably. Many Draketooth have died this day. But we can waste no time. The humans still ride, and we must flee as soon as possible. Last night, I recieved a dream from the great Ancestors. They showed us taking a long journey. Where we go, I know not. But the Scaled Ones have not sent us wrong yet. So, gather up our dead. We will give them a proper burial. Then, see what prey you can find, and what we can earn from the dead soldier. We must prepare." As his family scurried about their tasks, Falon sighed, and turned his gaze to the fires already being built.....

Loot Roll- [roll0]

Hunting Roll-[roll1]/2=4

One of Falon's brothers returned to the hill where he stood. Falon took the book from his brother's outstretched hands. "A book? Odd. Not many soldiers have time for reading on the battlefield." Falon secreted the book away in the folds of his robes, resolving to study it at greater length, when they were safer. He watched as his brothers and sisters brought down a mighty boar, and scavenged field provisions from a deserted human camp. A fair amount of food, considering that the battle had sent most prey away. With the food gathered, Falon directed his tribe to the fires of the other families of the tribe. "Goblin kin. We have found food this night. If any would share their fire with us, we can offer sustenance, as well as tales of the old days, and visions from the Scaled Ones."

2011-11-07, 08:07 PM
Quickly Krath. I don't want anyone left out in the cold. Go and ask for a few woodcutters to put a few more trees and then throw it on the pile.

OOC: If you can donate 2 wood I will upgrade my fire to large. Only one family may do this. After that I would like food of Craft.

2011-11-07, 10:27 PM
"Looks like you need wood more than protection."

Woodcutting: [roll0]

The Wolfkillers donate two units of fire to the Slimewipers' fire.

2011-11-07, 11:14 PM
Shrig would like to say that his name is HardRider not Slimewiper. The Slimewiper fire needs no more wood. But the HardRider fire would gladly take more wood. That way we could have more families.

2011-11-08, 03:36 PM
"Xaros is not a smart Goblin."

The Wolfkillers take their woods from the Slimewipers' fire, and put it in the HardRiders' instead.

Woops. :smallbiggrin:

Erik Vale
2011-11-08, 04:18 PM
Dice Rolls

Loot: [roll0]
Wood: [roll1]

Painted Sneaks Tribe

It was a couple of days before the Sneaks had finnished moving. They had decided to wait before starting their fire, and it was cold. Fortuneatly, they had managed to get enough wood for a small fire, from previous stores and ruined huts, but they hadn't enough food. Just before they decided to light it up, the painted sneaks sent runners to other tribes yet to start fires, normally because they didn't have the fire. And this was their message, normally sent by one of the weediest or stupidest members.

"The Painted Sneaks Clan has wood for fire. We are willing to share a small fire with whoever pays most. If there are multiple willing and one has wood, we build big fire, but we must be cautious. Only accepting food small fire, Big fire, as long as one provide food, we accept craft stuffs and more wood to, even tools."

Howler Dagger
2011-11-08, 06:10 PM
Gora looked upon the remnants of the tribe, and sighed.

Scour the battlefield, brethren. Then, chop down some wood and build a small fire.

Gora's brother, Bora, comes up to him: Brother, we have plentiful wood, and found a small bit of food. It should be enough to survive for now, but we should ask another family for help. It is wise to forge alliances early.

Gora looks around after the small fire is completed, and notices Falon Draketooth.

Fellow Goblin, do you have food you could share with us? We have a fire you may share. It is cold and surely we must work together to survive.

Woodcutting: [roll0]
Looting: [roll1]

2011-11-08, 07:47 PM
Falon smiled at the Goblin in the Forest. "Of course, friend in the Forest. We would be happy to share our food with your family." Falon motioned to his family. The boar was brought over to the Goblins in the Forest's fire, and his brothers began cooking.
One Food suitable to you, Sheep?

2011-11-08, 10:58 PM
Shrig looks over at the cold families "Quickly Krath, go and offer a spot at our fire."

Krath responds with "Fine, but anything else that you need a messanger for goes directly to Drifle." and waddles off torward the huddled families.

"But he can't... wait I'm your FarPa. I lead this family!I can tell you to do anything I want!"

I will take any families without a fire. I'm sure that we can get some food pulled out.

2011-11-09, 04:53 PM
The Harefoots sidle up to the Hardriders, and, through the medium of interpretive dance, offered them a unit of food and an offer to help with defense in return for a place at the fire.

Give 1 food to Hardriders
Trade 1 food for 1 wood with Firewroghts

2011-11-09, 08:30 PM
"Shrig not good at danceing but me can tell you that me will take it. Some of our brothers were not wise. They did not ask for food."

Give one food to each of the RDT and Painted Sneaks and bring The Bushwranglers to my fire. Everyone has one food and a fire.
No one will die this first week on my watch.

Grim ranger
2011-11-10, 11:28 AM
End of Round 1

The goblins, despite the food shortage imposed on them by the lack of wildlife, manage to gather enough resources thanks to looting and hunting to survive. Soon, the fires of the tribe are set up, and the goblins keep wary eye on the torches of search parties of humans as they gather around the fires to warm themselves.

[roll0] (Slimewiper fire)
[roll1] (Hardrider fire)

Thankfully, not even the larger fires are detected by the human hunting parties, and the families manage to move on from the Ash Plain without incident. Their journey is just beginning, but it seems that they can survive the trials ahead of them with teamwork and some luck. Encouraged, the goblins move on towards the forest starting at the edge of the Plain.


The tome found by Draketooths turns out to be one of the few books written by gobbo-kind, the one and only text of fabled goblin engineer Snikkit Snarefinger. The book was looted from one of your rival tribes by some human or the other as they advanced but apparently left in the field when it's previous owner met untimely end via arrow to the eye. Sadly, it seems that the book has been damaged, parts of text unrecognizable and thus making it somewhat difficult to read, even to those few gobbos who can read. However, it may have some use for you yet...


From now on, whichever goblin family is in possession of Manual of Engineering has additional option available to them in form of Research Action. The family possessing the book may, instead of their normal Resource action, try to decipher the secrets held within. When the goblin family decides to use Research Action, they roll 1d6 with no bonuses. if the result is 5 or greater, the book yeilds them one chapter worth of information, enough for one new invention (declared by the GM) to become available for building. Bonuses to this roll may be declared by GM based on special circumstances.

If the goblin family succeeds in researching new invention, it is for them to distribute as they please: no other family can build the invention without them sharing the details about it, and thus inventions can become very good bargaining chip between families. Bear in mind, however, that once you have given or sold the knowledge about an invention to other families, there is nothing stopping them from spreading it themselves.

Situation after each family consumes a food unit:

Player: Kuma Da
Special: Hunter

Food: 0
Wood: 0
Craft: 0
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 1
Woodcutting experience: 0
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Slimewiper Large Fire

Player: Shadowleaf
Special: Fighter

Food: 0
Wood: 2
Craft: 0
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 0
Woodcutting experience: 1
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Hardrider Large Fire

Bloody Hands
Player: canjowolf
Special: Hunter

Food: 1
Wood: 0
Craft: 2
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 1
Woodcutting experience: 0
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Hardrider Large Fire

Player: Mordae
Special: Woodcutter

Food: 0
Wood: 1
Craft: 0
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 0
Woodcutting experience: 1
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Slimewipers Large Fire

Player: Mr. Anon Omys
Special: Crafter

Food: 0
Wood: 2
Craft: 3
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 0
Woodcutting experience: 0
Crafting experience: 1
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Slimewipers Large Fire

Player: Etcetera
Special: Hunter

Food: 1
Wood: 1
Craft: 0
Gear: Bow

Hunting experience: 1
Woodcutting experience: 0
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Hardrider Large Fire

Painted Sneaks
Player: Erik Vale
Special: Hunter

Food: 0
Wood: 2
Craft: 0
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 0
Woodcutting experience: 1
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Painted Sneaks Small Fire

The Goblins in the Forest
Player: SheepInDisguise
Special: Woodcutter

Food: 1
Wood: 8
Craft: 0
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 0
Woodcutting experience: 1
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: The Goblins in the Forest Small Fire

Player: THEChanger
Special: Hunter

Food: 2
Wood: 0
Craft: 0
Gear: Manual of Engineering

Hunting experience: 1
Woodcutting experience: 0
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: The Goblins In The Forest Small Fire

Player: jvluso
Special: Crafter

Food: 0
Wood: 1
Craft: 0
Gear: Awesome Axe

Hunting experience: 0
Woodcutting experience: 0
Crafting experience: 1
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Slimewiper Large Fire

Player: Clarkson
Special: Fighter

Food: 1
Wood: 1
Craft: 0
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 0
Woodcutting experience: 1
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Hardriders Large Fire

Player: Makleveh
Special: Fighter

Food: 1
Wood: 0
Craft: 1
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 1
Woodcutting experience: 0
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Slimewiper Large Fire

The Bushwranglers
Player: Croverus
Special: Woodcutter

Food: 3
Wood: 0
Craft: 0
Gear: None

Hunting experience: 1
Woodcutting experience: 0
Crafting experience: 0
Fighting experience: 0

Current fire: Hardrider Large Fire

2011-11-10, 11:43 AM
The Slimewipers carefully extinguish their fire at the end of the night, with the goal of leaving no traces for the disgusting humans to track. Voldrug oversees the effort with his usual aloof disinterest, then pays a visit to the headmaster of the RicketyDeathTrappers. "You make big axe for us this day? We cut much wood, share with you for fire tonight."

2011-11-10, 11:49 AM
Stout Roast chuckles as he picks some meat from his teeth with a wishbone. He looks at the other Bushwranglers, who have stored the res tof their food in sacks of cloth.

"Da Bushwranglers had fun huntin! Wes gettin woods today. Wes can give some foods to da gobbos dat help da Bushwranglers. Da Bushwranglers likes makin friends."

Grim ranger
2011-11-10, 12:42 PM
Round 2 begins!

(Music of the area (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRljx9mtLS8&feature=related))

Snowember the 8th, Darkleaf Forest

Having made their way away from the field of battle and successfully evaded the humans, the goblin families arrive to Darkleaf Forest, the border between the realm of humans and that of their now deceased master. None of the families have visited the place before, but they all know the tales that were passed from tribe to tribe concerning this particular forest. It is said that the goblins venturing into the forest on their own are never seen again, and that even larger groups have been forced out on occassion, the terrified survivors speaking of monstrous spiders that trap their victims with webs and subject them to horrifying death while they hang about helpless. Said tales are not exactly inspiring confidence amongst the goblins, but they know that they have to press on nevertheless.

As the families enter the forest, they immediately feel more threatened by the permanent gloom underneath the branches of massive trees. It truly is dark there, and at times it can be somewhat difficult for the goblins to see where they are going. It is at that point that they begin to notice the quiet rustling in the branches above, and feel the stare of multitude of unblinking eyes directed at their backs...


Lush: the Darkleaf Forest is full of animals, and trees fit to be worked to timber are all around, ready to be felled by goblin hands. All Hunting and Woodcutting rolls gain additional +1

Dark: The forest is very dark place, and as a result fires offer less line of sight than before, and thus less protection... And to combat this, the goblins need to feed the flames all that much more. All fires require 1 additional wood this turn.


Spiders!: The Darkleaf Forest is home to fearsome giant spiders, and they will take whatever opportunity they can to feast on goblin flesh now that they again dare to walk in the forest. They are patient and cunning hunters, however, and prefer to lay in wait until opportune moment presents itself instead of attacking head-on. Unluckily for the goblins, they are on the home field of the archanid horrors, and thus the spiders have spun surprises to wait for the approaching families.

At the end of the turn, each goblin family must roll 1d6. On roll of 1, the goblins are caught in spiderwebs and helpless as the giant spiders drag them up to the shady branches to be devoured. This can be prevented in following ways:

1) If a family is caught in spiderweb, any number of other families who have made their roll to evade the webs successfully may decide to assist them and fight off the spiders before they can devour the trapped family. Fighting stats:

Giant Spider: 1d6+2
Giant Spider: 1d6+2
Giant Spider: 1d6+2
Giant Spider: 1d6+2
Giant Spider: 1d6+2
Giant Spider Matriarch: 1d8+2

The spiders will automatically split up equally to fight away the attacking families (ie. if the families attack as two groups to drive the spiders off, three spiders with fight against each group) and can support each other as normal. If the goblin families attack as one group, the Giant Spider Matriarch automatically leads the others in fight.

If the spiders are defeated in this manner, the other families are safe to travel through the forest for the rest of the round.

2) The goblin family may use 1 wood and 1 crafting unit to make torches, thus providing them with light to illuminate their way and show the webs before hapless family members can walk into them by accident. The torches last for one round.

3) The goblin family can distract the spiders by leaving offering of food (minium of 1 food unit) to them, thus safe as they are distracted. The exact amount of food is secret: it all comes down to lucky guess whenever or not your food offering will distract the spiders for long enough to avoid trouble. If the offering is not large enough, the goblin family will be attacked by one Giant Spider, but can be helped by other families as normal and will not be in danger for the rest of the round.


Spiderweb Salesmen: the web of the giant spiders is very durable and beautiful material, and some of the greatest goblin tribes of old had much success by harvesting and trading this rare export to other races. Any goblin family can attempt to harvest the webs of giant spiders at the start of their turn before the resource action is taken by rolling 1d6 and consulting the table below:

1: One or more of the goblins become struck in the web, and the rest of the family have to cut them loose while keeping watch in case of spiders. The goblin family halves the result of it's resource action this turn rounding down due to time expenditure.
2: 1 unit of Giant Spider Web
3-4: 2 units of Giant Spider Web
5: 3 units of Giant Spider Web
6: The family happens upon a giant spider, but it is much too small to pose a threat to you yet and still able to be trained by the goblins. The family gains a Giant Spider Hatchling (see below)


Mimicked from human hunting parties, the goblins have learned to keep small sources of fire at hand in case dark places need to be explored, or something needs to be set on fire. The effects of the torches vary depending on what they are used for, but they provide advantage of negating the darkness effect on goblin family in every round they are used in.

Cost: 1 wood unit + 1 crafting reserve unit


Produced by Giant Spiders of Darkleaf Forest, this substance is strong and beautiful, albeit bit sticky. The goblins have no came up with any use for it thus far, but there is surely something it is necessary for... And it should be useful in trade at the very least.


Caught by goblins from Darkleaf Forest, these hatchlings are useful pets for the families, even if they require some upkeep. They can be utilized to create steady supply of spiderweb, and are also rumoured to be useful in a fight, their venomous bite not much less potent that that of the larger spiders.

Effects: Produces 1 unit of Giant Spider Web per round. Adds +1 to family's combat value.
Cost: 1 food unit per round

2011-11-10, 12:59 PM
"Ah, da Darkle' For't! Ma gran gran gran gran gran gran gran pappy an 'is pappy and 'is gran pappy wert'a firs o'da Gobblins ta 'splore it. 'Course, dey were eatin' by spiders un never come back." Itch strikes a heroic pose on a rock and points at several members of his family. "Yous un yous un yous and yous. Take sticks un go 'splorin'. Un bring back ta treasures a da for't!"

Rollin' for web! [roll0]

2011-11-10, 01:20 PM
Stout Roast chuckles at Itch's story. "Well, me hopes da Bushwranglers and da Gibbertongues not be gettin cuaght in webs, yea?" He picks out a few of his quicker members to go gather some webs as well.

Web Collection: [roll0]

2011-11-10, 01:39 PM
"Anyone want an Axe? Still lending it for wood!"



"Good Point. We should either all make torches, or none of us should make torches. If half of us make torches and half of us don't, we'll still have to face all six spiders, and those who made the torches will have still spent the wood"

spiderweb salesman - [roll0]
crafting resource - [roll1]+1

2011-11-10, 01:44 PM
Voldrug grins. "That good axe. I cut much wood for fire, you get spot and 2 wood like last night?"

2011-11-10, 01:50 PM


2011-11-10, 01:56 PM
Stout Roast chuckles with glee as his scouts return with a spider hatchling. He rubs under its mandibles and it chitters happily as he lets it nibble on some food. "Bushwranglers has pet spider now! Ha! Wes gonna go hunts. We give 2 food for place at fires. And yous can pet Skitter."

2011-11-10, 02:18 PM
Voldrug accepts the axe with glee and turns to Stout Roast. "We have fire ready for you when you return. Keep spider from get burned, you."

[roll0] +1 perk +1 lush +2 AwAxe

EDIT: The forest is mine! MINE!

6 wood to me, 2 wood to Firewroghts.

2011-11-10, 03:33 PM
After the scouts return, bearing two bulging sacks of sticky webs, Itch scratches his head and ponders the situation.

"Needs wood!"

Woodcutting [roll0] +1 =7 Wood!

Itch will then order an enormous bonfire built to scare off the darkness, and will allow other families to stay the night for either 1 food or 1 CR.

After building a L fire- 2 Web, 4 Wood, 1 CR, 1 Food

Kuma Da
2011-11-10, 05:24 PM

Spiderweb merchant: [roll0]

Hunting: [roll1]+2

Erik Vale
2011-11-10, 05:43 PM
The Painted Sneaks

The Sneaks had been unlucky in their hunts, saved by their skill and the terrain, and a surprise. Not used to chasing prey the sneaks almost lost their food, but luckilly it had run into a spider web, which they had wraped around some wood.

Upon hearing of the Gibbertongues's fire, they aproached to trade, safety and fire for food.

Kuma Da
2011-11-10, 06:10 PM

Duwai, the ghost, is flicking bones into the web. Thin, greasy sticks, stripped from the roasted carcass of a slow ground bird, they hit the spidersilk and quiver there, passing vibrations up through strands and into the canopy beyond. Duwai hopes the spiders will come to investigate. He wants to see what they're like. How they behave. He wonders if it would be thrilling to find a small creature and stick it to the silk. Their mechanism for hunting must be fascinating.

The rest of the clan stays quietly clear of Duwai. Not many living, breathing goblins have earned the title of ghost.

2011-11-10, 08:21 PM
Like many other goblin families the Bloody Hands set about the task of plundering the forest for it's riches while Shick looked for a nice cozy fire to join.

Some time later a young hunter named Fez came riding in on the back of a young spiderling, recently looted from it's arboreal nest. It was a good thing that momma spiders didn't care for their young (or did they?).

Plunder the Woods: [roll0]
Hunting: [roll1]

I'm willing to trade up to two units of food for crafts on a 1-1 basis. While I am looking for an awesome bow, with my pet spider I feel that a spear would come in handy as well. I'm also willing to trade a unit of food for a spot at a fire and the protection of tribe and spiderling.

2011-11-10, 08:34 PM

Falon studied the Dark Forest intently. "Beware, siblings. I know of these woods. Spiders live within. Their bite is dangerous. Keep as far from their webs as you can. The Goblins of the Forest have been kind to us. Let us bring them much food for the fire this night." His family members nod, and spread out throughout the forest, searching for supplies. Falon, using the small amount of light provided in the forest, begins considering the book. Written by Snikkit Snarefinger. Apparently a book of invention and engineering. Much could be learned from such a book. Much the other families would covet. It would be better to hide it for now, until he could plumb its secrets further.

Hunting. [roll0]+1=8

Spider Web collecting. 2

2011-11-10, 08:44 PM
Shrig sits down and says Go and find some things use ful for crafting. I don't care what. Now can someone help me up?

Krath looks out and picks up some sticks. He trys to wrench a few up but finds them held down by a sticky substance. He takes out his knife and cuts it.

Dice Roles

spiderweb salesman [roll1]

2011-11-11, 10:25 PM
Lizardmaster Falon Draketooth weaved his way in and out of the trees. He had finally decided what he wanted to do with the Book. His family, while they would benefit from it, couldn't use it to its full potential. But he knew of one who could.
"Headmaster." From within the shadows of the trees, Falon addressed the leader of the RicketyDeathTraps. "I would speak with you a moment."

2011-11-11, 11:43 PM
The Bushwranglers take Skitter into the trees to hunt, finding many creatures that they can use for game. they bring back what they can and regardless of their success, returns to Voldrun and hands him 2 units of food as promised.

Hunting Roll:[roll0]

2011-11-14, 12:16 PM
"How many spears can we make? If enough, fighty-family should carry spears and wee spiders to nest with torch, and all families dat make it dere without torch help kill all big spiders." Firewrought squeaks, "We can make one spear, or help make a big spear."

2011-11-16, 10:32 PM
Krath walks away from the fire.
He picks up a stick and then rips off the bottom half of his tunic and wraps it around the stick. At this point he starts swinging it around. Amake walks up up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. Gahh! He throws his club into the fire. He goes over and picks it up. Ah ha... I knew that would happen.

Amake responds with What?

Krath I made a... a... a... umHe goes over to the Gibbertongues and asks What's this thing? Wait I've got it. I'll call it a torch!

Grim ranger
2011-11-23, 12:16 PM
End of Round 2

Having avoided the webs of the spiders, the goblin families hatch a cunning plan to defeat the spiders for once and for all. Leaving small piles of food on the ground as baits, the Hearthdogs and Harefoots lead the families in ambushing pair of giant spiders as they land to the ground from the branches above, drawn by the food offering.

As the spiders move where expected, the goblins spring their ambush, attacking the pair of monstrous things with spears and fire, the massive wave of gobbos practically drowning the two struggling beasts as they stab and shoot.

Harefoots, Bloodyhands, slimewipers, gibbertongues, hardriders & bushwranglers VS. Giant Spider: [roll0] vs. [roll1]

Hearthdogs, Painted Sneaks, Ricketydeathtrappers, Firewroughts, The Goblins In The Forest, Wolfkillers & Draketooths VS. Giant spider: [roll2] vs. [roll3]

(2 autowins for gobbos, whoo!)

The spiders fall quickly in face of superior numbers, and the goblins press on their attack, climbing into the trees and attacking the remaining spiders in their very lair, a giant spider's nest woven between branches of multible massive trees. As the mob attacks, a truly monstrous spider emerges from hiding, being joined by three of it's smaller but still very much dangerous progeny. The Giant Spider Matriarch clicks it's mandibles dangerously, leading the remaining beasts straight against the waiting spears of the goblins. The battle in the branches is joined!

All goblin families VS. Giant Spider Matriarch & 3 Giant Spiders: [roll4] vs. [roll5]

(Another automatic victory! Ah, the benefits of proper planning, eh? :smallcool:)

With effort and co-operation, the goblins are quickly able to gain the upper hand in the battle, slaying the Giant Spiders with relative ease via volleys of arrows. The Matriarch fights bitterly, wounding several family members until several leading goblins of their respective families injure the beast's legs and stab it repeatedly into each and every eye with their spears. Afterwards, the families begin to let out loud whoops, spears and bows being shaken in the air. The ancient enemy of the goblin race is finally vanquished!

Victory is yours! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3suGfhnT2Sg)



Having slain the spiders, the goblins are free to ransack the now empty nests, the tribe gaining access to the treasures within. The spider nest contains the following:

3 units of Gold
4 units of Giant Spider Web
3 unit of Wood
1 Giant Spider Hatchling

These are divided between the families as they see fit.


Used as currency pretty much all over the known world, Gold is something goblin-kind does not lay it's fingers on often. Your old master had hoard full of the stuff, as far as you recall, and he used it to buy things from far-away nations. It is also excellent material to use for decorating weapons and making ritual items, but the goblin families lack the skill to work Gold properly themselves.

Grim ranger
2011-11-23, 01:23 PM
Round 3 begins!

Snowember the 15th, Stoneshore River

(Music of the area (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y96Y2JE5F8&feature=related))

Leaving the gloom of Darkleaf Forest behind, the goblin families move beyond the treeline, having all made it through the trecherous labyrinth woven by Giant Spiders in one piece. The falling star their deity remains in the sky, showing the goblins way towards their ancient home, and the families eagerly follow it, moving into the next part of their long journey.

Soon, they reach the banks of Stoneshore River. The rapid torrents roar as the water spirals down along the path cut into the very rock of cliff itself, having obviously had plenty of time to run and carve such impressive route for itself. Those close to the steep riverbanks can even feel small part of the sprays as the water splashes against the rocks on it's way along. It is obvious that the river torrents are too strong for goblins to swim across: anyone trying would very likely drown in seconds, as well as freeze up in the cold water. Therefore, they will need alternative way to get across.

Even as the families ponder the means to get across, they can feel the urgency in the back of their minds. Gobberheim awaits, and it would be stupid of them to stall. Who knows which way humans will march next? Best to just keep moving, towards their ancestral land.


River: Hunting for food is much easier when there are multible ways to do it effectively, and now another way has opened up for goblins in form of large fish called Lionfish that are using Stoneshore River to migrate to new waters. Any family with Fighter special can use it instead of Hunting special to gather food this turn. Spear and Awesome Spears also add their bonus in similiarly to Bows and Awesome Bows when hunting from the river.

Rocky: The terrain around Stoneshore river is almost uniformly cliffside and gravel, and there is little wood to be found nearby. The results of all Woodcutting rolls are halved, rounding down.


Down the Rapids: Stoneshore River is fast and dangerous waterway, and as a result it poses significant challenge to the goblins, for they must get across in order to continue their journey. The river blocks travel to the next destination completely unless the goblin families manage to design a safe way to defeat the danger it poses.

There are several ways to get across the river, explained below.

1) Family can build a raft with 1 wood to get across. Thanks to the trecherous nature of the currents, however, they brave a significant risk. When using the raft to get across, the family rolls 1d6. On roll of 1, the raft is smashed against the rocks and sinks, taking the family using it down to watery grave. This can be prevented by making the raft sturdy: however, reinforcing the raft costs 1 crafting reserve unit.

2) Families can join together to build a temporary bridge across the river. Upon success, the bridge will grant all goblin families passage across the river. Building a bridge costs 10 units of Wood, 6 crafting reserve units and minium of 3 families have to spend their Resource action building the bridge. However, this also brings risks, since families are vulnerable to currents when building. Each building family must roll 1d6: on roll of 1, the family building the bridge falls into the river, gets crushed by falling bridge materials or meets other similiarly hideous end. These rolls can be avoided by raising the number of working families to 5.

3) Improwise! Goblins are ingenious creatures, possessing high degree of cunning (even if intelligence can often be their weak point). Players can suggest courses of action to GM, and GM determines whenever or not they are possible and what their costs are. Be creative if choosing this one!



2011-11-23, 10:08 PM
Stout Roast kicks a pebble down intot he river than looks around for a decent clump of trees to gather from. "So, wesa buildin a ways across den. Need someones to be gettin firewood. Bushwranglers will be doin dat. Hey Firewrought, lets me be usin yur axe okays?" Stout Roast grins, holding out his hand hopefuly so his family can go get wood today to make a pretty fire.

2011-11-24, 11:43 AM
Shrig snatches up the Giant spider Hatchling and runs out scretching Yay I've always wanted one of these!

But when he sees Xaros eyeing the Hatchling he walks over and states: I see that you would like this too. Who do you think the tribe would be better off with having this spider. I would bring the remainder of my family to build a bridge. I would also donate all my wood, and the webs. I would also give the webs that the spider produces to the tribe.

2011-11-26, 02:45 PM
"Bushwranglers, here, use our axe."


making cru:

2011-11-26, 03:13 PM
Xaros glares at Shrig. "HA! It's Wolfkillers', and that's that! I'll turn my wood into a bridge, plus give the webs we so do need. And I do believe my tribe has a lot more than your puny tribe."