View Full Version : My Little OOTS

2011-11-06, 05:55 PM
Okay. So. I'm an unashamed fan of Order of the Stick, and I'm a very much ashamed fan of My Little Pony. Some of you must share these loves AND I KNOW YOU DO BECAUSE I'VE SEEN YOUR AVATARS, so I got to thinking, and for some reason I had something of a lapse in judgement and decided to post a threat about it.

Elements of Harmony. Order of the Stick characters. Let's do this.

I'm sure I don't need to tell any of you out there what the Elements of Harmony are, but for the purposes of the thread I will. There's Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Generosity, Kindness and Magic.

The Order of the Stick characters, I actually AM sure I don't have to tell you, but again, here they are. Elan, Haley, Roy, Durkon, Vaarsuvius and Belkar.

So here's what I figured, spoiler'd for the sake of cleanliness:

Magic - Vaarsuvius: This one's a pretty obvious one. Vaarsuvius is magic, so is friendship, plus there's not really another one that s/he fits under.

Honesty - Durkon: We have seen, particularly in this latest story arc, that Durkon has a compulsion to be honest, no matter how much the situation calls for a lack of it.

Elan - Laughter: Elan is the life and soul of the party, is zany and kooky, and generally loves to laugh. This, again, is a pretty self-evident one, though he would kind of fit Loyalty's bill, too.

Roy - Loyalty?: Eeeh, this one is kind of a stretch, really. I wasn't too sure about it, but it sort of suits Roy. He is very responsible and does care for the people in his team, even if he doesn't show it, and I can hardly see him betraying them or leaving to go do something of his own, so yeah. Semi-logical.

Haley and Belkar: Well, there's only two elements left, and only two OOTS characters left, and oddly, they fit together... but only in that it's exactly the opposite of what they are. Generosity is not a very Haleyish quality, and Belkar is pretty much the antithesis of Kindness, so I suppose this is where the theory sort of falls down, but I suppose they could have some kind of ironic connection to them.

So, that's my pointless little thinking excercise that I thought I'd post on here for God only knows what reason. I guess, uh, tell me what you... think?

2011-11-06, 06:48 PM

I would actually call Elan Honesty, you see his foregoing bard tradition to be honest to Haley, and the way he complements her, who constantly lies until Haley and he are together. I know it knocks him out of being Laughter, which he definitely is, but I think he embodies Honesty just as much. Maybe the OoTS doesn't peg very easily.

2011-11-06, 06:51 PM
Yeah. Thing is, Elan has the qualities of a lot of them. He'd also work well for Kindness. Well, best out of all of them there, anyway.

sir brad
2011-11-06, 07:20 PM
Belkar for Laughter, he's out their enjoying life in his own sick twisted kind of way

Haley for Kindness, though not giving of Stuff she gives of Herself.

Elan for Generosity, he is such a Giver, Stuff, Himself what ever it takes if he thinks it will make the world a better place.

2011-11-06, 07:58 PM
Roy - Loyalty?: Eeeh, this one is kind of a stretch, really. I wasn't too sure about it, but it sort of suits Roy. He is very responsible and does care for the people in his team, even if he doesn't show it, and I can hardly see him betraying them or leaving to go do something of his own, so yeah. Semi-logical.

Yeah, he's very loyal. Like the time he abandoned Elan to hostile bandits. Or the time he betrayed the entire party to try and be with a woman who moments ago was viciously trying to kill him. That Roy, he is the paragon of loyalty.:smallwink:

2011-11-06, 08:13 PM
Yeah, he's very loyal. Like the time he abandoned Elan to hostile bandits. Or the time he betrayed the entire party to try and be with a woman who moments ago was viciously trying to kill him. That Roy, he is the paragon of loyalty.:smallwink:

Both of which came before his extreme character change, don't you think?

I think he's much better now.

2011-11-06, 08:45 PM
That's why I thought it was a stretch. But, in the end, he comes through for them, both times. Like I said, I was just toying with the idea, because I know he's not loyal 100% of the time, but he's probably the most loyal of them all, except for Elan, but that Harmony Hog has already got his element god dammit.

2011-11-06, 10:25 PM
I'd put it this way:

Honesty - Elan: Most of them would fit Elan, but in comparison to the others members of the order (aside from Durkon, I guess), he's pretty honest.
Loyalty - Durkon: C'mon, he has been the most loyal character to the party leader (Roy)
Laughter - Belkar: Not the kind of laughter for everybody. But I do think he's pretty funny (also, it's the only one that would fit him).
Generosity - Roy: Not about money here. But about trying to make a better world for everyone by destroying a lich.
Kindness - Haley
Magic - V: Pretty obvious

Hiro Protagonest
2011-11-06, 10:38 PM
Both of which came before his extreme character change, don't you think?

I think he's much better now.

Dr.Epic thinks that because Roy has 12-15 in two mental stats and 14-18 in the third, he should be infallible. :smallannoyed:

Lawful good GODS aren't infallible. That's right Thor, I'm looking at you and the fertility goddess.

Gift Jeraff
2011-11-06, 11:29 PM
Thor is Lawful? :smallconfused:

2011-11-07, 12:38 AM
Farthest he can be is Neutral, which I think fits him better. I think he's Neutral Good.

And since when had Epic thought that? :smallconfused: (Did I trigger a bomb...?

2011-11-07, 02:56 PM
I think we're pretty clear on Thor not being anywhere close to lawful. Have you seen how that guy throws lightning bolts? Yeah.

Anyway, onward with this topic.

easy ones:
Laughter: Belkar. Easiest one as it's really the only one that can fit him.
Magic: V. (S)he's not exactly the most friendly, but is certainly the most magical. (S)he's even recently been learning the importance of being a team player.

That leaves: loyalty, kindness, generosity, and honesty.

Loyalty: I put this one on Durkon. It's just so much of being a dwarf and of being lawful good, and Durkon is such a big part of the glue holding the team together.
Kindness: Haley. She's a thief and greedy, but she always cares about the little guy.

That leaves honesty and generosity for Roy and Elan. Since practically everything fits Elan, I'll simply leave him for last and say that of the remaining two, I think that honesty fits Roy best. More for his earnest character than strict "I will never tell a lie" policy.
Honesty: Roy
Generosity: Elan

Edit: @OP. Why are you an ashamed fan of MLP on this forum? Come join us in ponythread. It's fun :smallbiggrin:

Hiro Protagonest
2011-11-07, 10:07 PM
I think we're pretty clear on Thor not being anywhere close to lawful. Have you seen how that guy throws lightning bolts? Yeah.

Durkon's LG. There's no way Thor's CG.

2011-11-07, 11:25 PM
Durkon's LG. There's no way Thor's CG.

Are we reading the same comic?

2011-11-08, 12:58 AM
Are we reading the same comic?

It's because about that rule about not worshipping someone more than one degree away from your own alignment or whatever. Durkon is LG, so Thor can't be CG.

2011-11-08, 01:19 AM
It's because about that rule about not worshipping someone more than one degree away from your own alignment or whatever. Durkon is LG, so Thor can't be CG.

You know, aside from the whole part where the Giant doesn't let rules get in the way of the story and funny, of course.

2011-11-08, 02:53 PM
Well, the theories posted here actually trump my own to death, so I'll yield and rethink my strategy.

Roy - Generosity: He's a giver, not a taker, and is willing to put his own safety and peace of mind on the line for the sake of others.
Magic - Vaarsuvius: This has not changed. V is the embodiment of Magic.
Elan - Honesty: Though pretty much every one of these is applicable to Elan, he is pretty honest with his party, telling Haley stuff against bardic lore, telling it like it is to Roy about Miko, etc.
Durkon - Loyalty: Durkon and Elan's are pretty much interchangable; Durkon is still honest pretty much all the time, and Elan is loyal to his friends, so it doesn't matter where you place the two of them in Honesty/Loyalty.
Kindness - Haley: Hmm. Something of a conundrum here. Haley's pretty kind... to certain people. Particularly when she was in the resistance in Azure City, but other than that, ehh, I'm not really feeling it. She's no Fluttershy, at any rate.
Belkar - Laughter: It's not the same laughter as Elan, but hell if it isn't just as funny, right up to the point where you get your lungs punctured.

2011-11-08, 02:57 PM
Both of which came before his extreme character change, don't you think?

I think he's much better now.

Still, don't see how he's proven himself the archetype of loyalty even after this.