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2011-11-07, 12:54 PM
Dungeons And Dragons [Scary Adventures/Quest] Ideas
PM=Party Members
RP=Random Pots
RS=Random Scrolls

1St-15th Level

1.WildFire-The Party gets caught up in a wildfire, They must escape the fire and all of the other monsters trying to escape
from the burning forest.
/Mosters to the PMs CR, maybe throw in a rival party or two.

2.Wolves at the door-The PMs are growing very tired, and decied to take rest at a Inn,Tavern,or Cabin<-(My favorite)
They notice it's been very odd that the moon has been full for two days now, later on that night the "House" the PMs
are taken shelter in are attacked by Werewolves or Wolves. Until the Sunrises in the next 1d12 days.
(Give the PMs a little something, like a Ring of limited/ unlimited wish, but only if their un-preped)

3.DemonHouse-All of the Pms Randomly fall asleep at the same place and time,(Could be how the party first comes together) and
wake up in a single room with one door for each party member with the Pc/NPCs name written upon it[So they have to seperate but later on meet up to kill the"Final Boss" Or Answer Questions about what they've learned from this experience.
In the Room they PC finds
0%-20%=Faovirte weapon,1d12RP,1d4 of RS, and starting kit.
21%-33%=Favorite Weapon,roll d4, d1=light Armour,d2=med Armour,d3=heavy Armour,d4=Class's special Armour(Ex;Ranger-Leather armour,Kinght-Heavy Armour)
2d10 RPs,1d4RS
34%-56%=Half of the PCs Items(Random)
57%-65%=Other PMs Items(Half and Random)
66%-80%=1d6 Scrolls of limited wish(Cannot teleport to a NPC/PC,cannot teleport out of the house, cannot wish to know why
this happened)
81%-100%=Bag of holding, with random Items= to the PCs WBL

4.Trolls/Rinders Nest- One of the NPCs/PCs gets taken by a Troll/Gray Rinder because the monster thinks the NPC/PC is it's
child. The monster will do it's all to protect the NPC/PC and keep it from leaving the nest, even if it means brining in
a few friends(;

5.Dragon Slayers- The party has been payed to fight off Evil Dragons from destorying the new Town(Eltrex)
they fight off 1 Random Dragon for 2d10 weeks or until they Kill the Overlord Dragon(Same status as a Wyrm)

6.Forest Madness- The Party is being hunted by another group for an unknow reason the group is made of

2.Embersten-HighElf Druid-10

3.Axden-HighElf/ Druid10, Ranger10
(Add 1d4 more if you'd like too.)

The forest seems endlee, they keep losing their bearings, one day/night the PMs are attacked at their camp.
Wild animals attack the day after.

7.Beyond the mist-The Party hears tells about a new city being set up near the only water soruce in the desert, they also hear
about people being paid to help work, and clear out monsters/or protect the workers from raiders.
When the Party arrives to the half built city they find that the people there have all strangly vanished! they decied to
camp there, a weird mist rolls in and undead start too walk around and attack the party. They find some servivers and pick up tips
about an undergroud tomb, where they face an evil necromancer and the final boss, a nerconaut, which has sent out undead to kill
and to bring back to their master to feast upon.

8.Doctor Who?-They party find a strang portal and decied to step throw, they find themselfs in WW2 where they are captured
by Nazi, only they bring a small unknow suprise, a small necronaut in a portable whole, which escapes and starts to join the
body of dead soliders. Later on they find another portal which takes them back to their own time and place.

9. Erasure and Genesis(Submitted by Ursus the Grim)
The party awakes in a nearly modern setting, having been enclosed in black steel pods for an indeterminate amount of time via Temporal Stasis. Its been so long that their memory has corroded, and they must put together pieces of who they are while determining if they can trust each other. All the while, the organisms that slipped from stasis many years prior have established a new ecosystem, more terrifying and unreal than anything they could expect.

10. Grief, Loss, and Terror(Submitted by Ursus the Grim)
The party finds themselves in the center of a star-shaped catacomb. An ominous black coffin is suspended from the ceiling, out of reach, by five iron chains. The party must travel to each point of the star, each holding significance (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) for a different character as they break the chains in turn. If there are only four PCs, a young child awaits at the point of Acceptance, bittersweet holder of secrets about the catacombs and what lies in the coffin.

11. Tower Defense(Submitted by Ursus the Grim)
The PCs must protect a holy site while under pressure, using spells, limited resources, and tactics to hold out until the cavalry arrives.

Ursus the Grim
2011-11-07, 10:38 PM
So, are you looking for suggestions/ideas? Or is this just your own personal repository?

2011-11-08, 10:55 AM
First off, looking forIdeas, something new, we've actually used the majority of the ideas from the DMG and epic level handbook, and a lot of other ideas, we're running out..=/
The second reason is for people to post ideas and use them for adventures too.

Ursus the Grim
2011-11-08, 02:39 PM
Sure, I'll throw a few in. Don't really have the oppurtunity to use all the ideas that come to mind.

9. Erasure and Genesis
The party awakes in a nearly modern setting, having been enclosed in black steel pods for an indeterminate amount of time via Temporal Stasis. Its been so long that their memory has corroded, and they must put together pieces of who they are while determining if they can trust each other. All the while, the organisms that slipped from stasis many years prior have established a new ecosystem, more terrifying and unreal than anything they could expect.

10. Grief, Loss, and Terror
The party finds themselves in the center of a star-shaped catacomb. An ominous black coffin is suspended from the ceiling, out of reach, by five iron chains. The party must travel to each point of the star, each holding significance (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) for a different character as they break the chains in turn. If there are only four PCs, a young child awaits at the point of Acceptance, bittersweet holder of secrets about the catacombs and what lies in the coffin.

2011-11-09, 10:18 AM
Thanks for posting, please post more adventure ideas and I'll actually turn them into full adventures, and please refer a friend,
*Must be new Ideas.
*Ideas cannot be reused,so read all before posting.
*After 20-30 level 1-15 adventures, I'll make some for level 16-30, after about 30 or 40 of those I'll make some for 31-50. :)
(Full detail for adventures coming soon!)

2011-11-10, 10:23 AM
*BUMP* Still looking for ideas

Ursus the Grim
2011-11-10, 12:26 PM
As a heads up. . .

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11. Tower Defense
The PCs must protect a holy site while under pressure, using spells, limited resources, and tactics to hold out until the cavalry arrives.