View Full Version : 3.5 Wizard help

2011-11-08, 05:08 AM
Hello, I've only just started playing D&D currently playing a rogue we're playing in Eberron setting and our DM has told us to get a few characters made up because its a setting where you could die very easy. So I've decided to get in to spells so a wizard, what I'm asking is just some help and advice.

Going Human Wizard, going to be a general caster since this is my first spell user i dont want to limit my self. Will be starting at level six and have about 8000 gold.

thinking dex 12 con 14 int 17 at level one then by six i'll have in 20 by adding one and then +2 from a ring. Is this the right way to go?

The Feat i know i will be taking from level one is Toughness.

So if you could give me some advice on Feats/weapons/armor/spells. It would be a lot of help.

2011-11-08, 05:18 AM
Don't take Toughness. Take anything but Toughness. Seriously. Take Eschew Materials, any metamagic feat, spell focus, ANYTHING except Toughness.

2011-11-08, 05:23 AM
Google + Treantmonk + Guide to Wizards = Win.

Furthermore there are better feat choices than Toughness...especially 3.5 toughness (it sucks!). What Attribute System are you using? Dex is more worth than con for a wizard and! you really really should consider specializing.

Improved Initiative is a good feat, for 3.5: Eshew Materials could be worth considering, Spellcasting Prodigy (asking DM to implant this from faerung).

From the Spellselection aspect: AVOID Blast spells.

Hope this helps.

2011-11-08, 05:26 AM
Well, my friend, welcome to one of the most powerful classes in the game.

It's pretty hard to do anything 'wrong' with a wizard, the main thing is having fun with your spells, even though you can become a powerhouse on the field.

1) Ask your DM if toughness can be combined with Improved toughness for 3 hp and 1 extra hp at every level, if you are set on taking this, there is also a feat somewhere, that I'm sure someone else on the forum will name, that uses Intelligence instead of Constitution for hp gained at each level. It's really a minor change that makes the feat more justified

2) Another thing to consider is specializing, as a wizard your main role in the party is highly likely to be Battlefield Control (BC), as such there is a school which has pretty much everything you want for this in there, this school of magic is none other than Conjuration. Becoming a specialist Conjurer is never a bad idea, suggested schools to drop are Evocation ( Because everyone can deal damage ) or Enchantment ( Because of low number of spells in the school and minimal output from spells that offer saves ). So dropping Evocation and Enchantment for an extra conjuration spell per day is not a bad idea.

3) Don't forget about your familiar, it offers +2 to nearly all your skills ( Via Aid ) as well as being an effective scout, the Improved Familiar feat offers some nice choices, such as Imp ( Invisibility and detect magic at will, on top of fast healing and damage reduction )

4) You came to the right place, and as a big help, here's the Wizard Handbook, by Dictum Mortuum; a widely regarded class handbook writer: http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com/2011/09/wizards-handbook-part-one-attributes.html

5) Most of all, have fun and be immersed with characterization and a mindset for your characters, just cause you may be dying often doesn't mean you can't get into the feel of your characters!

2011-11-08, 05:35 AM
Yes! ive been looking about more on google and ive found a lot of interesting guides thanks.

Thanks for the quick replies, On the toughness feat my DM has said toughness is combined with improved toughness in his games.

I think we're using the buy system for ability's.

I was staying away from specializing as I've been reading about it and don't really understand how it all works, i pick just one school and get how many bonus spells from it?

and AVOID Blast spells how come?

2011-11-08, 05:41 AM
If you think about it and compare 3rd-Level Spells. A fireball off the bat gives a damage output of 5d6. Reflex for Half/No damage and -resistance. You might deal 30 damage with it to about 6 enemys if you are lucky but this becomes 15 if they get the save, and then resistance against fire is common so about 10 to no damage from a fireball. Now lets look up haste. +1 Attack means the fighter hits for 5 rounds more often. 5 Hits would mean 5 times a chance for a crit + 5 considering a greatsword wielder: 2d6*5 = 10d6 + the strenght. It just comes off better.

Damage can be dealt otherwise you are there for the greater things.

2011-11-08, 06:22 AM
Thanks for the quick replies, On the toughness feat my DM has said toughness is combined with improved toughness in his games.

Then it's not downright horrible (3 HP+1/HD) but it's still not that great. If you want a good generic feat, I'd recommend Improved Initiative (But I'd really go for Metamagic feats or Spell Focus in a school you like). As a wizard, you have plenty of ways to increase your defenses (Mirror Image, Blur, Displacement, Invisibility, Mage Armor, Shield to name only a few low level spells).

I think we're using the buy system for ability's.

If you're using a buy system, I'd get a 18 in int to be honest if your game is expected to last to level 8 or higher (17 int gives you 18 at 4 and 19 at 8, whereas 18 int gives you 19 at 4 and 20 at 8).

I was staying away from specializing as I've been reading about it and don't really understand how it all works, i pick just one school and get how many bonus spells from it?

Standard specialization (the one in the PHB) takes away the ability to cast spells from 2 schools and in return you get an extra spell slot of each level you can cast, but you must prepare a spell from your specialty school in it.

and AVOID Blast spells how come?

Most typical blasting spells do little damage compared to the HP of the monsters (1d6/level damage vs. 1d8 or higher+Con HP/HD health, and many monsters have more HD than you have levels). Given the fact that monsters retain their full abilities until dead (as in a 10 HP monster hits as hard as a full HP one) you need to cast a blasting spell multiple times before you take any of them out.

Battlefield control or 'save-or-suck' spells (like Grease, Color Spray, Web, Sleep, Cause Fear, Glitterdust, Blindness/Deafness, Stinking Cloud to name a few) have the potential to take an enemy out of the fight in a single cast if he fails his save (and some of them like Web severely impair him even if he doesn't.

2011-11-08, 07:14 AM
Warning, though wizards are the most powerful base class, surpassing even the druid and cleric when built and played well, they require STUPEFYING amounts of forethought unless you take a cookie cutter character from one of the optimization boards. Though significantly less game breaking, I suggest you take a spontaneous caster for your first mage. Sorceror or specialist casters or heck even Clerics whose early decisions can't mess you up cos you have access to the whole list forever. If you want to use metamagic effectively you will really have to do your research. Just a warning. You'll have to put wayyy more effort into your character than the others.

Oh, and WELCOME TO DND:smallbiggrin:

2011-11-08, 07:25 AM
Did you roll for stats or was it point buy? if point buy you may want to raise or lower your INT, even numbers work out better in the long run, especially with casters.

As others have mentioned, try looking at Spellcasting Prodigy from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. Its not setting specific and is really handy for any full caster (ask for the 3.0 version from that book, not the updated 3.5 one in the Players Guide to Faerun).

Keep an open mind as to where you'll prestige to. Staying as a strait wizard is never advisable as they get no real class features of note. You want to know now as you need to meet an requirements.

You may want to look at heading into initiate of the sevenfold veil (complete arcane) it has high prerequisites and will determine your early feat choices but is a very strong class that gives you plenty of options for survivability. It is often considered to strong when in the hands of a true optimiser, but for someone new to wizards its just gives an edge to keep you alive.

Another option if you want to buff your allies is War Weaver (heroes of battle). You can enter it much earlier than IotSV and has easier prerequisites. Its main advantage is spreading out your buffs among the whole party so that everyone gets the benefits of spells like bulls strength with only a single casting, which greatly extends your ability to cast all day and keeps your allies alive with things like greater invisibility.

One last thing of note. There is an alternate class feature in complete champion called Spontaneous Divination. You lose your 5th level feat but can now cast any Divination spell you know spontaneously as a sorcerer does. It is extremely handy especially for people new to wizards where preparing all your spells for the day can be very daunting.

Have fun and hope all works out well.

2011-11-08, 12:56 PM
I would suggest if you're playing a wizard for the first time trying to talk your DM into using the point system from Unearthed Arcana. This makes you not have to put as much forethought into which spells you want to learn and gives you a higher amount of flexibility.

On a side note the Guide to being a god http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=394.0 is a great thread for ideas on how to play a wizard.

2011-11-08, 06:00 PM
Congratulations & welcome to the most wonderful class in the game!

and AVOID Blast spells how come?

It is important to differentiate blasting from smart blasting. Actually, there are several blaster-focused builds (often Sorcerers with Rapid Metamagic, because they are widely regarded as better at it), such as the Mailman. Especially at high levels, when enemies tend to make their saves fairly often, smart blasting can be a very effective option.

In general, though, battlefield control, buffing and debuffing are your best tactics. Conjuration (with Transmution) is generally seen as the most powerful school. Glitterdust (Debuff and Battlefield Control) may be the premier core 2nd level spell.


If Complete Arcane is allowed, consider Precocious Apprentice (start with a second-level spell) or Collegiate Wizards (+2 spells on each level, i.e. normally, double the spells gained each level). Extend is a good Metamagic Feat, especially from fifth level on, when you can Extend your Rope Trick to have a safe place to sleep and rest for up to 10 hours. At higher levels, you can extend the 1 hour / level and flat 24-hour duration spells and effectively gain additional spell slots, because you have to cast the buffs only every other day.

Feats are precious, and personally, I'd stay away from everything that does not support your spellcasting. For me, no Point Blank Shot with a Wizard, ever. If the campaign will have enough downtime, consider Item Creation Feats (check with your DM), especially Craft Wondrous Item at 3rd level.

Other Options

If you are sure to go generalist (not a bad idea, anyway), consider Elven Generalist from Races of the Wild. It gives you more spells known, and an additional spell slot. Elf hits your CON, your second-most important stat, and some people therefore consider Elf a bad choice (I don't). If your DM allows you to start as a Gray Elf (he should, they are SRD), +2 Int is worth it, IMO. On a point-buy, the points you can save on Int (unless you max out) can pay for getting your Con back up (because you will have higher Int than Con, the points you save at Int can more than pay for negating the -2 Con).

School specialization means you have two prohibited schools and gain one spell slot in your specialized school. Many consider this a good deal. Some don't.

2011-11-08, 06:46 PM
I would suggest picking a theme. "The guy who casts all sorts of illusions. Or the charming guy, etc..." that will give you a starting spot.

Pay attention to material components, things over 1G start costing stuff. I'm not saying don't use'm, just pay attention.

Be ready for tons of reading and thinking. Stinking cloud makes people nauseated; worthless if you don't read up what nauseated means, or how your party can abuse it.

2011-11-08, 06:52 PM
there is also a feat somewhere, that I'm sure someone else on the forum will name, that uses Intelligence instead of Constitution for hp gained at each level. It's really a minor change that makes the feat more justified

Dragon Magazine, regional feat: Faerie Mysteries Initiate. You do get Int instead of Con to hit points, but to do so you must perform elven tantra with a partner that also has the feat each day. I maintain that this should be combined with Lichloved from Libris Mortis and BoVD, since you can meet both prerequisites at once... :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-09, 04:46 AM
If you are sure to go generalist (not a bad idea, anyway), consider Elven Generalist from Races of the Wild. It gives you more spells known, and an additional spell slot. Elf hits your CON, your second-most important stat, and some people therefore consider Elf a bad choice (I don't). If your DM allows you to start as a Gray Elf (he should, they are SRD), +2 Int is worth it, IMO. On a point-buy, the points you can save on Int (unless you max out) can pay for getting your Con back up (because you will have higher Int than Con, the points you save at Int can more than pay for negating the -2 Con).

Or if you have access to it, become a dragonborn gray elf. Your net stat adjustments become -2 Str +2 Int, and you gain a nice ability (non-magical flight, darkvision that later on turns to blindsense or breath weapon).

2011-11-09, 05:32 AM
If you think about it and compare 3rd-Level Spells. A fireball off the bat gives a damage output of 5d6. Reflex for Half/No damage and -resistance. You might deal 30 damage with it to about 6 enemys if you are lucky but this becomes 15 if they get the save, and then resistance against fire is common so about 10 to no damage from a fireball. Now lets look up haste. +1 Attack means the fighter hits for 5 rounds more often. 5 Hits would mean 5 times a chance for a crit + 5 considering a greatsword wielder: 2d6*5 = 10d6 + the strenght. It just comes off better.

Damage can be dealt otherwise you are there for the greater things.

Except for swarms. Almost had a total party wipeout from two swarms because the only area effect I had left was Shout and said swarm was immune. Keep something area effect at all times as a just in case.

2011-11-09, 06:21 AM
For that you can take a Reserve Feat.

2011-11-09, 06:53 AM
For that you can take a Reserve Feat.

Fiery Burst is probably the best for that