View Full Version : Wandering the Realms [3.5 Sandbox; Forgotten Realms]

Sir Shadow
2011-11-08, 07:18 PM
#RaptorAfter the situation in your home became unbearable, you used your ties in the Knights of the Mystic Flame to create an excuse to leave on a pilgrimage. However, you had to as hastily as possible without any good-byes; else your family could have accosted you in your journey. It’s unspoken, but your family has all but disowned you. Your mother, however, requests that you at least write to her on occasion.

On your journey, you passed through Thay, though had to take care to hide your Mulhorandi origins due to the small bit of hostility between your two countries. While there, elements of the church contacted you and informed you of an underground railroad of sorts you have been working in for the past year or so.

Recently the group has fallen on hard time. After a few sting operations corroborated by the slave traders, your numbers have been reduced by a fair amount. At the moment you have retreated to one of your few remaining safe-houses in Surthay.

This particular morning has brought you to a small tavern in the market. You are currently trying to spot people you could bring to your cause or any wares that the meager savings of your organization can afford.

Your starting equipment is as follows:
Traveling cloak
Traveler’s Outfit
Noble’s Outfit
Cold Iron Morningstar
Silver Holy Symbol of Mystra
Silver cloak clasp engraved with the symbol of the Knights of the Mystic Flame
Traveling and identification papers
Rathalous Family Signet Ring
Faint Divination
This is a signet ring of the Mulhorandi Rathalous Family.
Aside from being a designator of status, this ring is tied to a small statuette normally kept within the confines of the family’s residence. Upon the death of owner, it will cause the statuette to split in half.
The broken statuette may then be used as a Material Focus to divine the location and cause of death and/or to teleport to that location without error or having been to this place prior.
Note: this ring must either be worn or within 30 feet of the creature it is bound to in order to function.
AnnulusAfter a spectacular performance in Amn, you found yourself among your comrades in a tavern toasted yourselves on another spectacular performance—and your last in this region. The wine was good, the ale was cheap, and the company was spectacular.

However, after you excused yourself to visit the latrine, you found yourself accosted by a strange tattoo’d woman. There was something oddly intriguing about her, but the next few hours are a blurr. When you once again recovered you senses, you awoke with your limbs chained and possession nowhere to be seen. You then came to find that you were now the property of the Eastern Marches Slavers.

True to their name, you and an unlucky slew of individuals were transported eastward, mostly by foot through treacherous terrain. They kept your group moving without mercy or respite, though they made sure to keep you all alive.

You have been in Thay for nearly a month and only on the market for a week. You are currently being advertised as an entertainer, possibly even exotic as you have not noticed many of your kind in the slaver’s pens. You are not sure where you are, but you are constantly looking for an opportunity to escape the hands of your captors.

Your starting equipment is as follows:
Ragged clothing
A small knife: Tiny weapon; 1d2 piercing; 19-20/x2
FireheartSome months ago Morgan was asked by an old friend of his to investigate something in Thay. He was loath to ask you to travel so far from your homeland, but you quickly agreed to assist your friend on this venture. Another friend of yours, Aramir, heard that you would be traveling and offered his sword as assistance. Somewhat hesitantly, Morgan allowed him to come, figuring the more the better.

As a company of three, you had an easy time managing the road and wilderness to your destination. However, due to the nature of your visit, you were forced to enter Thay ‘illegally’, but avoiding the patrolling guards and checkpoints was made easy by Morgan’s scouting prowess.

While laying low in Surthay, you were waiting with Aramir for Morgan to return from the meeting with his contact when the tavern you were staying in was hit by the guard and you were captured. Without any reason for you being there or suspicious things on your person, the two of you were sent to the slavers to be sold for a profit.

You are currently being transported by cart from the slave pens to your new owner and trying to figure out a way to make your escape.

Your starting equipment is as follows:
Plain clothing
You may begin with all 0-level spell slots filled and two 1-level spell slots filled.
IthildurWhile traveling through Silverymoon, you heard a rumor that a friend of yours, Arilafae, would be traveling a great distance to Thay. Concerned for her well-being, you offered to aid her and her friend Morgan in their endeavors. Hesitantly, Morgan agreed and you found yourself on the long road to a gods-forsaken place of cutthroats and slavers.

Your wit and skill with a blade kept you in one piece on the road and the three of you managed to sneak into Thay with little trouble. However, one evening while the two of you waited for Morgan to return from meeting with his contact, the tavern you were staying in was accosted by brutes from the town guard.

Needless to say, your greatest fears were realized as you watched Arilafae get sold off as a slave. From the vantage of the pens, you try to think of something to do as she is loaded onto a cart to be taken to who knows where to do who knows what.

Your starting equipment is as follows:
Ragged clothing
PifeThings are amazing! Just peachy really, considering. Sure, you were attacked by bandits on your way to Thay. Sure, you got beaten up a tad. Sure, you’re being sold into slavery. But let’s try to look on the positive! There’s fresh air! The sun is shining! And all that manual labor will be great for your buns and thighs!

On the other hand, your friend Elyas will never know what became of you and you never did get in contact with his interests here... In fact, you’re pretty sure terrible, terrible things happen to people in slavery here.

Right now you’re prospects aren’t great, nobody’s really interested in buying you and you look forlornly from the confines of a slave-pen.

Your starting equipment is as follows:
Ragged clothing
Foolish hope

One way or another you all find yourselves in the town of Surthay during midday.
I need spot checks from everyone!

2011-11-09, 12:49 AM
Spot check = [roll0]

2011-11-09, 09:24 AM


Spells chosen: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Bless and Fairie Fire (moon)

2011-11-09, 05:08 PM


2011-11-10, 06:53 AM


2011-11-11, 10:34 AM
[roll0] Spot Check

Woohoo!! Blessed Tymora has drawn my eyes tooooooo... ??

Never one to let grim situations lower his spirits, Thespar (using spit and his hands) attempts to make himself more presentable, visibly preening in the pen, while trying to decide what kind of story to tell his fellow unfortunates to buoy their spirits.. He decides to recite an old tale, a scathingly funny poem about a presumptuous tyrant whose servants contrive to surreptitiously embarrass him at every turn, (very similar in style to an "The Emperor has no clothes" story)

Sir Shadow
2011-11-11, 12:26 PM
#RaptorAs you look through the window of the tavern, you see that it is a lovely day with not a cloud in the sky. There are people milling about the market, and you see more than a few objects that catch your interest. Slaves are being corralled across the square, and a rare elf is being moved into a cart, no doubt to send her on her way to a terrible fate.

However, it is a strange almost invisible distortion in the air that catches your attention--a small red dot of hovering in the center of the market.

Give me an Int and Wis check
AnnulusThere are very few races sharing space with you in the pen. The population is dominated primarily by humans and orcs. There are a few hobgoblins, a smattering of gnoll, and a single elf other than you, oddly enough.
FireheartIt may or may not be due to the fact you are currently panicking, but you don’t seem particularly aware of your surroundings. The slaver moving you along carries nothing but a dagger and aside from him nobody really seems to be paying much attention to you as you make your way into the cart.
IthildurFear for you friend grips your heart as she is being led away, but from the corner of your eye, you notice something. One of the vertical beams of your pen appears to be loose. Conceivably, someone of sufficient strength could move the beam, but attempting to escape would be suicide... if only there was some kind of distraction.
PifeYour audience is a very mixed group, with humans and orc making up the majority. There are a few goblins, gnolls, and two elves though.

In the midst of your tale, a strange sparkling catches your eye. In the center of the market square a tiny red dot of light appears. Int, Wis, and Spellcraft check please!
Many of the listeners groan upon hearing Thespar dive into his narrative, but some of the newer ones listen, wishing for just a few moments to forget they are in such an awful place.

2011-11-11, 01:12 PM
[roll0] Intelligence
[roll1] Wisdom
[roll2] Spellcraft

Sir Shadow
2011-11-11, 01:26 PM
PifeYou're not sure what it is precisely, but you have the distinct feeling it would be a good idea to take cover.

2011-11-11, 01:39 PM
Oh dear...

Thespar looks for solid objects to dive behind, and, barring those, will settle for merely diving to the ground behind the largest person (preferably a guard) between myself and that... whatever it is.. (And, if there happen to be any ladies/children no further than arms reach from me, I will attempt to drag them down with me).

2011-11-11, 01:43 PM
Kyralia sits in her cage, hugging her knees to her chest, and listens to the human tell his strange story. Her pale face is grimy, her fiery red hair dirty and matted. She has nothing but a ragged knee-length dress of rough brown cloth on, and a pair of sandals. And this has been her situation for... well, she'd lost count. She hadn't spoken in days, lost in her own head, thinking dark thoughts. What had she done to deserve such a fate? Would she ever see Larinda and Danton again? Were they all right? Would they try and find her, if they were?

2011-11-11, 02:51 PM
Arilafae looks around - her eyes more blank than seeing. Being captured, treated roughly and basically shoved around, seems to have put her normal thought process into a state of shock.

She follows as the guards walk her to the slave carts.

2011-11-11, 06:02 PM

He looks around, thinking to himself "What great weather we have today... now if it weren't for the slave traders doing their business here and the empire being led a cabal of evil wizards, this would be a wonderful day." he takes a closer look at the rare elf, wondering if his group would still have the strength to free a few slaves... quickly reminding himself of what he came for, he had to strengthen his group before he could even think about freeing a bunch of slaves.
Frustrated, he sips on his drink before he notices something strange... some small red point of light over the market.


2011-11-12, 02:15 AM
Would greatly appreciate a description of the room/area he's in, how far away the others are, who else is around, objects in the room, etc.

Sir Shadow
2011-11-18, 10:39 AM
#RaptorYour familiarity with magic makes you think it looks similar to something like a fireball... A few other patrons of the taverna gasp as they too notice the glowing red mote of light.

You're left wondering what has happened to your friends as a human dives to the ground, bringing two women with him.

You're placed in the cart. A guard takes the bindings off your arms, but a shriek outside distracts him!

You pull to women to the ground (there are no children in the pen you are in).

@ Annulus, Ithildur, and Pife:
You all find yourselves in a small 20x20 pen constructed of sharpened stakes sticking out of the ground and a thatched roof. There is one gate facing west toward the market and the auctioning block. Within this pen are 26 individuals including yourselves, uncomfortably packed together.

2011-11-18, 10:52 AM
The scream having galvanized her into action. Arilifae quickly pulls away from the guard and tries leap her way out of the cart.

She then quickly takes in her surroundings.

OOC: if this doesn't work, let me know and I can change her actions.
Jump? [roll0]
Spot? [roll1]

Basically, she'll try to take advantage of the guards distraction and run to hide. Side note: Has she seen Morgan & Aramir lately?

2011-11-20, 12:38 PM

Somehow, this little thing looked familiar... then he realized what it was. He had seen it before, when a mage showed him a certain spell... Fireball. He jerks up from his stool, shouting "EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" as he dives under the table.

Actually I'm fairly positive Max is slightly outside the blast radius, but theres still the treat of shards of glass from the windows and stuff.

2012-04-01, 04:31 PM
Looks like this game didn't even get off the ground before the DM decided to simply vanish without even a word... although he's still around on these forums apparently posting/doing other things? :smallannoyed: