View Full Version : Guilty pleasures

2011-11-08, 08:23 PM
So, on an impulse I've been indulging in some guilty pleasure music lately and I realised that this forum really needs a thread on guilty pleasures: music, film, tv series or what have you. Use the "safe from the judging eyes of the outside world." that in the description of this sub-forum and all that.

So, forum-goers, what are your guilty pleasures?

To start off:

Total Eclipse of the Heart (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcOxhH8N3Bo&ob=av3e). Oh boy. Guilty pleasure indeed, but there's just something very catchy about it. Speaking of catchy... Alejandro (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niqrrmev4mA) is another very guilty pleasure of mine.

Nix Nihila
2011-11-08, 08:41 PM
No need to feel guilty, Both of those songs are awesome! :smalltongue: (Seriously, Alejandro is one of those songs I could never get sick of.)

The TV series Charmed (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0158552/) is one of my guilty pleasures. It's quite cheesy, but I still love it.

I will also have to admit that Ke$ha is another guilty pleasure of mine. She's certainly not the most talented musician, but there's something about Tik Tok (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP6XpLQM2Cs&ob=av3e) that makes me strangely happy.

2011-11-08, 08:50 PM
This. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5mtaPJ3EH8)

Also, can I include songs I think are so bad they're good and I just laugh upon hearing them?

2011-11-08, 08:52 PM
Id have to say its my garfield or calvin and hobbes comic books. I may be 30 years old, but I still love reading those things as much as I did as a child. Its not the kind of book id bring with me to work to read during break times, but to unwind at night before going to sleep? heck yeah.

2011-11-08, 09:33 PM


*runs away in shame*

2011-11-08, 09:55 PM
I'll be honest, I don't get the whole "guilty pleasure" thing. Why should you feel guilty about having fun? Don't let other people judge you.

2011-11-08, 10:36 PM
MLP:FIM for me... I would never hear the end of it if any of my IRL friends found out, but I find it funny and original. Also, Fluttershy is adorable and makes me squee (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez017hgf-so&feature=related) all the time.

And yeah, I find Tik Tok to be entertaining. It's fun to sing to.

2011-11-08, 10:42 PM
I actually really like the movie Howard the Duck, and have since childhood. *Shame*

I listen to lots of weird music. Not like "indie band you've never heard of" weird. I mean "Songs from Disney movies and cartoon shows I watched when I was little". Which might not be strange if it were anything like my "normal" tastes in music. Put my mp3 player on shuffle and you'll hear "Hard Rock...Classic Rock...Hip Hop...Techno...The Theme Song To Animaniacs?!" One of these things is not like the others.

This one requires some explanation, because it's not "bad" by any means, but like the music example it goes against all my other tastes. There are a few things I can't stand in video games. I hate RPGs starring teenaged brats. I dislike "super deformed" art styles. I hate overly complex leveling systems that require severe micro-management. And I despise cutesy comic relief animal mascots.

But gods help me do I love the Disgaea series. And I have no idea why. The protagonists are intentionally unsympathetic (they are basically demons), the art style looks like something I'd roll my eyes at if I saw it on tv and mutter about 4Kids, the game system is highly complicated (your characters have levels, their weapon masteries have levels, their individual special moves have levels, and every single piece of equipment has levels. You could level grind a health potion if you want). And then there are the prinnies, dimwitted penguins with peg-legs and bat wings who call everyone "dood" in high pitched voices that I can only assume are specifically designed to make me want to blow them up (which the games encourage you to do, thankfully). And yet I love every minute of it.

2011-11-08, 11:34 PM

It's as historically inaccurate as extraterrestrials in the old west, the characters are more one dimensional than a line, and as far as the action is concerned, I feel people overrate the action scenes. But it's extremely macho and spawned more internet memes than most movies. And the stupidity is so great it comes back as entertainment.

2011-11-09, 12:52 AM
Id have to say its my garfield or calvin and hobbes comic books. I may be 30 years old, but I still love reading those things as much as I did as a child. Its not the kind of book id bring with me to work to read during break times, but to unwind at night before going to sleep? heck yeah.

I listen to lots of weird music. Not like "indie band you've never heard of" weird. I mean "Songs from Disney movies and cartoon shows I watched when I was little". Which might not be strange if it were anything like my "normal" tastes in music. Put my mp3 player on shuffle and you'll hear "Hard Rock...Classic Rock...Hip Hop...Techno...The Theme Song To Animaniacs?!" One of these things is not like the others.

Wait, you mean these things aren't considered normal? :smalleek:

I've noticed that what is a guilty pleasure in one group is accepted or even normal in another group. If the group we're talking about is my family, pretty much everything I like is a guilty pleasure. My family doesn't "get" geeky things. If the group is people here, then I'm drawing a blank on guilty pleasures. There's probably something I would be ashamed to admit to liking here, but I can't think of it right now.

Just out going about my everyday life, the main one is MLP:FiM.

2011-11-09, 01:15 AM
Most of my 'guilty pleasures' take the form of childish past-times I guess. I still have a tendency to collect stuffed animals (particularly birds) as well as getting an embarrassing amount of pleasure from certain cheap toys and nick-naks. Lately I frequently have been finding myself playing with bubbles, post-Halloween shopping has left me with, oh, 15+ bottles of the stuff :smallredface:

Juggling Goth
2011-11-09, 01:26 AM
Bear in mind I'm a rock/blues girl who was raised on folk music. But when I'm alone in the house with Music On Demand, I might put on:

'Fighter' - Christina Aguilera (this is actually one of my feel-good songs when I'm down and cranky... oh the shame...)
'Milkshake' - Kelis
'Do It Like A Dude' - Jessie J
Anything at all by Pink. Love her. Actually I'm less embarrassed about that one. Ditto Lady Gaga. Or Shakira, which is a hangover from when I used to do bellydancing.

The TV series Charmed (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0158552/) is one of my guilty pleasures. It's quite cheesy, but I still love it.

Oh god, me too. At the time me and my housemate watched the entire series, the same episode could be on Living four times a day, so we didn't miss a single one.

2011-11-09, 02:24 AM
I listen to video game soundtracks. In fact, I'm listening to the Tristram theme from Diablo 2 right now. But that's not guilty, that's awesome :smallbiggrin:

I also read comic books. Stuff like Calvin & Hobbes, Astrix, Tintin, but also the more Dark Horse/Vertigo type stuff. Then I get the reaction "wait, you read comics?" and then I have to go "yes but it's got violence and stuff and it's really quite good, look..." :/

Oh, and romantic movies. I might whine and say I only watch them because of my girlfriend, but secretly I like them really. Heh.

2011-11-09, 03:45 AM

It's as historically inaccurate as extraterrestrials in the old west, the characters are more one dimensional than a line, and as far as the action is concerned, I feel people overrate the action scenes. But it's extremely macho and spawned more internet memes than most movies. And the stupidity is so great it comes back as entertainment.
I'm confused. 300 was a blockbuster hit, why would you feel guilty about it? Also, it wasn't as inaccurate as some would have you believe. The basic chain of events is perfectly correct, and much of the dialog was taken straight from Herodotus. The characters are one dimensional, yes, but characters weren't really the point of the movie. And personally, I thought the action scenes were artistically brilliant.

Regardless, I guess I'll come up with some examples of my own. Several people have mentioned Keisha's Tik Tok, so I'll admit I like that song. Not my usual type of music either, I only ever heard it because of the Simpsons. Though to be honest I assumed it was a pop hit, after all the Simpsons decided to use it. I also listen to music from musicals, both broadway and movie (including Disney), although not as my regular music, just occasionally when the mood hits me. One person mentioned Glee, which I'm not a fan of but I don't mind. My mother loves it for some strange reason, I'll never understand her (my father has weird tastes, but I at least understand them); none of my friends watch the show. Oh, and I guess 300. Still don't get why any of this should make me feel guilty.

A bunch of people mentioned Charmed, which I've never seen, but now I think I might check it out. Is that kind of like Buffy? I loved Buffy. Or is it more of a chick flick/soap thing, which is the impression I had of it before?

Giggling Ghast
2011-11-09, 05:15 AM
I've gotten in the habit of watching 1,000 Ways to Die on Spike TV. It's very poorly done and horribly tacky, but the combination of bad puns, occasional bits of fanservice and over-the-top gore qualify the show as So Bad It's Good.

2011-11-09, 06:29 AM
While I don't really feel "guilty" for liking any of these, I guess these would classify as "guilty pleasures" for a person of my sorts.

Cinema Bizzare (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpYfZVJJ32w)
Black Veil Brides (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXut97F2Qew&ob=av2e)

True Blood
Friendship is Magic

2011-11-09, 07:36 AM
Kelly Clarkson. That young lady can fill a venue, or my ear canals, with some nice sound.

2011-11-09, 07:41 AM
Black Dagger Brotherhood. Seriously, it doesn't get much guiltier than this for me. But somehow I enjoy it.

2011-11-09, 08:22 AM
A bunch of people mentioned Charmed, which I've never seen, but now I think I might check it out. Is that kind of like Buffy? I loved Buffy. Or is it more of a chick flick/soap thing, which is the impression I had of it before?

Honestly, charmed was a decent series, but it was a bit silly imo. Unlike btvs where the latest big bad needed some new trick to defeat, in charmed 90% of the time things stopped being a problem when the sisters got together and started chanting in unison. Boom, problem solved. Apparently The Power of Three, trumps everything, up to and including the ultimate evil, or whatever they called it. Most of each episode revolved around them figuring out what was happening, then saving whichever sister was kidnapped/bespelled/tricked into not being with them, so they could once again chant about the power of three. In between you saw power ranger level combat as they slaughtered Puttys mook demons with their personal abilities. And they seemed to alternate which sister had the most whine worthy personal life from month to month. Despite all that, I actually watched it alot.

H Birchgrove
2011-11-09, 08:46 AM
Modern Talking

Knight Rider

Sax Rohmer (Fu Manchu)
Cyril McNeile A.K.A. "Sapper" (Bulldog Drummond and other British pulp heroes)
Ian Fleming (James Bond)
Mickey Spillane (Mike Hammer, Tiger Mann etc)
Sixth Column by Robert A. Heinlein

Comic and adventure strips, Graphic Novels and sequential art
"Flash Gordon" by Alex Raymond
Tintin in the Land of the Soviets by Hergé
Tintin in the Congo by Hergé (especially the B/W version)
Tintin in America by Hergé (especially the B/W version)
"Sin City" series by Frank Miller
300 by Frank Miller and Linn Varley

Film serials like Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers

Fanart of female superheroes, Red Sonja, Metroid (Samus) etc. :smallredface:

2011-11-09, 09:08 AM
Why on earth would reading Calvin & Hobbes be a guilty pleasure?

2011-11-09, 09:13 AM
Why on earth would reading Calvin & Hobbes be a guilty pleasure?
Not sure. Newspaper comics are fairly mainstream, and Calvin and Hobbes was the best ever to hit the newsstands. "It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy... Let's go exploring!"

2011-11-09, 10:52 AM
My boyfriend makes fun of me constantly because I watch Golden Girls and Murder, She Wrote. I know they're old lady shows but I don't care. I find them comforting to watch. It's also possible that I downloaded a Selena Gomez song...I feel shame.

H Birchgrove
2011-11-09, 10:59 AM
Not sure. Newspaper comics are fairly mainstream, and Calvin and Hobbes was the best ever to hit the newsstands. "It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy... Let's go exploring!"

Wrooong! (http://youtu.be/tRVUOGUmxJI) :smallwink:

The best to ever hit the news stands was Peanuts Charlie Brown/Snoopy. I bet Bill Watterson would agree with me.

Charles M. Schulz hated the title "Peanuts".

EDIT: But I agree, "Calvin and Hobbes" is a great comic strip.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-11-09, 11:11 AM
MLP: FIM >_> <_<
Bones: Some episodes are cheesy as hell but I do love it and I am waiting to see the next season.
Big Time Rush and Victorious: For some reason I find both shows really fun and are a great way to wind down if I can catch them on TV.

The Inheritance Cycle: I started reading those books when I was about 11 and I really want to see how it ends (yes I know it is SW in the middle-earth and I don't care)

Shoujo Manga: I just started reading The Class president is a Maid and I am loving it.

I am a rather avid fan of Runescape, it was the first MMO I played in my life and the only one I can play for long periods of time without getting bored and I actually like the grind part of the game.

2011-11-09, 11:19 AM
Ice cream. Every night. It makes me happy.

2011-11-09, 12:35 PM
Ice cream. Every night. It makes me happy.

+1 to that. I try not to tell people this, but I have a draw full of cheesy romance novels ^_^ Some of them are god awful, but I still keep reading.. Only when no one else is around... Now that I told you guys, i feel like I need to find a new hiding place.

2011-11-09, 01:05 PM
I'm confused. 300 was a blockbuster hit, why would you feel guilty about it?

So being a success in the theaters makes a film good?:smallconfused:

Also, it wasn't as inaccurate as some would have you believe. The basic chain of events is perfectly correct, and much of the dialog was taken straight from Herodotus.

Yes, Spartans fought half naked, Persians had pseudo-samurais/pseudo-ninjas, Xerxes was a giant, and there were only 300 Greeks at the last stand. And as for the basic chain of events, yes, the Greeks fought Persians at Thermopylae. That's kind of like saying Captain America is historically accurate because WWII happened.

The characters are one dimensional, yes, but characters weren't really the point of the movie.

That's still a flaw. There's no one I can relate to. Who am I supposed to feel a connection to: the maniac who just kicked someone into a death pit? Or maybe one of the other Spartans who...never mind, all Spartans in this film are war crazed brutes. That's kind of what I mean when I say guilty pleasure. The characters are so over-the-top. They're not good, but they are enjoyable and that's why it's a bit of a guilty pleasure.

And personally, I thought the action scenes were artistically brilliant.

The first two action scenes were good. Everything after that was a let down. Take the scene with elephants. One second we see these elephants approaching the Greeks. Next they're being pushed off a cliff. You skipped something there. The how. Wouldn't you have like to see how they do that? What if Peter Jackson did that with the fight between Legolas and the oliphant? And it continues in this fashion. Like the part with the explosives. We get like 30 seconds most of that.

I consider a guilty pleasure because I personally find the movie stupid. But stupid can be enjoyable. It's so stupid and "macho" and I can't help but get a laugh out of it.

Lord Seth
2011-11-09, 02:00 PM
What is "guilty pleasure" supposed to mean here?

There are two main (and different) definitions of the term I've seen. They are:
1) Things you like but are embarrassed to admit it publicly. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic may be the quintessential example of this.
2) Things that you like despite thinking they're not very good. I'd say this is a bit different from So Bad It's Good, because SBIG is when you find the flaws so entertaining you enjoy it, whereas a guilty pleasure is when you enjoy something in spite of its flaws. For an example, "Tik Tok"...I've seen a number of people (several in this topic!) say they think the lyrics are stupid and the vocals are annoying, but it's so darn catchy they can't help but still enjoy it.

These two definitions are at odds with one another and thus lead to confusion. For example...
I'm confused. 300 was a blockbuster hit, why would you feel guilty about it?
So being a success in the theaters makes a film good?:smallconfused:The issue here is that it seems Drolyt is going by definition 1, and Dr. Epic is going by definition 2, hence the confusion from each. Without adequately defining what is a guilty pleasure, it is difficult to answer the question.

As for me? Nothing under either definition. Now, it's true that for some series I may not go out of my way to mention I'm a fan of them, but I don't really hide anything either.

2011-11-09, 02:17 PM
There's a few things I'd consider guilty pleasures. Barbarella for a start.

Lost could count, I know all the critisisms and faults with it and most of them are accurate but I still love the show and the characters. although I do think people are wrong when they talk about how bad the ending is.

The only guilty pleasure I have that I keep secret is my love of Jean-Paul Sartre's works. And Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand to a lesser extent.

The latest one I've discovered is Garth Ennis' The Boys which I know is juvinile and digusting for the sake of it but I just find it hilarious.

Elder Tsofu
2011-11-09, 03:56 PM
+1 to that. I try not to tell people this, but I have a draw full of cheesy romance novels ^_^ Some of them are god awful, but I still keep reading.. Only when no one else is around... Now that I told you guys, i feel like I need to find a new hiding place.

+1. But more Manga than ordinary novels.
A guilty pleasure is something which I order over the net since I wouldn't want to look the cashier in the eye while paying. I'd defend them if cornered, but I prefer not being found out.

Edit: Darn it, why do I have to be first post on the second page?!

Edit2: @V In a thread about guilty pleasures? I beg to differ.

2011-11-09, 04:15 PM
Better than being the last post on the previous page.

H Birchgrove
2011-11-09, 04:39 PM
There's a few things I'd consider guilty pleasures. Barbarella for a start.

Great call! Barbarella is awesome, both the film and the comic! But something I'd watch with my friends? Hmm...

Then again, my mother loves Barbarella - the film that is. :smalltongue:

The only guilty pleasure I have that I keep secret is my love of Jean-Paul Sartre's works. And Friedrich Nietzsche and Ayn Rand to a lesser extent.
Why on Earth do you need to keep your love for Sartre a secret? He's a Nobel Laurate, for starters. The others I can understand, though the cool kids do love some Nietzsche.

2011-11-09, 04:49 PM
Why on Earth do you need to keep your love for Sartre a secret? He's a Nobel Laurate, for starters. The others I can understand, though the cool kids do love some Nietzsche.Most of my friends and family have a low opinion of continental philosophers in general, but they all have a special contempt for Satre. If I were to admit to enjoy reading his works then I'd be disowned by my parents and tarred and feathered before being run out of town.

John Cribati
2011-11-09, 04:55 PM
Honky-Tonk Badonkadonk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNVguvNE7qc). This is country and techno's illegitimate child who listened to Sir Mix-A-Lot 24/7.

2011-11-09, 04:58 PM
This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyDc4e3szHM) is worth watching when talking about guilty pleasures, and when you've seen it, you'll understand why I don't tell you about mine. This board is for all ages after all :smalltongue:

2011-11-09, 06:40 PM
So being a success in the theaters makes a film good?:smallconfused:
No, but as Lord Seth suggested, I was operating under the impression that "guilty pleasure" means something you don't want others to know you like. 300 was a mainstream stereotypical macho movie, so I didn't see how that fit.

Yes, Spartans fought half naked, Persians had pseudo-samurais/pseudo-ninjas, Xerxes was a giant, and there were only 300 Greeks at the last stand. And as for the basic chain of events, yes, the Greeks fought Persians at Thermopylae. That's kind of like saying Captain America is historically accurate because WWII happened.
They got right more than just the Greeks fighting the Persians. The whole movie is pretty much lifted straight out of Herodotus, right down to most of the dialogue. The visuals were way off, and the fight scenes were crazy, but the creators said that was intentional and are not apologetic. Losing a little historical accuracy for artistic vision and awesome battle scenes isn't that big of a deal.

That's still a flaw. There's no one I can relate to. Who am I supposed to feel a connection to: the maniac who just kicked someone into a death pit? Or maybe one of the other Spartans who...never mind, all Spartans in this film are war crazed brutes. That's kind of what I mean when I say guilty pleasure. The characters are so over-the-top. They're not good, but they are enjoyable and that's why it's a bit of a guilty pleasure.
It isn't a flaw, the movie simply isn't character driven. That isn't good or bad, characters simply are not the point of the movie. The idea that every good story has to be character driven is just silly.

The first two action scenes were good. Everything after that was a let down. Take the scene with elephants. One second we see these elephants approaching the Greeks. Next they're being pushed off a cliff. You skipped something there. The how. Wouldn't you have like to see how they do that? What if Peter Jackson did that with the fight between Legolas and the oliphant? And it continues in this fashion. Like the part with the explosives. We get like 30 seconds most of that.
Here we can only agree to disagree.

I consider a guilty pleasure because I personally find the movie stupid. But stupid can be enjoyable. It's so stupid and "macho" and I can't help but get a laugh out of it.
That's fine for you, but don't claim it is historically inaccurate when it is not. I'm really into classical history myself, and I was impressed at how well they did their homework.

Most of my friends and family have a low opinion of continental philosophers in general, but they all have a special contempt for Satre. If I were to admit to enjoy reading his works then I'd be disowned by my parents and tarred and feathered before being run out of town.
Sorry, but I'm a little taken aback that your friends and family have any opinion of continental philosophers. Are from a town of philosophers or something? I don't think any of my friends know who Sartre is; Nietzsche they'll have a pop culture understanding of, and some of the more libertarian minded might know Rand, but come on. I can sorta understand wanting to hide Rand though, seeing as my own opinion of her is quite low. But Sartre? Seems like one of those obscure names you'd throw out to impress people with how smart you are.

2011-11-09, 07:09 PM
Sorry, but I'm a little taken aback that your friends and family have any opinion of continental philosophers. Are from a town of philosophers or something? I don't think any of my friends know who Sartre is; Nietzsche they'll have a pop culture understanding of, and some of the more libertarian minded might know Rand, but come on. I can sorta understand wanting to hide Rand though, seeing as my own opinion of her is quite low. But Sartre? Seems like one of those obscure names you'd throw out to impress people with how smart you are.

Sartre is not an obscure name. He's one of the most famous writers of the 20th century.

H Birchgrove
2011-11-09, 07:19 PM
Most of my friends and family have a low opinion of continental philosophers in general, but they all have a special contempt for Satre. If I were to admit to enjoy reading his works then I'd be disowned by my parents and tarred and feathered before being run out of town.

Has their hatred really to do with his philosophy, or is it due to his connection in the late 1960's with certain movements outside "pure" philospophy? :smallconfused: (You can PM me if you understand what I'm getting at, considering the rules of the boards.)

Do your relatives and friends hate Simone de Beauvoir and Albert Camus* as well? What type of philosophy do they prefer? (I understand that analytic philosophy is generally seen as the anti-thesis to existensialism, but I doubt Bertrand Russell would have "tarred and feathered" anyone for talking about phenomenology.)

Only one of them I've actually read, BTW.

2011-11-09, 07:27 PM
Sorry, but I'm a little taken aback that your friends and family have any opinion of continental philosophers. Are from a town of philosophers or something? I don't think any of my friends know who Sartre is; Nietzsche they'll have a pop culture understanding of, and some of the more libertarian minded might know Rand, but come on. I can sorta understand wanting to hide Rand though, seeing as my own opinion of her is quite low. But Sartre? Seems like one of those obscure names you'd throw out to impress people with how smart you are.I just hang out with well educated people and wannabe-intellectuals I guess. Sartre'a far from the most obscure name we throw around, but mocking existentialists is a common source of amusement and Sartre is the most well known of them.

Has their hatred really to do with his philosophy, or is it due to his connection in the late 1960's with certain movements outside "pure" philospophy? :smallconfused: (You can PM me if you understand what I'm getting at, considering the rules of the boards.)Mainly due to his actual philosophy, partly due to the stereotype of beret wearing Frenchmen talking about ennui.

Do your relatives and friends hate Simone de Beauvoir and Albert Camus* as well? What type of philosophy do they prefer? (I understand that analytic philosophy is generally seen as the anti-thesis to existensialism, but I doubt Bertrand Russell would have "tarred and feathered" anyone for talking about phenomenology.)

Only one of them I've actually read, BTW.No, I should be clearer, they don't hate existentialism, they just consider it a source of amusement like the Room or such things. Generally speaking they prefer philosophers like Mill and Russell.

2011-11-09, 07:43 PM
Spice Girls.

I win! :smalltongue:

H Birchgrove
2011-11-09, 07:49 PM
I just hang out with well educated people and wannabe-intellectuals I guess. Sartre'a far from the most obscure name we throw around, but mocking existentialists is a common source of amusement and Sartre is the most well known of them.

Mainly due to his actual philosophy, partly due to the stereotype of beret wearing Frenchmen talking about ennui.

No, I should be clearer, they don't hate existentialism, they just consider it a source of amusement like the Room or such things. Generally speaking they prefer philosophers like Mill and Russell.

I see. Still, "tar and feathers" seemed like strong words to me, like they considered Sartre and Friends to be a reincarnation of Those Who Must Not Be Mentioned On Internet Forums.

Spice Girls.

I win! :smalltongue:

I remember the days when Spice Girls were considered to be the ultimate perfection of women's liberation and any criticism against them meant you were a male chauvenist swine. :smallsigh:

2011-11-09, 11:07 PM
Dominic Deegan Though, I am beginning to see why why his hatedom is so large.

2011-11-10, 02:10 AM
Season of the Witch

Not the old horror film. The recent movie with Nic Cage and Ron Pearlman. I know it's stupid and bad, but there are a few entertaining moments. That, and it's guys walking around in armor. I'm practically sold.

2011-11-10, 02:52 AM
Sartre is not an obscure name. He's one of the most famous writers of the 20th century.
Okay, Sartre isn't exactly obscure, but he isn't someone I'd expect a non intellectual to recognize. Or even all intellectuals.

2011-11-10, 03:05 AM
I play tabletop role playing games.

2011-11-10, 03:06 AM
Id have to say its my garfield or calvin and hobbes comic books. I may be 30 years old, but I still love reading those things as much as I did as a child. Its not the kind of book id bring with me to work to read during break times, but to unwind at night before going to sleep? heck yeah.

Calvin and Hobbes is High Art. :smalltongue:

Mine is A Few Good Men. I watch it every time I catch it on TV. I've probably seen it 10-20 times depending on how you count catching it in the middle. Never have gotten tired of it.

2011-11-10, 05:27 AM
I'll be honest, I don't get the whole "guilty pleasure" thing. Why should you feel guilty about having fun? Don't let other people judge you.

Just thinking of the various anime series I watched...
We'll leave out the 4-koma adaptations (4 girls in high school comedy) as they're not embarrasing enough. And we'll leave out the good stuff as well (duh)
Mashiro Iro Symphony
Amagami SS
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
Fortune Arterial
H2O Footprints in the Sand
Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi
Mayoi Neko Overrun! (oh, why the hell did I watch that... =( )
Myself; Yourself
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu (dropped 1st episode of S2)
Omamori Himari
Ore no Im- ...Right, I'm not even going to finish that title. And yes, I know there are two of them that start that way. I watched both and I'm referring to the less good one.
Otome wa Boku ni Koi****eru (oh, lol, profanity filters)
Shukufuku no Campanella
Wind: A Breath of Heart
Yosuga no Sora (warning, NOT safe)
11 eyes

And To Heart 2. Especially To Heart 2.
I like that series, but its incredibly unimaginative and just generally poor. Characters are like cardboard cutouts. Male lead is bland as a blank piece of paper. Main female lead is an immature little kid who, perhaps not surprisingly, doesn't whine as much as actual immature little kids. (which might have been interesting)

It's also old, and I suspect, given how alot of similar series have uniforms that constantly remind me of TH2, it might have played a major role in the genre.

And nearly all the series in that spoiler is similar to TH2.

Amazing that I haven't even touched Da Capo, given the track record, but I have better things to do. I have no words to describe D.C.
Although why in the world I watched Yosuga no Sora / Ore no Im- / Mayoi Neko... given that even D.C. is likely to be better than them, I have no idea.

And this is just the layer "things I don't generally show or tell people I watch"

There are worse things.

2011-11-10, 10:15 AM
I'm a grown man, but I could happily watch Spongebob Squarepants or Peppa Pig all day.

I also roleplay, tabletop wargame, avidly boardgame, and play Magic the Gathering. Not guilty pleasures here, but out in the real world I think they are.

2011-11-10, 10:22 AM
I also roleplay, tabletop wargame, avidly boardgame, and play Magic the Gathering. Not guilty pleasures here, but out in the real world I think they are.

Depends on the definition. I listed it because I feel compelled to keep it hidden, but I don't feel bad for liking it. Unlike some music I like that I know full well is terrible.

2011-11-10, 11:48 AM
Spice Girls.

I win! :smalltongue:

There is nothing guilty about the Spice Girls (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLIiF15wjQ) ^_^

2011-11-10, 01:07 PM
There is nothing guilty about the Spice Girls (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJLIiF15wjQ) ^_^

There is when you're a 49 year old male.:smallredface:

2011-11-11, 06:38 PM
*Looks at Avatar, then at thread title*...yeah actually I'm not really guilty about ponies. Particularly since most of my RL friends know about it anyway and I reference them constantly in my D&D group.

I am guilty about liking DBZ though. Everyone makes fun of it (for legitimate reasons) but it was fun to watch.

Also, bad physics and chemistry jokes/puns. How I love them.
A bartender says, "Hey, we don't serve Tachyons here, get out of my bar!"

Then a Tachyon walks into a bar.

2011-11-11, 06:48 PM
...Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Now, I maintain it's a Super Robot show masquerading as a Magical Girl show, but still.

Also, enjoying it is made difficult due to the fact it's the one anime I've seen where the dub actually... well, sucks. It's not Bowdlerizing, it's just that the acting is wooden.

2011-11-11, 06:51 PM
Dominic Deegan Though, I am beginning to see why why his hatedom is so large.

Ah, thanks for reminding me. Menage a Trois. I find it so deliciously trashy and wrong to enjoy.

Sort of reminds me of the explanation one of my ex-girlfriends gave for why she watched the trainwreck that was The Flavor of Love.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-11-11, 07:42 PM
Ah, thanks for reminding me. Menage a Trois. I find it so deliciously trashy and wrong to enjoy.

Sort of reminds me of the explanation one of my ex-girlfriends gave for why she watched the trainwreck that was The Flavor of Love.

Actually most of those web-comics are a guilty pleasure Menage a 3, Vampire Cheerleaders...Eerie cuties... Aoi house.... curse you Coizdor! you reminded me of them and now I have to post about them....

2011-11-11, 08:52 PM
...Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Now, I maintain it's a Super Robot show masquerading as a Magical Girl show, but still.

I'll see your MGLN and raise you a Cardcaptor Sakura. That is one of my absolute favorite shows.

Now that I think about it, though, not a guilty pleasure. At least, I don't feel guilty. :smalltongue:

Dusk Eclipse
2011-11-11, 08:59 PM
I would raise you with MLP: FIM; but considering these forums....:smallamused:

And now I have to add MGLN to my "To watch" lists :smallsigh: it is becoming too long... damn you day why are you only 24 hours long!!!

2011-11-11, 09:02 PM
Okay, Sartre isn't exactly obscure, but he isn't someone I'd expect a non intellectual to recognize. Or even all intellectuals.

I wouldn't consider myself an intellectual, but I know a pretty fair amount about Sartre and have read a good deal of his works. I also like to mock him relentlessly, but I thought that was just me. I didn't realize other people did that too.

2011-11-11, 10:02 PM
I wouldn't consider myself an intellectual, but I know a pretty fair amount about Sartre and have read a good deal of his works. I also like to mock him relentlessly, but I thought that was just me. I didn't realize other people did that too.
Trust me, you are either an intellectual or a rather bizarre brand of geek/nerd. Although given these forums, I suppose the later is rather likely (nothing wrong with that though :smallamused:)

2011-11-11, 10:31 PM
I thought we already had a My Little Pony thread. :smalltongue:

For Calvin and Hobbes, I didn't really appreciate them to their full extent until I was a bit older. I don't think that's anything to be terribly guilty about it, but I can imagine not bringing a compilation book into a board meeting.

For my own guilty pleasure: Mainstream pop music. The more sugary, shallow and trite, the better.

2011-11-11, 10:59 PM
I'll see your MGLN and raise you a Cardcaptor Sakura. That is one of my absolute favorite shows.

Now that I think about it, though, not a guilty pleasure. At least, I don't feel guilty. :smalltongue:

I went through high school watching sailor moon, from first season to last every day.

2011-11-12, 02:25 AM
I would raise you with MLP: FIM; but considering these forums....:smallamused:

*looks at avatar*

*looks back*

I dunno, I don't think MLP is a "raise" from Cardcaptor Sakura. I mean, they're both shows for little girls, but I think CCS is little girlsier. I enjoy MLP because it has a lot of smart writing, kind of reminds me of Loony Tunes in places, and often deconstructs its own genre. I like CCS because it's sweet and adorable.

2011-11-12, 06:20 AM
I'll see your MGLN and raise you a Cardcaptor Sakura. That is one of my absolute favorite shows.

Now that I think about it, though, not a guilty pleasure. At least, I don't feel guilty. :smalltongue:

I went through high school watching sailor moon, from first season to last every day.
I see your Cardcaptor Sakura and raise you a Sasami: Magical Girl Club.

2011-11-12, 07:12 PM
Assuming the "you like it even though you should know better" definition of a guilty pleasure: 4chan. And this forum.

2011-11-13, 02:58 AM
Assuming the "you like it even though you should know better" definition of a guilty pleasure: 4chan. And this forum.
Wait, what? This forum is awesome!

2011-11-13, 11:38 AM
Wait, what? This forum is awesome!

I've been here for over 5 years now (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=4847), and let me tell you - nothing is perfect, and this forum is no exception. It has a lot of flaws, many of which are extremely prelevant among the "nice" internet communities. A lot of users thinking this forum is the best thing ever and the last bastion of good taste in the internet sea of rot is just one of them.

2011-11-13, 01:16 PM
I've been here for over 5 years now (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?u=4847), and let me tell you - nothing is perfect, and this forum is no exception. It has a lot of flaws, many of which are extremely prelevant among the "nice" internet communities. A lot of users thinking this forum is the best thing ever and the last bastion of good taste in the internet sea of rot is just one of them.
Of course nothing is perfect, and although this is my favorite forum I admit that it is a matter of taste. I still think it is a bit odd to call it a guilty pleasure.

2011-11-13, 01:59 PM
If you'd like to know my reasons, ask me over PM. This is getting pretty offtopic.

2011-11-13, 07:00 PM
I would raise you with MLP: FIM; but considering these forums....:smallamused:

And now I have to add MGLN to my "To watch" lists :smallsigh: it is becoming too long... damn you day why are you only 24 hours long!!!

If you do, my honest advice is not to watch the dub.

The dub of MGLN... it doesn't have any outright Woolseyisms like some, the acting's just wooden from what I've seen of it.

Dusk Eclipse
2011-11-13, 08:29 PM
I tend to look for subs on general principle; but thanks for the heads up and I doubt they have it dubbed in Spanish :smallamused:

Archpaladin Zousha
2011-11-13, 10:33 PM
I'd say my biggest guilty pleasure is Francophone pop music, which I got hooked on back in high school. With a side of O-Zone (their famous Dragostea Din Tei song, known on the Internet as "Numa Numa").

H Birchgrove
2011-11-18, 09:18 AM

Lordi. (Though I think they're pretty good, so maybe not...)

Village People.

2011-11-18, 09:31 AM
Heh, Lordi are awesome. Their Eurovision entry video was doing the rounds at my university for a while there in 2006. When they won it got even better :smallbiggrin: