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2011-11-08, 08:30 PM
(a long time ago in a galaxy far far away)

Star Wars

Knights of the Old Republic

Dark Vendetta

10 years ago, the Dark Lord Exar Kun was defeated by the Jedi at Yavin IV. His brotherhood of the Sith were splintered and cast to the far reaches of the galaxy. The Krath were crushed as well, and the proud Mandalorian Crusaders suffered defeat at the hands of the Republic. The Great Sith War had ended.

The War that Exar Kun had started decimated the Republic, causing horrific amounts of damage. Slowly efforts to repair this damage are picking up and the Republic is swifting moving to rebuild. The Jedi Order is stepping up its recruitment and appointing new knights to replace those lost to Kun's war.

It is now 3985, the start of the new galactic year. The Jedi Order has built an enclave on the planet of Mandarin in the Mandarin sector in hopes of bringing order to the conflicted sector. Mandarin had been the battleground for many fights between the Republic and the Krath/Mandos/Brotherhood of the Sith. With the new enclave having opened recently, the Jedi high council has instructed the Jedi Council at the Dantioone enclave to send Jedi to Mandarin to add to that enclave's slowing growing number...

The sounds of the Dantioone Enclave are quiet in this late afternoon time. Jedi and other beings walk about talking in semi-quiet conversations. A groups of kids follow a pair of human children that run in front of them. "Revan, wait for us!" One of the kids following behind calls out to the brown haired boy in front. The brown haired girl with him tugs his arm. Revan stops and glances back. "Hurry up, Alek! We'll be late for class!" Revan waits briefly before running on, with the girl keeping pace with him and Alek trying to catch up.

The kids dodge around an Ithoran, who spins to avoid them nearly dropping his datapad. The ithoran mutters something and then heads over to you (each of you in turn unless you are together). He speaks to you. "The Jedi Council is ready to see you now." He says.

2011-11-09, 12:32 AM
Ovelia stood awaiting the Jedi Council to see her. She had been rather surprised to be called by them. She had come to Dantooine to keep an eye on the Jedi and try and find out about any key events, dangerous threats, or other things the Fallanassi might know. After all it seemed in almost all galactic events the Jedi were always tied in.

As such she had come to Dantooine under the guise of a medic and mechanic who could upgrade things for quite cheaply. She'd become pretty popular and had helped to upgrade quite a few things and had healed a large group of people. She didn't charge much, but her popularity had helped increase her funds and things were going good.

As weeks had passed she hadn't heard much of interest, and her interactions with the Jedi had mostly been repairing or modifying some droids they had and the occasional Jedi begging her to help them cheat with making their lightsaber.

All in all things had been quiet and her reports, encrypted in her droid, had been short and brief. However, this summoning had surprised her. Each time she'd had experiences with the Jedi it had been a one on one matter, not a summoning by their leadership, the Jedi Council. She had been a bit nervous at first but had drawn on the White Current to calm herself before she headed towards the Enclave.

Upon her arrival, as she had with most run ins with Jedi, she had used her training in the White Current to try and distort and hide her presence in the Force.

As she had waited she had admired the beauty of the enclave, though her examining and study of things had ended shortly when the Ithorian showed up.

"Thank you, sir." She said with a soft melodious voice as she stepped towards him to follow him to the Council.

2011-11-09, 01:33 AM
Over the last few weeks, AA994321 has been set on patrol around the Jedi Enclave. He makes his rounds with droid-like efficiency, stopping at per-determined points, scanning the area and moving along. Come rain, sleet or shine, AA994321 is nothing if not dedicated to his task.

AA994321 was informed by a small Twi'Lek youngling that he was required to come inside and meet the council. Without a thought, AA994321 made an about face and retraced his steps to the Enclave's entrance, which he had just passed not more than ten minutes prior.

As he made his way through the hallowed halls of the Enclave, AA994321 could not help but wonder why the council was asking for his presence. He was nothing but an ordinary Sentinel Droid Mk II (with several aftermarket additions, of course). The Council employed many such units (though none as extensively modified as AA994321).

"Perhaps they want to gamble..." thinks the Droid, "No, Jedi are nothing if not poor. They also cheat. Or so AA994321 was told by his former master (especially at dice games).

AA994321 enters a small reception room and sees several other sentients inside. Some are Jedi he recognizes from around the Enclave but others are new, different - non-Jedi.

An Ithorian bumbles into the room and informs AA994321 that the Council will see him. The Droid merely nods as he slowly marches into the Council Chambers.

Mando Knight
2011-11-09, 12:10 PM
The black-clad Mandalorian arrives in the Council chamber, his face an expressionless T-visored mask.

"Gavin Tor, reporting for duty."

2011-11-09, 12:14 PM

The Ithorian finds Myles in one of the jedi enclave shuttles. He's been going through a regular check of the ship's systems checking power levels, control calibrations, making sure the stores are filled, that sort of thing. He turns as the large being stumps up the entry ramp and squeezes through the door into the cockpit. "Of course." he replies when he is told the message.

As the summons is for the council themselves, he decides not to take extra time changing out of his flight suit before attending them. Instead, he slips his jedi robe over the top of the grey-green jumpsuit and hurries to the ante chamber to await the council's pleasure.

2011-11-11, 05:31 PM
Tarsell got to the Enclave a little early and spent his time watching the people pass by.
Still thinking of why the jedi would talk to him, he would retrace his actions to see if he unintentionally broke the law after leaving the prison.
With his mind at easy he would respond to the ithorian "Yes, sir."

2011-11-12, 10:03 AM
Kot Tor

Kot Tor is meditating beneath a large tree kept within the Enclave when a voice disturbs his train of thought. Opening an eye he sees an Ithorian standing over him. "The Jedi Council is ready to see you now.", are the creatures only words before shuffling away.

Standing up Kot Tor takes a moment to stretch his stiff limbs before making his way towards the Council antechamber.

2011-11-17, 12:50 AM
The council members sit in chairs in a half-circle facing you. There are four members. Each one studies you briefly before one, Master Vandore, steps forward speaking to you.

Vandar: "Greetings, hopefuls. The council has selected each of you to part of its testing to determine who should go to our new enclave on Mandarin. We have not decided on who to send yet and are using the testing to locate the best canditates for the duties that they will be assuming once they arrive on Mandarin. These individuals must possess good judgement, be able to solve disputes and problems in the best fashion and be able to investigate and solve crimes. We believe we should be able to determine who to send."

(Another master speaks, a human female): "By performing tasks at the enclave and surrounding environs, you will be able to demonstrate yourselves as being better suited to fulfilling those duties then our other students. Currently, you have not standing in the testing."

Zhar: "Talk to the different people at the enclave here and in the courtyard here to find people who you could assist. After helping as many people as you can, return to us and we shall discuss your status."

The council asks if you have any questions for them and will answer them before dismissing you. The last council member is a male Zabrak.

(Any questions for the council? The other two council members: Female-Master Tryis, Zabrak-Master Durok.)

2011-11-17, 03:46 PM
"No disrespect, but can I ask why?" Ovelia ask calmly trying to add respect to her voice. "I mean, I'm always willing to help the honorable Jedi, it's why I opened shop nearby. I figure with all the help you've given the Jedi I could help heal you, repair your items, and upgrade older software." She explains, "But at the same time I don't understand why you would want to test me and send me to the enclave?" She ask. "I will help anyone I can though, that's part of being a healer."

2011-11-17, 04:55 PM

Myles accepts his assignment silently. Being a padawan testing has always been part of his life, this is just the next step. He prepares to leave, but waits when the small girl with long hair speaks up.

2011-11-17, 05:44 PM
Vandar speaks: "We felt that you might interested in going and helping others there on Mandarin. If you would rather stay here, then we can remove from the list of possible candidates."

2011-11-17, 05:53 PM
Ovelia gives a nod and a polite bow, "If you feel that the new enclave could use my talents I'll be glad to go. I was merely curious." She says with a nod as she turns towards the door, "Is there anyone in particular who needs healing or upgrades or shall I just wander around? You'll forgive me if I'm more used to people coming to me so I don't know my way around as much."

2011-11-17, 06:29 PM
Kot Tor

"It is my duty to dispense justice onto the wicked." I will do what I can to aid the people here."

He then bows before the council.

2011-11-17, 06:43 PM

If the droid had a face, he would be grimacing. "I already serve at the whims of the Council, I have already helped enough people. Why must I continue?" AA994321 sighs and says, "To help the common folk of this rustic world is now my designated duty." The droid then looks to Ovelia and states, "I know this area quite well. I will assist you."

2011-11-17, 06:49 PM
Ovelia nods, "Thank you, and what shall I call you?" She ask looking the droid up and down. Something about him looked familiar. Had she worked on that droid before? She supposed it could have been a droid of similar design, but she was good at details and she was pretty sure it was the same one. Still, knowing the name would confirm it.

2011-11-17, 07:04 PM
AA994321 looks at the woman oddly, "I will never understand the organic need for names..."

I am a Sentinel Droid mkII created by Kellenech Technologies and purchased by the Republic for use in their war against the Sith. Following the war, I was acquired by a human named Kra Zha. When he passed away I was donated to the Council here on Dantooine. I have gone by many names during my life, including "Sentinel Droid", "MKII", "Droid", "AA994321", "Dealer", "Casino", "Cheater", "Stacker", and "Gruntbot". I have no real preference for names. Most organics simply invent a unique nickname for me."

2011-11-17, 07:07 PM
"It's merely a way to distinguish you amongst others. If in a group I say 'Hey you' how do you understand I'm talking to you?" Ovelia notes. "If you have no preference I'll call you Sentinel then. Droid seems too informal and wouldn't differentiate you from other droids." She states.

2011-11-17, 09:06 PM
Ok, so you want us to get over there and help people. I got it. But is there any other reward apart from being their "heroes"? Moving can be expensive, you know?

2011-11-17, 10:52 PM
Master Vandar comes over to you and speaks to you.

Vandar: "I would suggest talking to the two farmers in the courtyard, they have been removed from their homes recently. You could try talking with Master Krie, who is the local constable. She can be found in the cantina by the landing bay. Ask the bartender after her. If you head over to the waiting rooms, you will find several groups of people looking for Jedi help. One group is interested in our assistance in solving a land dispute. Another group is two angry business partners who could use an impartial third party. The last group are two rival families that have a feud that could erupt into violence; perhaps you could help find a way to defuse that particular problem?

Of course there is always Gents Malone who you could investi..."

"MASTERS!!! I must speak with you!" Someone shouts.
A bald headed human male comes into the council chamber pushing along Revan and his female friend. They look that have been roughhousing. The human male looks stern. The kids don't look to be more than 4 years old. Revan looks protective of the girl and is scowling up at the male.

Vandar sighs then studies the figure. He speaks, resignedly. "Master Vrook, what brings you in here this time? What new problem has this two been up to now?"

Vrook: "I found them exploring the kinrath cave! They have no right to go there! Its not a safe place for them to explore!" He exclaims loudly. Revan's scowl deepens and he grimaces, muttering alongside with Vrook apparently mouthing his words.

Vandar glances down at Revan and his friend. He then speaks to him. "Is this true, Revan? Did you go back into the cave after you warned not to?" Vandar asks patiently.

Revan smiles in response. "I was just helping Kira (motioning to his female friend) find some crystals. She is curious about lightsabers and was interested in what was there. We were fine. We didn't need old bald stuffy face to ruin our fun. (glances up at Vrook) Neither of us are his students or concerns anyway."

Vrook, who looks clearly insulted and furious, replies. "Fine? How were you fine? Those kinrath are bigger than you and could have killed you! You weren't thinking!" He says, coming close to shouting.

Revan shakes his head. "Ever since I made this, we have not had to worry about kinrath. (he pulls out a cylinderical object) I'm getting better at using it."

Vrook looks completely stunned. Vandar holds his hand out for Revan to give him the cylinder. Revan does so and Vandar holds one end away from him. He clicks a button or presses something and a long blade of bright blue appears. Vandar carefully moves the blade along some nearby tall grass. After doing so, it appears that the grass have been perfectly cut.

Vandar shuts off the blade and then looks at Revan for a moment before speaking. "Revan, where did you find this?" he asks.

Vrook replies: "Stole it without asking is more likely." He says in a huff.

Revan looks up innocently at Vandar. "I built it using the plans I found lying out when those knights were making theirs. I just did what seem right to me. Was that wrong?" He replies.

Vrook starts to speak before Vandar puts up a hand. "You may go, Master Vrook. I will handle this."

Vrook leaves, looking clearly still frustated. Vandar waits until he gets out of earshot before speaking to Revan again. "You should have not done this, Revan. You are moving faster than you should be. Do you still have your training lightsaber? or did you misplace it again?"

Revan looks sheepish. "I sortof lost it. In the kinrath cave once, master. I was going to get another one then i saw the pretty crystals and parts out and those papers and thought maybe i could do something with all that."

Vandar sighs again. He hands the cylinder back to Revan. He then turns to you and speaks. "Well, I could use some advice. What should I do about this? Clearly Revan need some kind of penance and Kira, being his cohort in this, needs some too." He asks you.

Kira speaks up now. "Oh, do we get to go exploring? Revan promised! We can go see the farmers or play with the fish or go explore the kinrath cave more." She says.

Vandar looks at you, expecting an answer.

2011-11-17, 11:58 PM

Myles steps forward, his hands tucked into the sleeves of his robe. He bows and says, "If I may Master, young Revan should be confined to his quarters for the week, only to leave to take light saber training. He is to be commended for his ability to construct his own lightsaber, but the hard work all week learning to use it properly and confinement to his room will serve as punishment for ignoring instruction and speaking disrespectfully to Master Vrook.

Kira on the other hand should be confined to assisting in the medical bay for one week, where she will be able to learn about the injuries the kinrath can inflict. Her spare time should be spent in the library searching the records for stories of Jedi who found themselves lead astray by others. In this way she will be helpful, but also discover for herself some of the dangers she put herself in by blindly following young Revan."

2011-11-18, 01:34 AM
"We shall adventure to this cave, Master, and retrieve the document." Sentinel looks down at the little girl and states, "We meaning the adults and battle-hardened droids, of course."

2011-11-18, 02:00 AM
Ovelia glances at the Jedi here. "I'll defer to the others as it is not my place to say how a Jedi matter should be handled. I don't know your rules or methods." She says calmly. "As for the assignments I suppose I could talk with the business partners." She says, "I tend to abhor violence and peace talks seem the best use of my talents if nobody needs medical attention."

Mando Knight
2011-11-18, 12:30 PM
The silent armored man finally speaks. "I agree with the woman about dealing with the children. I know enough of Jedi ways to know that you would reject any other answer I would give."

2011-11-18, 02:29 PM
The Droid looks confused for a bit... "Oh, you meant the younglings. Well, given how they broke the rules, stole the plans to construct a lightsaber and explored a dark and dangerous cave... I would default to the standardized list of the Republic's Military's Nonjudicial punishments. In accordance with such rules and regulations, I would sentence the younglings to the following:

- Bread and water/diminished rations for 3 days
- Confinement to their quarters for 3 days
- Extra Duties (such as cleaning) for the foreseeable future
- A formal reprimand be placed in their service record

2011-11-18, 03:38 PM
Ovelia let out a soft chuckle hearing the droid, "What about jail time?" She ask casually keeping her tone straight as if asking in all seriousness.

2011-11-18, 04:42 PM
Completely oblivious to the subtext of the question, "Wars need soldiers, you do not imprison soldiers because they make mistakes."

2011-11-18, 04:45 PM
Vandar listens carefully then nods to himself. "I believe that the suggestions of being confined to quarters and extra chores sounds appropaite. Revan, you will be confined to quarters when not engaging in training with your lightsaber. You will be expected to demonstrate that you are following instructions and being obedient. You will do this for the week.

Kira, you will help Master Din in the medical bay. You should about the kind of injuries kinrath can make and also about other injuries and their treatment. You will spend time studying about Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-droma and Cay Qel-droma. I will expect a report on what you learned from their histories that you can apply to your own choices. When not in the medical bay, you will be confined to quarters as well."

Vandar pauses briefly, when he is joined by Master Tryis, he asks her to take the two away. After they leave he turns back to you. "I will have to speak with Master Vrook. Revan was correct in stating that Vrook had no reason to take it upon himself to discipline either of them. They are not his concern; they are the concern of Master Kotra. I will have to speak with him as well about this. If Master Vrook speaks to you about this matter, please inform him that he is to take his concerns to Master Kotra and present those two to that master for disciplining. He is not to constantly bring them before the council. He oversteps his bounds.

I would like to thank you for helping to resolve this matter. Did you have any further questions for me?" He asks you.

2011-11-18, 04:47 PM
Everyone gets 500xp and you have earned one point to influence/impress the council in sending you off to Mandarin to join the enclave there.

2011-11-18, 05:07 PM
"Speaking of the medical bay...Any medical attention for anything needed? I'm rather quick and very talented with surgery. I'm also capable of doing cybernetics." She states, "If not, where can I find these business partners?"

2011-11-18, 06:41 PM
Vandar replies. "As I told you before, they are in one of the waiting rooms."

2011-11-18, 06:42 PM
Kot Tor

Kot Tor crosses his arms and chuckles at the oblivious droid.

2011-11-18, 07:02 PM

Myles bows to the Council and heads to the waiting rooms with the others, in search of the other applicants.

2011-11-18, 07:11 PM
"I was hoping for a specific room so I as to get the right group...but whatever." She says turning and heading out with a shrug. She heads towards the waiting rooms where she had been while waiting for the Council. As she enters she looks around for two grumpy looking people. Mainly ones that were looking professional.

2011-11-18, 07:21 PM
After looking into each one, you find two professional looking people in the last room. They are glaring at each other. One is a human, the other is a twi'lek.

The first room holds some people who look they have been arguing over a hologram of some land. It has some orchids and a big tree on the hologram.

The second room has some people who appear to be sitting facing each other. they look angry and appear to ready to come to blows.

2011-11-18, 07:26 PM
I'm not used to your ways but if something like that happened in my homeplanet, the children would have to thank the adult that saved them from being hurt or worse. In my opinion, the children are everyone's matter, not just their guardian's. Master Vrook deserves more respect for being concerned about the children's sake. But, hey, they are your children, not mine. After Ovelia's speech: Lead the way pretty lady. Time for some peace making.

2011-11-18, 08:04 PM
A slight smile crosses Ovelia's face at the man's compliment. She doesn't respond other than a nod, due to currently getting into 'business mode' but it's clear she did enjoy the compliment.

Ovelia nods as she enters, "Greetings, gentlemen." She says with a melodic voice and soft smile as she bows politely, "I'm Ovelia Ranoue, the Jedi sent these people," She nods behind her to anyone who followed, "And myself to try and help work things out." She says casually as if merely discussing the weather. She wanted to start things off by trying to calm the emotions going through the room. "Now then, out of respect for each other, we are all sentient beings after all, I'd prefer if one person speaks and tells their whole side, then the other. Please try not to interrupt no matter what the other person says at this point. For now our goal is just to let each person tell their side. Then we can work out actual details."

Not sure if I need any rolls yet...Also since this is a kinda diplomacy type thing wouldn't this be a point where splitting into smaller groups works better? Especially since there are two other rooms with people needing help lol. :smalltongue:

2011-11-18, 11:29 PM
The human speaks first. "Well, I paid more than than he did to get our business up and that means I should get a bigger share than he does. Its only fair that the one of us that paid more should have a larger share of the business."

The twi'lek speaks next. "I came up with the idea and the plans for our business. That means I should get more since all he did was pay out more credits than I did for us to get started. I did all the actual work, he just paid more money." The twi'lek says.

So? What do you think? Also, are anyone else talking to others?

2011-11-19, 01:02 AM
Ovelia nods, "So each one of you feels you deserve a larger share of the business for their own reasons." She states calmly, "Understandable, each one of you makes a good point. Was any contract written or planned before the business? Any set up or arrangements?" She ask, "I hope you didn't both just start throwing money around without a plan."

2011-11-19, 04:35 PM
Since this problem is being taken care of by Ovelia, Tarsell decides to check the first one and see if there is anything he can do. I see you can handle this one, baby. Ima check on the other rooms.

2011-11-19, 04:57 PM
The human speaks. "We had made some plans for a contract but had not agreed yet about how to set it up. Our business was not up and running yet though, so we didn't feel we needed one then. Now, with the business running we need a plan or contract. However, we are unable to come to an agreement on percentages and shares in the business we should have." He answers you.

Which room do you visit Tarsell?

2011-11-19, 07:50 PM
Kot Tor

Diplomacy isn't Kot Tor's strong suit however he aims to try. He walks into the room with the two angry individuals ready to fight.

Kot Tor clears his throat and in a commanding voice asks what the problem is.

Mando Knight
2011-11-19, 07:53 PM
Gavin heads to the cantina.

2011-11-19, 09:00 PM
Tarsell will watch how Kot Tor will handle the problem.

2011-11-19, 09:18 PM
The angry people glance at you before two stepping forward and talking. One is a human male, the other is a human female. The female speaks first.

Human female. "I am Magi Capulet. My son wants to marry this fool's daughter! Our families have been at conflict since the our families' sacred orb was stolen. How dare he wish to join with our enemies!" She says.

Human Male, "I am Zorak Montagne. I disagree with my daughter's decision to marry her son. Our family was wronged when our sacred orb was lost. Never trust a Capulet! They always lie!" He shouts.

The two families engage in angry shouts at each other.

2011-11-19, 09:32 PM
Just a second, who stole what and when?

2011-11-19, 09:45 PM
Magi. "Our sacred orb you twit! Small round and yellow. Has stars in it. You can't miss it. If you were ever to find it!" She says.

Zorak. "Our sacred orb. It had writing on it. One of our elders wrote down what it said so we could remember. Here. (hands you a datacard)" He says.

The datacard has the writing listed on it. After studying it some and playing with the letters, you determine the writing translates out to this:

"Push this button to set timer for Detonation"

What do you do?

2011-11-19, 10:36 PM
The Droid sighs, he was often subjected to the meaningless chatter of this planet's denizens, now he'd have to listen to MORE frivolous prattle. Sentinel meanders over to some of the applicants and tries to care about their insignificant problems.

2011-11-19, 11:50 PM
Kot Tor

Kot Tor scratches his head wishing he hadn't gotten involved. The hollering of the humans is beginning to grate on his nerves.

"So both families claim the other has stolen their sacred orb. Why not allow the jedi here to search your respective estates to discern whether the missing orbs are there?"

2011-11-19, 11:53 PM
I'll let that one pass...This says it will detonate if I push this button. Detonate what? And when was it stolen?

2011-11-20, 12:01 AM
Magi: "It was stolen when the sith invaded! When the Daragon siblings brought the sith empire to the republic." She replies.

Zorak nodds. "Our elder, Romeo Montagne served with Juliette Capulet. His orb went missing after that, most likely stolen by the Capulets!" He shouts.

Magi. "It was Romeo who stole Juliette's orb!" She replies angerily.

Do you wish to consult your datapad to link up with the Enclave's archives to find out more about the orb could be and about each of these two people?

2011-11-20, 11:52 AM
Tarsell checks his datapad for information on them and their orbs.

2011-11-20, 12:48 PM

Having followed Olevia into the room with the two businessmen Myles makes a suggestion, "It appears that one of you has the capital to invest in the business but the other owns the intellectual property, without which the business would not exist. Can you both see that without the other neither of you would have any profits? You have both made significant investment if in different ways. I suggest you both share equally the continued profits."

2011-11-20, 02:29 PM
After the two have spoken, and her partner suggest a choice of action, Ovelia looks at the human and adds a bit more, "So if I understand correctly your partner wanted to start a business and needed your money. You discussed a contract, but never finalized one. You just gave him money without working out how much would be returned and if you'd get a part of the company?" She asked surprised. That was rather stupid on the human's part. "Luckily, I'm sure your partner is a very honest man. If he were dishonest he could technically run off with the money since you gave it to him with no contract binding him to anything." She states choosing her words carefully, but trying to set something up. She looks at the twi'lek, "Am I right in saying you are an honest and fair man, not scum? Do I correctly I assume you still wish to be honorable and work something out?"

Then she nods at her partner, "That is one suggestion of an equal split." She looks at the human, "Do you deny your partner's claims that he came up with the ideas and plans?" Then she looks at the twi'lek, "And do you deny that he offered the money?" She ask, "As you can see both of you have offered something that is vital to the company's existence and its continued growth. You are both vital and important as well as equally important. One option is to split it."

Then she looks at the twi'lek, "However, if you refuse to split it, then you would have to pay him back the money you borrowed. He did give you money to help your company and it is owed to him. Either he can be your partner and you both work equally together to create a powerful company, or he can be your debtor, you'll have to pay him off, and then you'll have to constantly get loans whenever you need money." She pauses thinking, "How much did you borrow and what exactly does your company do?"

2011-11-22, 04:51 PM
@ Myles/Ovelia: Roll Persuasion

@Tarsell: After examining the information, you determine that the two individuals were part of a republic squad that was tasked with infilterating and destroying a sith warship and that the yellow orb was a thermal detonator from that time period.

2011-11-22, 04:58 PM
A thermal detonator?! So you're argueing about which family takes the fame for destroying a Sith ship? Is that right?

2011-11-22, 05:14 PM
Persuasion: [roll0]

2011-11-22, 06:14 PM
You are able to persuade the two businessmen to go with 50-50 split. They leave, having been helped by you. (Everyone gets 500xp)

The data entry says that Romeo and Juliette were supposed to use the thermal detonater to destroy a sith warship and that the warship was destroyed but they did not return from the mission.

2011-11-22, 06:25 PM
Tarsell searches for information on them to see if they were experienced soldiers or not. Maybe they made a mistake that killed them or faked their deaths for some reason. Also, he would like to know who else was on that mission with them.

2011-11-22, 07:20 PM
Make a use computer check.

2011-11-22, 07:29 PM
Satisfied at the fact that they had worked it out so easily, Ovelia bows politely and heads to the next room. She wondered about the two's intelligence. They had started a business before working things out and hadn't taken the time to seriously think about a 50/50 split. She hadn't even tried that hard, yet they had worked it out.

As she left the room she glanced in the other two rooms. One had two people with a hologram of some land and the other seemed to be already dealt with by two of the others. As such she took a deep breath and walked into the room with the hologram.

"Good day," She said with a sweet beautiful voice, "How can I help the two of you?" She asked as she looked at the hologram.

2011-11-22, 08:46 PM
Use computer check: [roll0]

2011-11-25, 06:02 PM
To sum up, they are two families that are interested in a plot of land and how it should be divided between the two of them.

You are unable to find out anything more important or of particular value involving the two individuals and their mission to destroy a sith warship.

Mando Knight
2011-11-25, 06:05 PM
(Waiting at the Cantina... is Master Krie easily spotted?)

2011-11-25, 06:09 PM
You can ask the bartender if you want on where to find her.

2011-11-25, 06:21 PM
"How much is the land and who is the seller?" Ovelia ask, "Are you both providing equal amounts of payment toward the land or is one paying more?" She ask with a polite smile, "There are of course details that would help determine how to divide up everything. I assume you are both pitching in to buy the land due to the cost preventing a single purchase?"

2011-11-25, 06:28 PM
One family wants the orchids and the other wants the trees. The families own the land as they used to be one family before but have separated into two.

2011-11-25, 07:07 PM
"So if you both own the land and you both want something different, why not split it fifty-fifty and one gets the orchids and the other gets the trees? Both of you are happy and neither is cheated." She states trying to hold back a sigh. Why was it all these people had such simple problems that they couldn't handle themselves? Why were all these people coming to the Jedi to solve obvious things like this? She almost felt sorry for the Jedi.

2011-11-25, 07:19 PM
Roll a persuasion check. (yes these are simple quests, but i thought simple ones would be best.)

Mando Knight
2011-11-25, 07:23 PM
Gavin walks over to the bar, and when the bartender turns to him, he inquires "The council wants me to talk to Master Krie. They said you'd know where she is."

2011-11-25, 07:25 PM
Myles waits quietly, looks like Olevie has this one.

2011-11-25, 07:32 PM
Simple is fine (hopefully it will get more complex past these quest. Besides it is like the games. Little side quest and such), I'm just commenting in character at her frustration with how Jedi dependent these guys are. :P )
Persuasion: [roll0]+4 for force point (see below)

I'm away from book by the way, but other than force powers how does spending a force point work again?

Edit: Accidentally double posted so I deleted the second roll (Of course it was the good one =_= )

Speaking of force points I'll want to spend one on that just not sure what I roll...

Mando Knight
2011-11-25, 07:39 PM
I'm away from book by the way, but other than force powers how does spending a force point work again?
Roll 1d6 and add it to a d20 roll. At higher levels you can take the best of 2 or 3 dice, but for now you only get the one.

2011-11-25, 07:45 PM
Oh, I think I know where I can find more sacred orbs. What if I give each one of you a new sacred orb? Would that settle your quary?

2011-11-25, 08:59 PM
Force Point to add to persuasion roll: [roll0]

2011-11-25, 10:16 PM
You are able to persuade them to agree to what you say.

Everyone gets 500xp.

The bartender points over to a table to the back where a woman is sitting, having a drink.

2011-11-28, 09:52 PM
Sorry for the delay, I missed your newest post and thought I was still the newest post.

Satisfied that she has caused both the two groups to agree she leaves the rooms and leans against the wall waiting for the Tarsell to finish.

As she waits to runs over in her mind what else the Council needed. She had handled the business partners and the land dispute. One of her allies was dealing with the rival families, and she thought someone had gone off to meet the constable.

Oh, the council had also mentioned something about a group of farmers losing their homes or something. As well as something about investigating a Gents Malone, but she hadn't gotten much information before the interruption.

Still, if Tarsell finished up with the family and whoever went off to the constable wrapped up they'd have already eliminated most the request.

"Hmm...guess I could talk to the farmers instead of waiting." She mumbled to herself before pushing away from the wall and heading towards the courtyard to talk to the farmers.

2011-11-29, 01:44 AM
Myles sticks with Ovelia, "I shall join you if you don't mind?" he says. He keeps his hood up and his hands clasped I front of him inside the sleeves of his robe. Partly to look officially Jedi and partly to disguise his flight suit under the robe.

2011-11-29, 01:49 AM
Myles sticks with Ovelia, "I shall join you if you don't mind?" he says. He keeps his hood up and his hands clasped I front of him inside the sleeves of his robe. Partly to look officially Jedi and partly to disguise his flight suit under the robe.

"Sounds good, I don't know why they were kicked out of their land, but if it was for violent reasons I don't fight. If it is money or other reasons that can be handled peacefully then it should be fine. Still good to have the mystical Jedi around though. Makes people less likely to lie."

Mando Knight
2011-11-29, 02:51 AM
Gavin walks towards the woman in the back. "Master Krie, I presume? The Council informed me that there may be tasks you could use my help with."

2011-12-02, 05:13 PM
@scout: they polite refuse.

@Mando: Krie answers you. "Yes. I have two things you could take care of. A wealthy businessman was murdered recently and there has been a string of thefts from some places. I would be grateful if you looked into the two matters for me." She says.

@Major/Rane: You find the farmers in the courtyard. They looked disheveled and tired. When you speak to them, they tell you this. "Oh, hello. We have been driven from our homes by some thugs. We don't have anything left so we can't pay you anything. Please help us." They say.

2011-12-02, 05:20 PM

Myles holds out his hands in a placating fashion, "Calm down, don't worry about payment. If what you say is true it is the duty of the jedi to help. Why don't you tell us exactly where your land is and what happened. Who are these thugs, and why did they feel they should drive you off the land?"

2011-12-02, 05:33 PM
The farmers answer. "Our land is that way (pointing away from the enclave) and we were driven away because the thugs took over. We heard them mentioning Gents Malone, some person they worked for. We don't know why they wanted us to leave." They say.

2011-12-02, 06:00 PM
Ovelia listens to the Jedi speak along with the farmers. She wasn't good with combat and she doubted thugs would just up and walk away without speaking. She glanced over at the Jedi. She hated encouraging fighting and death was always a horrible thing.

"Let's try speaking with these thugs and these Gent. Hopefully we can reach some sort of compromise. Please try not to kill them, all life is sacred even that of thugs." She states glancing at his lightsaber.

2011-12-02, 09:53 PM
"Of course. The Jedi don't go in light sabers chopping as a rule. We shall talk to them first but we might want to pick up the sentinel droid beffore we go."

Myles turns back to the farmers, "You have of course papers showing your legal claim to the land right?"

2011-12-02, 09:56 PM
"Good point, get directions and check their paperwork and that they are being honest. I'll go find the droid." She says heading back into the enclave to look. She didn't want to bring a combat droid, but at the same time the fear of violence could be a deterrent at times. Better to do whatever was necessary to save lives.

2011-12-02, 10:51 PM
The farmers nod. They show their papers which are correct and completely accurate. They wait patiently for you.

2011-12-07, 03:39 PM

"Thank you citizens. Let me take a copy of these documents and we will go and talk to the people who drove you off. Fear not, we will resolve this problem, and you appear to be the legitimate owners. Wait here for our return."

Myles follows after Ovelia to find the sentinel droid and any others to join them.

2011-12-10, 11:15 PM
So who's going to visit the farms?

Mando Knight
2011-12-11, 12:08 AM
"Hm. What leads do you have on the cases?"

2011-12-11, 04:55 PM
So who's going to visit the farms?

OOC: Well I'm wanting too, but it seems we've lost some players and I went looking for the sentry droid. I'm considering just returning to the Jedi and being like "I couldn't find the droid."

2011-12-12, 12:48 PM
OOC: Myles is waiting on Ovelia's return before heading out to the farm.

2011-12-12, 03:43 PM
Ovelia returns to Myles, "I couldn't find the droid. Do you wish to look as well or shall we head out and investigate?"

2011-12-13, 06:37 PM
Master Krie responds. 'The rich man was killed in his hotel room. The thefts all occured at different locations. The items taken in the thefts were worthless trinkets which is suprising since there are items of greater value present at those places." she says.

2011-12-15, 01:20 PM

"Unless we spot any of the others on the way out, it looks like it's down to the two of us."

2011-12-15, 02:25 PM

"Sounds good. Did you get directions while I was looking?" She asked.

Mando Knight
2011-12-20, 10:46 PM
"Do we have any forensic data yet?"

2011-12-22, 07:06 PM
Krie shakes her head. "We don't have any information yet." She says.

2011-12-22, 07:41 PM
"Yes their documents were very specific. Let's get going.

2011-12-22, 08:00 PM
"Well, you have the directions, lead the way." Ovelia said as she followed behing the Jedi. "Think they'll leave if we ask nicely?"

2011-12-23, 12:13 PM
"How about we start there but be ready for anything to go wrong?" Myles leads the way to the speeder bay to pick up some transport.

2011-12-25, 01:12 AM
"Sounds good I suppose. I must warn you combat is not my strength. I don't know how to fight. I'm a doctor not a killer." Ovelia stated.

Mando Knight
2011-12-25, 03:15 PM
Krie shakes her head. "We don't have any information yet." She says.
"Alright, then. Give me the locations and I'll look into them for you."

"I'm a doctor not a killer." Ovelia stated.
(Damn it, Jim!)

2011-12-30, 02:18 PM
"Let's hope we can help them see reason rather than fighting them. But if it comes to it I'll keep that in mind."