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2011-11-08, 11:18 PM
The Monk


Alignment: Any Lawful
Hit Die: 1d8

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special |
AC Bonus|
Ki Talent|
Unarmed Strike

1st|+0|+2|+2|+2|Masterwork Body, Skirmish (+1d6), Still Mind|

2nd|+1|+3|+3|+3|Scribe Scroll|

3rd|+2|+3|+3|+3|Skirmish (+1d6, +1AC)|

4th|+3|+4|+4|+4|Brew Potion|

5th|+3|+4|+4|+4|Skirmish (+2d6, +1AC)|


7th|+5|+5|+5|+5|Skirmish (+2d6, +2AC)|

8th|+6/+1|+6|+6|+6|Purity of Body|

9th|+6/+1|+6|+6|+6|Skirmish (+3d6, +2AC)|

10th|+7/+2|+7|+7|+7|Tongue of the Sun and Moon|

11th|+8/+3|+7|+7|+7|Skirmish (+3d6, +3AC)|


13th|+9/+4|+8|+8|+8|Skirmish (+4d6, +3AC)|

14th|+10/+5|+9|+9|+9|? ? ? ?|

15th|+11/+6/+1|+9|+9|+9|Skirmish (+4d6, +4AC)|

16th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+10|+10|Timeless Body|

17th|+12/+7/+2|+10|+10|+10|Skirmish (+5d6, +4AC)|

18th|+13/+8/+3|+11|+11|+11|Purity of Soul|

19th|+14/+9/+4|+11|+11|+11|Skirmish (+5d6, +5AC)|

20th|+15/+10/+5|+12|+12|+12|Perfect Self|

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier): Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (The Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tumble (Dex).

Weapon & Armor Proficiency
A Monk is proficient with all simple weapons, the kama, the net, the nunchaku, the scythe, the short bow, the short sword, the throwing axe, and the trident. A Monk is not proficient with any armor or shields.

AC Bonus
At 1st level, choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (this choice is final). While a Monk wears no armor of any kind he adds the modifier of the chosen ability score to his AC. At 2nd level he gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC. This dodge bonus increases by 1 at every even level thereafter.

Ki Pool & Ki Talents
A Monk has a Ki Pool with a maximum number of points in it equal to his Monk level. A Monk's Ki Pool is filled after 1 hour of uninterrupted concentration and is replenished throughout the day whenever the Monk successfully hits a creature with an attack, whenever the Monk successfully makes a saving throw against a creature's attack, whenever creature misses the Monk with an attack, or whenever a creature fails a saving throw against the Monk's attack. He may not add more than 1 point to his Ki Pool per round. A Monk spends the points in his Ki Pool to perform Ki Talents that he knows.

A Monk begins play knowing a single Ki Talent and learns an additional talent at 3rd level and every three levels thereafter. He doesn't prepare or ready Ki Talents, he simply chooses which to use when he wants, uses the appropriate action, and spends points from his Ki Pool to achieve the desired effect. A Ki Talent is either Ex, Sp, or Su as stated below.


All talents have a base effect which costs 1 point from the Ki Pool. This base effect may be augmented or added to by spending additional points (noted as +X).

The saving throw DC for any Ki Talent is 10 + 1/2 Monk level + AC Bonus ability score modifier.

Cleansing Fire (Su)

As a swift action restore 1d8 hit points to yourself and deal 1d6 fire damage to creatures that hit you with attacks for 1 round.

+2 - In addition to the base effects deal 1d6 fire damage to any hostile creature whose threatened area you move through for 1 round.

+4 - In addition to the base effects restore 5 additional hit points to yourself and deal 5 additional fire damage to creatures that hit you with attacks for 1 round.

+6 - In addition to the base effects restore 1d8+5 hit points to any friendly creature whose threatened area you move through for 1 round.

+8 - [Base Effect] Restore 2d8+5 hit points to yourself and deal 2d6+5 fire damage to creatures that hit you with attacks for 1 round.

+10 - In addition to the base effects deal 2d6 fire damage to any hostile creature whose threatened area you move through for 1 round. Creatures dealt damage in this way must succeed on a Reflex save to avoid catching fire.

+12 - [Base Effect] Restore 2d8+10 hit points to yourself and deal 2d6+10 fire damage to creatures that hit you with attacks for 1 round. Remove the Blinded, Exhausted, Fascinated, Fatigued, Frightened, Nauseated, Panicked, Shaken, Sickened, and/or Staggered conditions from yourself.

+14 - In addition to the base effects restore 2d8+10 hit points to any friendly creature whose threatened area you move through for 1 round and remove from those creatures the Blinded, Exhausted, Fascinated, Fatigued, Frightened, Nauseated, Panicked, Shaken, Sickened, and/or Staggered conditions.

+16 - [Base Effect] Restore 3d8+15 hit points to yourself and deal 3d6+15 fire damage to creatures that hit you with attacks for 1 round. For 1 round, you cannot die due to hit point damage. In that time, if you are reduced to fewer than 0 hit points you do not become Disabled or Unconscious, can act as normal, and a burst of golden flame spreads instantaneously from your space in a 100ft radius dealing 1d10 fire damage per level to hostile creatures (Reflex halves) and restoring 1d10 hit points per level to friendly creatures. Remove the Blinded, Exhausted, Fascinated, Fatigued, Frightened, Nauseated, Panicked, Shaken, Sickened, and/or Staggered conditions from any creatures whose hit points are restored by this ability.

Flurry of Blows (Ex)
As a standard action, make two Unarmed Strike attacks against the same creature at your highest attack bonus.

+2 - If two attacks hit, the struck creature must succeed on a Reflex save to avoid being Stunned for 1 round.

+4 - If two attacks hit, the struck creature suffers a 1d6 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma for 1 minute.

+6 - Make a third Unarmed Strike attack at your highest attack bonus.

+8 - If two attacks hit and the creature's Reflex save fails it is Confused for 1 minute.

+10 - If three attacks hit, the struck creature's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores drop to 1 for 10 minutes.

+12 - Make a fourth Unarmed Strike attack at your highest attack bonus. You may split these attacks up in any way you choose between up to two creatures.

+14 - If two attacks hit and the creature's Reflex save fails it is Blown Away.

+16 - If four attacks hit and the creature's Reflex save fails it falls Unconscious for 1 hour.

Ghost Stalker (Su)
As a move action, make a Concentration check to attune yourself to an enemy within 100ft (DC 10 + CR). While so attuned that enemy doesn't get a bonus to attack you for being invisible and doesn't benefit from concealment or miss chance (including incorporeal miss chance). Further, you automatically pinpoint its square within 100ft. This attunement lasts as long as you remain within 100ft and for 1 minute thereafter.

+2 - As a move action, or in addition to the base effect, turn Invisible as the Invisibility spell for up to 1 minute.

+4 - In addition to the base effect, while attuned to a creature, if it is Invisible it becomes visible.

+6 - As a move action , or in addition to the base effect, turn Invisible as the Invisibility spell and absolutely silent as the Silence spell for up to 1 minute.

+8 - You may attune to any number of creatures within 100ft of you. When you do the Concentration check DC is 10 + Highest CR among creatures + 1 for each creature beyond the first.

+10 - As a move action, or in addition to the base effect, become invisible as the Greater Invisibility spell and absolutely silent as the Silence spell for up to 1 minute.

+12 - In addition to the base effect, while attuned to a creature, if it is Incorporeal it manifests corporeally, and if it is possessing a creature that possession is ended (and the possessed creature is immune to further possession attempts for 24 hours). If the creature was sharing a space with a creature or object, then it is shunted to the nearest empty space and dealt 1d10 damage per 5ft traveled this way.

+14 - As a move action, or in addition to the base effect, become Invisible as the Superior Invisibility spell and absolutely silent as the Silence spell for up to 1 minute. In that time, each time you hit a creature and deal damage that creature must succeed on a Will save to avoid becoming Panicked for 1 round. A creature that successfully saves is still Shaken for 1 round.

+16 - As a move action, or in addition to the base effect, become Incorporeal for up to 1 minute. In that time, you gain an Incorporeal Touch attack that deals 2d6 cold damage + 4d6 negative energy damage + your chosen AC Bonus ability score modifier as well as 1d4 Dexterity damage and 1d8 Strength damage. A creature that doesn't take any cold damage from the attack isn't subject to the Dexterity damage; a creature that doesn't take any negative energy damage from the attack isn't subject to the Strength damage.

Leaf on the Wind (Su)
As a swift or immediate action, add your Monk level to any Balance, Jump, or Tumble checks and Feather Fall as the spell for 1 round.

+2 - In addition to the base effects, reduce the DC for any Balance, Jump, or Tumble check by 1/2.

+4 - In addition to the base effects, make a Jump check in mid-air at 1/2 DC.

+6 - In addition to the base effects, gain a Freedom of Movement effect as the spell for 1 round.

+8 - In addition to the base effects, gain a Fly speed equal to twice your land speed with good maneuverability for 1 minute.

+10 - As a move action, assume Gaseous Form as the spell for up to 1 minute.

+12 - As a move action, assume the effects of a Wind Walk spell for up to 1 hour.

+14 - As a standard action, teleport up to long range (400ft + 40ft/level) as Dimension Door.

+16 - As a move action, assume an ethereal state as the Ethereal Jaunt spell for up to 1 minute.

Whirling Dervish (Ex)

As a swift action increase your movement speed by 10ft for 1 round, +10ft more at 5th level, 10th level, 15th level, and 20th level.

+2 - As a standard action, make a melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each creature you threaten.

+4 - In addition to the base effect, you ignore difficult terrain for 1 round.

+6 - As a standard action, move up to your speed and make a melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each creature you move within reach of.

+8 - In addition to the base effect, you may move 10ft with a 5ft step, or 20ft at 20th level.

+10 - In addition to the base effect either move up to your speed or make an normal attack.

+12 - In addition to the base effect, once during the round you may take a 5ft step as a free action even if it isn't your turn.

+14 - In addition to the base effect, make a melee attack at your highest base attack bonus against each creature you threaten.

+16 - As a full round action, take a double move and make up to two melee attacks at your highest base attack bonus against each creature you move within reach of.

More talents to come...

Skirmish (Ex): As Scout, except that when making melee or thrown weapon attacks it is not precision damage, it applies to any creature regardless of anatomy, immunity, or fortification (making ranged Skirmish attacks; however, is precision damage as normal).

Still Mind (Su): A Monk continuously benefits from a Calm Emotions effect as the spell. If this effect is broken it re-establishes itself at the end of his turn.

Unarmed Strike (Ex): A Monk begins play with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat and retains its benefits even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. Furthermore, his Unarmed Strike deals damage as given in the table above.

A Monk may make attacks with Unarmed Strike even with both of his hands full, and there is no such thing as an off-hand Unarmed Strike for the Monk allowing him to add his full strength bonus to all Unarmed Strike attacks. Normally his Unarmed Strike deals lethal damage but he freely may choose to do nonlethal damage at no penalty.

A Monk's unarmed strike is considered both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purposes of spells or effects that interact with weapons, and further, his unarmed strike is considered a masterwork weapon. This grants him a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls with his Unarmed Strike and allows him to spend resources to enchant it.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): 2nd level; as Barbarian.

Evasion (Ex): 4th level; as Rogue.

Purity of Body (Su): Starting at 6th level a Monk is immune to all poisons and diseases (including magical or supernatural ones).

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): 8th level; as Barbarian.

Tongue of the Sun and Moon (Ex): A Monk of 10th level or higher can speak with any living creature.

Improved Evasion (Ex): 12th level; as Rogue.

Purity of Soul (Su): Starting at 14th level a Monk is immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows spell resistance. He may allow any individual spell or ability to ignore this immunity as he wishes on a case-by-case basis.

Timeless Body (Ex): 16th level; as Monk.

Perfect Self (Ex): 20th level; as Monk.

2011-11-09, 05:30 AM
Nice and clean design, and very well themed around the martial arts concept.

Several thought though:

Purity of Soul is a radical power shift. Cross that with the practical need for mobility ASAP - I'd swap between it and Abundant Step (btw, does the latter allow the application of Skirmish?)

What happened to Stunning Fist?

Is this rewrite supposed to have an oriental flavor in any way?
If so, it should have Ki powers (tier-wise and power-wise, seems like it wouldn't be over the top).

T.G. Oskar
2011-11-09, 06:05 AM
My biggest concern was the apparent lack of AC bonus, but that was swiftly changed.

However, I'll make echo of nonsi's worries in various aspects. For example: any reason why Fast Movement doesn't appear? Considering that the Monk now has a reason why to be mobile (to add the Skirmish damage), that its speed is lower than that of the Barbarian or the Scout leaves a lot to be desired. Second; make pretty clear whether the jaunting (not DD) ability of the Monk is considered movement for purposes of Skirmish.

Another thing I find odd is the loss of Flurry of Blows. I can understand why you don't go for full BAB: it behaves quite a bit as a skill monkey rather than a martial character, so there's little need for a high BAB. However, considering that the Unarmed Strike portion is pretty much quoted verbatim from the SRD, there's no flurry, and medium BAB, the extra damage Skirmish might add will end up marred by a loss of attacks. Certainly it could be potentially dangerous to see a Monk with 16+ BAB, Flurry, full TWF and Snap Kick delivering somewhere along 8-10 hits with the damage from the fists plus Skirmish plus INA, but that's only after 14th level and nowhere near as dangerous as what a Rogue with splash weapons could fire up. I would reestablish Flurry somehow, perhaps not as-is (or else you'll have a flurry of misses), but perhaps working somewhat like Snap Kick AND stacking with the latter. Being a mobile combatant, I'd go for a Flurry-esque maneuver that combines Snap Kick with Spring Attack, where if you move and strike you can deliver more than one hit.

I'll also echo the Abundant Step/Purity of Soul switch. Purity of Soul is at a very low level, whereas Abundant Step is at a pretty high level. I'd go a bit forward and raise Abundant Step to 10th level, lower Imp. Evasion to 12th level, then Purity of Soul to 14th. I'd rather go for an elegant progression, but you're aiming for simplicity and Skirmish has those levels loaded pretty fine. Notice this: at 12th level, you get a seriously good ability, which is far better than the actual capstone (DR 10/magic? At this level? And you're immune to most spells 8 levels before?)

Another thing is Stunning Fist, since you'll have to wait until...12th level to get it? I'd consider allowing the Monk to take Stunning Fist earlier, and also Bounding Assault/Rapid Blitz (the latter helps a lot with this new perspective, and you would allow the Monk to reach the latter, which requires an unheard-of BAB of 16+)

Is there any reason to choose any other weapon than an unarmed strike? The crossbows and the shortbow will add some range punch (and will allow for ranged skirmishing if you manage to pull off Greater Manyshot), but there's no reason whatsoever to take any other weapon, especially since you can enchant your fists. Consider giving an ability that allows improved use of at least kama and nunchaku.

2011-11-10, 07:43 AM
Purity of Soul is a radical power shift. Cross that with the practical need for mobility ASAP - I'd swap between it and Abundant Step (btw, does the latter allow the application of Skirmish?)

I can agree with this. Abundant Step should allow Skirmish, yes, I'll clarify it.

What happened to Stunning Fist?

See below:

Is this rewrite supposed to have an oriental flavor in any way?
If so, it should have Ki powers (tier-wise and power-wise, seems like it wouldn't be over the top).

It is supposed to have "oriental flavor" (whatever that means), and since I do think it's missing a little something to help it truly rise beyond Tier 4, Ki Powers does sound like a pretty great idea. I think I'll throw in a Stunning Fist attack power and make Abundant Step and Empty Body into Ki Powers as well. That'll leave me with a couple dead levels in the class table to fill out.

For example: any reason why Fast Movement doesn't appear?

Honestly, I just don't see "moves really fast" as a concept that is central or necessary to the Monk class. However, I would be inclined to add a few movement powers to the Ki Powers mentioned above.

Another thing I find odd is the loss of Flurry of Blows.

Again, I don't see it as being particularly important (or effective).

Being a mobile combatant, I'd go for a Flurry-esque maneuver that combines Snap Kick with Spring Attack, where if you move and strike you can deliver more than one hit.

I had thought to try something like this. Snap Kick is great, but it comes online pretty late. Maybe a low-level Ki Power (like an Unarmed Strike version of Wolf Fang Strike or something).

2011-11-10, 09:58 AM
>> "Tongue of the Sun and Moon"
This feature's usefulness is obvious, but I never understood what it had to do with the core Monk, or any Monk version for that matter.

2011-11-10, 10:03 AM
>> "Tongue of the Sun and Moon"
This feature's usefulness is obvious, but I never understood what it had to do with the core Monk, or any Monk version for that matter.

It's a mystical ability that's useful but falls into no major category. Sounds very monk-ish to me.

2011-11-10, 10:55 AM
If anyone has other ideas for Ki Talents, I need the inspiration.

2011-11-10, 01:25 PM
If anyone has other ideas for Ki Talents, I need the inspiration.

Each talent grants a lot, that's for sure, however, this approach carries 2 major issues:

1. It's quite hard to figure a basketfull of 9-step talents.
2. They burn out Ki points too fast, which, amont other things, would make a character spend an increasing amount of time meditating (and they'd probably find themselves too often with dwindled resources).

2011-11-10, 01:42 PM
Leaf on the Wind- You say that the character gains a Fly speed with good maneuverability, but..you don't list the speed. How far can he fly with each move action?

Skirmish- If the ability is not precision damage, but rather momentum-based damage, then I don't think it should apply to ranged attacks. (I really don't see how getting a running start will add any power to an arrow) I suppose it would still make sense to add the damage to thrown weapons, however.

2011-11-10, 01:47 PM
Each talent grants a lot, that's for sure, however, this approach carries 2 major issues:

1. It's quite hard to figure a basketfull of 9-step talents.

It's true. I'm sure once I've gotten time to sleep I'll be able to think of a few more though. For example, a Fire talent wouldn't be out of place, but I can't think straight right now. An illusion/misdirection "ninja-esque" talent would work too.

EDIT: The Cleansing Fire, Ghost Stalker and Whirling Dervish talents have been added.

2. They burn out Ki points too fast, which, amont other things, would make a character spend an increasing amount of time meditating (and they'd probably find themselves too often with dwindled resources).

Except there's also 4 different in-combat ways to get 1 Ki point per round.

Leaf on the Wind- You say that the character gains a Fly speed with good maneuverability, but..you don't list the speed. How far can he fly with each move action?

Ha... my bad. Equal to land speed or double land speed? What do you think?

Skirmish- If the ability is not precision damage, but rather momentum-based damage, then I don't think it should apply to ranged attacks. (I really don't see how getting a running start will add any power to an arrow) I suppose it would still make sense to add the damage to thrown weapons, however.

Good point. I'll correct it to be momentum damage for melee and thrown attacks, and to be precision damage for ranged attacks.

2011-11-10, 01:55 PM
Ha... my bad. Equal to land speed or double land speed? What do you think?

Double land speed. After all, you cut the original monk's fast movement.

Good point. I'll correct it to be momentum damage for melee and thrown attacks, and to be precision damage for ranged attacks.

Good call.

2011-11-11, 10:28 AM
Except there's also 4 different in-combat ways to get 1 Ki point per round.

Ok, imagine yourself as a player of such Monk, or DMing such a player.
Now, about 70% of all die rolls that involve the monk also damand number tracking that constantly goes up & down. I believe it's only a matter of time till both player and DM would get fed up by this extra burden.
Also, I don't believe the average accumulation rate would be enough to be effective 3 rounds in a row on the average.
Even if you've done the math and I'm wrong regarding the latter, it's hard for me to believe I'm wrong regarding the former.

2011-11-12, 12:14 PM
Now, about 70% of all die rolls that involve the monk also damand number tracking that constantly goes up & down.

It goes up by a max of 1 per round. It doesn't constantly go down, because you don't have enough points to constantly use your talents. That's intended.

Also, I don't believe the average accumulation rate would be enough to be effective 3 rounds in a row on the average.

The Monk should be quite effective without ever spending his points on Ki Talents. The Talents aren't meant to be a substitute for martial maneuvers, lending the Monk level appropriate damage and needed combat boosts. Their primary function is versatility (Flurry of Blows being the notable exception). Even without Talents a Monk's raw combat statistics (HP, AC, to hit, damage, saves) are pretty great.

2011-11-12, 12:59 PM
I would recommend changing the "one hour of meditation" to five minutes. That way it is clear that it is only applicable outside of combat, but still lets the Monk enter combat with a full ki reserve every time.

2011-11-12, 01:08 PM
I would recommend changing the "one hour of meditation" to five minutes. That way it is clear that it is only applicable outside of combat, but still lets the Monk enter combat with a full ki reserve every time.

If I did that I'd have to rewrite the whole Ki Talents system, because the existing Ki Talents aren't meant to be spammed in every combat.

Should I just scrap the current system entirely? I won't if it's just Nonsi and Eldest that don't like how it works, but if there are others that don't think it looks fun I'll get rid of it and think of something else.

2011-11-13, 12:47 AM
No, don't scrap it. I like it.

+16 - As a full round action, take a double move and make up to two melee attacks at your highest base attack bonus against each creature you move within reach of.
That costs 17 Ki. Do you think that is worth most of your daily thing? Hitting pretty much everything twice? I think having one of those massive moves once an encounter wouldn't break it.
Where as:

+16 - As a move action, or in addition to the base effect, become Incorporeal for up to 1 minute. In that time, you gain an Incorporeal Touch attack that deals 2d6 cold damage + 4d6 negative energy damage + your chosen AC Bonus ability score modifier as well as 1d4 Dexterity damage and 1d8 Strength damage. A creature that doesn't take any cold damage from the attack isn't subject to the Dexterity damage; a creature that doesn't take any negative energy damage from the attack isn't subject to the Strength damage.
That is most definitively worthwhile for a 1/2 times a day ability. Not as much the negative/cold damage and the incorporeal, but the str. and dex. damage. Think of how well that would work with a flurry of blows ability. If you lowered the dex and str. damage to about half, and said they can only affect a given target once every round, then I would think that would fit in with a once/encounter ability.

+16 - If four attacks hit and the creature's Reflex save fails it falls Unconscious for 1 hour.
It gives two attacks at your highest BAB, but if four hit it falls unconscious? You technically don't make four attacks. But that fits in with 1/encounter.
This one:

+16 - As a move action, assume an ethereal state as the Ethereal Jaunt spell for up to 1 minute.
Isn't very good in combat, but fits in with the same power level.
This one:

+16 - [Base Effect] Restore 3d8+15 hit points to yourself and deal 3d6+15 fire damage to creatures that hit you with attacks for 1 round. For 1 round, you cannot die due to hit point damage. In that time, if you are reduced to fewer than 0 hit points you do not become Disabled or Unconscious, can act as normal, and a burst of golden flame spreads instantaneously from your space in a 100ft radius dealing 1d10 fire damage per level to hostile creatures (Reflex halves) and restoring 1d10 hit points per level to friendly creatures. Remove the Blinded, Exhausted, Fascinated, Fatigued, Frightened, Nauseated, Panicked, Shaken, Sickened, and/or Staggered conditions from any creatures whose hit points are restored by this ability.
That monstrosity (nothing bad against it, it just seems fairly powerful compared to the others) is with your 1/2 times per day power level. Also, you should probably just say "+15" instead of "+16-[base effect]" because that's a bit confusing.

In total, I think that you need to decide on which power level to stick to. I think that the 1/encounter power level is better, because you made it to high levels in one class and you deserve to play around with the abilities a lot. But the power level needs to be consistent.