View Full Version : Need recommendations for 3.5 adventures

Izar Goldbranch
2011-11-09, 12:16 PM
Good morning everyone.

Currently, I am playing in a run through of "Savage Tide."

When that ends, I am the next DM on the block, so I am going to need some material.

The centerpiece of my campaign will be the 3.5e mega-adventure "Expeditions to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk" which takes characters from levels 8 - 13.

I would like to run at least one adventure PRIOR to this to help the characters get their feet wet and get to know each other before dropping them into the meat of things, BUT I would also like to be able to continue the adventure once Greyhawk is over.

I plan on Bastion of Broken Souls at 18, but I cant find anything for the level gap in between.

The adventures need to have encounters that will challenge players who know how to "break" characters - some of this is my responsibility, but some of the prefab stuff has encounters that are so mundane that they are hard to make interesting.

I hope this isn't too much to ask, and I appreciate any help anyone can give.


Izar G.

2011-11-09, 01:03 PM
The adventures need to have encounters that will challenge players who know how to "break" characters
This is difficult because in D&D you can "break" a character at several degree of madness, up to becoming a deity. You will have to change some fights in any adventure you decide to play.

My favourite one is the expedition to castle Ravenloft. It's from level 6 to 9 and really interesting. Check it out.

Fax Celestis
2011-11-09, 01:13 PM
Deep Horizon is for 13th level characters and should get them to 14th or 15th. Lord of the Iron Fortress is for 15th and should get them to 16th or 17th.

A Frigid Demise (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/oa/20010608a) is free and is for 13th. Might get them to 14th.

Izar Goldbranch
2011-11-09, 01:37 PM
This is difficult because in D&D you can "break" a character at several degree of madness, up to becoming a deity. You will have to change some fights in any adventure you decide to play.

My favourite one is the expedition to castle Ravenloft. It's from level 6 to 9 and really interesting. Check it out.

Unfortunately, one of the players is already running this for another group, so I can't :/

I will take a look at those, Fax. Thanks :)