View Full Version : FFXd20: To Save a Soul IC

2011-11-09, 03:12 PM
link to OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12190387#post12190387)

“I would thank you, gentlemen, for gathering here today, but this is not an occasion for thanks, nor for congratulations. This is an occasion of great sadness” addressed Grand Maester Myvern from the balcony of Bevelle temple, as you stand below in the Crusader's training fields “Yes, great sadness, for the most heinous of crimes has been committed; a champion of Yevon throwing away her faith and murdering one of the four Maesters.”
The young Maester wipes a tear, before beckoning forth one of the hooded acolytes stood behind him. The Acolyte sets a sphere into a slot on the balcony, and as it flares into life, the image plays through the vast sphere placed into the centre of the training grounds. “You have all heard rumours, I am sure, but now you must see the heinous act take place. I would not have yo go on this task unprepared”
As the image plays, you can see one of the heroes of Spira, Viluchala, knelt at the entrance to the chamber of the fayth. Hers is a face well known to you all; after all, she was one of the heroes. Her deep emerald eyes are full of tears, running swiftly down her high cheekbones. She is knelt before the statue of High Summoner Amos, her former companion and lover. The footage of her crying and praying continues for a few minutes, until another figure in the three-coloured robes of a Maester approaches her. There is no sound to the recording, but they look to be talking and Viluchala stops crying. Eventually, the Maester makes some gesture hidden by a statue, and in the next instant, Viluchala's sword has cleft him near in half. In the second that sword hits, the sphere slows to a craw, and her shadow looks...twisted; taller, and with what look to be vast wings. The light of the sphere then splutters out and dies.
“Maester Vygos may not have been the most sufferable man, and Viluchala may have been driven to madness by her grief, but this act cannot be forgiven. She was seen fleeing towards the isle of Baaj. On her way, she cut down several crusaders, and took one of the apprentice summoners hostage. Know that this is not a bounty hunt, but a rescue mission. The safety of our lost child comes first and foremost” The Maester pauses, turning his gaze to Tarris “You where most fortunate; if you had arrived but a few days later, you would likely be the hostage, rather than the rescuer. A ship has been prepared at the docks. May Yevon's blessings go with you.”
The Grand Maester retreats into the temple, and the ranks of crusaders behind you fan out to form a walkway, leading to the docks and the S.S Shinra.

your starting on a boat :smalltongue:

2011-11-09, 03:37 PM

As the Maester leaves Tarris & Lyera offer him the Prayer before turning to their companions.

"My name is Tarris Reyahan, a Summoner from Daguerro. My Guardians; my friend and magus Lyera, and Sir Bartz of the Calm Lands. I wish we were meeting under less distressing circumstances, but Yevon willing we will succeed swiftly in this mission & will be able to enjoy the Calm together."

2011-11-09, 04:44 PM
Marcus turns to the group and gives a stiff salute,
"Private Marcus reporting. I have volunteered to assist you on your journey. It is my honor to lend you my blade. Lady Viluchala's fall from grace is tragic. She provided inspiration to many men in my company, and I would first hand like to speak to her, as well as bring her to justice."

2011-11-09, 06:46 PM

Hitherto silent, the enormous ronso paced slowly, standing somewhat apart from the others. His posture made clear he found things not to his liking in Bevelle, and that he wished to be home among the snowy peaks of Mt. Gagazet. Reluctantly, he turns toward the others.

"Maesters come to Mt. Gagazet, ask ronso for help. Ronso elders send Kiran to hunt Viluchala. With Kiran, hunt will succeed."

Zeta Kai
2011-11-09, 08:15 PM

Keeper's face was wearing an expression of concern & mild confusion, a look that would be lost on non-Hypello. He had, of course, heard of Maester Vygos' assassination, & of Viluchala's alleged involvement, but before this moment he had not seen the evidence firsthand. Now that he had, he was left with more questions than answers, & he was no longer certain that they were doing the right thing.

"It izh not my plashe to queshtion the wizhdom of the Maeshterzh, but I wish that I could shtudy that shphere before we leave," he said, almost to himself. He knew that it was pointless; they were boarding this vessel & going to Baaj, & that was that.

To his new companions, he said, without much enthusiasm, "They call me Keeper. Pleazhed to meet you."

2011-11-10, 07:32 AM

Bartz found himself perplexed and uncomfortable. His handsome, youthful features marred by incomprehension as his thickly muscled frame sagged a bit, against his heavy hammer, Skybreaker. The weapon's head was made of cold, grey stone and flared with tiny tendrils of electricity. His rough, calloused hand rested six inches below the head upon the haft which fell all the way to the floor supporting his weight like a walking stick. In full, the weapon stood well over five feet tall, and the hammer a full foot across and several inches around.

The somber atmosphere and stern piety reminded Bartz of his home and he shook his head rigidly causing his pale yellow hair to dance about his face a moment. Clearly there was more to this murder than the matter of the crime itself. Something political. But Bartz still didn't understand Spiran politics very well.

"Tarris," Bartz spoke quietly, his voice a rumbling whisper, "What makes a Maester so special again?"

The others introduced themselves to the group, to whom Bartz introduced himself as "Sir Bartz of the Calm Lands," and struck the breastplate over his heart with his left hand, all the while a poorly concealed grin played over his features. Upon view of the Hypello named Keeper, however, Bartz showed a toothy smile.

"You're a Hypello," he blurted out, "I've never met one before. Very pleased to meet you! I'm Bartz." Bartz extended his hand enthusiastically.

Zeta Kai
2011-11-10, 08:53 AM

"Ah, hello Shir Bartsh. I am shtill called Keeper," said the Hypello, who was dwarfed by the towering figure that reached down to him. He stretched up to grasp the man's hand, standing up on this flippers to do so. He was as intrigued by Bartz as the Guardian appeared to be with him, as he had only encountered a few of his kind before. Summoners rarely passed through Selene Bay on their pilgrimages, & his duties in Bevelle usually prevented him from seeing them there, either. "It seems as though this journey would be full of new experiences," Keeper though with no small sense of trepidation. And, not for the first, he added to himself, "May Yevon grant me the courage to face my penance."

2011-11-10, 09:08 AM

The Summoner returns the whisper.

"They're the leaders of the Church; one representing each of the Yevonite races, and the Grand Maester, who just addressed us, acting as the leader for the entire Yevon faith. They're at the top of the tree, as it where."

2011-11-10, 11:59 AM
Gil looked around with an eyebrow lowered, his mouth wrinkled to one side.
"Why am I even here? I already told these guys I don't have anything to do with this." He crossed his arms, a blitzball hung at his side from a shoulderstrap, his posture slack as he looked toward the hypello.
"I'm with ya... Kepper? Keeper. Sorry 'bout that. I'm Gil. From Luca." He spent a little time studying the other travelers before settling his eyes on the deck and running a hand through his hair. "So what's your story?" he asked aloud to no one in particular.

Zeta Kai
2011-11-10, 03:20 PM

"Greetingzh, Gil. I am shtill called Keeper," said the Hypello, & he immediately regretted his awkward comment. He would have preferred to remain quiet & simply observe his new companions, but he was quickly becoming the center of attention, a place in which he had never liked nor felt comfortable.

He felt something of a kinship with this Al-Bhed. This was a fellow Blitzer, which was unexpected on this sort of mission, or so he had thought. He decided to risk opening his mouth once more & asked, "Sho, ah, Gil... Do you play for the Luca Goerzh?"

2011-11-10, 03:44 PM

The tall Ronso watched his companions introduction's silently, assessing each one with the practiced ease of a true predator. As always, his people's nature presented itself in his thoughts and actions.

What was truly on his mind, however, was his disaster for the common language. Far less expressive then the Ronso language, it seemed to Kiran that the Hume's had built their language to convey the least meaning in the largest number of possible words.

After thinking on this strangeness--truly he wished to be back among his tribe--Kiran once more watched his comrades silently. Of the others, only two immediately stood out as real warriors, the one called Marcus, and the one called Bartz, who spoke a great deal, and unnecessarily. Still, Kiran saw that of the two, Bartz looked to be the more natural warrior, one whose skill was a result of inborn talent, paired with drive, something which Kiran, himself a natural warrior--as well as a trained one--could respect. Marcus by comparison, appeared to be a warrior because of his training. He was stiff, and did not appear, to Kiran's eyes, to possess the fire that marked a warrior's spirit.

2011-11-10, 04:20 PM
Tightening his bandana, Gil nodded to the visibly nervous hypello. "I do, or at least I hope I still do. They're not the most team-friendly of people, but I'm sure they won't have any problem with me having gone on this little trip if I come back with a souvenir."

Gil was itching for something to take his mind off of the current situation. He would rather have been on the ship returning to Luca. He looked around at everyone on the ship and thought rescuing some apprentice summoner seemed like a job for a group of guardians, not a... rabble.

2011-11-10, 05:32 PM

The Summoner returns the whisper.

"They're the leaders of the Church; one representing each of the Yevonite races, and the Grand Maester, who just addressed us, acting as the leader for the entire Yevon faith. They're at the top of the tree, as it where."

Bartz nods to his friend distractedly, grunting in the affirmative as he watches the Hypello and the man named Gil talk of Blitzball. A favorite pastime of Bartz's (even if he has never been very good at it).

Interrupting their conversation, without either warning or having been asked his opinion, Bartz addresses the two of them, "So do you guys play Blitzball professionally?" His eyes wide with wonderment, his bass voice a stark contrast to the childish look on his face.

2011-11-10, 05:37 PM
The S.S Shirna steams towards Baaj whilst you get aquainted. The sun above you is glorious, the sea air fresh, it's almost easy to forget the nature of your mission. As Bevelle fades out of sight, you can just cast the graceful shape of the Guardian twisting in the sky above you.
With the boat underway, the captain comes to you "We'll be making a quick stop at besaid isle to refuel and pick up supplies. Though your fugative was last seen on Baaj, she'll had to make shore there as well, unless she can fly. Hopefully, she'll have left my baby on that backwater and gone on without her".

Zeta Kai
2011-11-10, 08:59 PM

In what was quickly threatening to become a trend, this Bartz fellow towered over the little Hypello, intimidating him without intending to. The Hume had a boisterous enthusiasm that would be infectious with others, but was just overwhelming to someone like Keeper. He wasn't ready to talk about this former Blitzball team just yet; it didn't seem appropriate to discuss such a somber topic so soon after meeting these people, & talking about the Shoopufs was difficult for him in any circumstances. Keeper would rather change the subject, & the captain provided just such an opportunity.

Idly scratching at one of his bulbous eyes, he asked, "Captain, you shay that we're shtopping at Beshaid to follow Viluchala'zh tracksh. But a ship heading for Baaj would have to shail many leaguezh out of itsh way to shwing by Beshaid. I'm not shure that I undershtand."

2011-11-10, 09:11 PM
Hopefully, she'll have left my baby on that backwater and gone on without her


At the captain's words, the ronso growls under his breath. Was the summoner Viluchala abducted the captain's young?

"The summoner is your..." He groped in his mind for the word in common, "...child?" Kiran's voice is deep, and the sense of indignation, of chained, primal protective instinct is clear. "Viluchala must be punished. Ronso do not allow the pack to be threatened. We will hunt her, as we must."

2011-11-11, 03:28 AM

"I had hoped my first visit to Besaid would be to address the Fayth, the Winged Aeon has always been a favourite of mine from my training at the temple."

He looks at the captain, but decides to remain quiet, anything he says will be worthless to a man who's child has been taken. Especially when that child is destined to die prematurely even if they do succeed in their task & apprehend the Guardian. Instead he just nods, before pokes Lyera lightly in the ribs.

"When I'm High Summoner, you'd better not cause this much trouble for everyone."

With that he will move to the front of the ship and take in the rarity that is a Calm sea voyage.

2011-11-11, 06:46 AM
"Aye, that b***h stole my precious Lyla when she turned traitor. It already broke my heart once when she swore the summoner's oath, yet then I was proud of my little girl. I don't think I can see my little girl made the plaything of some bitter ex-guardian with a grudge against Yevon. It's why I volounteered the S.S Shinra to you cause, sers."
The captain stops talking, his weather-beaten face flat, detatched. There is a note of subtle resignation in his voice; he dosen't hold much hope of seeing his daughter alive once more.
The rest of the trip to Besaid passes peacefully, and takes a couple of days. As the ship pulls into the docks, you get an announcement from the crewmen. "We'll need to be here for 2 hours at least, sers. Still, Cap'n told me to tell you that whether we hurry or tarry will not much aid our mission; If the traitor plans to kill lil' Lyla, then we're already to late, and if not then she'll keep her alive for the time being."

Zeta Kai
2011-11-11, 08:42 AM

"Sho, what should we do here? Should we shearch the island for cluezh?" Keeper asked his teammates. He already liked this island, with its warm air & clear water, & he was eager to explore it. It was a shame that they would only be staying for a few hours, as being in this place was the most pleasant part of the journey thus far. It was like an idealized version of Selene Bay, which was a bittersweet memory that left him wistful for days long past.

2011-11-11, 03:58 PM

"I realise time is short, but I intend to commune with the Besaid Fayth. Our mission is vital but in the long term completing my pilgrimage must come first; as callous as it may seem I hold the lives of all of Spira in my charge, not just the life of one apprentice. I pray I will return in time, but if I don't then go on without us, and I will find another way to rejoin you."

With that the female Guardian pulls out a map, showing the direction to Besaid Village.

2011-11-11, 04:05 PM

Hearing the captain's words, the ronso feels a growing respect for the man. He acknowledged the reality of the situation, and if nothing else, it showed an inner strength that Kiran would not have expected from most humes.

Over the next two days, the ronso paces the ship in aggravation. Being confined to such a small space was not right, he felt, not the way of the ronso to be caged, to be removed away from the open air...as well as the frozen climes of Mt. Gagazet.

When the ship finally entered port, Kiran approaches the others. "Kiran wishes to go now. Ship is small, not big enough for Ronso. It is time we hunt." Kiran looks to the captain, something resembling sympathy in his feline yellow eyes.

2011-11-12, 12:11 AM

Though moved by the captain's plight, found himself uncharacteristically lost for words. A lighthearted soul, he has a hard time processing darker emotions. Bartz goes quiet a while and listens as the others discuss what to do when the ship lands at Besaid. Bartz thinks he'd like to meet some of the Besaid Aurochs, but since Tarris wants to visit the temple that's probably out of the question. He sighs almost imperceptibly, but adds, "You guys should definitely look for clues. Just be careful. I'm one of Tarris' guardians, so I'll be with him in the cloister of trials," then he turns to Kiran with an amused glint in his eyes, "I won't be there to protect you."

Zeta Kai
2011-11-12, 01:09 PM

The Hypello was embarrassed that he hadn't even considered the captain's words concerning his daughter, focusing instead on the indirect nature of their route. He should have been more sensitive to feelings of the captain. "He may have already lost his family, just as I had," Keeper thought to himself. "How could I have been so foolish as to ignore that?"

He kept his mouth shut, hoping that they could quickly get off this ship & go on with their mission. He wanted to focus on the task of finding Viluchala before he had a chance to humiliate himself further. He wasn't sure how to go about finding the rogue guardian, but he wasn't going to let his own incompetence get in his way.

2011-11-12, 01:19 PM

With a feral grin and a baring of teeth, the Ronso uttered what might be considered a laugh. "Ronso does not need your help. If you need Kiran though, call and he will come."

Once again making a sound that might be laughter, Kiran moved to disembark.

2011-11-12, 07:58 PM
Gil shrugged and gave the shipcaptain a wide grin.
"Don't you worry. We'll find your girl, and then we'll make that guardian regret ever touching her!" He turned and moved to disembark the ship, his grin quickly fading into a scowl. I guess I've been thinking selfishly... not anymore. Its time to pay back the debts I owe.

2011-11-13, 07:57 AM
The six of you leave the S.S Luca at the docks, whilst a team of labourers from Besaid Village start loading supplies onto the ship behind you.
Following the breath-taking route to the village itself, you are halted by a check point as the path levels out to a plateau, overlooking the waterfall. It is a hastily erected structure made of logs lashed together, but looks sturdy. The barricade is manned by a number of men, some wearing the mark of the crusaders, others looking to be simple villagers. None of them look all that happy to see you.
“This is Lieutenant Chappu, of the Crusaders. State your name and purpose for visiting Besaid, in the light of Yevon.”

Kiran's sharp eyes managed to spot signs of bloodshed and battle on the path. A fresh notch in the ancient stone pillars, a few fresh grave markers. In recent days, Besaid hadn't been so peaceful.

Besaid island is a little bigger right now, due to this being a paper game rather than a video game, thus allowing more room to explore. Thus, the population is about 100, not 20.

2011-11-13, 08:58 AM

Tarris reflexively offers the Prayer as he states his business.

"My name is Tarris; a Summoner from Daguerro. I come to face the Trials at Besaid temple whilst our ship replenishes it's supplies. Our purpose is a mission laid upon us by the Grand Maester."

OOC: Is the mission confidential? I figure telling everyone & their mother that a Guardian killed a Maester can't be good for morale.

2011-11-14, 08:03 AM
The Crusader looks at you dubiously, but motions for two of the other men to lift the wooden barrier. "Sorry for the interuption, Lord Summoner, but I'll have to ask you to take my men with you as an escort. The last "summoner" we had visit decided to wisk away one of the temple acoloytes, and I don't want a repeat of the incident - either side of it."

2011-11-14, 08:15 AM

The shadow that crosses Tarris' face at this news is dark enough that his eyes could have disappeared entirely.

"What is she thinking?" he mutters to himself before raising his head again. "I would be glad of a Crusader escort. Lead on."

Zeta Kai
2011-11-14, 06:01 PM

The Crusaders' words filled Keeper with a sense of growing dread, as this mission seemed to be getting more complicated by the hour. He whispered to this companions, "A shummoner kidnapped one of their acolytsh? Do you think that wazh Viluchala?"

2011-11-14, 06:40 PM
"Follow me please, Lord Summoner" beckons one of the crusaders the Liutenant had called "I hope next time you visit besaid, it's in a much more peacefull time, brah. We're normally much nicer to travelers."
the crusader led you up the rest of the mountain, to the square just outside of the town. From atop Besaid, you can see the entire island, from the palm groves to the far side of the island, to the S.S Luca at the beach. Before you enter the town, your guide turns to you.
"You can see the temple just ahead. But before you go, tell me true, your mission from Bevelle has something to do with that bruhah who's got our peaceful island dancing on our tiptoes, right?"

2011-11-14, 06:49 PM
Marcus, ridding atop his yellow plumed companion, had be unusually quiet the journey thus far. Aside from the recent murder and kidnapping, this had been the furthest he had been from home. The distance was unnerving and he tried his best to hide it, but it his discomfort was quite apparent.
Chole, however, showed no signs of worry. In fact, as every one was talking Chole was busy watching small insects buzz about.

Clearing his throat and trying to force back his nerves, Marcus ask, "Was this summoner by any chance accompanied by any one?"
His voice came out shaky, yet hopeful for any clues as to the whereabouts of his father.

2011-11-14, 07:12 PM

"Unless your kidnapping is the biggest coincidence in the history of Spira, I believe so. Try not to think about it too much, focus on your duty here & trust Yevon will guide us in our mission."

He turns to face Bartz.

"I there anything you need to do first, or are you ready for the Trials?"

2011-11-14, 08:03 PM

At Tarris' words regarding the trial, Kiran growls sharply and his seven-and-a-half foot frame tenses violently. He then turns his feral yellow eyes on Bartz. "Bartz must protect Summoner. Ronso say that if guardian fails to protect summoner, then guardian has lost all honor."

He walks toward Bartz, and towers over him, tall though Bartz is. Placing one enormous clawed hand on Bartz's chest, he speaks once more, his voice low and serious. "Honor is everything."

2011-11-14, 10:55 PM
"Lot of talk about honor here. Never bought much into the whole brotherhood and guardian thing myself, but I can respect a guy who sticks by his word. Vice-versa, too." Gil turns and whispers to Keeper as he pats the blitzball at his side.
"Maybe we should go practice our game while these guys practice theirs."

2011-11-15, 06:41 AM
"If you say so, Lord Summoner, can't blame a guy for worrying 'bout your saftey." He said, leading you to the temple steps "You might be intrested in checking the local sickhouse though. Don't tell the Luitenant I mentioned that."

Zeta Kai
2011-11-15, 08:39 AM
"Lot of talk about honor here. Never bought much into the whole brotherhood and guardian thing myself, but I can respect a guy who sticks by his word. Vice-versa, too." Gil turns and whispers to Keeper as he pats the blitzball at his side.
"Maybe we should go practice our game while these guys practice theirs."


"There will be time enough to practish our shkills, & I look forward to blitshing with you," Keeper whispered back to Gil. "But we should be shearching for shome clue azh to Viluchala'zh whereaboutsh. She had to have left shomething behind that we can uzhe to track her more eazhily."

2011-11-15, 12:07 PM

At Tarris' words regarding the trial, Kiran growls sharply and his seven-and-a-half foot frame tenses violently. He then turns his feral yellow eyes on Bartz. "Bartz must protect Summoner."

Bartz's fingers clenched around the long handle of Skybreaker and he met Kiran's stern gaze with muted amusement.

"Of course, Kiran," his voice and smile quiet, "And you watch the others." Bartz claps his left hand over the towering Ronso's shoulder and nods, then he moves over to Tarris' side with a reasonable facsimile of nobility in his bearing.

"Sir Bartz of the Calm Lands, reporting for duty, Lord Summoner, ready and able." He goes through the motions of the Yevon prayer and as he stands upright a smile hides within the corner of his mouth. Though in his heart hides fear. This would be only his second run through the trials, and he had heard that they get harder each time. He would never show it in front of the others, but he was anxious to say the least.

2011-11-15, 12:20 PM

With Tarris and Bartz heading towards the temple so as to take the trials, Kiran found himself with the Crusader, and the two blitzballers, one of whom was the quiet Hypello, something Kiran appreciated in comparison to the ever-talkative Bartz. Kiran was not used to so much dialogue. Life on Mt. Gagazet was one of wind and ice, not words. It was a symphony of silence, accompanied by nature's song.

He shook his great head and growled. They had a job to do. His honor depended on it. "Come now," he said to the others. "It is time we hunt."

Zeta Kai
2011-11-15, 10:14 PM

Keeper nodded in solemn agreement, eager to get to the bottom of this increasing mystery. He truly would rather play Blitzball with Gil, but more pressing concerns demanded their attention, & thus Blitzing would have to wait.

2011-11-16, 01:34 AM
Taking a heavy sigh, Gil follows the towering ronso. When they reach a distance away from the temple, he decides to speak up.
"Guy mentioned something about a 'bruhah' or someone scaring the townsfolk. Think that might be a start?"

2011-11-16, 03:32 PM
Chloe lets out an excited "Kweeeh", and follows the ronso.
"It seems shes excited. it has been a long time since I have seen he this way. Sometimes I feel this girl has no sense of fear. As for the issues scaring the towns folk, perhaps we should ask around and see what we could gather."

Zeta Kai
2011-11-17, 03:11 PM

Keeper looked around uncertainly, his eyes darting about & his hands reflexively wringing themselves. Marcus was absolutely right; they should begin interviewing the townsfolk & asking them what they knew about the assailant, & the team wasn't going to fulfill its mission by just standing there. But he was never really that good at talking with strangers. Once he got to know someone, then it was easier to hold a conversation, but new people made him slightly nervous, which only exacerbated his speech problems. He would have to muster up the courage to overcome this fear if he was going to contribute.

"Sho, uh, who should we shpeak with firsht?" he asked of no one in particular. He was hoping that one of his fellow party members would tell him what to do, if for no other reason than to have some motivation to take action. He was out of his element in more ways than one, & if he didn't get an answer soon, then he'd have to just pick a villager at random & hope for the best.

2011-11-19, 02:29 PM
Walking back into the villiage, the four of you are met by the startes of the townsfolk. Many of them seem to be distrustful of you, but they don't like they intend to say anything.
Tenativley, one of them comes forward. "Excuse me, are you here because of the bruhah, did you say?"

don;t ask why, but my besaid people speak spanish in addition to nromal english words...

2011-11-19, 05:06 PM
Gil steps forward, his hands moving almost as quickly as his mouth.
"Yeah. We were wondering what that guard meant. Is that something bad?"

I like it, for various reasons.

2011-11-20, 07:59 AM
"sorry, I forget that you will not know everything we say. Bruhah means witch, a woman who brings misfortune. That is what the false guardian certainly brough to our home.

Zeta Kai
2011-11-22, 11:09 PM

After a moment of awkward silence, it was clear that no one was going to speak. It seemed to Keeper as though everyone was dancing around some issue that they did not wish to deal with. As much as he would have preferred to keep quiet, he felt that he must speak up if they were to get on with their mission.

Keeper cleared his throat. "Ahem," he started nervously. "Doezh anyone know where thish, uh, bruhah may have gone after she left Beshaid?"

2011-11-22, 11:38 PM

This entire affair was unpleasant to Kiran. He simply wished to be hunting down Viluchala as he would hunt prey at Mt. Gagazet. He longed for the thrill of the wind against his fur and the feel of the blood rushing throughout his body.

But here, in this simple town, Kiran did not belong. He knew the people stared at him, took his height, his fur, and his horn as all they needed to know about him. But he was Ronso, and so Kiran did not harm his pride by speaking up, by telling those watching to look away.

The sooner the hunt began, the better.

2011-11-23, 12:06 PM
"we know she headed back to the docks, and her boat sped off in the direction of Baaj Island. Whilst she was here, she spent a lot of time at the old temple whilst her companion undertook the cloister of trials. We did feel it odd that the guardian didn't take the trial with her summoner, but we assumed they had a reason." The villager pauses for a moment, then beckons to the east of the island, the other side to the docks. "The temple is over there, where the villiage used to be. It's highly overgrown now. We...we had to move because of Sin you see. a villiage away from the cost feels safer."
the villiage then whispers something quietly to you
"the kidnapped summoner's guardian is still here, in the Crusader's sick house. But they don't want us telling anyone, if that helps at all?"

2011-11-27, 11:07 PM
Marcus looked at his companions,
"Well we have a lead, lets make our way over there. The longer we wait the further Viluchala gets away."

2011-11-28, 12:11 AM
Gil nodded and turned his head from side to side, crackling bones out of stiffness as he exhaled deeply.
"I am, how you say, ready to blitz."

2011-11-28, 12:56 AM

Like the others, Kiran was tired of waiting and anxious to continue the hunt. However, he was out of place here. For now, he would wait and quietly follow the others.

Zeta Kai
2011-11-30, 01:35 PM

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Keeper said, mostly to himself. He needed to stay motivated, or his trepidation could leave him paralyzed. "Let'sh shneak over to the shick houshe & talk to thish Guardian."

2011-12-02, 07:53 AM
you follow the villagers instructions to the sick house, which turns out to be a tent tood outside the crusaders lodge, looking hastily erected. there is a guard stood just outside, stood strait and alert.

2011-12-02, 08:46 PM

Nothing about this was comfortable for the towering Ronso. The people, certainly, but more: the inaction. Viluchala was in the process of fleeing. They did not have the time to spend on things such as this.

He growled under his breath. If things did not proceed quickly, action would have to be taken.

2011-12-03, 12:49 AM

Gil noted the rising anger of the ronso and took one look at the guards. The half-al bhed quickly prodded one of Kiran's arms and whispered, "We need to get in and out quickly. Let's take a little detour around the back of this Crusader tent, yes? No objections I hope, Keeper?"

2011-12-03, 12:59 AM

Once the al-bhed was finished speaking, Kiran nodded. "Yes. Kiran wishes to go. We do not have time for this."

Not stopping to wait for the al-bhed, Kiran went around the back of the tent, his spear tightly gripped in his hand. In order to calm himself, he began engaging in a series of exercises he had been practicing ever since childhood. The movements of the spear through air, whistling as it went, served to ease the Ronso's mind.

Zeta Kai
2011-12-03, 05:19 AM

"No, none at all," said Keeper to the Half-Al Bhed. "You are right. We need to get pasht thish guard, & shneaking izh probabably the only way." While walking on land wasn't quite as natural to him as swimming in the sea, he was small, & he knew that other often failed to notice him, especially when he was trying not to be noticed. The Hypello has used this to his advantage in Blitzball games to get past defenders, & he wondered now if he could do so here...

2011-12-06, 12:39 AM

"Well then, let's get in there," Gil says as he nonchalantly walks around the next tent to meet up with Kiran.

2011-12-06, 12:43 AM

Still practicing, Kiran hears Gil walking up behind him. Growling, he asks the half-al bhed a question. "Is Keeper finished with talking? Kiran wishes to begin the hunt. Standing here does nothing!"

He roars, his frustration palpable. "This is not the way of the Ronso."

2011-12-06, 09:47 AM
you manage to slip silently into the tent, with the guardsman none the wise. The inside is soslty sparse, save for one bed. In it is an older man, dressed in Kilika fashions. from here, you can see fresh, bloody bandages around the end of his knee, and nothing after that.

Zeta Kai
2011-12-08, 01:48 PM

This whole situation was getting stranger by the minute, & Keeper did not like it one bit. He was out of his element even more so than usual, & he wished more than anything that he was back in Bevelle, where citizens were polite, guards were good at their jobs, & everyone had all of their limbs firmly attached. He looked to the others for a sign that someone had the situation under control, but all he saw were faces as surprised & uncertain as his own.

Without knowing what he was doing, or why he was doing it, Keeper took a step forward, cleared his throat, & addressed the old man.

"Uh, hello?" he said with a rather shaky little wave.

2011-12-08, 05:03 PM
"Who's there? You're not with these idiot crusaders, right?" he whispered to you, his voice rather harsh "Good. Help me up. I need to save Bartz. that bitch couldn't have left more than a few hours ago" the wounded man starts to push himself, but even now you can see he's not all there

Zeta Kai
2011-12-11, 05:44 AM

"Bartsh? You know him? What are you talking about?" Keeper asked, as he was very confused. The Hypello looked to the others uncertainly.

2011-12-11, 05:06 PM
"He's a summoner. He's my summoner. Help me up, damnit. Why did I trust that woman" the man seems dilusional.

Zeta Kai
2011-12-12, 03:02 PM

This wasn't going well. It hadn't been for some time, & now things, which were already taking a turn for the worse, were turning for the worse more sharply. Keeper was never as comfortable around Humes (or any other race) as he was around other Hypello. They were too tall, too dry, & they spoke in strange accents that he could never hope to match, no matter how hard he tried. And that was when events were basically normal...

...Which was not the case with the current situation. An old man, who was missing a foot & perhaps a good deal of sanity, was raving about things that could not possible be. Bartz was not a summoner, he was not in need of saving, & he was not affiliated with this man, at least to the best of Keeper's knowledge. Either Bartz had been keeping some rather large secrets, or this man was even crazier than he looked.

Keeper decided to make an attempt to calm the agitated old man. "Pleazhe, uh, don't get up. Jusht, er, tell ush what thish izh all ababout," he spoke in a loud whisper, in case the inattentive guard outside the tent could hear them. "I know a man named Bartsh, but he izh no shummononer. He izh a guardian, sherving azh an eshcort at the Cloishter of Trialzh. Why do you think that he needzh shaving?"

2011-12-12, 03:14 PM

With his keen hearing, Kiran knew that Keeper had managed to gain entrance to the tent. Good. The faster things progressed the sooner the hunt could begin. Twirling his spear, the ronso warrior took his body through the exercises that he had been practicing since his time as a cub.


The spear sliced through the air, its sound serving to calm the aggravated ronso's demeanor.

Soon. Soon the hunt will come.

2011-12-13, 01:47 AM

"Seriously. We need to know where this summoner of yours is. We intend to save him, so don't worry yourself, kay?" Gil spoke up as he approached the injured man, trying to comfort him as he pushed him back into the bed. "But this woman you mentioned. She wouldn't happen to have called herself Viluchala, would she? Even if she didn't, where did you last see her?"

2011-12-20, 10:58 AM
"Vilichula. yes. That... that's the bitch's name. We was at the temple, and my summoner had just completed the trials, along with hers. We'd met on the boat here. She helped me and Bartz*, and we helped her when she said she had something to do in the forest. Then, when we was going to leave.. she attacked us." the man is distracted for a moment "she attacked us... Oh god's, my leg. she..."
"Are you going after her? if o, be careful, the bitch is dangerous"

2011-12-22, 09:37 AM

"Thanks. Don't worry, you just sit tight. We'll take care of this." He turns to Keeper, a worried look on his face as he motions to the outside of the tent. "We should get going now, before we lose her trail." Gil leaves the tent and informs the impatient ronso of the direction they should head.

2012-01-11, 02:56 PM
Leaving the tent by the door, you follow the road to the rear gate of the villiage, followed the the glares of the Crusaders you slipped past before. As the gate slowly grinds open, the old pulley system rarely used, you are granted a sight of Besaid Jungle from above. In the distance, you can make out the location of the old villiage as a few marks amongst the canopy.
Much like on the accent on the other side of the villiage, the path down the mountain runs adjacent to a ruhing waterfall. As you decend, you find the light of the sun soon getting swallowed by the canopy above you, turning the ground around you a combination of reflected geen light and patches of white luminecence.
Yet as you descend, it is Kiran who notices it first, before a road resounds around you, shattering the aparantly idelliac world and letting the fragments fall. From within the jungle around you leap five wolf-like fiends, snarling hungrily as they advance towards you.

2012-01-12, 12:19 AM
How far away are they? Are they clumped or spread out? On high ground or low ground? A map would be great of possible. :)

2012-01-13, 05:27 PM
OOC: can't believe I forgot this part :smallredface: sorry

une mapo
anyone entierly on the green part is in dificult terrain, due to jungly stuff

Initiative order:
you lot (order you act in is meaningless)
the monsters

Peole left to act: everyone.

2012-01-30, 02:27 AM

"Look lively! It's time we got this party started, right?" Smirking as he adjusts his bandana, Gil takes a pitcher's stance as he hops backward, tossing his rigid blitzball at the nearest monster before catching it in it's returning bounces.

Move: 5' Step diagonally northeast.
Standard Action: Blitzball chuckin', brudda! (attack aimed at Monster IV)
Atk ([roll0]), Dmg ([roll1])

2012-01-30, 04:45 PM

The ronso growls furiously, then jumps forward to deal a crushing blow to one of the creatures with his polearm, roaring as he does so.

Jump: [roll0] to where Monster I is.
--Thanks to Leap of the Heavens, I take no penalty to the check for not moving 20 feet beforehand, and thanks to Battle Jump my attack now deals double damage

Power Attacking for -3 so...
To-Hit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (x2 for total damage)

Also, my weapon has sensor.

2012-02-04, 07:27 AM
Panicking about the unexpected ambust, Marcus and Keppa turn back towards the villiage. Two of the fangs make to follow them, leaving the clearing

The first fang leaps back swiftly, avoiding Gill's litzball and letting out a low growl in response.

Kiran's downwards spear thrust impales the fang from above, the creature letting out a pittiful whine before it collapses, it's back broken. The creature slowly dissolves into a cloud of pyreflies, that breifly immuminate Kiran's victorious face before floating away.

Fang I, in response to Gill's attack, advances slowly on the bliter, fangs bared and a wary eye on his ball, before trying to bite the litzer, who manages to turn out of the way just in time for the bit to miss

Regarding Kiran warrily, the other two fangs move to surround the Ronso, one of them slipping behind the warrior as the other lets loose a bloodthirsty howl and rushes towards him, jaws wide open. The fang leaps a Kiran, but the ronso manages to block the brunt of it's bite (3 damage)


2012-02-04, 01:06 PM

"Oh no you don't, buddy!" Gil holds tight on his blitzball, taking a hop-step backwards as he once again winds up the ball, lunging it forward at the fang.

Move: 5' Step north.
Standard Action: attack Fang VI
Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1] & [roll2](lightningstrike)

2012-02-04, 02:18 PM

Roaring in anger at the creature for attacking him, Kiran raises his polearm for a devastating blow, his guttural growls raising his blue fur in hackles.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attacking Fang III, and remember, my weapon has Sensor, so details please. :)

2012-02-06, 01:43 PM
Fang (besaid)
HP: 15 (3d8 + 3)
AC: 15
BaB: 2
Str: 15
Dex: 15
Con 12:

weapon focus (bite)

Trip: if bite hits, may trip for free with no touch attack/AoO. cannot be counter-triped from this
Primary bite attack (1d6+2)

so, they're pretty much slightly buffed up wolves. :smallsmile:

The two fangs struck cringe back in pain, Fang VI whimpering slightly as the sparks from Gill's blitzball course through it's body, leaving the fiend inured and panting, but still alive. (very nearly dead)

Fang III is impaled by Kiran's spear, adding another victim to the Ronso's tally.

Fang II strikes out at Kiran, locking its jaws around his leg (7 damage) and attempting to pull the Ronso down (17 on a trip attempt, roll or be prone next round)

Fang VI limps slowly towards Gill, fangs bared, but the wounded creature's lung misses the blitzer.

Fang II: HP 15
Fang VI: HP 4

should I upload a new map, considering all the movement in the last round minutes was a fang and a gill shifting up one square?

2012-02-06, 04:13 PM
Trip Check: [roll0]
---thank you size bonus

Also a new map would be sweet.

2012-02-06, 09:00 PM

"This one's for the win!" Gil takes a quick sidestep, winds up his ball, and chucks it at the damaged wolf.

Move: 5' step east
Standard Action: attack Fang VI
Atk [roll0]
Dmg [roll1] & [roll2] (lightningstrike)

OOC: I don't think we're in dire need of one yet lol

2012-02-06, 09:49 PM

Kiran roars with abandon as his polearm nets him yet another kill. Pivoting, he attempts to finish off the last of the Fangs.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

HP: 39/49
Overdrive Gauge: 10/100
--Condition: Slayer (+5 OP every time I deal damage to an enemy)

2012-02-07, 03:51 PM
The last fang takes a final glance as it's companion dies before turning tail and breaking away, faiding into the forest. behind the two of you, you can hear gootsteps, as Tarris and his guardian catch up with you, fresh out of the cloister of trials.

does anyone have a link to the PDF for me to roll spheres? my old one got corrupted and the one in Zeta's sig is linking me to a black sheet :smallfrown:

2012-02-07, 03:56 PM
Maybe add it to the OP of the OOC thread for future reference?

Standard Drops
{table]d20|Sphere Dropped
3|1× Ability Sphere
4|1× Ability Sphere
5|2× Ability Sphere
6|1× Attack Sphere
7|2× Attack Sphere
8|1× Feature Sphere
9|2× Feature Sphere
10|1× Saving Sphere
11|1× Saving Sphere
12|2× Saving Sphere
13|1× Mana Sphere
14|2× Mana Sphere
15|1× Power Sphere
16|2× Power Sphere
17|1× Level 1 Key Sphere
18|2× Level 1 Key Sphere
19|1× Level 2 Key Sphere
20|Re-roll twice[/table]

Elite Drops
{table]d20|Sphere Dropped
2|2× Ability Sphere
3|2× Attack Sphere
4|2× Feature Sphere
5|2× Saving Sphere
6|2× Mana Sphere
7|2× Power Sphere
8|1× Black Magic Sphere
9|1× White Magic Sphere
10|1× HP Sphere
11|1× MP Sphere
12|1× BAB Sphere
13|1× Feat Sphere
14|1× Score Sphere
15|1× Skill Sphere
16|1× Level 2 Key Sphere
17|2× Level 2 Key Sphere
18|1× Level 3 Key Sphere
19|1× Level 4 Key Sphere
20|Re-roll twice[/table]

2012-02-11, 06:21 AM
spoils of war: two saving spheres, one mana sphere. split them between you how you will :)

After clearing up the amush by the fangs, and meeting up with Tarras once more, the three of you continue on your journey towards the reported temple, decending slowly under the jungle cannopy. Around you, the idealic weather is beging to become wetter and stuffier, the shade of the trees trapping heat like an incuator.
after around 20 minutes without any further interuptions, the path splits into a three segmented crossroads. To your right, you can see what looks to be a worn stone signpost, the latters cracked and faded (DC 20 dechiper script to make out)

2012-02-11, 11:39 AM
@Travel: The mana sphere's yours if you want it, and I don't see why we can't split the saving spheres.


"Hold on guys, what in Spira's name is that?" Jumping over to the monument, he begins frantically trying to read the script and turns to the other two, grinning awkwardly. "Sorry, can either of you make heads or tails of it? The inscription's too faded for me."

I knew I should've put ranks in decipher script....

2012-02-11, 02:27 PM

I don't particularly need it, but I suppose I'll take it. Or we can give it to Tarras. And yeah, let's split the saving spheres.


Kiran takes no notice of the sign. The Ronso is far too busy consuming the flesh of one of his kills in celebration of his victory.

2012-02-11, 03:06 PM

The half-al bhed takes one look at the bloody mess the ronso is making of the dead fangs and raises an eyebrow before quickly turning his head to Tarras.

2012-02-11, 03:08 PM


Tarris roll: [roll0]
Guardian roll: [roll1]

I know I didn't actually do anything, but in my defence I was busy hunting out a new nuke, which involved not an insubstantial amount of brain-teasing, and I could really go for one of those Save increasing spheres.

Just sayin'...

2012-02-14, 03:20 PM
you where unable to make anything out from the stone tablet other than the word "temple" and "danger", time has taken to deep a toll to be able to make out what it was supposed to say. mayhaps there would be another method to pick a route?

2012-02-18, 02:11 PM

Remembering the wise words of Hayley Starshine, Tarris makes up his mind.

"Time is against us, we follow the right hand rule."

With that he & his Guardian stride down the right-most path.