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Human Paragon 3
2011-11-09, 09:41 PM
The walls of Stonehall are thick, mortared with the blood of many dwarves and painted with glory -- and tales. This tale of Stonehall begins the day the Jaan Nightshield fetched Prince Grelm out of his bath.

"Lord Nigthshield to see you, your Highness..." Tong, the servant boy, a gruff lad of 40, sputters the introduction, right before the old Dwarf, in full battle regalia, pushed his way into Grelm's bath chamber. Tong's face reddens. He looks positively mortified on behalf of his Prince, but what could he do? Jaan Nightshield was high general of all the dwarven armies, and King Grash's oldest living friend and confidant. He was not a man that one said "no" to.

Grelm's faithful bodygaurds flanked the prince, even as he took his bath, a custom established by Forscythe St. Clair ("What greater need of a bodyguard then when His Highness is at his most vulnerable?"). The knight and the famed dwarven pike maiden Asvora Stormbringer stand by to fend off enemies and friends alike, though neither would willingly stand in the way of one such as Jaan Nightshield. As usual, Forscythe sat next to the prince, much at ease, making some blustering joke, while Asvora stood erect, sheepishly averting her eyes from his royal personage.

Nightshield took in the scene without comment, before bowing slightly to the prince, the hint of a grin on his craggy, bearded face. "Lad. Your father sent me to fetch you. I see there are two dwarves in Stonehall that you trust. But you'll be needing five for this."


Some time later, the prince, now fully dressed, waits with for of those five dwarves. His two bodyguards are there, as is Reorn Strongheart, called Voice of the Land, and the prince's personal informant and spymaster Hmon Farseer. Only Rochester Blackbeard is missing. Where he is is anybody's guess.

The five stand at the top of the massive staircase called the Core, a vertical tunnel that winds into the very center of Stonehall. Much used, the Core is the quickest way, and in some cases the only way, to reach many important areas of the fortress. In accordance with Jaan's instructions, Grelm and his companions now wait here, at the top of the steps.

Welcome to Scions of Stonehall: The In-Character Thread.

A few things you should know:

1) There is no out of character thread.

2) Any OOC comments, and all dice rolls, should be made in spoilered text.

3) You are expected to post at least once a day, every day. As a great man once said: If you cannot post for an extended period, be kind enough to say so and explain why. If 3 days pass unexplained without a post, the DM, me, and a player will determine the best course of action for your character to undertake. If 7 to 10 days pass unexplained without a post, you have 'deadbeated' and your character will be subjected to a) 'rocks fall'; a terrible and humiliating death, b) becoming an NPC, C) being replaced/taken over by another PC/player or d) retconned as appropriate.

4) You may now post in character!

Here are links to all PC sheets for reference:

Prince Grelm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=340581), Binder 4, by: RaggedAngel
Reorn Strongheart (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=26401), Druid 4, by: Todash
Rochester Blackbeard (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341089), Enchanter 3/Master Specialist 1, by: Toliudar
Hmon Farseer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341895), Rogue 2/Shadowcaster 2, by Wyntonian
Forscythe St. Clair (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=343479), Knight 4, by Lokio
Asvora Stormbringer (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=26251), Fighter 4, by Fallout

DM Reference Only:

Round X Initiative Order
[roll0] Grelm's Initiative Roll
[roll1] Rochester's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Forscythe's Initiative Roll
[roll3] Reorn's Initiative Roll
[roll4] Hmon's Initiative Roll
[roll5] Asvora's Initiative Roll

2011-11-09, 10:20 PM
Asvora stands at attention, keeping always on the alert. Her eyes dart back in forth trying to take in everything that is going on. She wants to ask Forscythe what is going on, but realizes she was with him when he was informed.

She takes a moment to dig out her whetstone and put some work on all of her weapons as she waits, when and only if, she realizes the Prince is not in any sort of danger.

OOC: I call Pink. Doubt that will be an issue.
Spot: 1d20-1

2011-11-09, 11:27 PM
Hmon Farseer gestures respectfully to his King, and steps back, drawing himself inward to ponder for a moment. "Do I know what this is about? Can't be the undermines, we don't have anything to report on those. Can't be that drow patrol we saw a couple weeks back, they cleared out pretty quickly and we haven't seen them since. Does Rochester have something for us? He's not here yet. That's probably it. Can't say what he's got, though... I need a drink. Hm. Later."

OOC: Taking Dark Slate Grey as my color. Never seen it used in a game yet, and it's a subtle color for a subtle guy.

2011-11-09, 11:33 PM
Standing silent, and looking grim (as usual), Reorn stands behind the Prince, his gnarled staff held steady.

Did Lord Nightshield say anything as to the task we are to undertake my Prince? I must confess, I have heard nothing that would warrant the direct attention of you and your most able companions.

I call Green, as appropriate for Druidness. Very very happy to see the daily post rule. I am a very regular forum refresher, thanks to a job in the middle of the slow season, and so far my other adventures have been much to slow for my taste.

2011-11-09, 11:40 PM
There is a shimmer and distortion in the air about a quarter-turn down on the stairs of the Core. Standing there is Rochester, leaning up against the wall, looking nervous and shifty, as usual.

He is dressed, as usual, in black with silver trim, and carries a dark, gnarled staff. A hand rises reflexively to stroke his short, trim beard, and continues up to ruffle the neck feathers of a great raven that digs into his shoulder.

"Ah. Greetings, My Lord. Ah. Friends. I see that my work in teleportation is still, ah. A work in progress. Indeed. Well met."

He glances a bit nervously at Asvora's brandished warpike, but says no more.

2011-11-09, 11:41 PM
The Kingshield, Forscythe St. Clair, stands next to the Prince, his immense armour looking small on his massively muscled form. His beautifully crafted waraxe hangs loosely at his side, and his arms are crossed over his chest with his helm in hand as he listens to the inquiries of the other dwarves. He seems more relaxed than his subordinate Asvora.

He leans in and whispers to the Prince, "You trust these people, Highness? Asvora looks a little... twitchy." He chuckles quietly and winks, looking over at the younger bodyguard.

As the mage teleports in, his hand snaps to his waraxe. Once the mage greets them peacefully, he relaxes again.

2011-11-10, 01:40 AM
Prince Grelm smiles and casually stands from his position on the second to the top step. He adjusts his fine clothes, made of woven monstrous spidersilk and with silver and gold adornments. He is bereft of any jewelry, however; the prince had learned long ago that necklaces and rings, however fashionable, had a tendency to get lost in the midst of action.

He nods to each of his companions, and the spirit in his soul stirs a bit, restless. You rule them, yes? Speak to them. Preach. Praise yourself and extol your own virtues, for you are the greatest of them all. Grelm sighed a bit, internally, and sent the spirit a strong, stern response. Quiet, Naberius. You have no word on my actions today, and you best remember that.

His brief internal quarrel finished, he does indeed address his companions, though far too little pomp to appease the vestige within him. "Well now, my friends and protectors; shall we find out what sort of wonderful and not-at-all tedious task that is to be placed on our solid and exceptional shoulder?" His grin becomes a smile, and he adjusts the morningstar at his hip. "I'm quite eager to get on with the day."
Soul Binding check on Naberius, DC 15: [roll0]
Grelm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=340581)
Male Chaotic Good Dwarf Binder, Level 4, Init +1, HP 39/39, DR 1/-, Speed 20ft.
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Morningstar +6 (1d8+4, x2)
+1 Chain Shirt (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 16
Condition Bound to Naebrius
Disguise Self (at will)
Fast Ability Healing (1/round)
Naberius's Skills (Iajutsu Focus, Autohypnosis, Knowledge (Royalty & Nobility, Local))
Command (1/5 rounds, DC 15)
Silver Tongue (Take 10 on Diplomacy and Bluff, can rush.)

2011-11-10, 09:10 AM
At Forscythe's comment, Asvora realizes she is being... twitchy. She takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. "My apologies, I suppose I am spooled... a bit tight."

Asvora tries to relax but finds the task nearly impossible. She contents herself with sharpening her Warpike. At least it gives her hands something to do.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-10, 09:40 AM
The sound of clicking heels fills the corridor as Jaan Nightshield approaches, with a new squire in tow. The squire is a young dwarf dressed in Nighshield colors --black and gold -- fine mithril chain mail and a black hooded cloak. Probably some cousin or grand nephew of the General's.

Nightshield himself wears full dwarven plate mail, his trusty war axe and the ancient black shield of his ancestors at his side. A black cape with gold epaulets hangs regally from his shoulders. Very formal.

He smiles at the group of six dwarves.

"Down, down we go, down. Down into the deep, dark hold," he quotes from the 10th verse of the Ballad of Stonehall, his voice briefly becoming a deep, rhythmic chant. "Come. Your father is waiting."

And with that, he steps through the group, squire in tow, and leads the way down the stairs. His armor creeks, or is it just his ancient bones?

Anyone want to do or say anything before you follow Jaan down into the Core?

2011-11-10, 09:43 AM
Asvora says nothing as she puts her whetstone away. Armor polished, Warpike and Waraxe sharpened, there is nothing left to do. She follows a step behind and to the left of Prince Grelm, knowing Forscythe will be on the right, both at the ready.

Nope, nothing to say.:smallcool:

2011-11-10, 10:20 AM
Hmon moves his hands away from his daggers-and not the visible ones on his belt- and follows a couple steps behind the Prince. He looks pointedly at Rochester, as if to ask if he knows what's going on.

2011-11-10, 10:54 AM
Nodding to the General, Reorn brings up the rear of the group. As he begins to descend the stairs, he hears the sound of large wings flapping, coming from the cavern above them. Reaching out with his mind, Reorn smiles as he links with his companion. Hello Antroz, my friend. No we cannot go flying right now. Please stay here in the Core until I call for you. Banking, the large Dire Bat flys off to hang from the nearest outcropping, eyes watching the group intently.

Reorn then follows the Prince down the steep stairs.

2011-11-10, 12:07 PM
Forscythe smiles to his partner as she tries to relax. "Lass, the elves would say that the bowstring wound too tight is liable to snap in battle. We're home. You're experienced, you know when threats are about."

As Nightshield approaches, Forscythe looks him up and down. Then the man begins to sing, and Forscythe's brain begins going through the ballad, singing it heartily as they had on many occasions over ales as younger men. "Bloody hell. Now it's stuck in my head." The knight begins to march along to the right and slightly behind the Prince -- after all, it wouldn't be seemly for a man of his station to march at the Prince's right hand. The Kingshield knew the protocols.

2011-11-10, 03:43 PM
[QUOTE=Lokio;12195777] "Bloody hell. Now it's stuck in my head."QUOTE]

Haha, I was going to post almost exactly this as we went down the steps. Awesome :smallbiggrin:

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-10, 04:43 PM
Giving Grelm and Rochester some time to chime in, before I move it along. It's not essential that everyone puts in their 2 coppers though, so I'll move it along some time tonight regardless.

2011-11-10, 09:26 PM
Rochester glances back at Hmon, offering the faintest shrug. As Jaan Nightshield passes him on the stairs, Rochester attempts to simultaneously bow and press himself back against the wall of the stairwell, resulting in a kind of body-length spasm.

"After you, my lord."

The old Nightshield's sounds of movement bring Rochester's thick brows together in consternation, but he says no more.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-10, 09:37 PM
The staircase goes down, deep into the hold, just as the old ballad said. This is a familiar trip for the six, as the Core provides access to the armory, dungeons, distillery and store rooms, among many other vital areas.

Rarely, however, have they traveled this deep. Torches are posted every so often, but only as many as needed. The torchlight dances along the walls, painting the stones in an orange patina, then, as the dwarves travel deeper, the illumination becomes more shadowy, the colors fade, and the pale grays of darkvision replace the shadows, and everything is clear.

Soon, shadows creep back in, then bright torchlight, then shadows again, then clear darkness, again and again, each time the group approaches and passes another light. The weight of the mountain over their heads is another obvious indication of their increasing depth... 500 feet, 600 feet, 1000...

The older and less spry among the Prince's circle could almost dread the long climb back.

"Here we are."

Grelm has been here once before, as a child of 13. This corridor leads to the famed treasure trove of Stonehall.

King Grash waits at the corridor.

Jaan. Thank you, friend. It's good to see you, as always.

Grelm, my son...

The King looks at his son with one rheumy eye and one clear one, then looks at the six dwarves at his side. The old king nods in approval.

Good. Good.

Same as before, the floor is yours.

2011-11-10, 11:03 PM
Though nearing his middle years, Rourke does not seem to have trouble with the long walk into the bowels of the mountain. Indeed, the deeper the party travels, the more energetic he seems. He draws his strength from the Earth, and the Earth is all around them.

Recognizing where they are going, the serious look on his face grows deeper. He knows they would not come to the deepest vaults for anything but the most dire of reasons.

Upon seeing the aged King, Rourke simply bows deeply, sweeping his dark cloak behind him. Upon hearing his words he rises, but holds his tongue. The time for talk has not yet come, now is the time for listening. Rourke listens well, both to the words of the King, and the Earth that surrounds them.

2011-11-11, 12:12 AM
As the group descends, Rochester seems to get more nervous, working his jaw to deal with the increasing pressure. He had a pretty good sense of where they were going, and had a sick feeling about why they were going there. But it was definitely not his place to say.

In the corridor with Grash, Rochester straightened reflexively, showing the same quiet respect as always for the only king he'd ever had.

Fondly, Rochester glanced over at Grelm, and hoped that the boy was ready. He was strong, clever and resourceful. And he seemed to draw out the loyalty and trust of those around him. Rochester was convinced that he'd be a good king. Eventually. As in, after years of further training and tutelage.

2011-11-11, 12:24 AM
Hmon made a fractionally more respectful gesture towards the king, and slipped back into his customary spot, somehow in everyone's peripheral vision at once. He had an unusual sense of unease. "It's easy to always know what's going on, as a spymaster. And unsettling as hell when you don't."

2011-11-11, 12:34 AM
Forscythe walked the familiar stone hall in his usual position. He was eager to meet whatever challenge his liege had for him.

Upon seeing the king, he raised his weapon into a present arms, a customary royal salute. The weapon was snapped vertically in front of his face then snapped down back and to the side, held there until the King released it. "Long live the King!"

2011-11-11, 08:24 AM
Prince Grelm pauses for only the smallest of moments before giving his father a respectful salute before relaxing a bit. "It's good to see you, father. I thank you for the opportunity to aid my city and my people. My companions are likewise both ready and able to help you in any manner that you require." Grelm sighs internally at the pomp, but he had long ago learned his lesson as to the respect due to his father. It was better for everyone if he gave the old dwarf the fine words and gestures that were expected of nobility.

Grelm takes 10 on Diplomacy for a 24.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 09:51 AM
Haha, the king chuckles. I'm sure you are. Swords and spells. They don't solve everything, though. Loyalty and duty. Far more important. Right Jaan?

"Oh, I think Grelm knows a thing or two about all four." Nightshield winks at the prince.

The two old dwarves begin down the hallway, the General apprising Grash on current troop levels, giant movements in the north and the latest war machines the Gnomes have been contracted to build. The corridor is long and narrow, and grows more narrow the farther the dwarves travel.

Now, two guards bearing war axes and tower shields block the way. With the two standing there, it is impossible to pass. They salute, and readily stand aside for their king.

"Wait here, boy," Jaan says to his squire, who dutifully does so, without a word.

Through this passage, the group must walk single file. The King walks first, then Nightshield, Grelm, then his band. A slight tingling crawls across everybody's skin, a sensation that Rochester knows denotes an anti-magic field.

On the other side of the field, the hallway grows brighter, spell-lit.

Finally, the corridor ends at a massive double door. The King produces a large, bronze key which he inserts into a lock, and a smaller, hidden door opens. Everyone passes through.

More to come.

EDIT: Here it is!

The gold sparkles brilliantly in the light of continual flames. In addition to stacks of custom-made silk coin bags, there are chests, barrels and crates full of precious and semi precious metals, stones and more. Gold and silver ingots, priceless jewels, works of unparalleled craftsmanship and artistry, and sacred relics.

For most of those present, this is the first time seeing the wealth of Stonehall in all its splendor. The value of Grash Stoneheart's hoard is incalculable, fueled by rich mines, conquests, gifts, taxes and tributes.

He smiles to see it.

The stacks of coinage create sort of a natural corridor in what would normally be a large, vacuous chamber of hewed stone, carved into the living rock of the Mighty Mountains.

The King strides forward, and the rest have no choice but to follow. The floor rises upward and the group ascends a small staircase. From the top of the rise, you see it before you, the Shadowless Stone.

The Stone is as important to the dwarves of Krakehelm as it is powerful and mysterious to outsiders. It is said that only the King and his top advisers know its true power.

A thick, marble column supports the Stone, a roughly cubic artifact with ancient and possibly arcane--none of the Prince's circle know for sure--runes scribed on all six faces. A halo of pure white light surrounds it, the source: the Stone itself. This pure white glow is what gives the Stone its name; it could no more cast a shadow than could the sun, moon or stars.

Rumors of its nature circulate the kingdom and beyond. It is a piece of the lodestone that bears the Earth's weight. It is the eye of the King of Mechanus. It was crafted by Moradin in the Dawn Age and given to the first King of Dwarves. It is a vessel, to which the spirits of 10,000 archons have been bound by an ancient dwarven wizard. Few will ever see it. Fewer still learn of its nature.

I trust you all know what this is. The king grins at the assembled dwarves. Come.

He leads you to the foot of the column. It is as high as the King's chest. The stone itself is the size of a light shield and as thick as an old elm.

Go ahead, Grash says. Touch it.

He smiles at Jaan, a devilish twinkle in his old eye.

What? No one? Who here will touch the Shadowless Stone?

2011-11-11, 01:43 PM
Forscythe follows along, incredulous at the wealth and might of his King. Then he sees the Shadowless Stone and stops in his tracks in wonder. But when his King says to touch it, and he steps forward. "Aye, my King."

The knight removes his gauntlet and touches the Eye, uncertain as to what will happen when he does.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 01:47 PM
The knight is shocked when his hand passes directly through the stone as if it were empty air.

The old king laughs at Forcythe's obvious surprise, and Jaan joins in as well.

The two graybeards smile in self-satisfaction at the general confusion among the group.

2011-11-11, 01:53 PM
Forscythe looks confused and looks over at his King. "My liege? Where is the orb?"

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 02:00 PM
Cube! It's a roughly-square six-sided stone.

Perhaps one of you could answer that question? What do you see? And more importantly, why?

2011-11-11, 02:56 PM
While the gold and wealth of the room held no great sway over him, the sight of the legendary Stone, made Reorn's eyes widen in wonder. After seeing the display by Forscythe, Reorn stepped forward.

Our eyes show us the Shadowless Stone of Legend, my lord. But, I believe it is merely an illusion, possibly a trap to catch anyone who would dare to attempt to steal or misuse it.

OoC:Would my mentor, the previous Voice of the Earth (His name was Therim Ardar), have told me anything about the stone?

2011-11-11, 04:22 PM
Rochester exhales loudly and unhappily. He pulls out a long slender stick from his pack, the end of which dances with the same flames that have lit their way so far.

"I believe that His Majesty. He is indeed suggesting. The real Shadowless Stone has been. Um. Removed from this place."

He hesitates, then plunges the flame of the stick into the stone, to see if the light can still be seen shining through. If it meets with no resistance, he will poke around inside the stone with the stick.

Knowledge Arcana and History, trying to gauge whether this matches the written descriptions of the Shadowless Stone - and whether any of the accounts mention the stone being insubstantial. [roll0] [roll1].
Will save vs an illusion, if that's what it is: [roll2].
Spellcraft, in case there are any magic symbols on the cube that can be deciphered without Read Magic - or in case it might be clear that they're just gibberish and fakery. [roll3].

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 05:09 PM
The flame disappears inside the stone, its light hidden. The object matches perfectly everything Rochester has heard, seen and read about the Shadowless Stone. The runes inscribed upon its face seem genuine, in that Rochester cannot decipher them, and they are enigmatically fabled to be "indecipherable by anyone who does not already know what they say."

The only sign that this stone is anything but genuine is its insubstantial nature. There is no record, verbal or written, of the Stone exhibiting this property. Reorn's predecessor claims to have seen the Stone with his own eyes, and described it to his disciple much in the way it appears, except, of course, for one obvious detail.

"Astute! It is an illusion, yes, but it's more than that." Jaan looks to his King.

Young Rochester is almost there. The stone wasn't moved from here, exactly....

The King has called Rochester Blackbeard "young Rochester" ever since the vizier's son was a child -- even after the appellation no longer fit, and the vizier's son became vizier in his own right. Of course, to the King, most everyone must seem young.

2011-11-11, 05:49 PM
Hmon smiled self-satisfactorily, a smug grin. "It was never here in the first place, was it? My King." He adds the title hastily enough to avoid any disrespect. "And if that's the case, why show us?"

Knowledge(Nobility and Royalty) to see if King Grash has any history of being a sneaky bastard/using bluffs, double blinds, etc. effectively. Possible bonus for being a liaison to the intelligence force?

Knowledge(Arcana) for any pertinent knowledge. Feel free to PM me with these details if you don't want to do a post.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 06:09 PM
King Grash is a wise and shrewd ruler, a master of war and politics. He has earned every one of the 300+ years of his reign through a chess master's grasp of the region's political intricacies and the ability to inspire loyalty in his subjects and awe in his enemies. A false stone seems very much in his modus operandi to Hmon Farseer.

Oh, the stone's here, sure enough. But this isn't it.

"Father above! Will you just explain yourself already, Grash? They're getting agitated"

Let an old man have his fun. Suddenly, his face grows more serious. He addressed Grelm directly.

But your spymaster cuts through it. I do have my reasons for showing you this now. I am old. The oracles have cast their stones and their bones. Soon, I will die. Please, don't bother feigning surprise. Time comes for us all. I'm just glad I have an able son to take the crown.

The time for secrets is over. If you are to rule, I need to take what time I have left to share with you all I know. The secrets of our line must live on through you. This is the first of many.

But before I spill it... where's the Stone?

2011-11-11, 06:44 PM
Rochester, feeling very much the callow youth again, despite his advancing decades, withdraws his torch from the stone. He smiled briefly, a flicker of understanding crossing his face, but the vizier simply stepped back and smiled at Grelm encouragingly. Some destinations must be reached alone.

2011-11-11, 08:09 PM
Stepping slowly toward the Stone, Reorn presses his hands into the form, opening his senses to the stone around him, and beneath the illusion.

OoC:This riddle is driving me crazy, in the best of ways. :smallbiggrin:

Spot check: [roll0]
Knowledge:nature (if applicable) : [roll1]
Will to resist illusion: [roll2]

Edit: Oh dang, natural 20 spot check...

2011-11-11, 08:11 PM
"Was it taken, my liege?"

2011-11-11, 08:33 PM
Asvora stays silent. She knows her intellect does not mach that of her companions. Most of the Dwarves gathered here had been at their current post longer than she had been alive.

She is a sponge however and attempts to gather every bit of information and hold on to every detail.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 09:26 PM
Nice spot! Too bad search is what's needed. :smallamused:

Just kidding, I'll give you something for the 20.

The king laughs out loud at Forcsythe's suggestion.

Who could steal the Shadowless Stone from the King of Krakehelm? A creative mind though. I value that. Leave no stone unturned, no?

As Reorn casts his gaze about the trove, he glances upwards, and notices something curious. A carefully cut hole has been carved or bored into the ceiling, directly above the stone. The shadows conceal it, and one could almost miss it, especially with the light of the illusory stone filling the room.

2011-11-11, 09:44 PM
My lord, I believe I may have an answer to your riddle. This is simply a pale reflection. The true stone rests above our heads. Rourke bows deeply to the dwarven King.

2011-11-11, 09:45 PM
Forscythe looks up sheepishly, then chuckles. "Nice trick."

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 10:06 PM
Grash looks up, squinting his eyes.

Ah, yes... You spotted that, did you?

I'm impressed. Opening your eyes and seeing what's around you... not everyone can do that. Not well, at any rate.

But that's only half the job. You've got to take that information and come to the correct conclusion.

He smirks.

And that you haven't done.

2011-11-11, 10:51 PM
Indeed? Interesting. Reorn arches on eyebrow.
With your Majesty's permission, I would like to shed some light on this mystery

He then slowly raises his hands. The left glows with a soft light that suffuses the Druid. The right reaches out to the torches ringing the room, collecting sparks from each one. As the druid chants softly under his breath, the flame in his palm grows larger, until a torch sized ball of flame flickers. (Assuming the king does not protest), Raising it to the ceiling, he gently tosses it towards the dark hole, until it reaches the cunningly wrought hole, dispelling the darkness.

Casting Guidance, then Producing Flame.
Search check with guidance [roll0]
Or +4 more is it is spot this time. I can never keep them straight.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-11, 10:58 PM
A quick search of the area reveals nothing of interest.

The flame flies up into the crevice, briefly illuminating it before flickering out at its zenith. The niche is roughly the dimensions of the column, in length, width and depth.

2011-11-12, 12:15 AM
Furrowing his brow, the Druid ponders the shape of the niche. Perhaps... My lord, I believe the Stone is beneath the column. The column lifts into the ceiling above, revealing your fabled treasure. Though, admittedly, I know not how.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-12, 09:54 AM
The king smiles and folds his arms.

Knowing where a great treasure is and possessing that treasure are two very different things... though I admit, we didn't make it easy to obtain.

Reorn has got the location of the Stone. Getting it to rise up will be harder though.

I suggest going back over the thread for clues. I'm sure your skills, spells, feats and class features may also come in handy.

2011-11-12, 11:11 AM
I suggest going back over the thread for clues. I'm sure your skills, spells, feats and class features may also come in handy.

Is it something particular to one of us specifically? Or something that any of us could do?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-12, 11:42 AM
Well, I am basically expecting you to be resourceful... to use whatever you have at your disposal.

If you have spells that give you some information, great, that will be helpful more than likely, but you could also use social skills, knowledge skills, or good old-fashioned RP.

2011-11-12, 12:47 PM
Forscythe takes 20 to search the stone for any clues as to how we might make it go up. +2 for stone abilities of dwarves.

He mutters a taunt at the stone while he works.

2011-11-12, 06:29 PM
Well, I am basically expecting you to be resourceful... to use whatever you have at your disposal.

If you have spells that give you some information, great, that will be helpful more than likely, but you could also use social skills, knowledge skills, or good old-fashioned RP.

Okay awesome, just double checking it's not something along the lines of "The stone must be touched by a specific person/class" or some such. :smallwink:

Hand stilled filled with fire, Reorn thrusts the flame into the stone, trying to see through the illusion, using his other hand, he feels along the bottom of the cube, pressing against the column. As he gazes into the illusory Stone, he is covered in the faint white light again.

Casting guidance, using Will to pierce the illusion
[roll0] +2 if the dwarven racial counts against the "spell like effect"

If he finds nothing:
My King, this trap is quite cunningly wrought. The illusion of the Stone is incredible. Is there perhaps, any more information you might give us?


2011-11-12, 10:50 PM
Hmon paces around the stone, feeling fairly odd around something that casts no visible shadow. After a short period of concentration, he lets his mind slip into a trancelike state, feeling the shadows around him grow more pronounced as the suffused magic of the treasure hoard threatens to overwhelm his ability to see any details. Fighting off the lengthening darkness, he focuses on the pillar and what lays beneath, searching for a pattern in the shadows.

Using Mystic Reflections, acts exactly like Detect Magic.

2011-11-12, 11:47 PM
Realizing that this was not in fact a puzzle for Grelm alone - and that his initial guess as to the location of the stone had been incorrect - Rochester reapplies himself to the cause.

"It would seem to follow that the mechanism that accesses the column is activated either magically or through cunning mechanisms. Fortunately, in Hmon, we have a master of the latter. Perhaps, if it is the former, I can assist."

He weaves his hands in three sharp gestures and raises the flickering torch to have a look around.

Casting Detect Magic, examining first the stone, then any other auras in the area, and then searching outward (and looking upward) to analyze other auras. Spellcraft to get schools: [roll0].

2011-11-13, 12:22 AM
Feeling the probes of his comrades, Reorn follows their lead from his vantage point within the illusion.

Casting detect magic as well, totally forgot about that spell. *facepalm*

2011-11-13, 12:43 AM
Grelm remains uncharacteristically quiet for a time, watching his companions thing and work. He instead watches his father, attempting to read his reactions, his thoughts. It was less of a real attempt to be mature, and more of an attempt to prove his maturity to his father. To prove his worth to his father. His entire life had been spent speaking and acting, and his father always wished that he would simply listen. So he did.

And then he heard his father say that he was going to die. And that Grelm would be king. King of his people.

Grelm stopped listening, and instead spent a few moments attempting to understand what was going to happen in the next few months. The next few years. Years without his father. Grelm took a long, slow breath. The puzzle was interesting, and just the kind of thing he took interest in, but right now he could think of little else but the life he would soon have to live.

Sense Motive on his father: [roll0]
Knowledge (History) for something on the stone: [roll1]

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 10:39 AM
Grelm intently stares into his father's noble face, a strange mix of mischievousness, grim determination and... a wistful longing. Grash looks at each of the gathered dwarves in turn, watching as Forcythe runs a hand along the worked stone floor, using his stone cunning to detect a cleverly concealed break in the floor. The king smiles as the knight begins to comprehend the workings of the device.

Under the proper conditions, a staircase down appears directly in front of the column, which rises into the niche in the ceiling along with a large area of stone, maybe 20 feet square. Anyone not on the staircase when this happens is liable to be crushed.

The king's glance lingers on the illusion of the stone itself, flickering from his son, to the false stone, to the knight, to the false stone, to the druid, to the false stone. And then, he trains his good eye at a hanging tapestry, bearing the crest of stonehall, and back to Grelm. The king catches his son's eye... is he trying to tell him something?

Hmon's shadow-sight easily identifies the Stone for what it is... an illusion. He also detects magic auras coming from the column itself, and numerous other objects in the area, including a large, ornate mirror set among a collection of artwork to the south.

Rochester's spell reveals the same. The Stone registers strong illusion magic. The column moderate divination and the floor strong abjuration.

Reorn's own spell confirms this. When he rubs his hand over the surface of the column, it, and everything else in the stone, disappears from sight completely, as if the illusion was crafted to block the column's surface from view, even from those with the will to see through it. The column itself is marble... but it's been worked in a curious way. A central circle on the top of the column is textured differently from the rest.
Nice work.

2011-11-13, 11:47 AM
Peering closely at the newly revealed surface, Reorn presses his hand against the circular area.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 11:54 AM
There is a sleight tingling sensation, but the illusion of the Stone blocks the surface and Reorn's hand totally from sight.

2011-11-13, 12:18 PM
Frowning, he attempts to push the circular piece inward, trying to decipher it's purpose.

Spellcraft to determine what the cause/purpose of the tingle might be. [roll0]

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 12:24 PM
The surface does not give at all. It is solid marble.

The tingling sensation intensifies when Reorn presses down. The druid has never encountered an effect such as this.

2011-11-13, 12:40 PM
Pulling his hand back out of the illusion, Reorn takes a second to re-center himself. Perhaps he has narrowed his focus too much. Taking a slow breath in, he casts his mind out over the room. Magic, there are several sources in the vault. Letting his eyes fall on the ornate mirror, he strides over to it.

Gazing into it's mirrored surface, he shifts his angle so that he can look upon the reflection of the column. He glances back and forth, trying to determine if there is anything different.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 12:44 PM
Reorn sees his own reflection.

"An old Nightshield heirloom," Jaan says. "Here for safe keeping, and nothing more."

2011-11-13, 02:11 PM
Forscythe's handsome face is serious as he runs his hand along the worked stone floor, and then he breaks into a big grin as he finds the concealed break. "Eureka..." He works his hand and figures out the break.

"My Prince, this break is a stairwell down... but within about twenty feet in every direction, the stone goes up... into that ceiling." He points up. The ceiling is hard. "We may wish to get on the stairwell, or step back."

Once everyone steps back, he will use the break and trigger the stairwell.

2011-11-13, 04:19 PM
Nodding his thanks the older Dwarf, Reorn returns to the column. Stopping, he turns to look at the King, and next to him his son, the Prince. He describes what he felt atop the column.

Though I cannot decipher the exact nature of the spell, I believe it might be a key. Perhaps activated by the touch of the Royal line?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 04:36 PM
Haha, yes. You've puzzled out almost everything. The Stone is the key, and the stairs appear just there as Sir Forscythe says, but I will be shocked indeed if you figure out the trick.

The king grins, arms crossed.

"Can we move this along?" asks Jaan. "How would they know what to draw? Just tell them!"

2011-11-13, 04:57 PM
Draw, my Lord General? A mighty hint indeed!

Reorn turns back to the column, then traces the crest of the Dwarven king, the crest of stonehall, upon the tingling surface of the column.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 05:10 PM
Reorn's finger tingles with arcane energy as he traces the Stonehall sigil across the top of the column. All at once, his body is filled with a faint buzz, as if he'd consumed too many spirits.

The buzz radiates outwards from the column until even the coins are tingling, bell-like, in their silk coin sacks. The floor rumbles and begins to move.

"Onto the stairs, lads, or off the platform!" says Jaan, himself taking a step backwards.

Reflex Save for: Grelm [roll0]
Reflex Save for: Rochester [roll1]
Reflex Save for: Hmon [roll2]

Reorn is standing on the artificial stairway and Forscythe is at the edge of the platform when it begins to rise--out of harms way. Prince Grelm steps back, as does his vizier Rochester, but Hmon, too fascinated by the mysteries unfolding before him, finds himself being lifted upwards at an alarming rate!

Hmon is hurtling up, propelled by the platform--Give me actions!

2011-11-13, 05:27 PM
Grelm barely has time to think before he watches Hmon get carried up by the rising stone. His mind races, but his body and spirit react on their own, shouting a booming imperative to Hmon. "Jump down." He feels a pulse of energy flow through Naberius and leave him as he speaks, and the magical power of his words hits Hmon like a hammer blow, compelling the dwarf to obey. Grelm takes a step back, giving Hmon room to land if the command works.

Command, Save DC 15. Grelm is using the "approach me" option to force him to jump down right away.

2011-11-13, 05:29 PM
Forscythe will move to catch Hmon, suspecting that his strength will allow him to carry the day.

2011-11-13, 05:29 PM
Cursing at his own foolishness, Reorn turns to see Hmon start to rise. Unable to reach his companion, he does the only thing he can think of. He throws his magical staff, hoping to knock the spymaster off of the swiftly rising platform.

Note to self, always check positions before triggering magic devices.
Throwing staff, -4 due to improvised throwing weapon.

Edit:Oh god....

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 05:32 PM
Oh, fantastic! I highly recommend Hmon voluntarily fail his save.

2011-11-13, 06:19 PM
Upon hearing the imperious voice of the prince hammer into his brain, and feeling the ground fall away, Hmon simply obeys the words, riding upon them as he steps off the rapidly ascending platform.

2011-11-13, 06:33 PM
Forscythe will mightily catch the falling rogue.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 06:35 PM
His prince's words and his actions become one. Hmon falls backwards off the swiftly rising platform.

[roll0]Falling damage to Hmon. Hmon is prone.

Forscythe is too far to catch him, try as he might. The spymaster clatters to the ground, taking the force of his fall to his back and shoulders.

At the same time, the false stone rises upward, disappearing into the niche along with the platform. The staircase extends downward to the newly revealed area, maybe two meters down.

Before you sits a glorious alter, fit to exalt Moradin and all of the dwarven Lords. Within the alter sits the true Shadowless Stone--appearing just as the illusion, but somehow even more resplendent.

King Grash walks forward to Reorn Strongheart and speaks.

Voice of the Earth... I am glad my son has one such as you to guide him, but you are perhaps too eager. You show a cunning, and I'm sure it is backed by wisdom, but you must never let your intellect take a back seat to sense. When I am gone, my son will rely on you five to temper his brashness. Please. Do so.

600 XP for Reorn.
400 for everyone else

Floor is yours once again.

2011-11-13, 07:18 PM
Reorn bows deeply to the King.

My lord, I hear your words, and I shall indeed heed them. In my haste to behold the fabled Stone that called to me, I acted rashly. I swear that I shall act with careful wisdom, and use it to guide your son faithfully, as did my mentor before me.

He then turns and helps Hrom to his feet, hands glowing with healing energy.

Cast cure minor wounds on hrom

2011-11-13, 07:21 PM
Hmon accepts the proffered hand and healing tough gratefully, grimacing in pain as the hairline fracture in his ribs closes, but impressed at his fellows. Even more so, though, he is amazed at the altar beneath. After a suitable reverent pause he asks again, "My King... correct me if I'm wrong, but you have yet to tell us the meaning of assembling all of us together to see this. I am honored by the opportunity, but I'm not sure why you chose to show all of us and not just your son."

2011-11-13, 07:29 PM
Forscythe pats the fallen rogue on the back, shifting back to his position behind and to the right of the prince. "We're professional advisors and whatnot, my friend." He chuckles. "Plus, the love we bear for His Majesty's son surely shines right on through."

The entertaining Captain of the Guard then sees the altar and goes to a knee, muttering a prayer to Moradin and his mighty hammer, leading them to smite their foes with sure hands and fearless resolve.

2011-11-13, 08:03 PM
Asvora's first thought is to protect the Prince. Seeing he is safe she turns to help... but realizes everything is over before it begins. She inwardly bashes herself for taking so long to react.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-13, 10:03 PM
The king circles around and descends the staircase to the genuine Stone.

Forscythe has the right of it. I asked for dwarves my son did trust, and that is you.

Every king must have his Silver Circle. My own... through time and tragedy has been reduced to one--Jaan Nightshield, my oldest living friend and confidant. Only he and I know the secret of the Shadowless Stone.

Now do you see the significance of this meeting? You are my son's Silver Circle. You will bare the secret of the Stone. You will protect all of Grelm's secrets.

Yes, he says, catching his son's eye, even that one.

The king nods to his son. How long he has known about the dark rituals Grelm employs? Who can say? But he knows.

One day, you will lay your hands on the Shadowless Stone and say the oath handed down from generation to generation. Then, and only then, will you be King. And a king needs his council.

Does it become clear?

2011-11-13, 10:50 PM
Hmon nods solemnly. "So and it does, my King. I would be honored to serve your son. He's a King I'd be proud to follow."

2011-11-13, 11:23 PM
Reorn stands tall, Robe billowing around him.

I swear, upon the great Stone that is before us, and the Earth that is all around us, that I shall use all of my wisdom, my knowledge, and my power, to aid you and guide you my Prince.

Reorn kneels.

I will bear true faith, and will protect you from all enemies, both without and within. I am honored to serve with such faithful companions.

2011-11-14, 02:08 AM
Grelm shares a long look with his father, and despite himself he feels nothing but happiness. His father knew, and he loved him still. I should have known, Naberius. I should have known. The vestige made no reply, whether from disinterest or for some other, more obscure reason Grelm could not say. Based on his knowledge of the spirit he guessed the latter.

"And I, too, and more than honored to be surrounded by those of such powerful mind and spirit as you, my closest friends. The fact that I have you to share both the joys and pains of kingship is enough to strengthen my resolve and make my heart resolute." Grelm relaxes a bit, and then begins speaking in a more familiar tone. "I am worried, my friends, that I may not be enough. Not intelligent enough, not wise enough, not powerful enough. I worry that I shall fail in the task that every one of my forebears has succeeded in." He looks to his father and Jaan with a strong smile.

"But I will have you, and that is more than any dwarf could ever wish for. I am not smart enough, but together we are. I am not wise enough, but together, we are. I am not powerful enough, but by Moradin's hammer there is not a power in this would I would value above us save the gods themselves. I am concerned that I would fail, but I know that we will succeed." Grelm rests his hand on his morningstar, feeling the weight of his old weapon. "I feel confident enough to speak for my companions, father. We are ready to take the oath."

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 09:50 AM
Then at last you understand that no king rules on his own. But just as you depend on your Circle to guide you and temper your actions, the kingdom will depend upon you. I still have some time left yet to settle things before you shall need to serve in my stead, and there is much for you to learn.

You six will be the only ones who know the secret of the Shadowless Stone once I am gone... Elsewise, the secret would die with Jaan and me.

The key to it all is the rune work along the Stone's six sides. You see--

Of a sudden, the ground begins to quake, and the old King stops his speech immediately. This is no earthquake, but a mighty horn, blown from the Stonehall's watchtower. The low sound vibrates the very rock that surrounds them, up through the dwarves' boots, rattling their spines and chattering their teeth.

Hoooooooooooooooom. Blap!

It is one, long tone, followed by a short blast. It can mean only one thing.

Stonehall is under attack. The single short blast tells them that the enemy is goblin in nature. For Forscythe and Asvora, this means a list of protocols and specific battle stations. Once, they would have joined ranks with their brothers at the front gate, but their orders had changed since they became the Prince's bodyguard. Protect His Majesty.

What -- how can this be? Jaan, you told me the roads were secure. What is the meaning of this?

Nightshield says nothing, his face pale.

2011-11-14, 10:10 AM
Hmon's crossbow is in his hands in the blink of an eye. He looks over at the King and Price and says, almost apologetically, "I'm sorry, my King. We knew there was a raiding group coming. We took out their leader a couple days back, thought they'd back off, decapitate their command and all that. Guess that wasn't the case." As he speaks, though, his hands pump the lever on his crossbow and flick the cover off the quiver at his side.

2011-11-14, 10:52 AM
Looking around for his lost staff, Reorn walks closer to the king and his son. My lord, perhaps you should stay here and teach your son of the necessary secrets, I'm sure the guard can handle the invaders, and we can protect you from any that trespass down here. Unless the General would like us to accompany him?

2011-11-14, 01:41 PM
Forscythe smiles to the Prince as he speaks, but then the horn blasts, and the Knight's smile falls. He draws his axe and straps on his shield. He had faith in his lieutenants to ensure the Guard was doing their job right. "Your Majesty, Your Highness, we should find a choke point and prepare for battle. We will protect you, my liege. If you feel your treasure vault by the Shadowless Stone is the right place to do this, then so be it, but I suspect we may want to let the wealth of Stonehall remain hidden and fight at a different position."

He thinks over his knowledge of the city, looking to determine options. If he and Asvora can stand side by side, they could hold a choke point for days together.

2011-11-14, 01:55 PM
Rochester steps to where he had stationed himself many times before - just behind Grelm's left shoulder. Perfect for examining homework in progress, for whispering, and for hearing orders.

"Majesty, I believe Reorn has the right of it. Please continue. we will prepare defenses."

As if as a continuation of that thought, Rochester intones a frequently-repeated spell, covering himself briefly in a greenish aura that quickly fades.

Rochester casts Mage Armour.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 05:09 PM
Round 1 Initiative Order
[roll0] Grelm's Initiative Roll
[roll1] Rochester's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Forscythe's Initiative Roll
[roll3] Reorn's Initiative Roll
[roll4] Hmon's Initiative Roll
[roll5] Asvora's Initiative Roll

[roll6] Jaan Nighshield's Initiative Roll
[roll7] Drow in dwarf's clothing

As the group chatters and makes preparations, Jaan's young squire appears at the top of the rise looking down at the dwarves and the stone.

But something's not right... how had he gotten past the guards? He wasn't supposed to be here.... A moment later it becomes obvious that the squire is no squire. The squire is no dwarf. A black, beardless face looks down on you. He wears the Nightshield colors, but this is a drow impostor.

He levels a finger at the king and speaks a word of eldritch might. A black ray issues from his hand and strikes Grash on the chest. The old King tries to cry out, but instead simply exhales a breath of frosty haze before collapsing at the feet of his friend Jaan Nightshield.

My liege, the drow mockingly bows his head to Grelm, a sick grin on his face.

Grelm and Reorn are at the bottom of the stairs next to the Stone. Grash is on the ground next to Jaan, about 10 feet from Reorn. Rochester is just behind Grelm.

Asvora and Forscythe stand at the top of the stairs, with their backs to the Shadowless Stone (My interpretation of Forscythe's statements. If you don't like this position, let me know).

Hmon is standing at the edge of the enclosure, cross bow at the ready.

The Drow is standing at the top of a 15-foot staircase, the foot of which is 20 feet from the top of the Shadowless Stone's enclosure. The Stone is 10 feet from the revealed staircase, also 15 feet high.

Give me actions!

Initiative order:
Everyone but Grelm

2011-11-14, 06:24 PM
Stunned at the sudden attack, Reorn rushes for the fallen king. Pulling out a slender shard of crystal from his robes, he touches it to the elder dwarf, it's light flares as Reorn mutters an incantation.

Pull out my wand of CLW, and heal the king. (assuming he's not already toast)

Edit: Whoops, mistype, it's +1 not +4. So 4 healing.

2011-11-14, 06:49 PM
"Coward! Face me if ye be a man!" His taunt is laced with power, forcing the drow to attack him. He moves up to the drow with his move action and standard action. This effect effects all enemies, hidden or otherwise, in the area -- the Knight's courage forcing them all to attack him and him alone in a test of mettle. As he moves, he will draw his guisarme polearm.

Forscythe's combat style is incredibly hard to move away from, and so the drow cannot five-foot step away from him.

[roll0] dmg [roll1].
SWIFT: Test of Mettle - DC 17 will save or forced to attack the Knight.
DOUBLE MOVE to threaten.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 06:54 PM
Couple things.

First, Forscythe does not have the movement to approach and attack in the same round. The top of the stairs (Where you are) and the bottom of the other staircase are 20 feet apart. After closing that distance, you would need to climb the 15-foot staircase that the Drow is on top of, moving at half speed during the climb.

If you took a full round action to double move, you would be five feet below the drow. If you have a reach weapon, you would then be threatening him, but the waraxe lacks reach.

Secondly, make sure your OOC remarks are spoilered.

Third, lay out specifically which abilities you are using, by name, so I can look up their effects if needed. Thanks!

2011-11-14, 07:27 PM
Asvora charges ahead with Forscythe, staying behind him. They have trained and fought together for years. His Waraxe handling any creates that make it past her Warpike. She moves as far as possible hoping to at least get close enough to threaten the vile Drow!

OOC:Operating under that assumption that I can move about as far as Forscythe seeing as I was near him. Trying to get so I can at least threaten the drop with my warpike which has reach.

Also, I was out of town this weekend. Posting will be much more frequent now.

2011-11-14, 07:30 PM
Could he Run to get next to the Drow? It would make him lose his Dex to AC, and I don't recall if it would cause AoO or not, but it would allow him to threaten at least.

Edit: Ahh thanks. I saw that with Charge, but forgot it applied to run too.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 07:37 PM
Could he Run to get next to the Drow? It would make him lose his Dex to AC, and I don't recall if it would cause AoO or not, but it would allow him to threaten at least.

Alas, no:

You can’t run or charge through any square that would hamper your movement.
Stairs hamper movement. Waiting on actions from Rochester, Grelm and Hmon.

2011-11-14, 08:05 PM
Hmon levels his crossbow at the drow, but rather than fire it, he instead speaks. "HOLD." His voice rings with power, and those around him each hear it as if it came from right in front of their faces.

Using a standard action to use Voice of Shadows, functions like command, to use the Halt command. Will DC 14 or take no actions for 1 round. Also, can I hit the Drow without risking shooting anyone in melee?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 08:18 PM
You'll take a -4 for firing into melee, assuming character positions remain unchanged, but no risk of hitting your allies.

2011-11-14, 09:52 PM
I edited my first post to reflect changes, Paragon.

2011-11-14, 10:04 PM

The dwarf's mind whirls as the drow fires at the king. He steps in front of Grelm to shield him from possible harm, and begins chanting slowly.

Spellcraft to determine what the Drow cast: [roll0]

Rochester steps forward to place himself between Grelm and the drow - to give Grelm soft cover - and starts casting summon monster I. It'll go off at the start of his next turn.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-14, 10:52 PM
Just need actions from Grelm!

2011-11-15, 10:56 AM
Just need actions from Grelm!

Sorry, you had said that the Initiative order was "Everyone but Grelm, NPC's Grelm." Was that incorrect?

Grelm's face goes ashen as his father drops to the ground, but he forces himself to focus on the drow at hand. Only once the slithy worm has been killed will his father be safe. Grelm moves forward, closer to the drow, and then he lets out a booming and imperious command, his voice deeper and harsher than normal. "Drop to the ground, drow."

20ft. move closer, Command to fall prone, DC 15.

Grelm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=340581)
Male Chaotic Good Dwarf Binder, Level 4, Init +1, HP 39/39, DR 1/-, Speed 20ft.
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Morningstar +6 (1d8+4, x2)
+1 Chain Shirt (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 16
Condition Bound to Naebrius
Disguise Self (at will)
Fast Ability Healing (1/round)
Naberius's Skills (Iajutsu Focus, Autohypnosis, Knowledge (Royalty & Nobility, Local))
Command (1/5 rounds, DC 15)
Silver Tongue (Take 10 on Diplomacy and Bluff, can rush.)

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-15, 02:30 PM
Nope, that's the initiative order all right, but I want all actions before I write the post to describe how the round goes down.

The drow nods in recognition of Forscythe's challenge. He looks eager to test the knight's abilities, and supremely confident in his own. He shrugs off the effects of Hmon's shadowy voice and bows slightly as he steps backward. This action, however, inadvertently leaves an opening for Asvora's war pike...

Asvora gets an attack of opportunity on the drow as he steps back. Roll, please!

Once safely away from the threat of her pike, he speaks a word of eldtrich power... the effects of which are not apparent to any of the observing dwarves.

Rochester hears the commanding words of his prince echo in his ears and watches for the result as he summons his celestial ally. It is apparent that their enemy used some sort of spell trigger item, such as a wand, to cast a metamagically-enhanced shivering touch on their king, rendering his body paralyzed in icy numbness.

The vizier feels a touch of satisfaction as he sees the drow succumb to Grelm's command and land prone on the steps.

Reorn touches the king with his healing hands, but there is no effect. The King has not been wounded. He is still clearly alive, cold breath issuing from his frozen lips. The King's eyes dart about wildly, searching for something or someone. He is trying to speak, but produces naught but a meager croak.

"Step back man!" Nightshield barks at the druid. "Clear away!" Jaan draws his ancestral axe and shield, stepping over the body of the king.

Actions please! Same initiative order.

2011-11-15, 02:44 PM
Feeling the healing energy fizzle, Reorn mutters under his breath.Cursed Drow magic.. Hearing the General shout, he looks up, thinking furiously The Drow was the General's aide, and he reacted very strangely to the alarm. Why is he trying to get me AWAY from the king? Moving swiftly, Reorn interposes himself between the Older dwarf and the king, muttering swiftly as he presses a hand to the aged Dwarf, wrapping him in the protective embrace of the the rocks around him. He does so while keenly watching the sharp axe held aloft.

OoC: Moving to place myself between the General and the king, casting barkskin on the King(standard action)


2011-11-15, 03:14 PM

The vizier's heart swells with pride as he sees Grelm take such effective and decisive action. Rochester completes his spell, and a malignant little black spider, about the size of a footstool, appears next to the drow, between him and the exit. It immediately adjusts its position to squirt a jet of sticky web at the elf.

Rochester shouts out. "The king is paralyzed. We must protect him!"

Braving the possibility of Jaan's axe intercepting his neck, Rochester darts forward and bends to touch the paralyzed king's leg.

Rochester summons a Small Fiendish spider, aiming to place in at a destination where it would impede the drow's ability to retreat, but not get in the way of our colleagues.

The spider attempts to web the drow (the irony of using a spider to catch a drow is not lost on Rochester, but he'll have to savour it later). Touch attack: [roll0], entangled on a successful hit.

Rochester is moving to adjacent to the King (braving an attack of opportunity from Jaan, I suppose) and casting Invisibility on the King.

2011-11-15, 03:40 PM
AoO for previous round: Attack-[roll1d20+10[/roll] Damage-[roll0]

Asvora's face shows a steely calm exterior which is almost as immutable her icy cold interior. She shows no emotion. Not anger, rage, or even surprise. Every move is calculated, focusing solely on the stopping threat and conserving energy, should this turn into a long, pitched battle.

Forscythe's words were the opposite what happens to Asvora. She was wound tight, but rather than break in battle, it was where she found herself. Her calm.

Actions this round. Move to within 10ft of the Drow where she threatens with her Warpike.

Attack the drow, using Power Attack at -4 to hit for +8 Damage.

2011-11-15, 03:42 PM
Rerolling because I messed up on the attack roll for the AoO.

[roll0] Damage was 17.

2011-11-15, 05:17 PM
Before I act, can I clarify: after Grelm's movement last turn, is he close enough to reach the drow with enough time to attack him?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-15, 05:28 PM
Unfortunately not. You were next to the Stone, meaning you had to climb the first set of stairs, which took your whole move. The second set of stairs is 20 feet from you, then you'd have to climb 15 feet of stairs at 1/2 movement. Basically you are where Forscythe started his last turn.

Also, everyone: Make caster level checks to target the drow (and all other drow you encounter). They have SR!

2011-11-15, 07:39 PM
I think Forscythe would have an AOO as well - the drow was threatened by his guisarme and cannot five foot step out of Forscythe's threatened area -- it is considered difficult terrain.

If so [roll0] dmg [roll1]

Forscythe shouts his defiance, charging the prone dark elf and bringing his weapon down in a mighty blow. "You shall not escape my wrath!"

[roll2] vs prone ac -4 dmg [roll3]

2011-11-15, 07:40 PM
Uhh two natural twenties in a row...

For AOO if it applied (I think it should as explained in the post prior)
[roll0] dmg [roll1] crit

For next turns attack [roll2] dmg [roll3] crit

2011-11-15, 07:44 PM
OoC:Shall not escape your wrath indeed....

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-15, 08:06 PM
Except you said in character that you were wielding your War Axe, so no reach. You can't charge up stairs either, but the move and attack is just fine!

2011-11-15, 09:04 PM
Just as a note, all of Grelm's abilities are supernatural, and therefore unaffected by SR.

Oh, and he is still prone, yes?

Grelm continues to move towards the Drow, his eyes burning with righteous anger and his hand hovering near his morningstar, though he refrains from drawing it from its holder. "You will die, drow, and when you reach your cold and lonesome hell I hope you remember my face, and the face of my companions. I hope you remember those who slew you for all time, and I hope you remember that whatever you intended to do, you have failed."

Double move to the drow.

2011-11-15, 10:03 PM
"You will die, drow, and when you reach your cold and lonesome hell I hope you remember my face, and the face of my companions. I hope you remember those who slew you for all time, and I hope you remember that whatever you intended to do, you have failed." S*** just got real.

Also, I seriously doubt the drow's alive at this point. If it turns out that he is, I'll move. Until then, I'll avoid cluttering up the thread. Aside from posts about how I won't clutter up the thread.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-15, 11:31 PM
Is Hmon not taking an action then?

2011-11-15, 11:44 PM
I'm delaying until you post. I'll take the next action after the Drow, if it's not dead.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-16, 12:58 PM
Asvora and Forscythe are the first over the rise. The drow interloper is on his back, covered in spiderweb and flailing about frantically trying to right himself. His face contorts in pain as Asvora's war pike pins him to the floor, a pool of deep crimson blood spreading from the wound. He shrieks as Foscythe St. Clair's war axe comes crashing down, separating the drow's arm at the shoulder. Arterial blood gushes from the severed limb... and then, his face twists into a smile. The grizzly image fades away--an illusion!

But then where is the drow?

As Grelm's speech concludes, he rounds the top of the steps and looks down to see his bodyguards standing dumbfounded over a clump of empty spider web. The demonic spider shrieks in rage.

King Grash, paralyzed, lies on the floor of the treasure vault. As Reorn kneels down, he comes face to face with the man, desperately trying to form a word with his blue lips. What is he trying to say? He mouths a word... "Sister..." but only Reorn sees. A half second later, Grash disappears from sight, touched by Rochester's spell.

Jaan looks up with surprise from the now-invisible king, and spots something. He points with his war axe over Reorn's shoulder. The mirror no longer reflects the room, its face replaced with a black, swirling mass.

As if stepping out from the mouth of some pitch dark cave, six more drow appear. They are almost identical to the first, except for the halo of crackling energy that surrounds each one. Two are wreathed in a black patina, two in crimson, and two in a faint gold haze. The original steps out from behind the mirror, a dim aura of violet eminating from his Nightshield uniform.

Hmon has actions.

Round 3 Initiative

[roll0] Grelm's Initiative Roll
[roll1] Rochester's Initiative Roll
[roll2] Forscythe's Initiative Roll
[roll3] Reorn's Initiative Roll
[roll4]Hmon's Initiative Roll
[roll5] Asvora's Initiative Roll

[roll6] Jaan Nighshield's Initiative Roll
[roll7] Drow in dwarf's clothing
[roll8] Red Drow
[roll9] Black Drow
[roll10] Gold Drow

Everyone else also has actions, including Hmon again.

2011-11-16, 02:31 PM
After ensuring the safety of the king. Reorn draws himself upright. Standing tall and proud he steps slowly toward the drow, putting himself between them and the kings invisible form. Reaching out with his mind, he contacts his Animal companion. Antroz, my friend. I require your aid. Come to me swiftly!

That completed, he begins chanting under his breath, hands glowing as he pulls the magic from the earth around him, twisting his spell, altering it, and drawing more aid from the land.

Free action to call my companion.
Converting Owl's Wisdom into Summon Nature's ally II, Summoning a Black Bear (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/bearBlack.htm)next to the closest Drow.

Edit:OoC, Is there any way we could get a map by chance?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-16, 02:56 PM
Maybe. Any good tips on how to create one? Map making is not the strongest tool in my DM's toolbox.

2011-11-16, 03:03 PM
Drat, I was hoping you knew the trick to it. I've seen it in other threads, but never figured out how.

2011-11-16, 03:50 PM
Forscythe turns as he sees the enemy come through the portal and shouts, "Come, face your death!" His taunt reaches their ears, berating their honour (or lack thereof) and challenging the group to an epic battle against the Knight alone. He moves in to the nearest one and attacks (or double moves if he needs to close).

Swift - Test of Mettle DC 17 Will or forced to attack Forscythe
Attack or double move if needed to close
[roll0] dmg [roll1]

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-16, 05:56 PM
I don't think Reorn can call his animal companion mentally. Find me a passage that says he can.

2011-11-16, 06:26 PM
Hmon whirls in place, swearing. He runs to join Reorn by the King's side, firing his crossbow from above his lord's prone form at the only drow not glowing.

Move Action to move 20 feet to the King's side, or as close as I can get. Standard action to fire my Light Crossbow at the "original".

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1]

Hmon Farseer, Spymaster (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341895)
Initiative +6 HP 18/18 Speed 20
AC 16 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 14
Saves: Fort+6 Ref+6 Will+4
Light Crossbow +7, 1d8+1 , 80 Feet, 19-20 2x
Short Sword +2, 1d6, Melee, 19-20 2x
Daggers (6x) +2/+4, 1d4, 10 Feet, 19-20 2x.

EDIT: Well.... Guess I'm not hitting anything. You don't use the Critical Fumble rules, do you? Please, please say no.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-16, 06:37 PM
And that's how Hmon accidentally killed the Prince.

JK. Hmon has a round 3 action as well.

2011-11-16, 07:19 PM
I don't think Reorn can call his animal companion mentally. Find me a passage that says he can.

Hmm, I always assumed Druids could, but after review, it appears I misremembered "handle" and "push". Retracted.

2011-11-16, 07:25 PM
Asvora charges to within 10ft of the nearest drow and tries to thrust her Warpike into its abdomen. No sound escapes as she focuses on her training all the while.

Charge Power Attack: [roll0]
Charge Power Attack Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-16, 07:32 PM
Three weeks before: "My king, your death draws near. It is inevitable."
"No! What shall it be? A knife in my back? Poison? A glorious battle?"
"It appears.... to be a 4th level multiclassed-tier-fours sneaky punk with a crossbow and a natural one. Huh. Whodathunkit?"

Am I right in thinking, then, that I may take another action? I'll edit out this post if that's the case.

2011-11-16, 07:39 PM
Could we get an OOC thread? It would really clean up this thread, and then we'd be able to actually converse.

Also, I'm having a hard time visualizing the combat here. How close is Grelm to the nearest drow?

Oh, and here's how you make a simple map:

Just take the *'s out. That map up above looks like this:

2011-11-16, 07:50 PM
Am I right in thinking, then, that I may take another action? I'll edit out this post if that's the case.

JK. Hmon has a round 3 action as well.

I believe you have another action, yes.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-16, 08:16 PM
Yep, Hmon gets another action. Map incoming.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

Note: Everything in row and 3 4 is rough terrain (stairs) UNLESS marked by an equal sign ===
In some places you can jump off the stairs onto level ground, but this will require a jump check. Likewise, it will require a climb check to get onto the stairs from the south.
treasure = treasure. Requires a climb check to pass through this square.
* denotes the Shadowless Stone
The spider web is denoted by the w
the mirror is dentoed by the lowercase m in row 6, surrounded by drow.

G = Grelm
S = Spider
F = Forscythe
A = Asvora
Ro = Rochester
Re = Reorn
J = Jaan Nightshied
K = King Grash (invisible)
H = Hmon

Db = Drow (black)
Dg = Drow (gold)
Dr = Drow (red)
Do = Drow (original)

As you can see, nobody on the steps is within charging distance of any of the drow.

RaggedAngel: Just bare with me with the single thread thing. I am a player in the tomb of horrors thread that's been going on for months, spanning five threads, and it uses no OOC thread. I think the result has been a lot better, simulating table banter better than having two threads. Feel free to converse freely here in OOC spoilered posts.

Also, give me actions for Grelm!

2011-11-16, 09:04 PM
Rochester tries not to let his terror show too plainly, as a seeming horde of drow pop out of a previously unnoticed mirror. There was nowhere to retreat that didn't put the King in jeapardy - and that was intolerable. But the dark elves were notoriously resistant to magic, and most especially to the most potent of his spells. What was he to do?

Lifting his staff in what he hoped was a dramatic gesture, Rochester released through it a burst of flame towards the mirror, hoping to catch most of the drow within it. Grimacing, he shouted out. "You cannot pass! Um." (http://www.hark.com/clips/dlxkdkbhdy-you-cannot-pass)

The spider, seeing more elves to try to ensnare, scuttles up the wall and flings another gob of webbing at a drow.

Thanks so much for the map - it helps a great deal.

Ah, the trickiness of going late in the initiative cycle and using an area effect. Rochester is using his Fiery Burst (no AoO's that way, and no pesky SR) reserve feat to do [roll0] fire damage, reflex save DC 17 for half.

He'll place the 5' radius burst of flame in such a way as to avoid hitting any dwarves, but striking as many drow as possible. All other things being equal, he'd rather hit the ones to the east, since he sees them as the greatest threat to the king at the moment. With the current configuration, that's (for example) encompassing O5-P6. But with the drow likely to move...I'll leave it to your discretion.

Rochester is currently AC 18, HP 22.

I'm not sure how much you want me to control the summoned spider's actions. Given my druthers, he'd scuttle over to about F7, get up onto the wall, and fling a web at the nearest non-dead Drow. Ranged touch attack: [roll1].

Oh, and more spellcraft checks to identify whatever the elves did, and are about to do: [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8].

2011-11-16, 09:16 PM
Hmon slaps the lever of his crossbow while slipping far enough to the side that he can fire the newly-loaded bolt without hitting his companions. Once was enough for that... No humiliation like having to apologize for shooting a file-closer in a way to keep him from sitting down...

Move action to reload crossbow, five-foot step to N-2, standard action to shoot a black drow.

Hmon Farseer, Spymaster
Initiative +6 HP 18/18 Speed 20
AC 16 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 14
Saves: Fort+6 Ref+6 Will+4
Light Crossbow +7, 1d8+1 , 80 Feet, 19-20 2x
Short Sword +2, 1d6, Melee, 19-20 2x
Daggers (6x) +2/+4, 1d4, 10 Feet, 19-20 2x.

2011-11-16, 09:41 PM
Thank you for the map, it is great. Late in the initiative indeed. Bear doesn't appear until my next turn, I wish to place it between Drow and the king however possible, Q5 would be my current choice.

Casting defensively if needed: [roll0]

Spellcrafts as needed: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

HP:34 AC:20 Touch:13 Flat:17
Saves: Fort+7 Reflex+5 Will+9

2011-11-17, 12:03 AM
Grelm hurries down the stairs as quickly as he can; as he moves he takes out a flask of alchemist's fire, which he hurls at the closest drow, one of the ones in black. "Burn, drow, burn," he mutters as he readjusts his shield, still refraining from drawing his morningstar.

Move action down the stairs to (I think) I4.
Ranged Touch to M5: [roll0]
Fire Damage: [roll1]
All the drow next to that one take 1 point of damage, which should reveal if they're illusions or not.

2011-11-17, 01:47 PM
OoC:Who are we waiting on?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-17, 01:49 PM
Me. I'll get a post up tonight.

2011-11-17, 07:56 PM
I'll be going on a bit of a trip, leaving tomorrow. I'll probably have internet access for most of it, but it'll be intermittent. I haven't forgot you guys, and I'll post the absolute most frequently that I can.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-17, 10:07 PM
{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

Note: Everything in row and 3 4 is rough terrain (stairs) UNLESS marked by an equal sign ===
In some places you can jump off the stairs onto level ground, but this will require a jump check. Likewise, it will require a climb check to get onto the stairs from the south.
treasure = treasure. Requires a climb check to pass through this square.
* denotes the Shadowless Stone
The spider web is denoted by the w
the mirror is dentoed by the lowercase m in row 6, surrounded by drow.
The swarm of coins is the C.

G = Grelm
S = Spider
F = Forscythe
A = Asvora
Ro = Rochester
Re = Reorn
J = Jaan Nightshied
K = King Grash (corpse)
H = Hmon

Db = Drow (black)
Dg = Drow (gold)
Dr = Drow (red)
Do = Drow (original)

Seeing the new threat, Hmon levels and fires off a crossbow bolt--which goes flying off horizontally at a bizarre angle... a terrible moment for a misfire. Undaunted, he dodges to the left, already reloading and sizing up his next shot.

The drow hardly notice, almost all of them eying Forscythe. All but two of them seem to have singled him out as their biggest threat.

The two drow wreathed in black dash forward, climbing up the shallowest part of the staircase. The gold drow step forward to take their places, only to catch a pot of alchemist's fire between them. They curse the flames and then curse the dwarves. Their very words have power. Rochester and Reorn recognize their magic for what it is: pact magic.

Grelm and Forscythe bleed as if unseen knives carve their flesh. A silk treasure bag tears open at the gold-wreathed drow's command and the air around the knight is filled with flying coins and gemstones, fluttering, buffeting, ringing and pinging against his armor and cutting his flesh anew. But the knight is not distracted. The knight is not afraid. He will protect his charge at all costs! He charges forward, war axe ready, charging at the vile elves that sully this holy spot with their very presence.

Asvora rushes forward too, away from the swarm of coins and toward her enemies. She nears the foot of the stairs, rushing to meet the advancing drow.

The two red drow contort, their bones cracking as their limbs reform. Their heads turn unnaturally and their hands and feet grip the wall behind them. They climb. At a height of 30 feet, they are virtually kissing the ceiling of the vault. They unleash a barrage of dark energy at the dwarves, striking both Grelm and Forscythe. Maggots erupt from their open wounds, eating their way out of the tender dwarf-flesh and writhing inside their armor.

The magic of the drow has an unnerving effect on those closest to them. Rochester and Hmon feel the icy grip of fear upon them, clouding their minds with uncertainty.

Hmon and Rochester are shaken (-2 to most rolls).

The last drow stares at Jaan.

What are you waiting for? he spits. I won't leave until I see you do the deed.

Nightshield does not answer. He looks sick. His foot finds the invisible king and he raises his ancestreal war axe on high.

"Sorry old friend..."

The axes comes down.

He had meant it to be a clean cut, severing the head from the body, but he could not see neck to aim at. Instead, the axe falls on the king's chest, cutting through his shoulder and ribs, crushing and splitting.

Steam rises from the gaping wound as the king becomes visible once again. His fingers open and something drops from his grip... Hmon notes the magic aura of the small, sparkling curio, but can't quite tell what it is...

Satisfied, the drow smiles and speaks another word of power. His smiling form remains, but the vizier and spymaster know that he has replaced himself with another illusion. Only Rochester sees where the drow has appeared... next to the Shadowless Stone.

Rochester launches a flaming burst at the wall-bound drow as his summoned spider shoots another strand of web, which falls short. The enemies manage to avoid the worst of the blow, but are singed none the less. Meanwhile, Reorn prepares to summon a bear in the midst of the attackers...

The King is dead. Long live the King.

Spellcraft: Most of the stuff the drow are doing are re-fluffed eldritch blasts. One has the mortal bane feat.

Actions please!

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-17, 10:14 PM
[roll0]+[roll1]Damage to Grelm.
[roll2]+[roll3]+[roll4]+[roll5]Damage to Forscythe

2011-11-17, 10:42 PM
Would Asvora, with her reach weapon, have gotten an AoO on J,5 or K,5?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-18, 08:49 AM
Nope, they were ahead of her in the initiative order, so she wasn't there yet to make the attack.

2011-11-18, 09:40 AM
Rochester stares into the eyes of the veteran warrior, watching the king's blood drip from his axe. The vizier's mouth opens and closes. Again. No sound comes out. What is there to say?

Rochester backs away, bumping up against the mirror that seems to be the source of this particular misery. Turning, he sends another blast of flame up, up at the pair on the ceiling.

The spider scuttles along the wall towards the pair of drow who were blasting down at Grelm and Forscythe. It sends yet another blob of webbing towards the nearest drow.

Rochester 5' steps south to block access to the mirror. He sends another fiery burst at the two gold drow. [roll0] fire damage, Reflex DC 17 for half.

The spider moves towards the two drow and fires another web. Touch attack [roll1].

2011-11-18, 10:41 AM
Only Rochester sees where the drow has appeared... next to the Shadowless Stone.

What is there to say?

Crap, I was hoping to try something tricky.

Seeing the General's betrayal, Reorn lets out a furious cry. His magic completed, a large black bear appears, roaring to match the druids fury. Seeing the Drow around it, it begins tearing with claws, teeth, a sheer power. Eye's ablaze, Reorn catches the eye of the traitor Dwarf. Stalking slowly forward, he holds a single hand out to his side. Why Jaan? Why would you destroy your oldest friend? Why would you betray ALL of Stonehall? ANSWER ME!! As his fury mounts, flame builds and grows in his outstretched hand, until a firey blade appears, mirroring the rage of the powerful Druid.

Commanding the Summoned bear to attack the Db's. Turning to Jaan, and casting Flame Blade defensively.

2011-11-18, 02:52 PM
Forscythe grunts from his wounds, a tear falling from his eye as he sees the King die. He fights his way toward and yells, "Nightshield! You are mine!" However, enemies block his way, and Forscythe moves into L4 and swings a mighty blow at the black drow barring his way.

AC is 22. [roll0] dmg [roll1]

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-18, 08:47 PM
Getting some book keeping out of the way early.

Give me an attack of opportunity from Asvora and...

3 will saves and 3 fort saves (for thoroughness)

Asvora: will save

Reorn: will save

2 will saves, 1 fortitude save

Factor in your dwarven +2 vs spells!

2011-11-19, 12:44 AM
Will: [roll0]
If possible, Spellcraft to decipher the use of the mirror

2011-11-19, 01:51 AM
Will Save: [roll0]

AoO: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-11-19, 11:17 PM


Human Paragon 3
2011-11-19, 11:31 PM
Oo, don't like the look of those will saves brutha.

2011-11-20, 02:54 AM
Grelm tenses both his mind and body, attempting to throw off the vile magics working on him. Then, for a moment, he looked down at his father's body, and though the raged that filled him made his already strong body surge with a rush of strength it weakened his mental resolve, the bastion of his thoughts made brittle by his anger.
Sorry about the delay there. :smallsmile:

Will: [roll0]
Will: [roll1]
Fort: [roll2]

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-20, 10:41 AM
I need actions from some of you as well!

2011-11-20, 08:51 PM
Sorry about that, I thought the results of the saves might affect my actions.

Grelm finally draws his morningstar, the motion smooth and steady. He whips the heavy spiked mace up into the air, and the faint light of the room glints off the beautiful weapon. Time seemed to slow for a moment, and then Grelm brought the morningstar down on the drow in front of him, both of his hands gripping the shaft tightly as he lashed out with as much force as he could.

Attack to J5: [roll0] (Bonus for being above his opponent?)
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-21, 03:06 AM
I think I'm good on actions for the round, yes?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-21, 09:23 AM
Waiting on Hmon and Asvora. If I don't get actions from them before tonight I'll just go ahead. Asvora, I assume will attack someone with the same attack bonus as her AoO. Any thoughts on an action for Hmon from the peanut gallery?

2011-11-21, 10:40 AM
OOC: Sorry guys, I am struggling with a rather unenjoyable bought of the flu.

Asvora presses the attack against the drow.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-21, 05:03 PM
I'd imagine Hmon would just pop an arrow off at the nearest Drow. Assuming he doesn't see Do, it would probobly be Db.

2011-11-21, 07:36 PM
If I had more than three minutes I'd do an actual post. You have my stats, would you mind DMPCing me? Just taking a shot at any drow, with a reasonable degree of tactics.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-21, 08:42 PM
The first drow's spell dies in his throat as Asvora's pike finds home in his adam's apple, piercing his neck and severing the spine. Convulsing, the elf collapses into a bloody heap. The next drow is luckier, his hands churning eldritch energies, summoning a second swarm of coins to harry Forscythe.

St. Clair tries to fight through the dancing coins and gems, but they prove too much this time. All he can manage is to stagger out of the swarm... and into a shooting gallery. The two black-wreathed drow step forward and unleash another volley of dark energy. The Knight's world becomes blood, and and uncanny fear overcomes him. He's never run before in his life, but he finds himself overcome with fear and needs to flee!

Plus another 2 bleeding.
Damage to Forsycythe. He loses his standard action to the swarm, and is frightened. That's. rough, buddy, but at least you're taking one for the team!

As he turns to run, a spidery drow unleashes a cowardly shot in his back, and more maggots spring from it. The effect is unnerving, but in his panic, he hardly notices.

The second drow fires off wildly, caught in spider web. He's held fast as Rochester's firey burst detonates and both wall-mounted drow take the blast full on. Aflame, they plummet to the ground, their sick screams cutting out as they meet the floor of the vault.

Hmon's rolls [roll5][roll6]

Undaunted, the prince's spymaster fires off another crossbow bolt, this one catching one of the drow in the knee. It turns and hisses in rage, but it's fury lacks power... he is on his last legs, and one of them is nearly useless now.

Growling, Hmon's black bear finishes the job. Smelling blood, it moves in for the kill, dispatching the wounded drow with its claw.

Jaan interposes his shield, a shimmering pool of blackness, between the druid and himself.

"I did it for clan and kingdom, but I don't expect you to understand.

Come and show me how you use that thing... if you want to die, too."

Rochester hears a voice in his head...

Step aside. Your king is dead, but your Prince may still live. Flee, and you all might survive. Fight and you could prevail, but, I promise... at the price of the Prince and the royal line.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

2011-11-21, 09:03 PM
If possible, I'll do this exchange before posting actions, since a response will directly affect his action. Sense Motive [roll0]

"You just shot one of us in the back when he fled. Give me one good reason to believe what you're saying."

2011-11-21, 09:29 PM
Has Reorn seen the Drow closest to the cube by chance?

Spot: [roll0] if possible.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-21, 10:52 PM
Reorn sees the illusion of the drow fade, but does not spot him.

Rochester hears the voice of the drow reply, If you don't move -- I will kill him. Believe that. He seems completely serious, and sincere.

2011-11-21, 11:29 PM
Reorn seeing the yawning black before him, takes a slow step back, holding his fiery weapon high. Using his druidic power, he commands his summoned ally to finish the Drow. Seeing the wizard valiantly blocking the mirror, he speaks pitching his voice so only the wizard can hear.

For clan? For kingdom? You have sold both to your enemies! I don't know if this is magic or coercion, help me to understand what could make a dwarf turn on his oldest friend and help the Drow!

Staring the General in the eye, he gestures to the ground below them. Suddenly vines pierce the hard stone ground all around the Shadowless Stone, gripping and binding the Dwarf in place.

Now Rochester! destroy the mirror!

5 foot step back, casting Entangle (will make a defensive cast, if in danger of attack), centered roughly on the stone, to nab Jaan, without entangling Hmon or my Bear. Not sure if it would grab the Original Drow, does entangle need to be directly targeted?

2011-11-21, 11:47 PM
I'm going to try something... different. I selected a social vestige today, and it looks like I'm going to have to be creative if I want to affect this fight. Let's see how far roleplaying can take me in this game.

Grelm looks to his companions for a moment, his eyes wide and his fist clenched tightly on his morningstar. After listening to the lead drow, however, he seems to sag, the fight taken out of him. "Damn this!" He looks up at Jaan with anger in his eyes, though it seems to be a different sort of anger than his previous passionate rage. "I was so close to taking the stone for our cause, and you just had to ruin it with this clumsy attempt at backstabbing the old oaf, didn't you? Really, you should be ashamed." While speaking his voice seems to change, becoming smoother and less deep while acquiring a faint accent.

He turns and walks away from the fight for a few paces before turning back to the action. "I guess if anything good has come out of this it's the fact that I can finally drop this damned disguise. If I had to spend another moment wrapped in the illusion of a clumsy, smelly, drunken dwarf I think I would have vomited." He waves his hand over his face, and his body shifts and blurs. One moment Grelm stands there, an injured but strong dwarven prince, and the next he is replaced by a tall, conceited-looking drow, his long white hair hanging down over his shoulders, his fine chain shirt now tinted a dull black.

"Grelm's been dead for months, you bumbling fools. Really, the mere fact that I infiltrated your inner court so deeply speaks poorly on your entire race." He looks to the other drow, his face calm and unamused. "This whole thing is in shambles and their guards will be here any minute. We should leave now while we still can, and we can recoup our losses later. The stone can wait."

Move action to I6.
Standard Action to use Disguise Self as a supernatural ability. He'll use Bluff to convey a message to each of his companions to let them know that he's transforming; the DC is 20, which he automatically makes.
Then he'll take a free action to use Bluff and Diplomacy as hard as he can, taking 20 thanks to Naberius for a 20 and a 24 respectively.
Grelm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=340581)
Male Chaotic Good Dwarf Binder, Level 4, Init +1, HP 17/39, DR 1/-, Speed 20ft.
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Morningstar +6 (1d8+4, x2)
+1 Chain Shirt (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 16
Condition None

2011-11-22, 01:12 AM
Rochester's heart is torn. It is too much for him to bear alone. And then he hears Grelm's voice change. He does what he can to support the ploy his Prince - no, his King - has chosen.

"Curse all of you traitorous drow. You have killed my King, and my Prince. You will not take the Stone."

Rochester glances behind him at the mirror.

Oblivious to all of this high drama, a spider scuttles further along the wall and tries to web a drow.

Bold play, folks. I hope it works! Attempting an aid another on Grelm's bluff: [roll0].

If the mirror looks and seems (spellcraft [roll1] to have returned to a solid state, and Reorn's spell worked, Rochester will use his staff as a double weapon and attempt to strike both ends against the mirror (stopping, of course, if it shatters from the first blow). End 1 attack & damage: [roll2] [roll3]. End 2 attack and damage: [roll4] [roll5].

If the mirror does not look solid and/or Reorn's entangle spell doesn't go off, Rochester will instead cast Glitterdust, centred at Q-R 2-3. Will DC 17 negates, no SR. If possible, he'd then use a move action to tap the surface of the mirror to see if it's solid.

Regardless of any of this, the spider moves to J5 and attempts to web the adjacent Drow in K5. Touch attack: [roll6]

2011-11-22, 01:19 AM
Wow, that is a seriously bold (and epic) move Ragged. This just got extremely interesting. Also, nice natural 20 Toliudar! Let's hope this isn't a "tarry you fools!" :smallbiggrin:

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-22, 08:50 AM
Wow, I was NOT expecting that! I'm going to have to do some soul searching to see how this plays out, as this is a very complicated situation we're all entangled in now.

Reorn, I don't think you can cast Entangle. The floor is is worked stone. I might allow it anyway, though.

2011-11-22, 11:16 AM
Asvora is torn on what to do. She waits to see how this plays out, readying an action to charge the nearest enemy should one of them try to attack a Dwarf.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-22, 11:34 AM
Wow, I was NOT expecting that! I'm going to have to do some soul searching to see how this plays out, as this is a very complicated situation we're all entangled in now.

Reorn, I don't think you can cast Entangle. The floor is is worked stone. I might allow it anyway, though.

:smallsmile: I rather like this group, it thinks outside of the box.

I thought that was the case with entangle too, but I couldn't find that stated RAW anywhere, and I assumed a dwarven druid might have overcome that difficulty. If that doesn't work, I can change my action easily enough.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-22, 10:15 PM
Forscythe continues to flee, dodging the cloud of swirling coins and gems and almost bowling over his Prince. Even as he sprints for safety, he cannot believe his own cowardly actions.

"What?" Jaan Nightshield is flabbergasted. "How could this be?"

The drow all stop dead in their tracks, obviously confused.

It's an illusion, spits the lead drow, beating off the infringing vines. Look with your eyes!

The others aren't so sure... they cautiously speak words of seeing.

Their leader draws his wand again. He looks ready to use it.

Rochester looks into the cavernous mirror and sees a twisted reflection of the vault. It looks dark and cold, and empty. The treasures have been reduced to tatters and bones... something is definitely off about it.

Taking advantage of the confusion, Hmon ducks forward, snatching up the bauble dropped by King Grash...

OK, I think I've resolved this debacle. The idea was great, and the execution was great. The numbers were... just not there. The DC to change from hostile to unfriendly in this instance was 35, and the bluff was at a significant penalty, as believing it puts these guys in serious danger. Still, you nabbed a few. But the leader sees through it, and he's calling the shots.

However, you did take cancel out the actions for the ENTIRE bad-guy team with your bluff, so good work! The lower-level drow are all using detect magic to confirm you're using an illusion. After five-foot stepping out of asvora's pike-range, that is. Her readied action does not trigger.
{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

2011-11-22, 10:26 PM
OoC:What about the entangle, and mirror smash?

Edit: Oops, I Re-read it, I assume I nabbed Jaan and drow made his reflex?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-22, 10:31 PM
They both saved. Better luck next time :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-22, 10:46 PM
Hmon rolls to his feet after grabbing the token from Grash's side, leaving his crossbow on the ground and drawing his sword, even as he invokes the words of power, drawing the shadows of this place around him as a cloak. He grins, a uniquely predatory expression, at the drow before him, his feet moving in a deceptively fluid pattern.

Move action to stand up and draw my shortsword (Is that blasphemy, not using an axe?), Standard action to use Steel Shadows, +3 to AC (I'm AFB, so that's from memory. Feel free to double check that.)

Hmon Farseer (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=341895), Spymaster
Initiative +6 HP 18/18 Speed 20
AC 16 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 14
Saves: Fort+6 Ref+6 Will+4
Light Crossbow +7, 1d8+1 , 80 Feet, 19-20 2x
Short Sword +2, 1d6, Melee, 19-20 2x
Daggers (6x) +2/+4, 1d4, 10 Feet, 19-20 2x.

2011-11-22, 11:10 PM
Ahh, I figured that was the case. Well, it still slows em, and it auto-tries again on my next turn. :smallbiggrin:

Did my bear get to something tasty to eat? He's a growing cub you know! I'd imagine them goggling at Grelm would make them wasy to hit.

(on that note, should I roll for my summons/companions? It would probably make your life easier.)

Oh, and just for clarification, Rochester didn't attack the mirror?

2011-11-23, 12:22 AM
To be clear, I'm assuming that we haven't yet advanced to Reorn and Rochester's actions in the round. Since it seems that the bluff has been called, Rochester will go ahead with glitterdusting the orange drow (I'm assuming he's the leader) and Jann, and the spider will continue with webbing another drow.

2011-11-23, 01:52 AM
I agree, the numbers were not what they needed to be; I thank you for the turn-stealing, as it's way better than I could have gotten. It's nice to see a good idea pan out. :smallbiggrin:

A short story for those who're interested of the other time I did something like this:

I was playtesting a class called the Fatekeeper, a skillmonkey/caster who stole bits of his opponent's 'fate' which he could then use to power various minor spell-like abilities. It was pretty well balanced, and I had a fun series of fights through a Portal-esque dungeon.

When I reached the final boss fight I was pretty sure I'd be able to handle it. I was wrong. The thing tore through the two characters I was piloting like they were paper, and Faetis (creative name, right?) was just shy of incredibly dead. He had managed to land a touch on the thing, but it didn't matter; it's saves and AC were too high for him to hit it with any spells or actually attack it.

All he had that could effect it, actually, was a Seal that didn't allow a save. It's effect was pretty minimal, though, and clearly meant for a social campaign. It said "The target believes one lie." I took that ball and ran with it.

This happened. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11585931&postcount=373)

The drow standing in Grelm's place smiles a pale, thin smile, his hands spread and his head bowed. "Really, now, all this trouble just for me? You all are quite terrible at fighting dwarves. You, in the orange? I'm going to blame you for this riotous behavior when we report back. In fact, I'm not sure if I can trust you on your own anymore." There is a faint flicker in Grelm-drow's eyes, and his voice is filled with resounding power. "In fact, you should come here now."

Command (supernatural ability) DC 16, the "Approach" version. He can only move towards Grelm next turn if he fails his save, provoking AoO's as normal.

Grelm (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=340581)
Male Chaotic Good Dwarf Binder, Level 4, Init +1, HP 39/39, DR 1/-, Speed 20ft.
AC 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +4, Base Attack Bonus +3
+1 Morningstar +6 (1d8+4, x2)
+1 Chain Shirt (+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 16
Condition Disguise Self

2011-11-23, 11:05 AM
I thought that was pretty dang cool, then I saw the Ender's Game reference. You're good. *Slow Clap*

2011-11-23, 11:13 AM
I thought that was pretty dang cool, then I saw the Ender's Game reference. You're good. *Slow Clap*

Ender reference? I missed it. Just re-read through ender's shadow too.

2011-11-23, 11:36 AM
I have to admit, I missed it too. Do tell!

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-23, 11:39 AM
It's in the linked post from Ragged. "The enemy's gate is always down." Though I can't say I understand its relevance to the situation.

2011-11-23, 01:08 PM
Ender's Game is great. I think I enjoy Ender's Shadow better though. Also, are we in the same round, or a new round?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-23, 01:13 PM
New round, new actions.

2011-11-23, 01:19 PM
Asvora moves to K,3 (5ft step) so that she can threaten more targets with her pike. She then thrust as the drow (Dg) trying to hit him in the throat for a quick kill.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-23, 01:23 PM
Can we get a little narrative of what out actions did? Or did I spectacularly miss that?

Also, the significance behind the "Enemies gate is down" is to strike directly at the core of the enemy, at their weak point, with devastating and absolutely lethal force. Spoilered for, well, spoilers. For example, when Ender's fleet destroys a planet holding every sentient individual of a species. Pretty dang devastating.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-23, 01:27 PM
Everything that happened in the round is included in the description... nothing else had effect worth mentioning.

I disagree with your assessment of "the gate is down," though. It's not about attacking weak points. It's about a re-framing the battle in a different way... I guess in that sense it is relevant, though, so nevermind!

2011-11-23, 01:30 PM
I've always looked at it as rather than looking at the battle as a one side attacking another head on, you look at it as fighting in a way that gives you the best advantage, and yes orienting yourself in a way different than is traditional. Flanking or attacking in an unorthodox manner.

2011-11-23, 01:30 PM
Sorry if I'm just missing it, still waiting on my morning coffee to kick in. What did the bear, and Rochester do?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-23, 01:33 PM
Roll for the bear. Rochester will glitterdust the drow at the top of the next order.

2011-11-23, 02:02 PM
Full Attack on Db:

Dmg: [roll1]

Bite: [roll2]
Dmg: [roll3]

2011-11-23, 02:24 PM
Hearing the Drow leader shout, and spotting the wand in his hand, Reorn raises his flaming sword high, and drives toward the foul creature. Calling for his bear to aid him, he slashes the fiery brand across his chest.

Particulars depend on positions obviously, but my intended action is; charge (or move if charge isn't possible) at the Drow leader, call bear to do the same, and attack with flame blade.

Touch attack : [roll0] +2 if charge is possible, ignores Armor
Fire Damage: [roll1]

Bear: [roll2] +2 with charge
Dmg: [roll3]

2011-11-23, 05:30 PM
Forscythe either continues to run in terror, or if a save is allowed will attempt to save. He's incredulous. He's never run from anything in his life and yet here he is, fleeing.

will [roll0] if allowed

2011-11-24, 03:27 PM
Are we to all take another action? I'm losing track of rounds.

2011-11-24, 05:30 PM
Reorn summons a Dire Turkey, and everyone stops fighting to enjoy a wonderful feast. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-24, 09:35 PM
Everyone but Hmon has actions for the coming round.

Oh, and happy T-Day!

2011-11-25, 07:19 PM
How long am I feared for?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-25, 09:17 PM
Lokio: One minute.

2011-11-26, 12:00 AM
Just waiting on Hmon I believe?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-26, 12:04 AM
Everyone has actions except Hmon!

2011-11-26, 12:17 AM
Everyone has actions except Hmon!

Again, I feel like an OOC thread would make this a bit more clear.

Did Grelm's Command have an effect? There's been no round update since he's acted, so I don't know what's changed.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-26, 12:29 AM
I take it back. Only Rochester still has actions at this point. Sorry about that! I'll post the round tomorrow!

2011-11-26, 08:24 AM
Wait, what? I thought that Rochester's previously-stated action was going to be the first one processed in your next post. To be clear, Rochester will be trying to glitterdust Jann and the orange-clad drow, and the spider will (successfully, finally, I think) web one of the other drow.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-26, 10:50 AM
The glitterdust explodes, coating the drow leader in dust, and he sputters, instinctively stepping behind the stone for cover. Reorn's flame blade slashes across the Shadowless Stone, dealing no damage to the holy relic or anything else.

The prince's words have no effect this time. The remaining drow change tacts, firing their blasts at Rochester and the charging bear. The bear howls and bolts in a random direction, gripped by fear.

As the drow completes his spell, Asvora steps forward and eviscerates him with a heart-piercing blow. His lifeless body falls to the ground.

Forscythe continues to flee toward the exit of the great vault, joined by Rochester and the summoned bear!

"The way is clear," Jaan shouts to the drow. "Make for the mirror!"

I can't see, you dolt! he shouts back. He reaches out and grips the Shadowless Stone in both hands, before appearing again... nearer to the mirror.

2011-11-26, 01:20 PM
Wait, what? I thought that Rochester's previously-stated action was going to be the first one processed in your next post. To be clear, Rochester will be trying to glitterdust Jann and the orange-clad drow, and the spider will (successfully, finally, I think) web one of the other drow.

Just to clarify, it was my understanding that you glitterdusted last round, as paragon stated the you didn't smack the mirror. Therefore you still have an action this turn. HP3, please disregard if I'm wrong.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-26, 06:02 PM
Rochester's saving throw [roll0]
[roll1]Damage to Rochester.

Rochester is frightened. Rochester flees. Everyone else has actions.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

2011-11-26, 06:54 PM
Clarification: I do not, in fact, get any action this turn?

2011-11-26, 07:49 PM
Forscythe remains feared, unless he generates a will save somehow.

[roll0] if this somehow becomes valid.

2011-11-26, 10:19 PM
Cursing as his swing goes wide, Reorn turns at the General's shout. No! They must not get the Stone! Rushing the Drow leader he strike again with his flaming sword.

Charging the Drow, putting myself in N5, between him and the mirror.

Charging Touch Attack (no armor AC) [roll0]
Fire Damage: [roll1]

Edit: Yech, nasty roll, but maybe with flanking, and blinded penalties I'll get lucky.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-27, 12:27 AM
Hmon: You successfully cast your mystery, which you already described. You're on par with the rest of the group action-wise, and have another one coming up.

2011-11-27, 01:24 AM
Grelm continues to wear the guise of a drow, but he stops putting forth effort to do anything but kill the dark elves. He maneuvers around the drow nearest him before lashing out with his morningstar, attempting to crush the elf's skull. "If reason won't work, I'll have to turn you from your foolish paths myself."

Move to I6 then J6, attack Do.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-27, 01:52 AM
Also seeking clarification. Which drow am I fleeing? And did the spider succeed in webbing one of the drow with its touch attack of 20?

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-27, 10:36 AM
Rochester is fleeing the last remaining black drow (Db). The web hit the gold drow Dg, which Asvora then killed. The Db is actually the last drow standing, save for the original. I moved you west, but if you have a preferred rout of escape, just say!

2011-11-27, 12:42 PM
Ah, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. West works for me.

2011-11-27, 05:05 PM
Random OoC question, What do our characters know about Jaan? Is he vastly above our power level as a warrior?

Edit: Okay cool, Thank you.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-27, 05:08 PM
You know he's more powerful than you, but 6 on 1 you could take him. It's not 6 on one though, just yet.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-28, 06:47 PM
I need actions from Asvora and Hmon.

2011-11-28, 08:38 PM
Hmon sidles away from Jaan as he draws a knife from his belt. He then stabs, a snapping lunge at the drow in black. He continues grinning disconcertingly, with the slightest hint of a chuckle.

Sorry, thought I was the only one to not have actions this round.

Five-foot step to M2, not provoking an AoO from Jaan, and using a standard action to attack Db with my shortsword. Move action to draw a dagger, ideally to throw at Jaan with flanking from Reorn and a certain special bear for SA damage. But that's next turn.

Damage: [roll1]

Hmon Farseer, Spymaster
Initiative +6 HP 18/18 Speed 20
AC 22 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 14 (+6 from Steel Shadows)
Saves: Fort+6 Ref+6 Will+4

Light Crossbow +7, 1d8+1 , 80 Feet, 19-20 2x
Short Sword +2, 1d6, Melee, 19-20 2x
Daggers (6x) +2/+4, 1d4, 10 Feet, 19-20 2x.

Mysteries: Steel Shadows, Voice of Shadow
Fundamentals: Umbral Hand 3x, Mystic Reflections 2x, Sight Obscured 3x

EDIT: Just realized that I forgot a +1 to my attack roll from having a MWK weapon. Add that in, or reroll as you will.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-28, 08:53 PM
The +1 doesn't help, I'm afraid. Just need an action from Asvora now!

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-29, 12:03 PM
Asvora's attack roll [roll0]
Asvora's damage roll [roll1]
Round results post this evening!

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-29, 08:40 PM
Grelm climbs upward over the rise to find that the fleeing Rochester and bear block his path. He dodges out of their way, and manages to close in on the dark elf, morningstar at the ready.

Asvora, though, needs no help felling her enemies. Her war pike strikes again, piercing the drow's lung. He coughs up a mouthful of blood before collapsing, dead, to the floor.

The six drow who appeared through the mirror are a mangled heap of blood, bone and flesh, but their leader still stands, blinded by Rochester's magic. A faint hum fills the air, and then grows louder... and louder. With a sickening squish, the corpses littering the vault floor all erupt, unleashing clouds of flying insects. The dwarves now find themselves surrounded by a massive swarm!

Hmon's sword swooshes wildly, finding nothing but air, but Reorn flies forward, eyes ablaze, bringing down his flaming weapon onto the drow.

ARGH! the drow shrieks as the flame scourges his body. He steps back, away from the druid, firing off a blast from his wand, which flies desperately off course.

"ENOUGH!" shouts Jaan. The old dwarf rushes forward, bull rushing the drow back... into the mirror. Stone in hand, the blinded drow flies backward, losing his feat, and disappearing into the vortex. At once, the mirror returns to its original state, its connection to the shadow realm fading.

In their haste to flee, Rochester and Forscythe notice none of this, however. Instead, the Knight finds himself running toward an exit that no longer exists. His way has been blocked... by the dwarven defenders that once guarded the vault from enemies. Dominated, they ready their shields and weapons, taking up a defensive stance at the entrance to the vault.

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

Xs are insect swarms. Actions!

2011-11-29, 10:35 PM
NO! Reorn shouts as he see the Drow escape. The Stone it....it is gone. Grim faced, the druid raises his flaming blade, hissing and popping as insects fly into it, and burn. You have committed unforgivable acts here today Jaan. You will be cursed and haunted for the rest of your days. Can you say any word to explain? Why Jaan? What could drive you to do this? Staring the General in the eye, he swings his blade through the nearby swarm, setting the bugs ablaze.

Attack the largest nearby swarm;
Touch attack: [roll0]
Fire Damage: [roll1] (full damage to the swarm.)

2011-11-29, 11:05 PM
Note: I didn't throw the knife yet. I drew it, attacked with the shortsword, and planned to throw it next round. Just to clear that up.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-29, 11:12 PM
Note: I didn't throw the knife yet. I drew it, attacked with the shortsword, and planned to throw it next round. Just to clear that up.

Noted and fixed.

2011-11-30, 01:27 AM
Wailing with terror and despair, Rochester continues to flee the horrid scene.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-30, 08:58 AM
Adjusted the map for the actual size of the swarms.

[roll0]damage to Reorn
[roll1]damage to Reorn
[roll2]damage to Asvora

I need two fort saves from Reorn and one from Asvora please

2011-11-30, 10:56 AM

AoO on the swarms as they move into my space? Swarms (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/swarm.htm)

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-30, 11:07 AM
Sure, make it so. Asvora has an AoO, too.

2011-11-30, 11:22 AM
Burn buggy burn.
1st swarm:
[roll0] touch attack
[roll1] full fire damage

2nd Swarm:
[roll2] touch attack
[roll3] full fire damage

Edit: *facepalm* My bad, removed.

Human Paragon 3
2011-11-30, 11:26 AM
Unless you have combat reflexes, the second attack doesn't go off. Sorry!

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-01, 06:18 PM
I need actions from Grelm, Asvora, Forscythe, and Hmon.

Although Forscythe is fleeing, he is not mindless and, at the very least, can choose HOW to best flee given the change of circumstance. Does he continue running for the door, now blocked by two dominated dwarven defenders? Or seek an alternative?

2011-12-01, 06:34 PM
Forscythe will turn back around, going toward his allies and away from the dominated defenders. He'll begin running up into the treasure pile.

2011-12-01, 06:41 PM
Out of curiousity, how long is this fear?

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-01, 07:11 PM
A minute long, i.e. 10 rounds.

2011-12-01, 08:14 PM
Swearing vividly at the sight of the bugs, Hmon takes half a dozen short steps and leaps towards a pile of treasure, scrambling to climb on top. Once he does so, he glances at the bauble he slipped into his sleeve from the king's side.

Moving as far towards 2A as I can. I can't fight swarms, so I'll try to help with the guards. Trips and disarms, I suppose. Unless anyone minds me hiding?

2011-12-02, 12:16 AM
I need actions from Grelm, Asvora, Forscythe, and Hmon.

Although Forscythe is fleeing, he is not mindless and, at the very least, can choose HOW to best flee given the change of circumstance. Does he continue running for the door, now blocked by two dominated dwarven defenders? Or seek an alternative?

Grelm can do nothing against swarms. They're mindless, so Command doesn't work, they don't care what race or kind of thing he looks like, and they aren't harmed by his weapon. I'm just waiting for other people to act to see if an opportunity to be useful presents itself.

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-02, 08:32 AM
K--I'll consider you delayed to the top of the order next round. Anyone have ideas on what Asvora should do?

2011-12-02, 09:55 AM
Upon rereading, it looks like the torches are all "continual light" so they can't be used against the swarm can they? Argh.

Ragged, you might not be able to affect the swarm, but possibly your frightened teamates? (HP3, if this is too metagame, let me know, I'll delete it)

Also, I think only Forscythe knows about the guards at the moment.

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-02, 10:11 AM
Trying to regain control of your frightened teammates seems like a perfectly reasonable and in-character thing for Grelm to do.

2011-12-02, 02:54 PM
Do you mean with Command (which he can't use again for four rounds) or with roleplaying/diplomacy (which he does have and I'm more than willing to use, if it's an option)?

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-02, 03:03 PM
Either would be reasonable, though no amount of diplomacy will break their fear, or the dominate on the guards for that matter. At any rate, Grelm is at the top of the order for next round. I'm still taking suggestions an an action for Asvora.

2011-12-02, 03:15 PM
Unless she has some terrific way of dealing with swarms, I'd probably just move Asvora out of there, possibly towards the dominated guards (who may or may not be following orders from Jann, the only remaining threat ATM).

2011-12-02, 03:23 PM
Again, only Forscythe even knows the guards are there, unless he charges back in yelling "Guards!" :smallsmile:

Asvora has an "adventurers kit", does this have the makings of a torch? Because whipping one up would be quite handy right about now.

Would a succesful Diplomacy check from our Prince, grant the faithful companions another Will check to throw off the fear at least?

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-02, 03:26 PM
Again, only Forscythe even knows the guards are there, unless he charges back in yelling "Guards!" :smallsmile:

Asvora has an "adventurers kit", does this have the makings of a torch? Because whipping one up would be quite handy right about now.

Would a succesful Diplomacy check from our Prince, grant the faithful companions another Will check to throw off the fear at least?

Nope- that's not a listed use of diplomacy. The skill is strong enough already without letting it grant extra saving throws all the time. Asvora certainly could make a torch... Her kit should have a lantern in it or some such. I take it Grelm used up all his alchemist's fire?

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-02, 06:08 PM
Choking through the cloud of bugs, Asvora backs away and into the open before sticking her head into her pack, searching for something, anything to help fight the swarms.

Rochester clears the rise and takes off down the hallway, seeking the exit and encountering Forscythe charging in the opposite direction, scrambling up a pile of treasure. Terrified, but alert, the vizier spots the reason for Forscythe's change of tack--two vault guards blocking their exit!

Jaan, too, doing his best to escape the swarm. He crouches and becomes suddenly more... graceful. It's awkward to see an old dwarf move with such speed and fluidity, but somehow he has vastly increased his mobility, and he is making for the rise as well.

"The Nightshield Clan has been doing the dirty work of this kingdom for generations," Jaan spits. "I'm taking what should be MINE. Your lackadaisical, demon-kissing prince doesn't deserve it!" he calls as he bolts away.

Reorn's bubbling rage is palpable... but does he have time for anger? Or grief? The swarm closes in around him, battering him with buzzing wings and sucking out his life's blood...

Asvora and Grelm find themselves in the midst of the swarm, too.

The bauble in Hmon's hand is familiar.... It's a talismen seen frequently in the King's possession, circular, silver, and bearing his crest. Very few dwarves know its significance, but Hmon makes it his business to know things. When activated, it acts as a modified version of "word of recall," transporting a certain number of people to Grash's strong room. That explains why the King was holding it, though apparently he thought delivering some parting word to Reorn was more important than actually activating it... Why?

The insects swarm over the spymaster, befuddling him too...

Fort saves, please:
Reorn: make 2
Grelm: make 1
Hmon: make 1
[roll0]Asvora's fort save

Swarm damage:

{table=head]_|A_|B_|C_|D_|E_|F_|G_|H_|I_|J_|K_|L_|M_|N_|O_|P_| Q_|R_|A_

2011-12-02, 06:49 PM

Gasping and spitting, Reorn refuses to bow before the swarm. Standing tall, he strikes again, and again, burning the foul things to blackness. Starting to lose his sight, he spots his companions through a small gap in the clouds. Thrusting the fiery blade forward, he fights his way towards his companions.

Attacking the swarm:
Touch: [roll2]
Fire Damage: [roll3]

Moving due west, until I'm out of the swarm. Not sure of the current positions, but at least bugs don't get AoO.

2011-12-02, 09:11 PM

Hmon stands tall on his pile of treasure, coughing out bugs. "Silver Circle! To me! To me! I can get us out! To me! ..... And grab my crossbow, while you're at it!" As he speaks, he reaches into the small pack on his back for a torch and slaps the flat of his dagger against the wall to try to make some sparks.

Fort save: [roll0]
Spellcraft to try to find out how to activate the amulet: [roll1]

Move action to pull out the torch, standard to try to make sparks? Dunno about that one.

Also, we better hope I actually do know how to use that amulet.

Hmon Farseer, Spymaster
Initiative +6 HP 12/18 Speed 20
AC 22 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 14 (+6 from Steel Shadows)
Saves: Fort+6 Ref+6 Will+4

Light Crossbow +7, 1d8+1 , 80 Feet, 19-20 2x
Short Sword +3, 1d6, Melee, 19-20 2x
Daggers (6x) +2/+4, 1d4, 10 Feet, 19-20 2x.

Mysteries: Steel Shadows, Voice of Shadow
Fundamentals: Umbral Hand 3x, Mystic Reflections 2x, Sight Obscured 3x

2011-12-05, 10:29 PM
Reorn shuffles his feet awkwardly, glancing around.

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-05, 11:21 PM
Indeed. I need actions from everyone but Reorn and Hmon.

2011-12-06, 01:14 AM
Sorry, I'm just a little confused; you said Grelm was in the swarm, but the "G" is at I4, which is outside of the swarm. Where is he?

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-06, 08:34 AM
Map is updated! Sorry about that.

2011-12-06, 10:28 AM


Rochester was very clear about the training, skill and determination of dwarven defenders. Misguided they may be at the moment, their minds ensorcelled to betray the king they have sworn to protect, but that wouldn't make their axes any less accurate as they sliced him apart.

His mind raced. There was no way past these guards. Perhaps...wait! He'd seen Jaan run the OTHER way. Rochester had never heard of a vault with a back door, but out of all of the craziness of the last five minutes, this would hardly be the least. But the way was blocked with swarms of those insects. What to do?

Well, if there was a back door to this vault, perhaps there were secret passages out as well. Wading through the treasure towards the side wall, Rochester began frantically tapping on the wall with his staff, looking for anywhere that sounded hollow.

Sorry, I thought you'd want to control where I headed next. But I'm happy to do so.

Plan B, in retrospect, involved more combat than a person under a fear effect would likely muster (I was going to cast protection from evil on one of the dominated guards), so looking for an alternate way out, more or less as Forscythe is doing, seemed reasonable.

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-06, 10:33 AM
Sorry, I thought you'd want to control where I headed next. But I'm happy to do so.

In case it's not clear, Rochester would like to cast Alter Self to become an Avariel Elf, and then fly up to the ceiling and east, intent of following Jaan out.

Source on the avarial elf please?

2011-12-06, 11:01 AM
Grelm, still in the form of a drow despite the fact that his illusion is now of little use, shifts out of the swarm directly next to Jaan, swinging his spiked morningstar with violent force. "You betrayed my father and my people, Jaan. No amount of hatred for me could ever justify that. You acted on nothing but jealousy and lust for power, and for that you will pay."

Fort save from earlier: [roll0]
Shift to J3.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2011-12-06, 11:36 AM
Source on the avarial elf please?

The Avariel are from Forgotten Realms - or rather, that's where I first heard about them. If you decide that they don't exist here, or that Rochester wouldn't know about them, just let me know and I'll come up with a plan B.

Avariel (http://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/avariel.htm)

Human Paragon 3
2011-12-06, 11:40 AM
The Avariel are from Forgotten Realms - or rather, that's where I first heard about them. If you decide that they don't exist here, or that Rochester wouldn't know about them, just let me know and I'll come up with a plan B.

Avariel (http://www.candlekeep.com/library/articles/avariel.htm)

Yeah, I'm gonna go with no on those. Plan B please! Edit original post.

2011-12-06, 04:16 PM
Forscythe continues to climb the treasure pile, screaming in terror. It was so unlike him to be like this, and yet here he was, climbing gold to try to escape the dwarves that were coming in to destroy them. Somewhere in the background of his terrified mind was an urge to taunt Jaan to get him to face him in single combat, but he couldn't get out the words...

So he climbed the treasure pile instead.