View Full Version : Avatar Stats

The Mister Guy
2011-11-10, 01:08 PM
After reading a post in the AVATAR thread, I thought it would be cool to make this thread. So, what stats, classes, race, etc. would your avatar have?

-The Mister Guy

2011-11-10, 01:08 PM
Mine...already has an official statblock. He's not terribly optimized though.

2011-11-10, 01:26 PM
Raptoran Cleric/Skypledged. Nuff' said.

2011-11-10, 01:27 PM
Level 16 Chosen One who has been to New Reno.

2011-11-10, 01:30 PM
Race: Kobold
Class: Bard

Well that was tough :smallamused:

Based on avatars thus far he has ranks in Perform (Stringed), (Brass) & (Oratory), as well as a variety of prestige classes depending on the time of year (Dirgesinger, Swashbuckler, Galactus).

2011-11-10, 01:31 PM
Human Rogue 5/Assassin 3. Ranks in hide, move silently, and disguise, obviously. I think also balance, tumble, and UMD. She's based off an actual character of mine.

2011-11-10, 01:59 PM
Mine is clearly a flumph wizard. Not the most optimal class choice in the world, and yet oh so full of win.

I wonder if there are any good alter self shenanigans to be pulled with the aberration type. I also wonder how something without hands scribes a spellbook.

2011-11-10, 02:26 PM
My avatar was my last character... yeah, the game got pretty ridiculous

Low-Epic human-necropolitan Wizard/Incantatrix/Tainted Scholar who abuses the action economy and time travel and time/space in general. Stuck a blade on the end of his staff for kicks. Half the sessions read like a debate on free will, causality and determinism, the rest played like continuum.

Fax Celestis
2011-11-10, 02:31 PM
Ililani Kaona is a human Bard 6/Chorister (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9792850&postcount=23) 8.

Little Brother
2011-11-10, 02:34 PM
(Gender-bent) Human(Well sorta) Gunslinger/Bard, at a guess, with ranks in Perform(Breakdance) and Perform(Snap). Also, ranks in ride, given that she can ride a dragon-train-bike-thing into the stratosphere, and tumble. Maybe a level in unarmed swordsage, too, given her knack for unarmed combat.

2011-11-10, 03:11 PM
Psionic mindflayer / Psion (telepath) // Abjurer / Master specialist / Initiate of the sevenfold veil

The Dark Fiddler
2011-11-10, 03:27 PM
Until I started reading other people's responses, I spent about a minute trying to figure out if you meant Avatar the Last Airbender, or Tall Smurfs Avatar, or Rich's Champion/Avatar class, or something else entirely. Very confusing minute.

Anyway, I guess mine'd be an awakened pony bard at the moment. Normal avatar would be a human instead, but I'm a pony now, so yeah. Perform: Violin is going to be hard without hands or unicorn magic, though.

2011-11-10, 03:35 PM
Warforged Bard :smallcool:

2011-11-10, 03:46 PM
Not really sure...maybe a ninja?

2011-11-10, 03:55 PM
My avatar is actually my last character, and porbably the one I've enjoyed creating and playing the most.

Darkeye, the dragonwrought kobold conjurer/sorcerer/ultimate magus, taking advantage of the Greater Draconic Rite of Passage to get even more Sorcery while ensuring near-full wizard casting. A large number of permancied, Persisted, and long-term buffs on him at all times. He focuses on buffs, BFC, and both long-range and tactical teleportation, as well as item crafting and UMD'ing. He is one of only four known kobolds in the world and his ultimate goal is the resurrection, recreation, or temporal relocation of his near-extinct race.

2011-11-10, 03:58 PM
I'd guess may avatar would be a Necropolitan Anthro Lizard Wizard/Ur-Priest/Mystic Theruge/Tainted Scholar. Lets see my worshippers annoy me with THAT for an avatar.

2011-11-10, 07:23 PM
Mine is Krummsh (the evil-thing my players are facing). She is the kobold matron (kind of the comic relief villain) who is about to become the minor goddess of suffering (because the PCs make her suffer) and she'll become a major goddess some time in the future!

Well... She is sorcerer/cleric (and will dip paladin for the CHA on her saves)

2011-11-10, 09:52 PM
Human favored soul of Nerull, 15th level :) One of my fav characters ever...

Bovine Colonel
2011-11-10, 10:03 PM
Living Chain Lightning.

2011-11-11, 05:26 AM
Virtue, the Heralds of Holiness
Medium Outsider (Archon, Extraplanar, Good, Lawful)
Hit Dice: 38d8+266 (441 hp)
Initiative: +13
Speed: 60 ft (12 squares), fly 240 ft. (perfect)
Armor Class: 46 (+9 Dex, +20 natural, +7 sacred), touch 26, flat-footed 37
Base Attack/Grapple: +38/+41
Attack: Slam +41 (1d6+3)
Full Attack: 2 slams +41 (1d6+3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft.
Special Attacks: Hands of light, spells, spell-like abilities, summon archons
Special Qualities: Aura of Menace, damage reduction 15/epic and evil, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity and petrification, inviolable, low-light vision, outsider traits, protective aura, regeneration 7, resistance to cold 20, resistance to fire 20, spell resistance 41, teleport, tongues
Saves: Fort +28, Ref +30, Will +39
Abilities Str 16, Dex 28, Con 24, Int 28, Wis 32, Cha 30
Skills: Concentration +46, Decipher Script +53, Diplomacy +50, Gather Information +50, Heal +53, Intimidate +50, Knowledge (Arcana) +53, Knowledge (History) +53, Knowledge (Religion) +53, Knowledge (The Planes) +53, Listen +53, Perform (Any) +50, Search +53, Sense Motive +53, Spellcraft +53, Spot +53, Use Magic Device +50
Feats: Empower Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Initiative, Nimbus of Light, Spell Focus (Good), Spell Penetration, Purify Spell, Words of Creation
Epic Feats: Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Nimbus of Light*, Permanent Emanation (Consecrate), Spell Stowaway (Heal)
Environment: Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia or Any (Material)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 29
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Lawful Good
Level Adjustment: -

Aura of Menace (Su): As per the Archon ability, save DC is 41
Hands of Light (Su): A Virtue’s left hand casts Restoration on any Good or friendly Neutral things that it touches while its right casts Heal under the same circumstances. Evil or hostile Neutral targets instead receive Bestow Curse and Inflict Serious Wounds respectively.
Inviolable (Su): As the greatest non-unique representatives of peace and law in the planes, Virtues are virtually immune to the horrors of war. A Virtue or any ally within 75 feet cannot be physically harmed in any way unless the Virtue has either committed any sort of violence that day or their attacker passes a Will save at DC 39, which allows them to hurt the Virtue for 24 hours (10+ half Hit Dice+ Charisma modifier). Allies lose this if they commit any sort of violence while under the Virtue’s protection and anyone who successfully passes the Will save and harms the Virtue grants any allies who can see them another save.
Regeneration (Su): A Virtue’s regeneration is overcome by epic and evil-aligned weapons and spells with the evil descriptor
Summon Archons (Su) Pending reorganization of lesser archons
Spells: Virtues can cast divine spells as 28th-level clerics. A Virtue has access to two of the following domains: Air, CelestialBOED, Good, Healing, Law. The save DCs are Wisdom-based.
Typical Cleric Spells Prepared (6/8/8/8/8/7/6/6/6/5); (save DC 22 + spell level)
0—create water, detect magic, guidance (2), resistance (2); 1st—bless (2), cause fear, detect evil, entropic shield, light of luniaSpell Compendium, protection from evil, shield of faith, vision of heaven*BoED; 2nd—align weapon, bear’s endurance (2), bull’s strength, consecrate (2), cure moderate wounds*, eagle’s splendor, elationBoED, gentle repose, luminous armorBoED; 3rd—awaken sinSpell Compendium, blessed sight*, daylight, glyph of warding, invisibility purge, magic circle against evil, magic vestment, prayer, refreshmentBoED, wind wall; 4th—blood of the martyrBoED, cure critical wounds*, death ward (2), discern lies, dismissal(2), greater luminous armorBoED, neutralize poison (2); 5th—atonement, break enchantment, commune, dispel evil, hallow, mark of justice, mass cure light wounds*, plane shift, scrying, symbol of sleep; 6th—banishment, call faithful servantsBoED*, exalted raimentBoED, heroes feast, mass owl’s wisdom, quest, revive outsiderSpell Compendium, undeath to death, word of recall; 7th—bastion of goodBoED, greater restoration (2), holy word, regenerate*, repulsion, shield of the archonsBoED, symbol of stunning; 8th—earthquake, fire storm (2), greater spell immunity, holy aura*, mass cure critical wounds, spread of contentmentBoED, wall of greater dispel magicSpell Compendium; 9th—end to strifeBoED, etherealness, gate, mass heal*, sanctify the wickedBoED, miracle (2), true resurrection.
Spell-like abilities: at will: charm monster, commune, consecrate, cure critical wounds, detect evil, detect magic, lightning bolt, greater dispel magic, greater invisibility, greater shout, greater teleport (self plus 2,000 pounds), hallow, mass hold monster, mirage arcana, persistent image, polymorph, power word stun, suggestion, wall of force. 3/day: chain lightning, greater restoration, holy aura, holy word. 1/day: mass heal. 1/week: miracle, storm of vengeance. The save DCs are Charisma-based, caster level is 45.

*Epic Nimbus of Light [Epic, Exalted]
The character is physically marked forever as a mighty servant of good.
Prerequisites: Cha 19, Nimbus of Light.
Benefit: Good creatures automatically recognize the symbol now emblazoned on the character as a sign of her incredible power and reputation for good. She gains a +6 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against good creatures (this stacks with the bonus from the Nimbus of Light feat).
Furthermore, all good creatures within 30 feet of her gain a +2 sacred bonus to saves.

That was easy

2011-11-11, 05:36 AM
I've been meaning to stat up a race for Serpentine for ages. Maybe someday I'll even get around to it... Think they'd be called drakaina. TN (with CG leanings), melee-focussed unarmed Druid with no animal companion.

some guy
2011-11-11, 06:18 AM
Antropomorphic Hawk Swashbuckler 3/Factotum 4/Dungeon Lord 5

Factotum is in the build more for the casting required for Dungeon Lord than anything. As long he has a bit of Swashbuckler and all of Dungeon Lord he's good. Edit: probably has the Leadership feat.

Warforged Bard :smallcool:

2011-11-11, 12:25 PM
Alp Beguiler/Nightmare Spinner

Although since I can't seem to find stats for an Alp, I suppose I would go with
Changeling Beguiler/Cabinet Trickster/Warshaper

2011-11-11, 01:50 PM
Mine is from a free-form roleplaying game I used to be involved in ... a rather high-powered one, where most "characters" were leaders of nations.

I've pondered before how to assign him 3e stats. I think the closest thing would have to be Gestalt: Psion (Telepath) // Totemist / Swordsage or something. Level would be around 18 or so; not quite epic, but definitely high-level.

Race ... well, he definitely has some prominent Black Dragon blood in him, but I'm not sure the suckiness of the 3e Half-Dragon template would be the best representation. Maybe just the Draconic template or something.

Not really sure...maybe a ninja?

You win an internet.

2011-11-11, 04:42 PM
Its hard to see but mine is a picture of Hel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hel_(being)) from this game (www.warriors2.com) I user to play. (fun text based RPG from sweden)
So her stats go something like
Cleric 20/Wizard 20
Medium Outsider
Divine Rank: 15
Hit die: 40d8+360 (cleric, outsider) 20d4+18 (Wizard) 940hp
Ini: +12
Speed: 60
AC: 69(+8 dex, +15 Divine, +28 nat, +8 deflection)
Attacks: +5 unholy wounding long sword of disease +69/+64/+59/+54 melee or +63 melee or ranged touch
Damage: +5 unholy wounding long sword of disease 1d8+17(17-20x2) plus disease as contagion spell
Saves: fort +58, Ref+55 , Will +60
Special Attacks: Domain powers, salient divine abilities, rebuke undead 19/day, Frightful presence
Special Qualities: Divine Immunities, DR50/+4, fast healing 35, spontaniuos casting divine spells, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings with in 15 miles, remote communication. godly realm, teleport without error at will, plane shift at will, familiar (rat), SR 47, divine aura 1500 ft DC 33
Stats: Str 27, Dex 27, Con 29, Int 44, Wis 32, Cha 27

Whole lot more that I don't feel like typing out :P

Full size

2011-11-11, 05:00 PM
Mines actually has a Stat block :3 I always liked Necropolitians

Anyone here with any art skill able to draw a Netherese Arcanist out of Player's guide to Faerun for me? :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Oh almost forgot PICKLES (thats the magic word right?)

2011-11-11, 05:17 PM
Hmm, greater god? Demigod, at least...