View Full Version : [PF] Centaur Rage Prophet

Indeed It Is
2011-11-10, 05:04 PM
Hey guys, I'm putting together a Raging Prophet character. I've never played an Oracle past level 1 (attempted to, but the game died out) but seems like it would be really fun and could use some advice and insight.

The race I've chosen is a homebrewed Centaur that's all sorts of awesome IMO. Details below:

• +2 Wis, +2 to One Ability Score (not Int or Wis), -2 to Int: Centaur characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature with a -2 penalty to Int for being kinda dim.
• Large: Centaurs are Large Long creatures with the following modifiers: 5 ft reach, -1 AC, -1 to Hit, +1 CMB/CMD, -2 fly skill, -4 stealth skill, 10x10 space, Armor weighs double and is 4x cost, carrying capacity is triple
• Normal Speed: Centaurs move at a base speed of 50 feet (35 in armor)
Hooves: Natural attack with hooves for 1d6/1d6
• Natural AC: +1 natural AC
• Bonus Feat: Centaurs gain Toughness as a bonus feat
• Vision: Low-light vision
• Awkward: -2 racial penalty on climb
• Tauric: May not wear pants or shoes. May wear horse shoes.
• Mounted: Centaurs are always considered Mounted and to have the Mounted Combat feat as far as feat prerequisites are concerned. Does not gain the benefits of Mounted Combat feat.
• Undersized Weapons: Centaurs use medium weapons

Here are my stats (they're not 100% optimized, I know)

Post racial modifiers, +2 went to Cha

STR: 17 (+1 at level 4)
DEX: 10
CON: 14
INT: 12
WIS: 12
CHA: 18

Starting at level 6, will most likely play to 20

Relavent House Rules:
It's PbP so we're not using initiate. Just easier that way.
No Step Up feat, deem too hard to do in PbP

Material from Core and APG only.

I'm thinking Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 2/Lame Lore Oracle 4/Rage Prophet 10/Oracle 4

Feats and Stuff:

Barb 1: Rage, Fast Movement, Feat: Power Attack
Barb 2: Rage Power: Moment of Clarity, Invulerability (DR 1/-)
Oracle 1: Lame (-10 movement), Lore Revelation: Sidestep Secret, Feat: Multiattack
Oracle 2:
Oracle 3: Lore Revelation: Lore Keeper, Feat: ?

Trait: Magical Knack for Oracle Casting Level

As it is now at level 6 with horse shoes of speed I'll have a move speed of 80 (55 in medium armor until Lame beneifts kick in further) and on a full attack +7 with main weapon, +5/+5 with hooves before adding any buffs, rage, or Power Attack.

Aside from Tricking Riding at level 11 and Mounted Skirmisher at level 15 (note that I'd qualify for these due to the racial benefit of being "Mounted") I'm not sure what feats I should move into in the future.

Any spell recommendations would be helpful too, though I think I've got a handle on those.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!