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View Full Version : Pathfinder Summoner - Pokemon Trainer!

2011-11-10, 11:09 PM
So the pokemon game thread has had me on a bit of a pokemon binge lately and so I got to thinking about the Summoner class for pathfinder.

How would you, personally, build an Eidolon for a Pikachu? Mewtwo? Ho-oh? Deoxys? Giratina? Kyurem? Charmander?

What Summon monsters would you use and flavor as other pokemon? This is both for fun since I think it's a fun/silly idea but I'm also asking since I want to do this sometime =)

2011-11-12, 12:35 AM
Ok - I'll give an example:

Level 20 Summoner's Eidolon - Pikachu!


Small Biped
15HD (average 98 hp = 83+15 hp)
Speed 30 ft.
Str 20 (+5), Dex 22 (+6), Con 12 (+1), Int 7 (-2), Wis 10, Cha 13 (+1)

Attack bonus: 21 = +15 (BAB) + 5 (Str) + 1 (size bonus)
Max attacks 7
Attack 2 claws (1d3); 1 bite (1d3) + 5 (Str)
–1 penalty to its CMB and CMD scores

AC 25 = +6 (dex) +16 (untyped) +2 (natural armor) +1 (size bonus)

Fort Save 10 = +9 +1
Ref Save 11 = +5 + 6
Will Saves 9 = +9

Perception (Wis) 12 = 12
Stealth (Dex) 21 = 15 + 6
Acrobatics (Dex) 21 = 15 + 6
Escape Artist (Dex) 16 = 10 + 6
Knowledge (Nature) (Int) 5 = 7 - 2
Survival (Wis) 1 = 1
(+2 to fly skill checks) (+4 to stealth skill checks)

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -

Evolution Pool
Free Evolutions claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs).
1Basic Magic - 1/day Light. Cl 13. DC 18. Lightens an area by 1 step.
1Low Light Vision - Allows to see twice the distance in low light as a human.
1Magic attacks - Attacks are treated as alignment based for overcoming damage reduction.
1Bite - Bite Primary attack deals 1d3 damage
1Resistence - Electricity resistance 15
1Scent - Gains the scent ability
1Tail - +2 racial acrobatics
1Imp Damage or Skilled (+8 to a skill)
2Energy Attack - All attacks become charged with 1d6 electrical damage.
2Rend - If 2 successful claw attacks against same target in 1 round; deal and extra claw attack + 1.5 x Str Modifier.
3Major Magic - 1/day Spider Climb. CL 13. DC 18. (2 hours 3/day)
7Breath Weapon - 3/day electric 30ft cone. DC 18. (15d6 damage)
4Ultimate Magic - 1/day Lightning Bolt. CL 13. Save DC is 18. (10d6 damage)
Specials: Dark Vision, Link, Share Spells, Devotion, Multiattack, Imp. Evasion.

I'll update the feats later, but this is my thematic pikachu Eidolon.