View Full Version : Three Goddesses - IC (Thread #2)

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2011-11-11, 08:02 AM
So, please, post if you like, but dont forget to subscribe

2011-11-11, 09:12 AM

Lildorrinene says, "Belmot Park it is."

2011-11-11, 01:04 PM
Dot smiles, consensus seeming to have been reached.

"In that case, the extradimensional transportation service is once again open for business. Let's see if we can get a fix on Darya's steed"

If the vision that everyone got through the necklaces is enough to go on, Dot will have Clyde start to ferry people to the mount, starting with Darya if she wishes. If the vision didn't include any detail of surroundings, Dot will first attempt to cast Greater Scrying to get a look at its immediate environment.

2011-11-11, 06:44 PM
There was not enough info in the vision to get an exact location on the horse. You will have to settle for going to Belmont Park

The town of Belmont Park is located on the continent of South Enicom, on western side of the continent, rather southerly. It is outside the influence of the Terkaton empire, the largest empire on the continent, and is east of Kroy.
Belmont Park is most famous in Daystor for its thoroughbred horses, the finest racers in the world come from Belmont Park, and the horsemen here can provide a family history of their horses that are more detailed than some noble family trees. If you are buying a racer that doesnt have at least one ancestor in its lineage from Belmont Park, most people will assume you just arent serious about winning.
The town itself is not all that big, there are shops and stores yes, but basically only one of each. The residental area is very small, but from the city, you can see the huge barns that mark the nearest horsefarms of the area, and you are pretty sure that there are more and more in the distance. Of the ones you can see, each one appears to have a large amount of land, and they are all well-fenced off. There are some horses out in each area, grazing or just pacing about, and even if you dont know a whole lot about horses, just one look tells you that these are fine steeds.
People arent exactly used to adventurers just 'popping' in, but then again, lots of nobles who come to buy horses here do have access to teleport magic, so its not exactly unknown. As well, the town seems to be planning for some sort of festival or some such, and so the party is noticed, but doesnt draw a whole lot of attention.

2011-11-12, 03:38 PM

...and so the party is noticed, but doesnt draw a whole lot of attention. ... despite the presence of a winged giant (he's been ordered to this form for 'urban' travel) and a group of stunningly beautiful women (and a man) ... the majority of whom have 'superhuman' Charisma of above 18 (if not above 20).

FYI, as with Lok ... who has no 'mundane' disguise ... Lildorrinene will have done her normal layered disguise ... shape changed with mundane makeup over top of that so as to really botch with True Seeing.
Lok's disguise (illusory): ... attempting anything else is pointless because of his bizarre form, despite being somewhat humanoid.
Lil's non-illusory disguise: [roll1]
EDIT: I fumbled the modifier. It's a +35, not a +13, so please add an additional 22 (44).
* Layered mundane, in case of true seeing: [roll2]
Lildorrinene asks the group, "We were in a hurry to get here, ladies ... and gentleman. But beyond, I think, Tallesin? .... I believe we are without a healer. I am an expert 'item commandeer,' do not depend one weapons-in-hand in battle, and have the best battlefield maneuverability. Do we wish to pool resources for some healing magic before we step too far into anything? I don't think we'll get anything exotic here, but it seems large enough for healing wands. Even if I don't wield the wand (or whatever) ... it would be wise for somebody to take the role of party replenisher. Tallesin's focus on battle pulls her away from second-line activities."

Meanwhile, Lok thinks about the calendar and his knowledge of the cultures of South Enicom to try and figure out what festival this might be.Basic d20 roll. DM, please apply the appropriate knowledge modifier to this roll, based on Lok's sheet: [roll]1d20+
**Ooops, wrote in a "+" .... I'll put a roll in OOC.

He'll gladly accept any assisted rolls (or assist in the same).

2011-11-12, 04:31 PM
Lok, thinking about the date, and what he knows of South Enicom, believes that what is about to occur here is the Belmont Stakes, probably the most prestigious horse race of Daystor. The prize money is good, but the real attracation of the race is to be declared the fastest horse in the city that produces the fastest horses in the land.

2011-11-12, 08:01 PM

Lok's mental buzz is heard in the party: "It seems that we've come just in time for the most prestigious horserace in this known world - the Belmont Stakes. Legend has it that it was the last of a series of races known as the Triple Crown, a series which no longer exists - though there are changing venues each year that sponsor the prelude races building to this championship. The first two original races of the Triple Crown are no longer important, as the societies of which they were a part have since been destroyed or assimilated by other cultures. But the Belmont Stakes survive. Even the famous casino houses of Varstok - known for decadent spending - never boasted a daily take the amount of cheques, marks, and raw capital that are bet on this day in this place. Legend has it that the results of this race in this otherwise small but cosmopolitan city have seen the sad (or fortunate) changing of hands of entire fortunes, companies, and even a principality or suzerainty or two.

"Of course, with so much honor at stake - honor extending to entire nations themselves as they sometimes sponsor horses as well as persons - this is one contest that should not even be conceived of for disreputable activities in the main. Anyone with 'adventurous' tastes will live longer conducting them in the crowds like any other barker. Attempting interruption of the Stakes not only will likely fail as protections will likely be intense and from multiple overt and covert sources, but will gain the enmity of the richest and most powerful persons in the known world from every stripe of society. Of course, you are the Sisters that seek to unite the Goddesses ... so I am sure you know what is best."

2011-11-13, 04:33 AM
Telepathic to Lil, before leaving for Belmont:
"Your Excellency, I intended no comment on your prestige in my speech; indeed, I call you "Excellecy" now in acknowledgement of your Emissary title. I merely used "Master" for Lok-too-loo-baz in the archaic sense, denoting respect but indicating that he is still not the highest-ranking present. In our faiths, every male has his superior, his Your Excellency, mine High Priestess Zanthia. Though you are not my "Lady," you are still "my lady," and so I defer. My humblest apologies for any social unpleasantness I have caused. As for his name, I surmised it was not his True Name, simply because I respect demonic intelligence and cunning too much to believe that such things would be given away lightly." All this is said with formal deference mixed with a small bit of indignant shock, the mage being surprised and embarrassed by his apparent faux pas.

OOC: Just to be clear, Tallesin commented on the Lok's behavior while the demons were away. It's possible that the demonic duo heard his words regardless, but from a roleplayer's perspective, I know my PC wouldn't directly criticize/insult anyone right next to him. Wow, I just realized my character is slightly passive-aggressive. Sad day...

Once at the park, Tallesin begins soaking in his surroundings, delightedly taking in the air and festal atmosphere. Turning to Lildorrinene, he says apologetically, "Alas, my mistress Sabrina's call came late in life, when I was already committed to other paths. I have a few means of revitalization, in a pinch, but I cannot satisfy an entire party... at least, not with healing. Oh my!" He chuckles in a mock scandalized tone at his afterthought.

Moving his gaze to Lok as the demon speaks telepathically, Tallesin smiles at the other male's information. "A horse race, you say? Hm... of course, business must come first, but I recall fondly such spectacles from my youth. Come to think of it, with its present audience, a detour to the races may be advantageous. At minimum, we enjoy a show and perhaps profit from a gamble; at maximum, among such people (both great, middling and small) our quest finds a new thread. However, like Lok-too-loo-baz," the mage glances at Lil as he says the name, "I bow to the will of the Sisters."

In the event of attending the races, would it be possible for Tallesin to bet on the match? Further, given his mercantile background, could he use Appraise (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/appraise.htm) to evaluate the horses' relative qualities in hopes of making a more profitable bet?

2011-11-13, 06:43 AM
Darya looks around with interest. "A race you say. Now, unsurprisingly I will at the very first acquire my horse and try to find out why it has been placed here. Except..." Following a sudden hunch she turns to the others. "Can one of you find out whether there's a price staked on the race that might be of interest for us? Tallesin, you wanted to visit the races? I guess there's your chance. Bring a souvenir."

2011-11-13, 12:59 PM
The actual race is not for a couple of days, so there is time to look around and see the rest of the town, and anything else that might be available. Its easy to find out which horses are running and what the odds are, setting up a viewing of the horses would only be possible by watching them at practice sessions, again it is possible to find out where and when those are.

But you do actually have to make an effort to ask

2011-11-13, 02:22 PM
"Straight to the point, Tali," Melinda replies. "You're doing marvelously."

Melinda takes Taleira's hand for the teleport.


"I...know this place..." says the bardess as she takes in the new scenery. "Why do I feel like I know this place...?" She dispels her suspicions momentarily, but they soon return. "Birthplace of our Prophet this may be, but I wouldn't be a good Sabrinite if I didn't point out to you all that there have got to be dozens upon dozens of ways we can divert some of the money that's flowing through here in these few days to our cause. I've already discussed with a number of you how it would benefit the Fellowship to have an independent base of operations. We should definitely take advantage of the Stakes to raise some funds and develop useful connections."

"Those who want to come visit the Prophet's place of birth, follow me, I'll divine the way."

OOC: Find the path. Who knows what the place looks like now?

2011-11-13, 02:46 PM
Melinda casts her spell, and to her, the route is a blazing path of red, almost hurting her "eyes" with its brightness. She leads the group (all who wish to come) out of the city and into the farms. They pass the first "ring" of farms, and the second and third. Once past this level, the farms are more disorganized, and not quite the same size or as immaculate, but they are still better than most of what you have seen in other farms.
The route continues to lead Melinda on, and after about another half hour of walking, it leads to a relatively smaller (but still quite well maintained) house on a piece of property that has its own small barn and small horse operation. Two men are outside on the lawn discussing something, however at the approach of so many beautiful women, they stop and watch your approach, jaws hanging open just a bit.

2011-11-13, 08:07 PM
So many beautiful women ... and a winged giant. :smallwink:

Lildorrinene and Lok went with Melinda.

2011-11-13, 10:10 PM
Along the way out to the countryside, elements of Melinda's urban habit gradually morph into rather rustic forms of attire. Her cloak reverts to its natural horsehair, and her makeup dissolves. Only a few minutes after that, she acquires a walking stick. A country hat eventually comes out of her pack, and on it she sticks a flowering twig. The entire assemblage leaves her looking rather plain, though it does nothing to disguise her graceful movement, and the quality and cut of the fabric she wears still indicates that she is a woman of wealth.

"Right on this next hill is the place," she announced to the group as they approached. "Amazing that this open space is still here after all this time. I expected the site to be swallowed up in some alley somewhere inside the city."

"Hail there!" Melinda calls out to the two men. "Would you gents be so kind as to lend a band of pilgrims some shade from this afternoon sun?" They had, after all, lost a few hours on the sun for having teleported so far east.

2011-11-13, 11:19 PM

While Melinda engages the men in conversation, Lildorrinene and Lok will be observing ...Lil will be observing with detect thoughts (DC 29, and CL 20 to overcome SR), Spot +24, Listen +19, and Sense Motive +20.

2011-11-14, 10:01 AM
The two men doff their caps to a lady of such obvious quality as Melinda.

Good afternoon ma'am, how can we help you on this fine day?
They clearly saw that you came from the city
We can offer you what we can, but surely there are better quarters to be found in the city, more befitting to such a fine group as yourselves.
They arent B.S.ing, you sense that they are just a bit overawed at this group of women coming up to their house.
They are trying to be gentlemen, but they cant help but oogle some of the ladies of this group.

2011-11-14, 02:23 PM
"We appreciate your hospitality," the bardess accepted with a gracious courtesy. She stepped decisively out of the main road and into the path leading up into the house. "My name is Melinda. This is my friend Laelle," she introduced Lil, "and this is Lukasz." indicating the tall giant.

At the flash of logistical concern that inevitably came in response to that last introduction, Melinda covered with a smile, "Rest assured, we shan't impose ourselves upon you for the night. The few of us decided to visit a minor shrine when the rest of our party were at the races. It's not supposed to be too far from here, so we should be back in town before it gets too dark."

2011-11-14, 02:38 PM
Dot and her colleagues have shifted appearance to more closely resemble the local garb, but look fundamentally the same - Tasha as a tall woman with a big sword, Zippy as a young wide-eyed girl of about 8 or 9. Clyde as a lumbering and rather humourless-looking man. And Dot as a boy of about 6 with spindly legs.

Given the opportunity, they tag along behind Melinda, Lil and Lok, eager to learn more about the mysterious prophet. And happy to let Melinda do the talking.

2011-11-14, 03:18 PM
The two men step out of the way of Melinda, leaving the path free for her to walk in. Her sight continues to see her divinely inspired path, its leading right into the house.

Religious shrine? In these parts? I dont think Ive ever seen one around here. You ever seen a religious shrine Seth?

The other man shakes his head in a negative.

2011-11-14, 04:19 PM
"You're sure?" Melinda asks rhetorically. She notes the certainty of Seth's response and nods, advancing towards the house. "Well, the site might be unmarked, then. The priestess who sent us here certainly wasn't particularly clear. Lukasz, could you take the children and go fetch some water from the well?"

Telepathically to Dot
I'm still not sure if this is the site. I'll find out more about these people and look for signs. Meanwhile, they'll be expecting you to run around. Look for other foundations, check for me how old the well is?

Hovering for a second around the threshold, Melinda puts a hand on the door as if to push it open but doesn't put any weight behind it. Melinda was quite wary of divinations, especially her own, and so she was playing her hand very conservatively. She'd seen them fail or be mislead all too often even without reason to suspect them, and on the off chance that a ward similar to that which protected the site at New Kroy was active, such an enchantment would definitely have misled her divination because she was no Tishtinite. Though, she reflected as she opened the door, her recent actions might put that in doubt...

2011-11-14, 06:33 PM
Dot responds telepathically.

"Good thinking. We'll have a look around.

Zippy waves up at Lukasz with a big smile and dashes off towards the well. Clyde lumbers after, carrying Dot with him. The big man sets Dot down on the far side of the well and begins drawing up water.

Once Dot is concealed from the locals, she'll reach in to grab her runestaff, long enough to cast True Seeing on herself. She'll start by having a quick look around the area to see if anything looks different.

Search checks for Dot, Clyde,and Zippy as she surreptitiously has a look: [roll0]. Spot checks for Clyde and Zippy as they are less focused in their looking, more focused on their roles at hand. [roll1], [roll2].

Tasha: sense motive on the men, to see if there's anything she thinks they're hiding: [roll3].

2011-11-14, 06:41 PM

Laelle bows and smiles when introduced. Detect thoughts still going...
Lukasz stone-facedly follows the children to the well.True seeing still active ...

Also, Search the well with the others ... either using their assistance, or Aiding someone better than himself. Search = [roll0]
EDIT: If not taken on its own merits, that should be a +5 to the Aid check (using the expanded rules for Aiding others, per Complete Adventurer).

2011-11-14, 08:57 PM
Such a suspicious group

For once, all the True Seeings in the world are doing not a whit of good for the group, because everything is still what it appears to be under the glare of the magic.
For Melinda, her lighted path winks out the minute she lays her hand on the door handle; she has seen this sort of effect before, its the way her spell always ends when she reaches her destination. As far as her magic is concerned, this house is the birthplace of the prophet.
Those who are attempting to detect thoughts or sense motives are not reading anything out of the ordinary. The two men are just that, normal human horsemen, they have been successful enough to earn a decent living at it, but have not had, in our real world terms, any sort of D. Wayne Lucas level of success. They have not have any sort of experience in dealing with a group of women such as yourselves and are clearly out of their league. The one who has been doing all the talking is the owner of this house, and as Melinda looks like she is entering the house, his primary thought is that he is happy that his wife was making a stew for tonight, so there should be enough to go around if everyone stays.

As far as I can see, the only one not going to the home of the prophet is Tallesin, correct me if I am wrong. If you are not going T, and anyone else, what are you doing?

2011-11-15, 01:38 AM
"This..." is the place, the bardess accepts at last. She seems to regain some composure, and does not finish the sentence aloud. She realizes with a bit of shame that she'd been hoping to find merely a place, something abandoned, a dead place that she would have been able to pick over like a vulture.

But this place was alive, alive and well cared for. And was that not more important, to build with what was available? To build the trust that would let her be happy with entrusting this site's care, its life, to the people who already lived there, for the good of the Fellowship? Was this not the first of many such dedicated lives that the growing faith would have to absorb and exalt?

As Melinda steps over the threshold, she makes Sabrina's sign on her chest, a triangle pointing down over her heart. "Good day," she greets the horseman's wife. "I'm Melinda," she introduces herself. "And your name?" The bardess proceeds to introduce any of the others who follow her in. When comes her inevitable offer of food or drink, she responds, "I've already sent Lukasz and the children for water," with hardly any hesitation. "They should be back shortly, along with the men," she glances towards the doorway. "Then we'll brew some coffee together, how's that?"


OOC - actions declared within. Stop me at any time if there's a problem.

Melinda initially introduces herself as a typical adept, if a very experienced one, (read: schoolteacher, midwife, healer, counselor) and only later as an artist and a keeper of traditions. This is the truth of the way she commonly interacts with the lay faithful. Melinda will, of course, use coffee time to start exchanging stories, and exchanging stories is something Melinda is very good at. She has plenty of them from her extensive travels and pilgrimages.

Coffee in Melinda's native Drania is often served with incense, and Melinda certainly breaks it out for this occasion. The bardess will do her very best to keep the conversation going for a decently long time, enough to weave the casting of a legend lore spell into her rhetoric. The last stories she hopes to tell are ones of this very place, stories of the Prophet and of her childhood, complete with details not known even to her beforehand.

At the same time she is also interested in interviewing the family that lives here to understand their life, for the Prophet herself probably lived a very similar life prior to her departure. (Do they have children? she loves children.) She is especially interested in qualities or quirks or strongly held opinions that would make them especially suitable or unsuitable as caretakers of a shrine dedicated to a Goddess of Love.

Of course she's more used to doing these things alone, or with one or two followers with her, not an entire band of people whose egos and presences might easily exceed her own in vibrance.

I anticipate also that the subject of her prime vocation will come up eventually. She has this to say about it:

"How do I get by? How do I withstand looking at myself in the mirror? For every one of us it's different," she admits. "How do -I- reconcile true love and love for sale? I happen to find it easy to appreciate what is lovable about a person, nearly any person. Easy also to find the passion to express that potential love and make it real. It's not a gift that every person has, to be able to offer true love, for sale, straight up. And there are many people who are so self-unaware that they don't know what might be lovable about themselves. I make it my mission to show them, to bring out their best."

"People pay for sex, sometimes. Most of the time," she admits. "It doesn't matter. I'm an artist. I always try to give them love. And most of the time they don't even realize that's what I'm trying to do, and that's their loss more than mine. I used to be hurt by that. Now I just take their money, no harm done. But occasionally I'll see a new spark in someone's eyes when they leave, and I feel the power of Love to inspire, and that's enough for me."

One last thing. Melinda hardly allows herself to be served at all, and insists on helping to serve the rest of the group. This is only partly her expression of spiritual dedication. The Sabrinites of the group, and anyone with a decent K: Religion or Sense Motive check, also recognize this as her way of attempting to assert symbolic leadership over this little endeavor.

2011-11-15, 04:42 AM

'Laelle' easily sees Melinda's desire for 'animal' dominance ... not only does that not phase or bother her, as this portion is more Sabrinian ... but it actually makes her smile slightly with some sort of maternal pride.

She doesn't do anything to try to usurp Melinda's position, but will be pleasant in conversation to help her.If we assumed Taking 10 on a Diplomacy Aid, that means a +5 to any similar check on Melinda's roll ... not that I think we need it.

However, she will ask questions casually ....
* How long has this family lived here? Has it been in the family or acquired 'recently?'
* If the latter, do they know who owned it previously?
* Further questions will depend on this...

'Lukasz' will look to Clyde as the children play for a mental conversation. "How strange, bounder-scout, that you should work with a slaad and a succubus for a Sabrinian? I sense a story there ... how did this come to pass? Are you bound magically, indebted, or did you freely choose your path? It is not often that one of your kind should work so well with anyone."

Diplomacy [roll0]
He'll do the same, but in a different way, with the young girl."I've never met one of the warrior-caste of my Mistress' sisters before, at least from her reports of your skill that's what you seem to be. Now that they are inside, I am going to take a perimeter of this area and look for any inconconsistencies in terrain. What's your knowledge specialt(y/ies)? I may need your eyes and assistance, if you're willing to lend it. The people inside know nothing, but we might find something out here. That'd be an abyss of a thing if we can do what our bosses can't." :smallwink:

Diplomacy [roll1]
DMFirst, how old does this well look?
* K: Engineering(?) [roll2]

Next, he'll walk a circuit around the grounds. Hopefully, he'll have convinced the others to come and help him. The following rolls are either as primary, or if subordinate in base modifier, as an Aid.
* Spot, in case there is something that might be easily noticed: [roll3]
* Search, to take a closer look at any thing that might seem suspicious or out of the ordinary ... and then followed up with carpet searches: [roll4]

He'll then focus on looking the terrain. Considering how much time went by since Cassiopeia's time, there might have been other structures or something that was overgrown ..... or perhaps even overtly buried. If just a 'layman's' senses wouldn't notice, then he'll put his noggin to use ... and again, hopefully enlisting the Aid of any of his fellow "in the trenches" outsiders.
K: Nature or Geography, whichever is appropriate [roll5]

2011-11-15, 05:28 AM
Trusting the women (and vrock) to be more than capable of handling any situation, Tallesin strolls off to explore the race and associated festivities. Bowing his farewell, the mage offers a final "By all means, I remain at your disposal should you need me, a mere necklace away," before leaving the group. As Tallesin walks away, his outfit shifts from formal courtier garb (suitable for meeting a queen like Cassandra) to a dapper countryman's attire, reminiscent of an amateur sportsman or nobleman vacationing in his rural estates.

As he walks, the wizard reaches into a pouch, releases his raven familiar and begins discussing the day's plans. Passerby simply hear a man cooing and cawing affectionately to his bird ("Perhaps a new falconer or merchant," they might assume), but those nearby who are currently employing magical means of understanding foreign languages may overhear bits of the following:
Tallesin's voice and style seem less affected, more like a normal man, as he talks to his raven. "You okay Del?"

"You put me in your pocket again, Tal. You know I hate that."

"Sorry friend. It just makes teleporting easier and safer. You know. Anyways, we're at Belmont Park now, but while the others are investigating other leads, I felt we could explore a bit on our own. Our new friends really are a delight, but it'd be nice to stretch our wings, as it were."

"You know, we don't have to be caged like that, taking orders and all. We could wander the land, have our own adventures..."

"Delyth, stop it. You know I'm committed to this path- Sabrina's will is my own now. I'd prefer walking it with you, but if you must fly away, I'll let you. No? Ha! You are a true friend... Thanks. Getting down to business, with the ladies hunting the main route, I thought we could scout things out over at the races a bit. I was planning to wander the streets, see if any old friends are still in the horseflesh business. If there's time, maybe browse the racing odds or even examine the horses up close, see if I've still got my old knack for judging "the merchandise." With the right information, I could truly benefit our party via this competition. Gambling profits help, of course, but you never know what news, gossip and blackmail circulate among the jockeys, lords and lackeys. Hells, simply given the power of this race’s usual leading patrons, there's a strong chance something useful will turn up. We'll never know until we look."

"You do that. Me? Caw! When I say 'stretch my wings,' I mean just that. While you've been surrounded by beautiful women, it's been weeks since I've met a worthwhile ladybird. Tell you what, though. I'll chat up the other birds, see what they know. Sure, they're not very bright, but maybe something useful got lodged in their brains, an image, phrase or event. No promises, but if I do, you better buy me something nice while you're with all those vendors."

"It's a deal, Delyth. We'll both wander among our peoples, see who turns up what. Mine may have more useful words, but maybe your feathered comrades have found something mine wouldn't have been able to. Here, let me give you some spells to take with you, just in case you spot an opportunity or some dolt tries to eat you. Play it safe and take care, Del. There are too many powerful people here for us to be cavalier about this."

Tallesin casts Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability, giving his raven one casting of each of the following: Prestidigitation, Quickened-Extended Shield, Detect Thoughts, Orb of Force and Dominate Person.

Tallesin is going to be exploring the racetrack area, keeping a lookout for any recognizable merchants, leads on the main quest or means of getting an inside scoop on the race. Tallesin’s subsequent actions depend upon what he can turn up at the races via his Gather Information ([roll0], though in a pinch he may be able to rely upon a Knowledge: Local ([roll1]) or Nobility ([roll2]) to recognize key individuals near the race and then approach them successfully. As a child of minor nobility, Tallesin might be welcome among the leading merchants and lesser nobles, if nothing else.

His raven familiar, Delyth, will be flying among the birds at the event, blending in with them and seeing if they have anything useful to say. Given that Delyth has a raven's Charisma of 6 (the best among tiny birds) and Tallesin's ranks in most skills, he should be able to hold his own once in a conversation, though his initial Gather Information check won't be great ([roll3]). If the raven finds nothing useful among the various birds near the race, he will eventually begin casually/discreetly surveying and spying on events below (Listen: [roll4], Spot: [roll5]) while hidden within a larger flock of birds. I can provide rolls for the raven to remain unnoticed, but who would really accuse a raven of looking at her funny when the bird is just milling about with its peers? The pair share an empathic link, so while they can't talk per se, both Tallesin and his familiar will be paying attention to each others' general states and emotions, should anything happen.

[OOC: Should I continue this via PMs or in the IC thread, since I seem to be the only one on this trek?]

2011-11-15, 06:28 AM
Lia accompanies the group to Cassiopiea's birthplace, although even her companions will on ocaasion not notice her presence.
Walking inside the building with the others, Lia remain's unobtrusive as she assesses their hosts. Finally making a decision, Lia prepares to cover the farmhouse and it's surrounds in a screen against scrying and detection.
That done, Lia simply sits back and listens.

[Hide (to remain unnoticed): [roll0]]
[Sense motive: (1d20+21)[31] (take 10 - mastery)]
[Cast Screen (Make it appear as if the party asks a few harmless questions and then leaves dissapointed heading in the direction of the next farm)]
[Sleight of hand to hide spellcasting: (1d20+32)[42] (take 10 - mastery) -> DC42 Spot check to notice]

2011-11-15, 12:22 PM
The moment Melinda (and the rest of the party) enter the home, they all feel a sense of “rightness” come over them, as well as a feeling of accomplishment. Sneaking a peek at the scrolls, Lia sees that another line has become clear
The home must be visited and the shrine built
The wife of Carson Rogan, a woman named Alyssa, is just as flustered as the man was by all these eminent people visiting, and even more flustered by the way Melinda seems to take control of the gathering. Eventually, she stops trying to play hostess in her home, and lets Melinda take control of the “event”. Those out fetching water or trying to ferret out other information come back in time, because there isnt really anything to see. The well is not recent, it might be as old as the house or it might not, theres really no way to tell.
In the course of the conversation, the party learns that the Rogan family has owned this home for 5 generations, but Carson doesnt know who his great-great-grandfather bought the home from. As a person who makes his living from horse racing and wagering on horse racing, Carson venerates the god of luck, Daren Philisar II, while Alyssa is a more pragmatic person, the party notes small statues of Ailena Domar (goddess of fire magic and wife to Daren Philisar II), Endolin Domar (the goddess of mothers) and Tishtina.

Tallesin, in his wanderings, soon learns the status of the upcoming Belmont Stakes. It seems that a local horse, Sham, is the heavy betting favourite. In fact, conservative estimates say that Sham is taking about 75-80% of the wagering. The next two horses, Twice a Prince and My Gallant are splitting most of the rest, while Private Smiles is being ignored by all those except those big dreamers hoping for an amazing long shot. However, the talk is also about how everyone would like at least one more horse in the field, the Belmont has never been run with only 4 horses, and even though another horse would just get blown away by Sham, it would make the race more legitimate. The officials of the Belmont have held this last spot open, hoping that someone will step up and take it, but so far, no one wants to be embarrassed by Sham.
Tallesin does not spot any of his old racing friends, probably because the crowds are just too heavy to find them, but he eventually makes his way to the track, and manages to get a look at the last workouts of all the horses. From what he sees, he would agree with all the bettors, Sham looks almost unbeatable, Twice a Prince and My Gallant are decent enough stakes horses, but not in Sham’s league, and those dreamers who are hoping for Private Smiles, well, they can just keep on dreaming.

2011-11-15, 01:46 PM
Her companions soon hear a wry telepathic comment from Lia, "It seems the scroll has revealed a little more. It would have us visit the 'Home' and build a 'Shrine'."

2011-11-15, 03:14 PM

Lildorri-Laelle chimes in "It seems that a shrine needs to be built to Sabrina here. I know how I would handle this situation with these weak-minded peasants. Melinda, what do you suggest?"

Lok-hasz, on the other hand, is not in any part of the conversation. He is lost in an internal reverie and rapture.DM, PM coming your way.

2011-11-15, 03:17 PM
Looking around the simple home with an appraising eye, Dot brusquely adds to the mental conversation taking place.

"This whole house probably isn't worth more than a hundred gold pieces. Perhaps we can simply offer to buy it. It would seem an appropriately Sabrinian thing to do. Then we can construct a shrine as desired. What do you think, Melinda?"

2011-11-15, 03:34 PM
If we build a shrine we will build it to the Trinity. A shrine to Sabrina would become meaningless by the very mission we are trying to accomplish.
And I'm pretty sure that we will be able to procure this house simply asking to buy it, I don't think we'll even feel the cost of it.
Does anyone have experience or at least basic knowledge about shrines or should we just bring in builders from the City of Gardes?"

Outside of telepathic communication Darya will try to lead the conversation towards the horses and races, also asking about "a big, red-ish horse on weak legs, without owner".

2011-11-15, 05:09 PM
As the wizard wraps up his tour of things at the races, he sends a dejected-sounding telepathic message to the party: "Dear ladies, I am afraid my survey hasn't found much to offer, aside from some racing tips. Unless you found a better option, I'll see if I can find us pleasant quarters for the night where people are intelligent enough not to ask too many questions. The only unique tidbit from my search so far is that there is an opening for another jockey and horse- we may be able to exploit that."

To Darya, telepathically:"And when I say 'we,' my lady, I am mainly thinking of you. It seems more than mere coincidence that your new blessing from above comes just at this moment when there is need for such a mount and rider. Should you wish to enter the race, I can initiate the proceedings over here in your absence. I know not if it is possible, but I shall endeavor to carry out your wishes, if you but give the command."

Tallesin and Delyth will continue exploring things at the races for now, keeping eyes and ears out for any further information that may prove useful, especially anything about current events or the power-players present at the races. Their searching is no longer on the race itself but those who are in attendance. If his efforts truly turn up nothing else of consequence, the wizard will look into potential lodgings for the party (unless told otherwise) or even check in with the officials about entering Darya in the race (should she ask that Tallesin do so on her behalf). Failing that too, he will attempt to rejoin the party. Since he didn't see where Melinda's spell took everyone else, this may take awhile longer, but the mage and raven are content to enjoy the countryside as they amble along, letting the necklace Tallesin wears direct him back to its siblings.

As he picks up pieces of the telepathic conversation at the house, the wizard mostly just listens, though he is obviously pleased by the party's discovery.

2011-11-15, 05:27 PM
Darya's attempts to lead the conversation to a horse matching her description dont seem to bear a lot of fruit. While the couple is able to mention a few horses that might match the vague physical description, all of them have owners, which would seem to preclude what Darya is looking for.

Ason is not able to find anyone interesting that he knows, however he does find lodging for the group, which is no easy task given the number of people who are here.

2011-11-15, 07:36 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

The house has been in this family for five generations. They have history here and probably no desire to part with that. I find it unlikely that they would sell their home to a bunch of complete strangers without a very compelling reason.

2011-11-15, 07:47 PM

"I agree with Darya, the Trinity. Sorry, Melinda, but she's right - we're not trying to build further points of separation. Once the religions are brought together and the goddess has merged, we can each play our little games of sectification.

"I have some knowledge of shrines from a theological and engineering standpoint. Honestly, though, Lok here has the most far-reaching understanding of such matters - both historically and current. His knowledge of sites of power, ley lines, shrines, cultic practices, etc. are the best I've ever known. That, and he is nearly my equal in matters of building.

"However, for right now, he is contemplating an issue ... you'll notice him meditating over there. It is an annoyance when he does this, but it really does help him clear his head for some intellectual conundrum he's been perusing. And after this morning, a clear head is what I'd like to have from him."

2011-11-15, 08:07 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Tali shoots "Laelle" a dirty look when nobody is paying attention. You suggested building a Sabrinite shrine, I'll remind you. Blame passing attempts aside, though, she's right. Whatever shrine ends up being built needs to be dedicated to the Trinity. That's the whole point of this exercise.

2011-11-16, 01:25 AM

Lildorrinene shrugs oh-so-faintly at Taleira's snipe while seeming nonplussed."I didn't have a memory wipe in the seconds that transpired ... and I am not stupid enough to believe that anyone else did. I was not adopting a remonstrative tone towards Melinda. Rather, Darya - thankfully - reminded me of our mission. I made that error in suggesting Sabrina; I accepted Darya's suggestion; and, I apologized to Melinda pre-emptively because I don't want her to feel slighted.

"I am immune to electricity ... I am immune to poison ... I am not immune to accepting my own fault and moving past it .... which I did. Would that you do the same."
Now, even though what is actually printed can be condensed into a 20-minute conversation ... enough pleasantries and other general conversation - mixed with Melinda practically cooking for the hostess (as I infer that we are given the hospitality of a meal here) - have occurred for the group to have been here for a few hours.

The winged giant speaks. Amazing as it might seem for so big a creature cramped into this house (though it is a larger house of old and solid construction), 'Lukasz' has been almost all but forgotten. His voice is somewhat distant and his eyes are shut.....

"This house .... is a very old house. It has seen several renovations and a few fires, and yet always it stands. Look at the walls. The timber supports are only 50 years old after refurbishing, but the granite has a striation that no longer is quarried here. It is centuries, centuries old.

"I see many births - boys and girls both - but no weddings. The house was sold several times. But nearly a millenium ago, there was the birth of a girl they named Cassiopia. Yes ... yes. There she is. I see her. She is beautiful, and has obvious touches of Amazon ancestry mixed with a local farming peoples that lived here in that time long ago.

"She has powers she doesn't understand. Ignorant of her ancestral birthright, she tries to suppress them, but cannot. No one can help her. No one will help her. She knows she must leave ... to find the answer with the Amazons. She readies to leave.

"She is gone."
Lok looks up in the ensuing pause, catching his breath from the emotion of his retro-prophetic image (or, more likely, his imagination). "Other than the emotional content that Cassiopia was in fact here, there is nothing more for us in this place."

During this time, Lildorrinene - shocked that he would dare try such silliness in the same day, and after being punished - begins to rise as Lok 'prophesies.' Though her face is an unbreakable mask of inscrutability, none of the sister's doubt that she's about to blast his mind with pure will when she stops. She blinks and a faint sense of curiosity comes over her with the tiniest tilt of her head, and she sits back down. She is deep in thought, likely trying to figure out how to use Lok's new-found insanity to her advantage.

2011-11-16, 03:00 AM
"Lil, no need to be sorry. How could I argue for the independence of our mission, then turn around and accept a singular dedication? I'm tired of all the contingencies their Holinesses can hold over our heads. Maybe you needn't worry about this as the Night Queen's chosen Emissary, but the rest of us currently exist as one Fellowship at their pleasure. I'm reluctant to surrender much of anything to them, least of all this very site."

Melinda seems visibly dismayed by something as she pours out the last of a pot. "I'm sorry, I always talk far too much without saying anything," she apologized. "Funny that we should leave off talking about Cassiopeia the Prophet. It was her birthplace that we sought today." A pause. "Her birthplace, which we have just found." Melinda lets that sink in for the Rogans, nodding and quietly affirming the questions that inevitably follow. "Yes, I'm prepared to recognize this place, your house, as a holy site. I think all of my friends here are. I've shared all my stories about pilgrimages because I hope you will be too."

"We're just the first band of pilgrims to come to Belmont Park looking for this house," the bardess laid it out. "If the gods will it, there will be many more. Mostly women, from all walks of life. But this is more than your house, it's your home. So I promise not to tell anyone else about this place, or to send anyone else here before you decide what part you want of all of this. I invite you to consider deeply, for as long as you need. There are so many options."

2011-11-16, 08:02 AM
The actions of Lok fill the Rogans with shock and horror, and when Melinda speaks to them, they just look at her, totally dumbfounded.

A holy site?...our house....?

What exactly do you mean....?

All sorts of women, all sorts of pilgrims, why?

And what do you mean by what part we want of it? What options?

2011-11-16, 01:45 PM
"Let me explain from the beginning.

A long time ago, a woman was born in this place, who later became a prophet. She made an important prophecy about the godesses of love, including Tishtina whose statue you have here and who I serve. A prophecy which is being fullfilled right now and which led us here.

We have confirmed that this is indeed the birthplace of the prophet, and should this become known it will be visited by many more people.

As Melinda said, we do not want to cast you out of your home, so if you should wish for it, we will keep this place a secret. However, we bid you to consider the other options you have. You could, for example, make a living by accomodating pilgrims. You could just live on like always and live with people like us sometimes visiting your house. You could also consider selling you house to us, so we can build a shrine. We would pay generously to call this holy place safe in our hands. My companions might have more ideas, but in the end it is your decision what to do.

We apologize for barging in and disturbing your peace. This is very important to us. We will leave you soon to give you time to think. I hope we can come to an agreement in this.

Whatever the decision, I wish you the blessings of Tishtina, you Alyssa, and your husband as well."

2011-11-16, 01:59 PM
Lildorrinene answers Melinda. "I am Nocticula's Emissary, yes. But I was chosen for this mission, the unification of the Goddesses."

Seeing Melinda (a Sabrinian) and Darya (a Tishtinian) seemingly take the insane ramblings of her demonic, Nocticulan cohorts 'vision' without so much as any question of veracity - likely out of a hope that it's true - is something she finds most interesting. :sabine:

2011-11-16, 03:14 PM
Alyssa picks up the statue of Tishtina, her tone is a little whistful as she speaks.

In many ways, what you say is not a surprise to me. I, we, have been blessed with a happy and properous life by the goddess, we have never wanted for food or safety....but she never saw fit to bless us with children. No one to pass our legacy down to. Perhaps, this was why. The house was not meant to stay in our hands, it was destined for other things. And we're too old to consider playing hosts to pilgrims every day. We'll talk, Carson and I, but the idea of sellling to you, as long as you promise to build a shrine, makes sense to me.

2011-11-16, 08:54 PM
'Lukasz' sends a mental communication to 'Laelle.'

"Carson, Alyssa," starts Laelle, "Tishtina has blessed you, and regardless of the means by which your family earned this place, it seems that she has accepted that you live here. Why would we ask you to leave when you've spent your lives in this house? Who better to tend a shrine than yourselves? Anyone else would be chosen by someone else ... but you were chosen by Tishtina Herself. We ask that if a priestess and somebody to help you with the pilgrims to come could stay here with you in time .... but that won't be necessary yet. But you tend this place well enough right now. Anywhere else wouldn't be your home. We will check in from time-to-time to make sure you are doing well."

2011-11-16, 09:37 PM
Melinda nods in agreement. "All we would build is a shrine to Love, Alyssa. Your love already keeps this place holy. You don't need priestesses for that." She smiles. "And Carson, how do you feel about all of this? This has been your family's house for five generations. If this place becomes a shrine, it will not pass to your kin."

2011-11-16, 09:40 PM
Dot smiles, pleased that the negotiations seemed to be as clear, straightforward and honest as they were. Mentally, she begins figuring out where best to put the gift shop.

2011-11-16, 10:07 PM
Carson and Alyssa look to each other, and nod.

Your way does seem best. We will build the shrine, and the pilgrims can start to come. Keep their numbers low at first, is all we ask. We need to adjust to what will be a new way of life. And if a priestess will come to help us, that would be wonderful.

Carson shakes his head. I have no kin to pass this house to. In fact, of late, I have wondered what would become of this house. It was going to leave the family anyway, perhaps, now, it really wont.

He smiles

And maybe the priestess could bring us some luck in racing. I think we're both in agreement about this.

2011-11-17, 01:25 AM
Laelle says, "You must understand, however, that we represent all of the Goddesses of Love ... savory and un-. The prophet of Sabrina was born here. Tishtina protected you. But Nocticula is not to be excluded, for all Three will be One."

2011-11-17, 07:56 AM
Technically, she wasnt a prophet of Sabrina. Or Tishtina or Nocticula for that matter. She was a prophet of the goddess-to-be. At the time, she probably would have worshipped Tishtina.

Carson nods his head in acceptance.
I think, or perhaps, I hope I understand. All of them will be welcomed here. In that spirit, perhaps one priestess from each of the now separate faiths would be a good idea.
He looks around the house.
It looks like I'll have a lot more free time to work with the horses

2011-11-17, 03:41 PM
The small, perhaps unnoticed, red-haired, green eyed young woman amongst the small crowd, clears her throat and speaks, "The birthplace of their prophet, being a place somehow blessed by Love will make a fitting shrine to the Trinity. If you both, Carson and Alyssa, are happy to tend to this place, then that leaves only the question of a suitable guardian. I shall organize it during within the next few days."

"Worry not, this is but a contingency to protect the shrine and it's caretakers, and I will see to it that like Love itself - it will be both swift and unseen, and always there should it be needed"

At the same time as she speaks, her companions hear Lia's telepathic voice in their heads, "I have already organized for a permanent guardian to be bound to this place. It will take a day or two for the necessary items to be made and delivered. Fortunately, with the various arrangements to be made here, and the horse races in town, I expect we will rather occupied during that period of time."

2011-11-17, 03:44 PM
Laelle answers 'openly,' "Excellent Lia. I do enjoy the ability to communicate granted by these necklaces. Communication is the cornerstone to conquest."

2011-11-17, 05:24 PM
"I'm happy we've reached an understanding," Melinda rejoices. The deal was basically in the bag. "Lay the thought aside for a while, think it over tomorrow. See how you feel about everything then. Good decisions are often made out of the moment, but seldom in haste. We'll be in town for a few days yet for the Stakes, and we'll come visit again before we depart." So saying, Melinda begins to signal to her compatriots that she is ready to leave. "So Carson, who's your favorite to win the Stakes? Shall I put in a ceremonial bet?"

"Impressive, sister," compliments Melinda. Yet her mental tone is dark. "I'd really like to have a chat with you sometime, if you're willing to suffer my blather. Do you have time for me?"

2011-11-17, 05:42 PM
The group prepares to depart from the house, and it just so happens that Darya is the first one out of the door. The rest of the group almost runs over however, as she stops suddenly in the door.
Standing in one of the fields around the house...is her horse. Its cropping the grass in the same way it was in her vision, in fact, she knows that this moment is the vision she had.

2011-11-17, 05:46 PM
Dot glances from Darya to the horse, and back again. Huh. Fate did indeed play funny games.

2011-11-17, 07:35 PM

"Oooh, look!" cries 'Lukasz', "a horse! I love horses, truly one of my faves. I prefer the thick meaty flavor of a thoroughbred, though those white quarter horses have more of a dessert ..... What. Was it something I said?"

2011-11-17, 09:34 PM
Melinda is not at all surprised at the horse's sudden appearance. "I prefer camel myself," Melinda admits. "And nothing soothes the heart like camel milk stew. Great aphrodisiac, too. You know the saying, 'One glass a day, five times a night?'" Melinda nodded knowingly. "Besides, horses are just a little too beautiful to be eaten on any day but a festival." She walks towards Darya's horse and reaches up to stroke its mane. "What's its name, Darya?"


Melinda draws up her hood against the chill of early evening air, and starts walking off back towards town. "So I'm curious, Lil, what -would- you have done?", she asks. "I want to probe this infinite imagination of yours."

2011-11-18, 01:18 AM

Having an idea of what Melinda is really asking, but unable to resist the current conversational strain, Lildorrinene shrugs. "Horses are too rustic ... good for a hearty breakfast or a peasant's work-lunch. No, I think unicorns have the best flavor - and of a beauty rare enough to save for the best occasions - especially when you can distill and consume their souls as a dessert."

2011-11-18, 03:05 AM
(DC42 Spot check) OR Melinda/GMLia seems to cast a spell including herself and Melinda.

[Sleight of hand (to disguise spellcasting): (1d20+32)[42] (take 10 - mastery)]

2011-11-18, 03:20 AM
I guess the gang has caught up again?

Lildorrinene Spot [roll0]
* Spellcraft to recognize spell, if she sees [roll1]
Lok-too-loo-baz Spot [roll2]
* Spellcraft to recognize spell, if he sees [roll3]

EDIT: Interesting ... I doubt a 30 on her Spellcraft check fails to recognize the spell that she sees cast.

2011-11-18, 07:23 AM
LilLia cast Telepathic bond

2011-11-18, 10:10 PM
Darya dismisses the silly banter with a demonstratively loud snort as she slowly walks up to the horse. She does not want to hear it now. This is her moment, her horse, her part of the mission.
Name? I do not know the name, I will simply ask. This is supposed to be a partnership for life after all.

She simply stands face to face with the red horse, gently takes its head into her hands and looks into its eyes.
"I'm Darya. We serve Tishtina. Let's run together from now on."

2011-11-18, 11:28 PM
Carson Rogan clears his throat as he sees Darya going to the horse.

Is there something special about one of my herd, although not the greatest one I have?

2011-11-19, 01:23 AM
It is Melinda's turn to be puzzled; she'd expected Darya to know her own horse, after all. But Carson's comment sheds a whole new light on the matter. "Oh..." the realization escapes from Melinda's lips. "...Carson, have you considered entering a horse in the Stakes? Or have you been lacking a jockey? 'cause if not, you might consider putting one in now?"

"Tallesin, please confirm one open spot still remains in the Stakes," she telepathizes. "And brief me on the competition, quickly."

2011-11-19, 03:41 AM
The mage quickly replies, "My lady, you command, I listen. As of an hour ago, there was still an opening. The crowd favorite, one 'Sham,' has about 80% of the wagers according to the bookies, and my personal examination of the horse's workouts this afternoon confirms it as the best by far. Two others, 'Twice a Prince' and 'My Gallant' (beautiful names, those), have about 10% of the bets each, but while even to each other, those horses are nothing compared to Sham. The fourth, 'Private Smiles,' looks beautiful but should be worthless in the actual race. The organizers are hoping for a fifth entrant, but most of the horse breeders are afraid of being humiliated by Sham and are avoiding the race altogether. Thus, they have an opening, and we have an opportunity. Ah! And I see you may have a horse..."

As he chuckles out the last sentence, Tallesin waves a hello from the crest of a hill as he finishes his trek back to the party, with his familiar landing to perch in a nearby tree. Seeing the women engaged with the homeowners, wanting to avoid an unnecessary introduction and slightly tired from his stroll, however, the wizard plops down under his familiar's tree to rest for a moment. He telepathically tells the party, "Beautiful find you made there! I'll wait 'til you've made your farewells and then lead you to our lodging. No sense my saying hello to the locals just to say goodbye." Any who approach him may recognize the tune he hums during his rest as Melinda's second song from the night before: apparently her performance struck him deeply and has stuck with him.

2011-11-19, 08:23 AM
Carson looks puzzled by Melinda's comment.

Oh, I have jockeys all right, and I have even have a horse or two entered in the preliminaries. But the main stakes race, no, of course not. I have no one that even comes close to Sham, least of all this one.

2011-11-19, 09:34 AM
Darya chuckles as she turns to Carson. "Oh Carson, Tishtina must really love you. You have the house, the horse, it's as if you were our personal treasurer.
And while you may not call it your most impressive, to me this horse is going to be special indeed, destined to be a valued companion. And I think I might just try..."
She leans forward and as she feels the power welling up inside her she whispers into the horses ear the last of the resonating words.
"On wings of glory
Take to the sky!"

Darya casts Winged Mount.
This doesn't only serve as a symbol to Carson, it also confirms the horse to be her mount, since it only works on the Paladin's own mount.

2011-11-19, 10:34 AM
Darya's spell does not work on the horse, fortunately for her, no one knew what was going to happen, so its not a totally epic fail. Rogan looks to the horse, and then to Darya.

A valued companion? He shrugs Well, I dont see it, but then, Ive been wrong before. Tell you what though, normally a thoroughbred from Belmont would cost you about 500 gold, but since hes never won anything, I'll let you have him for 200. Do we have a deal?

2011-11-19, 11:24 AM
"Well, when dealing with the divine it is always difficult to understand the ways fate leads.", the disconcerted Darya answers half to herself.
"Do you have a saddle I can borrow, so we can make ourselves acquainted?"

2011-11-19, 12:21 PM
A saddle for the lady Rogan whistles to a stablehand who runs off to the barn to find one.
Yes, riding him would probably be the best way to get to know him. And so you dont have to keep refering to him as him or horse or whatever, his name is Sword.

2011-11-19, 01:31 PM
"His name is-" Darya stares at the man in disbelief. "Carson, you are full of answers you don't even know the questions for. I'm amazed. Were did you get him? Please, tell me all you know about Sword! It might be more important than you would imagine. You are already doing much for us."

2011-11-19, 01:49 PM
Carson rubs his chin in thought.
Theres not much I can tell you. He was born on this farm, his father was Bold Ruler, and hes three now. When he was born, I thought he had a chance to be winner, he was born pretty big, but he never grew into his size properly, and has lost all the races Ive ever entered him in. In fact, I stopped entering him, he just doesnt have the speed or stamina for it. He doesnt seem to have the competitive drive that marks a thoroughbred champion.

2011-11-19, 02:38 PM
"I see. Well thank you, Carson. I think I will just see for now if Sword can give me further answers himself."

When the stable boy returns, Darya takes the saddle and gears up Sword herself. She takes her time fitting everything, then mounts the stallion and hesitates a moment, getting a feel for the animal and giving her companions time for any remarks before she turns Sword around and lets him fall into a light run.

2011-11-19, 03:18 PM

"You know," says 'Laelle', "there's a pony named Princess Buttercup down the way. That's a royal name. Perhaps that's your warhorse."

2011-11-19, 03:50 PM
"You know, I've always preferred Swords to Princesses. Swordswomen too, actually."

2011-11-19, 07:14 PM

Laelle is mock-shocked. "As if a princess can't also wield a sword. And even if she doesn't do so herself, how many stories have you read wherein the princess spurs swords to action that might otherwise have stayed formant. In fact, that is more of what it is that we're about than swords and swordswomen, isn't it?"

2011-11-19, 07:55 PM
Clyde carries Dot outside, where she simply grins at the easy interplay among the others. It was somehow refreshing to remember that not all about this quest was life and death.

Sadly, her mind lead her down other pathways. She smiles at the others and sends a brief telepathic message.

"It would seem our work here is done. 'Call' if you need me. Otherwise, perhaps I'll see you at the track in a few hours?"

Looking a bit startled, Tasha and Zippy come out of the house to join them. The four vanish.

2011-11-19, 08:22 PM
Lildorrinene, on the other hand, wouldn't miss this for the world. She is thoroughly amused at how the stories of paladins getting their warhorses must have obviously been aggrandized to make the 'earning' of such stalwart mounts far more impressive.

2011-11-20, 01:41 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Tali shakes her head, chuckling lightly. "This is going to be good."

2011-11-20, 02:29 AM
Watching from his distant vantage point, Tallesin telepathically cheers on Darya as she prepares to take Sword through his paces, "Good form! As one of my teachers said, 'A stubborn horse walks behind you, an impatient horse trots in front of you, but a noble companion runs with you.' You two shall be a grand duo indeed!"

2011-11-20, 03:04 AM
Lildorrinene telepathizes, "Runs with, huh, Tallesin? Darya, would it help if I hasted myself and pushed?"

2011-11-20, 04:51 AM
"What we're about? Oh dear, even we have those who think highly of themselves and talk big and those who actually go and get things done. And on that note, I'll be off to investigate a potential strand of prophecy, so if you'll excuse me, emissary."

With these words, Darya finally rides off.

2011-11-20, 08:30 AM
As the group heads back to town, Darya attempts to put Sword through his paces. Unfortunately for her, the process doesnt seem to have much success. Its not that Sword wont respond to her, its just that he does it without a whole lot of enthusiasm or a whole lot of spectacular results. When she calls on him to walk, he walks; when asked to trot, he trots; and when asked to gallop, he gallops, but its not the most inspired gallop she or the others have ever seen. When given a choice, he just stands around and mopes.
Tallesin, the best horse racing judge here, doesnt even think Sword would be able to beat Private Smiles...and when he thinks about Sham, hes of the opinion that Sham would be around the track twice before Sword did it once.

2011-11-20, 11:41 AM
Chuckling at Lil's joke, Tallesin replies, "Sink me! You've got a wit for the ages. Still, let's see what this new team can do." However, as Darya begins working out Sword, Tallesin's tone changes as he talks during the stroll home, "Lildorrinene, your Excellency, we may need to review your prior suggestion. Have you truly prepared Haste this morning? Ah-ha!"

Telepathically, so as to include Darya in the conversation, the wizard continues, "Darya, my lady, I confess I am relatively ignorant about mounts gifted from above, but were this just a mundane beast, I would be most concerned about its low enthusiasm. It seems as apathetic to the world as a lovesick lad. As it stands, for I see it chose to stop running... again..., Sword couldn't even compete with Private Smiles, the lowest-ranked horse in the current competition. May I be of service to you somehow in the training of this horse? I can't bear to see such a beauty performing at less than the best."

2011-11-20, 07:32 PM
Lildorrinene says, "Mr. Tallesin, I prepare haste every morning. As quickly as I get myself into trouble, I like to know I can get out of it as well."

2011-11-20, 08:24 PM
(DM note) By now, the party would have made their way back to the town area proper.

2011-11-21, 01:07 AM

Lildorrinene tels, "Now that we're in town, has anyone given further thought to how much each would be willing to chip in for a healing wand?? We passed the 'Yes' stage .... and just because Yours Truly is best to use it in battle given everyone's modes, knowing that it is technically party use does not mean that Yours Truly is going to foot the bill because we can't make up our minds.

"A wand of cure critical wounds usually is about 21K gold. With the seven of us, that comes to an even 3K gold for each of us. Those of us with retainers or animals (myself, Dot definitely, and Darya) that use an excess of expenditure on the same during a battle may have to make minor reparations to the party afterwards, per party democracy and as long as judgement is equitable. Those of you who don't have 3K gold now ... I can cover you, but you will owe me later. That pay is expected to be immediately upon receipt of money and replenishment (not upgrade or acuiring new toys), so as not to allow convenient forgetfulness and lingering debts.

"Any questions, or do we want to continue to hem and haw over this?"

2011-11-21, 03:11 AM
Lia nods absently at Lil's suggestion, but the majority of her attention is obviously elsewhere even as she pulls a small diamond from her pouch and places it in Lil's hand as she wanders past.

[Lia gives Lil a diamond worth 3000gp as her 'party share']

Walking up to Darya, and more precisely her horse, Lia places a hand on the creatures flank.

[Cast silent, stilled telepathic bond (Unnoticeable)]"Hello Sword"

Along with the mental speech, Lia sends soothing emotions, subtlely of course.

[Ok. Trying two things here: If the horse is intelligent (>3 int) enough for the telepathic bond to be established, and whether it will speak to her if it is.]

2011-11-21, 07:56 AM
Lia's attempt to establish an empathic link with Sword does not meet with a whole lot of success. She is pretty sure Sword can think, IF it actually chose to...but it just doesnt bother, prefering to mope and wonder where its next meal is coming from.

2011-11-21, 10:48 AM
[B][SIZE="3"]"A wand of cure critical wounds usually is about 21K gold. With the seven of us, that comes to an even 3K gold for each of us. Those of us with retainers or animals (myself, Dot definitely, and Darya) that use an excess of expenditure on the same during a battle may have to make minor reparations to the party afterwards, per party democracy and as long as judgement is equitable. Those of you who don't have 3K gold now ... I can cover you, but you will owe me later. That pay is expected to be immediately upon receipt of money and replenishment (not upgrade or acuiring new toys), so as not to allow convenient forgetfulness and lingering debts."[/I]

Dot sends back through the link.

"It had seemed to me that we have several members of our group gifted with healing powers, and even during the relatively intensive combats and such of the gauntlet, they seemed more than up to the task of keeping us well and whole. I also have my own emergency supplies for healing, and I suspect that others may as well - that's how we've survived so long. If you don't mind, I'll exclude myself from your transaction. But there are other more efficient forms of healing that you could buy, just with your own share of the proposed purchase price, if that helps.

And of course, if there are other things that someone feels that we all need to have access to, I'm certainly open to collective purchasing.

I take it from your comments that you've arrived in town."

A farm family of four, dressed in the local style, abruptly appears about a hundred feet away from the group. As they walk forward, Dot's mental voice continues.

"Ah. That's better. You lose so much, communicating telepathically. Body language, facial expression...anyway. I have a suggestion that would let Lil buy her own wand, and give each of us a little more pocket money. I'm assuming that we'll be spending a little time here anyway, overseeing the shaping of the shrine. I'd say we make like good little Sabrinians - which is to say, good devotees of the united Goddess - and make a little cash while we're here. I'd like to bet on Darya and Sword in the race."

The little girl of the farm family smiles broadly as the foursome arrives, turning into the more familiar form of Peridot.

"Who's with me?"

2011-11-21, 12:45 PM
"I think it's a fair deal this time, tale these, Lil." Darya says and hands over a few smaller gems worth ~3000gp.

"And before I enter any sort of race with Sword I need him to actually want to win. He's just bored and unmotivated and... say Lil, you do have shapeshifting powers, right? Can you turn into a mare? Maybe that'll get him up.
Seriously though, since it isn't likely that Tishtina plays a trick on us, there should be a way to unlock Sword's hidden potential. And since he won't tell us maybe we need to go over the prophecies again."

2011-11-21, 01:45 PM
Lia retrieves the prophecy scroll and takes another peek at it ...

2011-11-21, 02:03 PM
Find them all, divide the haul
The Sword that has not been broken must be fixed and joined to us
The diamond necklaces must be ours
The woman who is not a woman must be found and convinced to join us
The lightning sword likes us, the fire must too
and several lines later
The home must be visited and a shrine built

2011-11-21, 02:07 PM
Dot stares up at Sword for a moment.

"I don't suppose that there's any chance that this Sword is the sword of the prophesy. I'm not sure how he'll feel about being, ah, fixed."

2011-11-21, 05:31 PM
K: bardic: [roll0]

"Fixed? Fixed, not mended?" Melinda repeats. "Now that is some sick humor, Dot. But the Prophet has written what she wrote, and she -was- from around here. Fixing stallions with poor temperaments does fix them sometimes, and only the winners need to breed, anyway. Ironic when it works, though. And I would think, just like with people, that it's usually the other way around. Stallions with too -much- temperament benefit from fixing. Not too little."

2011-11-21, 06:07 PM
Dot nods at Kalirren's excellent counterpoint.

"Fair enough. Well, he's a special holy being, right? Perhaps he simply needs not just a good reason to run, but a *holy* cause to pursue. Chasing down kidnappers, smiting the wicked, something similar."

Horses were definitely not Dot's forte. She shrugged and looked up at the others.

2011-11-21, 11:45 PM
Replying to Lildorrinene's prior comment, Tallesin coyly tosses back, "Ah, but how quickly one should get out of the trouble depends entirely on what kind of trouble we're talking about, wouldn't you agree? Some things are meant to be savored."

Regaining his composure, Tallesin continues, "A good Sabrinian like Peridot, I must add my own thoughts on the matter of wands. With a grand race upcoming, why not first employ our existing monies to beget more funds? Wealth, like rabbits, has a way of reproducing, in the right hands of course. With a crew as cunning as ours, we could probably earn enough to cover a good portion of the wand's cost directly from our gains, whether through bets or less... polite means. My addendum aside, however, I will gladly contribute 3000g to the common fund, but I shall follow my own advice first and see whether my gold can make some new 'friends' while the race is in town."

Turning to the matter of Darya's horse, he concludes, "Aye, I agree with Melinda. We serve goddesses of love: I hardly see why they would desire a male horse's... *ahem* relevancy diminished. Before I bet on Sword, however, I want to make sure it's a worthwhile risk. Perhaps Peridot's suggestion is indeed correct, but perhaps we can find a clinical specialist. Or may we simply ask the horse what troubles it?"

2011-11-22, 02:31 AM
Speaking to Darya, Lia states, "I've worked with animals before and I'll give you this, that he's not an ordinary animal. If I read him right, Sword is intelligent enough, but seems simply too apathetic to use that intelligence even in simple conversation or discourse."

Lia pauses, "I think he needs something to awaken him from his apathetic state, but I'm not certain what. Perhaps Darya could try using the gems to help establish an empathic bond with him or something of the sort?"

2011-11-22, 12:28 PM
"As much as I appreciate the wordplay, I would not have Sword mutilated in this way even if it might give him a reason to care.
Usually, I would be able to establish such a bond over time anyway, considering he has been divinely linked to me. It might just be that he won't bother communicating. Still, the necklace might be worth a try. Any idea how to make it fit a horse? For all we know, Sword has potential he is not willing to access, but as long as we don't know why, we can hardly "fix" that."

2011-11-22, 12:33 PM
The necklaces are nowhere near long enough to fit around Sword's neck, they would strangle him if they were to be clasped...and they are made in such a way that they cannot be lengthened, without destroying their intrinsic nature. You suppose that you could wrap one around its leg, but that would undoubtably look silly, and you're not sure if it would function anyway.

2011-11-22, 11:25 PM
Melinda regarded Lia quizzically. "You -know- he's intelligent? Smarter than your average horse, then, smart enough to sulk? Well, I wonder how he responds to music then." A strange proposition it was indeed to uplift a horse's spirit with song. But the effects of music were so visceral upon people that she wouldn't be surprised if they worked on animals as well.

Stroking Sword's mane and patting a rhythm softly on his side, she begins to sing a traveling song, one of the pilgrim's songs she learned on the steppes of northeastern Enicom. Its driving beat is deeply evocative of the rhythm of a horse's hooves bounding across endless grasslands, and rapid, yodeling transitions between whistles and the laser-like quality of a woman's voice in mid-range gives the whole piece rather joyous feel, a texture that could carry for miles across the open space.

break enchantment, inspire hope, inspire courage?

2011-11-23, 01:46 AM
'Laelle' and her bodyguard 'Lukasz' have since wandered off on their own, having become bored of the horse (non-)sense.

2011-11-23, 08:15 AM
Sword doesnt seem to respond to Melinda's song, the tapping on its side brings no response, and it just continues to sulk (if thats indeed what he is doing)

2011-11-23, 11:28 AM
Dot shrugs.

"I still think he just needs the right challenge. Maybe...a race."

She purses her lips for a moment, then glances over at Tasha. The big 'amazonian' woman steps up to Sword, staring into his eye for a moment. She sends to him telepathically.

"Would you like that, big guy? To stretch your legs in a race?"

2011-11-23, 11:49 AM
For just the briefest of moments (or was it just wishful thinking?), there is a flicker of interest in Sword's eye...but then he returns to his flaccid gaze.

2011-11-23, 11:55 AM
Tasha turns back to Dot and shrugs. A moment seems to pass between them. Dot turns to Darya with an apologetic grimace.

"Tasha thinks that there's someone home, but the lights aren't on, if you know what I mean."

2011-11-24, 09:56 AM
"That's about the same feeling as I had riding him. He doesn't disobey me, but he won't do any more than the bare minimum neccessary. As far as I'm concerned he just isn't interested.
And I was planning to take him to the race, his apathy just had me rethinking that. No need to embarrass ourselves in public. After all, he won't bother to tell us whether he wants to run that race or not.
Still, he is the one Tishtina chose for me, so I know he must be an exceptional one. I guess there is no use in waiting and testing."

Darya stems the arms into her sides and turns to Sword.
"Now, since you won't talk, I'll have to decide on my own. And I decided we're going to the race track. I know you can win, I also think you can have some fun running there. You're free to just trot down and embarrass us both, but it's on you then, you're not getting rid of me that way, my friend.", she says with a wink.

"If anyone's going to bet on us, you're welcome. I'm going to place my faith in Sword and that he'll run for me when it matters."

2011-11-24, 10:06 AM
Dot smiles. Attagirl. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Excellent. There seem to be relatively reputable gambling parlours at the corners of Oak and Hobble Streets, at the end of the Lane of Dreams, and on several locations along Market Street. I'll wait for several hours after Darya and Sword have entered, and make a series of smaller bets - no need to spook anyone. No offense to either Darya or big red here, but given Sword's current reputation, I'd suggest that the odds will be such that we'd stand to make a decent return.

"And if she loses, well, I'm sure that the goddesses have other plans for the money."

2011-11-24, 10:17 AM
Darya and Sword (plus anyone who wishes to accompany her) head off to the track to register for the Belmont Stakes. As she enters the office, there are plenty of japes from the yahoos that are hanging around...

hey, you planning to get off and push...

maybe she should carry the horse, instead of the other way around...

youre going to enter that nag?, he hasnt even been broken...

The track officials are just as dubious, but are willing to enter Sword anyway. All that is required is the 100 gold piece entry fee, and things proceed just as planned.

2011-11-24, 10:23 AM
"Good call, Darya," Melinda reflects. "Let's enter him in the main race officially. Then you take some practice runs in front of everyone, and when the bookies hear of it they'll have a good laugh. We'll bet on him anyway, lock in our price. That way we'll have bet on him when the odds against him were still astronomically high."

"Then we'll fix him, or try. After we do, if we think he'll win, we'll hold. If we think we only really stand a good chance of coming in second, so will the bookies. The odds against him will fall, and we'll just resell our above-market odds for a tidy profit. That way we'll still make a good deal of money even if Darya doesn't win the actual race."

Edit: Ninja'ed. Transferred to telepathy. Totally not saying that out loud in front of the bookies.

2011-11-24, 10:37 AM
I don't think there's any fixing we can do. either he wants to win or he doesn't. I'm just going to trust him, if you don't want to just keep your money. But the practice runs are a fine idea, I'll get to that. Take some of my money too and bet on us. If I'm going to do this, I'm doing it all the way.

2011-11-24, 11:28 AM
After getting the registration out of the way, Darya gets her racing silks and takes Sword out on to the track. After a couple of warm up laps, she attempts to get him up to a full gallop. For once, she is moderately successful, Sword hits a gallop faster than he has before for the amazon. Its still nowhere near what Sham or the others can do; at one point Sham, who is out on the track with them blows past them and they look like they are standing still.
The oddsmakers are taking notes while the whole thing is going on, and shortly thereafter at the betting houses, the odds go up on Sword and Darya, she gets posted at 125 to 1.

2011-11-25, 11:33 AM
Astonished, but also excited Darya read the results. Will you look at these crazy odds? That's bet a house and buy a town! If they don't run us out of the city when Sword decides to win the race, that is.

2011-11-25, 11:53 AM
Dot's whirling eyes go decidedly golden when the odds are posted.

"Our patronesses smile upon us. Darya, that idea for the practice laps was brilliant. I'm off to place a large number of smaller bets under different names, in different places. No point in spooking the bookies. There's also a significant element to the race about who the fastest local horse might be - I'll also be placing some bets there. If others wish to, shall we say, invest but not get their hands dirty, now's the time to hand the money off to me."

After recording any money that she gets from the others, Dot and company are once again off on a multi-identity betting spree.

2011-11-25, 12:22 PM
Once the practice laps are finished, Darya is able to take Sword back to the paddocks, where the horses who are entered into the race must spend the night. A quick rubdown of the horse, and then a full bucket of oats and such, getting it all takes Darya until about 7PM or so.
She is just about ready to leave, when she hears a voice in her head.

stay with me, tonight

Sword appears to be quietly munching away, enjoying his meal of oats.

2011-11-25, 06:23 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Tali gives Dot an approving look and digs 1000 gp out of her bag and hands it over. I'm in. Way too good of a potential return to not go for it.

2011-11-25, 08:39 PM
Melinda just hands Dot a checkbook. "Vow of itinerancy, you know, Dot. Good for places, but it also means you can't just sit on the same cash ever, either." She kisses it goodbye, like a daughter, before handing it off. "You know the plan. Take good care of it. And no matter what happens to it, it's not mine anymore. It stays with the Fellowship."

The checkbook contains records of a 2500 pp deposit in a large bank in Erandol, which I'm going to finagle her into having visited back when she visited Dalcar's because I didn't know that Daystor had advanced banks at the time. Yes, for those of you who have been with us since the beginning of the game, it's the same 2500 pp she was willing to give to the statue in the first room of the Cups, but for the fact that it couldn't give her a receipt for its charity.

2011-11-26, 02:50 AM
Lildorrinene ... who has been separate from the group (with Lok) this whole time, sees the debacle on the field. She ignores Dot's tele-cast about money. A lady of her station is expected to bet large. At the elite leaderboards she says mockingly for those around her, "Here .... a 3000 gp bet for the galloping cow down there they call 'Sword'. Perhaps this mercy bet will go to the burial costs of the rider when she commits suicide for shame at bringing such a beast to so august an event."

2011-11-26, 06:03 AM
Tallesin replies to Dot, "Milady Peridot, your idea is a capital notion! Might the company of a brother in the faith trouble you much? I would like very much to become more acquainted with you. And rest assured," he concludes with a grin, "I can don a persona as fast as I do the latest fashions."

To Darya, he adds, "I will make a calculated risk, milady, and bet 1000 gold on Sword. I hadn't thought to wager while the horse was still weak- a masterful idea, that is. I have faith you'll find a way to bolster him in the meantime, but in that same faith, I'll pray the Goddesses guide you all the same." [Said while discussing the newly posted odds, obviously before Darya leaves for the paddocks.]

2011-11-26, 08:39 AM
Dot takes out a notepad to start to keep track of the contributions.

"That's...a thousand from Taleira, and, my goodness, twenty five thousand for Melinda. And yes, Master Tallesin, you'd be most welcome to join me.

Arriving at the first of the betting destinations, Dot receives a quick refresher in the realities of paramutuel betting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paramutuel), and quickly gives a mental update to her colleagues.

"A short correction. Although the odds for Darya and sword are currently 125 to 1, that will not be finalized until all bets are in, and the amounts are calibrated based on the actual amounts wagered. So, just as in magical experiments it is impossible to observe a transmutation without affecting its outcome, so our participation in wagering on the race will ultimately change the odds. Still a worthwhile endeavour, I'd say. I just wanted to modulate your expectations, so to speak."

Seeing no further point in disguising herself with multiple bets, if Tallesin is willing, Dot will lay down the entire stash at once. A bit flushed with excitement at the scale of the wager, she turns to Tallesin.

"I do believe that a wager of that size deserves a bottle of champagne, don't you?"

So, with Taleira's 1,000, Tallesin's 1,000, Melinda's 25,000 and Dot's 55,000, that's a tidy 82,000. Incorporating Lil's 3,000, that's 85,000 now bet on Sword.

2011-11-26, 11:26 AM
Melinda does a little mental arithmetic and whistles. "You know, that's a big aggregate pool, Dot. We're trying to profit off of knowing this horse is better than it looks. If we bet it all on Sword to win this early, it'll just elevate Sword's odds for everyone to see, and that'll give away our advantage over other gamblers, who will just follow suit and bet on the dark horse without looking. I think we should wait to place our large bet until most of the people with enough money to sway this extensively have already placed their bets on the more solid candidates, and we know more about how Darya is doing."

"That said, I think I'm off to make some money," Melinda says. "After last night, I've had enough celebration for a week. We should have the champagne at Varstok if we win."

2011-11-26, 02:48 PM
I don't have much on me right now, Darya sends from the stables, but you could bet the money I've given Lil for the healing wand. I'm going to stay with Sword for the night, and no jokes because I've already done them all. I trust for you and Tallesin to know everything nececssary about how to tactically place the bets. I'll try to do my part in winning them.

2011-11-26, 04:51 PM
Lia dons a persona of a minor merchant woman and wanders around the town and assesses the general trend (and amounts) of the current betting. She also checks as to when the betting closes and when the race begins.

2011-11-26, 05:36 PM
Lia dons a persona of a minor merchant woman and wanders around the town and assesses the general trend (and amounts) of the current betting. She also checks as to when the betting closes and when the race begins.

The trend on the betting is still strongly favouring Sham, with a smattering of support for Twice a Prince and My Gallant. There is talk of the new entrant, Sword, but no one takes him seriously, in fact, hes regarded as a bit of joke, and even though there has been some foolish wagering on him, no one sees him as a competitor, especially after the performance on the practice laps.
The betting closes just before the start of the race, and the race will run in the mid afternoon.
As well, all of the major casinos have set up pavillions for lavish dinner parties, however, around 7PM or so, there is bit of consternation at one of the pavillions, it seems as if one of Kroy's most powerful casino owners has had a falling out with his wife, something about an affair with one of his casino managers. The appearant scandal is enough to set tongues wagging, but it will likely not affect the race or the betting.

2011-11-26, 07:14 PM
I don't have much on me right now, Darya sends from the stables, but you could bet the money I've given Lil for the healing wand. I'm going to stay with Sword for the night, and no jokes because I've already done them all. I trust for you and Tallesin to know everything nececssary about how to tactically place the bets. I'll try to do my part in winning them."I understand, Darya," telecasts Lil (seeing un-specified audience italics means "ALCON"), "I'll bet your 3,000 gp for Sword."

Lildorrinene will bet the 3000 gp Darya gave her as a third-party bet.

As well, all of the major casinos have set up pavillions for lavish dinner parties, however, around 7PM or so, there is bit of consternation at one of the pavillions, it seems as if one of Kroy's most powerful casino owners has had a falling out with his wife, something about an affair with one of his casino managers. The appearant scandal is enough to set tongues wagging, but it will likely not affect the race or the betting.Interesting, Lildorrinene will insinuate herself into this dinner party to enjoy the gossip.

2011-11-27, 12:53 AM
Darya has chosen to spend the night before the race in the stables with Sword, hoping to establish the divine link she should have with the horse. So far, Sword has been silent in this matter, but Darya is patient. When Sword settles down to sleep, Darya settles in beside him.
Several hours pass, and Darya has fallen into a light sleep. Suddenly, she is not sure what wakes her, but when she opens her eyes, she sees a man poised over an unsuspecting Sword. The man holds a short sword, and is about to bring it down in a killing blow on his neck. Darya is about 5 ft. away from the man...what does she do?

2011-11-27, 10:35 AM
As soon as Darya is able to comprehend the situation, she is all at once wide awake. Her first instict is to lash out fast and deadly, but she reigns it in while deciding of the fastest thing she can do to save Sword.
Just barely stabilizing her kneeling positing, her arm shoots forward, swinging the charm from her wand blacelet into the palm and releasing it. The bright scimitar shoots out out straight from her hand, with the blade resting between the man's sword and Sword's neck, while she slowly takes the second hand to the handle.
The imminent danger at least delayed for a moment, she just barely surpresses her anger and speaks in a reasonable, yet demanding voice. "You should slowly put down your weapon and surrender. You're outclassed."
Cast: Mass Suggestion
Then she sends out a telepathic alarm: Assassin in the stables! Be on guard! Details follow.

2011-11-27, 11:05 AM
Foiled in his attempt to assassinate the horse, the assassin turns his attention on Darya, striking 3 times at her, but only connecting once for 10 points of damage. Darya's spell is ineffective on him.

You are back up for an action.

2011-11-27, 11:19 AM
Unwilling to let this evolve into a serious fight, Darya grabs for a piece of scrap metal from her pouch, presses her hand around it and channels her anger into rebuking it. Only moments later, it falls through her hand and disintegrates, as she feels the cool of the magic aura crawl up and envelop her skin.
"WAKE UP, SWORD!", she shouts, positioning herself as to not let the attacker reach either Sword or the exit.
Cast Ironguard on Darya.

2011-11-27, 11:29 AM
The assassin may be outclassed, but he seems determined in his mission, but Darya is now the target he must deal with. Once again, he launches his attacks, but Darya's defenses are more than up to the task, and he cannot hit her.
Meanwhile, her furious call to Sword gets the horse awake, who whinnies in fear at the battle, and moves with more speed than he ever showed on the track, getting himself into a position behind the amazon woman, keeping him out of the assassin's range

Back to your actions.

2011-11-27, 11:40 AM
"Now that I think about it..."
Darya reaches for her pouch again and repeats the procedure, this time making Sword immune to attacks with metal weapons. Then she spreads her arms and starts walking towards the assassin, careful to block his way to the door.
"So. Now you can't hurt me, you can't hurt your target and I'd be very surprised if you could get away. Now will you give up or do I have to slice off your legs before you'll answer to me?
Cast Ironguard on Sword
And maybe I'll make a throw on intimidate for good measure, no ranks be damned.

2011-11-27, 12:02 PM
The assassin concentrates for a moment, and a shadowy blade appears in his hand, shaping itself into the short sword shape that he is familiar with, and he continues his attacks. This time, the power of the blade also makes him more efficient in his attacks, and he connects 3 times with Darya, dealing her 34 points of damage.

This is the assassin spell spectral blade so you have a will save (DC:18), if you succeed you take only half damage

2011-11-27, 12:16 PM
Darya won't bother any longer. She lifts her weapon and begins attacking, routinely slicing at the man with the full force of both her arms and anger behind it.

Will Saves:

Divine Might and Full attack.
Attack: [roll3]
Conf: [roll4]

Attack: [roll6]
Conf: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Attack: [roll9]
Conf: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Attack: [roll12]
Conf: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

2011-11-27, 12:27 PM
Only one save is needed

The assassin is heavily damaged by two of Darya's attacks, and realizes he is in desperate straits. He goes for broke, attempting to tumble past Darya and strike at Sword with his spectral blade. The attack connects, however just like her mistress, Sword recognizes the partially illusionary nature of the blade, and the strike only makes a small mark on the horse.

2011-11-27, 12:47 PM
"Alright," Darya gets out between the hits "I've given you every chance to spare your life. If it's us or you" she continues, driving him back with heavy blows "I've no problem killing you first."

Same Game
If the third attack in the last round hit it should have been a critical and thus the assassin would be under the influcence of the slow burst enchantment I think.
Attack: [roll0]
Conf: [roll1]

Attack: [roll3]
Conf: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Conf: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Attack: [roll9]
Conf: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

2011-11-27, 12:52 PM
Waking groggily from a brief sleep by Darya's telepathic message, Dot rolls over and quickly casts a divination to see her colleague - and the horse of her dreams. Seeing that she is engaged in swordplay, Dot gestures to the always-handy Clyde and then the image of Darya.

"Gotta go. Back soon."

Clyde grabs Dot. A half-sized young woman - wearing only a ruby necklace - and a big purple demon-gorilla appear about at the entrance to the stables. Dot sends mentally to Darya.

"I see you've made a friend. How can we help?"

2011-11-27, 01:03 PM
Ret-con....the third strike did hit, and confirm, so the assassin was slowed. That would mean he would not be able to tumble and attack, so he tumbled to Sword, and was readying to attack him

Seeing Sword in danger lends even more urgency to Darya's blows, and with a furious flurry, she finishes off the assassin, who drops without another word. Turning the body over, Darya sees a symbol of a series of mountains.

Know: Religion DC: 15 to recognize the symbol of Dantilus Telgar

Just as she finishes him off, Dot appears in the doorway.

2011-11-27, 01:08 PM
Darya wipes the sweat from her face and goes over to calm Sword.
"Nice to see you too. We had a nightly visit from a secret admirer who turned out to be a bit more forward than we liked. And I have a faint suspicion where he came from.", she adds, nodding at the symbol.

2011-11-27, 01:29 PM
Someone might think that Sword, who grew up on a farm and had never seen a fight before would need a lot of work to calm, but apart from its initial fear at being threatened with a weapon, he is now remarkably calm, settling easily under Darya's care. Her knowledge of religion serves her well, she recognizes her assailant as one of the cult of assassins that worships Dantilus Telgar, god of black magic and death.

2011-11-27, 02:57 PM
Dot weaves a simple spell, and a bathrobe seems to form around her naked form. She looks at the symbol of the mountains.

"{Perhaps, since you're an unknown factor and therefore a wildcard in the race, a competitor was looking for insurance."

2011-11-27, 03:24 PM
"If they managed to see through our practice laps, perhaps. But there would have to be a good deal of money in it for them to hire an assassin. And not that bad a one either. I think it's just as likely that Sword will prove essential for our mission and that some other god knows that too, just like with the necklaces.
In any case, we should try not to let anyone get murdered. I'm sure one of us can speak with dead, so we have one prime witness right here."

2011-11-27, 04:06 PM
Dot nods.

"That's certainly a possibility, although that posits one or more deities who not only know more about our quest than our own goddesses, and a direct pipeline of information from those gods to their worshippers. If that's the case, then it becomes likely, then, that the people who know the most about our secret mission are in fact complete strangers worshipping other gods."

Clyde shuffles forward and snuffles at the would-be assassin's remains. Dead? Dead.

Dot shivers a bit, and continues.

"Well, ah, it seems that you've got the situation well in hand. I should go...find my clothes. Want me to take Stabby here with me?"

2011-11-27, 04:28 PM
"Ah, yes, if it doesn't bother you, do. I don't think I could do anything useful with him - except searching his body but I doubt that professional assassins carry around a lot of information on their hits.
I guess I'll be spending the rest of the night awake. Maybe I'll try to find out how someone knew that I would be needed. Have a good morning anyway, we'll meet again before the race. Maybe one of the others will have spoken to the body until then."

2011-11-27, 04:42 PM
Dot nods, and bends over the body. She carefully pats him down, just in case there was something to be learned. When she finished and rose. Clyde slings the body up over a broad shoulder, and places a clawed hand on Dot's shoulder.

"I don't sleep much - I'm glad you called, although clearly you didn't need any help in dealing with the situation. I'll be preparing magics with an eye not to give you an advantage in the race - I have a feeling that you won't need it - but to make sure that there isn't other interference going on. If any of the rest of our group shows up, just send me a mental buzz and we'll be back."

Dot casts Arcane Sight to go over any auras lingering on the body. Spellcraft: [roll0]. If it seems safe to do so, she will do a search of the body: [roll1].

I'm pausing this before Clyde teleports them away again, in case others want to join in. Otherwise, Dot will head back to get dressed, wrap things up, memorize different spells, and be back at the stables for breakfast.

2011-11-27, 04:49 PM
"Well, I couldn't be sure if maybe you others would be attacked as well, or if more attacks would follow, so I thought it prudent to inform everyone. It seems though, the situation was more easily contained than I feared."

2011-11-27, 04:54 PM
Dot sees no auras on the body, and her search reveals nothing else of note, nothing that you wouldnt expect on an assassin.

2011-11-27, 08:53 PM
As he places the bets with Peridot, Tallesin Eliado overhears stories of the casino owner and his wife, and with little left to entertain himself this evening, he strolls to the party, altering his attire to fit the occasion. Once there, he listens in on the familiar buzz of marital infidelity, quizzing the spectators and gossips about its details. After his interviews, Tallesin returns to his chambers alone and pens a new poem of love won and lost, inspired by the recent scandal/affair within the casinos.

When Darya's mental message reaches him hours later, he wakes up groggily, but when he soon after learns of her victory, Tallesin falls back into a light sleep, sure that the she is safe and would appreciate him renewing his spells more than his uninvited presence. [OOC: I'm assuming Darya/Dot would announce their success telepathically]

2011-11-29, 03:39 AM
If Lildorrinene happens to see Melinda, she'll invite her as part of her 'entourage' ... Laelle happens to enjoy supporting and providing patronage to 'fledgling' artists.

Any other major events at this party, or do we FF onwards?

2011-11-29, 05:38 AM
Still in the guise of a minor merchant woman, Lia wanders from party to party and continues to gather information on the race, focusing particularly on the horses, and even moreso on their backers.

[Gather information: (1d20+31)[41] (take 10 - mastery)]

[Regarding the amounts that are being bet - is our current betting pool enough to be seriously noticeable, or is it but a drop in the bucket compared to what else is being bet?]


When the attack on Darya and her Sword occurs, Lia quietly extricates herself from her current party and proceeds to make herself unseen and unheard as she patrols the area around the stables.

[Guarding against another attack, and watching carefully for any other activity around the stables for the rest of the night]
[Hide: [roll0]]
Invisibility and potentially also Zone of silence]

2011-11-29, 08:03 AM
Lia's information gathering doesnt reveal a whole lot more information, the horses are what they are, and their backers seem to be just ordinary horsemen. Unless theres something really hidden going on, none of these people have any agenda other than winning this most prestigious race, and no one seems to be out to do anything really underhanded to do it. Regarding the amount bet, it will certainly lower the odds (seeing as there hadnt been anything bet on the horse before), but its not going to take it down too much. Lia can see the odds are now 100 to 1; and no one else seems to have bet on Sword, allaying Melinda's concerns that their money would make more follow.

Lia's concerns about more attacks are well placed, however her patrols do not turn up any other activity...or perhaps they keep other intruders from trying anything as the group now seems vigilant.

2011-11-29, 05:28 PM
Shortly after hearing the news of Benedict's breakup, Melinda meets Tallesin and the two of them go in to that party together. Tallesin knows how to push the latest artistic trends to wealthy clienteles, and Sabrinan art song might as well be one of them. With a few charms and a bribe or two, artist and agent together insert Melinda into a suitable place in the program.

Again Melinda has only bargained for a small set. She has a target in mind, and she doesn't even know what Benedict looks like, though she does keep an eye out for an improperly empty seat at a relatively high-placed table. Targeted magic was out of the question, so the emotional impact of her performance itself had to be exactly right. Not improper, not distasteful, yet brutally and succintly effective upon a man's heart that happened to be angry at a woman's fickleness and needed to be made spitefully self-indulgent. As such she has selected her repertoire extremely carefully.

Standing on that stage, looking out into a crowd of tables and patrons lit by colorful dancing lights, she finally remembered why everything looked so familiar. She had been at Belmont once before, fifteen years before. Fifteen years ago, when she had sold herself for the first time. Silently she thanked her Lady that she had come so far. Such an audience seemed so immense before. Now all she could see was the opportunity.

The bardess introduces herself as herself, Melinda of Sabrina, itinerant bard and pilgrim, delighted to have the pleasure to sing for such a noble and sophisticated crowd tonight. Out comes her piano, which she needn't introduce for a crowd as cosmopolitan as this one. As the grand instrument takes its time to materialize, she makes some jokes about how as a singer she enjoys being a Sabrinite. "After all, singers of other faiths have to choose between singing bawdy songs, or love songs, or religious songs. But for a Sabrinite singer, things are easy; the bawdy songs are the love songs, are the religious songs. The Sabrinite fellowship has hundreds of years of tradition in art song, a taste of which I am happy to share today for your enjoyment tonight."

Against a playful introduction from the accompaniment she begins her first song.

"In the shadow of my tresses
My beloved has fallen asleep.
Shall I awaken him now? ...or not!

Carefully I comb my ruffled
Locks, early every day;
Yet for nothing is my trouble,
For the wind makes them dishevelled yet again.
The shadows of my tresses, the whispering of the wind,
Have lulled my darling to sleep.
Shall I awaken him now? ...or not!

I must listen to him complain
That he pines for me so long,
That life is given and taken away from him
By this, my brown cheek,
And he calls me a siren;
Yet he fell asleep by me.
Shall I awaken him now? ...or not!"

"As deep as my own musical tradition is, once in a while I do lust for the innovations of other faiths. This next piece was in fact composed by a monk of Varinn Khosar for a child soloist, and later made it into the pilgrimage crowd, where I picked it up. Of course I've corrupted it for my own artistically nefarious ends." Melinda pulls off the innocent devil persona very well. "Ladies and gentlmen, Widerstehe doch der Sunde (Stand Fast against Sin)." (OOC:Tongues is wonderful. I get to translate German songs.)

"Stand fast against sin, lest its poison touch you. (Repeated, broken up...)
be not deceived by tempters, for this shames your god's honor
and carries a curse, deadly it is!
So stand fast against sin, lest its poison touch you. (Da capo.)"

This is the slow piece of Melinda's set. It's not particularly flashy, though those in the know would consider it a mainstay of the repertoire for her range. Adult singers typically sing it in one of three personae: the penitent, the angel, or some mimicry of the original child preacher. But the real genius of Melinda's performance of this piece is that she explores a fourth possible persona.

Her repeated two-note gestures on "standing fast" are delightfully ambivalent, and her tasteful relishing of the tone of poison comes from one about to succumb to its joyous effects. The shaming is but a frendly jeer, and the seriousness of the warning is completely lost in humor, for what curse could possibly be so deadly? True to her own religious form, Melinda is singing this song as a temptress. The composer's original intent is simultaneously recognized and skillfully swept under the rug with tuneful irony.

"This last piece I have for you is a pair of songs of my own recent composition which I have adopted from Nocticulan and Tishtinan sacred poetry respectively. I would typically close with a more orthodox set of tunes, but after our recent joint triumph at the Cups of the Gods, this is my way of acknowledging my own hopes for a closer future for the three fellowships of Love. Ladies and gentlemen, a diptych on Night, and good night to you all."

Melinda's last piece begins with a rather pensive and lengthy introduction in the accompaniment. Even when her voice does enter, it comes in high, leaving a large stretch of textural emptiness that exposes the hollowness of affection.

"Endless night.
Desolate gloom of the waiting hours.
Shattered heart,
fevered blood drumming her name's lovely syllables.
Let her come, the too-much-wanted;
let her come, the too-much-loved,
and wrap me in her odor of early blooms.
May my lips bite the fruit of her mouth
till the taste of her soul is theirs.
Have I shed tears in vain,
have I called out in vain,
to all that deserts me?
Desolate gloom,
endless night."

And from the depths of the bass, a low octave in the minor tonic blossoms into its relative major for the transition to the second piece of the pair. Broken chords rustle between the hands, and her voice finds itself in the range that was left unoccupied in the previous piece, making the texture silky and whole, promising healing to the wounds of the heart.

"When streams turn pink in the setting sun,
And a slight shudder rushes through the wheat fields,
A plea for happiness seems to rise out of all things
And it climbs up towards the troubled heart.

A plea to relish the charm of being alive
While we are yet young, and the night is yet fair,
For we are passing away, as the wave passes:
The wave to the sea, we to the grave."

2011-11-29, 05:50 PM
The audience breaks into wild applause at the end of Melinda's performance, and even Terry stands and politely claps as she finishes. Those who are more familiar with Terry realize that this from him is equivalent to any sort of wild outburst from any other. He comes across in any other situation as a cold, passionless, ruthless person.
OOC: Yes, the Terry Benedict, Oceans 11, Andy Garcia
As the applause continues, he makes an almost imperciptible motion to someone off stage. As it finally dies down, a man comes on stage, and hands a single, perfect red rose to Melinda. At the same time, Terry looks to the empty chair beside him and makes a gesture for Melinda to join him there.

2011-11-29, 11:04 PM
After about two seconds' thought, Melinda accepts the flower in both hands. She closes her eyes and takes a sniff. Unconsciously, she rises forwards on the balls of her feet, and for one cognitive beat, she allows herself to be completely psychologically alone on stage. The scent comes through; it is sharp, sour, sweet, and deep. It is the scent of victory.

Her heels come back down, and her eyes open. She threads the stem of her rose behind her ear and extends one last deep curtesy to her appreciative audience before leaving the stage and allowing herself to be shown the way to Terry, to whom she offers her hand.

"Mr. Benedict, how do you do?", Melinda begins, her smile radiant. "It's truly my pleasure to make your acquaintance tonight. I'm sure you've heard enough sympathies, so allow me to be the first to congratulate you on being single again."

2011-11-30, 09:55 AM
There is just the barest twitch from the corner of Terry’s eye as Melinda speaks I have remedied that situation but his icy demeanor does not seem to crack as he pulls out the seat for Melinda.
Your performance was truly outstanding my dear, how is it that we have never heard of you before?His eyes seem to watch Melinda’s every move and yet you get the feeling that nothing else at the party escapes his notice as well. The briefest raise of a finger brings a waiter running, and he pours a glass of champagne for the bardess.
To you, my dear, as he raises his glass.

2011-11-30, 09:41 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

With her companions otherwise occupied, Taleira chooses to take advantage of the lodgings thoughtfully acquired by Tallesin and retires fairly early, complaining that she needs extra sleep after the previous night's events.

In truth, Tali is using the lack of people free to check on her to slip out via teleportation and thoroughly test the limits of her still new abilities. In the process, she'll surreptitiously charm herself up a snack to satisfy her new needs, considering how tempted she was last night.

For being unobtrusive in the process:
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

If you want any rolls or anything, let me know.

2011-11-30, 09:50 PM
"Why, thank you," Melinda says as Terry pulls her the chair. She cannot help but express her simple gratitude. One would be amazed at the sheer number of self-fancied lovers who forget the simplest of considerations. Taking back her hand, she grasps the opposite beam of the back of the chair and sets herself down.

"Your performance was truly outstanding, my dear. How is it that we have never heard of you before?" His eyes seem to watch Melinda’s every move and yet you get the feeling that nothing else at the party escapes his notice as well. The briefest raise of a finger brings a waiter running, and he pours a glass of champagne for the bardess.

Melinda's movements are characterized mainly by a lack of extraneous movement, which itself lends greater expressiveness and salience to those movements she does intend to make. "I'm very glad you enjoyed my singing. I picked those pieces especially for you, you know." The bardess takes in a breath, and smirks. "I mainly perform for charity, when occasion rises. But once in a while the stars align, and I have a chance to do something special for someone. And in other respects, I blame my own temperament for my obscurity," Melinda admits. "The same causes that impel my artistry impede my desire to perform for wider recognition. Seldom have I performed outside my faith, into which I was born. And at the fringes of society where I have done my faith's work, an artist is more often than not left alone to explore their art. So I have had much time for technique, and left myself not many chances for exposure." Her eyes shift, and she smiles as the champagne bubbles in its flute. She takes up the glass between the long fingers of her right hand. "To a different future, perhaps?"

"To you, my dear," as he raises his glass.
"As do we always dream," Melinda remarks with a laugh, genuinely amused. She raises her glass to him, letting him approach with his as close as he wishes. Then she savors a large sip anyway.

2011-11-30, 10:52 PM
Terry tings her glass lightly with his before he takes a smaller sip.
And so why did you chose those songs for me? In what way do you sing them to me?
He looks thoughtful for a moment
And did I hear you say some sort of success in the Cups of the Gods?

2011-12-01, 12:48 AM
Terry tings her glass lightly with his before he takes a smaller sip.
And so why did you chose those songs for me? In what way do you sing them to me?
"Well, I'd be flat out dishonest if I didn't say I was hoping to end up in this very seat. I doubt you would have invited me here had I just sung some random love song, after all. I'm not so conceited to believe that my singing is that impressive," jests Melinda. "And I sang for you tonight, not to you in particular. That would have been crass, I'm sure you agree. So that was part of it. But aside from that, I'd heard a bit about what happened earlier tonight, and I thought these were songs you..." she pauses to choose a word. "...might have felt refreshed to hear. A little humor, a bit of catharsis for the heart, a fresh perspective. Especially that last diptych. I'm proud of that one, I must say."

He looks thoughtful for a moment. "And did I hear you say some sort of success in the Cups of the Gods?"

"Yes, I did mention that, didn't I? I'm glad I did." Melinda blows a bit of warm air through her nose into her wineglass, and takes in a bit of the astringency in the aroma with a short sniff and an approving nod before she begins. "My own Fellowship sent champions to the Cups this year along with the Tishtinan amazons and the Nocticulans. Together they came back with all ten Cups - a record that can only be equaled, until they add more Cups, which I'm sure they will eventually. Sic transit gloria mundi." Melinda grins, and sets her half-glass of champagne on the table. "Of course, the higher-ups are wonderfully pleased, but what matters to me is that this is giving me an avenue to extend my own horizons of sacred repertoire, so I've got my work cut out for me, artistically speaking. But there's always the mystical buzz, of what it's all supposed to mean."

Melinda just shrugs in response to her own rhetorical prompt. "The Cups are a festival to celebrate the Ascension. They celebrate that the Gods were once mortal, and now represent faiths. Flip that around. Faiths are just ideas that take root in peoples' minds and blossom into something spiritually real, give them strength, resilience, hope from day to day. That idea is the beginning of all faith, and that means something, even if nothing else in religion does. Three goddesses of Love have won the Cups together. Of course that should make their fellowships draw from each other, grow into each other. That goes without saying. But I think it should also make every person of any faith in the world consider, if only for a moment, if and how they themselves love. If and how it makes them better people, more spiritually godlike."

Melinda's hand moves to the stem of her wineglass. "So there you have it. My opinion of the whole mess. I wouldn't be worth my salt as a priestess if I didn't have a view worth sharing on the matter."

2011-12-01, 10:25 AM
I see. And you do raise interesting points about faith. I am not one to put much stock in faith...or the gods, for that matter. I find I can get along fine without them. But your songs were refreshing, and you sell yourself short on your singing ability

His eyes continue to wander through the crowds, even as he talks to you.

With Melinda's skill at reading people, she can tell that far from being uninterested in her, Terry is quite interested in her, but the social niceties of polite conversation are not his forte. This person is modeled on the Terry Benedict of Oceans11

2011-12-01, 09:43 PM
Have totally never watched Ocean's 11. I've been assured it's my loss.
"Then you should count yourself lucky for having such a strong spirit, Mr. Benedict," Melinda compliments him, "a rare gift in this world indeed. Most people simply lose their way when they have a chance to look beyond next year's harvests, or their next arrival in port. They need something, or even someone, to believe in to give structure to the greater arcs of their lives." Melinda reclines in her chair. Seeing his gaze shift out towards the rest of the room, she starts slowly turning herself towards him. First the neck, then the head. The rest of her body will follow in time. She harbors no illusion she is not being watched, but wonders how long he will be able to keep himself from turning his own gaze.

"So indulge me," she invites. Melinda's appetite for meeting interesting people is extensive and difficult to sate. "What keeps a man like you going along through life? How does Terrence Benedict conquer the vast ennui of wealth?"

2011-12-02, 07:54 AM
Melinda's skill in the art of seduction is difficult to match, and Terry's gaze wanders less and less into the crowd, and stays more on her.

Watching over my casinos is enough to keep any man busy. Cons and cheaters come up with plan after plan to take more than luck or skill will give and keeping track of, and getting rid of them all is more than enough to keep me very occupied. Making a single casino run smoothly is a full time job...making sure 3 do?

2011-12-03, 01:37 PM
So he likes talking about business, realized Melinda. That's just fine, I can talk about business. This is Zanthia's business. She still needed to make him feel comfortable around and about her. Perhaps this would be her way in. Ordinarily it would be questionable manners to talk business at such a gathering, but this was no ordinary meeting of the minds.

"Three casinos? Right, Gran Villa, Oasis, and the Broadway," she recovers. "All with different themes, but each of them noted for their own elegance, cosmopolitan class, and ... artistic and aesthetic integrity." she enunciates with a smile, realizing she had just paid herself a compliment. "Now that I've finally met the man, I understand where it all comes from." Benedict might have invited Melinda to that chair expecting that she would replace his former wife. But the entrepreneurial bardess was already trying to convince him that she might help replace the other half of that wayward affair as well.

"You make it sound like you hardly have time to imprint your vision further upon your business, Mr. Benedict. A pity for a gentleman of your calibre and quality." Melinda's entire upper body was facing him now. Her left arm rested over the back of the chair, and only her right leg remained pointed inwards towards the center of the table. "Casinos live and die on their ability to keep their high rollers," she commented rhetorically. "I'm going to go out on a limb here. Have you ever considered affiliating your management brand with the Sabrinite fellowship? If you haven't, you should." She brought her left thigh up to rest on the edge of the chair, and let the crest of her right hip flare for him to see. "We have an excellent reputation for building deep rapport with our clients, many of whom are fabulously wealthy and love to show it. We cultivate a truly spectacular pool of artistic talent to suit the most discriminating tastes. If I am modest, it is because I have long dwelt among cultural giants. And although I'd not be privileged to divulge too much detail, rest assured that we have a long track record of implementing visionary agendas." Her figure continued to cut a sleek diagonal through her sales pitch. "Of course, I needn't mention that close affiliates of my faith are often accorded various personal privileges."

2011-12-03, 02:35 PM
Someone with lesser ability to read people would not be able to pick up the subtle signs from Terry, but for Melinda, they are quite appearant. Her body is certainly having an effect on him, how much her words are adding to it is not readily visible.
Its an unspoken fact that several of the casinos are owned by Nocticulan interests, and of course, quite a few are owned by the interests of Daren Philisar II, the god of luck. Being squeezed by two churches can be a pain at time, and the Nocticulans will go to any length to keep their high rollers. What sort of ideas would you bring to benefit us?

2011-12-04, 11:13 AM
"This is how I see your personal brand, Mr. Benedict. Square me if I'm off the mark. You might have been born rich, but you're still a self-made man. And you think like one. This defines both your niche within business, and the market niche to which your establishments cater. Your sensibilities will appeal to men and women who could end up wealthy with a decent stroke of luck and work in the family. Your fortunes over the long term will grow and shrink with the prosperity of an upwardly mobile industrial and mercantile middle class.

"Now in my experience there are two kinds of people who frequent Nocticulan establishments. There are the super-rich who can survive the drain of paying perversely much for perverse privileges over their entire lifetime, and then there are those who are simply looking for the exotic, and would really fit better somewhere else. You're not stealing the former from the Nocticulans, because that's their lifeblood. Their specialty is in swallowing entire lives whole, and they devote a lot of energy and effort into picking their targets. Given their tactics, access to our talents will certainly help you hold on to the high rollers they steal from you.

"But much more important, I think, would be to work on the latter half and win over their share of the artistically aspirant, hedonist upper middle class. That segment in aggregate prefers to be comp'ed in spectacle and experience, rather than in privilege itself, which they really don't know how to enjoy as much. This is where being artistically ambitious will pay off. And we have artistic talent in spades.

"On the other side, Daren Philisar's establishments cater to a lower-end market. Notably, they make more of their own high rollers than any other branch of casinos. But they have trouble holding on to them. Once someone strikes it rich once, striking it only slightly richer again holds less appeal. And luck always runs out. On the other hand, status and taste fade far less quickly, and can be easily sold with a personal touch. Again, you need us Sabrinites to help win over the loyalty of Daren's high rollers, just like you need us to defend against the Nocticulans' poaching of your own."

2011-12-04, 12:54 PM
I like the way you think. And more importantly, what you say is pretty much spot on the mark. So the question is, what do you see as your role in this...and as importantly, how much will it cost me?

2011-12-05, 08:01 PM
"Mmm," purred Melinda. Through her necklace a mental ping goes out to Zanthia. The negotiation was approaching a stage of preliminary commitment, and Melinda was ultimately speaking only speculatively, even if confidently and in right spirit. It was time for her to report.

"I ask nothing unreasonable, Mr. Benedict," the bardess began. "For myself? A token amount for as long as I remain your chief liaison to our faith. My standing within it becomes yours, and you, as far as they are concerned, become principally mine to deal with. And I would need your help in collecting the commission upon my sisters for any business of theirs that ends up proceeding through this channel, as is our custom. For my part, I'll be your advocate to my sisters, whom you don't stand a chance of managing yourself, and as long as you trust my taste, I will also steer the creative agenda of whatever artistic ambitions you're willing to entertain in your venues.

"But for my sisters? If this grows beyond the concerted efforts of a few talented people, and I hope it does, I must insist on behalf of my Fellowship to buying in to a significant level of ownership of your enterprise. I don't intend for this to be a takeover, but Sabrina could not approve of Her daughters putting themselves in an exploitable position under the auspices of another without real recourse." Especially a man, she thought. "The exact degree of support for this that I can drum up from the higher-ups and some of my more well-connected friends is still a bit uncertain, so I'm not giving you any numbers, but this must be on the table."

2011-12-05, 08:10 PM
Up until the point that Melinda mentions buying up a share of Terry's ownership, he seems open to the idea. The moment she brings that up, however, he stiffens, and quickly.

When you say a significant share, what sort of share are you talking about? I didnt build up these casinos to sell them off.

2011-12-05, 09:53 PM
"I understand that," Melinda parries without missing a beat. "That's what I meant when I said I don't intend for it to be a takeover. We don't actually want to buy you out of your own business. We only need enough power to prevent power's worst abuses," she reassures him. "Realistically, one partnership, or one seat on whatever governing board you have, would be enough for us to raise these concerns when we need to. But to have that without having an ownership stake will cause all your other investors to revolt.

"So most elegant would be an arrangement that would allow us to bring our own share to the table that would result in little or no dilution of value to existing stakeholders. I'm not familiar enough with the structure of your holdings to propose exactly how that should be done."

2011-12-05, 10:10 PM
My ownership group is a pure shareholder arrangement. Whoever owns a share owns one vote on who the board of directors is. I happen to own 50.1% of the shares. Thus, if I wanted to put one of your people on the board of directors, I could easily do so. Is that what you are looking for? As for buying up other people's shares, I cant force people to sell to you, and Im not too interested in my own. Of course, people buy and sell stock all the time.

2011-12-06, 11:02 PM
"A seat on the Board will do just fine. Sorry to have tripped a nerve there, I just thought it polite to consult with you before my associates started buying up stock. Which they will, if this turns out to be as much of a success as I hope it will be." There were only a few candidates for that seat - Zanthia, Dot, herself. "Shall I send to Varstok? And then we can move on to the rest of our evening?"

(OOC: Sorry this took so long.)

2011-12-07, 08:10 AM
Terry raises his glass in a toast to Melinda.

I would be glad to have Zanthia represent Sabrina on our board of directors. Her business acumen is well known, as well as her association with Natasha. And you are more than welcome to buy up as much stock as you wish. Of course, I dont plan on selling any, but others might

2011-12-07, 12:13 PM
The next day, race morning, dawns clear and warm, perfect weather for racing. There has been no rain in Belmont for several days now, ensuring a hard and fast track at the Park.
Everyone received Darya's emergency notice last night about the attempted assassination of Sword, but Dot saw to her immediate needs, while Lia spent the rest of the night patrolling the outside of the stables.
Breakfast is being brought to the jockeys at the stable, and the race will be run at about 3 or so in the afternoon, it is morning now.
Already, more and more people are qeueing up at the betting windows and tables, the odds on Sword are now sitting at about 110 to 1.

Everyone is free to act.

2011-12-08, 12:32 AM
Lildorrinene enjoyed Terry Benedict's distraction by Melinda. [The fact that you didn't mention anything about 'Laelle' being with him was odd, so I guess we'll figure at the time he was embarrassed .... giving Laelle the idea that she should leave him be to berate his wife.]

She'll continue as before ....

2011-12-08, 06:09 AM
Dot & co make it back to the stables by about an hour after dawn, all looking a bit dissheveled and the worse for wear. The effect is not improved by the dead assassin that Clyde plunks down in a secluded corner of the courtyard - mustn't startle the precious horses on the big day, after all.

Passing a hand over weary eyes, Dot searches the killer's face as if it might actually provide answers. Which, of course, it might.

2011-12-08, 07:59 AM
There dont seem to be a whole lot of answers from the killer's face. The first thing is that almost all of it is covered with a black cloth, just leaving enough to see and breathe through. Once face stripped, his face is unremarkable, the face of a stone cold killer. The only item that would give any clue as to his identity is the medallion Dot and Darya found earlier with the mountain symbol on it, which identifies him as a follower of Dantilus Telgar.

Know: Religion 15
Dantilus Telgar is the god of the mountains
Know Religon 20
Dantilus is a N/E evil god of black magic
Know Religion 25
Dantilus is second in power only to Rohdan among evil gods, and is one of only two gods (Morgaz being the other) that believes in blood sacrifices.
Know Religion 30
There is a shadowy and much feared cult of assassins that work and worship Dantilus, clearly this man is one of them

OOC: make only one roll, and go as far into the spoilers as your roll permits.

2011-12-08, 03:56 PM
Lok-Too-Loo-Baz makes a DC 30 Religion check automatically (and would be aided by Lil anyway). He shares what he knows about Dantilus Telgar ... which is the whole megillah.

2011-12-08, 04:04 PM
Dot looks around at the others as the group starts to reassemble. There are clearly things that she'd like to chat about, but glances at Darya and sends her a telepathic prod.

"This would seem to be your tale to tell. I was only there for the end, and I suspect that Melinda would be scandalized by someone starting a story in the middle."

2011-12-08, 05:44 PM
Upon waking and dressing himself, Tallesin strolls over to the stables to meet with Darya and the others for breakfast. His bets already placed, there isn't much for Mr. Eliado to do today other than offer encouragement and whatever more practical measures Darya might want (ex. review of opposing horses, spell protections [if legal], etc). Obviously, he is currently listening to Darya's story of last night's events.

2011-12-08, 07:22 PM
"To us," Melinda dedicates, raising her own glass wistfully. "As do we all dream."

"More seriously, I'm sure Her Holiness will enjoy the opportunity to leave her mark," Melinda remarks as she proceeds to down some more wine, leaving only a tiny bit at the bottom. "Can't imagine she'll refuse." She begins to make the motions to rise. "If you'll excuse me for a minute, I shall send to Varstok. I'm glad to have reached our current understanding. And I imagine I'll be seeing a lot more of you in the future." Powerful people were always so interesting. Powerful and wealthy, a combination to be savored.

She is halfway out of her chair, having quit her seat on the side closer to Terry, and is about to turn away from the table when she stops. Her one hand rests on the near side of the chair back. "One thing before I go. I came here with my agent tonight." Her other hand moves to stroke the stem of the rose behind her ear, and frames her face. "Do I have your commitment, for me to tell him not to expect me to leave with him?" Melinda asks, leaning suggestively. "He is a good friend. I'd hate to keep him waiting for me."

2011-12-08, 07:46 PM
Terry takes the decanter of wine, and pours another glass for Melinda.

You are more than welcome to spend as much of night with me as you wish. I would hope that its more, rather than less. Im sure your agent can find something else to amuse his time with. I would love the chance to enjoy your company further. Perhaps we can discuss things other than business.

2011-12-08, 08:09 PM
"I'll tell him," the bardess acknowledges, nodding. She sighs through a bemused smile, then bends her neck over to his head and whispers in his ear. "In the meantime, start thinking about how -small- of a token amount you might be willing to offer for the privilege of being the first man to bed this champion of the Cups since her competition, hm?"

She draws back slowly, like a hawk hooding its catch. Two long fingers brush across Terry's shoulder as she leaves, humming.

What am I thinking? What from him would I have the gall to refuse? Melinda thought to herself as she turned a corner and vanished from sight. A bit flustered, she pinged Zanthia again through the necklace. Her Holiness hadn't responded to the first one, but Melinda really did need to make sure Zanthia knew that she'd been volunteered to sit on Terry Benedict's Board of Directors. Then she could tell Tallesin not to expect her. Then she could dodge Lil on the way back to Terry's table, whose presence she had just noticed, and only then would she at last have an offer to deal with, if she had enough presence of mind left...


Indeed, it didn't take her very long at all to accept his offer.

2011-12-08, 08:40 PM
Darya, who has brought Sword with her to not let him out of her eyes, is just finishing a rather generous breakfast. She chows down, sighs once and then sits up straight to begin her report.
"Alright, since all of you know different parts of the story, I'll just tell the whole thing from the beginning:
When at the stables yesterday I was asked by what was probably Sword but might also have been Tishtina or one of her messengers speaking in his name to stay the night. The reason became abundantly clear when in the middle of the night we were attacked by the man some of you have already seen. And I'll have to say that while he wasn't a match for me he certainly was a competent assassin, not some hired thug. Although discovering the sign of Dantilus Telgar does clear that up anyway, but in any case he wasn't a pushover.
The most interesting part is that he wasn't going for me at all, he actually turned his back to me when he was losing the fight to get a desperate hit on Sword. He didn't, but both me having to stay at the stables and him sacrificing his life to go for Sword are pretty strong signs there. Unfortunately I couldn't make him give up and protecting Sword didn't have time to end it nonlethally. I guess we can get out some bare minimum with magic though.
I personally believe that this isn't so much about the race but about Sword's role in the prophecy. The attacker was a fanatical cultist of a dark god, an assassin is probably to expensive to hire against a race competitor that seems weak and we've had multiple sign for Sword to be part of the prophecy.
So what's your opinions, and what did you find out from the body?"

2011-12-09, 12:38 AM
Dot starts wih the last question, since it's the one she's most capable of answering.

"There were no distinctive markings on the body, and no belongings that would further distinguish him. Which suggests a pro, and someone who was already staying somewhere here in town. There was a range of relatively powerful magic items - a sword, an amulet, gloves, and so forth, in case anyone would like to take a look. As I mentioned last night, Darya's theory that this attempt was related to our mission and not the race also suggests that the worshippers of other gods know more about the future of our quest than our own goddesses. Not a situation I'm particularly happy about.

"I'm hoping that we might be able to pry some answers from the remains of this killer. I don't suppose anyone has a gift for speaking with the dead?"

2011-12-09, 02:33 AM
Though not saying anything out loud, Lok-too-loo-baz telepathizes directly with Dot, "Prophecies are made through the living, not the dead. Other than what I know about Dantilus' cult of assassins, The One has given me no ability to learn from the dead themselves."

2011-12-09, 08:02 AM
(Note, I never listed magic items found on the dead assassin, amulet of health +6 & natural armour +4, gloves of dexterity +4, belt of strength +4, short sword +2, boots of speed, bracers of armour +4)

2011-12-09, 12:26 PM
Editing my post above to reflect this. Also, I'm happy to have others take the gear, but Dot would like to distribute the leftovers among her menagerie, as loaners.

2011-12-09, 01:24 PM
Not one to leave a client before he wakes, Melinda shows up slightly late for the morning gathering. She is clearly dressed for a day at the races. Over the usual form-defining garments, the bardess is wearing a light golden chemise with metallic thread embroidering over a frilled ruby-red skirt. A grass-reed parasol lies balanced over her shoulder, and her earlobes sport a pair of ruby earrings that match the party's new necklaces.

"I don't suppose anyone has a gift for speaking with the dead?"

Melinda shakes her head. "Not me, Dot." She instinctively looks at the Nocticulans of the group, wondering if any of them will pick up that lead. "You know, we could consider making a stink about it. The authorities won't look kindly on any interference in the races, even if it's on a massive underdog. Lia, do you think that's worth doing? Or do you think we'd be safer without the extra commotion?"

She looks to the horse, and her eyes betray a trace of worry. "Darya, how has Sword been feeling since the incident? How's his appetite?"

2011-12-09, 01:39 PM
At Melinda's question, everyone's gaze flicks absently to Sword. What they see surprises them just a little. Instead of Sword's usual bored and eating just because there is nothing better to do attitude, he is actually munching down on some real (horse) food right now, and then looking around like he might interested in a treat of some kind.

2011-12-09, 11:21 PM
As the discussion continues, a young page boy comes running up to the stable area where the group is talking. He skids to a halt, mouth slightly agape at the sight of so many beautiful women, and then stammers out his message.

T-T-Theyve drawn out-t-t the post p-p-positions ma'am, m-m-ma'ams-s-s...Sword got d-d-drawn into the pole, the first p-p-position.

2011-12-09, 11:40 PM
Darya was just beginning to answer "Well, as you can see he's much more respons-" when the boy barges in. She stares at him blankly for a few moments but quickly regains her composure.
"Alright, this is a little surprise. I guess our nightly admirer has contacts around here. This just might reduce our bets a bit, or it might just be a mockery. But whatever it is supposed to mean, I am quite sure that Sword does not need but very well deserve it.
Don't you think, too?" she asks in Sword's direction.

2011-12-10, 12:29 AM
"And which horses are in the other positions?" She instinctively suppresses a laugh at the boy, who might almost be taller than she is. "Who drew them? Did they send you to tell Sword's jockey?"

2011-12-10, 08:25 AM
S-S-Sword holds the inside position, n-n-ext to him is P-P-P-Private Smiles, then M-M-My Gallant, Twice a Prince, and S-S-Sham to the outside. The positions were drawn by the J-J-Jockey Club, of course. I-I-I-I was sent to tell Sword's rider, just as others were d-d-dispatched to tell the others.

Sword snorts his head just a bit at Darya's words, perhaps he reacted to them or perhaps he was just getting down the last of his oats. He comes forward to the amazon however, sniffling at any saddlebags she might have, seeing if there might be any treat inside, like an apple or sugarcubes.

2011-12-10, 09:12 AM
Dot smiled faintly, delighted by the change in Sword's manner.

"It would seem that Sword thrives under pressure. Perhaps a steady diet of assassination attempts will turn him into the companion Darya envisions."

2011-12-10, 09:40 AM
Darya grabs something suitable for Sword off the breakfast table and feeds it to him.
"Maybe, but I'd rather not spend every night in the stables and I doubt that's what Tishtina had in mind for me when she chose this. After all, who if not her can appreciate a nice bed and company?"

2011-12-10, 09:47 AM
Dot's eyebrows shoot up, but she rolls with it and responds mentally to Darya only.

"Ah yes. I seem to recall hearing of an ancient leader who tried something similar. Catherine the Great, she was called. Well, whatever you think will help Sword."

She expands to the rest of the group.

"No one for the body, then? Hmm. Well, I suppose that we can make arrangements when we're next back at a temple. If no one objects, then, I'll tuck this away. Nothing spoils a party like a dead killer."

2011-12-10, 10:30 AM
Except a living one, of course. Now, is there anything important to be done before the race?

2011-12-10, 11:15 AM
There is an apple on the table, a nice red and big one. Sword seems happy to crunch through it, even though it doesnt last too long in his jaws.

2011-12-10, 03:34 PM
"Great," Melinda lets out, resigned. Over the night Sword had progressed from mopey teenager to petulant eight-year-old. Well, at least she knew how to deal with eight-year-olds. The bardess shifts emotional gears on a dime. She whistles a little charm to make sure he understood. "Oh Swo-ord...," she tempts. "Look what I've got here?" She was holding a pear in front of her, red and green and delectably ripe. Hide all the other ones, quickly.

"Ah - ah - ah...!" Melinda retracts the pear to her own chest, and then to the other side of her body as she turns a shoulder to the inevitable obtrusive nose. "Not for you. Not for you yet. You just had an apple." She puts her hands on her hips and wears her sternest Auntie look. "And you didn't ask for it first. Bad boy." She shakes her head. Then with a crunch she takes a juicy bite out of the fruit to let its wet fragrance waft into the air. "No no no, if you want a piece of this, you're going to come out with Darya and me to the track. And you're going to run as fast as you can. You hear me? As fast as you can." There was ever so slight a hint of magical push in her voice.

At the obvious mention of the track being occupied, Melinda sighs. "...Fine, we'll go somewhere else. There's got to be a park of some sort open... or we'll just trek to the outskirts of town and be back before noon."

2011-12-11, 12:20 AM
Melinda's plan to use healing magic on Sword if he runs today should allow them to do a warm up today...and seeing as the rest of the day's races dont start until noon, they can at least run on the Belmont track right now. Unfortunately, when they head out for the practice, it produces more japes from onlookers.
Race isnt for several hours ladies
Maybe with that headstart he'll manage a show result
Maybe she wants to see which way shes going to have to go when it starts
Worse still, when they get Sword out on the track and try to have him run, the results are no better than before, even with Melindas planned reward of fruit.
Either he is dead or my watch has stopped
Last one across the line wins a consolation prize
Thanks for boosting the betting pot
As the group trudges back to the stables, things certainly dont look any rosier than before. Darya is able to lay on hands to restore all the energy that Sword exerted, but by the looks of it, it wasnt much.

2011-12-11, 12:47 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Taleira meets the rest of the group, looking pleased with herself. On seeing the general look of unhappiness on her returning teammates, Tali suppresses her smile and manages to look concerned. "What's wrong?"

2011-12-11, 01:21 PM
Lia has been conspicuously quiet since the early morning when she took an hours rest from her vigil over Sword.

Whilst the others gather and discuss matters Lia seems lost in thought.
After a time, once the others return from the track, Lia absently offers Sword a couple of sugar cubes as she strokes his nose.

2011-12-11, 01:39 PM
With a quick look to make sure Melinda isnt going to cut off her off at the path, Sword moves quickly to get the proferred sugar cubes from Lia, who now has a very wet hand.

2011-12-12, 06:39 PM
Melinda doesn't move to stop him. She is far too perplexed to do so. Having finished her pear in disgust, the bardess has her arms folded across her chest, and softly knocks her own head against the stick of her parasol over and over again. She runs detect thoughts to see if she can detect any transition in Sword's feelings between trotting happily up for treats and then simply refusing to run.

"What's wrong, huh, boy? Why is life not worth living?" It was completely unclear what precisely the issue was that caused the horse to lack for spirit. She couldn't imagine that Sword was in any way mistreated as a foal. But how else could a horse have such grand issues of temperament, in the hands of as capable a trainer as Carson?

2011-12-12, 07:19 PM
With nothing left to do before the race, the party merely spends their time waiting for the race time. Most of the group seems resigned to their fate, not sure of how to inspire Sword to do great things, but Darya seems calm, bolstered by her faith in Tishtina.
About an hour before the race, Casandra and another woman show up in the stables to wish the group well. Initially, Casandra seems as dubious as the rest of the group, but she has faith as well, and trusts in Tishtina guiding Darya to this horse. She tells the party that Dalcar and Zanthia are around somewhere, but probably wont show up at the stables, horses just arent their thing.
After she leaves, time passes quickly, and when the call to the post sounds, Darya mounts up, and with Dot leading the reins, they join the post parade out onto the track, and once around in front of the stands.

The horses come to the starting gate, and Sword, holding the post position is loaded in first. As the gate behind them closes....a change comes over Sword. He seems to swell in size, growing into the promise that his legs always seemed to give. His coat smooths, fills out, and colours up perfectly to the classic chestnut color, truly now a Big Red, and his mane becomes proud and long. Darya, sitting astride him can tell, he is now a truly magnificent steed, more than suitable to be called a paladin's warhorse. As well, the long hoped for mental contact is joined, and Sword's first thoughts to her are....Lets RUN! He looks around with disdain at the other horses, how dare they share a starting gate with him. With that thought, the starting gate opens, and.....

Sword Race (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-uSdqXjyr0&feature=plcp&context=C2b340UDOEgsToPDskKa2FKmfSWeXsQwfS4ubjeG)

and once done, the scroll of prophecy shines once more...The Sword that has not been broken must be fixed, and joined to us.

2011-12-12, 09:41 PM
'Laelle' smiles, thinking of the coin won for herself (and for those who gave her money ... I have to go back in the posts and be careful to make sure everything is done). She senses 'Lukasz' beaming and she looks back and up to him.

"It seems we've done well today ... we've all done well," telecasts Lil.

"True, there's the coin as well ..." thinks Lok to Lil.

'Laelle' studies 'Lukasz' for a minute and thinks 'out loud', "Oh, please, don't tell me you prophesied this."

"Of course not, my Lady," shrugs 'Lukasz,' who then smiles even more broadly, "I didn't prophesy this ... it was prophesied by Cassie some 800 years ago."

2011-12-12, 11:30 PM
Tallesin watches the race from a spectator's box for the well-to-do merchants, dressed in a fashionable but appropriate suit. Engaging his peers in polite small talk, he struggles to hide his growing concern over Sword behind his usual foppish demeanor, but even so, his fears of defeat are palpable.

The miracle that instead occurs on the racetrack puts the talkative wizard at a loss for words. Among the merchants, Tallesin is left a stiffly formal, stunned man, but mentally he is simply lost in a blissful swirl of thoughts about Sabrina, the quest and the emerging trinity. As the crowds disperse, he staggers down to join the others, but still he is relatively speechless at Darya's victory. "That was... my lady, you were... that is to say... erm... quite good. Yes." Embarrassed, he positions himself towards the group's edge, where he hopefully will have the time to collect himself before speaking further. Tallesin's raven familiar clucks at him, trying to break the man out of his stupor, but for now, the mage is captured by his rejoicing thoughts. For all his tongue-tied words, the smile that bursts through it all indicates he truly is happy, and unlike previous ones, this is no smirk or joking grin but an actual delighted smile.

[OOC: For any theater fans out there, this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr3dBM8Yoi0) is how Tallesin and his crowd would behave at the races.]

2011-12-13, 01:34 AM
As soon as the race is over, Dot and co are at the window to collect their earnings. No sense in delaying, and there'd be plenty of time to congratulate horse and rider later, after the public accolade-ing has taken place. She does her best to avoid grinning very widely.

Just in case, Dot will have true sight and arcane sight active during her transactions at the casino's booth.

2011-12-13, 11:29 PM
The clerks at the betting window are quite calm when handing over the money to Dot and the rest of the group, after all, the casino's system of paramutuel wagering ensures that they dont lose money no matter what happens. Of course, there are a few disappointed horse racing patrons, especially the owners of Sham (who, in the final analysis even got passed by Private Smiles and finished last) who arent pleased with the party's winnings but thats the way the game works.

Bets and Payouts
Taleira's 1,000..........110,000
Tallesin's 1,000.........110,000
Melinda's 25,000.......2,750,000
Dot's 55,000.............6,050,000
Lil's 3,000.................330,000
Darya's 3,000............330,000

2011-12-13, 11:38 PM
Lil telepathizes to the others, "Take it from a girl who manipulated others into bad decisions ... don't spend all of this in one place - as in region or kingdom, even half a continent. Unless, of course, you wish to chuckle when you see the economy collapse."

She picks up her winnings and those of her client (Darya), then hands over Darya's winnings.

What is the actual currency in question? I'm sure there isn't enough gold itself on the platinum to handle this ...

2011-12-14, 08:34 AM
Dot also heads out of the betting parlour immediately, and distributes winnings appropriately.

"I believe that Lil is right. Perhaps, before we go, we can leave a portion with a local steward - the former owners of the house, perhaps - for the construction and maintenance of the shrine."

2011-12-14, 05:52 PM
Melinda's race reaction

Cassandra's appearance does very little to cheer Melinda up, and the news that Dalcar and Zanthia will be watching from the shadows makes it worse. She has largely resigned herself to her own humiliation already as she heads for the race.

She closes her eyes as the bell goes off, lets herself and her spirit get out of the way of anything that might happen. The bell rings. She counts to four. Then Melinda opens her eyes, and a gasp of new hope escapes her lips as she realizes that five horses and not four have darted out of the starting gates. With sheer amazement she watches as the race takes form.

One of old myths of the fellowship that had never made any sense was about how Melias had created horses in an attempt to seduce Sabrina when she was still a young goddess, but that he himself fell in love with the creatures he'd created and run off to enjoy them instead. Melinda finally understood how it was possible for such a myth to have taken root.

Sword by twelve!...Sword by fourteen lengths!

Together, Darya and Sword made winning look so easy, like breathing in and out. Together, they could have run around the earth, as if none of the other horses or riders, or even the track, were even there. Where did that energy come from?

This is the power of trust, said one of her own voices from within her heart, a voice which she had not allowed herself to hear for many years. Against a seemingly endless void of uncertainties, trust in another, trust in that same's trust in oneself, can unlock the future itself.

Against that proposition, Melinda realized, she still felt fake, naked, and alone. She was rich now. And her Fellowship was yet richer. This only threw into relief how that basest of Sabrinan jokes, which she had playfully thrown at Elise while they were trading the dozens during the Cups, really belonged now on her own head. As much as Melinda was in it for love, and fellowship, and art, and celebrity, she was in it for the money. Her achievements in these past few days had made her nearly perfect as a Sabrinan. But would it do for a Triune goddess of love? That was much more unclear.

As Darya rounds the bend and her features come once more into view, Melinda lays her heart's doubts aside. Now was not the time for such thoughts. The Fellowship had too much initiative for her to waste any of it on petty misgivings of her own past.

The bardess lets out a hearty cheer for the victorious duo as Sword thunders past the finish line.


"We have some decent financial resources of our own now," Melinda comments as Dot proceeds with the distribution. "I don't know what Dot's planning to do with hers, but I was serious about leaving my share of the winnings to this project, building a base for our cause. We should devote some effort to considering how we can best invest these winnings. Ten people would be hard pressed to spend thousands of mithril without wasting it like fools."

2011-12-15, 02:04 AM
Lia stays with Darya and Sword right up until they are called on to the track, and then she quietly rejoins many of the others in the stands.
As the race unfolds, Lia smiles and then proceeds to fade in amongst the crowd where she takes the precaution of assessing those around, particularly when the others collect their winnings.

[Cast Detect thoughts (heightened to 8th): Will save DC29]


"We have some decent financial resources of our own now," Melinda comments as Dot proceeds with the distribution. "I don't know what Dot's planning to do with hers, but I was serious about leaving my share of the winnings to this project, building a base for our cause. We should devote some effort to considering how we can best invest these winnings. Ten people would be hard pressed to spend thousands of mithril without wasting it like fools."Lia's mental voice can be heard very clearly as she responds, "A portion to the shrine and what it is to become is a good idea, but as much as you have won, it is much more than I would conceive to be necessary for such. I would propose another idea for the bulk of any winnings that be dedicated to our cause ... I suggest the money be invested and used in support of the new Faith that the Trinity will engender.", she pauses, "I fear the new faith will need such 'independant' support"

2011-12-15, 02:19 PM
Lia's mental voice can be heard very clearly as she responds, [I]"A portion to the shrine and what it is to become is a good idea, but as much as you have won, it is much more than I would conceive to be necessary for such. I would propose another idea for the bulk of any winnings that be dedicated to our cause ... I suggest the money be invested and used in support of the new Faith that the Trinity will engender.", she pauses, "I fear the new faith will need such 'independant' support"

Dot chimes in, already mentally sketching out a way to adapt and protect the cottage/shrine.

"I agree, Lia. If we overload this new shrine with trinkets and baubles, it becomes a target for thieves. A simple protective structure for the cottage, perhaps a small dormitory and food service area nearby where the faithful may stay and learn more about the Prophet's work, a small stables, a gift shop, and money to pay acolytes, a couple of guards, nothing major...a hundred and fifty thousand should cover costs for the first three to four years.

"Barring other needs, then, I'll look for other opportunities to invest and support the new church...once there's a new church."

2011-12-15, 04:13 PM
Melinda chuckles a bit. "The Carsons still live there, and they asked us to keep it small for the time being. And this backwater town isn't Erandol. I think fifteen thousand could cover costs for a few years. Another fifteen thousand in ten or twenty years, when the Carsons pass away, could build a decent reliquary. And then we'll make an endowment from there once we have an idea of how much pilgrim traffic there might be."

"Lia, you -might- be able to get my dead body to disagree with you," jokes Melinda. "I think it's become more and more obvious that we need to do some base-building." She widens to the others. "I know this may sound like a distraction from the pursuit of the prophecy, but we're not just here to fulfill a prophecy. We're here to build a church. A growing church with living traditions. And that starts with membership. Szer, Pauline, Leanne, Arcaneous, Elise, Lystara? They're gone, but we have to keep them working for us, spreading the message and recruiting from inside and outside the ranks. How can we go about evangelizing if we can't even hold on to our own core members? We need to expand our core membership, not let it suffer attrition. And we can't put this off forever. In many ways, the farther we go about fullfilling this prophecy without enough core membership to stand behind it, the more we actually deprive the Trinity of its prophecied opportunities.

"Last night I took the liberty of acquiring us a temporary, more independent venue of operations. Depending on how things go, it might become more permanent. I've volunteered myself into a position as Terry Benedict's artistic director for a new joint venture he's undertaking with the Sabrinite Fellowship. I'm sure he wouldn't mind a few consultants, and I would definitely appreciate an opportunity to collaborate with each of you artistically. There's a lot of talent and taste in this group. We can go far."

The bardess's tone waxes a bit dreamy. "This might be a stretch, but with enough artistic reputation, the Triune will have its first proper public face, a more unobjectionable public face than a theological one would be. We won't need to pretend to ambassadorship or hide behind canon law to visit places we need to go. People could even invite us to perform for them, pay for us to come and build our faith. And then we can adapt our emerging theology organically to how it can best grow."

Melinda stops herself and shakes her head. "I'm talking too much again. We should find Darya, and Their Holinesses as well." She bags her winnings and starts making her way towards the awards platform.

2011-12-16, 11:58 PM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Taleira, once again, appears suddenly nearby with her own input. And speaking of covering costs, I think it might be wise to put some of the money to work setting up a steady income source or three, both for our own futures and for the independence of the Triune faith. I certainly plan to look into that for myself, regardless, but it's worth mentioning since I'm certain some of you are much better businesswomen than I. As for the home shrine building effort, let me know how much you think will be needed and I'll chip in a share.

2011-12-18, 06:04 PM
While the rest of the party makes their plans and collects their winnings, Darya and Sword are lead to the winner's circle, where Sword is draped with a blanket of white carnations, while a trophy is presented to Darya. Despite the length of the race and the speed he ran at, Sword looks like he barely broke a sweat to do so.
Lets run that again, that was fun
There are still a few sour looks from the crew that was backing Sham, but there was nothing they could do, Sword had become an unstoppable force, and trying to run with him had been impossible. After the celebrations and presentations, Darya and Sword are free to leave and rejoin the group.

2011-12-26, 09:00 PM
"Hey hey, mubaraka!" The bardess piles on the victorious Darya in what is quickly becoming a vicious grouphug. "That was amazing! Simply amazing! I'm going to have to introduce you like that from now on," she threatens. "Amazing Grace, Flower of Gallantry. Salilah ad-Din (Righteousness of the Faith), for your faith has won this day!"

"And you!" She turns to the prizewinning horse, and huffs a few times in his nose. "Sword, you proud, sly creature. I'll bake you some treats when we get home, I'll bet you'd like that, huh?" She lets herself fade out of the center of the action so that Darya can get more completely piled on by the others. "And I'll bring Carson a few bottles of champagne, too. This is his break too. Then we'll figure something out from there."

2011-12-27, 01:55 AM

Laelle shows up. "Well done, Darya, well done indeed. I believe your winnings will be ready for you when you go to pick them up" .... [telepathized ]"but it would be indiscreet to do so here" ... [spoken] "and the Goddesses look favorably on our venture, but today is your day ..... and let us not forget, that of your magnificent steed as well, who surprised us all in more ways than one."

Lukasz says simply. "This is why I thought it silly to bet .... I had seen it, but betting on horses is about a gamble, not about what is known."

To the group, through the rubies if they are not present, telepathically: "Ladies, auspicious day indeed. But let us not tarry on shrines that have no patroness yet. There is still more to learn at the Church of Sabrina, about that lightning sword, and with other clues ..."

2011-12-30, 12:41 AM
"Let's visit Varstok then," suggests Melinda. "I need to go there anyway, so I'd probably end up in the circle with at least one of you, but I think it's about time we all did, and what better timing than now? Telepathically, she adds, "We seem to be blocking on the issue of money. I'm sure Her Holiness with her bounty of connections can present us with plenty of investment options."

2011-12-30, 01:21 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Tali shrugs. "Varstok is as good a place as any, I suppose."

2011-12-30, 01:25 AM
Dot nods thoughtfully.

"There would seem to be no better time to do so than after our recent windfall. I'm in."

2011-12-30, 03:26 AM
Lildorrinene (and Lok-too-loo-baz) are ready to go to Varstok ...

2011-12-30, 10:13 AM
There are other cities with more military power than Varstok, and there are cities with more arcane power than Varstok. There are even cities with more political power than Varstok. But there is not one city in all of Daystor that has more economic power than Varstok. Blessed with a large natural harbour, favourable trading distances to cities of North and South Enicom, freedom from the political machinations of Erandol and Rennador, a warm (Mediterranean) climate and a cosmopolitan populace, Varstok has flourished throughout Daystor history as a place where fortunes can be made through business. Every major Daystor corporation has at least an office there, and the most powerful of them all is Amazon Enterprises, headed by Natasha Sanitar and her business (?) associate, Zanthia Bindar. But, they are by no means the only players in Varstok, there is something for everyone in this city, and it said that if you cant find it to buy in Varstok, then its just not available in the world. Nor does it matter when you want to buy it either, because Varstok as well is a city that never sleeps.

In other worlds and other realities, religion and commerce do not mix, but in Daystor, the deities of the world are interwoven into the economic tapestry, and so, the churches in Varstok are some of the grandest in the land. The most prominent and grand is, of course, the one of Alatia Domar, the goddess of wealth, for this is her city; and they are also the most numerous in the city. But as you approach the high temple and festhall of Sabrina, you can see that no expense was spared in this construct. Melinda and Dot, as those who have visited almost all of the temples of Sabrina in Daystor, can see the difference here, the hand of the goddess on this, her masterpiece shrine. Everything is just a little bit brighter, every metal and polished item gleams just a little bit more, there isnt a speck of dust to be found, the women that much more beautiful and seductive, the activity just that much more intense. Whether it is the music hall, the gambling parlour, the restaurant or any of the other vices available here, they are just that much better. The temple itself is made of the finest and most expensive materials money can buy, and infused with the spirit of Sabrina herself. For Melinda especially, the feeling is intense, like the Cup competition itself, Sabrina knows everything that transpires here.

For the party, the reaction to their arrival mirrors the reaction that they have seen in the temple of Nocticula and Tishtina. All the priestesses know who they are, and what they will be doing to the religion; and just like both the others, they are excited about the prospect. People on the outside of the Triune who know about the prophecy would say that the religion of Sabrina is the weakest of the three, the one who has the least chance of coming out on top; but does have the chance of being queen-maker in the balance of power...but you would never know it from the reaction to the group’s arrival. Like the others, the priestesses and followers of Sabrina are no less eager to move the prophecy along, and see what the new world will bring. The group hears many well-wishers and words of encouragement as they walk along, and finally, they are in the presence of Zanthia.

2011-12-30, 06:26 PM
As they pop into Varstok, walking past the towering Amazon Enterprises, a predominantly human party comes strolling out. The women of the Triune-To-Be are used to being gawked at - each one a beauty, but no beauty contest in the world can compare with this cross section - so they ignore them.

A rakish woman tries to give them no notice, beautiful but nearly as compared to the group. A particularly slovenly man - early 30s but so rough in life he looks like he's 40, with stringy, graying hair and balding pate and rheumy eyes, wearing a breastplate that is so dirty and unkempt that you'd never know it was mithral were it not for the ease with which he wears it. He stops as if he's been caught in a spell and stares at the group and just starts shuffling forward. A human woman, some type of spellcaster smacks her head in frustration, and a dashing half-elven man - some type of rake or politician or both says, "Ale, we have a ship to catch ... a different type of she, though our tastes must converge on this point, my friend."

"Sombitch, you ever seen anthin' so purdy, Ebby?" says the professional drunk in a faint slur while still trance-like walking to the convocation of Beauty Incarnates.

The half-elf whispers intently, "Ale, we have a ship to catch for the next you-know-what before you-know-who can get it before us. William?"

A big man with an axe tries to hold back the man, but the drunk has mongoloid-strength and keeps moving. The half-elf, seeing that his friend is now within 15' of the women - and likely embarrassment, for his keen can tell that they are well beyond the group's own capacities - looks at another man, "Samuel, a little help? Now!"

The last one, a robed man, casts a little spell and says, "Alewalker, I overheard a rumor that the captain on the ship is loading up Rennador 151 in some hand casks for after we complete our voyage successfully."

The thin-pated reprobated stops cold, all visual connection to the women lost as he he dreamily says, "After? After? You never know if there'll be an after, but there's always a present!" And with that, he shows surprising (and erratic agility) in weaving in and out of the crowds while heading towards the docks.

The group starts to walk towards the docks away from the Melinda & Co. The axe-man futilely calls, "Dammit, Alewalker, don't drown yourself before we get to our mission!"

The half-elf mutters, "No doubt there, my ursine friend. There's a reason we're taking a ship ... to stay dry in the first place. C'mon. When he finds out there isn't any of that Rennadorian firewater, he's going to dismantle the ship plank-by-plank."

And with that, they are gone. No doubt, much of this really went unnoticed by the Ladies of the Three, for this happens all the time. And this impact on the surrounding peoples is exactly why each member of the Trinity is a goddess of Chaos. :smallsmile:

2012-01-01, 03:56 AM
Melinda, as usual, is not looking forward to teleportation nausea. As the space-warping spell takes root in her flesh, several folds of skin twitch between her nose and eyes and betray a wrenching wince of anticipation.

Yet upon the Fellowship's arrival, the bardess takes but one sniff of familiar, seaside air, and at once her presence is filled with loveliness. "Varstok," she says. She opens her eyes and inhales through her mouth as well. "We're here." Home.

Melinda's eyes dart left and right. "I'll show you around all my favorite nooks once I have leave to," she promises the whole group, grabbing Tali's hand especially snugly. "Alas, I'm not the one whose privilege it is to play hostess here." A strange twinge of emotion there... was it envy? ...ambition? ...hope? Defintely not nothing. The question was if that emotion had been innocuous, which, strange as it might sound, it could yet have been. For when the bardess turns and practically skips down the narrow, cobblestone alley in which they had arrived, it is with the youthful, giddy step of an obedient daughter having returned from market with all the right vegetables at a good price.


"Your Holiness," Melinda begins, with a curtesy. "This day has been most blessed for our fellowship. I hope Our Lady has found your person equally well." She advances delicately to kiss Zanthia's ring. "I'm so glad we've finally come. We've managed to run ourselves out of obvious leads from the Prophet's life, but there are so many more strands of prophecy that remain unwoven into the tapestry of our understanding. Just before we had gone to Belmont Park we were ready to implement a rather extensive research agenda. Now we also have to decide how to manage our finances," Melinda frames the obvious. "For a time I felt our call here was overdue, but now I think we've come just in time."

2012-01-02, 03:25 AM

Lildorriene, out of respect to Zanthia, will revert to natural form (and mentally commands the same of Lok-too-loo-baz, who is behind his mistress). She gives what ever cordiality diplomacy deems best in this situation from someone of her station. Since he is a servant, she does not initiate any introduction of Lok', though his particular presence may be of some curiosity to Zanthia. Other than that, she does not usurp Melinda's speaking to her high priestess.

2012-01-02, 07:27 AM
Dot has been even quieter and more withdrawn than usual as the group moves through Varstok. She is reassured by the tidy and gleaming state of affairs, but there was also the disquieting sense of a good many unhatched chickens being counted. She had thrived in the past by working from the shadows, engaging a very specific clientele. Now it would appear that she was a public figure, and might be relegated to being such for some time.

Melinda, as she had so often done in the past, spoke fairly and reasonably on behalf of all of them, and Dot was content to stay in the background.

2012-01-02, 09:51 AM
Zanthia welcomes you all to the high temple, and with a wave of her hand, attendant priestesses come forward with any and all forms of refreshments and edibiles.

That was a most surprising race, was it not? I had looked in on Sword a few times before the race, and what I saw certainly didnt fill me with hope. Things certainly changed quickly though, my mother has always been full of those sorts of surprises.
So I assume with the odds that Sword was carrying, you are all now flush with gold, and are looking for the best way to put that money to work in advancing the cause of the trinity? And getting an in with the casinos was a brilliant stroke as well Melinda, my compliments.
Getting a start on a shrine at the birthplace of the prophet might be a good place to start and there are many other ways to make revenue. If you dont mind breaking a few laws, there are even more.

2012-01-02, 11:32 AM
Zanthia ... If you dont mind breaking a few laws, there are even more. At that, Lildorrinene perks up.

2012-01-02, 11:45 AM
Taleira Ulharvyth

Melinda's eyes dart left and right. "I'll show you around all my favorite nooks once I have leave to," she promises the whole group, grabbing Tali's hand especially snugly.

Taleira smiles and squeezes back encouragingly. "I'd like that."


Taleira arches an eyebrow at Zanthia's suggestion. "I've a guess, but which laws did you have in mind?"

2012-01-02, 02:24 PM
"Regarding the shrine, I promised the Rogans some time to think about it all," Melinda answers. "They seemed pretty secure in their intention to go through with it when we left, so I'm not worried. I expect some of us will be returning there sometime before the week is up to close the deal. And then we can start selling little Sword figurines to all of Belmont's children and teaching them about the Trinity, I imagine. It'll make us a pittance but it will be good work and get us some recognition.

"The Rogans also asked for a priestess or three to take up residence and help them with the transition, and I would do it myself, but now I have commitments in Kroy, which I would incidentally beg some more of Your Holiness' time to talk about sometime soon. We need Elise to visit there, her divinations on that site will be powerful. But she's not available over the long term, since she has Erandol to run. Leanne, maybe?" Melinda shrugs. "Lia, you arranged for the shrine's first guardian. Do you have an opinion?"

2012-01-03, 05:07 PM
Leanne is unfortunately, occupied elsewhere. I could ask Elise to do some divinations on the site, Im sure that since she played such an important role in getting things started, she would want to look in on things from time to time.
But she cant be the regular person there....however I do have one or two candidates in mind. To be fair, only one representative should start from each faith, I'll talk to Casandra and Dalcar to see who they want to send.
So with that out of the way, whats next on your list?

2012-01-04, 02:59 AM
Walking through Varstok, Tallesin draws in deeply the familiar sights, smells and sounds, enjoying them as a connoisseur might a fine wine. Though not his birthplace, Varstok still is Mr. Eliado's home of sorts, as it was where Zanthia first examined him for higher service and where he truly felt affirmed in his new faith for the first time. It was good to be back.

After giving the proper formal greetings, Tallesin engages in the conversation, having recovered from the shock of the races. "If you do not mind my input, I say reexamining the scroll would be an easy next step, if a bit obvious. As for the shrine and money, turning them towards the unified faith is a masterful step. Yet...," He pauses to think of a tactful way to state his thoughts, "it will be difficult to draw people behind this new banner without something to engage their emotions and minds. My ladies know well the Goddesses' ability to stir hearts, but perhaps we should add something for their thoughts as well, to give real content to our converts. To teach children about the Trinity, we must be able to say something definite and unique about the Trinity. Might it be feasible for each faith to donate some scholars to debate the specifics of a revised theology? The power of strong philosophy never hurts, even for romantics like us. Short term, this step is less critical, but we must not lose our long term investments to the tyranny of the urgent. 'Tis just a thought that passed me by, you see, but it merits consideration, I wager. "

OOC: Should I/Tallesin know who Elise and Leanne are? I realize I came to this party late, but, having skimmed the IC and OOC threads before joining back in October, those names still don't ring any bells for me. Or am I supposed to be ignorant here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2012-01-04, 03:11 AM
I'm afraid I'm drawing a blank on those names as well. Soldiering on!

Clyde sets Dot down on the ground, and she steps forward to join in the conversation.

'I believe that that's an excellent suggestion, Ason. In order to be planning for success, so to speak, the Churches would do well to have a unified liturgy and profession of faith prepared. Zanthia, if it's not too impertinent, I'd suggest that the three churches may wish to gather their scholars for this very purpose.'

She pauses, considering.

'And it certainly never hurts to consult the scroll. Now that another bit of the prophesy seems to have fallen into place, perhaps more has been revealed. But I would also like a few hours here to examine other holy texts, in case it gives us further leads to follow up.'

2012-01-04, 08:57 AM
With another line (Sword) fulfilled, the scroll has now chosen to reveal another line in the prophecy.

Two must be freed, one to live and one to die.

2012-01-04, 12:35 PM

"Let's see," says Lildorrinene. That gives us the following:

Find them all
Divide the Haul
The woman, who is not a woman, must be found and convinced to join us
The Sword that has not been broken must be fixed, and convinced to join us.
The diamond necklaces must be ours.
The lightning sword likes us, the fire must too
The home must be visited, and the shrine built.
Two must be freed, one to live and one to die.

2012-01-05, 07:03 PM
"That's a very interesting revelation," comments Melinda. "As an evangelist I have to agree with Tallesin anyway, it can only help our faith to spread if we can agree on a single affirmative dogma that those we teach can teach to others. But on a more general note, I feel the prophecy is guiding us towards the decision we have needed to make about what we of three faiths want to stand for together, and what compromises we are willing to make to achieve this unity. We have before us to convince the woman who is not a woman to join us, to make the fire like us and keep the lightning sword happy with us. We have to dedicate and build a shrine upon the prophet's place of birth.

"And now this new line even contains the possibility of a choice," the bardess observes. "It may even fall to us to determine which of the two will live, and which will die, in which case we cannot afford to choose poorly. And we won't know what choosing poorly looks like unless we know what we together believe. So I think we ought to organize a major doctrinal debate before we attempt to directly pursue prophecy further."

2012-01-05, 07:17 PM
Dot tilts her head, not quite understanding. She coughs a bit nervously.

"You, ah, do understand, Melinda, that matters of doctrine and liturgy have often taken months - sometimes years to reach consensus? And that was with faiths that were starting with ONE goddess. While I have the utmost respect for your powers of reasoning and persuasion, it may be beyond our capabilities in this short time to reach such conclusions - let alone, to be able to put it into such a form as to be acceptable to the priesthood. Which, no offense meant to Zalcar and her esteemed profession, has its own predilections and interests to safeguard."

She shrugs her narrow shoulders and gives a lopsided smile.

"Still, if you insist...I would be happy to begin work on our basic research in the church's library, and to peruse your first draft as a jumping off point for discussion."

2012-01-05, 09:00 PM
"I'm not expecting a liturgy after our first debate," insists Melinda. "Much less a holy book. Just agreement upon a few seemingly self-evident ideas that each faith doesn't mind members of each other faith sharing with the lay under a Triune banner. Something that will give each of us a pitch to make, if we were to each happen upon an old friend from outside the Fellowship on the street. Something that a simple person can listen to and decide on the spot whether they believe in it or not, without having to know anything about the history of any of our three faiths or fellowships. Bonus if we can stake out some ideological, intellectual territory that no other faith has articulated."

She looks around to the others, then shrugs. "I guess you don't really need a debate for that. We could probably settle that on the patio of the café around the corner and call it a night when we're done. By the way, speaking as someone who comes from where coffee comes from, that café is very good."

2012-01-05, 10:20 PM

Lildorrinene digests Melinda and Dot's conversation. "All fair points, and all worthy pursuits. But let's not mingle the 'mission' and the 'goal.' Our 'mission' - a current enterprise - is the interpretation and following and fulfilling of the Prophecy. We have been doing this, and each success brings us closer to our 'goal' ... the endpoint (or beginning) of the legitimate establishment - not our forcing the point prematurely - of the Faith of The Goddess.

"This, of course, does not mean that other efforts should be dissuaded. However, any attempt to reach the goal before the mission, before our helping to fulfill the Prophecy itself, may well doom one, two, or all three faiths - and in turn, our entire pawnage in events that well exceed our ken and our power.

"We live in a world wherein the gods have power. Belief is tangible in the channeling of a deity's powers through its Prime-al intermediaries. We cannot exhort a Power that has no ability to grant power ... as in faith-based gifts and spells. If we do, than we are nothing more than espousing an interesting philosophy. When the people need healing, or desire love, or blessings of fertility, or vengeance on an adulterous mate ... without an extant, manifestable power from a priest or like-blessed person, any congregation you build will be soured. Should we succeed after this abortive attempt at creating a faith base, then that Law of Primacy - the first impression people have of the Goddess - will be very negative and only make building that faith in others much harder."

Lok-too-loo-baz, receiving mental permission from his mistress, adds, "As an outsider, I have had access to and have studied books of other worlds where for a variety of reasons the prevalence of divine power is almost nonexistent, or maybe pervasive but undetectable by mortal means. In such a world, mortal religion is a superstitituous, ritualistic concept based on the laughable concepts of Faith and Belief that mean something far different to us. They interpret success or failure arbitrarily, based on their cultic beliefs - that the god helped or harmed their success or failure, of that of their enemies.

"On such worlds, the strength of competing religions are, in fact, based on philosophical debate, liturgical concepts and general portfolios. But the end determination of a religion's strength is based on purely mortal concerns - who best capture's a society's desires, who is supported by a powerful military, who makes great intellectual and philosophical debate, etc. On most worlds, such as ours, this is partially so. The above help, but with the gods having real power, that has to be an equation in sharing that power on the Prime or the entire faith will be seen as ... and in point of fact will actually be ... powerless and fraudulent. Just a bunch of wackos trying to convert people through secular social, intellectual, or militant means with no visible blessing."

Now seeing as the majority of the members of the party are intelligent and/ or observant, it should not be lost on them that the reasonable argument given by Lok-too-loo-baz is spoken by the very one who came to the service of his mistress by espousing to serve the One Goddess, wears a stylized holy symbol, and claims to be a 'prophet.' His argument is lucid, and yet it seems to be ironic concerning the speaker himself.

2012-01-06, 02:18 PM
Dot pauses, trying to understand Lil's point. She gestures for Clyde to come and pick her up again. Her voice takes on an analytical tone.

"Well, yes, I think I grasp what you're saying. If the god doesn't like your philosophy, the god will not buy in, so to speak.

"The difference in this case, as Melinda has articulated, is that there is not currently an extant goddess from whom to divine the details of this faith. In fact, if I'm understanding her point correctly, there is some suggestion that the manner in which we pursue this reunification will in and of itself help to shape the foundations of the faith. A responsibility that, if true, would make our already weighty responsibilities absolutely monumental in their impact.

"If what you're looking for, Melinda, is a simple and direct expression of faith, I may be of less to you. My beliefs have changed as I have stumbled forward. My faith may not have been the bedrock that you have found. Further, while you and others here -"

She glances around at the talented group.

"- have demonstrated gifts for rhetoric, I am a simple businesswoman. Form your phrases, and I will find a way to use them."

2012-01-06, 05:59 PM
"Yes," comes Melinda's response, distressed even in agreement. "Yes, that's right. I'm glad you're recognizing the same possibilities that I am, it means I'm not crazy..."

If what you're looking for, Melinda, is a simple and direct expression of faith, I may be of less to you. ...

At this, so slowly does Melinda gasp that no sound escapes her lips. "What?...Dot..." she fails to begin, after Dot is finished. Again she tries. "Dot, why should your opinion matter less to me for being heterodox? Everything we've done together has been heterodox, I don't know why...who..." She loses her sentence again. The bardess shakes her head, then takes a breath -

- a breath she doesn't finish. "Whose beliefs haven't changed in the past few weeks, really?" she asks the room, clearly having lost a measure of self-control. "Whose haven't grown to embrace the fellowship we have? Isn't that what we're all here to do?" As if to answer her own question, her brown eyes narrow towards the Emissary with a tinge of anger, "Well, maybe not all of us. Maybe that means you've won, or something. But I don't think so." She lets that focus drop. "I certainly don't feel so.

"I'll be the first to admit that these past few weeks have challenged the simplicity of my faith, and I think these experiences have made me stronger in spirit, not weaker." The bardess's gaze returns to her lifelong friend and mentor. "You could tell me anything, Dot. And I'm not deaf. I know you've been studying Nocticula recently. I know you don't study things lightly. So tell me if you're ever prepared to recognize the Queen of Night as your matron, for you will have done what I have not yet been able to bring myself to begin. And your experience will be all the more valuable to me for it. That we all should strive to grow into each others' faiths, that our Fellowship might be strong. That is the emotional work of preparing to receive the Trinity, that something truly and wonderfully new might emerge from the Union."

2012-01-06, 06:18 PM
Dot is clearly engaged and taking Melinda's point seriously - her brow furrows. She leans forward to think. When she responds, it is through the mental link of the rubies, to all of her colleagues.

"I see your point, Melinda, of course. There are many aspects of Nocticula's faith that I find troubling. My business is founded on adherence to agreements, to plain dealing, whereas Nocticulans sometimes seem to revel in lies to cut corners, to get their own way. My apologies to those of you who follow the dark mistress, and please correct any false characterizations. But using words like 'deception' and suchlike is just window-dressing for lying and stealing.

"My hope is that the Triune will find a way to embody a, a very broad portfolio. Love is a primal force, not easily constrained to one mode of behaviour. To narrow that focus is very difficult. Love is the seemingly chance attraction of two individuals, and the chaos that the unexpected sometimes brings. Love is the deep and abiding commitment of a group of individuals to each other, and to a common ideal. And yes, love is a dark and animalistic force, marked sometimes by violence, jealousy and other forms of silliness. I think that the united goddesses have the potential to represent, support and indeed celebrate all of them."

Her focus wanders for a moment, and a half-smile forms.

"At least, I hope so. I'd miss the kinky stuff."

She shakes her head, returning to point.

"None of us take this lightly. We worship who we do for good reasons."

She pauses briefly, licking her lips.

"It should no more be a surprise that I would not worship Nocticula, any more than our Emissary would worship Sabrina. Even if some of us might have difficulty in articulating exactly why our particular choice was made. It's deeply felt, and bubbles to the surface only with great difficulty for many of us."

She sighs, rubbing her face as she loses focus.

"Which is why I'm suggesting that the finer points of this kind of dialogue be left to the professional word-parsers."

2012-01-06, 11:11 PM

Lildorrinene transmits through the rubies. "Actually, Dot, to simplify what I've said, and what Lok' watered down ... we have job to do: the fulfillment of the prophecy. Any of the grandiose politics everyone (myself not exempt) has been considering takes away from that focus. Bring the Goddess to be, then show the masses to worship She. That's all. We can be mindful of plans and strategems and plots and such, but our primary focus is fulfillment of philosophy. All of this religious talk is just that ... talk secondary to the goal of investigating the prophecy.

"Melinda, have our beliefs changed, if Dot's follow-on argument of our deep convictions holds weight? Just because you widen your focus of the interpretation of your belief doesn't mean the belief itself has changed, just the manner in which you carry it out in the world.

"Again, we can have these conversations when we have time to focus on them, but we need to turn our heads to the Prophecy and recommit once more there. As Dot said, let those who enjoy that thing - who are not so engaged as we are elsewhere - bandy these points about. If it turns out to be us after we succeed, so be it."
If we want to use Retro-spoilers or something to enjoy continuing our philosophical diatribe, great. At a gaming table, those are fun, stimulating, engaging, and wonderful RP. Sadly, we are not at a table, so every turnaround of a conversation takes forever. That's why in my games, for prolonged RP that is not crucial for plot progression, we use Retro-spoilers/ Flashbacks. The conversation is fun, and I'm willing to pursue it on the side.

But other than Ason's 're-establisment' post and a couple brief comments from Telasi, the same three of us are dominating the post, and I don't believe it's because the others aren't 'active' so much as they are patiently waiting for us to get-to-gettin' on the actual game.

2012-01-07, 01:54 AM
You're right, this is the best way to move things along. I first learned PbP in an forum which had the convention of each thread having its own timestamp, so it hadn't occurred to me to do extended retro-flashbacks in a single thread. I apologize to everyone for my mismanagement of group time.

"Dot has already made again the points I wanted to make and more, so I have little to add. But I do believe that the praxis of faith makes the difference between a living faith and a dying one." That quote came straight out of the teachings of Kiang Dehn-Sin. Melinda sighs. "I can't seem to get beyond that. I confess I place too little faith in the Prophecy itself, despite its having delivered us repeatedly, on its own initiative. I am due to ponder this, and until I've reconciled my own motivations and habits with our role in this quest I shall hold my peace in the matter." She closes her eyes and nods.

"Now that we're basically out of location clues, Dot, you have our only other potential lead on the prophecy. Aside from that, I think we're down to open-ended research and divination," Melinda offers her evaluation. "You were planning on visiting Shandis's matron in Rennador at some point, and I think it might be polite and fruitful to take her up on it after we leave here. Keeping your connection with Shandis open can only be a good thing. Would Your Holiness have any advice for us if or when we head there? Does Your Holiness know who Shandis's matron is? Any specialties of the libraries there we ought to be aware of, any notable private collections to which we might explicitly request access?"

2012-01-07, 06:59 AM

"I do ask, however," comes Lildorrinene's thoughts, "that we hold off a few days - to conduct whatever research and personal business we may have to prep ourselves for the next stage of our mission.

"Tallesin, Darya ... anyone else, please ...you offered 3,000 gp before. If you could do so again, I shall purchase the wand of cure critical wounds as before.

"Dot, I do not mind that you shall not contribute to this fund for your own reasons. However, you chided me that there are more effective healing measures out there. I've asked twice now what those measures were, and twice I've been ignored. If you know, please tell me. We all may have our personal agendas, but I am no less committed to fulfillment of the prophecy than are you, whatever you may think. With that in mind, please include my servant Lok-too-loo-baz in research; you will not want for a better assistant, and his different perspective may well serve you. I place him at your disposal for such purposes. Though an effective bodyguard for me, his main purpose here is to aid in research, not as a brute on the battlefield; that is a waste of his century of nearly ascetic study. He is not a Nocticulan 'spy' anymore than I. He is our servant and our sage.

"Zanthia, as you yourself are a High Priestess, are you willing to offer at reduced 'donation' some measure of healing magic I may use for the group? If so, we give you our continuing gratitude.

"Everyone, there will be more than enough left over for the 'nest egg' of 'church startup' when this mission is done from my funds. That said, I do suggest that we remember that only greater dangers lie ahead, so do not let your sense of duty be interpreted as ascetism on your parts. If there may be anything you think you can purchase that will aid yourself and the group, then by all means procure that. The money with which we may be too miserly will have been misplaced should we be ill-equipped for our next venture. Even if that is as simple as going over your spell lists and stocking up on an appropriate amount of 'ammuntion,' at least be sure to review.

"As for myself, if Zanthia has nothing in stock to give to our group for an appropriate 'donation', then I shall purchase what healing magic may benefit us in town. That said, I, too, have my own business to conduct, and I am sure I will need at least three days."

2012-01-07, 09:30 AM
Zanthia draws a wand from somewhere in her robes.

Casandra, Dalcar and I discussed this little matter at some length, and so we all pitched in a little of our power, and made this wand for you. It is a wand of cure critical and even more, the spells from it are maximized as per the metamagic discipline. Dont bother to ask how such power can be contained in a wand since no one else has been able to do so, we arent even sure ourselves. For the trinity, we give this for free.
As for Shandis and her matron, here is the shortened version of Rennador politics. Rennador is a human nation, but has always been devoted to evil. By a quirk of fate, they are now ruled by a drow woman, Sascha Dorin and her two assistants, Alicia Kalinar and Shandis Altavar. Shandis could be described as the muscle of the group, while there are few practicers of the arcane arts that can match Alicia.
As for advice, the only advice I can give you is that you are dealing with drow. Theres an old statement about drow, I believe Dot knows it as well "we have a name for people who trust drow...slave" While Shandis is a devotee of Nocticula, both Sascha and Alicia are not, and so their help will be limited. Hopefully the establishment of the Trinity can bring them into our group, but time will tell.
Because you are going to see the rulers of Rennador, I have no doubt you are being given access to the Rennadoran libraries. This is only one other libary that can even come close to rivalling that of Rennador and thats Erandol. Even then, its a close call. I cant suggest exactly what to research, but safe to say, if you want to find something, then theres a good chance its there.

2012-01-07, 09:38 AM

Lildorrinene accepts the wand, "On behalf of the Sisterhood, I accept this for the unselfish, unfettered, and freely given use of all of those in our group for this mission. Upon completion of this quest, should any power remain, it shall be returned to you, Zanthia. We thank all of our high priestesses for this mighty gift ... of magic, but of knowledge as well."

And as simply as that, given her mobility ... and Lia's better rogue skills and nearly comparable pure power as a beguiler ... Lildorrinene's niche is now become the party's flying, healing machine.

If there is nothing more, Lildorrinene will ask to be dismissed on business. However, she will not leave if there is more to do. In either case, she allots Lok' to Dot (including protection, if needed, though Dot may be more comfortable with her menagerie in that role ... and they might be more attuned to such service).

2012-01-07, 10:02 AM
Zanthia gives Lil her leave to depart on whatever business she has.
This doesnt mean the party cant ask more questions and discuss anything, it just frees Lil to go about her other business

For Lil
I know you sent a PM to Mikela sometime ago, if you could just send that to me again, I can look into what you are trying to find

2012-01-07, 05:13 PM

"I do ask, however," comes Lildorrinene's thoughts,
"Dot, I do not mind that you shall not contribute to this fund for your own reasons. However, you chided me that there are more effective healing measures out there. I've asked twice now what those measures were, and twice I've been ignored. If you know, please tell me. [/I][/COLOR]

Dot pauses to consider, then responds mentally.

"My apologies for not hearing your previous requests, Lil. You say so much, sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything. Before you go ahead and buy that wand, I would urge you to consider wands of Lesser Vigor instead, and perhaps a scroll or two of Heal for emergencies. Ten wands of Lesser Vigor will cure a great deal more than the wand you describe, and yet cost much less, and if you are concerned about healing in the midst of battle, scrolls of the Heal spell will do a great deal more.

"Still, as I said, the decision is yours, and I wish you joy in your shopping. And as for Lok-too-loo-baz, he is welcome to join me, if you are vouchsafing his behaviour."

Dot arches an eyebrow.

2012-01-07, 05:33 PM
[Wand discussion *ninja'd* by Zanthia.]

Lildorrinene acknowledges Dot, "Well, that solves that, but it gives me something to think about. I think the power of the Tri-Priestess Boon will be enough though. Besides, I never was much for those druid healing techniques. Sure, some clerics use them, but still. They're great for out-of-battle overall recovery ... but terrible for emergent healing, which is what cure spells were meant to do ... heal in the thick of things. And yes, I can vouchsafe that while he may be idiosyncratic - what brilliant minds aren't - he will bring you no true shame in your company, nor shall he knowingly engage in any manner of ill that would bring disrepute on us."