View Full Version : 2e Intelligent Weapon Design! Help!

2011-11-11, 10:45 AM
Loki_42, don't look please :smallsmile:. Thank you.

Hello Playground :smallsmile:.
I don't play much 2nd Edition, and this is my first time DMing second edition, and as such, I could use a bit of help designing a weapon.
This weapon I'm designing (or trying to) is for one of the PC's who's entire character backstory hinges on revenge.
as such, I like to toss in nods and things related to characters inner story lines, which essentially helped carve out the campaign.

What I imagine is this.
The sword was forged by evil Wizards by the order of Vassal Lord (X). Wanted it to take down the man who killed his wife, in cold blooded revenge. The events of that incident were lost, but the sword has seemingly drifted throughout history.
Being found on murderers, thieves, liars, and so forth. All were drawn to it, by the idea of taking vengeance, and the poison of their own souls. And with all the murders, and hatred poured through the blade, the magic has grown stronger, it has grown to know hate, and to Feel and see and revel in it.
It feeds off of vengeance and drives those who wield it to complete their goals, and remove any obstacle that stands in their way of it. Drawing those who wish to committ vengeance to the blade, so it may feed on the rage and blood of those it kills.

Crunch wise:
I was imagining a +2 Wounding Longsword, that when the wielder has a vendetta to settle, becomes a +3 Wounding Longsword.
Since it is an intelligent item, (Int: 13), I'm trying to think of a good vengeance based Primary ability for it. The problem is, I don't know what is overpowered or not by the games standards for these primary abilities, and I just can't think of anything :smallredface:

All help will be appreciated greatly, thank you very much :smallsmile:.

Thane of Fife
2011-11-11, 12:48 PM
I'd say something like this could work:

The blade will encourage the user to swear an oath of vengeance. If you do, the weapon gains limited power to find them, and allows you to go without food, water, and sleep while you pursue them. If you do not pursue them, the sword will try to take over, and failing that, will apply some other penalty.

Also, once you do avenge yourself on them, you will soon lose the sword, which will find it's way into the hands of someone who'd like to avenge the person you just killed, feeding the weapon even more.

2011-11-11, 01:52 PM
I was going to make it more subtle than that, preying on those already dedicated to exterminating someone, instead of swearing an official "Oath" so to speak.

However, I really do like the no food/sleep/water idea :smallsmile:. I like the idea of the penalty, alot of this being fluffed as high amounts of stress, worry, and obsession. Essentially exacerbating the characters vengeance further to a full on neurosis. :smallcool:.
So I'm thinking a lot of it will be a very psychological magnification, and I'm kind of playing it like the One Ring in how it moves onwards, it just does. It gets itself lost, and after vengeance is exacted, it will find another way to do so.
I like the tip you gave about the "Vengeance for Vengeance" thing, and gives it a great reappearance moment for one of the object of vengenaces supporters.