View Full Version : The Desert's Grasp

2011-11-11, 08:04 PM
You awaken to find yourselves in a dark cave that has unnaturally smooth sides and rounded edges. you are lying on the ground with several other creatures a pixie shaking herself awake dressed in a scaled vest,a warforged crafted of mithril sitting upright looking around, another bigger warforged with adamantine body brown wings with a cold iron pike, a tall human woman in mithril chainmail,and a oddly proportioned spider surprisingly wearing armor. surrounding a black Obolisk that is in the middle of a room with four broken pillars of stone that were not used for structural purposes.

while you notice these details you try thinking of how you came to be in this kind of situation and it comes as a blank, you cant remember how you got here the last thing you remember is being at the Sie'Naevus cheif's hut listening to the request to clean out on their temple on account of a large lamia infestation with these same people standing beside you.

2011-11-12, 06:26 PM
Brushing dirt from her vest Isabel takes a few moments looking around in confusion before shaking her head vigorously. Having recognised the "people" around her she immediately resumes her sight above sight just to be safe. Taking a moment to scan the room for anything invisible or just magic in general she pulls down her minute goggles and takes flight eyeing each other present being suspiciously.

"Hey, hey, hey! Which one of you did this, where are we and what in Ysgard is going on here?!"

2011-11-12, 06:37 PM

Pondering what force could have stunned him and brought him to this location in this fashion, Crunch draws himself up and looks about the room.
His eyes light up with silver fire after which a rainbow-flash of light bursts forward 5ft before dissipating.
With tilted head his eyes lock on the little sprite curiously accusing.

Some rolls for conclusions drawn from looking around.:
Knowledge arcana[roll0]
Knowledge architecture and engineering [roll1]
Knowledge dungeoneering[roll2]
Manifesting touchsight (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/touchsight.htm) for 5 pp, 60ft range, 9 minutes
Activate punishing stance.

2011-11-12, 06:42 PM
At the sound of the pixie's voice, Zel picks itself up, brushing dust off the fur on its back.

"Which one of us? As the first one to get up, you are the suspicious one here, you little fly."

The neogi sets its armor in place and readies its bow, looking around.

"Our contractors know nothing of courtesy, it looks like."

2011-11-12, 07:01 PM
At the spider-thing launches its accusations Isabel visibly bristles in the air.

"So not being slow makes me suspicious, what about you... you..."

She seems to falter a little, her quick tirade grinding to halt

"What exactly are you?"

2011-11-12, 07:13 PM
"I'm Zel Aqass, I'm a neogi, and you look like a..."

Zel rubs his chin once.

"Grig, right?"

Slightly off the mark.

2011-11-12, 07:25 PM
"I'll have you know I'm a pixie, we're far more important and useful than grigs. And I have no idea what a neogi is, but I'm in here with a pair of metal men and one of you and a human and I'd very much like to know what is going on, how I'm getting out and most importantly of all where am I?"

Her speech is quick, as if she's in a rush to get it all out. As she talks she flies in lazy circles round the room.

2011-11-12, 07:32 PM

"If claustrophobia is your ailment, rest in knowing I can breach the very walls if need be."

Saying this, he too starts pacing around looking for exits, and to the walls, to see which could be breached without weakening the structure
For a moment, everyone in a 15ft radius of Crunch hears a chime ring out.

Knowledge(architecture and engineering)[roll0]
Manifest KnowDirectionandLocation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/knowDirectionandLocation.htm) for 1pp.

2011-11-12, 08:15 PM
"Oh yes, right. I agree, pixies are more useful, I remember a friend who had a pixie slave, great for scouting and spying. Grigs taste better, however."

Wait, what.

2011-11-12, 08:35 PM
The room is slightly rounded with all walls exactly 20feet from the Obelisk and the four broken pillars ten feet away in each direction North, South, East, and West. the Obelisk reaches the roof at height of exactly 13ft.There are no obvious means of exiting the room.

upon closer inspection the pillars have archaic writing upon them.

2011-11-12, 09:55 PM

"We appear to be slightly underground in a very dry environment facing due east. In the south western part of Rhilidon." Crunch says, to noone in particular.

After looking around for an obvious exit, Crunch starts studying the pillars.
Decypher script[roll0]

2011-11-12, 10:19 PM
it seems to be some sort of glyph but you cant determine its purpose

2011-11-13, 02:25 AM
Some rolls that might apply I omitted before.

Knowledge arcana[roll1]

2011-11-13, 06:39 AM
With a start, Nikkita wakes up from her pleasent dreams, yawning. So nice of the Sie'Naevus to provide her with a roof over her head for the night; though, thinking about it, who where these people? and where exactly was she? or Vina, for that matter. How peculiar...
"Oh good golly gosh, we appear to be trapped. How aweful." she says, until something at the eastern wall catches her eye. a see-through wall, how marvelous!

Lizard Lord
2011-11-15, 02:04 AM
As warforged unit KD-371987 looks around the room its unchanging face does not seem to show any type of emotion. Its voice however depicts wise-eyed amazement and hardly any recognition to the seriousness of the situation.

"Amazing! This could possibly be the ruins an ancient city something! I mean, it is a shame we are stuck in here, but once we find a way out imagine what we might discover! Of course we could discover something in here right now.

With that Kaydee will begin investigating the pillars before trying to find a way they may have possibly got in this room in the first place. During the investigation of its surroundings Kaydee tries to look for its little friend. "Oh no! Have any of you seen a metal gnome around here? No of course not, its a small room. I sure hope he is all right."

Spellcraft check on the pillars (Including how the broken ones broke amongst other information I can get out of this): [roll0]
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) on the pillars. [roll1]
Search for any possible entrances or exits: [roll2]

2011-11-15, 02:40 AM
didn't notice till now your spellcraft check suggests teleportation is the most likely way, but with the discovery of the "illusion wall" there are now alternatives to that theory.

2011-11-15, 04:48 AM

This room now barren of further information Crunch turns and heads straight towards the wall void of substance he felt earlier. To subsequently disappear through it.

2011-11-15, 05:28 PM
you enter a 10ft by 10ft hallway with a curved roof it goes 50ft before you cant see further because of a slight curve going south in direction.

2011-11-15, 09:02 PM

Not breaking his stride, Crunch heads onward with determination. Pike in hand, senses ablaze.

2011-11-16, 07:36 AM
Isabel decided, on balance, that she was better off with the metal giant than with the spider like freak and followed through the false wall. Taking a moment to adjust her goggles she began scanning for magic as she went, when she catches up with him she slows to his speed.

"Mind if I sit on your shoulder? Couldn't hurt to have another pair of eyes, especially magic enhanced ones like mine."

2011-11-16, 08:25 AM

He wonders why the little creature would rather seek comfort on the jagged scales and spikes that adorn his shoulder, and most else his body for that matter, than fly on its own strength. He fails to find an answer.
He stands perfectly still. Looking directly at the pixie, despite not relying on sight currently.
He remains like this while ectoplasm forms on his right shoulder. And over the course of a minute it forms into a carefully crafted seat of branches, vines and moss.
Once done he simply says "I do not." and continues his exploration.

Manifest Psionic Minor Creation, 1pp
Inspired Craft(woodworking)[roll0]

Lizard Lord
2011-11-16, 09:42 AM
Hoping that perhaps Mr. Clockwork is behind the false wall Kaydee moves through it and looks around for its companion. If only Kaydee could remember how they got here, then perhaps it could remember what happened to Mr.Clockwork.

2011-11-16, 01:42 PM
Trusting in destiny, Nikkita headed for the fake wall, humming softly to herself. How exciting a place, she thought to herself, I wonder if there's anything else here nearly as intresting.

"Wait for me, everyone" she said excitedly, as she saw everyone else moving on ahead

rolling to look out for stuff
[roll0] spot roll
[roll1] search

using sense magic class feature

2011-11-19, 07:29 PM
Zel Aqass skitters off towards the rest of the group.

"Yes, yes. Listen to the hominid! Don't leave alone, it can be dangerous!"

For those who are left behind, that is.

2011-11-19, 08:55 PM
around the bend you come to a small room that looks to have been hit with a whirlwind.What used to be a table and chairs is now splintered wood spread around the room along with an arm and leg surrounded by small puddles of blood.

the body pieces seem to have belonged to an armand.

the room is 20ft by 10ft with room of 8ft high two entrances the one you came from and one heading east.

Lizard Lord
2011-11-25, 11:41 AM
Kaydee will whisper a horrified "Oh no." upon seeing the body parts. The horror of the scene overshadows the diapoinment that Mr.Clockwork isn't in this room either.

2011-11-28, 03:30 PM

Untouched by the scene before him Crunch focuses his mind to lend it's sharpness to his warpike, in case whatever caused it is nearby.
And after this brief pause continues onward.

Manifest Psionic Keen Edge, doubling the threat range of his weapon. 5PP spent, 90 minutes duration.
No longer allowing displays, dc 18 concentration. +20 modifier. Not bothering with rolling.

2011-11-28, 04:51 PM
Zel skitters at the back of the group.

"No good, no good. Looks like there is a predator here!"

2011-12-02, 01:51 AM
the next hallway is a 5ft by 5ft walkway that ends in an abrupt turn 40ft east turning north. it is slowly getting higher in elevation. after the turn there is another one for another hall for 40ft that ends in a turn going east.

2011-12-08, 04:42 PM

Sparks and bits of rock fly as some of his spikes grind the left wall as he walks on. Picking up the pace until he reaches a slow jog. His heavy weight stomping the ground beneath him.
His Warpike firmly in both hands he comes to turn east.

2011-12-08, 06:11 PM
Isabel hangs on as her seat jolts, eyes peeled for threats both mundane and magical as her rather bumpy ride makes its progress.

"I'm sure whatever put us here and killed those people will still be here, well probably at least and if they are then I'll be ready and I'm sure you will be too and I bet between the two of us we can handle most of anything." She pauses for breath "Right?"

2011-12-08, 06:52 PM
Zel gives Isabel a blank look.

"What kind of stupid question is that? of course we are ready! At least I am ready. See?"

It raises its bow, still peculiarly lacking a string and with no quiver in sight.

"If we are not ready we die, after all! I don't want to die. Do you want to die?"

2011-12-13, 09:25 PM
as you are traversing the hall way you step onto a pressure plate that make both ends of the hall open up flame bursting from the cracks in the walls.

reflex saves

[roll5]DC20 half damage

its charge spent the flames vanished quickly the walls close the gaps. moving on you turn the corner to find a long hallway going in a steep incline. you see a light source just over the lip of it. after the short climb you come to a shredded wooden door standing slightly off its hinge with light streaming through its cracks. there is the noise of heavy breathing on the other side of the door and grunts of effort.

2011-12-14, 12:30 AM

With a quick strong thrash of his wings Crunch shirks the bulk of the fiery blast.
Afterwards he slows down his movement as he moves a small device over the scorched area. Once done he picks up the pace again and replies:"Right".

Using Repair System magic item for repair light dmg untill 8 dmg is "healed", [roll]
1d8+1, [roll1]
Manifest Energy Adaptation, granting fire, acid, cold, electricity and sonic resist 20 for 90 minutes. 7 pp, total now 71 . Dispensing with display.

Once at the door he stops abruptly. Takes defensive measures. Though not visibly.

Manifest Force screen, 1 pp, +4 shieldbons to ac for 9 minutes

2011-12-14, 12:51 AM
Zel is singed.

"I am in pain."

Zel does not reach for his wands.