View Full Version : Weapon and Armor enhancements

2011-11-12, 06:52 AM
I'm looking for advice on picking good weapon and armor enhancements for a character. The character in question is an awakened greater stone golem with two class levels (barbarian 1/warblade 1) and is using a charger build. He's got about 450,000 gp to spend. Any official WotC source (with the exception of dragon magazine, since I don't have access to them) is available.

The weapon will be a goliath greathammer. I'm definitely going for valorous and probably impact. Any other suggestions?

The armor/shield I'm having a bit more of an issue with. A lot of the things I would normally put on armor or a shield he doesn't need (protection from critical hits, spell resistance, protection from death attacks, etc.). Any good suggestions?

Dumbledore lives
2011-11-12, 06:56 AM
Well since you're a charger Valorous from Unapproachable East is always great, +1 bonus for double damage on a charge. Yeah. You could also theoretically pick up Aptitude if you have the feats for spirited charge and are using a mount, so your hammer can be a lance.

I don't have any real suggestions for armor, aside from if you've killed all the opponents first it's kind of unnecessary.

2011-11-12, 02:06 PM
You're a construct, eh? Interesting. See if your DM will swing for changing the unique weapon Life-Drinker (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#lifeDrinker) into a Goliath Greathammer instead of a greataxe. As a construct, you don't suffer the drawback, so it's basically two free negative levels every time you hit a foe.

2011-11-12, 02:29 PM
Any other information about what you're hoping to shoot for with the character?

Random list of my favorite armor enhancements:
Agility / Stamina: +1-5 bonus on Reflex / Fortitude saves for flat gold cost
Called: Flat gold price, armor comes to you from anywhere on the same plane.
Nimbleness: Really only useful if you have a higher dex that mithral full plate allows for, but in that case it's basically a +1 enhancement anyway that applies to your touch AC and reduces ACP.
There are also a number of free per-day spells in armor (Speed for Haste, Blurring for Blur, etc.) or even continual (Freedom for Freedom of Movement) that are handy.

Random list of my favorite weapon enhancements:
Caustic / Flaming / Frost / Shocking / Alignment (Burst): Extra damage and nice for flavor.
(Greater) Dispelling: If you're in a heavy magic campaign, what better way to knock the caster down a peg?
Throwing: Mostly for laughs, but if you have a greathammer, the last thing they expect is for you to toss it at them. Toss on a greater crystal of return for awesomeness.
Wounding: Dealing Con damage has a nice snowball effect. If you had a piercing or slashing weapon, combining this with Fleshgrinding is a lot of fun.
Morphing: For when you really need something other than a greathammer.
Metalline: For when you really need something other than steel.

If you have the means and the DM allows, an intelligent item opens up even more possibilities.

2011-11-12, 04:18 PM
Gleaming is a +2 enhancement bonus on armor from the Expanded Psionics Handbook (not in the SRD) that gives you 20% concealment as if you were affected by the concealing amorpha (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/concealingAmorpha.htm) power, and it's continually active. Note that it's not pierced by True Seeing or anything short of tremorsense (not even blindsense or blindsight will work, since it's partially solid; tremorsense only works if you're physically touching the ground).

You might also consider paying a high-level caster to cast various rune-spells onto your armor and shield, followed by Permanency. Who doesn't like causing masses of saves just by entering someone's line of sight? And if you're immune by dint of being a construct... Just make sure the caster has some ludicrous way of increasing CL for no real cost; buy the night sticks yourself if you have to.

Fax Celestis
2011-11-12, 04:23 PM
Gleaming is a +2 enhancement bonus on armor from the Expanded Psionics Handbook (not in the SRD) that gives you 20% concealment as if you were affected by the concealing amorpha (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/concealingAmorpha.htm) power, and it's continually active. Note that it's not pierced by True Seeing or anything short of tremorsense (not even blindsense or blindsight will work, since it's partially solid; tremorsense only works if you're physically touching the ground).

It also renders you immune to sneak attack as a side effect.

2011-11-12, 04:29 PM
It also renders you immune to sneak attack as a side effect.Oh, definitely.

Just like 50% concealment renders you immune to anything that directly targets you, including spells and AoOs.

[edit] The latter is why I love Greater Concealing Amorpha.

2011-11-12, 04:38 PM
Throwing: Mostly for laughs, but if you have a greathammer, the last thing they expect is for you to toss it at them. Toss on a greater crystal of return for awesomeness.

Golem Thor KILL!

2011-11-12, 04:41 PM
I was slightly off. Apparently blindsight DOES ignore concealment, even though it's from a partially solid THING blocking the way.

Meh. Just get Darkstalker.

2011-11-12, 07:52 PM
Gloryborn weapon template (DMG II) is a piddly charge bonus, but at only 600 GP it's not too bad.

Impact (MIC) for the smashy smashy equivalent of keen.