View Full Version : druid's feats

2011-11-12, 08:26 PM
Hi all!
I'm searching for a list of feats from level 1 to 20 for my druid/dragonfire adept gestalt combo and can't find good low level feats.
Here's what I have
6:natural spell
9:cold wildshape
12:dragon wildshape
15:assume supernatural ability
Yes I'm a kobold and I want to have a strong draconic feel and am aware of the cryohydra wildshape and that's gonna be my ultimate form.

I was considering some reserve feats but am unsure for the moment.
Could you share some of your wisdom with me?

2011-11-12, 08:44 PM
Natural Bond, Spell Focus: Conjuration, and Augment Summoning are all good picks for just about any druid.

Fax Celestis
2011-11-12, 08:47 PM
Frankly, take whatever you feel like. Your feats will likely matter the least out of your entire build. I'm a fan of Extend Spell, myself, but not everyone is.

2011-11-12, 09:02 PM
Entangling Exhalation (RotD) is pretty good for a DFA. You can pick up Power Surge from Dragon 313 to give your breath attack +1 damage per die in exchange for having to wait +1 round between breaths, which means you can still use it every round. That will allow you to take metabreath feats from the Draconomicon, namely Quicken Breath which will allow you to breathe for free once every five rounds, or Recover Breath will reduce that to once every four rounds.

For Druid feats, definitely get Natural Bond and pick up a 'level -3' companion such as a Fleshraker dinosaur (MM3). Since you can apply your own effects in the most beneficial order, you can apply the -3 first and then the +3 for Natural Bond and still count your full Druid level toward its benefits. Companion Spellbond in PH2 is also pretty good if you use a lot of buffs.

Greenbound Summoning in Lost Empires of Faerun can be extremely powerful. Your summoned animals will be able to use Wall of Thorns 1/day and Entangle at will, so casting a Summon Nature's Ally I gets you a Wall of Thorns effect and multiple Entangles. Plus Greenbound animals are extremely difficult to kill, especially in the lower levels, so opponents will probably waste a lot of attacks on them and they'll still probably last the full duration.

Maybe get Dragon Wings and Improved Dragon Wings, since you retain the benefits of any feats you have when Wild Shaped. Maybe see about getting one of your flaws at 5th or 6th level so you can get both that and Natural Spell at a desirable level. If you're starting higher than 1st level, you can get flaws higher than 1st level, as long as they're taken during character creation.

Kobolds have 2 claws and a bite, so they qualify for Multiattack and Improved Multiattack from 1st level, which can be of considerable benefit when you Wild Shape. Note that you cannot take the form of a cryohydra until level 15, when you get access to huge size forms. Combat Reflexes and Robilar's Gambit are extremely good for when you're in cryohydra form, as you can make a 12-bite AoO any time someone attacks you.

2011-11-13, 11:41 AM
I personally like Imp Unarmed Strike and Imp Grapple on my druid. Helps out grappling forms.

Depending on the DM (this is your call), Sacred Vow and Vow of Poverty are ok for a druid, since you have to get wilding clasps for every item you want to use while wildshaped. If magical items are abundant and easy to get, probably don't go this route. If the DM is stingy with magic items, it can be quite good.

2011-11-13, 11:52 AM
Fast/Swift Wildshape (though I guess you can't take those until after 5th level).

2011-11-13, 06:29 PM
thanks all for the quick answer,I think I've made my mind thanks to you(entangling,greenbound,quicken breath and 18th I'll see as need depending on what happen)

2011-11-13, 06:56 PM
thanks all for the quick answer,I think I've made my mind thanks to you(entangling,greenbound,quicken breath and 18th I'll see as need depending on what happen)

You cannot take Quicken Breath or any other metabreath feats unless you also take Power Surge.

"To take a metabreath feat, a creature must have a breath weapon whose time between breaths is expressed in rounds." -Draconomicon, page 66

The Dragonfire Adept's breath attack does not have a wait expressed in rounds, it's simply usable at will. Power Surge adds a 1-round wait between breaths, which for a DFA is no drawback at all since you can normally use it every round anyway. But it just so happens to add a time between breaths expressed in rounds, thus enabling you to use metabreath feats with it.

Another alternative would be to get Flyby Attack to take Flyby Breath from the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, which allows you to use your breath attack as a free action as long as you do nothing else but move that round. Since a DFA's breath attack has no wait between breaths, you can use your breath attack an infinite number of times in a given round.

2011-11-13, 07:01 PM
You cannot take Quicken Breath or any other metabreath feats unless you also take Power Surge.

"To take a metabreath feat, a creature must have a breath weapon whose time between breaths is expressed in rounds." -Draconomicon, page 66

The Dragonfire Adept's breath attack does not have a wait expressed in rounds, it's simply usable at will. Power Surge adds a 1-round wait between breaths, which for a DFA is no drawback at all since you can normally use it every round anyway. But it just so happens to add a time between breaths expressed in rounds, thus enabling you to use metabreath feats with it.

Another alternative would be to get Flyby Attack to take Flyby Breath from the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, which allows you to use your breath attack as a free action as long as you do nothing else but move that round. Since a DFA's breath attack has no wait between breaths, you can use your breath attack an infinite number of times in a given round.

You're forgetting that the guy is a gestalt Druid. That gives him access to forms with breath weapons that have time between breaths expressed in rounds.

2011-11-13, 07:19 PM
I forget the two feats, but if you take them both, any summoned creature gets +4 str and +4 con. I know they're in the PHB.

edit: Augment Summoning; just remembered it.

2011-11-13, 07:26 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a wildshaped druid with a breath weapon from DFA would be able to breathe fire while, say shaped into a bear? or sparrow? How did I not know about this awesomeness before now?

2011-11-13, 07:32 PM
You're forgetting that the guy is a gestalt Druid. That gives him access to forms with breath weapons that have time between breaths expressed in rounds.

True, but I'd rather play a Druid//Dragon Shaman in gestalt, but I'm weird like that. Actually I'd rather play Druid//Monk, but I'm even weirder like that....

Dragon Shaman has a real breath weapon (among other things)

2011-11-13, 07:54 PM
You're forgetting that the guy is a gestalt Druid. That gives him access to forms with breath weapons that have time between breaths expressed in rounds.

Wild Shape doesn't grant supernatural attacks.

I am curious though, if when Frozen Wild Shaped into a 12-headed Cryohydra, would your DFA breath damage be multiplied by twelve? That's how a Cryohydra's breath attack works, it's a set amount of damage per head, and that's what the Multiheaded Creature template in Savage Species does if the base creature has a breath attack, it gets multiplied by the number of heads. I think that alone makes the DFA//Druid plus Frozen Wild Shape combo worthwhile. At level 15, using Fivefold Breath of Tiamat, in 12-headed Cryohydra form, you would create five 84d6 breaths, for 420d6 total damage. With Power Surge that would get +420 damage added on as well, since it grants +1 damage per die.

2011-11-13, 09:48 PM
Wild Shape doesn't grant supernatural attacks.

I am curious though, if when Frozen Wild Shaped into a 12-headed Cryohydra, would your DFA breath damage be multiplied by twelve? That's how a Cryohydra's breath attack works, it's a set amount of damage per head, and that's what the Multiheaded Creature template in Savage Species does if the base creature has a breath attack, it gets multiplied by the number of heads. I think that alone makes the DFA//Druid plus Frozen Wild Shape combo worthwhile. At level 15, using Fivefold Breath of Tiamat, in 12-headed Cryohydra form, you would create five 84d6 breaths, for 420d6 total damage. With Power Surge that would get +420 damage added on as well, since it grants +1 damage per die.

Dragon Wildshape does.

2011-11-13, 10:12 PM
Dragon Wildshape does.

He's looking to fill his low-level feats, he listed Quicken Breath among those and stated he'd see what he needs once he gets to 18th level.

2011-11-13, 10:14 PM
He's looking to fill his low-level feats, he listed Quicken Breath among those and stated he'd see what he needs once he gets to 18th level.

Ah true, hadn't realized he meant those feats in particular.

2011-11-14, 08:45 AM
but couldn't I take quicken breath because when I breath with an effect I then have to wait one round(or something like that AFB)before using it again,so shouldn't I qualify?

2011-11-14, 12:14 PM
No, it just says you can't use the same breath effect in two consecutive rounds. The base breath itself is still usable every round with no stated wait in between breaths.

Power Surge adds +1 damage per die, or it can increase the duration of its secondary effects (Entangling, breath effects, etc.) by 50%, and the only 'drawback' is enabling you to take metabreath feats, so it's definitely worth taking IMO. An Entangling Weakening breath would give them -6 Str for 6 rounds (3 on a save) and entangle them for 1d4x1.5 (1, 3, 4, or 6) rounds. Sickening Breath and Slow Breath will last 3 rounds instead of 2.