View Full Version : Advice needed for the Ultimate Hybrid

2011-11-12, 11:57 PM
I was thinking about
*Fighter-15 (So I can have a good amount of feats and HP.)
*Cleric-15 (So I can deal a large amount of damage and healing.)
*Rogue -15(So I can use his abilities and have good skill points, along with a really good hide.)

(All still open, I should have;
15 from fighter,Five(5) from Cleric and Five(5) from Rouge.)

2011-11-13, 12:16 AM
Okay. first... you should change that to RogUE. R-O-G-U-E. 'Rouge' is pronounced rooj, and is a type of makeup. Rouge, as in red in French...

Second, you can do all of that by just being Cloistered Cleric, all the way through. Yes, you can replace the rogue and the fighter as just a Cleric. That's what Tier 1 classes do.


For example, that is a cleric of mine that replaces the Rogue. And the Bard. And add a few levels, and she can replace the Fighter... Or she could buy a few mules and replace the fighter, until she gets enough buff spells of awesomeness to do it herself. Anyway, this is all completely possible without taking any levels in any class other than 'Cloistered Cleric'. YES, spellcasters in D&D 3.5e are that awesome...

Anyway, if you want REAL ULTIMATE POWER AND VERSATILITY in D&D 3.5e, you just need to play a 'Tier 1' caster. (Also, you should realize that classes go beyond 20 levels, there are epic progressions for classes.) Anyway, in a broad sort of way, what happened was that Wotc was inept at balancing classes and preventing them from stepping on the toes of other classes, so going for the most power and versatility (ie, the ULTIMATE HYBRID) means playing the classes that have the most going for them via their class features, and ignoring other classes that are weaker.



Further, you want to focus on prestige classes that actually help the main class in question. So you should read the handbooks on how to optimize the Tier 1 classes if you seek REAL ULTIMATE POWER AND VERSATILITY.

One thing to note, the game breaks completely in half at level 21 due to the existence of a feat called "Epic Spellcasting", which lets you arbitrarily do anything whatsoever.

To wrap your head around what I mean... I, as someone with some system mastery, should be able to with, saayyy, a level 17 wizard (with splatbook access), with appropriate wealth by level, beat whatever of your level 70 characters in an arena fight, provided I was given some preparation, because I know the ins and outs of the spellcasting system....

Anyway, here are the relevant handbooks for the most powerful classes in the game (note, StP Erudite isn't really mentioned in the psion handbooks... look at wizard and the main psion stuff, you'll figure it out...):


This is a WHOLE LOT to take in... a huuuge amount, more than you can do in one sitting. I would say glance, skim, look over these, familiarize yourself with the basics... Tier 1 classes are complex. Good luck!

Doc Roc
2011-11-13, 12:40 AM
If you need further help, just let me know.

2011-11-13, 12:42 AM
Also, JJ, are you in Central Kentucky? And I added you on wlm / msn... IM me?

Ick, Letcher County. Two and a half hours from me... wow, that's not near anywhere, you poor thing!

2011-11-13, 12:49 AM
Thanks man, Me and my DM use to just power level through it, but now we are both going back and doing it right, I mean we done it right all along but we sorta, yea know, "Pushed through" and I was a solo player up until a few weeks ago and were no longer "Pushing it" and I'm just use to multi-classing. But I was did like Clerics, I played as a pure Cleric one time and it was just awesome, Clerics do have a lot of things to back them up, not just spells a decent amount of HP and Skill points too. Anyways thanks for the tip.
Do you think an Arecane Archer would be good with a Cleric?

2011-11-13, 12:55 AM
Okayyy... Uhm. Whew. Can we talk on IM? You have aim, yahoo, wlm/msn, skype, anything like that? I have a LOT of information to impart to you.

The first of it, "The entirety of the Arcane Archer class is obsoleted by a few spells the Cleric knows, and a few items, like spell storing arrows."

Also, the normal version of cleric (ie, the non cloistered cleric version) doesn't have lots of skill points, but that is irrelevant when a single 2nd level spell gives them a +20 to a skill...

2011-11-13, 07:00 AM
That's 3.0 though, and many DMs hate that edition so make sure to clear it BEFORE you try to use it.

2011-11-13, 12:55 PM
Well, there are plenty of 3.5e spells that still give huge bumps to skills! Or that obsolete skills entirely...

Doc Roc
2011-11-13, 01:48 PM
Well, there are plenty of 3.5e spells that still give huge bumps to skills! Or that obsolete skills entirely...

Improvisation. Glibness. Knock.