View Full Version : oWoD: First Crusade

2011-11-14, 01:40 PM
Saint Quentin, house of the earls of Vermandois, one of the biggest town of the North of the Kingdom of France.

In year of Our Lord 1095, the earl is Hugues of Vermandois, younger brother of the King Philippe 1er.

This night is Christmas Night, and, one week earlier, a messenger from Clairmont arrived: the pope, Urban II, made a call: a call to liberating the Holy Lands. Naturally, you were all knowing that this call was on the way, as cainit missives are much quicker. This night, after the mass, the Earl will discut with emissaries from other counts ready to answer the call. And, for once, this talking will be at a decent hour for you...

Some of you may be interrested by the "Redemption to everyone that answer the call", while some may simply want to receive power through it.

Currently, all of your kind (at least, all decent and old enough) are in the courtroom of the castle. Not counting yourselves, they are 37 other vampires, some of them coming from nearby towns.

You know from a recent information (from Ahum) that there are many Baalis in Holy Lands, either trying to corrupt relics, or simply hidding where they aren't expected to be. You fought recently alongside Gunnar against Baalis, and you know he wants to go to the Holy Lands to destroy at least one of those. How sad you didn't manage to meet him earlier to train him, he would have made a good warrior...

Some years ago, you arrived here just in time to take part to a hunt launched after baalis. You fought alongside Azriel, and he recently got the information that there are baalis in Holy Lands (his words) and he shared it with you. You met Ates during one of your travels (feel free), and you call him to help, with a part of the city as reward. He is supposed to arrive tonight, but may be late.

You met Gunnar during one of your travels (feel free), and he sent you recently a message asking for help with domains as reward. You are surprised that he has a domain to share, but you answer his call. This night, you walk in the street of the town, and they are unusually filled up with people. But you know you cannot be late. As the curtain raises, you arrived before the door of the courtroom.

As they all want to keep their sanity, nobody is wearing mask. You never know what's behind a mask. That's why you're talking to the back of the elder nosferatu. Better than having him behind you. With a mask. As part of the leaders of the town, they all speak with defference with you. And you know "some" of them are hypocrits, using the mask of the deference. Your knife is ready to shatter those masks with your blood. You are free to do whatever you want here... (including asking Azriel to help you to fight your phobia...)

Roland and Harash:
You are currently talking to each other about the Call. But feel free to talk about anything you want.

You shared with Azriel an information you received about Baalis being in Holy Lands. You know that the other occult counsellor of the prince, Iskah, doesn't trust you. But no matter, it is your duty as juge to condemn baalis, and if you can, by doing that, destroy some rogue Banu Haqim...

2011-11-14, 06:00 PM
"It's nice to see this come together. I owe Constantinople a debt, and this is a good way for me to repay it." Roland smiles.
Although not a beautiful man, his eyes and smile has a mesmerizing effect on the onlooker, which if mortal, at once wants to be of service to him.
He is dressed up for the occasion, and wears a red bliaut tunic conforming to the current fashion which hides his archaic wide trousers and simple linen shirt.
On his side hangs a sword in an ornamented scabbard.
He takes a sip of ale and takes a quick look at Iskah with a bit of worry in his eyes, which he quickly masks again with a look of confidence and regality

2011-11-14, 09:41 PM
Ates walked through the crowd of hot blooded mortals like some sort of grim reaper with his black hood pulled low over his demonic visage and his long black cape tied tightly around his massive frame. It would not do to reveal his latest face until the time was right.

Looking up at the courtroom doors he reminisces about times long gone and cities that no longer existed, where justice was the dictate of the lord and all who would gainsay him must do so with steel and claw. How time flew when one concentrated only upon one's own small plot of land and one's own great endeavors.

Though once Ates would have made a show of becoming mist and seeping through the cracks in the doors of justice to make a moral point, he had long since outgrew such antics, and instead opened the right door with a single betaloned hand, closing it behind him as he entered the courtroom.

After entering the structure Ates boldly strode into the light, tossing back his cloak to reveal his horrid countenance and calling out "Who is the master of this demesne?"

2011-11-14, 09:45 PM
Iskah's brow quirks at Roland's mannerisms, but luckily for them all the night is young, and she had yet to become stressed. She also was choosing not to use her powers of auspec at this time to help prolong her derangements. There was little point so early on as the Cainites were too busy with the proper greetings and formalities to discuss the matter at hand. As it should be.

Iskah wore a white dress, embossed vines going from shoulder to wasit, and a frill gave texture to the bottom of her attire, dancing about her bare feet. It was an odd sight to see her wear something other than black or red, let alone white where any blood flowing on it would show brightly. This detail alone showed how important this night was to her. After all, she could very well be going home soon.

She turned back to the Nosferatu elder's buttocks, the tall vampire easily towering over her. "Thank you. And may your childer grow strong and wise under your tutelage. If you would excuse me." Her French has improved greatly over the past decade. Most of the elders here had one or more childe, but not her. Though twice she had been granted the boon, she chose not to. She had her reasons.

She moved about the crowd, trying to put a name to the face of those present. Her eyes darted around with unnatural speed trying to take in the slightest details of what went on around her. Her goal was to find any influential kindred who would try to sway the others from participating. Sure enough there would be cowards who sought to hide in their wasting domains, but such Cainites could be dealt with. No, what she feared were the words of the harpies, the subtle power plays of rival Lasombra and Ventrue, the voice of dissent from the Brujah.

Now where were those wolves amongst the lambs? She smiled to herself at the thought of the vampires around her dressed as sheep.

Going to roll just in case, and get a feel for how the dice generator on this site like Iskah. Going with perception (6) + etiquette (3) on this one.

Just as she had finished making her initial assessment, her head shot over to where Ates now stood and made his declaration. She knew that kindred. Her fingertips played with the hilt of her kitchen knife.

2011-11-15, 06:00 PM
"It's nice to see this come together. I owe Constantinople a debt, and this is a good way for me to repay it." Roland smiles.
Although not a beautiful man, his eyes and smile has a mesmerizing effect on the onlooker, which if mortal, at once wants to be of service to him.
He is dressed up for the occasion, and wears a red bliaut tunic conforming to the current fashion which hides his archaic wide trousers and simple linen shirt.
On his side hangs a sword in an ornamented scabbard.
He takes a sip of ale and takes a quick look at Iskah with a bit of worry in his eyes, which he quickly masks again with a look of confidence and regality
That it is. It's been far too long since my feet felt dirt and I had a reason to travel once again. Long ago I loved to travel, but in these more recent nights I find it more and more difficult to bring myself to start travels. This call though has awakened my old bones and given me the feel of youth back. Harash is an imposing kindred, large and muscular. He is dressed in green and black court atire with a large dagger sheathed behind his belt.

2011-11-15, 07:52 PM
Sitting in a grand oak chair the very board looking Gunnar sat drumming his fingers along the arm of the chair, his claw like finger nails cutting small lines into the wood.

The gangrel wore a simple green tunic and leather boots over which was drapped the skin of a bear the head attached to one shoulder, he wore a large brown leather belt with a clasp made of copper twisted into the symbold of the celtic knot placed next to him and leaning agains this chair was a large worn battle axe.

Gunnar is not one to shy away from halls or times for merry talk but it was times like this he felt out of his place of comfort, give him a field of battle with room to swing his claws, a baricaded church for him to break open for its treasure or a grand hall with a roaring fire which to tell a story around, not a hall of kindread and mortals discussing what they should do.

The idea of 'freeing' the 'holy' land did little to intreige Gunnar, no what perked his interst was the chance of a grand battle to test his will and claws against those that place it within there faith and better yet a chance to kill the Bloddy Mary, a possibility to strip away her twisted faith so that her last moments are not controled by some idea of a supreme being no hope of help from above, or in her case below, only the him and her and the strongest will prove there right to live not unseen beings.

Gunnar called on old freinds just for this, promsing domain, he had none but all that he took from this holy land he would gladly give, all was too cause more chaos and panic, for him the true paymetn he would receive will be the vast bloodshed, the scars of battle, to have as many men and women flee in fear questioning the faith they held and the chance to hear the screams of the bloody women.

Gunnar sat in his chair looking very board which was possible aided by the chatter of two Toreador women continue to drone on infront of him the urge to chop there quickl moving lips from there face growing within the gangrel.

As his fingers grew closer to his axe Gunnar stopped at the annocement from a visitor, he did not knwo the face but he knew the presence the feeling of changeble horror, it may not be the one he called but it was deffinatly one of the dragons brood, a new fiend was amoung them.

2011-11-16, 06:39 AM
Why is everyone spoilering their posts???

As he moved among them, mortals and Kindred alike fell silent to gaze upon the exotic looking stranger in their midst. Tall and imposing, with hood and cloak thrown back, his strange and unfamiliar features left a wave of whispers in his wake. Among the kine there was great speculation about this mysterious newcomer but among the true elders present, the murmurs were of awe and fearful recognition, for never had one so ancient graced these hallowed halls.

Though he had the look of a warrior and dressed as a woodsman, he carried himself with the regal poise of a king. Indeed the silver crown upon his brow and the massive blade upon his back shone in stark contrast to his rugged clothing of leather and hide.

Azriel in turn observed them all. Dressed in their Christmas night finery, surrounded by the symbols of their fledgling faith, celebrating the birth of their so-called Savior. As he took them in, his ancient crown fed his senses, the subtle nuances of smell, amplified the whispered gossip of the harpies, but most importantly, revealed the secrets of their souls. So many were hypocrites, hiding behind the veneer of false faith for wealth, power and politics. The mortals he could understand...their short lives were ruled by fear...fear of the unknown, of death, of difference. The Kindred were another story however. The Most High had given them a great gift, and greater responsibility, yet instead of facing their purgatory with pride, they squandered it on petty machinations and the games of the great jihad, learning nothing.

Nonetheless, he had answered the call to war. The mounting Crusade promised to be the great conflict of the age and just as before it was his destiny to be at it's bloody beating heart. Wherever there was great pain and suffering he would go, but this time there was more. The corrupt powers of the modern Church had declared the ancient lands of his birth to be the hiding place of the Enemy, ostensibly to bring the light of faith, though thinly veiled was the avarice, the insatiable hunger for riches and power that gnawed at mortal and damned alike.

And they call me heretic, Azriel thought with contempt.

Do not judge them so harshly, Azriel. They are victims of their own ignorance. The Most High may yet have plans for them. All souls, alive or dead, deserve the chance to find redemption. And for those who stray and miss the mark, we shall cleanse with the fires of righteous retribution. Bide your time, old friend, Zamakel replied within his mind, the ancient spirit within the blade soothing his vengeful thoughts.

As he made his way towards the front of the assembly the crowd parted before him. At last a familiar face and aura appeared and the Salubri Methuselah nodded his acknowledgment and respect towards the seated Gangrel.

Despite the hollow reasoning behind the impending invasion, Azriel knew their purported fears were true...within the demesne of the Infidel hid the burgeoning forces of Shaitan. The Baali had grown powerful during his long sleep and only Azriel's anger outweighed his guilt at that fact.

Oh yes, there will be blood...

Silphael, please keep the following effects in mind for Azriel:

Constant Enhanced Senses, Aura Sight, and Eagle's Sight. He is also considered to have Auspex 6 for the purposes of seeing through Obfuscate or Chimerstry illusions.

Potent Aura (-2 to social difficulties)
Mystical Aura (he glows like a beacon to magical senses)
Uncanny 5 (the opposite of Arcane...basically he has a very very strong aura/presence)
True Faith (may be uncomfortable to other vampires...)
Bard's Tongue (once per scene he must reveal a compromising or uncomfortable truth about someone in the room, something secret or that they had otherwise wished to remain hidden. Also, feel free to take over the role of Zamakel if you like.

2011-11-18, 12:07 PM
Roland turns towards Ates with a courteous smile: "That depends... I'm the one that have taken initiative to this little come-together, but I wouldn't call myself the master here, far from it."

2011-11-18, 07:46 PM
Ates gives Roland a curious look before spitting a dash of blood on the ground and saying "If this land has no master, then it must have some means of ruling its self. I am Ates the Shaper, out of the North, of the clan Tzimitze. Does any here challenge my continued existence?"

If no one speaks up to challenge his existence and no one asks him any questions then Ates looks through the room with auspex enhanced eyes until he finds Gunnar. After finding Gunnar he subtley worms his way through the crowd until he gets to Gunnar. Once there he will introduce himself and discuss his reason for coming here.

If someone does speak up then I will roleplay it.

Dictum Mortuum
2011-11-19, 11:58 AM
Ahum breathed after a very long time. The feeling of air coming in and out of his withered lungs was strange, but the image of a breathless young nobleman was bound to raise suspicion.

After long and pointless chatter with kine, he decided to drop his facade and retreat to the background, in order to observe his cainite breathen.

Ahum uses obfuscate to hide from the minds of others and fades to the background. He doesn't care if he's being observed by other cainites; he's just doing so to hide himself from humans and their affairs, in order to focus on kindred. He recognizes Azriel, but he will not step forward until the time's right; in addition he watches Roland and his actions closely.

2011-11-20, 02:23 AM
Any kindred close to could see the Iskah did not enjoy Ates's presence, and did not take kindly to his entrance. Her thumb press hard against the blunt end of her knife, still hanging off a makeshift belt used by the white ribbon of her dress.


As kindred parted from the mad Methuselah, she intercepted Ates. "Did you enjoy your rude entrance? Do you feel special that you are now the only kindred here has not introduced himself and spoken his own name?"

2011-11-20, 09:36 AM
Ates glances down upon the small malkavian for an instant before returning his gaze to the next target in his winding trek across the room and says "Certainly I do. Do you feel special to ride upon the moon lit midnight wind? Do you pine for missing juniper steeds long lost in daytimes past? How is the view from the other side of the mirror on this darkest, dimmest, out of place night? Do you too celebrate the coming embrace of the southern sons?"

2011-11-20, 02:22 PM
"Splendid...." Roland whispers softly, as if only to himself
"They are the perfect match in speaking nonsense"

2011-11-20, 08:22 PM
Azriel stepped forward, the presence of his faith advancing before him like an invisible wall. He looked down with gentle compassion on the stunted Malkavian, resting a reassuring hand upon her shoulder.

"This demesne is presided over by the Earl of Vermandois. His lordship is not currently present, attending to matters related to the call. He will return after mass to discuss matters of strategy. In the meantime, we have been gathered tonight by Sir Roland, knight errant and friend of His Lordship. Now Fiend...you will remember the manners of your kind. What is your business before this Court?"

2011-11-20, 09:16 PM
Ates nods to the vampire that he is talking with at the moment saying "It appears that someone has decided to challenge me after all".

Turning towards the Azriel, curious as to the nature of the third eye set in his head, Ates answers his questioner "I have come here tonight to present my self to this court and announce my presence in these lands. I sought to present myself to the master of this land, but as he did not make himself known or assert dominion here I offered tribute to the land its self. As I said before, I am Ates the Shaper. Who are you? and which Fiend gave you that superfluous eye lid? I will have to compliment them on their work, especially their attention to detail. One could almost mistake it for a natural phenomenon".

2011-11-20, 10:05 PM
Iskah was both relaxed by Azriel's presence, and disturbed. When his hand grasped her shoulder her hand gripped her knife by the blade, the sharp end slicing in her palm. Having something with true fiath actually touch her was eating at her barriers.

Still, she was still maintaining somewhat of an appearance, and gently moved Azriel's hand away in a polite manner. "You demanded the name of you host before stating your own, your lack of a proper introduction the first of your insults. Your third insult is your ignorance." With that, Iskah nodded her head with deference to Azriel and moved to speak with Roland and Harash.

2011-11-22, 05:25 AM
The Salubri stood tall, neither nodding or bowing but simply spoke. "I Am Azar-Elohim, Helper-of-God, Angel of Death and Bringer of Mercy. To men I am Azriel, Reaper of Battlefields, Avenger of Sin, Destroyer of Demons. All three shall we find in the Holy Land."

His voice was deep, clear and carried with it the power of ancient faith.

2011-11-22, 05:42 PM
Ates grins and says "I am sure that you could find all three here if you cared to look. Still, it is said that all who participate in this crusade will find redemption in the eyes of God. After seeing that display though, I am not sure if I wish for those eyes to look upon me. Would you like me to craft you a pair of wings to more openly display your angelic soul?".

2011-11-22, 06:36 PM
Azriel raised an eyebrow.

"Indeed. However, what is about to occur in Jerusalem will be the great conflict of this age. It is not for redemption's sake I travel into it's heart, but to fulfill my penance and my purpose. As to your offer, such dark gifts will not work upon this ancient corpus."

Noticing the distress he had caused Iskah, Azriel approached her and smiled saying "Be calm child. I apologize that my presence has disturbed you. Here...let not the curse touch you this night."

He held his palm out towards her and his third eye opened, bathing Iskah and the courtyard in blue-white light whose brightness was amplified from the lens set in his crown, sending brilliant motes off of thousands of microscopic facets.

Rather than being terrifying to the Malkavian, the light washed away her anxiety and with it her desire to do harm to her immortal shell. After a moment, Azriel's third eye closed, taking the light with it and leaving the children of Abel and Caine to react.

2011-11-23, 08:26 PM
Ates' head swam, the effects of the temporal shift leaving him feeling a little queezy and distracted. He was sure that he had responded to something that this Angel had said or done, but he could no longer remember what it was. It was almost as if the angel had stepped through time somehow. Certainly this was not a being that Ates would like to fight if he could avoid it. Better to stay well away from the mind warping effects of the three eyed time traveler.

"Very well Azar of Elohim. Though why you would do penance without the hope of redemption is beyond me. It seems strange to labor at a task if that labor will bear no fruit. I am interested in hearing your opinion at the strategic meeting that you mentioned, but for now I must continue to greet the other Cainites that have come to these halls". As he wanders away from Azarial he whispers "Oh how easily does Azar become Akar".

Ates continues winding his way through the crowd, meeting the other local vampires, until he comes to Gunnar and says "Greetings Gangrel. I heard that you are seeking allies for this strike upon the childer of Cappadocious and Haquim. I have come to answer your call and partake in the promised spoils of liberty and autonomy. How have the nights treated you since last we met? You write so little to your poor dear cousins in the northern isles".

2011-11-24, 12:03 AM
Iskah's skin took on a slight bit of color, though not much. Her eyes focus, but looked sadder for it. "... thank you Azriel. I feel... more wordly. Still, do not help me too often less I come to depend on these rare moments. This is a good night for clear minds though."

Iskah spent the rest of the hour until midnight politically maneuvering, using barely concealed threats, and more subtle pleasantries to draw the kindred towards the war effort, particularly any enemies of Roland to ensure that those kindred who stayed behind would be loyal during their absence.

2011-11-25, 06:14 PM
"Well, if everyone have finished showing of their feathers as proud roosters, maybe we can turn to discussing the matter at hand?" Roland smiles
"As was already made known, those knights and men at arms owing fealty to me will accompany me to Constantinople to aid the Emperor. Now the pope Urban, second of his name, has called for others to join in the struggle as well. The land of Byzantine is rich in both people and gold, and would reward heavily those who joined in."

2011-11-26, 09:03 PM
Ates listens to Roland, but is more interested in what Gunnar has to say, since it is Gunnar who has called him here.

2011-11-27, 10:36 AM
Gunnar sits in his oak chair listening to the world around him not really there at heart, looking Ates he comes a little back to the world.

"Ates I hope the night is well for you, I called you to join me in battle, as I have fought with you befor and your skill are useful, also I have had word that a possible enemy of mine lives amoung the people there, your skills would be very useful as I wish to make her suffereing last till the day I am mer memorie, which I plan to make a very long time away."

Gunnar stretches his fingers his black talons visible under the flesh flexing.

"In return you can take what land, people and items you like, it will be like all others there, we go to liberate the land they call holy and by the end of it I see it being a ripped destroyed waste land where the only thing that grows will be the flowers of the dead, granted I feel no qualms about doing my part cutting down all of those who beleive they can stop me."

2011-11-29, 08:47 PM

When this time is usually yours, this time it is the one of mortals. A time for faith and a time for dreams.

The church opens its gate, as the ceremony is ready to begin.

(Each of you who want to enter will have to make a willpower roll, difficulty 9)

2011-11-30, 05:15 AM
Roland looks at Iskah, as if asking her if she wants to accompany him inside the church

2011-11-30, 05:30 AM
Iskah walked up to Roland, Extended her tiny, child's hand for him to take, so that he could escort her in. The combination of Azriel's powers, and a night planning Christianity's expansion into the holy lands made the church seem as natural to be in as her own resting place.

"What a wonderful evening good Roland. Do you agree?"

So yeah, six successes, and the best rolling I've eve had while on these boards. There are other times I would have loved these dice, but we'll take it. Now if only these dice will repeat for something a bit more important than strolling into a church.

2011-11-30, 09:26 PM
Speaking to Gunnar in the court room Ates asks "So you called me here with the promise of land, yet when I arrive you tell me that the same offer is extended to all who go on this venture? Has the prince here promised a fief to all that go with him on this crusade?".

As the group ventures towards the church Ates travels with them, just one more cat in the herd. As he came against the divine barrier at the threshold, the face hidden beneath his black hood began to writhe and soften to the consistency of wet clay, unwilling to bear a daemonic visage into a house of God. Struggling to control his shifting form, Ates pushed into the church. He was determined to show his strength in this contest of wills between a fledgeling power and the Curse Setter.

WP Roll: [roll0]

2011-12-01, 04:23 PM
"Yes, in a way: it's an evening of change. But change for the worse or for the better I don't know. Still, this is the way my sire went, and I know it's come to me to continue his quest..." Roland smiles and enters the church together with Iskah

2011-12-01, 04:53 PM
Azriel nodded and solemnly entered the church with the others. None of the mortals present seemed taken aback either by his display of Obeah nor the fiendish visage of the Tzimice shaper. As the procession passed through the heavy doors the ancient methuselah looked up at the vaulted architecture, a monument to a new god...but was it a blasphemy of the One, or merely His latest facade...

2011-12-01, 07:01 PM
Picking up his axe, and placing it over his shoulders Gunnar raises himself out of his chair and walks with the rest of the people.

"I beleive that how that will unfold is who ever can hold the land can keep it, the same with most fiefs, and since the holy land is vast in it size and fairly well populated fiefs are a plenty if you can force the mortals into accepteing someone who is not one of the dessert shadows or skeletons."

Gunnar stands at the barrier of the church the beast within his mind twitching under his ancient flash, the scar on his chest almost burning with an unholy rage, Gunnar snarls at a building.

"Enjoy the mast my freind I shall wait outside, I make it a habbit not to step foot in such places unless I plan to shed the blood of the men inside and plunder its halls."

Dictum Mortuum
2011-12-04, 07:36 AM
Ahum stands outside the entrance of the church, while still under the influence of the Obfuscate discipline, and carefully examines the external facade of the building. After a few minutes of internal struggle and thought, he gathers the courage necessary to enter the church.

While inside the building attending the mass, Ahum pays little attention to the ceremony, unless there is mention of the crusades; Ahum deems the christian religion only as a tool of keeping mortals under check, to keep them from submitting to the agents of Hell. Instead, he moves circular around Azriel at a certain distance inside the crowd and he is going to appear at the most opportune moment.

2011-12-12, 09:51 PM
"... And as the Son of the One is born to bring us salvation, saving the holy land from the unholy hands of the infidels will bring us redemption!"

With those words, the bishop finished his sermon, sending away his sheeps. Quickly, they go home, wanting to sleep as it's late, and you stay alone in the church, maybe temporarily alowed to stay in this hallowed place. Some priests are staying, but the bishop is already gone.

All the vampires that were in the courtroom are now there, apparently either waiting for something, either amazed to support the benediction hidden in those stones.

2011-12-13, 09:56 AM
Azriel makes his way towards his ancient ally, knowing that the fellow methuselah will share his perspective on the folly of mortal religion.

"It is good to see you once more after so very many centuries of sleep. The years look to have been kind with you." the Salubri whispered.

"This new religion of the kine...it is a pleasant fairy-tale, no? The meek shall inherit the Earth a pleasing notion to a serf. How conveniently does "love one another" become "claim more territory, burn and pillage." The twelve tribes were no different, Yahweh just another tribal justification for war. A mere shadow of the true Source. This is thinly veiled political rhetoric meant to placate the masses and garner support from their power bases. Of courseThe archetypes are the same as they always have been; Osiris has been replaced by Jesus in the ressurrection parable. Perhaps this Jesus figure was embraced before the tomb was sealed."

Dictum Mortuum
2011-12-25, 02:55 PM
As the kine cleared the church, Ahum came closer to Azriel, but he was still far away to have a clear conversation in human standards without shouting. Ahum's mouth was moving and he spoke words with the feintest of sounds, making sure that only a being with superior senses would be able to comprehend his speech.

"Azriel, it is good to see you, likewise. While I do share your point of view on modern religion, I do tend to have a more... opportunistic approach towards it. However I do have more urgent news that I'd like to discuss, than the current direction of relidion"

2011-12-28, 08:20 PM
Azriel nodded. "I received a message that you have tracked agents of the Adversary to Jerusalem. That is why I am here...or was there more you wished to discuss?"

Dictum Mortuum
2012-01-02, 05:11 AM
There was nothing more I wish to discuss; I just wanted to make sure that you received my message ... I find that mundane methods of communication are ... lacking. I trust that we are to set aside our differences and combine our skills against the enemy?

2012-01-02, 01:14 PM
The last priest remaining here comes near you. You know he is a Faithfull, and maybe one of the most powerfull some of you have ever seen. He probably know what you all are, but is looking at you with mercy. Even the strongest minds among you are feeling his Faith, and you are not sure if you could drop him, either in one to one fight or by sending minions.

You can all make a Wits + Occult, difficulty 10 ( whatever the amount of difficulty decreaser you may have, the difficulty won't go under 9)

"Are you seeking repentance? I mean, are you going because Peter's follower is saying it will redeem you, or because you see it as a way to redeem yourself?"

He then looks at Azriel.

"He existed, exists, and will come back, as he said."

He seems to hold the end of the phrase for himself.

You may all try to use any power to read his mind. To do it, you will have to roll Willpower, difficulty 9, scoring at least 4 successes before using your power, which has +2 to his difficulty.

2012-01-02, 11:38 PM
Azriel offers a rare smile as he feels the glow of the man's faith envelop him. A different sort of faith than his own, though nonetheless quite effective and resolute.

"I seek neither repentance nor redemption. I exist only to fulfill what the Holy men in the East call Dharma, that purpose for which I exist."

He gave a knowing look to Ahum that was all the reply the other ancient kindred needed to ascertain his assent.

"As to "his" existence, I presume you mean your Christ. That he existed is not in question, nor his displays of power, for which their are many means of accomplishment. I merely comment on the fact that his mere identification as "he" automatically reduces him to an infinitesimally small conduit for that which cannot be talked about. All corporeal forms and the language we use to describe them are but crude approximations of the vast and incomprehensible mystery that is the true face of divinity...and that force cannot return for it has never left, and resides in every moment."

2012-01-07, 05:03 PM
Having heard the sermon and being less than impressed, Ates leaves the church to fix his face, get a light snack, and explore the city until it was time for the strategic meeting. When the time was nigh, Ates returned to the meeting, awaiting the instigator's anticipated speech.

2012-01-07, 07:46 PM
For everyone interrested by the priest:

As awaited, his aura is golden. But, strangely, you can see sparkles of magy (no mistake here).

There is something odd with this guy. Even if he is living, you think he is at least 5 times older than he seems. That isn't unique among human, as you have heard of the so called Immortals.

2012-01-09, 04:00 PM
Roland smiles at the priest:
"I guess it's hard to refraining from prying into the souls of others after having done it all your life. Still, the virtue of the quest is not lessened by the motivation of he who quests for it... So do not question the action as long as the action itself serves the cause."

He then walks to podium in front of the altair and speaks in loud clear voice:
"Cainites! I do not speak to you today as an Elder, for I am not here to demand tribute from you or command you. Furthermore, although there are many here that I have the support of, particularly the Promethians, I am not here tonight to oppose or show disrespect to the Inconnu, or any other fraction present. Neither do I speak only to, or for my clan, but speak to every single one of you as one of you.
For I am here to make you an offer...."
he smiles and pauses
(charisma 5 [roll0] expression 5 [roll1])

"As you all know, the Pope is calling to war against the Seljuqs to aid Emperor Alexius. You might wonder what this has to do with us, especially if you don't feel the religious obligation to heed the Popes command. The enemy is what it has to do with us. The diablerists of the Assamite clan have long desired this realm, and their influence is growing stronger. If Constantinople falls, they will have a base of operations from which to spread into the heart of Europe."
Roland pauses to let this sink in.
(manipulation 5 [roll2])
he then continues less seriously, and maybe even cheerfully
"Well, not all of you currently hold a fiefdom, and you might therefore not care. But the Emperor Alexius is offering rich rewards for aiding him against the Seljuqs, and for those of you that are tired of the squabble over positions and fiefs here, there is land to be taken."
Roland then steps down from the podium towards the canites, and speaks softly, with a quiet voice. (presence [roll3])
"Then there are those amongst you that want something more, something beyond carnal pleasures and gain in power. For you there are a special quest. There is demonic power spreading from the city of Jerusalem. If this city is to become a holy place again, it is up to us to act. There are some who have, well, different views on the Cainite situation, to put it that way... and there might be a key to influence it there..."
he speaks then with full voice again
"... and that is the third offer I bring you: to join me in my journey to Jerusalem after aiding the Byzantine emperor!"

2012-01-15, 04:21 AM
"I go wherever the Adversary seeks roost, and need no more convincing." was all Azriel said, though the thrumming power of his aura gave his words heavy weight.

2012-01-15, 02:43 PM

2012-01-15, 08:00 PM
"In that case, are you willing to lead others as well to combat that treat?" Roland turns towards Azriel

2012-01-17, 06:13 AM
"My role is not that of a commander. As in my mortal days, I am a hunter and a tracker." the methuselah replied. "Leading an army would be a profound waste of my talents. A small surgical force, precise in it's execution, now that is another matter..."

2012-01-17, 12:25 PM
"That sounds very much as a leader to me. I would be delighted if you would join me in that capacity" Roland smiles

2012-01-17, 04:15 PM
"As I said, my chief concern is dealing with the Baali who have multiplied like rats during my long torpor. Apparently some survived when last I took the long sleep. I intend to finish the job thoroughly this time. Before I commit myself to your cause however, I would know more of what you have in mind. In particular, your vehemence to the Childer of Haqim troubles me...the Assamites and the Salubri have been allies against the demonic incursion since before I was sired, in the glorious nights of the First City. We should be working with Alamut, not warring against them..."

2012-01-17, 07:46 PM
You both see that some of the newer born are now crying. And they aren't crying blood.

Some of them are now praying on their knees.

2012-01-31, 11:01 AM
March 1096.

The Crusade is now ready to go, and you received no other signs since Christmas. Here are peasants everywhere, ready to go to the pillgrim.

Your followers are ready too, and they will soon be ready to go, as they still have to gather the furnitures needed to the travel.

2012-02-01, 12:45 AM
Eschewing horseback, Azriel ran ahead of the column, his keen senses and millennia of training making him a formidable advanced scout.

2012-02-05, 05:34 AM
In the front of the column is a black carriage preceded by two mailclad knights carrying black banners with a golden sun in the middle.
They also wear a black cross on their crimson tabards, symbolizing their participation in the crusade

2012-02-05, 07:26 PM
After two days of travel, the column saw the arrival of what looked like a small army, by late evening. They were knights, apparently from the Holy Roman Empire, as you can see on the banners : these banners carry two headed black eagles, but behind it you can see a black cross, with white replacing the golden on the banner.

For Roland, it is clear: it must be the order of the Black Cross and their followers : an order of vampire knights, recently formed to go to the crusade. You even thought they wouldn't last enough long to be able to come here together. But here they are, and apparently without any struggle among them.

As soon as they arrived, their leaders ask to meet the leaders - and you know they won't ask to see the human leaders of the crusade - in their tent.

What you know about them:

The Black Cross is, in fact, the vampiric court of the Holy Roman Empire. The vampires who summoned you are likely to be those:

-High Lord Hardestadt: known as the Black Monarch, he is the Suzerain of all vampires of the Black Cross. He fonded the order, but you haven't enough information to know of he did it out of idealism or simply as a political maneuver. (5th generation ventrue)

-Lord Jürgen: one of the most influential vassal of Hardestadt. 6th generation ventrue and lord of Magdeburg.

-Julia Antasia: influential vassal of Hardestadt, and probably the strongest in term of raw vampiric prowess. Few is known about her apart that she rules the city of Frankfurt. 5th generation ventrue.

About the members: they are relatively often taking part of human affairs through knightly acts. This may or may not be a good thing for you.

On an unrelated point: do you have any task for your followers?

2012-02-07, 05:33 AM
It was Azriel who ran back to inform Roland of the Order's presence. As they entered the opulent tent of the Vatican's own cabal, the ancient one was wary. He was a heretic to the church for he knew the truth behind the fairy tales they wove for the superstitious kine. Meanwhile, Zamakel filled him in on what she knew of the order and the modern church from her nights serving Samiel.

2012-02-07, 11:33 AM
Roland orders Sir Baldwin, the oldest of his two vampiric knights to follow him, while his human followers set up camp overseen by the second vampiric knight, sir Godwin.

Roland follows Azriel to the tent

2012-02-09, 07:26 PM
As you enter the tent, you discover that, apparently, this part of the order only took the necessary with them. The tent seems to be the commanding one, that's sure, but there is nothing of the luxe described as part of the palaces of the Black Cross' domains.

Sat on a wooden throne, you recognize the High Lord Hardestadt. A vampire announces both of you. Apparently, that was something awaited, as there is a sudden silence, and as you go through the people present here, all of them welcome you... or at least, try to give the feeling that they are welcoming you.

Some traditionnal vampire butt-licking, and that's often obvious.

2012-02-13, 05:25 AM
Sir Baldwin steps forth:
"I hereby present you his lordship sir Roland, of the Ventrue clan, the leader of the leaders of this armed effort to the benefit of the Byzantine Emperor"

Roland smiles

2012-02-14, 07:39 AM
Staring at Roland, Hardestadt finally stand up.

"So you are the one who brought them all here? You did a nice job. You deserve the title of Knight of the Black Cross, and now that I am here, you can take a break."

You can roll Wits + Etiquette if you want some advices.

2012-02-14, 08:26 AM
"What a relief! I was fearing that I would have to take the glory and the credit for this endeavor all by myself!"
Roland smiles, then looks around
"Now, I really appreciate you standing up to show us respect, but wouldn't it be easier to just offer us chairs?"

2012-02-16, 06:00 AM
"Yes, sure. Follow me, we will talk about strategic."

He shows a map with chairs around it, and makes a sign to another vampire.

2012-02-16, 08:56 AM
"So the representative of the byzantines has already arrived?" Roland smiles

2012-02-17, 08:53 PM
"Mikael's envoy is supposed to meet us soon, but no, he isn't here. But you know we cannot count on them before actually reaching Byzance : Mikael himself won't move, as we cannot hope a being so powerfull as a Methusaleh could take part to the crusade."

He smiles too, but seems slightly disturbed as you don't seem to respond his offer (to join his order).

2012-02-18, 09:08 AM
"Then anything we decide here will be changed anyway, or did you want to discuss how we as allies should get to Constantinople?" Roland asks

2012-02-19, 01:24 PM
"We already have thousands of human to lead toward the city of Constantinople. Until then, we are on our own, and you represent at least a significant part of our army."

2012-02-20, 03:59 PM
"I see. In that case it would indeed be reasonable to come to an arrangement on how the two allied forces are to interact until we reach Constantinople. How many troops are under your command?" Roland inquires

2012-02-22, 01:39 AM
Azriel ostensibly remained interested in the maps and strategies, appearing to most as a barbarian tracker or bodyguard in the service of Roland. Meanwhile, Azriel's attention was focused through the sight gifted to him through his circlet. The artifact remained quiet, but the methuselah could sense his more verbose companion was buzzing with the desire to conversate. In his mind, Azriel addressed the powerful spirit contained within his sore's sword.

*What do you know of this Order of the Black Cross, and of it's leader Hardestat?* he asked of Zamakel.

2012-02-22, 07:11 AM
In Azriel's Mind, the overwhelming voice responded.

"I think we already met Hardestadt, with another name, or maybe even names. About his order, I think they are at the moment mainly chivalrous. That is, most of them are youngsters, not already changed to pessimistic olders. The olders among them are either liers that profit of this situation, either truly optimistic. I'm feeling strange things here, things that are no more vampire... or at least no more truly. The four there, the man and the three women, that seems to be rather close."

It shows you which one it is talking about.

Apparently to this kind of questions, Hardestadt answers quickly, having no interrest in withholding this kind of information.

"Here? I have around 200 vampire knights, something like 500 ghouls, with a large part of them being knights too, and finally three thousands men. The main part of these vampires are young, I maybe have twenty three vampires that are more than one hundred years old. One ancient toreador met us the day before yesterday with his three childes, and asked to join us. As he was carrying a coat of arms, I accepted him. Out of my circle, he is maybe one of the strongest vampires I got here. If you exclude his strange make-up."

2012-02-22, 03:35 PM
*Not vampires...but posing as them?* Azriel asked mentally. He turned his aura sight upon the ones indicated to get a sense of what they might be hiding...

2012-02-23, 08:45 AM
*They probably were, or are still partly, I don't know. Their auras are rather impressives, too. Some links with our aura, as you can see..."

In fact, you see some golden marks in the auras, but not as strong as Zamakel's aura's golden, while the colors are absolutely not as pale as a vampire's aura. As you approach, you discover one more oddity: their skin is white. Not just pale, but white like fresh snow.

2012-02-24, 11:57 PM
*Could they be...Inconnu?* he asked of Zamakel, wary to approach too closely. Even among all his many millennia of wandering and slumbering, coming across one of the fabled transcended was a rare thing. Such beings were typically beyond the affairs of both the mortals and the games of the Jihad.

2012-02-25, 09:16 AM
*That's a possibility, but I doubt it, simply because we can think that they are. And the only reason I could see for them to be here will be to recruit you. But they don't seem to be there for you.*

2012-02-25, 08:37 PM
*They do not. Not yet. They do bears the markings of faith, however. Perhaps Hardestat is unaware...he does not seem like the type to pursue piety for more than political purposes...*

2012-02-26, 12:24 PM
The man among them (one man, three women, all in arms) turns his gaze toward you, then smiles.

Telepathic communication (you can refuse it, in this case, simply don't read)

"Welcome among us. I am Sir Erwan, knight of the clan Toreador, and they are my childes. You seems to be quite surprised, is something wrong?"

2012-02-28, 05:35 AM
*You all bear the markings of faith. What is your purpose here?*

2012-02-28, 07:23 AM
*As some of the other here, we are looking for the Holy Grail. But you aren't, and I won't ask yours. I know you are one of those we don't need to ask to know they are selfless.*

He is trustfull, at least about what he said.

2012-02-28, 08:25 AM
"Well, let's get down to business then?" Roland proposes

2012-03-04, 05:32 PM
*You follow the blood of the one whom is called Christ in the age. In Khem they called him Osiris, to the Hermetics he is the Hanged Man. To the Norse, Wotan. The sacrifice incarnate. What would you do with this artifact?*

2012-08-09, 02:56 PM
Well seeing as this game was abandoned, I'm posting a link to my sheet here for ease of later reference, for posterity, nostalgia, and because it's a damn amazing powerful methuselah build. Maybe someday I'll be able to play him again, with a troupe that is actually committed.

Azriel, Childe of Samiel, Childe of Saulot (http://sheetgen.dalines.net/sheet/13590?message=true)