View Full Version : [3.P] Able Learner?

Viktyr Gehrig
2011-11-14, 11:12 PM
So... yeah. As written, this feat is completely useless under the Pathfinder rules. Wouldn't normally care, but it's a prerequisite to the best PrC ever.

What should the feat do? Alternatively, what feat should it be replaced with?

2011-11-14, 11:27 PM
Open Minded (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/open-minded), perhaps?

I can't think of anything else. Skill Focus Something? Or maybe you can ask the DM to remove that prerequisite.

lord pringle
2011-11-15, 12:16 AM
Which PrC?

2011-11-15, 12:35 AM
Which PrC?

Chameleon, if my guess is correct.

I'd say either go with Open Minded or Skill Knowledge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/alternativeSkillSystems.htm#skillKnowledge). (If the latter, throw in a caveat that retraining the feat by any method loses the +3 bonus.)

2011-11-15, 12:51 AM
PF's version of Open minded, I would suppose!

Viktyr Gehrig
2011-11-15, 05:21 AM
I had been considering replacing with the Jack of All Trades feat from Complete Adventurer. Seems thematically appropriate.