View Full Version : Group 4: Forth They Came on Silver Wings IC

2011-11-15, 02:42 AM
War...always war...

The invaders came from somewhere beyond this plane. The little intelligence they have left behind shows that they kill indiscriminately, and capture those they leave alive. They don't even leave corpses in their wake, taking both the living and the dead.

You aren't sure how, exactly, but the idea came up to scout out the invaders to figure out what can be done against them. In the middle of a newly desolate land, with burnt fields and towns, is a fortress made of obsidian. It has four tall towers, and thick stone wall. It seems strange for a force as powerful as this to use a conventional fortress, with no protection from the air.

The last twenty four hours has seen a vast army marching to and from the fortress. Thousands of men marched out to a point about a half mile from the fortress, and swiftly disappeared. As of yet, most of the countries of this continent are not effected, but soon, the menace will spread to them as well. Retreating to a safe distance, the time has come to plan how to deal with this menace.

(You can presume that you know one another, feel free to ask any questions about the situation as well).

Gideon Falcon
2011-11-15, 06:09 PM
Hidden from view behind a hillock, a great form meditated. The creature was ten feet tall, short in comparison with many other beings, but its presence was titanic. Wisps of turquoise mist swirled around it, slowly coalescing into the silhouette of a terrible beast. The being inside, however, was no less frightening, a wooden form with carved musculature that was sleek, yet powerful, like a majestic tiger. Its feet were stones, topped with gnarled roots like sandals. Its skin formed plates in places, like a light but strong armor, and two enormous wings lay folded against its back. Its face was roughly carved, a stern one with large fangs. Its eyes glowed a soft, dim green, not looking in any particular direction. Claws of obsidian came from its fingertips, and feathers of the same stone covered the outer surface of its wings like rows of vicious razors. The Elder's eyes began glowing brighter, and it stood up. It looked upon its allies, and spoke in a deep, creaking voice that echoed the wisdom of the ages, a frosted mist escaping its mouth like one's breath in the frigid air.

"We must plan our course of action. What do we know of their defenses?"

2011-11-16, 02:39 PM
The white figure floats between its companions. Stealth being far more desireable in the current situation, its height is a mere 5''. Its white wings could evoke the general feel of a celestial being if not for its grossly misshapen head that reminds more of a fish than a humanoid being.
Once more it will engage the enemy, the destroyers, the ones that took away all signs of the purpose it once had and left nothing for it to be remembered by. They will pay. They will become its mark, their bodies broken into their elemental parts, their very being the substance from which its new marks on this world will be built. Soon their destruction will become its new creation.

A question rips its mind from the paths it had taken in this brief respite from battle. The answer however it can not provide.

"I have little knowledge of their forces beyond what they are capable off. I admit that so far the emotions their actions have evoked in me have clouded the more analytical aspects of my mind.
I could attempt to view them from here, though the attempt may be noticed."

2011-11-17, 07:36 AM
While the two first creatures were strange, the third looked human. She bears no weapon, and simply wear a tissu outfit, with ribbons pending from her hands.

Sitting on a stone, she looks at the newly builded fortress. She seemed worried, but both know she is ever aware of her surroundings.

"How could them be so wrong? I mean, they don't even understand why we fight them... where they right, we will equally stand here, 'cause it's when the righteous does nothing that the wicked wins..."

Gideon Falcon
2011-11-17, 07:17 PM
Elder looked back towards the fortress, and sighed a burst of cold wind.

"I do not believe we have any choice. We cannot simply allow them to continue, and I do not wish to loose the time needed to gather reinforcements if they are unneeded. Toronar, see what you can discover from here."

2011-11-17, 07:29 PM
The small white figure nods its elongated head. A mere moment later a small gem rises through what could be called its forehead.

"As it is prudent to conserve ones strenght, I will try to use this first."

Third Eye Sense: Clairvoyant Sense at ML 3 with a point about 100ft above fortress looking down. If it works continuing with the observation, changing viewpoint every minute or so, narrating what I see.

If this fails I will try again using the actual Power (ML33) in hopes that whatever resistance the item went against can be overcome by a
Manifester Level Check: [roll0]

And lets make one for the initial item as well for the improbable case that it could actually overcome any such defense.

2011-11-18, 12:46 AM
The magic item's power doesn't penetrate the forces around the fortress, but your own power does.

You find the fortress has few air defenses. There are a handful of ballistae on the towers, but little else. The walls are manned by soldiers, and hundreds of them are in the courtyard drilling. They seem ready to head out to another battle. It is clear that there is a good mix of martial and spell empowered soldiers, but you don't see anything very out of the ordinary. Certainly nothing to explain their great power and swift conquest.

Gideon Falcon
2011-11-18, 01:05 AM
Meanwhile, Elder crouched, chanting softly at the ground. (Casting Commune with Nature, asking how powerful the greatest force is).

2011-11-18, 01:13 AM
Elder sees a Knight in black armor. The forces of nature shudder at his power. The natural world seems to think that he has caused the great destruction that has led to their victory.

Gideon Falcon
2011-11-18, 06:46 PM
"It would seem there is a singular opponent of great power. It was responsible for most of this devastation."

2011-11-18, 11:08 PM
In case of a fight, if the members of the army aren't too powerfull, I think I can take them all down with ice and stone. For this guy, I should have to invest some more power in it, but you'll both be there. Is he so overwhelming? Are they looking like being warded agaonst any element?

Gideon Falcon
2011-11-19, 01:18 AM
"I cannot determine any more. The land is weak, and the method of divination is inaccurate in the best of cases.

Indeed, the army itself should not be difficult to overcome, so our main focus is determining how easily we could overcome our prime adversary. As is, I believe we should begin our assault."

2011-11-19, 12:12 PM
"If that is the case and the main perpetrator is indeed a singular entity then perhaps we should attempt to draw them out? I am confident that we could storm the fortress directly as most of the enemy are not stronger than what one would expect, but doing so would give the enemy the advantage of home ground, a situation I am more than familiar with.
Further, the near nonexistant fortification against aerial assaults seems strange to me. I could create a facsimile of myself to test said defenses if you wish."

Gideon Falcon
2011-11-19, 01:14 PM
"Indeed. We can also use your facsimile as a diversion, allowing us to approach from the other side."

2011-11-19, 04:28 PM
"While I had thought of simply using them as costless attempts to discern the enemies defensive capabilities, your idea has merit. Perhaps I could support the distraction with some temporary creation as well.
The most visually impressive, though rather ineffective possibility would be a feat I once saw a druid manage. He created an impressive tidal wave, on land no less. I could replicate this, though it would merely be a partially-real illusion it should at least give slightly more of a threat to my facsimiles.

I would teleport to about half a mile distance to the Fortress, create the facsimiles and the tidal wave and then have both approach the fortress at the same speed while then moving to wherever we wish to meet for the attack."

2011-11-20, 08:22 AM
"A tidal wave? I love speaking with both of you: it makes me stay aware of how my mastery on the elements is limited. But will it be enough? I mean, will it be enough to damage their fortifications?

2011-11-20, 09:00 AM
"No. It would lack sufficient power to damage their fortifications in any significant amount. If some of them are outside of the fortress there is even a chance it might not even affect them, such is the problem of only creating a shadow of the real thing. It is merely meant as a supplement to the distraction my facsimiles are to provide."

Its basically shadow conjuration of the Tsunami Spell at 65% realness.

Gideon Falcon
2011-11-21, 05:48 PM
"That is unfortunate. Perhaps you might use a different illusion, perhaps of a powerful creature?"You might use a shadow of Summon Elemental Monolith, if your facsimiles can concentrate on it for you.

2011-11-23, 12:01 PM
"But are those spawn of Hell, or of Heaven? I need to know which elements will be useless before any fight."

Gideon Falcon
2011-11-26, 07:11 PM
Indeed, Toronar, what allegiance do the soldiers seem to be?

2011-11-29, 09:51 AM
"I remember the forms of many of them. They once were the denizens of these parts. The invaders corrupted them, blighted their essence with their own malevolent energies. Now they are nothing more than pale imitations of both their original forms and the infernal forces they were formed to imitate. They are as much infernal as the ones that did this to them now."

2011-11-29, 04:28 PM
"So, ice."

She begins to do some moves, readying herself for the incoming battle.

Readied maneuvers added

2011-12-02, 10:13 PM
The fortress sits, seemingly unaware of your preparations.

2011-12-05, 08:14 AM
Focusing inwards, Toronar calls forth some of his energies to augment his processing capabilities enough to sustain the tidal wave he intends to create. As he finishes a loud reverberating sound starts emanating from him.

Trick of mind to create sonorous hum on himself. Has to wait [roll0] rounds to use Trick of mind again.
Sound has loudness of person walking in armor (listen DC 5).

2011-12-10, 01:54 PM
Above the sound of the hum, there is a cackling laugh that booms from rock to rock. It is hard to tell where it comes from.

2011-12-23, 02:17 PM
Focusing her senses toward the hum, Nourarihyon try to hear something within the sound.


"What's that?"

2011-12-28, 11:53 PM
The cackling seems to come from the air all around you, but then you see the form of a helmetted head above you, forming from dark clouds. The wind whips up, and while not enough to effect you, you get the sense that it is from raw energy being directed in your direction. The image of the head disappears, but the cackle gets louder and louder.

2012-01-02, 01:16 PM
"It probably isn't a good sign, we may have to hurry."