View Full Version : Looking for help building a treasure hoard(3.5/3.0/pf)

2011-11-15, 06:02 AM
I'm currently trying to figure out what sort of loot I should put in the main treasure hoard of the current BBEG of the adventure I'm running for my PCs atm(a modified version of expedition to castle ravenloft, modified to fit my campaign lore better), but I'm having trouble coming up with items other then +2 to stat x items or cloaks of resistance, so I was hoping the forum could help me come up with ideas for interesting and useful treasure for my group.

*house rules in effect;
1:all classes with d6 or lower hd are moved up by one die(d4 to d6, d6 to d8)
2:all +1/+1/+3/+4/+5 equivalent armor and weapons instead have a cost equal to a basic +x weapon or armor(+1 equals 2000g, +2 equals 8000g, for weapons, +1 equals 1000g, +2 4000g for armor, et cetera), as an example, a +2 flaming sparking weapon has a cost of 12000gp rather than 32000g
3: all hp gain from class levels, or the magical beast or dragon types is maximized(for both PCs and NPCs, along with monsters that fit into this category)
4: there are no multi classing penalties, though that doesn’t seem likely to come up with regards to loot
5: I don’t use alignment restrictions, nor do evil or good spells change alignment in any way, so feel free to suggest items that have the evil descriptor as well as ones with the good descriptor, even for the paladin without worrying about alignment aspects of said items
6: all books(3.0, 3.5, and pf) that can either be found on the srd or as an excerpt, or anything from the following list;
complete adventurer
complete scoundrel
complete warrior
Tome of Magic
races of stone
races of destiny
race of the dragon
magic item compendium(only sort of skimmed it, and I can't remember if there are any items usful to my group, though I do have it)
tome of battle
oriental adventures
Rokugan campaign setting
monsters of Rokugan
homebrew for 3.5 or pf(if I approve it as ok for the campaign)
mm 3
mm 5
Magic of incarnum
players handbook 2
dmg 2
all three main 3.5 rulebooks
city of the spider queen(3.0 adventure)
the arms and equipment guide
any online 3.0 or 3.5 articles from here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/archives)
Along with material that I ok from the d20 modern main rulebook or srd

**characters in the group;
Tank: half warblade half bard elf, specializing in using a longsword and a shield, wears chainmail(chainmail armor, not a chain shirt), mostly has spells and strikes that either deal damage, or protect herself or allies from taking damage, currently has +2 chainmail, and a +1 flaming, whirling longsword

Healer: npc/hireling goliath paladin, he mostly focuses on not taking damage, and healing as much damage as possible, though he doesn’t really need to be geared from the hoard, as I give him gear boosts every few levels when the pcs return to a large city as he wanders off to spend his pay

Face: a human warblade(using tiger claw and iron heart mostly) fluffed as a swashbuckling pirate, he duel wields “cutlasses”(refluffed saw tooth sabers from pf) and has moderately high charisma and dexterity scores(cha at 14, dex at 16), he currently has 2 +1 keen “cutlasses” as his weapons

Stealth/Blaster: a fairie(homebrewed lvl adjustment +0 race, I mentioned them in the “our monsters are different” thread) swordsage/rokugan ninja(with the rogue talent list and progression of a pf rogue) who focuses on a refluffed/recrunched lightning themed version of desert wind, and some shadow hand abilities, she currently mainly possesses a +1 keen precise ninja-to, along with a +1 keen kunai(refluffed dagger) and a flute of ghostly sounds(ghost sound at will as a full round action, priced at 2500g)

Caster(sort of): a dragon blooded human(homebrewed lvl adjustment +1 race, alchemically created half dragons, basically) earthbender (http://sites.google.com/site/avatard20/earthbender2.0)(with the armor, excavate, earthstride and column seeds), he usually starts combat with his earth blast ability, but after the first round usually charges and attacks with either unarmed attacks(he has superior unarmed strike as a feat) or a meteor hammer(bludgeoning version of a spiked chain I homebrewed/refluffed), his best magic items are a ghost shroud(the one from MIC) and a +1 flaming meteor hammer(and some spare gold, about 4500g), in addition he mostly focuses on his wisdom (for earthbending) and his con(which is 20 even without any items buffing it)
Ranged Attacker: an elf ranger(pf ranger), oriented towards buffing her animal companion(a small fox, with very good stats) and slaying constructs and magical beasts, has a +1 bow of construct and magical beast bane, and a +1 keen greatsword

NPC/hireling/Replacement character should a PC die: a human pf alchemist who usually sits at the party’s base/wagon and makes potions the PCs pay him to make, but can be convinced to come along for part of an adventure(though the PCs have to leave the paladin behind to watch their base/wagon), he has mostly healing extracts prepared if joining the party for an adventure, but has feats mostly oriented towards his bombs, again, like the paladin he doesn’t need as much gear from treasure hoards, as he upgrades off screen

Misc Non armor/magic item/weapon possessions of the party: 5 giant pack lizards(large sized quadrupeds with str 22) that the party uses to carry loot and pull their wagon, a large wagon, a mid sized ship(large enough to hold 8 people plus 5 giant pack lizards, plus a large wagon, and a few tons of supplies and loot).

the PCs are currently level 6, but they’re likely to be 9th or 10th level once they get to the vault

Any suggestions are welcome, though I would like to also here if anyone has ideas for flavorful items I could either add or homebrew(or that have been home brewed), in addition to ones that are good mechanics wise.

2011-11-15, 01:48 PM
The castle itself would be a damn good reward. Other than that, possibly dip into the War of the Lance for superior weapons and armor (maybe with templates from DMG II, or the dragon magazine article) from the castle's armory, or possibly some nice armor and weapon crystals too. Also, this is a castle, right? So items of luxury, even if only mildly so, I.e. everfull golden chalices with mead or fine wine as an option. You could include beautiful ornate books in the library from any range of masterwork tool descriptions, and don't forget trade goods in the Larder.
Converting the stables to work for the lizards can be nice, especially if you add in stuff from the Stronghold Builders Guidebook.
Anything specific of their equipmt that you wouldn't want touched, as anything can be optimized.
How much gold value are you looking at?
Draconomican has some good stuff too.

2011-11-16, 12:33 AM
to clarify aspects of the adventure; the castle is full of zombies(and most of the intelligent beings there are undead), so food or drink(other then maybe wine for the vampire lord) would be somewhat out of place there. the walls are rotten and falling down, though the crypt is fairly intact excluding a colony of demonic(as in demon like, they aren't actually outsiders) rats that live down there, that burst into the lowest level about a month before the adventure began, making parts of the castle usuable by the PCs as a base, but they would first have to repair most of the upper portions, it does have a giant glowing portal in the basement though, which can teleport you to anywhere else on the same plane, as long as you know what the place looks like, which could be used by the PCs to make travel from their main base(on an island on the other side of my campiagns planet) to other places faster, if I make it a two-way portal anyway.
The hoard I'm going for is meant as treasure for defeating the vampire lord(strahd), I'm aiming for about 450000-50000gp for the treasure hoard(not including treasure from other encounters or the castle itself).
I also do not have stronghold builders guide(though I may look into getting it some time in the next few months), nor do I have draconiam or war of the lance, nor dragon magazine, I did place a list of sources I have currently though.

For specific equipment;
the bard favours longswords with fire themed effects, along with light shields and chainmail armor, she uses either her voice or a flute as her bardic instrument.

The pirate themed warblade uses cutlasses(refluffed sawtooth sabers (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/weapon-descriptions/sabre-sawtooth)) and favours tiger claw and ironheart maneuvers.

The archer uses a construct and magical beast bane longbow, and has both as favoured enemies, and is planning to take favoured enemy: dragons at tenth level.

The earthbender(which I provided a link too in the first post, it's a skill based caster/gish basically) mainly uses unarmed attacks and a meteor hammer(which I mentioned in the same post), he prefers fire and stone themed enchantments for gear.

The fairie swordsage focuses largely on stealth and assassination, she also has perform: flute

2011-11-16, 09:57 PM
1. Don't give out gear tailored to your party. It breaks versimilitude, and it's just cooler for the story when the paladin takes the +3 Unholy Greatsword to a temple and 'binds it's evil' to make it a +3 Holy Greatsword, and puts aside his longsword and shield in order to use it. Try to work out what gear the enemies you fight would have (this doesn't necessarily have to be for their spec or whatever... trophies and stuff do exist, it just should thematically fit the creature/enemy, and not be obviously a treasure parcel care package for the PCs), and make it interesting and powerful enough that it feels like 'treasure' and not 'vendor trash'. Then bam. They'll like it, even if it's not a new cutlass.

For my 2 scents (assuming you meant 450,000-500,000 not 45,000-50,000) -

+3 Alchemical Blood-Drinking Greatsword (used by strahd)
A collection of superior masterwork swords (+2 to hit, nonmagical) which includes falchions, rapiers, cutlasses, daggers
A room of coins, brass/silver/gold items (cups, plates), jewels (street value - ~50,000-75,000)
A black steel helmet that casts darkness when the command word is uttered
A white gold shield emblazoned with a symbol of Pelor, that on command shoots forth a 60' cone of daylight as the spell, and 3/day on command word can use a Empowered Searing Light, CL = HD of the user.
A lute (not flute) that increases effective bard level by 2, and fascinates (DC 16 will negates) all who hear it for the duration of it being played
A plain steel chisel that ignores hardness (even adamantine)
+2 Gauntlets of Firey Burst
Shadowsilk Cloak - +5 competence move silently and hide item
Chainmail of the Mist - +3 Nimble (-2 ACP, +1 max dex) Gleaming (+4 AC vs ranged attacks) Chainmail, creates a Fog Cloud (as the spell) that you can see through, and in which you gain a Freedom of Movement-like effect and the hedging out of mental control effect of a Protection from Good/Chaos/Evil/Law spell.
Knowstone - once per day gain a +10 untyped bonus on any knowledge check, incl. bardic knowledge and gather information. This bonus can allow you to use a knowledge skill untrained.
Cloak of the Bat (MiC) - lets you fly, hide
Boots of Relative Gravity - As per the 3rd level SpC spell Subjective Gravity, you may choose which direction is 'down' any number of times on your action as a free action (note, falling is instantaneous, free actions are not immediate actions and do not interrupt - readied actions do, but that would eat your turn 'readying' a free action to change your gravity).


2011-11-16, 11:25 PM
First information on the setting, which I hadn't added because I was busy and unable to post;
The setting(except the elves) has both gunpowder and clockwork technology(though none of the party is proficient with firearms).
In addition there are no deities(other then abominations from the far realm and occasionally a very strong[cr15-25] celestial being, though neither the abominations nor the celestials can grant spells[clerics still exist, and simply manifest spells through force of will]) and paladins can come in any alignment(even true neutral).

Also I did mean 45,000-50,000 as that’s twice the average treasure per encounter, and does not include any loot strahd might use, though looking at the loot per encounter table, perhaps 90,000-100,000g would be better for a final boss.
In addition, the cloak of the bat is a fairly neat item, I may include one somewhere, slightly modified to a lower cost(such as changing the maximum flight duration to 1 or 2 rounds, but removing the rest period between flights, so all you have to do is land to take off again)
Also I was planning on giving strahd a mainly spellcaster build(so he can still raise and control zombies) so a greatsword would be a bit out of place for him to use.
Also forget about the paladin, he seems to be causing more confusion then necessary; he is an npc/hireling/healing robot I only added him to the group because they lacked a source of healing, my players have only ever really refered to him as Gar(his name), they also have not struck up any conversations so far with him, just having him follow, heal, and sometimes attack, and paying him his pay at the end of an adventure.

Also this is one case where items made for the party would be likely to be found as loot, as strahd intends to try to convert them into vampire servants, so items that could be useful upgrades, but have a undead/vampire/evil flavour could be good(and the cloak of the bat, which fits perfectly as an item strahd might use, for flight when in human form).
Would a sparking burst weapon be useful at level 10?, I mostly use undead, magical beasts, elemtals, and dragons as enemies, with the occasional aberration or plant thrown in, so not that many electricity immune creatures other then lightning elementals or lightning breathing dragons.
There is a rival clan of witchs and warlocks(both use the pathfinder witch class) in the nearby mountains, so maybe mage slaying items?, not sure what those would be other then a mage bane weapon(which, as most of the party can cast spells, or at least about half of the party, would be rather usless), are there any other anti-caster items that would be available at level 10?

edit; I'm also trying to come up with items that fit my PCs because the village the adventure takes place around has only about 50 people left, only one of which is a merchant(though I had been thinking of adding a mysterious old man selling oddly powerful magic items from a cart, who only appears at night.
In addition the nearest city is about 200 miles south-west-west of the adventure site(edit #2: the journey would take them about 11 days, if they traveled at 100ft./round for 16 hours per day)