View Full Version : Erudite(3.5) Information Help

2011-11-15, 08:12 AM
Hello everyone, ive been looking up making a new character, And I found the Erudite(3.5), but my DM has never heard of him so im trying to get together official sources of information on him and also to try and understand how he works my self. If anyone has any links or know here he is mentioned that would go along way in helping me.

I've found information in Complete Psion, online article (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a)
and that's about it are there other mentions in 3.5 books?

Is a Erudite like a Psion but he does not have to prepare his spells? he can use any he has learnt at any time? Is a Erudite basically a Psion Wizard?

I've also read they can take a feat of sorts called Spell to Power how does that work?

I've read as much as i can find just alittle lost on the more complex stuff.. and i'm trying to explain this to my DM also.

Any help/links/advice you can give me on playing one would be very helpful. And if there is anything you think i should know please enlighten me :)

Little Brother
2011-11-15, 08:52 AM
Hello everyone, ive been looking up making a new character, And I found the Erudite(3.5), but my DM has never heard of him so im trying to get together official sources of information on him and also to try and understand how he works my self. If anyone has any links or know here he is mentioned that would go along way in helping me.Okay, first, they are busted. Really. Be careful, it's seriously dumb. And don't use the ACF unless you want to have books thrown at you.

I've found information in Complete Psion, online article (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a)
and that's about it are there other mentions in 3.5 books? No, not really.

Is a Erudite like a Psion but he does not have to prepare his spells? he can use any he has learnt at any time? Is a Erudite basically a Psion Wizard?Psions don't have to prepare spells, dude.

But, yeah, Erudites are spontaneous, with their limit on unique power/day.

I've also read they can take a feat of sorts called Spell to Power how does that work?It's in that article, the ACF. And, DON'T! Seriously, such a stupid ACF. Busted beyond belief. How do you think being a Wizard AND a Psion at the same time?

I've read as much as i can find just alittle lost on the more complex stuff.. and i'm trying to explain this to my DM also. You do have the book, right?

Any help/links/advice you can give me on playing one would be very helpful. And if there is anything you think i should know please enlighten me :)My advice: No ACFs, and BE CAREFUL! It is SO easy to break everything so far. I'd just be a Psion, TBH.

2011-11-15, 08:58 AM
Erudite is online here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/iw/20060406b&page=1) if your DM wants to read it, though it can be tricky without the table so try to show him a copy of CPsi if you can. (Of course, it's also tricky with the table, so...)

Anyway, for your questions:

1) No, the Erudite is only mentioned in CPsi and I believe a dragon magazine (don't remember which one.) There are a couple of fluff articles online that mention them but nothing else with mechanics other than CPsi, Dragon and Mind's Eye.

2) Erudites don't exactly prepare their spells powers, but it does work out sort of that way in practice. See note 4 for a better description as it ties into your other question.

3) "Convert Spell to Power" is a variant described in the link in your post. An Erudite trades in his first-level bonus feat and in return gains the ability to learn spells one level lower than the highest power he knows, just like he learns discipline powers. Keep in mind this variant is extremely powerful and is likely to unbalance any game that you actually use it in.

4) By "the complex stuff," I assume you mean their Unique Powers per Day. Basically, how it works is this - An Erudite can know an unlimited amount of powers. However, whenever he manifests one of them, that power gets "locked in." There are only a certain number of powers an Erudite can have "locked in" each day, depending on his level - once you hit that limit, those powers you've manifest that day are the only ones you will have access to until you can rest and refresh the lockout.

That "locking in" is what makes Erudites similar to Wizards. You don't have to prepare your powers at the beginning of the day, but each power you use reduces your options, just like a wizard loses options with each slot he fills with a prepared spell.

The tricky part is figuring out what exactly that number is; the wording is very confusing and the table doesn't help much. Bottom line is that you will have to work out with your DM exactly how much they should get per day.

It's kind of confusing (I've said this a lot) so if you still don't quite get it just say so.