View Full Version : Building a world-with historic parallels

The Underlord
2011-11-15, 09:08 AM
Players of my pbpb-you know who you are.

Anyway I need help naming and fleshing out my world. It consists of

1. Human Country-Consists of two ruling Houses that consistantly fight for control. Paralells mexico during the Cent-Fed war around the time of the Texas revolution. Santa-anna esque leader in power, he has already switched sides. The revolution(which specificaly is NOT a paralell of the texas one) is forming and appears to be good except the pc's will eventually learn that the leader is just as corrupt as the housees and just wants power. An important member of the rebellion is the high priest of pelor, who will eventually break off the rebellion. Another plot relevant city, is the city of X, which is an alexandria parallel in the sense that it is a knowledgable city with many libraries and hhouses the paragnostic assembly.

2. Dwarf Empire/City states- The Main dwarf empire is The Confederacy, which parallels russia with the weak government after the czars and beefore communists. Something the pcs are involvved in will triggger the communistts taking over The Confederacy and them attacking the smaller dwarven ciity states(Europe). This parallels WW2 but with communist instead of nazis.

3. Elven Place- An america parellel but it take place around the time of the Industrial rev, right before the worker's rights reforms came it. Most businesses are corrupt and the place isnt actually as free as it first appears.

The plot- They start out in the human country, they then choose who they will side with(one of the houses or the rev). Each side is looking for a set of powerful artifacts made by a powerful(epic) wizard. The oens the pc's will find is in his tomb, which is a jade circlet which grants continous shapechange, but the pcs's will not know this. Once they return there faction will send them to the paragonostic assembly to look for more info. There, an enemy faction(the opposed house or house in control for rev) will raid the assembly, looking for the artifact.

So as far as the dwarven thing, I thought about a whole conspiracy, where the dwarves in power got in league with the house in control and the house told them that a bunch of communist leader were there and the dwarves raided totake out the communist but in exchange they had to look for the artifact. Unknown to the dwarves in power, this was a ploy by the communist to matyr there leader and get a big majority of the army out of the way for awhile. I was thinking this could be the trigger for communist.

Any comments or help naming?

The Underlord
2011-11-15, 08:39 PM
anyone? please?

2011-11-15, 08:49 PM
I'd recommend posting this in the world-building forum, that's really what it's for.

Placement aside, I doubt there's ever been a world without SOME historical parallels. Mine does, and not all of them are deliberate. At the moment, I'd focus on the culture, people and "feel" of the countries. To the players who will encounter this world (Read: the reason you're making this in the first place), that matters much more than the historical parallels of the political machinations of the politics that they may or may not encounter of be interested in. The hardest thing for me to do is to "zoom in" from histories, political movements and zietgiests to individuals, throne rooms and dungeons. Give that a shot and see what you come up with.