View Full Version : death by rainbow!

2011-11-15, 11:39 PM
so, in a game i ran, an NPC warmage threw out a prismatic ray at a nalfeshnee, mostly in a bit of despiration...and it got turned to stone. ever since i've kind of had a fasination with these types of spells.

well, today i decided to look through all my books and make a list of all the prismatic/rainbow spells i can find, and this is what i've got so far.

color spray, lvl1, PHB
rainbow beam, lvl2, SpC
hypnotic pattern, lvl2, PHB
rainbow blast, lvl3, SpC
prismatic mist, lvl3, PHB2
rainbow pattern, lvl4, PHB
prismatic ray, lvl5, SpC
prismatic aura, lvl6, CM
prismatic eye, lvl7, SpC
prismatic spray, lvl7, PHB
scintillating pattern, lvl8, PHB
prismatic wall, lvl8, PHB
prismatic bow, lvl8, CM
prismatic deluge, lvl9, CM
prismatic sphere, lvl9, PHB

so, am i missing anything?

2011-11-15, 11:54 PM
Don't forget good old color spray. Not quite the same thing mechanically, but it would be criminal not to include it on the list of a rainbow-themed caster.

2011-11-16, 12:01 AM
...i cant believe i forgot color spray. Well, i'll just go fix that now, and thanks for pointing that out.

2011-11-16, 12:02 AM
You put Deluge twice. Just fyi.

2011-11-16, 12:40 AM
...I'm so going to make a unicorn, and give it all those spells.

... I'll also make it a chaotic evil antagonist, just for the lulz.

2011-11-16, 12:46 AM

2011-11-16, 12:50 AM
but how would it change into a motorcycle?

2011-11-16, 12:51 AM
Darth Sparklelord, Bringer of Chaos and Rainbows!

2011-11-16, 12:59 AM
You forgot Hypnotic Pattern (2nd level illusion) and Scintillating Pattern (8th level illusion). There is also Chaos Hammer (Chaos 4) and Cloak of Chaos (Chaos 8, Cleric 8) which would be a bit more difficult to get, but see below.

Rainbow Servant PrC from Complete Divine and Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil PrC from Complete Arcane fit very well with the class theme. In addition, Rainbow Servant adds Cleric spells to your spell list, so you can grab something like Cloak of Chaos as a new spell. Chaos Hammer would require access to the Chaos domain somehow, but you could then add that spell without problem as well.

Robe of Scintillating Colors (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#robeofScintillatingColors) and Prism Staff (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/magicItems/staffs.htm#prism) are of interest to you.

For familiar, you might want to look into a Corollax (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/mm2_gallery/88268_620_21.jpg) from MM2. It's basically an intelligent parrot that can use Color Spray.

2011-11-16, 01:28 AM
Make sure to gain access to the Twin Spell Metamagic . . .
For Double Rainbow, man!

2011-11-16, 01:33 AM
I'm playing a Pathfinder Sorcerer using the rainbow as a theme for choosing my spells. Sure, I'll have Rainbow Pattern, Hypnotic Pattern, Prismatic Spray etc., but I need some diversity. Flavor text helps a lot. I cast Ray of Enfeeblement because it's a black ray. I will learn Disintegrate because it's a green ray. Lesser Globe of Invulnerability is a pale white bubble. Invisibility is hide my colors. Dimension Door is Hop the Rainbow. Teleport it Jump the Rainbow. Web is made of multi-colored strands. Benign Transposition means I create a rainbow arch between the two people who step on it to switch places.

2011-11-16, 01:39 AM
but how would it change into a motorcycle?

If it has all those rainbow spells, it's a Wizard. It just Shapechanges into a motorcycle.

2011-11-16, 02:05 AM
Now just get a way to pull off a Sonic Rainboom and a Royal Rainbow and you'll be all set.

I can only dream what a Royal Rainboom would be like.

2011-11-16, 02:15 AM
Rainbow Pattern is a 4th level spell, you have it listed as a 3rd.

I don't suppose that this character will be an anthropomorphic bear with a unique symbol on his belly?

2011-11-16, 06:13 AM
Radiant Assault at 7th comes in with the rainbow theme
Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil just takes the rainbow up to 11
I really annoyed my players with a prismatic focused build. The guy kept running around shouting "Taste the painbow!" the whole fight

2011-11-16, 06:38 AM
...then you take the pegasus class from savage species as a race, obviously

2011-11-16, 07:05 AM
I really annoyed my players with a prismatic focused build. The guy kept running around shouting "Taste the painbow!" the whole fight

Damn you! That's been cracking me up for the last 10 minutes! :smallbiggrin:

2011-11-16, 07:49 AM
Damn you! That's been cracking me up for the last 10 minutes! :smallbiggrin:

It was made worse because he was morbidly obese with a beard down to his navel wearing rainbow robes and literally prancing and capering.

2011-11-16, 09:56 AM
Comprehend Languages - Reading Rainbow
Sending - Rainbow Connection
Plane Shift - Over The Rainbow

2011-11-16, 10:00 AM
now i'm really tempted to make this character too.
sorcerer 1/rainbow servant 10/Iot7FV 7 and what some pegasis levels? sounds amazing. teehee.

2011-11-16, 10:27 AM
For a rainbow themed character, be sure to wear the Seven Veils magic item set from MIC. Also, a few days ago in the Homebrew forum I posted the Prismatic Priest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=222486) prestige class. :smallsmile:

2011-11-16, 11:13 AM
Did Chromatic Orb ever make 3rd edition?

2011-11-16, 11:16 AM
Rainbow Pattern is a 4th level spell, you have it listed as a 3rd.

I don't suppose that this character will be an anthropomorphic bear with a unique symbol on his belly?

Shneeky! We speak not of such evils here...

Also, you have to have "dash" in your name. And see what you can do to get a spell tattoo of control weather on your thigh?

2011-11-16, 11:16 AM
Not directly related, but this character needs to know the spell Melf's Unicorn Arrow (PHBII)

2011-11-16, 11:21 AM

I'd be laughing really loudly if I wasn't in a public place.

2011-11-16, 12:35 PM

Step 1- Get a pegasus
Step 2-Get Leadership-> You can use the Pegasus as your Cohort
Step 3-Give it a Rod of Wonder and instruct it to use it on a dummy until it turns blue (Have a few stone to flesh spells handy)
Step 4-Give it a Spell Tattoo of Control Weather
Step 5-Cast Permanency'd Expeditious retreat and give it an at will item of Prismatic spray(Colour spray if your cheap) tied to its tail
Step 6-??????
Step 7- Profit!

2011-11-16, 12:40 PM
doesn't that Streamers spell cast rainbow hued craziness at people? or am I miss-remembering?

2011-11-16, 12:51 PM
doesn't that Streamers spell cast rainbow hued craziness at people? or am I miss-remembering?

described as red but any DM that does not allow you to re-flavor your spells looses his license where I come from.

2011-11-16, 12:59 PM
I ran this in a d20 modern campaign. DM said I had to use Skittles as my material components. I found myself screaming, "Taste the Rainbow, *****!" in combat and my party had to end the session there because nobody could stop laughing.

2011-11-16, 01:02 PM
Man, now I want to make a prismatic-themed base class. I need to stop reading funny threads.

...Taste the painbow. *laughs quietly*

Claudius Maximus
2011-11-16, 01:06 PM
doesn't that Streamers spell cast rainbow hued craziness at people? or am I miss-remembering?

If memory serves, they're all bright red.

2011-11-16, 01:08 PM
Did Chromatic Orb ever make 3rd edition?

Not exactly. It's now the various infamous Orb spells. Minor Orbs at level 1, regular Orbs at level 4.

2011-11-16, 03:45 PM
Hm... I don't have access to the issue in question right now, but Dragon #321 has something that might fit. 321 has the "Rainbow" spell, and there's the articles on the "Plane of Radiance" and the "Radiance Domain".

I was going to recommend 322's spells, but I see they were reproduced for the Spell Compendium. I can't check to see if "Rainbow" is the same or different than "Prismatic Bow" though.

Also, if I recall correctly, there's a "Prismatic Mist" spell in PHB2.

2011-11-16, 04:21 PM
Man, now I want to make a prismatic-themed base class. I need to stop reading funny threads.

...Taste the painbow. *laughs quietly*

(I am reminded by a song by neofolk band Current 93, which indeed features a painbow, as well as six other bows, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InpGeMQmqxQ and lyrics (http://www.lyricsmania.com/the_seven_seals_are_revealed_at_the_end_of_time_as _seven_bows:_the_bloodbow,_the_pissbow,_the_painbo w,_the_faminebow,_the_deathbow,_the_angerbow_and_t he_hohohobow_lyrics_current_93.html). I am not sure what drugs he is on, but maybe they play it during IotSV initiations... :smalltongue:)

Concerning the suggested builds more generally, they need to be around 20% cooler.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-11-16, 05:15 PM
It's dangerous to go alone, take this!
Anyway, we need a pegasus sorceress (wizard doesn't feel right) with a lot of speed boosters. Haste, Quick trait (ROC overrides RAW), Dash feat, barbarian dip for Fast Movement, Run feat, oh, and Fleet of Foot to make that 90° turn to save the unicorn whose Fly spell wore off and disoriented/knocked out three other pegasi with her flailing kicks that you also have to save. Add Guile's Theme for extra awesome.

2011-11-16, 05:49 PM
Blinding Color Surge (PHB II, p104) is another one that might fit.

2011-11-19, 12:02 PM
chameleon (renamed to camouflage) is a lvl 1 spell (spell compendium p43)

darn, urpriest beat me to melf's unicorn arrow.

don't forget about minor/major/programmed/etc image (the image spells) you can use those to make anything you want, including fabulous rainbows.

spell thematics (player's guide to faerun p44) boosts spellcraft DC to identify your spells by 4 and you can pick 1 spell as your thematic spell and cast it at +1 CL. you get to pick your own theme, and you can pick rainbows!

that means that even spells that don't have anything to do with rainbows (for example, summon monster) now have everything to do with rainbows (summon a rainbow coloured unicorn!)

how it affects each spell is up to you. it by definition has no mechanical effect on the spell (besides the 1 spell you pick that it boosts the CL of and the DC to identify) and is pure fluff, and up to you how you want to fluff it. a few examples:

charm person: Look at yourself, now at me, now back at yourself, now back at me. My eyes are now rainbows, you are now my best friend.

glibness: My words are rainbows, be awed by my fabulosity (forum's spellcheck says this is a word. excellent)

wall of force: Is this a prismatic wall? or is it a wall of force that just happens to be made out of rainbows? I guess there's just one way to find out!

create food and water: anyone hungry? I have airheads, skittles, and all flavours of koolaid available

shadow form: more like rainbow form.I turn rainbow coloured and get a bonus to hide checks anyway, I'm that amazing

alter self: you're restricted to "normal parameters for your species", huh? well screw the rules! I've got green hair!

the possibilities are endless

2011-11-19, 12:38 PM

I'd be laughing really loudly if I wasn't in a public place.

Never let something as trivial as being in a public place stop making you laugh! Never!

2011-11-19, 06:04 PM
Second edition had a cleric/druid spell called Rainbow; I don't know if it ever got updated. Basically, you could either shoot rainbow-colored arrows out of a magic bow, or make a bridge.