View Full Version : Poisoning That Which Does Not Live

The Reverend
2011-11-16, 12:28 PM
So quick question. Can you poison the undead? Not with special undead poison, but with run of the mill poison and poison attacks. Their already dead its not going to hurt them they have nothing living to poison. Cyto and Nerve toxins should have no effect. Acidic poison sure, bit its the acid doing the heavy lifting there.

NOw the sneaky part of the post.
Death's blessing states "You are no longer considered a living creature.". Now does this means Im untyped neither living nor undead because it never specifies you as an undead creature or a dead on, am I undead fully? Because either way I dont see how most poisons would affect you period.

Probably picking at things any dm would say " no poison still works on you."

2011-11-16, 12:43 PM
Venom Hand Master baby!

2011-11-16, 12:53 PM
Most undead have poison resistance/immunity, but unless that is specifically spelled out, poisons still affect non-living creatures.

And yes, there is the Venom Hand Master feat, which allows assassins to poison anything, including constructs.

2011-11-16, 12:54 PM
By RAW, the undead keyword confers no immunity to any effect. Poison still works on you as surely as it does on the living. Nor, in fact, does the Animate type or the Construct keyword, both of which imply something even less connected to living creatures than [Undead] does.

Presumably, undead, animates, and constructs that aren't highly resistant or immune to poison emulate the biological process sufficiently that toxins are effective against them.

The Reverend
2011-11-16, 12:57 PM
Lol just looked Venom Hand Master maybe I guess that might work, but then again just looked thru the rules compendium and it never says the undead are immune to poisons they just dont sleep, eat, or breath....but you can sure poison that skeletal warrior, that dont make no sense.

Edit- "I don't have to explain it, its Magic Bitches."

Mando Knight
2011-11-16, 01:05 PM
You aren't dead, you're undead (Death's Blessing is a Revenant racial feat. Revenants are undead). Whatever the poison does normally, it also disrupts the vitality of your unliving body, slipping you closer back to true death. Such it is with the Revenant. Other undead such as zombies, liches, and (monster) vampires, are fully immune to disease and poison. Your undeath is not so.

On the other hand, if you're using the Deva epic destiny to count as another race and choose Revenant, then insist that you are neither living nor undead, all DMs across all space and time are permitted to smack you on the head with whatever heavy item is handiest.

2011-11-16, 01:10 PM
but you can sure poison that skeletal warrior, No. All skeletons have immunity to poison. That's written in their statblock.
that dont make no sense.Except for the venom hand master-feat, poisoning skeletons still doesn't happen.
Edit- "I don't have to explain it, its Magic Bitches."In the case of the assassin (a shadowfell-source user), who can take said feat, that's true.

The Reverend
2011-11-16, 01:16 PM
The monsters are specifically immune to disease and poison because they are those specific monsters. Just spent some time looking at the undead and poison related articles and Generally the undead are not immune to these.

Specific beats general.

Now I want to be a vampire robot werewolf dragon angel who has died and was brought back and makes himself into a liche.

2011-11-16, 01:40 PM
Now I want to be a vampire robot werewolf dragon angel who has died and was brought back and makes himself into a liche.

I can think of a way to do everything but the dragon part. What am I missing? :smallamused:

The Reverend
2011-11-16, 01:54 PM
That deva specific reborn champion I think is the name - have dragonborn as your past life. I guess also I think there is a monk paragon path that allows you to take a draconic form.

I've heard variations of this including being a half vampire vampire vampire
Vampire heritage feat, race virtolka, however you spell the vampire nobles, and the vampire class.

2011-11-16, 05:24 PM
There's also the Poisoner multiclass feat.

2011-11-16, 08:47 PM
Fungal Poison. That hurts everyone.

2011-11-17, 12:16 PM
I understand what your saying here Reverend. It seems silly, but a Rogue can sneak attack anything now right?

2011-11-18, 06:10 AM
I understand what your saying here Reverend. It seems silly, but a Rogue can sneak attack anything now right?Yes, you can sneak attack anything you have combat advantage over. Some things are difficult to get CA on though ('All Around Vision' means a monster can't be flanked, for example).

It's theoretically possible that a monster could have "Immune: sneak attack" but no listed monster has that and it goes against standard practices

2011-11-18, 10:45 AM
Why, this thread is downright ridiculous! Next you'll tell me that you can grapple a ghost!

2011-11-18, 11:32 AM
Why, this thread is downright ridiculous! Next you'll tell me that you can grapple a ghost!

Which you can, even though it's hella stupid, and makes far less sense.

Mando Knight
2011-11-18, 12:45 PM
It seems silly, but a Rogue can sneak attack anything now right?

Well, yeah. Why should a zombie be immune to damage sources like sneak attack and critical hits? Everyone knows you blow their heads off.

2011-11-18, 02:51 PM
Why, this thread is downright ridiculous! Next you'll tell me that you can grapple a ghost!Nah, you can only grab them. :smalltongue:

Which in all seriousness does make sense, since their ectoplasmic body is solid enough to punch people in the face, so ghosts don't get to decide that they can't be grabbed or not. All ghosts get is the insubstantial trait, which is seriously annoying, especially if you're also weakened (say hello to the Monster Manual 1 Wraith who can regenerate, is insubstantial and can weaken you).

2011-11-18, 03:55 PM
Nah, you can only grab them. :smalltongue:

Which in all seriousness does make sense, since their ectoplasmic body is solid enough to punch people in the face, so ghosts don't get to decide that they can't be grabbed or not. All ghosts get is the insubstantial trait, which is seriously annoying, especially if you're also weakened (say hello to the Monster Manual 1 Wraith who can regenerate, is insubstantial and can weaken you).

Actually most ghosts that I've seen don't do physical, untyped damage so much as necrotic, psychic and cold which tend to target NADs. Further, ghosts have both insubstantial and phasing, the latter of which allows them to pass through solid objects.