View Full Version : FFXd20: To Save a Soul IC (Cloister of trials)

2011-11-16, 01:45 PM
If you are not in the cloister, stop reading. Helping the people in here will get you disqualified

tada, a hidden thing for you to do your testingness. A nice, easy one to begin with :smallsmile:

warning: I am intentionally making sure these chalanges are different from the cloister in FFX. don't think looking up solutions for that will help :smalltongue:

Passing through the ornate door into the trials, the three of you find yourselves in an octagonal room.
In the centre of the room is a small, waist high pilar, from which a beam of pale green light shines, hitting the back wall of the room. Close inspection of the pilar reveals three empty, sphere-sized holes
On each wall, and three of the corners, is set an indentation, is each of which is set a sphere, 10 green, one deep, swirling purple
Lastly, there are 5 octagonal pillars in the room, in each one is set 4 holes, one pointing to each other pilar

on the wall is the inscription "Form the light that shines at night to advance. Surround it in the sign of the summoner to recieve your prize

refrence of the room

2011-11-19, 07:23 AM

"Well this looks like fun. Ok, there are ten Besaid Spheres & ten slots in the pillars pointing to one another. If I can rotate the centre column then that seems simple enough. If the centre moves can you two please place the spheres in the pillars. Hopefully that will form the star we need.

If either of you have any suggestions on what to do differently or how to incorporate the Destruction Sphere, please let me know.

He will then test the centre pillar.

2011-11-19, 11:04 AM
the central pillar turns on it's axis as you push it, the beam of light turning with it.
it does not move from it's position, however

2011-11-19, 11:09 AM
Then proceed with Operation: Put The Spheres In The Pillars & Rotate The Light beam into one of them (Bottom Left Pillar First).

Yes that's the actual title, the Crusaders have monopolised all the good namers of things.

2011-11-19, 12:00 PM
You place a sphere into one of the four slots on the bottom left pillar, and rotate the cnetral pillar so the light shines upon it.

The Pillar glows green, as does each of the sphere slots, and the beam of light continues it's path, traveling through the sphere in the bottom left pillar to shine at the bottom right pillar.

At the door you entered from, a glyph lights up, with the word reset in the centre

2011-11-19, 12:08 PM
The word resets? You mean the words changed? If so, what do they say?

2011-11-19, 12:40 PM
the glyph says "reset", you added an S yourself :smalltongue:

Reset: To return something to it's startting state. see also Restart, return, previous, preset

2011-11-19, 12:52 PM
Reading fail :smallredface:

So as I understand it the beam goes into the sphere on the botom left & reflects to the bottom right, then stops there, not reflecting off the sphere in that pillar. Is that right?

I'm sure Tarris is great at these, but I suck at them.

2011-11-19, 12:57 PM
you never said you put a sphere in the bottom right :smalltongue:

nor did you say which of the 4 holes on the pillar you put the besaid sphere

so, I went for the closest one.

as far as what you've said you've done, this is what it looks like


edit: you have 20 holes to choose from on the pillars, and 10 spheres. Unless you tell me here each sphere goes, I will assume your putting it in the wrong place :smalltongue:

2011-11-19, 01:18 PM
Oooooooooohhhh, I misunderstood.

Can I rotate the outer pillars?

2011-11-19, 01:38 PM
no, but each one does have a hole pointing to each other pillar :smalltongue:

as I said in the opening post...

2011-11-19, 01:48 PM
Alright, let's ignore the last 5 posts of fail, and start again.

- Assume there's a Glyph Sphere everywhere I'm pointing the beam.
- Point beam at bottom left pillar.
- Beam goes up to top right.
- Beam goes horizontal to top left.
- Beam goes down to bottom right.
- Beam goes up to centre top.
- Beam returns to bottom left.


Hopefully Ziegander can figure this out.

2011-11-19, 02:11 PM
Placing the 5 sphere into the pillars, the light bounces from one pillar to the other, directed through the spheres to form a star. The door at the far end of the chamber opens.

Kobold cannot read :smalltongue:

2011-11-23, 02:58 PM
and I forgot to mention this because I'm a muppet but...

the beams of light connecting the 5 main pillars remain in place even without the light from the central pillar shining on them. the only way to make a beam of light vanish from those 5 pillars is the reset button

2011-11-23, 03:07 PM
Cool. Ok, lets try an additional Glyph Sphere in each of the lower 4 pillars, and the Destruction Sphere in the top one. Point the beam at the Destruction Sphere, going clockwise top - top right - bottom right - bottom left - top left - back to top, "surrounding it" so to speak.

2011-11-24, 03:27 PM
As the sign is complete, the pillar in the centre of the room splits and opens, rising up to reveal a gracefully designed white stave. moving on into the next room you find...

...that your DM's computer has eaten his notes and he needs to redesign the entire dungeon :smallannoyed:

sorry :smallredface:

2011-11-24, 03:39 PM

*Guado Translation: Yoink!

2011-11-30, 08:36 AM

Standing behind and to the left of Tarris, Bartz finds himself in awe and, unfortunately, in over his head. Bartz isn't a complete, tottering fool, but his situational awareness and natural cunning will do neither him, nor his Summoner charge, much good within a Cloister of Trials. He assists Tarris in his plans for reflecting the light within the room, and smiles wide as, after a couple failures, they create a 5-pointed star and open the way forward.

"You never cease to amaze, Tarris," the broad Hume says warmly, clapping a hand over the Summoner's shoulder.

2011-11-30, 01:05 PM
Walking through the doorway, you come to a crossroads, with a road leading to the left and right

sorry this took so long. I had something I was really happy with, but it escaped and I couldn't think how to remake it, so your having a maze

2011-11-30, 01:13 PM
Anything to differentiate the two paths/make me believe one would be preferable to the other?

Is there anything that would seem inherently dangerous, and therefore make me want to keep meatshield Bartz close by rather than going down both paths?

2011-12-01, 08:26 AM
1) Nope. just pick your chalange :P

2) It's a cloister. they don;t try to activly kill you

2011-12-01, 09:06 AM
1) 1=Left, 2=Right

2) You never know. 4 High Summoners in 1000 years makes me suspicious. Given Yevon's somewhat dubious morality, it wouldn't surprise me.

2011-12-01, 02:17 PM
OK, My trials aren't going to kill you unless you try and use force to break through them :P

also, I get to be mean now. yay :smallbiggrin: I almost just made you play a game of noughts and crosses to get it, but I decided to be more inventive than that :smallsmile:

the three of you walk into a seemingly blank chamber, with just four doors on either side the room. Through each door you can see nothing but darkness. the door behind you seems to blur and flicker for a second, and soon the pasageway you entered by is replaced with darkness. There is no distinguishing charicteristics for each door

on one wall is inscirbed the words "Trust in your heart, and let your feet take one course". below that is a glyph inscribed with the words retreat, and one with the words hint

press any of the glyphs and you loose your stick. thats the reward for finishing the whole thing without needing my help :smalltongue:

2011-12-01, 04:40 PM

The towering Hume warrior looked shot a sidelong glance at his Summoner companion, noting his train of thought.

"No way are we splitting up, not in some sort of maze," Bartz shook his head, "I may be new at this, but I'm not going to let you get snatched up by some, some... some brujah like the others."

After they pass into the next chamber and the way behind them blurs into shadow Bartz freezes a moment as his blood runs cold.

"Okay, that's just creepy."

2011-12-05, 11:55 PM

Ziegander if you have any suddn flashes of insight regarding the CoT, feel free to act on them

My only idea is to use Bartz's abundant supply of chalk to start marking walls of passages we move through so that we don't get lost and start trekking through randomly.

2011-12-08, 03:57 AM
Ok, so to avoid the cluster**** that was the previous trial, let's see if I've got this right.

Square room.
Each of the four walls has four unmarked doors.
No way to distinguish which door we just came through.

Everything I can do would most likely just waste time (lighting a torch to see if I can see down the tunnels, attempting to use my existing Aeons to "sniff out" the Fayth), so I'll go with Bartz's chalk idea. We'll start with "top wall" "far left door", marking the door and the wall next to it with a 1, as well as an arrow on the floor pointing towards the door to show we went into it.

2011-12-08, 08:11 AM
only one door per wall, sorry If I didn't make that clear

four doors in the room, one on each wall

2011-12-08, 08:23 AM
It probably was clear, I just fail at reading. Top wall (opposite to the one we came in from) door then.

2011-12-10, 07:11 AM
you make the chalk mark and walk through the door

into another, almost blank room with a blackened door on each wall

none of the doors are marked with chalk

2011-12-15, 12:26 PM
Mark the door I came through with a 1 & a down arrow, the go forward again; marking the door with a 2 & an up arrow.

"Trust in your heart, and let your feet take one course"

I'm hoping this means keep going in one direction & eventually you'll get out.

2011-12-20, 11:02 AM
you walk into the 3rd room in a row, and a you do, you find yourself stood in another simmilar room, four doors and all, save there is no floor in the centre of the room, just jutting (unconnected) platforms next to each door

2011-12-20, 11:10 AM
Do I risk the Indiana Jones style bridge/no bridge & pit of MEGADEATH!, or send one of my loyal guardians first? Hmm....I really like my stick, but I can't really send one of them spiralling to their doom.

Tarris remembers the words on the wall, before inhaling deeply & stepping forward.

2011-12-20, 05:34 PM
Tarris steps forwards, and rather than plumit down the shaft, finds himself stood on a perfectly stable - if invisible - platform

I knew I hould have mentioned you kicking a rock down there or something :smalltongue:

or hoped you'd go to a different room, but I digress :smallbiggrin:

2011-12-20, 05:36 PM
Tarris steps forwards, and rather than plumit down the shaft, finds himself stood on a perfectly stable - if invisible - platform

I knew I hould have mentioned you kicking a rock down there or something :smalltongue:

or hoped you'd go to a different room, but I digress :smallbiggrin:

2012-01-08, 06:54 AM
Tarris inches forward to the opposite door, marks it and walks through. If he finds that the platform ends he'll attempt a jump reach to the other side. Guardian follows, Bartz can do as he pleases but I hope he follows.

2012-01-21, 10:11 AM
sory, forgot about the trials waiting for those lazy asses to do something :smallredface:

Tarris makes the walk across the invisible platoform, until he comes to a doorway, passing through brings him out of the looping rooms and into one last chambed. Ahead of him he can see a decorative door - the passageway into the chamber of the fayth.

one chalenge remains in between him and the completion of the temple, however. A large stone slab, with a number of smaller slabs.

So, yeah, a sliding puzzle, because they're fun :smalltongue:


please give me the moves in the order you take them (hence the grid refences on the side) I hope I shouldn't have to tell you what it's a picture of

EDIT: It's possible to get it in 10 moves, if you do you get a cookie

2012-01-21, 10:34 AM

So, yeah, a sliding puzzle, because they're fun :smalltongue:


please give me the moves in the order you take them (hence the grid refences on the side) I hope I shouldn't have to tell you what it's a picture of

EDIT: It's possible to get it in 10 moves, if you do you get a cookie



Gimme my cookie!!

That's actually a good puzzle, I'm going to steal the sliding picture idea for a D&D game I'm running.

2012-01-28, 03:03 PM
As you complete the puzzle and watch the door to the Chamber of the Fayhte slowly slide open, you notice a small compartment in the platform the puzzle was placed upon. further investigation reveals the precence of a small stash of cookies, preserved for who knows how long.

the bright light from the Chamber becokns you closer...

so you have an aeon, but I worry that the rest of the players have died of some unexplained desiese...

2012-01-28, 03:15 PM
Tarris munches the cookies, splitting them with his Guardian before sending her back into the Cloister to look for Bartz.

I'm disappointed that Zeta has disappeared since this is his system, but what can ya do? Maybe send a round of PMs, see if you can get some definitive yae/nae responses? Maybe they thought the game was dead (you get used to games dying on the site)?