View Full Version : The Vault of Anarian (IC Thread)

2011-11-16, 08:32 PM
Before you lies the door to the fabled Vault of Anarian. The door is has strange runes on them, and you aren't sure what they say (intelligence check, or knowledge history to try to read them). Either way, the door is locked, with no indication of where the lock is.

The Big Orc
2011-11-16, 08:40 PM
knowledge history [roll0]

2011-11-16, 08:55 PM
The runes are an ancient version of draconic, much older than anything you have studied. You can make out the meaning after a little study. It says "Beware those who enter here. You will find no secrets within me. To find what you seek, look within you."

The Big Orc
2011-11-16, 09:23 PM
Muttering, "Beware those who enter here. You will find no secrets within me. To find what you seek, look within you." Speaking up, "It is a riddle. How are we to look within ourselves."

2011-11-16, 10:04 PM
"Ach, a riddle? Blazes. Ye'll know how bad ah am tryin' ta solve riddles!" Orik exclaims in disgust, forefinger and thumb on his temples, shaking his head.

2011-11-17, 05:27 AM

Well, we could bring here some random guy, make him stand in front of the door and then cut him open to search for a key. It seems logical the answer would be within someone trying to solve it, but I still don't want to gut you guys.

Thomas stares at the runes with a serious look on his face, but he can only keep it up for a couple of seconds before bursting out laughing.

Nah, just kidding. But seriously, I think we should try sprinkling blood on it. That, or breathing on it or I'm all out of ideas. Well, except for turning back and going home. What do you think, young lady?

He asks Catherine, barely hiding a spark of hope in his eyes.

The Big Orc
2011-11-17, 04:25 PM
Drawing his longsword, Slyfin will cut a small line along his finger and get some of the blood on the door.

2011-11-17, 06:56 PM
The door is stained red, but nothing happens.

The Big Orc
2011-11-17, 07:23 PM
Being decidedly bad with riddles, Slyfin decides to search the door.

Search check [roll0]
While such a high int char would probably normally be good at riddles, his player is awful at them :P

and Knowledge Arcana because it is in Draconic and the riddle might have something to do with dragons [roll1]

2011-11-17, 07:28 PM
Orik takes Sylfin's lead and also searches the door, while contemplating the riddle.
Search: [roll0]
Intelligence check: [roll1]
:smallsigh: X-|

2011-11-18, 12:44 AM
Orik and Slyfin are unable to find any clues or knowledge that might help.

2011-11-18, 11:57 AM
Catherine had stayed silent so far, mostly standing behind Thomas and keeping out of the way as she wracked her brain trying to think of what it could mean. She read and wrote draconic, her father's education had made sure of that, and had been puzzling over the rather archaic form in front of her.

When addressed by her guardian she repeated the words again softly. ""Beware those who enter here. You will find no secrets within me. To find what you seek, look within you." Maybe it wants our secrets, or perhaps it's just a warning not a clue..."

She pads softly up to the door and presses her cheek to it. Closing her eyes she whispers something and continues in deep thought.

Briefly whispers the name of her first crush, thinking it couldn't hurt to divulge a secret if that was what it wanted. If that doesn't work she politely asks the door to open (heck diplomacy if you want [roll0])

Casting Detect Magic on the door. Spellcraft roll if needed[roll1]

Raw intelligence check, (add a +1 if theres an appropriate skill) [roll2]

2011-11-18, 12:15 PM
The door has no magical aura, it is completely mundane in every way. Since it is just a simple hunk of iron, it doesn't react to your divulging of a secret, it sits in stony silence.

Those things lead you to believe its lock is mechanical in nature, which means there must be some physical manipulation to be done to the door to get it to open.

2011-11-18, 12:20 PM
"Well, it looks likes its just a normal lock... Give me a while to jimmy it open, dont we all feel foolish"

She hums to herself as she works, pulling a pair of hooked metal rods from her jacket and fiddling with the mechanism.

Take the time to take 10, 1 virutal rank, +2 dex bonus, +2 from tools gives a total of 15 whether its open lock or disable device.

2011-11-18, 12:25 PM
There is no mechanism visible, only the runs that are raised off the door's surface.

2011-11-18, 12:32 PM
"It isn't magical so there must be some way of working the mechanism"

She begins running her hands over the door, checking it over for any moving parts paying particular attention to the runes.

Search because I probably should [roll0]

And just in case these people have a sense of humour triple check the letters of the word "you" when looking for an mechanism

2011-11-18, 12:36 PM
As Catherine touches the center rune in "you" there is a click, and the rune slides into the door. The door then silently rolls to the side, revealing a dark stairway leading down.

Yes, I was being cute with that one :-p

2011-11-18, 12:48 PM
"I've got some good news and some bad news" Catherine says, sighing as she packs away her things. "The good news is the door's open, the bad news is we're dealing with someone with a sense of humour. Anyone got a light?"

2011-11-18, 04:38 PM

Oh, damn it Catherine.

He mutters under his breath, shaking his head and generally sounding disconsolate.

I was hoping we could have stopped right here, but nooo, you had to open the door, didn't you? And why are you guys even encouraging her? Come on, let's stop this foolishness and turn back. Or at least let me go in first.

He adds after a moment, stepping forward and reaching for his chain.

2011-11-18, 04:45 PM
Catherine's mouth pulls into a smile. "Of course I did Tom, a big old secret door under the city with a riddle on it. How could I not want to open it. Your welcome to go first you big lug, just let me see that chain of yours..."

She reaches for the weapon with one hand, the other vanishing into her jacket pocket as she reaches around for something. Muttering a few words in draconic under her breath she touched the chain which promptly begins glowing like a torch.

"Since no-one was forth-coming with a light." She bounces over to the doorway and stands gesturing inside. "Father and you would have a fit if I went in first, and that wont last forever so lets get going."

The Big Orc
2011-11-18, 04:52 PM
Sword drawn, Slyfin says, "Lets do this." He will take third position

2011-11-18, 06:14 PM

Don't call me Tom, girl: I'm Thomas Hume and don't you ever oh, why do I even bother anymore? Yeah, yeah, I know the procedure: wait here for a moment while I trigger some traps.

Beyond the circle of light generated by Catherine's magic, darkness awaits them. Who knows what horrors are lurking in those shadows, watching the party with hungry eyes.

Slyfin, light a torch. Orik, bring up the rear. Cat. . . just do what you always do and ignore me.

Having said what needed to be said, Thomas raises his weapon and crosses the threshold.

2011-11-18, 06:21 PM
True to Thomas' prediction Catherine draws her longsword and follows almost immediately after him. After all, she thought, the safest place to be is usually right next to him. That and he's currently our only light source. Hanging only a small distance behind him she keeps an eye and ear out for trouble.

"If that chain's our only source of light then this is going to get very... interesting"

The Big Orc
2011-11-18, 06:30 PM
"Tiny problem with lighting a torch," Slyfin says as he casts light onto his sword. "I dont have any."

2011-11-18, 06:37 PM
"Then when my magic wears off I suggest we run back as fast as we can while yours still lasts"

2011-11-18, 07:48 PM
"Ach, well, ye guys already cast yer spells, but I have a coupla sunrods, so when yer spells run out, we can use those." Orik states as he cracks his neck, tightens his sheild, and draws his warhammer. He then bows his head and murmers a prayer "May yer blessings follow us, and us follow yer divine influence. Keep the lot o' us safe from harm and danger. In yer name, Moradin." He then lifts his head and says: "On ward lads!"

2011-11-18, 11:29 PM
Slyfin and Orik hear some chattering from ahead. Slyfin recognizes it as pidgin Draconic.

(Also the following xp rewards for backgrounds:
Orik: 150xp for your background
Slyfin: 100xp for your background
Thomas: holding off if you want to make a fuller background than your brief mention, which currently will give you no bonus xp)

The Big Orc
2011-11-19, 12:01 AM
Do I recognize what is being said?

2011-11-19, 12:30 AM
it sounds like "I hear something, make ready"

2011-11-19, 01:23 PM
"Hang on a momen', Ah be hearin' somthin'" Orik says as he stops.

The Big Orc
2011-11-19, 01:28 PM
"Who ever is ahead knows someone is coming. They are also intelligent enough to speak some version of Draconic."

2011-11-19, 04:31 PM

Oh, for the love of Saint Cuthbert, how can you not. . . Look, I brought some torches and a couple of lamps: open my backpack and wait what?

Suddenly, the crusader raises an arm and tells the others to stop. He almost asks for silence, before realizing that's probably too late for a stealthy approach.

Well, guys, it seems we are in: brace yourselves. Slyfin, ask who goes there.

Now with 200% more background. It's on my sheet.

The Big Orc
2011-11-19, 04:38 PM
In Draconic, Slyfin will shout,
"Who goes there? We come seeking glory and adventure. If you do not get in our way, we will not harm you"

2011-11-20, 08:20 AM
Catherine also pipes up in draconic, her syllables are very enunciated the mark of someone who learned the language from schooling rather than practice.

"No-one wants any violence, we don't want to have to hurt anyone"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2011-11-20, 06:34 PM
There's no response from further down the stairs, only silence.

Nothing appears to happen after a few moments.

(do you want to try to continue down the stairs? it looks like there is a room ahead)

2011-11-21, 06:45 PM

The young man holds his breath and waits in silence for what appears to be an eternity. Then, sighing loudly, he shrugs his shoulders and tightens his grip around the chain.

Well, that didn't go well: I suggest we move on and actually see what this is all about. Probably something stupid, if you ask me.

He starts going down the stairs, leaning forward to peek a look.

2011-11-21, 07:03 PM
Orik lifts his silver Symbol of Moradin above his head, and says, "We be comin' under the divine protection o' Moradin!", then repeats it in Dwarven.

2011-11-21, 10:22 PM
Catherine spots something in the room ahead...a lizardlike head sticking out above some overturned tables...then she notices three more. It looks like the little pidgin draconic speakers were kobolds.

Initiave :

Kobold 1: 13
Kobold 2: 13
Kobold 3: 13
Kobold 4: 13
Slyfin: 12 <------ Current Turn
Thomas: 11
Catherine: 9
Orik: 3

Monsters status :

Kobold 1: Alive; At G-2

Kobold 2: Alive; At G-1

Kobold 3: Alive; At G1

Kobold 4: Alive; At G2

Players Status

Catherine: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Slyfin: hp: 4/4 Light on Sword for 9 Minutes 54 Seconds (99 Rounds)

Thomas: hp: 12/12 Light on Chain for 9 Minutes 48 Seconds (98 Rounds)

Orik: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Map :
Kob1 at G-2
Kob2 at G-1
Kob3 at G1
Kob4 at G2

2011-11-22, 12:21 PM
Four sling bullets fly at the party, all of them aimed for Thomas. Two of them smack the Crusader, causing stars to form before his eyes for a moment (4 total damage).

Initiave :

Kobold 1: 13
Kobold 2: 13
Kobold 3: 13
Kobold 4: 13
Slyfin: 12 <------ Current Turn
Thomas: 11
Catherine: 9
Orik: 3

Monsters status :

Kobold 1: Alive; At G-2

Kobold 2: Alive; At G-1

Kobold 3: Alive; At G1

Kobold 4: Alive; At G2

Players Status

Catherine: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Slyfin: hp: 4/4 Light on Sword for 9 Minutes 54 Seconds (99 Rounds)

Thomas: hp: 8/12 Light on Chain for 9 Minutes 48 Seconds (98 Rounds)

Orik: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Map :
Kob1 at G-2
Kob2 at G-1
Kob3 at G1
Kob4 at G2

The Big Orc
2011-11-22, 12:55 PM
Slyfin will delay until he can move to f -1 (your map shows the kobolds at G not K) and attack the kobold at g -1 with his longsword

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2011-11-22, 04:29 PM


He asks to no one in particular, between entering the room and laughing off the sling stones.

Something stupid it is, then. Cat, stay out of trouble while I draw their attention. Slyfin, Orik, save your spells. Thomas. Yes? Charge!

I move to E0 and strike the kobold in G-1. If I hit I use Martial Spirit to heal myself.


(I get a +1 to hit and damage from Furious Counterstrike.)

Mhh, not a great roll, but now the little buggers are inside my reach: they need to move before entering melee and ranged attacks provoke attacks of
opportunity. Ah, take that kobolds!

2011-11-22, 05:25 PM
(Assuming the tables don't prevent this)
Catherine shouts something in draconc before running at the kobold in G2 and taking a mighty slash

Charge at the kobold
Roll to hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-22, 09:44 PM
Orik steps inside the doorway, and takes a step right (to C,-1) and draws his crossbow. He loads it, aims at Kolbold G,-2. "Moradin, guide this shot true" he mutters as he shoots.

Attack: [roll0] :smallyuk: (+2 AB, -4 cover)
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-23, 12:47 AM
Slyfin moves forward, attacking one of the kobolds. The little lizard ducks below the table's edge to avoid the blow. (no need to delay as you can move past allies that allow you to pass).

Thomas moves in and has a similar problem with his chain. It thunks against the wood of the tables, but doesn't sink into soft kobold flesh.

Catherine's charge is also impeeded by the tables, it seems these kobolds will be hard to face down in their current positions, though their ranged advantage has been negated.

Moradin has temporarily abandoned Orik. The bolt hits the floor about a foot in front of him, not going near the kobolds.

The little lizards, on the other hand, decide to take things into the melee. They switch to spears, and close in towards Thomas, clustering together. However, the combination of their maneuvering and their ineptitude at using their weapons proves their actions futile.

(I'll try to keep track of your delayed damage pool better, Dandria)

Initiave :

Round: 2
Kobold 1: 13
Kobold 2: 13
Kobold 3: 13
Kobold 4: 13
Slyfin: 12 <------ Current Turn
Thomas: 11
Catherine: 9
Orik: 3

Monsters status :

Kobold 1: Alive; At G-1

Kobold 2: Alive; At F0

Kobold 3: Alive; At G0

Kobold 4: Alive; At G1

Players Status

Catherine: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Slyfin: hp: 4/4 Light on Sword for 9 Minutes 48 Seconds (98 Rounds)

Thomas: hp: 12/12 (Delayed Damage: 4) Light on Chain for 9 Minutes 42 Seconds (97 Rounds)

Orik: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Map :
Kob1 at G-1
Kob2 at F0
Kob3 at G0
Kob4 at G1

2011-11-23, 09:36 AM

Cover, eh? Clever little bastards :smallamused:.

Can I ask you something, Slyfin? Why are you always so eager to jump into melee? I mean, I don't think I've ever seen another elven wizard doing that.

Without giving it too much attention, Thomas swings his chain against the closest kobold and laughs. The wounds are finally starting to hurt, yes, but that's not a good reason to actually take them seriously.

No offense, of course: I'm just curious, that's all.

Damage Roll: [roll0]

2011-11-23, 09:37 AM
Sorry for the double post, but my last attack roll didn't work. Anyway:[roll0]

It's against the kobold in F0. If he goes down the one in G0 should start provoking attacks of opportunity for pretty much anything. I also heal myself.

The Big Orc
2011-11-23, 10:40 AM
Slyfin will attack the kobold at g 0. "Well, I may not enjoy charging into melee but I will do what I can to help this group."

2011-11-23, 10:58 AM
"I can't say he's doing so badly Tom, are you okay?"

Catherine sidles over and takes another slash with her longsword.

5ft step to F1, attack kobold in F0 or if dead the one in G0

Attack: [roll0] +2 for flanking if its the kobold in F0
Damage: [roll1]

2011-11-23, 04:28 PM
Orik utters a curse in Dwarven before saying, "Ach, Ah got the message. Only yer favored weapon fer now!" He holsters his crossbow and pulls out his hammer, and straps his shield back on as he moves to E,1 and swings at Kolbold F,0.

Of course I took my shield off before I shot my crossbow! I just did it off screen!:smallredface:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Critical confirm: [roll2]

2011-11-24, 08:00 PM
Slyfin doesn't come close to hitting his kobold.

Thomas's Chain is dodged by the nimble little lizard.

Catherine proves more skillful, impaling the kobold that Thomas distracted. The little lizard drops to the ground, dead.

(Orik's Turn, since his target is dead, decided ot let him redo, keeping the same roll)

Initiave :

Round: 2
Kobold 1: 13
Kobold 2: 13
Kobold 3: 13
Kobold 4: 13
Slyfin: 12
Thomas: 11
Catherine: 9
Orik: 3 <------ Current Turn

Monsters status :

Kobold 1: Alive; At G-1

Kobold 2: Dead; At F0

Kobold 3: Alive; At G0

Kobold 4: Alive; At G1

Players Status

Catherine: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Slyfin: hp: 4/4 Light on Sword for 9 Minutes 42 Seconds (97 Rounds)

Thomas: hp: 12/12 (Delayed Damage: 4) Light on Chain for 9 Minutes 36 Seconds (96 Rounds)

Orik: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Map :
Kob1 at G-1
Kob2 at F0
Kob3 at G0
Kob4 at G1

2011-11-24, 10:08 PM
Orik sees the Kolbold that he was going to attack drop, so he changes direction and moves to F,-2 and attacks Kolbold G, -1.

2011-11-25, 06:42 PM
The quick little kobold ducks behind cover just in time for Orik to miss him.

The kobolds desperately try to fight back. One of the braver ones steps over his dying friend, and stabs at Slyfin. He spears the wizard, hard in the chest. The wound looks serious (3 damage)

Initiave :

Round: 2
Kobold 1: 13
Kobold 2: 13
Kobold 3: 13
Kobold 4: 13
Slyfin: 12 <------ Current Turn
Thomas: 11
Catherine: 9
Orik: 3

Monsters status :

Kobold 1: Alive; At G-1

Kobold 2: Dead; At F0

Kobold 3: Alive; At G0

Kobold 4: Alive; At F0

Players Status

Catherine: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Slyfin: hp: 1/4 Light on Sword for 9 Minutes 42 Seconds (97 Rounds)

Thomas: hp: 8/12 (Delayed Damage: 0) Light on Chain for 9 Minutes 36 Seconds (96 Rounds)

Orik: hp: 10/10 No Effects

Map :
Kob1 at G-1
Kob2 at F0
Kob3 at G0
Kob4 at F0

The Big Orc
2011-11-25, 08:44 PM
Slyfin will slash at the kobold at f0 then take a 5 foot step to E-2

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2011-11-25, 08:48 PM
Slyfin's attack brings down the kobold at F0, leaving only two left.

2011-11-27, 12:23 PM

Oh, how do I despise these little buggers! Why can't they stay still for a moment?!

He shouts, channeling his power into the spiked chain and swirling it around with all his rage.

Crusader’s Strike against the kobold in G0:


If it finally hits I heal myself and Slyfin with, respectively, Crusader's Strike (1d6+1) and Martial Spirit (2). You can roll for me.

2011-11-27, 12:28 PM
Thomas drops the kobold at G0. The last kobold squeak in draconic: "Please no hurt me, I give up."

2011-11-27, 01:39 PM
Orik turns to Sylfin and asks "Wha' did he say? ACH! ARE YE OK?? Tha wound looks serious, do ye need me ta heal ye?" Orik exclaims upon seeing Sylfin's wound.

The Big Orc
2011-11-27, 04:42 PM
"The last of them surrendered. What shall we do with him? And you can save your healing for now," Slyfin says.

2011-11-28, 08:18 AM
Catherine will go to each of the fallen kobold in turn, seeing if anything can be done for them. In draconic she will address the final kobold, "I'm truly sorry that just happened, I do not think it would be safe to flee to the surface for you, but maybe you can tell us what else is down here."

After her work with the fallen is concluded she commences rummaging through her belongings before pulling out a rather simple wooden wand "You sure no-one needs patching up?"

Heal rolls in order should they merely be dying to stabalise

Diplomacy on the Kobold

2011-11-28, 08:57 AM
Thomas is at 10/12 hp, and Slyfin is fully healed.

Catherine stablizes the three wounded koboldsl, they remain unconcious

"You flee now. Three chiefs, King, and Shaman will kill you, you invade Scaled One's territory. If you survive that, what is below will get you."

2011-11-28, 11:26 AM
"Your friends will live, though they'll be out for a while. We don't have to fight your people but we will defend ourselves."

Turning to her compatriots she brushes hair from her face and switches back to common. "They're stable but wont be getting up for a day or two, what do you want to do?"

2011-11-29, 06:21 PM


The warrior asks with disbelief, lowering his arms and stepping back a couple of feet.

We accepted their surrender? Well, isn't that something! Anyway, what did he tell you? Do we know why they are here? And what's the deal with this place?

Even while laughing wholeheartedly, Thomas keeps alternating his attention between the bard and the last standing kobold. He trusts Catherine's decisions, sure, but that's still no good reason to lower his guard.

I move to D0 and ready an action: if the kobold attacks I 5-foot step and mow it down.

2011-12-02, 10:15 PM
The kobold has dropped his weapon and shakes in fear, sitting on the ground.

(what do you guys want to do next? You have three unconcious enemies, and one surrendered one, three doors to check out, bodies to rifle, and a room to search)

The Big Orc
2011-12-02, 10:52 PM
Slyfin will search the room. "Well, that was simple! I am sure the 'Scaled on will be just as easy, who ever he is."

Search [roll0]

2011-12-04, 02:26 PM
Orik moves to E,-2 to search the door; If he doesn't find anything, he opens the door. "Should we knock him unconcious as well?" he asks as he is searching the door.
Intelligence check to see if Orik knows anything about a "scaled one" [roll0]
Search Check: [roll1]

2011-12-04, 03:52 PM
Catherine has been taking the time to check the various doors for traps, scanning them over with a pair of metal sticks from her belt pockets.

"He seems fine to me, maybe he can tell the others we dont want to fight them"

"Would you tell the others of your people we mean no harm, I tried hard to save your friends and they will live but I desperately would not wish the same on the others"

Taking 10 on search check [roll0] (edit, why did I even roll... the worst part is that that roll is better than taking 10. Derp)

Diplomacy on the kobold (not that I expect this to work) [roll1]

2011-12-04, 04:04 PM

Though question: knock it out or let it go? Decisions, decisions.

He muses, stroking his chin and joining Orik as he opens the door.

Let it free could prove to be dangerous, sure, but it could also tell us a lot of things about this place. By the way: what's this "scaled one"? Seriously, what did it just say? Cause, you know, I don't really speak Draconic. But never mind, that doesn't matter. Cat, are you sure we can trust it?

I move to E-1 and ready an action: if someone enters my threatened area and attacks Orik, I strike.

2011-12-04, 04:24 PM
"It told us we should run, It referred to "scaled one" territory, so either it means the kobolds who live here or something else that owns this territory. They could be ruled by something more dangerous or they might just be calling themselves that."

She shrugs and puts her tools away, walking over to Thomas.

"I think he'll be fine, saving his friends likely went a long way to helping that. You think you'll be fine if they keep coming? Father would kill you if much happened to me, and I'll kill you if you go dying on me" She says the last part with a smile and a laugh, clearly not fully appreciating the danger she's in. Or not caring.

2011-12-04, 04:38 PM
"Ach, ah won' be lettin' anybody be killed!" Orik says with a chuckle.

2011-12-04, 10:56 PM
The kobold doesn't say anything else.

The western door doesn't appear trapped, however, an attempt to open it finds that it is firmly locked.

Nobody seems to know anything about Scaled Ones, except that it could mean simply the kobold tribe.

2011-12-05, 08:38 AM
Having replaced one set of tools into her belt pouches, Catherine pulls out another and begins work on picking the lock on the western door, should such a mechanism be available.

"We should probably just pick a door and go through"

Spending the time to take 10, 2 dex, 1 "rank", 2 tools, Result 15

2011-12-05, 10:14 AM
A soft click and the door unlocks.

2011-12-06, 04:06 AM
Map of the area after you open the door:

After opening the door, There is a door five feet down that leads back north. There is another door leading north about fifteen feet further down, and the corridor ends in another door about 45 feet down.

By the way for "defeating" the initial riddle and kobolds, you have each gained 250xp each.
Also, Thomas, you get 100xp for your background

EDIT: The map was wrong, updated now with the right corridor length and a second door that i mentioned in the description but wasn't on the map

The Big Orc
2011-12-06, 10:57 AM
Slyfin will walk to E -7, "I think we should go for this door first, then the next one."

2011-12-07, 11:46 AM

Oh come on now, Cat, don't be silly: I'm immortal and you damn well know it.

Thomas laughs, before walking right through the door and down the badly lit hallway.

Now please, make way as I open some of these babies. Let's finally see what we can find around this place. I mean, besides kobolds.

I move to E-6, wait for the others to take positions and then open the door.

2011-12-07, 11:11 PM
Thomas and Slyfin take up positions by the door.

Waiting for anyone else wanting to take up position before the door is opened.

2011-12-08, 12:10 AM
Orik moves to E, -5. "Well, as long as ah don' git hurt too badly, everone in our group be near immortal, ah promise." Orik says with half a smile, but under his breath he says "so long nobody gits killed in one hit, anyway."
He then looks at Thomas and says "Lets do this!"

2011-12-10, 01:57 PM
This door is also locked.

2011-12-10, 06:58 PM

Oh boy, this is quite annoying, isn't it?

He sighs and steps aside, making way for someone more competent.

Cat, do you think you could work your magic again and open us the way? If you don't mind, that's clear.

2011-12-11, 06:44 AM
"Yeah, will do. Though I hope someone here has a key we can borrow since this is getting real old real fast."

Take ten for an automatic 15

2011-12-12, 10:02 AM
The lock clicks open easily.

2011-12-12, 12:08 PM
"Ach, this is gonna take awhile, ain't it?" Orik asks wearily, rubbing his fingers on his eyes. "Well, lets get on with it."

2011-12-13, 06:51 AM

Thanks Cat, and yes, you're right: we should really search for a key. That, or we just start smashing down every blasted door we find. Now step aside, I'm going in.

He blurts out, reaching for the handle and raising his chain.

I open the door and ready an action: I attack anyone who tries to attack us.

2011-12-19, 06:46 PM
Beyond the door is a corridor that continues for about twenty five feet before reaching a T intersection that heads off right and left.

2012-01-10, 07:19 PM
*poking the dead thread*

2012-02-06, 11:33 AM
"Well, if ye all are jist gonna stan' thar, I'll go an look aroun' tha cornar." Orik says as he squeezes past Cat and Thomas. he walks to the corner on his right side.